The Signal, 1914-1-15, Page 5•
We haus In operat1M as beet mac jar Luse
A a155/154,151111/10111 geesft dolls are to be etime a
mast MAt
nut Item e Imo aate nighhe or ty y you �• less murepair the largest blow
out elf tone. price than 11 you vent it
Being us oche of your old tires and let ss show what we can do
with it.
Yoe year we have hem study•
lug the emitting M e watch and to-
day we eau cure the won desperate
eases. •
Let your watch spend a few days
1n aur wati•h hospital and it will
Dome forth almost ae good ae new.
J. S. Davey
J-.ra1Mr W Mel.
Selling Agent for
Sill Word to the Wide
Absolutely witbout doubt the
hest and 1110.4 ream, ble place to
Iwrebase your Electrical Fix•
tures and Supplies. The Hydro
day:urrent is here now. what.
abqut an HHlectr•cel Iron? We
have two kind', all guaranteed
for a term of years.
We have for the ladies Curl-
ing Iron Heaters, 00 soot or dirt.
They aro very suitwhkt for dress -
Ing table,, being .if excellent fin-
klectriral ()ostracise
(ioilerich, oyerSignel, and se
Clinton, 1)oek'i Block 11 el
PHONE 167 (,
-MI.. Lilian Whiting spent the
holidays et her tome In elernie.
--Take the little ones to the poultry
show at the town hell seat week.
--lits. Whisk Challenger, of Lis-
towel was a guest at her bows here
last week.
-Ring ant the old. ring in Use new,
at Tailor I'd idhasu's store you'll get
your quo.
--Miss Jessie McDonald of the Bell
Telsohooemummer is on duty again
after a bevel -oldness.
-Hr. J. A. Campbell arrived from
Haralltcn uo Tuesday of last week, to
join her husband herr.
-Little Warren Bamford, son of
Mr. Thomas Bamford, who ban been
111 with pnwasonia, is improving.
-Mr,. end Mrs. \Vilalam Strachan left
on Saturday morning to spend the rest
of the winter in the "Sonny South. --
-Mr. and Mrs. J. McArthur and
child returned to their hone hero after
•rending a •hots visit with friends in
Verdun.l til:jTlat Rj
-The .thureek Chapter of the D.O.
11. will hold their regular meeting on
Monday, January 1N, at 4 paha , in the
tour' house
-Mr. Elwin Anderson, who spent
the summer at. Meskatoos and in
other parts of the west, returned
home Iasi week.
-- At rearm tneeting of the Cana-
dian Order Home Girds the SUM of lel
wen donated to the Alexandra Marine
sod General Hospital
--Dr. Strang will address the meet-
ing in the Temperance hall next :,un -
day afternoon and toasters Leon and
Frank Adam's will sing.
- lapt. :1kx. and Airs. Craigia•, of
Cleveland. Ohio, spent .the holiday
newer with relatives in town. 'They
have returned home and have taken
Mr. Craig/in'', soother, Mrs. Alex.
Crei,ie, with there for a short visit.
-Mr. Win. Clark, revision tahM
nod conduit foreman of the Bell
Telephone Ccwptny, of Stratford,
wag in town on Tuesday on Muine•s.
-The Mia•es Jetn and Aima Lawson.
of Detroit, spent the past ten days in
town. visiting their parents, Capt. .4.
and Mrs. Lawson, Wellesley street.
-Many poetoMcey are being cut off
s • result of 111e extension of rural
ail delivery. making the Mem me. -
lees. The following offices have been
o,sed in Hump county : Blake,
hiaelhur•t. Drysdale. liurondele.
Bad Storm
Used in conjunctio
with Nyal's Cherry
Cough Cure this Plas
ter is very effective, es
pecially suitable fo
'relieving Children'
We have all the seasos,anl
househRemediesld. Remedies and Medi
ciu. , Let us supply your seeds
James A. Campbell
PM. 11.
Forth rt. and lir++,rate. lioderich
PkIONE 110
The worst storm of the season wee
seen here on Monday. From early
in the morning until late at night e
lrlizzamsd howled all day. A gale from
the north-west accompanied by a
blindies enow storm Riede the storm
a piercing one. Consr.iuentlyy the
street. were almost deserted and
I business all day was . a standstill.
Alt l the trains weir late in gettiug
I here.
Meeting Adjourned
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather nn Monday afternoon, there
was such a ellen ettendastce pteeent at
the monthly rueeting of the General
1 Brough ehepter of the l.0.D.E.
that Dr. 11. 1. Strang. who was to
have spoken on the development of
tesp'insible government Untie,- the
English constitution, deferred his ad-
dtesw and the 'fleeting war adjourned.
Colborne R. L Oyster Supper
The annual fowl dent oyster supper
given under the auspices of the (,o1 -
borne rifle lesgue wad held in Sniffled
on Thursday night and it was highly
successful in eyet'y sense of the word.
After an excellent supper, cards and
dancing brought an enjoyable gather-
ather -
in g to a dins.. in the early boors.
On this day ',meinas a .hiw,t was
IseW when Captain Win. McWhinney t
1.eee....•.ISauer Kraut
Fresh Frozen
White Fish
Ptmsta tit W. J. POWELL ewe
team wan by a .mall margin /roes the At Osgood* Haft
squid i he' \I r. 04'u. 8ys4- *shwa t
D..oq w Pr,wdrtot
Mr. Ora/with COnditioa for from jtmMAUL t trig
b7 delimit
September, 1013. /Lotion by s
1 R. "pW.dilfa. ooi.nt. It. h
barrio -
I r A. IL Brady* editor and pub-
Iiaber of The algsal, Ia not gait, w
well arias today. but hb physician, tit.teat
are hopelul that he wUl soon be • barrister and sodicltoe •ldee{oi
at»nnd attain. foe specific performance of contract
t deliver g
midi and soHcitoe of Magi
o ver turf, par value of bond.
Public Meeting of Horse Shoe Quarro Co. of St.
Cafor the mak og o seoounta or
breach of contract. At tried jud
mint was given plaintiff for 311
without costs. Appeal dismissed wit
A public mnth
etlsg I° e IserreNs o[
The nada Temperu.oe Act I.. being 1n
alternative for d for
held lu the Temperance ball tonight.
The local ministate will take pert and
Rev. Mr. J. Muir. of Toronto, will be
the chief speaker.
County Council Meeting
The county council will hold its
first regular meeting on Jaime&y 27th
to the council chamber, court house.
At this meeting the new council will
be sworn in and other preliminary
busiueas transacted.
An Old Subscriber
Mr. Ja.uteeorr-Reid. in renewing hie
sub.eription to The sigKnal the other
day, stated that he bud bawl a subscrib-
er for forty year. Judging from his
vigor and activity, Mr. Jbeid is good
for another quarter of a century. and
we hope to have his nesse o0 our list
for a great many year yet.
Officers Elected
The regular monthly weetiog of
Canadian Order Home Circle, was
kick, on Friday last wheu the following
officers we appointed : Leader,J.84in
Tons To ; Vice -Leader, Mrs. McNally ;
Secretary, B. iPridhato ; Treasurer, crowd will be on skates that evening.
N. E. Hick ; Fin. Sec. Mr. Warnock; Tbe careival has had its attendant
Chaplain. Mrs. Stoddart; Marshall, excitement for many past year and
G. Warnock ; Wardeo, Mrs. Currie : skating eutbusiasta ate dways o0
Guard, S. t'lark ; Sentinel, 5P. band, on oocaeiona of this kind. The
\V. l'urrie.
Uood Concert
TYUs.oAY, J.a)ru.t,sr 136 014 5
Timm Men s is Killed in llentietsi. W
/rrlsd an tbs Saturday
Sad anal Impressive was the funeral
of the late Mr. Thomas Edward Kemp,
19 years. son of Mr. and Mrs.
N. Kemp. which took place
from is parents' reeideuce on New-
gate street to St. (leortte'• church,
day lt r•n000 Oe The service wee
g-, conducted by Rev. J. B. Fut.heriaghatu
W I and a large number of friends and rel
Social Evening
A emelt enjoyable social evening was
spent on Thursday of last week by the
members nod friends of the Goderleh
hrenrh of the Women's !natituu.
Ganges ,tial a Musical programme took
up the forepart of the evening. About
10 o'clock an auction .:,le of the well
filled loses supplied by the ladies,
took place tsoder to�ee management of
of Mr. (iuudry, which caused is great
deal of amusement and from which a
nice sum was realized. Proceeds will
be used forcbariteble purposes.
Thanks err due the stewart ore be,-
tre for the liberal supply of music.
First Carnival
The first carnival of the season to be
held here is billed for 'Fied.tyy night,
January 1.4n1. Maats,:er Goldthorpe
will have • splendid sheet of ice. good
weather permitting, and as thi. Is the
first to bs held, in this part of the
country. it is expected that a • bumper -
The Forest City in tie quartette, of
London, como used of Mevers.(i.H,An-
drews, halftone soloiet.snd first lues,
Freu. H. Dowtey, basso soloist and
second have, 11. S. \\'alker. tenor solo-
ist and era tenor and .1. Eldou West -
man, soloist sod accompanist land
secoud tenor, will be the chief feature
of a concert to tie held in the North
street Methodist church on Thureday,
Januaryl"Sud. A fine programme has
bear prepared.
Poultry Show
The eighteenth annual' exhibition
given by the Huron county poultry
and pet stock association, which com-
mences in the town hall hereon Tune -
day next, promises to he one ..T the
wort successful affairs of its kind ,.vet
attempted here. Extensive prepara-
tions are under way and it. is expected
that the show will far surpass any-
thing held in previoir, year. The list
of entries is daily increasing; and with
out a doubt, a fine lot of fowl will he
The executive are doing all in their
power to make the .bow ane of the
best ever seen here and the patronage
of the generis) public is anted. Toe
admtasioa is only to Beats and the visi-
tor will get bis full value tot his
Ten ti;elow Zero
The mild weather which had
veiled all winter gave way et rht
ginning of this week to conditions
sterner . ariety. Monday was an
fashioned January day, with wind
snow and child, and the mercury k
goitre; down until 10 degree* be
tato was reached on Tuesday tuorni
Yesterday was much Builder, althnt
a raw wind was blowing. At
onto it was •. below zern,at Kingst
Ottawa and Montreal :.'S below.
below ie not bad, but i;, is quite
enough for us, and our sympathy
extended t� the people who baa
withstand the subarctic temperatu
of Toronto and other eastern cit
As The Signal has more titan
bad occasion to remark. this L
Huron district is the ebananiebelt:
Farmers Club
The carmen• club held a '.scoes•(
weetiog in the Orange bull, fou
commission, on Wednesday. Janu
7th, and added another •uc
event to the long line of meed
held I:y thar club. The topic under
discussion was ''Co-operation- and it
was ably dealt with by )f yeses.
Revell, Montgomery, Sowerby, .Mc-
and Salkeld.
During the meeting Messrs. David
Ball and .los. taithwaite gave a dnet
which was much enjoyed.
At the next meeting scheduled to he
held et the same place, the topic under
discussion will he ••Farm \I,snage.
meat." It will bedelt.vith hy Moque.
John Sowerby, Reeve W. H. Lobh,
J. B. Orr, ItobL Andrew,. \Val. Nee
tel and James Hell. Mr. Dermot Mc-
Evoy bas he,n appointed chairman.
The executive extend, a hearty
welcome to all.
one on Friday night promisee to be a
Talk of Proceedings in Correction with
the Reeveship
Whether or not a0 attempt will be
made to have Reeve -elect Robert
Elliott di:qualified is indeed prob-
lematic. Theis- is considerable talk
over the twitter, but all those directly '
interested are non -committal and the
rumors are ynconfirmed. It is pos-
sihk. however. tbdt proceedings will
he taken on the grounds that he crn-
not fulfil the property requirements,
but at pt•eseot there sums to )w
n. thin;; definite.
Owing loci:. uuastanees which seem-.
ed unavoidable, we were linable for a
few weeks to give the usual amount
of space to the news budgets from our
district curettpoodeuts. Thi. week we.
publish several eoluma- o1 this district
news, a0.! hereafter we hope to be
able to afford space for all tare budgets
sent in by the diligent new, -getter,
In the case of any uorepresented
tmi••t, we should be glad to hear from
anyone who would nodertake. to sup-
ply the news from that district,
Alda The annual meeting of the Colborne
and Telephone M stem was held in the
?pv township hall J enuary `nth. President
O. R. Former. in the chair. after a few
preliurinaly remarks called for the
Toth reading of the minutes of last regular
and special meetings which were
Tr r adopted as read. The following
cold auditor& report was presented by Mr.
Benson Coax and read by the secretary.
1. it wee.-- We have examined the
to treasurer's books sad accounts and
res beg to report as follows :
on We find the total receipts up to
eke December slat, 1:11:3, to iv : from nib- i
,criber 113!1'7'{i • from 1 f d
m or ivwed
Ut 1 sae n e-
benturee, *4411). to; fro b
money. 11U.I3 13 : from .ale of batteries •
etc., $17.ias ; frond Bale of .tuhutn •
switchboard, t{l l.:.i : frons fine*, i
rel *13Oe: from Hell Telephone Co.,
rth $183.03 ; 111'0111 Goderic:h Rural Co..
417 111.511: from Blyth .ube¢ '► ;tic
NI nears. . ;
from public tiosteagee, x3'_13 ; Masking,
°g• a total receipt of 11)0,:Ci1.1C.
We find the expeoditdre• up to
Decerather 3Ist, !913, to be etude up no
follows :
Labor. S1110.01; material. $3212.07,
"flakiest a total eon for construction
of •rr.t4It ; meintainence for 1911,
$ 1'(I$ ; for 1111:• 5112.D11: for 1913.
f1S7.U3 ; tuaking is total of it()t14.33 ;
debentures peld, 400 4.0) ; interest on
notes, *127.2..5: Bell Telepbotle t'o.
Iesog distance toil., 1177.5o: Heal Tele.
pboue l'u, GoJ rich tuffs *171.79 ;
Blyth T•leph orae Co., tolls, atm;
making a total expenditure of
$19,111) • 7.
We find the assets to he, receipt•.
$I s 111.14 : due from Iubstrfbers,
11701.56 ; telephoner. etc.. on band,
*110.73: bookie* a total .311.1
-pendltitree. 5141.12127 : 4ue t; H.
\Vnitere. $J31 13 ; unpaid debenture',
1041.00: telephooee not installed,
31113.01 ; a total r4S111.917.72. leaving
is balance of 111ri 19.
A [motion was carried tbat on all
unpaid acenunt• atter the.0wi-ann,tal
meeting an additior. of 23 erns• he
made. and the amounts heeded in to
the clerk fur eollection.
A communication was read from the
secretary of the Goderich T,.wyrshlp
Rystem .meting that they wattle the
pleased to secelve • deputation from
Collanroe to discuss the smatter of •
cheaper connection The ennrmiesins.
ere were appointed to secure the del. -
gm :loss ergo themselves to Hubu.•s,Ule
on January 9th.
The ret it Ing sotaju,is• wad
secretary -treasurer were re ants -wining!'
after which the meeting ediouroed
• 1 i:CSL[R ie Mr. am Nr. J. 1. 1lssokier.
Nat% ems. • ase fie vtrndy. Jima
err Itch.
Benjamin Goldthorpe Dead
Oa. *Swedes* Jumarr VII), thet
passed away at hie late residence, I
Stinson street, Hasniltnn, Benjamin
Goldthorpe• in his /Lend year, hying
the last of a family of fifteen children
of George Goldthorpe, who i,nmigret-
ed from Maryland in the year MN
and settled In the township of
Ktubaccike, on the site now .secupied
by the 4indeo .sylnen. The deceased
was baro and lived on the above-
mentioned farm for fifty -.even year*,
and made • rapetatl-m for himself we
a loan of integrity and frank and out-
spoken In hie cosssectkrss. As a
felted and a neighbor be wa. kind
and nbligiag, and esteemed through-
ellt the township. He was a stomach
I A.ative and ♦ eloog a1M•rent
of She Cbin•eb of land. The de-
ceased and family Ante to Hansill.•,n
nineteen yeah ago. The late Ur.
Goldthorpe Is seeryived by hie wife
Amide. only enrefvlwg fatlghter of
P�err meiiAA � Oaalevatry s tom.
wwlb of DtvN i[ asMaabe
_ dupla, Btesoral w ;
W Aise. thoar st Agree is e{ y 1nibm
hamar Owe Ow doers.le sympathy of
their MN&& anti eelgbbnre In their
family ale. took place from Use
any itJ► . r sJ ee.lamesdisy. law.
1ssibed Rev 1, Ittberi lamely
MSI * ria Ober sad gree. $b
rheum e settee iabes
bes4 stb 1k of
One% Jou*ggloweravii, at
0010 anarrew_•
ASDttttwn 1■ a ..a e., Wednesday.
J v,r -ue WI sue klurasll. ,.4
et 0,. and Mr.
POI.RY. h 9Mberer. es Tram. Jamas, eta
)eattMw, rM.f M M. Ort yq•.
15 .resan
ativee were present. The young esus
was of exemplary character and ass
highly respected by all who knew hint.
His death was the t•eselt d an acci-
dent in the plant of the Dominion
Pow .and Transmission company,
kianiaton, last week where Ise was ew-
Dloyed and where about 2;010) volts
went through hi. body.
The bearers at his funeral were •
oumter of his old pale, Messrs. 41 orris'
Swanson, t'. Stns'rlart, Ernie Prelhamn,
.loho I.auder, \Vatsou Straiten, John
The deceased is survived by his py-
ents. one sister, Miss Maud, .end rive
brothers, Henry William, Eniest Al-
bert, Lionel, Cecil, st home, and Vic-
tor, of Detroit.
After the inquest hdJ been conclud-
ed in Hamilton when the jury found
that he came to his death' tbroitrggb
the breaking of a generator et sub-
"A" of the 1►owioiun Power
iud frame:issi.on Company, furor
Edward Edwa d GetT declined to sign the ver-
dict for the reason, he said, that the
jury had not visited the scene of the
fatality and was not therefore
aoyuainted with the manner its
wbtcb decras.d came to his death .ind
could -nes properly return a verdict.
Feeds for
A generous share of the
financial resources of the
0� Iant sl Canada
Is at the disposal of Canadian Farmers.
We are prepared to advance you money for any
legitimate need In your farming operations, on terr>�s
that are fair and reasonable.
Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOMRE, Manager.
IA Cure for Drunkenness
If not in Wealth,ul Population, as Shows I With;n th ,ch �► All
by Official Returns
.k.'cording to the figurer iteled by
the town clerk, aside from immig-
ration, G.xletich bas increesed in pop-
ulation in the last year b Is people.
This is due to there bei ; 90 births
sod only 72 deaths during the year,
l'otupacing these figures with last
Tem, it shows a slight decrease in
both births and deaths f)r the year of
191.2, there hying; el births and 71
In matrimonial lines. l3oderich pe.,.
p{ie are "toeing" the mark pretty well.
in 1912 there were 12 tnarr•ieges and
iaet year was one ,bort, there only be.
Lig 41 weddings.
That alcc • el is .a di .,,Lai M•a
Irecognized by .note. milk in iiia
senses brings di.grace d twin un
himself and fe...ily throne a ehoier.
Alcara semis the ..rnvieg for drink,
builds up the system, eteadles tier
nerves. It ie guaranteed to cure or
benefit, or money refnoded after a fair
trial. _Altura No. 1 cm) be Given
secretly hy any wife of rnotherwunti0
to restore a dear one to health .trod
usefulness. Aleura No. 2 is the volun-
1 tart treatwenL
Can be bad at out store .only $l.•k)
jper box. Ask for our Free Booklet
about Alcor,. E. it. WimIe .frog..
gist, lioderici, Out.
Our Great •Annual , Sale of
Clothing and Furnishings
Saturday, January 17th
--Saturday, January 31st
E want to clear out all of our winter goods ; that is
why we now offer money -saving price inducements.
Our reductions are not reductions from false, high,
marked -up prices but from the regular low prices
at which we sold goods before the holidays. The
low prices at which these goods are now marked
will move them out fast, so you had better hurry
to make sure of getting the very thing you want.
Men's Overcoats
We 1 ivy a large •tock of Moo's Owere/lists and
they taut be sill, that i, why the price• are
marked so low. You cannot Afford to mks these
genuine bargains All the newest cloths• cut in
the veru latest styles.
sot Idl Overcoats reduced to $ 5.55
12.00 .• ., 7.75
1(.511 •• •' 575
Fide - Mr " t
ADAMe. • •5 .. 1
_51.,1111 •.
• 14.74
2.IM1 .. .. .. 11.50
Boys Overcoats
The latest col ging. ha greys, brown. .and
Taney mixture", convertible collar, and shawl
Y Ion RnvslOver•oat. for 1113.60
';aril •• 0.1105
7 ')n • •4.05
..tell 6 O6
le.00 .. 7.16
Men's Suits
High-grade garnsent.. tailored In the latest
�Aobvin in New imp..rta.! and domestic seleeted
raterta). 81r valises at the following
II ti IUM) 71140s'e Suite at $ M
I9.1111 •• •• •• 7. 5
1160 • • 10.60
halo ••
i:tM. •• 11•.50
20.00 •• '• 111.00
Boys Suits
oat• ere nubby double-breasted styles, full
etc knickerbockers. They are in ,utra:tiv•• new
bade.' of grey. •.0d hi "wee Big price ,rutting
f..r geick selling.
til 5.01) Hos Suits fret 11.1.75
e • 7.t►►..» e. 1.25
5.58 •• 7.80
Men's Trousers
Nearly 311 pains to ••leer et g -engine mue:ner
..ruing for every men. Buy an extra pair while
they aro cheap
111.73 Men's Tendons st
4.5) '• ,• •.
1 31 .•
Boys' Trousers
Hoye Bloomer knkkere at following i.sdnc-
t ion*.
•1.00 nieker for 750
1.55 u
3.8') ., `1.15
SALE SATURDAY, 17th to 31st
Peabody Over*na.