The Signal, 1914-2-5, Page 1CONSIDER
you put foto good advertleing
not a dollar of expeoar, Ian a
dollar invested upon which
you will receive higher div
[deeds lbw from aoy otbes
rn VISNmetit,
TheSl.4rl 1• tae hist a,t%ertoing
notal low In II wen Count y
To renew your subscrip-
tion to The Signal mod
receive one of this year's
Ca le nda re.
FEBRUARY 5, 1914
A. IL HAADWI's. Pott
SAVE, because- No. 95
Reverses do not look so black when you have a
savings account.
Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto
General Manager - - A. H. WAi.I:F:1:
Goderich Branch-ANDREw PORTER, Manager
•••••••••,-...._ ��� •rte_ -
All kinds of Insurance 1
Pao t : Orrice 20; Horse 13A. P. f 1, Box 361 l
- .
-ea--es .�-... �J��n._ ._* . A 1
AUCTION SALES 1 The Ltdiet' Auxiliary of - the
Y.M.r.A. will meet at Chi) bout. ..t
it, Note Feb;ua.y 7th. Auction .ale of M.S. C.... \airs. Kenya eu•eel, nett
herr cat. M. bar mac fo tr I►ew cutter.. blass
krt•• whip+, robe. at rntARlioVis SlA,anci Saturday afternoon. Erbium 7th. nt
Ruo• . Hamilton .. , OalerkiL romnwn.•i ug at 1 O'clock.
1 odo.-k ah.t s T. ) r.
t•sRy *Wttooaer.
Tt ►e...). �ebruary loth.Auctloq, rale of
11 head of c..l tm. pro Pon y qf11 K. 1 ;1.41, 11.1
LA %I at the Nora...m•y ge1 l -:abler. Clinton.
l.h+d of lay. 1.11. Are )eaulinE• and iwo year
I,kb and 41. all lad+ and roan-. T. l.r•onr.
*no teseer.
Rai nose. February 14th. -.\action rale of
.1t M1[ooa .tnA )ouug r•attl. 14
al) of Dr. Medd. v., at Dungannon. 1:..1 ry s•k .harp. T. UVRuttr auctioneer.
A lead 1 „e,
g offal.. a•
• Dated Fah. ..11411. .e, It
)�c•v-•�sryr wv-V rave -9 ..
Water Rates For 1914
L1OR SALE. -1.0T 11. CON. 1_i,
r w,I►.• 'oalorne. Aleut 127 stn, .111 ckoared
sad In gra... b..ok been and frame dwelling
.Alm grain ware hou-e at G T.t1,. l.odertef_
The'sbove propert:.•• woo, owned by .the late
tolPltol lies r .t.\1'4t.KILi44t %N Ape')
tenor. for Executrix. MRS . 1.. 1 . M. A \-
K'ater Rates are now due.
The discount of 10 per centwill
he allowed on payments fol IUl I
omit February 15th. The Com-
mission desires that all ■treats
1.. paid wp at one.' without
t.tther notice.
Iry order
A. STItA1TON. Treasurer.
B�F-- -- - ►- - Jamin
Precentor for st Andrew. Pre.byt..4sr1
u., 4 t ,.
11 f 1 1
Jl( 1 .\
pppptt . stating
1 g7'1)fliKlt.t aloof' Tryee.tra *ahoy r . Aid.
80 Acres for Sale 1
•it nate 11 miles from lioxkricb on
main load between Goderich and
Rayfield, half mile to school and
church ; (tame " house, harm,
•trawshed and etahle. good land.
Irma amid! orchard, tela 1
N good
of Water. 11 v ter. bloodmationsfol selling, price reasonable.
1Vrite A. K. CRF.8sMAN,
k- __a__.-... _ ..... J
11 aterlon, Ontario.
One of the best In the Prov- I
ince. Fixed rate of aseesssn cut.
five Stock insured at its fall
value whether on the farm or
not. No trouble to make adjust- i
Agent for Colborne.
LCA -w �-,s1�J�e, -.414.-..f
Bedford Sdavias Parlor
The beet equipped and most 1 I
up-to-date shop in town.
First -clam barber~ only antploAe- I
Penmen& Nei !taepecti n.
Outs�e wont on. do request.
aril mmod sifters put ID 8r9t-elit
M HELP AND ix). Mi: 'S
J EK .1. T`7. I'e
town. farm help
•hosW amply at sues b WILLIAM
( tAlt Yryl;1L.
I.1.\. Dominion Government Empin)mr.•t
Attrur, MI. Helm,.. Ont. Order. left with H. 11.
w•WD+. 13t Helene_ Vat-, will naive prm,spt
mtt ntloo.
Of wood adds-.. and some eABxp. t lents a, a to work the town of lioderirh asd
wunry of Hunt.. splendid and permanent
pewit ion for the right .non. taTuNE & w EL
1.1% ;ruN. nurserymen. Toronto. out.
be rile MATTES( OF TRY I4aTATi mi' AI.►:\1♦
111•.11 )I, Ki a,,x, LATE OF TRE Towaalur
,r A,uriae.,, 19 rot COUNTY OF 111.1108.
Fenrr.K. DI:. r_t.t,,.
Notice 1. hereby Riven pursuant to the stat
Wet In [het behalf. that all peronoe has Ing
claim. agaln.t the e.t• to of the •ho,e named
Alex.nder Nick. nor.. who died cm the llin d..y
of May. 191,. are nsenlred to send by nod ..r
deliver to Murdoch McKe.zir, Motet' P.0..
odmt n lar rat or of the e.tat a of the .all decal', e;,
no or b tole the lath de) of February-. Pal, hill
macular. of r
lel .1 a
pa elm and that idler the
rid Pith day of Febrnar%. Ivll, the -ad *Amin
imitator will proceed to ui-tribute tr.e .aid
, coat* MOM/ the permit. entitled ih,teto,
harlot mitt., only to the claim+ of which he
'hall then have newts -ed notice. and that he
will not br liable for the aid eelut* or any part
then of to any pry -.,n of whore claim he -lull
not then here noelved notice.
Dated .t Uodettich fhb sub da, of .is hoary
A.D. 101 I.
PIUICDFOur, H \Ys A Kit.l!,RAN.
INR Solicitor. for Adndnl.rator
IR TRC MMA rr,R Or N ATHA.IIO. 11%1:14. or Ma
Tonneau,. or ('tm.m,►trl&. 19 rile ( 04.9-,?
or HURON. 1,449141. IT.OI.%t\T.
Nor toe N hereby glues that the above nasal
Insolvent ho made an aaA@nttwat tame cadet
10 Edward VII.. chapter ht. of ell hi. cause,
twill• and effect. for the ben.Ot of Ills
A mewing .4 hi* creditor* will be held at the
•Mee of Charles a4arrow..ol1eIm01-, at the town
of uoderith.on t r$da). the 311th day ofJaanary.
1111. at tit hoar of 11.:1' o rb k In the ("manna.
to raodve a MN,-menl of lib aflkrr., appoint is
eh nod as merleansae@. b3
g*remised the affairs of the estate twee.
creditor* of the -aid estate an. nulwutayd
a ale t alreletera whir oto sal tbe proof and
Oartdcolare thereat required by the salol act. at
sae MOOre the 1(Rh day of'w-,. 1914. dal)
peeq.� by &Mdarlt wall such vouchers as tM
nature am. saw may admit. after which date
1 will wowed to .l4.Ulbete the waste of the
said state hectng reward te tbs., claim. a41
sf which 1 shall then have remive&.soca
TIIOMA`4 O('NDRY A..lew.e.
rellgtt4r for As 1e ss.
A[)atadL Bode lett tate :.t day of January.
Not ice lahereby Irina. pms ani i o stet Inn
.M% 1 harmer ss of the elUre. 1.
George V., that all peeseas view Maim* •
against. the Estate of MtN R h,ed..1.
AMest -hedaditon ethee aennktt►ro
%)4in helo.iasena
*mind by pod. 004paremor lvyrrtiniN
Cowan. LorMI.h, Ontanoen w
Twenty 0fth day of February A.1►. MMl/ t
num' and
drees, .th fall partvl r* et
taalr Hadar Is writing. and the Irl are of IN
ne.ritlsa(Itea ) laid by tan. duly vsln.d
by a emttutery deel.eatlw.
take some that afarhe odd
i�s�et� dal of .beoary. Nle. the eawt-
Of 1h0 - s .i. win M d14Mblt.d W the as
g�g�R the pert(.•r entitled thereto.
Oren/ Osly to ut calms of whit* that
bsv0 a01irs, and the rotate will w
Ilialtall got Skid at the thew of
rte" till. Tbouty eighth day
.A.I, L
JOSS (:OWAN. Tllu4A1 DIXON.IlMeaustarR
.3r., AMMAN R. Wh P.e,.
/4•14Iter tee
Two 'busss meet all trains.
Private calla prompt and
careful atteetlotee Plrettolssa
ll u
otq at a/I tires.
South *deet 'Pbes. Na al
Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees
Held on Friday Night in Court
Mous. Judge Holt Presides and
Statements Ars Presented- Hospi-
tal Is Doing a Splendid Work
Having received the argent of the
majority of those Interested In hospi-
tal work, it is likely that thu Buatd of
Covet nor' of the Alrxand,a Marine
and Genual hospital will ask the fowl,
council to submit to the electors of the
town, a bylaw granting in the neigh -
bin Maui of $15,018► for the remodelliug
of a building on the Cameron estate 4a
a new general hospital. On Friday
night at the A001101 meeting of the
hoard. a 1.1106011 'Va$ passed 1re011)
curtain g the board to ask the conned
Tor t his grant ms 0 free gift to the ho.pi-
tail 11041U.
The board feels while it is doing all
in its ll..w•er for the hospital, it is really
for hu•inr.s of the town and vuwaty
to maintain a public hospital and
hence threwconze.s' s If the coun-
cil agrees 1oaubaitthe bylaw it will
not likely lu`huntKhr
on before .Il
l ir.
There was considerable discussion
over the matter of raising the neces-
sary (11mr1ey to proceed with the new
hospital red tlu:. general omit;
seemed to be in favor of asking the -
town for aaaistnncr.
The matter wag first brought sip by
Judge Holt, chairman of Ihr board,
when he read the annual report.
Mr. H. K. ':Neferne oba., rved that
w ith the excep . of Dr. Tvvlor the re
were no doctor. pi e.ellt.
Mr•ilus.eph Kidd thought the medi-
cal peofessto14 did not take enough in-
terest in the local hospital.
"[ don't t hick w e should et iticize the
doctors," said His Honor. who presided.
"It won't do thew any halm," re-
torted Mr. Kidd. Dr. Taylor assured
the gathrl'Ii.g that. the local medical
men had the local hospital at heart
and would givatly welcome a new one
bring eattth4 ..heft.
annual report of the hosted was
read with rxplauatinns by Judge Holt.
chairman and prealdent. It was :
To the u,ember%of the bcapilal trust,
the citizens of the town of Goderich
end of the county of Huio,, : The
Board of Trusters of the Alexandra
Marine and General hoapilal presents
aro n
e th annual reportK asverin the
from w the :kit h nt September,
1912, to the 1st of O_1.lwr. 191:4
The total number ..1 patients treated
during the year was 118, and the total
number of hospital days doting the
year was 211. (wing an average days'
slay of patients it; the institution of
17.32. During the year there were
some 411perw.ns operated upon, and in
most MOPS the upetations were suer es*
During the year there have been
in the hospital nine deaths and 16
A. heretofore theli `
1 tit t santE ha1 ,tern
of the Daughters of
Empire have
taken a very great interest in the hos-
pital a,sd its walk. The Maple leaf
chapter of this order ham presented the
Hoard with a very suitable ambulance
for the use of the hospital, something
that was much needed and which has
111 the nesters improvements. LoeaUon
nl ,1 and olloveslent. Apply to W. K.
It0SIRTiu 1N. 'VA
LL on Kuya Maeet, eartaulag tin roar. hsa
wed we bathroom. turaase awl olsetrke *Was :
thoroughly repaired from what aroM: fall We
and small bo, with some trait. Arydy a W.
we have tin sale ......=.testa l.K
priors rrannsomt hen O)p•�e�• elite Mese
P�trIllfOVf, ltAi$ t YIt=11
half lot sae, es.newitra 7. East Wawuasb.
acne: 53 eAnrd, wog 5edse.,sbad, aY
.eadsd feed eete4aea. rams hoar. bt.(1y,g�lk
and wosdraed. Ilea 11157.. ow eesttswaa:
-ab.ststsosot aloft& 1rwrs. dn.o4..ea Whilst 1
~@@Acis r*Ipasol,.4.,fir.
U free vs seat ypt e�h ono
1..•4.55. Alptytnoast wIHYTiAN, 1.111.
reg. N or ((II.RR. Na f WU/Nam 4-14.
11. stALL The twtlMaes, Pito sear 1*.
mew, kern an Me A.ieD. Alba eseesteN
armee osnear s
earkaand 1.44@ a Can osi
m.$sre ems lamed. in withp
y4. Poise Ow mow
tIo ordolaRessosoetams. P
Oodsslsb. yq
of saes 1a t(* tklsrek
MIK IN i1g
l haws minIngX1.1
win. mss.. R earvierla.s .a.rb �
roR SAL I. 1 bare kail Mame with
as M sale anon' Joins*, crop ,Us .,
,kYt.d on acrd streets la Ood.rkh : she some
rerun Imola what. a�Aslert 111441•4480ar111441•4480O( awe. If
CAOAt (3l,'o.*.r. oi' ~* g '
r ORM sews w the of OeL.
shrew Oak. b•
.tth kNsb� i EeM k5st ss s
A sari fSSslk (a<ill►
proved itself a great convenience.
There is no doubt that the raising of
funds to purchase this ambulance en-
tailed an •)nopmoua run muot of work,
and the Board deciles again to offer its
sincere thanks to the wembiers of this
chapter for their unsrlflsh. and untir-
ing labor in raising funds sufficient fur
this purpose.
The Board again thanks the town
council for its grant of $.44).11U, and the
eoubty council for its grant of $ipt.Io.
To the dllte) sant Sunday ..'hood., lodges
and pr: fate Individuals who have
made Rifts and donations to the hospi-
tal, the Hoard desires to express its
asperses iat Ion and trunk..
The Ahinek chapter of the Daugh-
ters of the Kmpire with a most
mendable generosity furnished
Honig with no lens a sum than eats).tt11
for the purpose of helping to pay the
purchase money of the property of the
Ina.' Hon: M. C. Calsrrmo. Fur this
giant Lbe Board cannot let the nppor
tunity pass without a::pressing its
apprre•iation and thanks,
Since the I tat annual talent the d
of the Cane -ion property has
obtained raid aegis( ted. The (
chase money, • $Hts►.lj0, has lair,
and 1 h p.00er'y now stand,. in
name of t he hual..0411 ru.t L re from
enctamInance. The 1lauod, lowsv
regret* to any that e far nothing hes
hew' done Ili convert 1heproperty 1111(1
all/del n up -t. -date ht apltat, and fully
1 .
gal the I least
I V{ n being Irak of
wean-. At the least,
chalareeload alie:4Lious. a, catenated
by M.. l,emglry-, the architect.: will
r,.sl .anus $I.i,tl00.110 and Trow to rajas.-
thio Allo is a pi olden' which atlll C(1n-
timate the Huard, The public will, we
thunk, :tarry with tin that it would be
folly to lwgim wob k on the building
wittlout having the money on hand, ut•
gur_rante.d. The. c.14aen, had an 414,-
-portuui.y of showing their interests
and good%Ill toward. Ihr Iluepitn1 last
year, when a bylaw to grant $I:.,iuli
was oubulitted to them u'r their ap-
proval. lilt fate of this bylaw is only
LAM well known, and 41* defeat nt, the
toll. was 4..•iirce of great diseppoiut-
mrnt to the Boa,(4.
The Bovril mute that this( matter
of finance will be luny discussed and
suggerGoas wade in lefeteoce to it.
and abuse plan devised whereby the
funds can be in ovided, and the neer-•
wet• stork gone on with'.
No one will. we lat•I confident. dray
the ad ' •able %%o. k done by the bcspl-
Ilil sitter i, ore g, and It must. 4r
admitted fpm. the pit -sent bruilding is
not ennoble either its construction in
capacity to .atiafy the demands wade
upon it, and shim !alone prove"; the
ats,.•fu,r nro:rarity for u Liege well
eq uplx`d bo..pitrl its our midst, and
nue worthy of our important and
growing county town.
been I diel very araddenly on Monday morn-
In)( hut.
r1., I John Butler. an old Pioneer. Expires
Soddenly '
The Board desires on it. own behalf.
4411d on behalf of the, public generally.
to thank the sulv'rintlindent who
worked loo efficiently and well .ince the
inception of the hospital until a few
hs ago, and her very willing and
capably waft' for the work they have
dour with such great satisfaction.
A few months ago Miss Chandler, a
graduate of Victoua Hospital, London,
a•VIl)rll the hl position Ill tl Of .11 PI'l 11 e
F'• t ndcnt
and the13o,
td gao
lets the
public that
V d herself most eflicirut
and skilful, and we feel I hat the hospi-
tal will in no way suffer under her
management and overvghl.
There can be no doubt the work lit
the hospital is onerous. And exacting
and at titles discouraging, and the
Board again wirbe, to convey to the
whole stat? its very great appreciation
of tLe manner in which the woi k has
been carried on.
The members of the Board would
again retain(' the citizens that they are
only too willing to give freely and
voluntarily and without t emuneralton
..he best that is in them in order that
they Stay have in our ,.mato a hospital
wertby of the town.
Appeodett bereto is the financial
statement elbowing receipts and ex-
penditure. for the year.
I►ated :Slat day of Deasenh.r. A.D.
Jt non Hove, H. K Btrollirsw.
President. flwrretsrv.
The JaainalaS .twang et oar nwlw algals.
sMmbrr. rest a rte to at
ag.msew maws. AQP
_____ •.5 bud Ne 0 : is A
Grum tvm�_ttas lawtessa
ia.s.. _
amp -Mar.... m.. Pop
iss..Os� r wP este <
mea ek,... a . at 111
F7wdm l trove at rkr' e@ k'
lel 44
At awes a as•1raa ata wt oar,
reserves ben ell seems so alkali .t
t . i i�l Ososoftt
- Is
esvtitl• teak ofsoosist d�eewvI�e�s fin m SP* p
1 TS. I al .5
.._ hem gener15..1....., NU Q
John Butler, ex un.ynr,'ex-conncillot-
and late Police Magistrate of the town
n it
1 ( ulrr '
and formerly one
u 01 the
most prominent • mei rintnts- 01 the
tot n, is dead. Hie death occerrcd
very suddenly cit Monday morning
and friends diecuvelea1 hire- dura its
Ida hum.e• on \Ionu-eal ))tree(. His
funeral took place on %Vednevdoy
after from the Maho),ic Temple
and there was a large turnout of he
fraternity, of which hr was a member.
The funeral vas Largely attended and
the coltrge was a Ioeig one. The
town council Gulled out in it laxly as
also- Maitland lodge A . 1. and A. M.
and followed the remains of the old
pioneer to the grave. Rev. (leo. E.
Ross conducted the funeral and the
brawls avert: Messrs. Frank Lawr-
'pee, Alex. Robinson. David Marwick,
F,. IA.wuing, A. S. Chrystal and Capt.
Alex, Lawson,
The Isle Alt. Butler carne to (lode -
rich about 47 years ago trout Miirikirk,
Scotland, and rngay.(1its the station-
ery business occupying severs' silt)
on the Square.. He w•,av 14 wan who
lived to 1 self anti tune of ht. friend,
ever heard him speak of a rela_ive mf
any description. So far as can be
le %rue 1 he ha, none. It it even said
that be did not know his age but it
wa..up)o•..I he wag M7 years ol(I.
Float 44489 until 18181 ht oc,•npted the
Mayor's chair )laving stepped up from
the council where
hr was for .l year
previous. After retiring from the
'Dayot:tliy he was appointed Police
Magistrate and n•tired about tau
tram o.
1Vhilragout a regular member of any
chinch he web an adherent to the
1'Irsilyterian church. He was a life
Tung Conservative. For :a number of
years by was a member of Maitland
lodge A.. I'. & A.M. He WAS one of
the pioneer)) of the town and it was
through hire that the trees around
the court honer were planted.
Has Decided
Penny Banks
as Suggested by Inspector Hughes
The regular meeting of the Public
School Hoard was held . ou Monday
14e1 011.1 those present were Chairman
()allow and Trustees Cutt, Pal sons.
Saunders, McLean aria Acheson.
The board was advised of the accep-
tance of )1.. J. A. Fowler's appoint:
meat to the Public School Hoard .god of
Dr. )lacklin'a 10eeptenee of the ap-
pointment to the Collegiate Board.
1', incipal Long's report was read show-
ing a 10G41 attendance of :471; at Vic-
toria school and Principal Sharnlan's
report gave an at(redane.. of 215 at
Central school.
The secretary retorted as follows
for month of January. Expenditure :
Teachers' pay roll, .. e,lr,1; acaoun 5
of W. R. }'Inder,-$It e►; Howell Hard-
waty Oo., Inc • C. A. Reid and Co.,
a$y44+..15; Ooderich Star, $1.711; H. .lane, total, $K1Lat.
The repotta were read and palmed to
F)eeseee committee, Timor, Saun-
ders; reported log (0 cost for the Hag
Castad the matter was further re -
'd Th. chairman reported pro-
gress of Penn) Hanks which the hoard
agreed to eet.hlish. inspector Tom
_ . s isst :gape, the hoard *Wee Inteittlera
'�as provided far by Lord
etraiheoma and after'a 000frrenrr rP-
ttlydl.1 ether routine matters eon -
meted with the school the hoard ad-
meat. Si
mwt . ... ../ M ;
awl Emil 1�L1 1e
par w
mbw Y s.*b ins . .... M fe
amid .., M
Mid �,sOelesr ..... »"... 1111 y
...=w�nm177 Id111711•
ellll •
MILWe 11A417Mawr=
01' etsomm
sad miens 7s
'.i:�::::;.'siva 01i 1.1
Oe/1110•1 ACTK;
A Fassiwiil.
If yew stere watering the lawn and
a.hill isyFted syn the hose. reetlieting
the flow of water, what would
you do ? Call for more water preeenre
or ream*. the pressure from the hoar ?
The latter of course. Then get the
premiere removed from your nerves,
Ret snore Hfe and health. 'We the
Chiropractor. 0. 1'. ALee tft wr. 1) ('
Ofgke next Canadian hack of (7ee-
aWseoe. Hours 0-11 a.m., '2-4, 7.0 p.m.
Orem heed . , 43 Si
ilea la kiosk of Matins! width la-
+.IOw a of soicas taw dM
Rsass 'Psi ft 73
'sew OM s
u•tutu Ir.
Nolo din I. IMak of *ostreal w1 eyed
tftilsbo*• MU ...$sem
cart's( Rx•etwbtrt- ,t
Psrit�g lts �d twSebrw f of W me M. ten M
si -The
11it..emintso• +[yea�w�
An the old ss b:. of ole bn
were re-el.eted and alter the /11ille
eng the board eget for re-organise-
Ex -Reeve Muoeiegs Has Instituted
Legal Proceedings
As the result of ex -Reeve B. C. :Run-
nings taking proceedings to have
Reeve Itobt. Elliott unseated, thete
maybe it new election for the reeve -
ship. The grounds on which the
proceedings are bared are. that Mr.
Elliott has not property qualification ;
that he is a town contractor by O.: -
copying a certain portion of land and
that he obtained his declarer of
i.ftice falsely. Papas were filed on
Saturday night and the date of the
trial in set for February 11(1,.
Mr. Elliott first stated that he
would resign his 14eat to make him
eligible to run agll+ib.t Mr. Munnings
in a new election, but oilier consieter-
irg the matter he says he will fight to
the hitter end. ff there is a new
election, the,. is no doubt but that it
will be keen, for both sides certainly
Lean "businen."
R -bile, of course, of recent years Mr.
F:Iliott has not been ''tried out' its n
town representative, yet Mr. )run-
nings halo many friend.. who believe
that he haat tri ve•d the Gown faithfully
and well during him tenure of office.
A Light wi:l Not be Placed on Saltford
Bridge - The Council Sees Need
for an Armoury to be Established
Here and Makes Request to Gov-
ernment -Committee Reports
The co'anty council adjourned •on
Weiluesday ul order to allow several
of the rouucillut•e to go home to vote.
Council resumed nt 2 O'clock on Tburs.
day, and all the members were present.
Councillors Mulvey and )IcKihhon
moved that this council empower the
Road and Bridge co ides to gelds
the matter of bridge work between
I him comity and the county of Lamb.
tun. The motion was cat -lied,
After all, a light will be placed on d
the Saltford bridge. Councillors
set and Milne en .sed a resolution to i
have a giant of 111211 made for the main- I
teuance of alight there but the Execu-
tive committee threw .it out. As the
result of a motion mews by 4l utocillora
Routley and W. R. Elliott the bridge
on the ioundai y letwe,n Huron and c
Perth known AV Kirk'@ bridge will n
li r
kIy 4..'tm'
Ill next
e 1711
p R•
That this council Jcra out appoint
of the action of the •Provincial Gov- it
ernweut Its ewmS atictin& a lulus liar' 1
of highways t124 '14 snit the Province A
believing that the 111Oliry spent mu a p
lural system would 'enrol mor. of
people and that A copy of this repo- g
lotion lie fol %%,anted to our 1'lovincial t
members. was s 11101041 moved mod f
seeonded by Couucillosa Livingstone w
and Govenlock. It was carried by the I
council. IJv
.lodging fruit th:• motion they wade g
('uuu1 11111s 1.iudsay and Deinmerling 3
do not believe brut
that the
resolutions ))
n re-
ferred to
are definite M
enough and moved a motion to have w
all G(1ns 41. he referred (o commit- a
tees in future made mote definite- 'I1
Councillors Campbell and Mulvey
moved that the council pay for all S
bridges erected last year on county d
boundaries but that it is not advisable M
to admit any responsibility prior to
191:1. sh
The great necessity of the establish-
anent of au armoury its (ioderich we
io a matter which the council are it
urging on the (ioyrrnmert and Coun- Ra
cillors R. Elliott and Wm. Yearley f'
moved that the county council mem-
orials! the Dominion Government to
use every mean* possible to expedite
I he taaahlishulent of an armoury in
the county- town
The county council is still intele'sted
in the establishing of Radial railways
and Councillors W. It. Elliott and J.
N. Campbell moved a motion that
Messrs. Oovenlock and Livingstone
torn! s committee to obtain inform.
*tion with regard to the Hydro -Elec-
tric Commission scheme in connection
with ('.nutty Radial railways and
report fully thereon at the next meet-
ing1�of the council,
r lis cef►ried4ier�li
fir ' *seers. Robt,
Livingstone. John Sbortreed and Wm.
Elliott was appointed to revise the
bylaws resp.etitig the bridges of the
comity and make a report at the June
session of the county.
Asa deptuatioo to Eo to Ottawa in
regard to harbor improvement War-
den Cantelon with Ili. W. F. Clark
and Mr. (ioveoloek were appointed.
At the opening session it. January
there Is not so much husine.* tran-
sacted as at tb. June and Dece)nber
seseiona, consequently the councillors
got through with their wink early on
Friday afternoon.
Tb. n.porta of committee were re-
cti ved on Friday and are :
The Official Count Reveals the Fact
that the Largest Vote Polled in the
History of the County -Two Munia
cipalitles Went Wet - Returns Re-
ceived at Signal Office
Heron gees dry aboolutrly when the
temperance Maxon effectively and
celmpletely swept the entire county on
Thursday last, when the largest vole
ever polled was registered. From a
voters' list which contained 15,Otih
name@ 1'2,U' 4i cast their vote either for
or against the Canada Telnpetance'
act. With the exception of two Inuni-
cipalitie's, the township of Huy and
the village of Hayfield, the entire
county made a clean twerp of liquor
On Monday last Returning Officer Mr,
Peter 11'. 1c,/Lt, of Hrlgeavr, made the
official count. 1' the Gine of the
voting un'il the count was wade, be
had two special coos, abler in rhaige
of the lazes. Ile slated tt The Signal
after for count, that he Iwlieved that
it was the I•.rgest tote rser boiled in
Iso 4
the ht. -tory of thrcourty. His llgurla
Welt. ; total vote for the act 7411) ; .
ag;ting it 4402 total rusk rity for the
act 2111oa, 'i'lwt0 weir Mirballotereject-
rd, spoiled and 111 ul nett
The following f,:urea, which are the
returns by polling .ulldivisione, speak
tar themselves.
On evening the returns
wet, received from Clinton at The
Signal ()Mee end lately ti allaltlltted to
(Lt Temperance hall. whet. a large
number reeeivrd thrid with general
rejoicing. Nearly all the nunistets
wets present, ninny apes -diem were de-
livered and a regular celebration wire
held. -
ICosttnuut (41 page ti
Hospital Boa: fit Draws Very Large
What ever e1 -e it lack.. Goderich
ori not lack vaudeville talent. This
was apparent at a perfortwtuce given
n the.Lyric theatre un Tuesday slight.
t was under the auspices of the
Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O. U.E. and the
.proceeds wet, devoted to the Alex-
audia Marine and General hospital,
The entertainment was Bost class and
ertainly ietlected mu, -h :uedit on.
nt only the performers, but all those
w•Itoae were rr )1 .
t n 1'
lr fur
the concert.
� t
The theatre wu.. filled to overflow -
1); and - the sign "S.H.O." might ,
uthfully tin placed over the door.
Itl►ou,;h the large audirtu•e wag
xckr-d its like aa1(I,ttes 111 n can, so
'airily and efTec,ively did the usher.,
owned aft 11411*1, du their work
here was little or no inconvenience
eft. The ladies in "cap and gown'
eye : Miss Catherine Lewis, Mies
snbel ITnudf,ot, Mica Lillian Me-
mel'', Mips Moms Kidd, M,... Alar -
met t:+lt. Miss Kiri, Tye, Miss
bialys Eliot and Mise (trace Dickson.
Excellent n -
n 1 a was [I r
g nu
4ed by
rests. Roy Adams and Frank Doty
611 accnu.panitd some 01 the singpters
nd played wee. al overtures. Mrs.
ullartl alio accompanied on the piano,
Miss Alma `Jtucdy And :Ms. Agnes
minders, as two Dutch girls in n
etch duet gave good aatiefection,
isa Hattie Belcher in her Irish and
Scoteb twitnt was very good and
owed sparked Ability. Two teal
audevilhana George and Henry, Mes
n. G. L. raisons and Harry Sturdy,
re the favorites of the evening,
t the character sketch, "Humorous
I.eball" they created endless amuse -
They would put many A pro-
sional to shame in this line. Sweet
The report of the Special committee
was rather short and the business was
soon dispensed with. The petition
from YAtrich asking to detach the
south east corner of township lot 22
on the 11th enerwssion of the town-
ship a Hayand attm.•hed to the police
village of urich. was granted. and a
t law ire a pfepared In a(rroedanoe
A resolution from the county of e
Perth h regard to anklet that a Do-
. agriculture be meetas I
or atrommse and closes was
ed the clerk
otnwtr .ted tosoli-
nee �letpallt that this souses ,
Irp►thy with that resolution.
Nast�...e w pp M.
and graceful was little Mies Maxine
Burdette in her black Lace songs.
She made A decided bit. In a matri-
monial dialogue Miss Lottie McCreath
And "Matt" Menson excelled and
proved themselves to he rent good
lovers." The execution, bowing and
tone of Mire Grace Seager in several
operatic pieces on her violin was most
entertaining Miss Eva Huggins sang
very sweetly two well cbunen songs.
All those who took part did their
parts well and were forced to give
encores. At 1 he clot, of the concert
Mr. Patrymoi�hazked the syijalsesa on. .-
hea'&fr 'tie b.ugh,et%of the Empire..
,and announced a. several were unable
to gain admittance, the entertainment
would be repeated next week.
The pictures "t'b. Honor of the
Force,'. "What is Sauce for the (loose -
and "The Hattie Alo•,nd tb. Tree."
were exceptionally good.
Master John Baker dressed ,u a
pairs handled the programme card•
very admirably,_
Money Will Se Refunded
The Maple Leaf Chapter, 1 O.D.K.,
wish to thank the Management of
the Lyric 'theatre and all who so kind-
ly assisted in malting the vaudeville
on Tuesday evening such a success.
Any ticket -holds,•, who were linable
to gain admission to the theatre Tues-
day night can have their money re-
funded by returning tickets to the
1' P.R. office the next week.
Sues NmrA Kron, Regent.
Catarrh Oaraetet be Cured
with LAICAL AI'PLICATwNp, a. they can-
not rearh lam wet oft* dhow@ (@lamb Is .
bled we exesllt.tlssal is rr is
5541 k ye. etrafsrol 4ate 45Ws w eg Hall .
( m series gest err
StarlitC.ue t. set a rtey.k-assfit a it wu.
rlb.M b eat of tee sew etOslahss 1e 1►M
ata foemod ht .
•woolmrrho trop
h tae bossso the
Tabs fdai's fw��`�h