The Signal, 1914-1-29, Page 8I
• Tat 1:A1,111 JAS "J+. heli
All Sc s uurr. including "OW
'told.' "Jack Strew. "Stutter
t tie liar. ere Special :se rant.
All he ;teal 13c Benue*, 'qtr.
1111.t,y "Peirt l'.ddles.-
Autlwt.,"' a:c. Any 2 Radar.
;ice 17.e.
Ail tr..- Gettie-. 'L+.ainwshr,..
'' llerwld. "think Piul
"Natioce.- etc., yr each oe :<
tor yak•.
Replier :11c Gases. including
• Boma "Rcrtdlet.." etc. Stool-
. eking ode price:45c each.
••i'itt" 'and • liooh." 2of the'
.cert p••polnl ;Ak li'tm:'., stock -
"Lies ..Lt• pr ice :ass each.
The Colonial Book Store
;,1:u. 11 /WEEK. Prop.
1 folded ich
Tim regnlar'alert iug of the Eureka
char • of \'iietoria *freer chervil wili he
holu ist the home of Mi.. Jessie Fold.
Vir toric .tte•et, on Monday evening,
1'rl.niat' Yeti. All are inaitae! to at-
e( , 1.
A I. I.••r almdae1..
A '„.rdlrw•e1 •••w•••
.e., tr... es r•11I1.1.4
owe rasa ewV
% p a. t ts;,.w,t.
M.. 1 ,.4 •1..
u .1 . a,:,
✓ 1..M Sirs n
•sewn y.. Wets.
S OW. *:lar s
mat. 1.e caw _t r.
.msew.w r. .4 t..
soler .,ac'. >.
O..t.'- /Own*. .eat
rust, a Mid 1. w -r
.nt. r... wok',... !IA
n�.w. ..
1 tf. dr., r.n.
Ns..•t_ 4 4 rn-NA.
roma.. ,.a- a••
w•ei.. of wr a rya.
r.M+. w• MM. rat to ret rout +`r i
. r and raw Own W immWn.
th...t W. • kt 4 and to M Two out
M *aim .au .M w. • ern sea• •h 1
.., ti mow.' -ret ttl.tY+ • L1OT11, ya•'.•L..
�..r : •n :.Fy. .. r, N C.•ws•t.. 1...1 ta•,t,.a L.
A Record Crowd Attends and Rink is
Well Goes Down
to Defeat in St. Marys on Friday
The Prospects for the Champion.
ship is bright for
Godench 4 St. Marys t
(.odench intermediates as motel tri-
umphed .•i their own ice, whet' they
gq.ulrt1pled the *torr. defeating St
Mary. bete on Monday night by 1.1.
The game woe one t f the fastest seen
here this season and a record crowd
appreciated it. The taint- had no
combination whatever atad attempted
individual wo¢k. but the ea sit
checking of the r..1 alio white, follow-
ing will, g .oaf rou.l•inatitrt. stole.
proved t.a, much lot theta and they
were rituple tun-plussrd at every
'r. Neatly all the play wet• in
the land of the >;i.ints thus giving
Belcher in goal a regular snap.
Sig Crowd
The biggest ctowd that has .•er:
gathered to the fink this reason had
every reason to he proud of the local
team, as each man Played .. stellar
petit. Belcher was sleep) oil his job.
nut his work was comparatively easy
compared with the Saintly -iota! keep-
er. Mega, :end ' Sacotchir"' presented
an invulnerable eletecce while "Plug'
rod 'Wiggins wale up the visitor. in
woe! shape. Pridham and ti hishohu
also played :. good game. The is oal-
lie. weer dew- for the lucalr bac one
greenback !woke his Saintly record
and found the penalty benches onto
three lithe-. Ile light hate gone
741 times ..even fe, all he seemed to
The gele wets scored ley : licxieti h
-"Scotehie' 11c1)oneeld 1st. 1i idbn.n
2nd end :ell, and "Plug" M••Ut.n:tld
-I b. St. Marys-Turr, 1.
1'hr tratua were :
(rodeo ich-Belcher, anal : Jlegat..
left defence : ••Scutchie- !McDonald,
right defence : I'ridtum. rover : Cltis-
h on,, centre : Wiggins. left wing
"Plug" McDonald. right wing.
St. Marys-i)reehet. goal : \V ilsi.p,
left detente : Lavelle. tight defence
Turr. rover : Roberts, centre.: F. W11-
1011. left .ting: Ford. tight wing.
Reteree -Kinder, Preston.
St. Marys by One Goat
The game at S1. Mary. last Ftidny
night was at greet tlimplxaim:tent t.•
the tram 'and its sitppttrr(et-. It 'Fos'
fully expected that on the fot m shown
by the ten team, (4.tich would win
Sauer Kraut
Fresh Frozen
White Fish
411: .4.44 -AR F
What About
That Furniture?
1 ou ha%c t:ontemplated buying for some
time : Now that the holiday season is
over and the long winter e\'eIngs are
ahead. dont you thmk it advi(tabe to call
on us and buy 'that furniture Ilgwhich is
needed to give the finishing touch to the
home r
Our stock shows a co ete range in
every line and you will fin, .r prices right.
tooth- front 8t. Marys, but the actual
reittlt was a win (ue the Saints by the
narrow score of 0 to 3. The ice was soft
and the going was very slow, and the
Vitus could not stet into their usual
.wing. The t ink i. smaller tbau the
home risk sod the nighties i. poor. es-
pecially at a bawd.. shush hasdicap-
peal the goal -keeper. The score at
halt tittle was S-2 is favor of St. Marys.
In the second half Oodesbh got into
something like fossa and scored three
times to their opponent s' outer. 1f
they had had ten more minute. to
play they would sats carried home
aootbet victory but the bell ran*
with the scorers -:sin favor of St.Mary..
The Goderich line-up was :
11. Belcher, goal : F. Megan poi D.
MCDemald, defence: A. Chisbolus.
centre: F.. Pridham, rover: J. Wig-
gins and R. McDonald. wing..
League StaO4ng
The ttcord in this district of the
O.H.A. (inletmediate• to date is as
follows .
\\-on Ln..t To play
GMleti i 4 2 11
Stratford 4 1 1
Clinton 1 2
M. Marys 1 1 „ 1
tatretftedd i. scheduled to play at
Clinton tonight and if it wins this
game it wins the district. Owing to
the build t eaiber. however. it is like-
ly illegalise will be postponed.
Rev. Mr. Wytte's Letter Resented
Tbr Clinton News -Record lust week
had a half-colu■rn tette* from Rev.
W. W. Wylie. the Baptist ter
there. giving a very lurid account of
the doilies in that town ou the even-
ing ut l'ridnc, liith Toss., wben the
Gcadetich hockey trate played in l'lin.
ton. 't'be otllcers of the club herr
{five a very indignant denial to Mr.
Wylie's statements. and the following
letter hae hetet sent to The Nee.-
l:oderich, Jan. 27, 1011.
To the Editor "1 The Nee..Recons.
Dear t' lir,-W'r have read in your
paper of last week Rev. Mr. \Vylie'a
letter in regard to the.couduct et the
crowd on the occasion of the (inap-
t ich-liir.tou hockey match in your
town. and we wish to .toots most em-
phatically that. the statements he
funks- air outrageously exnggrt-ated
and in their general *pit it groeel} (in-
tuit.. It is a shameful thing that :t
1411 -let alone a cletgyu,an should
he responsible fot such 14 I•ieee of
wholes de slander. A. officer. of the
l:calerieh hockey tram. who know
what they are talking about. we state
th t Mi. \'Vvlie's eeneure.-so far as it
may be held to tripe to members .,t
this teen,, is absulutety and wholly'.
and*•serve 1. We are nut responsible
for the conduct of:the crowd. but if
Mr. Wylie now. or thought he raw.'
.ryrn p•et.ons under the influence of
hyt.m. he must himself hate been
"seeing double." There were possibly
two or three. and not ora of them
cemeected with the_ (.odetich hockey
\\'e resent the t ublication of such
a letter in a new/T.41,er going broad-
cast through the country. How would
\[r. Kylie like it a we circulated a
state aien1 that a party of clergymen.
of whom he was known to be one. had
leen indulging in improper practices
while away trent home ; O. r boys
here just :ti, much right to their good
l :tine as Mr. Wylie or anybody else.
We trust you will give thio letter
P.tu411 prominence in your:columns with
Mr. \` s lie's letter of last week. We
:ore in dend earnest. and we do not in-
tend to have our teswwantonly slan-
dered. Yours very tr•tly.
H T. Enw.tnnst,
('resident Godarich Hockey Cluh,
A. G. Ntsltg-r. 'Treasurer.
i. a very- essential accomplish -
'tient for young person in
modern life. ' Now that the
long winter evenings are before
us the question presenia itself :
"Hew shall I spend my spare
bourn in order to derive from,
them the greatest pleasure and
To those desiting to
thence a study of
we wonld reroontrnend the
Heintzman A Co. Piano. Be-
ginners and it an easy instru-
ment to play and the sweet
quality of Ihe tone produced is
en encour•tf emend to the music
James F. Thomson
Agent for Heinitlan & Co.
Star Theatre
You rant slate all the time.
When you feel you want •
clump.. drop in at the Star
Theatre and see our special of
feeing of picture* this week.
The Star Theatre
The People's Plsyhoose'
FOUND HEALTH '1 Now for the Final Clean.
Wo.Id t giv. Lydia LPlnk- up � of Winter Goats
ham's Vegetable Compound
for Alll Rest of Medicine
in the Wolfid.
Utica, Ohio.-" I suffered everything
frets a female weeksss. after baby
I had asmb
and wee dizzy,
hid Ma* spots my
fore e ,
back ached and I
was so weak I could
hardly stand up. My
t s c e was yellow,
ver my fingernails
were colorlese and I
had displacement I
took Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound and now 1 am stout, well and
healthy. I can do all my own work and
can walk to town and back and not get
tired. 1 would not give your Vegetable
Compound for all the rest of the medi-
cines in the world. I tried doctor's med-
icines and they did me no good." -Mrs.
Maar EAtu.awtsE, R.F.D. No.3, Utica,
Another Case.
Nebo, lit-" I was bothered for ten
years with female troubles and the doc-
tors did not help me. I was so weak and
nervous that I could not do my work
and every month I hall to spend a few f if
days in bed. I read so many letters about
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound curing female troubles that I got
a bottle of it It did me more good than
anything else I ever took and now it has
cured me. 1 feel better than I nave
for years and tell everybody what the
Compound has done for me. I believe I
wouki not be living today but for
that." - Mrs. HETTIS GRt:z-YSTmtrr,
Nebo, llliseis. ■
Town Conseil and C.P.R. Come to
Terms Over Harbor Question
(twine to •rt el 41 representative* of
the C.P.H. meeting the cuuocil bete
last Thursday and etthrelinently Magor
Reid add Town solicitor Garr ow going
to Toronto on Monday When the
matte: ^ante better the Dominion
railway hoard. the C P.H. gemetton ie
now practically fettled enol it i• ex-
pected that the couipsny will now be
granted peen/logien to ley an extra
track on the harbor ttuey without
forth,-, trouble.
When Mayor Reid was in Toronto
route time NK:. he conferred with enme
of the railway officials with the result
that Mr J. To. Arundel. divisional sup-
erintendent. and Mr. \Veil. Hertzberg.
divisional eugioeer. both of Toronto.
and Col Macdonald, of Guelph, net
the council on 'fhurt.d*v night with
the remit that the matter will now be
amicably settled.
Miss Vera•Murray
The funeral took place this afternoon
at2o'clock trom her parents' residence.
South street, of Miss Vera Murray,
aged IS years. who died on Monday
last She was a daughter of Mr. and
Mf s. Win. Murray and has been -tiling
tot a.ome time. Owing to her being
connected with the Baptist chin of
aid the ::.nsily belonging to Knox
church, the services were condecte4
by Rev. Geo. E. Rus.. and Rev. W. 11.
\Vrighton. .
Daniel Kennedy
Early Saturday morning there pareenl
away at the age of 05 one ()Elbe
most highly respected residents of
(ioderich in the person of Mr. 1)tniel
Kennedy. With his family he ram.
here about three years/tiro from Blyth
where he resided for about 13 year..
For the past 40 years he has lived in
this locality. , Abaut 10 years ago be
married Miss Elixnbeth Anderson of
Brussels, who still survives hien. Just
previous to his death he was employed
in the Goderich Planing Mill -rad
while in Blyth he was head sawyer for
1-'. Livingston. In religion he was a
Presbyterian and was a regular at-
tendant of Knox church.
Besides a widow be is survived by
one fon, John, of North Bay, and ave
daughters. Mn. F. \'anNorman, of
a\'ebhwo d : Mrs. R. H. Mole*. o4
Auburn : Mrs. Gel. Moore, Mn. Alex.
Powell and Miss Jean, of Goderich.
The funeral took place float tie late
residence on Newgate street to Mait-
land cemetery on Tuesday and was
'1t w� smpas 1.Attended. (40.V.. Rosa
I►riginatsdb] Dr. Rtohr. a famous
doh sician of Vienna, Austria. epheJ-
dol is known and used th t
Great sod Ott Britain.
Now, backed by the end tsof
hntsdr•eds of pby.icans sod hospital
it comes to Canada to relieve pain a
cure Rheumatism, Sciatica. Lumbago,
Nclerall(i,ipe F reye aid similar troubles.
he"j phaMol lass llamas -eel the highest
msris,.nd*tlon frost the medical pro-
feesio0 twenties of its direct •trength-
eningninon on the nerves., without
limitary to the heart. and Its lasting reg-
ulative an.i Curative effect opus Use
whole system.
Dislike other pain-kiltisg remedies,
Kegbsldo1 h Absolutely harmless. It
*none «i►tsaas■1 Irritation. and Nee
me d.p.wsla Whets.
Will now belgt to
the iambi
dew wbieamitythe ettrws/twa*
, oasis to8w
M away
vo gland**,
through s Mr-
K a. tato t�rsaf
• ' ATURDAY you will have the best chance to buy a Coat
4 that has come your way for many a day. It is our
BIG CLEARANCE DAY of the season. It is stock -
w ei taking day too and we want empty racks and a clean
sheet when closing time comes on Saturday if we can get
it. Every Coat in stock goes on sale Saturday morning
at a figure in many cases less than half its Original Price.
All are up-to-date and correct styles. We do not want to
take them into stock Saturday night and simply won't
carry them over. That is why you can buy them at these
15 Children's Coats at 51.98
Fifteen only Children',' Coats. sizes up to 10 and 14,years. Nary
l,lue and bro%t is cloths. Extraordinary value. Choke Saturday morning,
for only - - -
Ladies' Coats 57.50
Ten Ladies' Neth Winter Coats. Alt correct styles and materials for
this season. An exceptionally choke lot of natty garments. Regular
values up to $1s.00. So snake the selling sure we give you your choice
of these ('oats Saturday Horning fur onit - -
Black Coats at 511.00
Throe only ladies' plant Black Beaver Coats. Two ntedjum and one
large size. Also four quilted lined Coats with fur collar.. The regular
'price of these garments are S1ti.:r0 •and. *1�.(k). Saturday morning take
any of them fur only
11 Coats at $12.50
These are the cream of the stock • Extra choice garments, no tiro
:dike. Made from the season's mast favored materials. Coats you will
not find duplicates of. Regular' prices mere $2(4 tk), $22•10 and t<25.0).
Saturday morning take your choice of the eleven for only 2
2 Black Suits at $I2.50
Very high-grade garments are these last two black Suits we have to
sell. One is a pure wool suiting serge, the other 'a black Pebble Cloth.
Both are good style and silk lined. One was 522,:.0 the other WI.(1(1•
Saturday.either one for only
. 'J
7.50 It
Pima Coats 519.00
Just two Plush Cosa. nxtre. quality in -
ported Plush or &eaten.-. ('oaten in •tyle
Really extraordinary value Sat. at ci k(i
urdamorning ornin only s7 1.FIJ1
Sweater Coats 5I.35
Twelve only Sweatrt ('0514. assorted
ffyles, colors and combinations. A clean-uIof
the Sweeter stock. Regular up to Si 35
at:: lo. ('hoice Saturday warning esch •
Children's Pats 75c
\1"ith the Ladies' Hats we will sell the
balance of the children's shapes. They hate
been ttimmei up use:+fly with ribbon, velvet-.
etc.. tuo.Uy red. navy or copenharen blue.
Just about Otto sell at roar choice `}tit- ���
:. tardily morning for only ................
35 more Trimmed Hats at 9$e
After an uuprecrdented sale of trimmed
lints cut Saturday. IVP had about 33 untritu-
nted shapes. Three Miss Iteynnlds decided to
trim up and clew. out at the same price.
Every shape is new. The trimmings ars wide
httfeta ribbons, fancy wings and mounts. In
many rater the pricy of the mount is more
than we ask for the bat complete next Sat-
urday. in order to make All alrsolutr Clean-
up in the department we bare prepared these
:ib spe•clal Hats whish are the lhst we have it.
stock and give you your choice of them chQC
for only s7Q
They are undouhtedly some of the finest
Heti we ever put out at a price like this.
The Great Fur Clearance
Continues Next Week
The great clearance of Furs
continues all next week. We are
bound to clear this stock of high-
grade Furs if price will sell them.
No better stock of Furs in West-
ern Ontario than is here for you to
pick and choose from. We %%ill
make it pay and pay you well to
help us clear it out.
Special Prices in High=
grade Mink
We have three or four sets of
high-grade Canadian Mink. These
are exceptionally choice, being
made from carefully selected skins
made specially to order. We are
prepared to quote prices for these
high-grade Furs that will interest
any lady in search of something
really choice.
Si4irt Lengths per yard $1.40
Twenty Shirt Lengths high-
grade tweed. and fancy materials.
Regular t•alttss 1112.00 to 111173 per
Card. Special clearing price, your
choice per yard . $1.40
�■ ...
Direct Importers Goderich
so ..A4. • • ' JI
Miliaria be the Moho eJ Mr I. N. Lew-
is When Hs &leas ar Mie BIN
Ottawa Jas. 2p. -Mr. R. N. Lewis,
0nseervative megabsr' for West
Huronhas bees giver considerable
annoyance by In■eesrste announce-
ment male a few day. ago that he
would Introduce a bin. providing soft -
rage foo all women ha Canada. Th•
aamouneement was a(pplatenaty r.e.iv-
ed with joy by a large anminr of tie
fair sex, as the genial linens bar for Weal
Huron hes ever Hoye been besieged
with rollers wad dqutatiose.
As a swatter of feet. Me. Lewis ie an
advocate of etteeding the suRr.Rs to
ams rigid wemss and Unmarried d w.trsttes
lean" iItt M ie wattle
ssdet.tood be would be
jobs willing to tntredaoe a bill gluing
rotes to mashers ed Ottooda.
On the eve et the da whoa t8
le to be token on lb. '1►s
aoto woe set. lame asher
111061. It woe leerily seseEid laid
r. %AWN= wiaged as ehaleame. OhmW.
sooseplot plasm so the
lent. J. N..sFord and Ree.
vile=a and
20 Tons First -claim
for Sale
Will sell cheap for
iminedlate delivery.
Paget &nim her G.,
Phone V3 1Jttstl04.
(IUARANTERD to relieve
that Itching and sorsosse doe to
Chilblains. WOW shoertelty
refunded If it tilde to do what
we claim for to
We have all the se.sos.ble
household tens dM and *null-
cities. Int us stlAIT your orale.
James A. ...ell
Reetb et. sell Square, 0edubb