The Signal, 1914-1-15, Page 7Ver - iOrt- t is lers, Ict l y toes sings 1 1 a e l 1. A year ago b couldnst at Today be ells set *bee pane meals and eemetie.s one Tablets " basun ~ M•tb end caw Me • good dfgesde` You try *bet 2Sc. • bottle. All Druggists end Dealers or by 1 J) *lrrlwliBrliird„Trrre CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS which we are relilne off and will not he replaced. also anything our reiologue show. at very close priers, Call and ser thew. (let our prices on PLUMBING I1 EATING ELECTRIC WiRING METAL WORK and QOOkING Prompt attention paid to all order.. -W. R. FINDER Ptloae 155 HNwllt•,n Street BUSINESS IN A:rs s7`vc SHORTHAND - taneb by expert iastrocto a r Y KC. a. Lolanorc° ortT. Students essisted to positions. College in semis keen Sept faIsg free. EOM any time. s soe ta J W. Must I J W. rrt.tbsl atered'. it. rr M Nes- • L.S ncy .Wry ,clew• ,oir41 wing etch. r.hine and and ott- rn tae )nt. on - for to oes and Irk& PRETTY IS AS PRETTY DOES T)'i• familiar •*ying 31 .m's• applieahle io Show! A Shoe May IAP Vet prods T.•P1-yet•I"4.. heel and t,,. more.(••. met -obit and finish of the coir. b..t if it •r..mp. 111.. tow. it N lint... tor. 'ig1•', ..r even tot. Iarg.. it aunt d..! flight here be wilily. Ib. .h.'. anrs in. Henz o-ee to t IA's." Ile will fl -.1 a !Vert..." Rr. .e Ihwt •n.t.f."t w I, r" lion', 1" hand with ' h- r..ro art •ppeas • mince of your tont wear. ....woo .Asa Sharman the Shoe In Ir• havingporcha•ed the Inti. nee. forme.ly rondnete.l by P. B.Ilow di,•1•'•t•e, w• ru- pees dialing in Coal, Wood Lisa, Cement Fire Brisk, Ftc. we. will Noodle M r.nls.n and Lebhrb Valley (Jamal, 1 w Lary wide/. a,. r•ertgeme.d •s the hest. We lel-h 4' pie? 1116. de'• 4. of God.ncb and vicinity the hest..,,le' pus AMi., and shell he road in hear frees all mf Mr. Hnlahees' inessirssere •rd any ,,there w'bn wish anything Ie our 111.1.. All owners left with Ja•. Yea"., West eta *P. ptt'i».t'aly attended to. iicDouagh&Gledhill NEWS OF DISTRICT COUNTY ITEMS IN 'Riff FORM FROM OUTLyMro PLAOts Prominent Stock Buyer Dead in Sas forth - Clinton'. Sand will Wear .(fits-- New rectory Going uP in W ing am - Fernier Luau/wow Man's Murderer 4ried t* United butes -Mr. John Oliver died iu Kincar dine 011 Tuesday night Ia.t. Has Resigned Mr. L A. Sidle, principal of the Ripley pul'Itc school, bas resigned bis position. Ihrrr .o teach to Brightoo alter the New Year. Many Students There was quite an exodus last week frost Brussel. to Tureete Endo Strat- ford when the opening .M Normal schools took ota"Piu thaw cities, Quits • nuwrh,r of len wait". Colo. from tiruseels. Large Baby "!'he l u g•rt baby probably over lana in Ht two .x.uuty." says the Whar- ton E•h.• ••*-a. 1..ru to Ike. Mr. Dot- ted, of Il iph.u.t, on December 31st. a .1040 ..f )t: % ors of age The young- ster weighed lit p Changed Hose i'al s silos Neeliw, ib.- lady .uperintend- eat of the Royal Alex.ndra ho.pital at Fersroe for Ibs pais two and a half Nest.. h.,..rsigned her position there W Itrtept *oiu,.l.op„eitiun in the Kia- e.r,inr urn.. rill 11,a/falai. New Factory at Wingltam Work is lr.ng twitted nn Lois new larttry of the Walker A Clegg uphol- stering lout-t•iv. Whaghau., a large num her of exp •. t workmen being rru- plovel to replace the huild,ngdestroy- .d hr flee r..,,e ti,ur.Ro. Listowel Poultry/Air* The f1", h anon•1 show of the Li.tow el Poultry ,%..ine.atioa held ,.n Wed r.erday, Tem -otos and Friday of last week w: M a . 1r1.d y id soccer., the mortal nunll.r of rntrws twine aloof btu, o I.rger uuwrwl• than in soy year pre - v Anniversary Services .%nuivrliiery ....vices were hell in Kiulnugli Pseshytenau chill ch on Sun- day,.auua.y. lith. e.'odoctrd by Rev. C. ',. airKrusi-, On Monday even - tug Hee. W. A B.adkv. •'f Terrwetrr, diorite.r.l his I. -citrate un •'Pat and His 1r141.d Time for Payment Fixed Lucen,a conned, in ctmr:deration tat tl.et. bins nn t.z collector to re- mind te+.•pl. thi. year, have extended lbs t our tar pay non t . f saxes into Mot. soh. 13•nk 'mid January 12. All tuxe* not p.id by that date will lir .ubject- eI t,• 5 per cert eau la. Former Lutknow, Man Murdered At the preliminary hea.- i g ntt,Caltfurnia on Janu.ry 1hh„lot ('sor- b. Beeson, . haricot w It11 k'IIujm Thomas Moor.., nr Locknow. OnL, tbe•von I)ecetelwr Ilth, the prisoner rya- .rat 10 the sillWrl,rr COW t Yo to tried lot ILI.der in the final degree. Golden wsddng .n Ripley The 11.,tn.'-t Mr. and Mn. Thomas AIrt;.nrorll, el Ripley. lre.ru'rd a very pretty "erne tau Tursd.y, th-snub,-& :l,th..1 being the S/h11 anoivere.' y of t heir wedding The entire !atony of none ch11Jr.-n weir h.. f..r 111e oc- casion •.ear ort whY h bad never suet ord. 1r., and istssi • happy wresting. were •zrbaug.•.f f.y the ,,..user•. of I he (airily Ma,. Commix!. Mr. Use. Milligan. of )31,welr. ha. taken neer the contract elf mail "tier owl it.ir.I Route No. 1. M•'rr.r town- ship. •neatpaasin. n h. 1 bins mod lout t b hoe-. •rea.eine with Etward 1,.'wrv, whose .end.-, had horn accepted some tone ea' Mr. Luw.y '.ark chert" for 4 week .•r so anal hi. rocrwa.o, "tu•..rmerel 1.0. wee. Mr. Alil'igin wu1n.. d.uot give tlr ditties rueful at. relee. Kincardine W.dd.ng , .% Tort wnldn,g took t'Lsr• in bin. c...i34.. nn Sat"Ada). JN'.u.ry :till. wizen Mt Devitt Hamilton au.' '.11.. Lowe. Fwuty. •Id•.t .I..sghi ..r .11 Mrs. J. Flenty% all of %wirlgte.n.• woe iin•,.•.I in the h•dy hood. of rastela...fey, 11,..‘- ti. t.vH. A. neaps. per fo.sung 111• ode efr,-w3,ny orf t.be Chu'ch of England The 4. -id.- WAS .slt.nd.J 1.7 la.•r 424.1e.44, M.... 11 Weigh.. 11... harpy .•..upl•- tourn•d t,. AViogleans "n V,rnelsy and M *Pe r.••'Mving the antgrwtuliuuus of c t heir I rived*. a a THE SIGNAL GODBRICH ONTARIO Tlauryro•r, Januarys t3. 11214 7 her native tows, bat for mete Yvan liT HELENS pet she baa resided in Bristow bre treated tbsre as a nurse and sinew case very suoos•sful in her profanities. Stott Buyer Dead lltr. Joh,. Michael Downey. who bad bees ssr4n My Mt for several weeks. prised away at his home ea William street, in t'Mafoeth, 'lei Tuesday, Janu- are tit h - Mr. Downey had rrrided In Ho•fortb •bout b years, h.ving removed there frusta hie tern) to. lire a'4betruo road, east mf St. l'oluml'A.. to his earlier hfe after leaving the tares be was extensively engaged in the stock Lowing stud sbippiog busi- ness. Mr. Downey was 104 years of age. *n.1 ie •w 31333111 by bis widow sad two dalrsthterw. The funeral took p1.'. to St. Juane.' cemetery ,n S.ra- turth. ii COULD NOT BUNCO bawl dies E. Hutherfoarl h boosts from he• WESTFIELD Mr. %V. J. Pars. Inas waved into bis naw larerfeti x•. Mr. rod Mr.. Haouon Carter 'spent C1u•I.tts,ar ..l %V oestrous. Air. Ubr.t.r T.ylar, of NL Helens, stout Sunday at AI.. Wer. Ferrule's. Mr. and Mn- AVM Crueler, of Crewe, spent Christmas at Mrs. th•ozier'r old house hese ]lir. 1J. D ►rkley Is spending part of the holiday* with her mater, alai. AI - bent. l;aotyla 11 Hr. Jaws. Wood. ireuutewbat poor- ly but we bope to hear sown of hie re- newed hewn b. Mr. AVM Uuvier•nd family. of the Hale 1111,, -.pent ('ut-a*tm.s at Couuril- lor lluuhauan'e. Mr. Elva McDowell, with his sister., Misses glia r►ud Mabe., visited at Dan - gasman lama week. M1,. Russel Wuodr, of Blyth, spear Huoday vu.ung bio pairute, ILL.. and Mr.. Jeusee Wooers. Mn. W. odcuck and Mita Josie Woodcock. of Blyth, spent ghettoise Pay with 11n. h.irdu,y, fiery. J. . ta.wplrll spent the Christmas bulidays with bis daughter, Mrs. N. t,. A....1,•• of Siroco.. Mr. Jsu.es McClinton and Miss Ada MaCltriton. " .,. u.., • .., .went a taw days et 'Vesttialdrrnewi,, , old friend- r• :and M'•,. R ober• McDowell and dalienten. of Ou-1v,n b, are spending the holiday. w..n tbeic•uu, all. Mar- vin 31cLo,e. 11. Air. and Mn. Jar. Cook and family, of Myth. tar .,.K WI) 11 4 11.oulwr of oth- er acyuaintulces, spent UM homer 1)..y at Al ... n c ost,a's, a Mt . John Bell rut ► Arufly and .\ Ir Janie,. K.dwu...••ofthe *e.t., are home -PraldiUg IOUs. owe with their parent., AI r. stun ale.. J. Redmond. Tor Wee. field posto.fl .- is to he a thing o1 the pa.l ef.ec December 31st, when it will clow it• dour. owing W the rural wail delive.lre. \Ir. Roy $tackhouwr,ot Qu.. -o'. l'ni- ver.tty, Kingston', t.,rd a flying visit to hi. cuu.roa, 4r. %Vw. Stackbou,e and MI'v, Wal, McLroa'ell, last week. Mr. %V.Ilrce Jacksou, wile and fa n- ily am house ttvw ti,, writ. They are speediug a Icw days Ivuewing old nc- tma111railtX. heti. It is a number of year. since Ale. Jackson• La, been now", but time has not made ally changem his familiar fact'_ PORTER'S HILL Aire. Hall Rnttedge spent '.ltristwas in 'Toronto. 1,11. Frank Hillock is on the .ick list with pneumonia. air. and Alnt. Mair will reside near Spri ug oars k. Hat -old Putter, of Hickson la vi.itiog at 11. W. Pot Leri. 4lr. O. W. Putter spent Sunday at Curses Crowing - Miss Addle Cox was swotting a week with her brother in (h,itioresr. Mr. +tod Mrs. Clem. Newton were viritrlog u1 Stratton) • -.t mirk. Mrs. A. McDutytall...,d Misr Alinnie, of Ihn.ganuuu, visaed Jere recently. • \I ass Luella Trchu of ne and Uwe La.,na 11.11ock are visiting is ':oion- 'A,. -Mr. John Torrance knot, improving i SS halt .s his molly Lsiews. wools wish. Mr. and Mrs 1.o. ne Tabor and M))•r- tie Uar.hul spent the butidaya at Mr. %Vtu. J00n41,.- .. Mr. .new Mr". Wi,l UcD,.n,tld and '1 Mews. Fljronce and Al l., Melirn.IJ, of Uetru,t., "yen" Chi -warier WI,u mutter. Ms. end Mrs. Hodges, of Kinl,os. Mr. L. %'auurru.+tgu, of K+ucatdmr, Mr.. AIurpuv acts .tar,. alvei. tat u"u, ...tendril the who'd of %V, E. Veuderbwgu oil %Vrwlr.Jny . were ego. \ piety weldini »a* Bode zed 1 et .b• home tat W.. au, .►l,•. Juuu l Coq( oo J+unary ICL, whets their A youngest uauguter, "toggle, b. came t the l.rid. of ''.ru. Mai.. r±pi iugi.a..k, '1'b.- ceremony was pe, f,.. oro by Ker, r. tecl.:.,rwlck• usu.. et ldoiw.esv.11e rcuiL The beth, who w.r give° way 1.7 her f..t:r., w.. unattended nd rut...' eo the pro ,.•r to the .tali'. f the wedding lu.rcll played ny err v.s.Mlh,Igskstsawwr .c A LOYAL Mr. and M.P. Alez. Yonne nil At •s li.uwh,of()VUrr,cl.,.petit New 1ear•11 with M,. end AI .. J..hu ('Is, k o.s l .. family. Mr. Amnia Ma. Farlorn.. atuJeut ea 11M the Ouu.tin Velerl.N.y t.I'.-ge, Tn- eo.,t.•, h.. Leet %I -Leg .1 t1,, to I' O. Mr. A r,.) I r W U rt. rot, Tue m4l.I w n+h.,• wb•col we have trees ' njoyir•g will Lelp 1 u. h ,o 10 su,•r..n Ih.- osmics. 111•awluh.%r u boot excilit un.11y tin.-. 1 L %Ve lea. ti that. our friend. Mr. liar, y Monts 11N :a -eh ulster *11 4114.1-1,1.11r e I,. also at .he •. 1 h..er.1 in (1.,,,,, icl . (t'"hitat Oat., Ue. Uolty 14 fool 1r op....hi U .uday a Rh Oil's RarUry, of L,u.g.nno,., •a. I. -ca sae, Veer 13.akky, 4. se. 'meteor 111 il.e ser: - I100 wuh µ..eine and pupil-. . %Vellls,n cPteer, our respell*, vi. I,w.•, hn ....h the thiole 1.'r Ilse thine, g 311-13 1 l U. ('.clow 1t•ebrhm, atAir..Mei..r., id*y night. U..r vola.e nr«.',watt ps..1 a flying •,sot t. /aiuua,. ll,•,,.,at•, It{ w.. ecasp•l.iw 1.7 air.. 1-.tuu,t *..o1 M w H earl, wb..1%11111.d t Isere w 1111 I r14 - ll *. a for a row ,la) P. M1s. belle Yoweg hos retort nod In 110.11wW, to reeuwr her tinier se Bother slur ei sealing the (hr atsn•a • au. 411111 with her poeo,s. Mi, and MN. W. F. Yowl. M,. Th.r.wee IS.11...,.. who ban sprat the poet )ler with bj..rwt•. Messes. Jess sad U,re et. at ('••'Ian Mgr. Aha., ttiuo n tun.-si h ."no'. He w.. scents. - Penh.) by hie dearth's- M1.. Mattie, Ire. bra "neer in tl.r we.t for a of year.. Clintoo. A hockey match was played on the rink today. Mies Margaret Clark spent the walk- out ss II[iwtafl. Mr. Donald Clark, of Perth, is home for the holidays. Mrs. W. E. tiordon is spending • week at Uode, icb. Misr Lane. of Lane House, is visiting her uncle, Mr Hammer. ylr. Herman Phillips spent the week -end at W ingh•e. Miss Margaret Webh, of IhuDleood. G hoe. for the holiday'. Mite Whiteman, of %Westfield, visited at Mr. (;lark's nu Tuesday. Mr, O': Malk.ld and Mrs. 1. T. Salk - OM spent /Sunday at Kt. Helens. Mr. Jas. Joyot, of Toronto, was, spending bis vacation on the farm. The Christmas entertainment Calvin church `Sunday acbool w.,, w attended. The students and te,,ebers w spending their holidays at their "meetly« buses Mr. Jae. B.ker'bas opened an n air rink et the liti:k yard pond. It well "p* t r"nixed. Mr. J. %V. rinikeld and Miss Halite of Onderich, "pent. Christmas Day Mr. %V. E. Gettjme Mr. aril Airs. Janes \litche: a childl-en, *.I 'J'or,nto, spent ('bristle at 41r, J. \\'rlr.lr.'r, Alio. C. 11,Irnin r.'. iv,d the sad mes...ge of 11..e. 'doter. Mix. .tlexander 11Pid'.death .t her home at Aberfoyle, un Sat noisy. Ale. Frank Todd has hought a piece of hush on the Laidlaw farm and is ltaking advantage of the sleighing to heel the In.,' Pr to his mill. alaliK.nzir *adieus, of Win- nipeg. M'. M, MacKenzie •*.tl deligh- ts., "t Ki fail, and air. John MMoc- Kenzie v.silr,l et the haute of Mr. Clark lire rid ..f the week. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mi. And '41.. O. F. Edwards visited Al,. Rola. A'1 emit, of Holwesville, on A1..., I.. y, M1. and A1.s. Thos. Cox of tbe sixth entertained a: oumher of 1 bl it f. tr...I. ..n 'Vedtresdey evening ofbog ave.k Mi.. I v•. 11.•Itrien, of r'rystal City, \I,uitob+,, e,.d Mr. Bert. Davidson, of Carthwright, Manitoba, arrived last west to Visit relative. in the township. The many friends of Mr. Keg. Sturdy will he pleased to hear •hat lie has fully recovered from r 1 the revere /all teca•iv. 0='1 while playing hockey on l'hristntus Eve. Ar the w•rl) attended 5 lay school l'ihle ciao. meeting on Aluiiday even- ing held in the new church under the efisiluirnehip of the Rev, A. W. Brown an interesting presentarton was emote by 1t. as Lyda Walters. of gold chain and lu'kPt. The present tar Mr- lIrrwn fitly said, was the gift of the church Na N whole sa s symhnl of appre.iatia, they hold for the faithful set vicee Mi.. Walters had rendered as organ Wt for N number of years. Such recognition was telt to he overdue by the people and everyone wee thus hearts) glad t..out prisr Ali,. Walters" iu cnr matter. She felicitiou.ly replied and spoke highly of 1 he .choir that aloud hy,her through the years of her work among them. or ell ere te- pee ie Id, at new as DUNLOP alis. \Vinnie Shaw, now of Toronto, spent l'brist.was Day at bowe. Mrs. Fotheriogbaw was spending Christmas with her daughte., Ali.. Cluttno. MI. and Mrs.11orace Horton and family .pent their Christmas in town, the guests t t ar. stud Mr.. nostrum' llchoourne, Augisrra street. Abs. Jessie Lioklater, of Bayfield, Mu., .lean elutt,n, of Cs. Lhagr, mud Mire Ruth Shaw, of Nile, teachers, Iso were house for the hultdsyr. Mr. Hubert McKay, %Verden of Huron county, paid • visit to Couu- illor Clutton last week. Mr. McKay s a brother to Ai,. Mslculw McKay 0t own. Mr. W. Jewell or North Dakota has bought the propel Ly lat.ly owned uy M, s. Uuu,lu.og. +,tau ,r &C0.•iug w this week. Mr. Jewell is a sun tat Ur - 'homes Jeaelt r4 1134,4 place. rue t,wusbip as to be raved the :penes 01 all election this year, a. Mr. J.,nee Cbish,lw lulu Mr. Levi usder will go .n by acclamation, uliag the More of Mee -re. Ulutt.n, +u..l .UeL. 1) . oh.. Lvov. it.i.rd. Au,w,g14. Ubr.•,u,a. motors this vc,ar Weir, Alts- O.v1rt l'lultun *1111 nlldrsll, U, Sirast. 01 ; M , a11d Alit, ldl.ry 11 ran. of Extort, wins toelr leo d*ugbte,'. ; AI:. t'ugh, of Toruutu ; It. hermit, \ewtOu, a,s, of lurouto, ,.rwr, ly tat L esta,ru. f'ne \'ur..1Wa, rulr'r.1l4,ewe,lt al lreowr41 we * c .edict. •u, rest. Tia tunreh *a. Oiled 1 • its 4twu.a' ceprelty awl ryas bevy meawy .leww- a..J wmt11 evtrarar,I. ..t.( CMrr.twla. Orli.. Atter Wv Upeuusd earl ct.re a boa all of abs !lured -y s:boi.l w, s • w.qg. ,ri t • arar+,r.•dta►1ee mfg J..uu t,,biu..',,, tit the ••Immo `aces') Nester" oust w... putts iu n1. urs*. good .•tyle .led lo,•ugut down w bots, .A re.,.t.wi thio the cn011, l'he 11.11x.'' w*i la ...ly go -en. A sling by Mt.. adaik w... lac bopine. 1..,d. A.1.•g I•uu, the 111114*•!, 1...r eueltLfd ' J..., a 1.11,. sop et no .t.,` was al n w r*tly en - .y../. '1..r tittle ge 1- I.."►r•I vet y their 1-J.t.11.•e., 11.• U1a- Clinton s land %Tsar lir of R' , Tlmtyy •. h*. hren mlt*sr• les I.wnfrmir.Mr''iir the l I:noon Colson'. 14 .nd, alter Irat hall Mao miscue.. /hes.ly. Ti..- hand I.ai l.reo w crel.t 1'' the town. Al. though suffering from many diad. vellugr• and .rt1.a^k•, Mr. le,.ib,.tr,, 11111 0...luul.1 fell. the bond up ill an *1.encm•1 ate:" ..f ,m...rni y. r,.. h..s• Ass..1, i lel In g•1 new n .if•anos and has• t Intern the P.glul•r a,e•.lrlt m•Iiuty C •t'N... *..,l in lotus-- will le kso.w n as III.. Ciento.. kill ►e 14.1'.'. Choir tntertained In, F'r.'ay .-ening, Janorie •jn,I, lir • e «' r''1 8 . Pa UI'■ .a, 11 r''h, W 'IV - han.. era. very InepitaWy sone. twined hwy.. and %fi". \ H. WVi11I• at their home Heberel.'s...tins the poreeisr w•..J • h'.d..', Vr. \Villi., war Ins -elated th aerr y hen.lerso ilv..- ed urn►•rvga. sedrr'.ly en Yews. R-. K H. Cody, B A , nate .try happy nor. --h Almond tb., Irwla"iun sad Mr. I$rk Moon pteeenl,d'begirt. Mr. Willis wt.. .e,y womb 4"t•M* h the kind ren• itwenta rsp.M•..i by hi. ream, *new weal. a «.iral.l- r' -$v. ••Pix h.'. • J011v g..o' f-11ow" war 'hon ►wog n,...t boorttly by a I proem.. Morse -McPherson Wedding A quirt wedding In wbi. b titers L7intoot prrtfrle will hs Wormed ,, r.k pia•. r•• .rrlly sr tlsat:Imre*..f •he Ad- vent, One? ass. Ma-.,. when Mise Jest. P. deept..sowe •, only Ao.Rbtrr .4 the Iso. D. V. M.'pMr+•w sad Mrs. Nae. pt.e+.rsw. ,r mists. kb. (rya molts, to Dr. U«u•ge %V. Mone. of Broom- l'h* trM.h.R wee a rely .dot row, rwly wart hotfoot, frimell Was Iwr•r.rt'. w fl. Mid. Is wet booms Is litotes. os • 43. :nape scar LU, 131 ..n lotto. e nl h. •..Lleg steal Wolk 111w.1Ir t .e - oulr,r u1 au lima,. It held cur IL* II.uel of Lit* **hilt ice U'uw lira& to r . 'I hr )w. o.rn.s a ..3• 01 toe coe- r.alul ,mrd 011 hole ckvrr n inJ., ing THIS MAN Not Ne Uwe ler Peddle. t11.111og W.rtbs.ee M.d4.la.. Clooawrall7, ONT. 1 was pestered last week with a tra- velling agent who said he had heard that 1 was troubled with Rheumatism. 1 told slim I had been and he wanted to sell me souse .rt her tisedicine. 1 answered that I Wu taking GIN 1'ILLS, the only medicine that did me any good. I told hint that I had tried various other medicines but none had done me any good but GIN PILLS and that I always kept a box in the house. GIN PILLS have done me more good than any other medicine 1 have ever taken. Osrr. Sr itog 'ON, Don't be im upon. Don't accept substitutes. If your dealer won't simply you with GIN PiLLS, at the re•lar retail price of fir, • hoz, 6 for j-u3.5o, send direct to us. Sample hos free if you ."rite National Drug and Chemical Co. if Canada, Limited, Toronto, Mena& -'foie Blom' and Nerve Tablets are the Lest all round tonic for pair, thin blondes, petpte, soe. a box. of it- 11..n came a song from the BopScontr,.i,.bo were di owed in ant. 101111 sod .seat their parte well. A read- ing fro,,, Ali.- Lizzie Horton was very 1 III t•rP3t1Y - tall. K eau '1Veatr tent- ing to -night. wast acted• illustrating al, remit in the Civil %Vas 4.1 Hick). The school gave a crumb.. A short recitation by Joe Bogie. "The Mis- take," " e r 1rn •1 mrd 1 , en'oohs P - ort. the choir again sang -Toe Christi,,,►+ Fare- well." The tree which woe well load- ed with Cht hammier. tit wits stripped. after which the doxology %vis .un and everyope wrist home well pleaaet,l with the e%eningb or••ertain•o•nt. The proceed. •minuted to about twenty- five dollars. - AUBURN Mr. Roy Stalker came from Sarnia for the holiday. Mr. O. Alrllveen, of Watford. visit- ed at Mr. A. Asquith... 31r. Norman Muteb, of Ha,nilton, came horn. for Christmas. Mr. Wlltrid,Arrnsrrnnr, of Moose Jaw. i• hone. for rhe winter. Mr. Reuben Tevlor and fancily. of Ra.katoon, , a home to spend the win- ter Mr. Wm. Stnndv and family. of Wiugbxul, spent Christmas at their former hone hero Mr. Not marl %IcBrien and his Meter, Miss Gerti-, were vd.itorel *t their uo- de'■. Mr. W. B. Pattereoree. 31r. Albert Wilkin. end 41r. Alex. Owsbaldiston and f •milit,, of town. spent CM irtmae at 31r. George Doer - %1111'e. Mr. Wm. Sparks and family, of Pint Klgi.. Mr. Edward Moir. of See - forth and \Vm. Mole, of Dungannon. were l'hristwas vi.itor. Nt John Just Arrived in Goderich 1 January Sale When you are hunting bargains drop in inspect our Fur Coats Overcoats General Clothing Swe ter Coats and Odd Winter Gann( to -be sold at reasonable prices. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents. for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfeld's Underwear, At4ow Brand Collars and Cuffs. anti Powell Hats s What About That Furnitue? You have contemplated buying for some time ? - Now that the holiday season is over and the long winter evenings are ahead, don't you think it advisable to call on us and buy that furniture which is needed to give the finishing touch to the home ? Our stock shows a complete range -in every line and you will find our prices right. ROUM131-ER PH•IONE 89 The Signal will be sent to any address n Signal Canada to Jan. 1st, 1915, for only $t.00. Send in your subscription now. •• , The v IFane Ri't Is to h. -'.ren' it, F. J. Iletlen 4's drug .tore And on every bottle of Sageine hair totl'r,hat i• gm eine and sold ender a po-Itis« gu*r4n- lee to stop fallieg ban • reedit -toe din• d. RR anal to grow the 100.1'Ilfelt'. e,*,..-. d• If hair in thick, .oft and 1..x• u•irn•. 5.g. -in. t• a Hein, .rientltic hail •"nim, *44mp•1ar1 of 1b. on ..t mod. eon bait pro.furing and h.sntifyi.•g scents ; it Ix free I greasy soli. •t ,ores, is not a dye *nd is deintry p„fn.nrd. Sameirte is the fa•.•nte of paltires•p•nplrstet i• -.•!d in rind.- rich end at F. J. Bol land'. d, ug •r o. P. 8 •g• ins only al)•. so es to bring it within I *.-b .1A I. felfitlri Matrass A Carelessly Treated Cold is the source of most sickness because drugged pais, syrup and alcoholic mixtures are uncertain and unsafe. Scott's Emulsion has been relied upon by physicians for forty yeah as the safe aad ser..ible wcirawo remedy to suppress the cold and build up the tnirftpenfeebled forces to avert throat and lung troubles. Ain't t lerlati. alcoholic sabotitut.s, held miss: on the Oastttttea soaet'. E'aeaaskra. am bottle alma* Seats longer than a cold. Emory demurest has tit. I. ts 1J v ARE YOU GOING TO USE AN Electric Motor? We handle the Petit -base -Motor", osanufacterel by the l.'anadian Union Electric Co., of Toronto. These Motor* are noted ter their high efficiency and power -factor. ample ventilation, high starting torgue, analt overall sire, snlln,I mechanical construction and smooth running. They comply in •11 reep.cta with the require- ment. of the Engineering `standard+ Committee. In event of any accident to sour motor the repairs cut. LP had in twenty -fuer hoar*. We have in "tock nor each of the following horse -powers, -_l. 2 3. ~S Ad 7. 41 700 d/o•t&stakitys elf *MOW t .31441' Oran s,aL CIN Mors. and get a h00k11.1. %Ve ren supply then, in .ant. horse -power yon require. f` r Now that the electric current is on ell .l.y why not RPI an Ki- ertric Vit noon ('1e*n,r. Whets you hate one of Lbeo.e it uaeaos that, there it nu •p,iug or fall bower 'leaning -your home is .Iowa.. Clare. You do not know how touch dirt theme is in your ewrpete until you try on% of mbar vacuum clediners. %Vff rent tb.n nt *2.00 per dry, 4, d - ,K tar . . • 1 Purchase prier', 045.o9. or with bone *bd curtain, well mot stair carpet •ttacbasea'. *55.00 Do not f 'rget our Stock -taking lsale of sundry gds: Wats the biig window for goods on sale this week. CHAS. C. LEE Hardware, Plumbing. Electric Wiring sad Steam Fitting.