The Signal, 1914-1-29, Page 6• TYURQIAT JAN 21% 111.4
Concrete Hog Houses
and Feeding Floors
Enable you to raise bigger hogs ind
better pork without heavier feeding. A
concrete feeding floor permits the ani-
mals to clean up all the feed without wait., and
eliminates the possibility of your hops contracting
disease. To you they
Mean Bigger Profits
flog houses of concrete are sanitary, easily cleaned,
maintain an even temperature And give plenty of
light and air, which tend to better the quality of
pork. Concrete will not rust or rot. Never needs rrtuir,
Of painting. It will outwear airy other material for farm
,trueturea. Write for this beautifully illustrated free hook
"What the Farmer can do web Concrete " It shows haw
to build Hog Houses, Feeling Floors Ind many other
things the tanner needs.
Farmer's letoematioa Bureau
Canaria Cement Cotapsay Limited
im Nerad Saddiar. Meetrset
i Will Prove It to You Free
Yon wen aro suffering the tortures ot Eczema. itch. Salt Rheum or otber
Ski* a iwores—you whose dart are m ..erwt,:e, whore nights are male f i ver.
Tarr r the turn hie Itching. burning pain.. Ire the and you • 111111 0t s i••
In.c. Swung trev,ment which has cured hundreds, which 1 believe wi:1 cure
j-' . i. I will send It free. postage paid. without WIT oblatrertom on your part.
,..t MI the coupon b.:ow and mail it to me. or write me. glrtn, lou: name. age soil Manna
1 r t scud tits treatment tree of oast i0 you.
J. G. tlrwa It. st
re, a am ac's w ewtur *110 mai. re OAT --.ars- m r am a.rtes S•
e. C. N VT:res Druggist, 040 meet Main $t.. Pert Waswe. MN. U.S.A.
l•m.a. a etad a,:aaut cost or o;ityiatt,•n t.. ma If OUT Fr 20 1'7.>: treattW. t.
lkiliCK Plan
,A WinnerattheR!n
Wi4. you ace -waking ,vitcy, .tangy
-edicts "Sunkist"oranges, you are delighted with the
magnificent silverware you are getting for your table.
You always order "Sunkist" oranges because they are the
1 eat, richest. selected, tree -ripened fruit grown anywhere is
• world.
Picked and packed by gloved hands—the cleanest of all fruits.
Thin-wkinned, fibreless.
Not a Seed in "Sunkist"
Cut the trademarks from the wrapper's around '•Sttnklst"
oranges and send them to ns. Select silver pieces from our 21
different premiums. Every piece the famous Rogers Standard
A-1 gaarai,krd silver plate.
The Ro(;ern orange spoon shown above is sent to you forj
12 trademarks from 'Sunkist" oranges and 12 cents. Trade -II
marks from "Red Ball" orange wrappers count same as "San-
k' t." In : fitting, send amounts of 20 cents or over by Postal
N te, Posirice or Eepress Money Order.
r • Burr "-Sunkist" orearytr Ay Or box, hall -icor or
dos tare—l. N yen, dreier.
Send youi name for our complete, free -pee..
minm list al-' premium Club Plan.
Salt larb• rerstiams and ell &wferirier w
Cad aallkaititrowereEzelange
les Eke Sam" sash tease la mir T— s,, OW
Rev. T. J. Seowi... - of Vara* Occupies
Mr. Peril's Pulpit oa Saiday
Rev. T. J. Snowden, of Varna, occu
Pied the pulpit of the Victoria street
!Zodiac church on Sunda night a
ago. iu the place nit Rev. J. 1..
also aaoducted apscial !reviews
et Walton.
In the utoruing. he took as the sub-
ject of his discourse. lodges II., s► and
:et verses. After et.owing how.bawe-
ful It we* of the eons of Gilead to for
sake their brother, he touched briefly
on Jepbtbah s yew and bow his
daughter had suffered, pointing out
the loyalty of the pit 1 to ber father.
It wee the opinion ot the reverend
geollenan, that in modern days ex-
cuser. which seemed fitting. would
have been made. • Tlule and dis-
tance." Bard the preacher, "are great
healer- and Jephtliiih would not re-
sist the templatioo to come home.
feeling a longing to see Ilia relatives
again. 1t was herr ire made his vow.
Mr. Snowden affirmed that it was sio-
ful to VON riot 10 vow ns (iod always
provides, a reteye. .The lesson was
very apt and well illustrated.
"There are two opposing kingdoms.
that of Christ and thatt of Haran.'
raid Mr. Snowden at the rveniug
service when he took his text from
Revelation VIII., 9. lie continued.
"Satan ass s many crowns :end
one of these is the liquor traffic.- Ile
atteinpted to prove that liquor was
an agency of t•1il by telling of the
experience rat is minister who bad
ku.,wn of a man killing Lir wife. being
hung lot it and Leaving several wail
children. who pathetically said.
I'apw was good but whiskey did it.
•'If :. piquet• could be painted of the
sr•rrow and misery caused by drink
and hong over bar runt doors what a
shock it would give the drunkard.
the bavrterdei :utd the hotelkreiicl
Figurata tely-peaking be thought it
was thedutt it the church to close
the clam switch as the train of life
war apptoaching with its salted
hommuty and thus sats- it from en
awful :uud ter. Ude death "1 is the
couatu rrAritl of the cbnlo h t.+ er that
the present geoeI*tlue rues along in
valets and this shnntd he acme by the
chills -hs co-operatiou with ego Huai
power." lie delated. 13.4.13 set mons
were very interesting. —
London Student Says So im'S:. Georges
Thr wine of the Gospri or the new
Chi i.tian dispensation was cotupared
with the eidil Jewish dhpensation
very ably by Mr. H. C. Light. a stud-
ent of Hut un ('i liege, . ondoo. tit the
mot fling net vice in s1. George'e church
held on Sundeev nog. a week ago.
when he took the p'a,r ot Rey. J. B.
l'o,beringltau.. who conducted mis-
sionary services at Lucan.
'The preacher tt-ok es the subject of
his addles.. SI..lohn _'. 111. ■nd V.,
• And schen they wanted wine the
mid her of Jesus said unto hits. they
have no wine" and. -whatsoever he
►with unto you do it. -liter speak-
irif of the scenes .which led up to
,Ie -us attending this marriage feast
tefeired to in the text. Mr. Light
showed that the Gospel as brought to
the world by the S. viourwas wine. as
compared with water' of the old tet-
lauo•nt when men could not look to a
Saviour and the Light we- veiled.
He gave apt illustrations of 1 he
Hill,' ns a Went, .n light. ftoni which
erninateil happiness, peace and pras-
pci it v The spenket• toad of it vast
Of a simple walking man, em -
LMyea in a arewery in th•• alums of
ondon. having family prayer and
reading the Henle daily to his house-
hold. "Thi•: was the cause." nitro ted
the minister. "that there was always
n ray- oft happiness in That home.
He strongly Odvocated the use of
family worship in the home.
-Some people, said the preacher.
"had stated that the wine which had
laver m.ide tiara water ty JPrus was a
non intoxicant, lint wine. spoken of in
the Bible is wine, mod that ie the only
thing which call Ile said of it.
Caused by Kidney. Stomach and Bowel
St. John. N. A.. Srptenlller lam, lin 1.
-My- to other was * great sufferer
from kidney. stomach and bowel
tumbles anal was Fiver up by two tinC-
turm. He was ndyt.rd to tis your Fig
Pills. which he did. and atter taking
flee Loxes was coutwi.leteh- restored to
health and is better today tbnn he
ha- to -en foe years. You can't tetum
mewed Fig Pills too ILytt1F
J. W. MAst ER...
At all dealers. 2 end :el cents. or The
Fig P111 Co.. let. Thomas. Out. Sold in
(.i.derieh by F. R. Wigle, druggist.
L • lhP following is anact from
Fogel Information ut The Mail and
Empire :
c It . Gnderu•b. - Qu. I shipped a
Cal load et hay to a cling
:nay in To-
ronto by the (..T.R. alone the middle
of June. About the rob of July 1
received a letter frtin the company
declining to take the bay. sayleg it
was not IS L 1 t Igen sold the bay to
another company who areo.pted it u
No. I Out ae the ear bad ham mend-
ing for rave tun weeks. the railway
charged sP $1; demnt•ratte. which
was paid by the putt -harmer. and de-
ducted from the amount sent to me.
Had the railway • legal right to
chem. me demurrage, not having
ttoti ed Me of the non-acceptance of
the ha
Ata.y- R may not have been the
duty M the railway to notify you of
the non-aeceptanee of the bay. No
doubt it was the duty of the eotspsny
to whom the hay was consigned to
notify you of its non-acceptance, and
they should bait dose mu prompt!).
It the railway cowpony was notified
by the vowel meee at "bee that the
oar weald sot be aecepted, thee the
eompany should have moaned you
But ender the statement of facts
mentlosed / Walt year glatm foe the
"demurrage- must be against the
coompely to wham o -ow cenelgaed ch.
hey. sad neat be treed os this gamed
Oat It was their duty to notify you
promptly of their Mosel to atrepe 1t.
Pleasant Ermine is Marred by Us -
MI. CNN Of Till
favorable Weather I Cued by Nes Ones Ce $yry of
Linseed, Liaerfee awe Cblersuwe
It war none unfortunate that the you know Ito,. hard it is to get rid of
first carnival of the season should 14
greeted with such uaferofable weaths
er as on Last Friday night. How-
ever, considering the night. Where was
quite w large number of skater., but
it bad it dampening effect upon those
desiring to wear costume, and con-
sequently there were not as many
sub might tie naturally expected. The
ioe at first was very good but grsdu-
slty got heavy and at but was not
unlike a slush pond. However. every-
body was zatistled and a owl good
time was spent. Those who were in
costume k.oked vert nice and there
mss a large diversity of daractere as I'ru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and
is not often *ern. there being no Chlorodvtie the best preparation that
attempt at siu.iliarity wbatetet. that hu ever been offered for all aorta
The judge. wet,- Messrs. .1. N . of colds and toughs. Get a _'ac or Mk
Van►tter. Jos. Kidd and ('has. Ler. Cottle fr your Druggist and see for
The prise winners were : emit -sell how etfettice it ts. National
Ladies' fancy dress- first, !lis* Min- Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada,
nie '1'sneott. representing Ireland : the Limited. 32.2
Misses Helen (salt and Olive Allen, e
representing Fairies.
Gents' fancy drew—Brit. Mr. Ernie Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patrick. of
Young : sero:rd. Dr. L. M. Mabee. Seeforth, celebrated the strt1, 4nmi-
ltoys :ethic —first. Deo. Rutland : vrrseryy of theli marriage on Toes-
eecond. C. H. Robertson. day. January Soh. at their home
Girl. comic -- fine, Mise m
Roa there. Mr. Patrick is now Sol Mean
a cough that leas hung es for even two
weeks. let alma tars aliveilie iiema
will appreciate whet Na-Dru-Co Sy rup of
Linseed, Licorice and Chbrodyse did
ter Mr. Patrick Ilolland, of East Deltic,
P. E. 1. He sa)s:
"1 suffered trout a hacking cough for
over two months. 1 tried several reme-
dies, but they failed to cure are. At
last I tried Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed,
Licorice and Chloratvne. ■tid gut such
relief that I tried more, and after using
three bottles was absolutely cured."
The unique. scientific combination of
three such reliable remedies hakes Na -
Jahr' of age and his worthy partner is tit.
Among the cb:aracters noticed were, and both are quite active and enjoy-
Erin -Go -Bao, blies„Minnie Tancott : in¢ wood health
Fairies. Mies Helen Galt and Mise
Olive Allen : Antonin lady. Miss --
Mamie V. t . llallowe•rr, Mime FINDS QUICK RELIEF
Ella Goldthorpe : pennant girl. Mins --
Roma Jane : Mexican girl. Harry Chas. Marshall Cured by Dodd's Kid-
Valee ; Mexican s o I d i e r, Erne Pills
Young : Spanish l'avalier. Di. L. M. a ' •e7
M•hee : l'otonial gentleman. C. E. Parkinson. Algoma, Ont Jan.
Compton : performing tar•ar. Win. `'J'ttb. — .Sprciall -- I.irana far from
Ilsbh : his train.... H. R-atson : (-'orn towns and with d..etoes not within
cure. 1f. K. Resell anal Roy- Hurdle : ! easy teach. many of the aettlera hay,.
clown. Deo. Butlan,l : [Flitch Italy. 1 totand I►odd's Kidney Pills an 1i.retina-
F•ranl Rutland. it. 1)arkey tramp. I able blessing. One of thistle is Me.
('. 11. Robertson : Itidiahs, J.tek Kidd, o('halles Marshall. sr., whose recovery
Allan and Sheldon •Reese : ctly uysjtl at a severe came •..t kidney disese
Frank liallow has recently- been the ranee "1 much:
1 satisfaction to Ilia family and Itiends '
'My hushattd w..s suffering Very
much with his ack and legs,” Mrs.
1 Marshall *:tvs, speaking ..f lief hus-
band'. cure. "He went to sir the
doctor, and he toad him he had urinary
1trouble. bathe did not serni t.. gel
asy.beflet,. * .r f •-
"Then 1 siset•f i*r Dodti"tl'
i nev Pills. aikce taking them. he has
no more pain ip his back and legs. and I
bis other troub:a't are all•pon- .
13fatt O
- tct(:LE let Mf
(' Art ich.
Lumber and
Building Material
for sale to large quantities
are now prepared to supply all kinds of build-
ing material having a large stock of all kinds
of lumber on hand, includirg Ontario White
Pine, Shingles and Lath.
Hardwood Flooring and Inside Birch
Finish a specialty.
Call and see our samples of Birch Finish.
Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale by the
The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited
man -
• For Headaches •
Here's the Reason and the Cure
Most prole at bonne time or another suffer from
headaches—disordered stomach, div',r or bowels is
the ceases —sr.y one can be cured—one woman Says:
Chamberlain's Tablets did mors for the thansl ever
da -ed bops for --cured headache.—biliousness—and
toned up my who!_ system -1 feel Iib a new wo-
No case too bard for these littie ref bead:] restorers. Lk. a
Druggists ted Dealers, or by Mal.
se'`.amwra,e 7
. Teseaas
• 7 t s oa7e
vww sew
tgela -
....I....—. ti..
To prevent disease-
resist disease germs
SMALLPDX is prevented by vaccination — the injection of vaccine..
DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injection of anti -toxin.
These enable the body to produce substances which prevent the growth of
smallpox and diphtheria germs in the blood.
There are many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, and far more
common -- typhoid fever, the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, rheumatism,
and a score of others— that can be prevented less painfully and more easily 6y making
the body strong to resist germ infection.
Olive Oil Emulsion
(With Hypophosphites)
Is designed for the prevention as well as !its=atNief. of dileasiE*2-- by -eta e •rovercome
• w.
same. It. at the sane time, strep the blood, to erco re
strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes pub the entire
system into a proper healthy condition to combat and successfully resist disease.
Every person not in perfect health has incipient gertr.
of some d)strbssing ailment in his or her, system.
Cold mutat!ter, overwork, recesses of any kind, art
liable to bring about just the conditions under which
those latent disease germs will ret the upper hand, and
put you on your back "dQy'n sick."
You who art{ t sn-down, tired -out, nervous —
You who. though not sick enough to give up, still
don */ feel ped—
You who ars apparently well, and react fo slay moll—
Take home a bottle of Recall Clive Oil Emulsion to-
day, and use it as a mean to ref well and keep meg
Relrall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve -food
In Otis it is differertt front most other so-called
' ton' which either have no food value and do noth-
ing more than temporarily stitnulate you, leaving you in
a worse condition than before or, having food value, still
m this community only
Sold at
TJ% Shag
are so unpleasant to take that many people can't Imp
them down.
Emil Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take. The
Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. The pure
Obve Oil nourishes both nerves and blood.
Recall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens you, puts strap
and ginger and vitality into your system- It makes you
fed better and stronger. It improves your digestion and
your bowel action.
/t tlesrfahu no akslsol nor any langerou, or 15.45 heeling
It is guaranteed to be just as represented above --US
do all that is claimed above - to est dy you in every
way. or your money back without quibble or question.
Enough for full two weeks' treatment. $1.06.
Sold only at The Resell Stores —the Worlds greatest
Drug Stores — and always with a full guarantee of com-
plete satisfaction, or your money back.
C• C. Dug/op, ,Phnlee8d•
Prunri:t, Bettfor8 Pact
?e/)L_LLISI In aans"Ki119 Of All:'