The Signal, 1913-12-25, Page 1•e ftterry Christmas to .7f1! Our Readers • ional e71 frterry Christmas S to ,77ll Our Readers sarv.rounrs 7gA14-4(•t stet GODRRICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1913 h THE ELECTIONS MUNICIPAL CAMPAIGN IS NOW (JETTING INTERESTING 1 so ill► to as Et A savings account makes small sums achieve' great results. I -lead Office, ming and Bay Streets, Toronto Gotlerich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NISBET 1 • IS AGENT' FOR; Tr kinds o,;surance uFFiCE NEXT CANADIAN BANKOFCOMMBRCB, GODERI('H Pooxr : Orrice Ai: Horse 150. P.O. Box 384 _,. ..�-�..--- - �-�- } LOST OR FOUED -ON ORARO('T DEC .. Iv t a large wonted spend or de et white tick~ fMet three timbre of w Atte on ,sd et roil. Aimee. idyllist Inlet u.otion of 1•m..111 b. rewented. Mos. &1 liotle,ic0. 4 W. lit N.- AN. la.aranee Arent. leery hada llttio lamb. 111th a far* we full of woe+. E M HER j ileo,.e it. ern end do,, y neer.. Went Into Tailor Pridham•. c'olbe-. pple blue The Junior end Primary clamed of 'Stettin Price 435, Irwin Spdren 4ffi. J Ander eon 427 Mayor Reid Will ARain Seek Mayoralty Honors -Mr. Joseph Kidd May Op- pose Him -Reeve Munnings Will Not Give up Reewship Without • t3attle-Other Councillors Msy Run The municipal campaign is o and what aro the cbaoge* going to iso in the council this year? This la,what the resider.ta of Uodetieh woulld like to know et the pte*ent time. Donau.Bring the usual excitement there bover the election of the mayor or alderman or council. as the cisme Inay he, everytbiog is exceptionally quiet in local circles this year. It is thought. however. that there is nome- tbing bebiodit and the Agbt will like- ly wigs' warty at the last few tions' ent*, at lbe eleventh hour, as it were. Torre appears to be no doubt over the fart that Meyer Reid will occupy him old pi•tee •gain next year. . A peseiatrnt rumor is afloot to the effect that Mr. Joseph Kidd, the It.cal C.Y.K. agent. will . tfer himself for the netynt's chair. The report reached Thr Signal anti \(r. Kidd was wrkrd ittbe.report was a true one. "Are you der567.OotdonMcLeoda►.Obert Ing In tt n 7' asked The Signet. (luno. Young thought a site nn Hemt'-st Proudt.s,t 599.Willie Dc.naldwit'.ii31. _"Vli`li i! threat is strong enough in-al»sale timith I �r tet Ibe oldwould nwarketbe puiPosefinencehruughr, to bear on the came,3C3, Agnes S,nith 438, Benson Thorn•t.1tuigbtconsider it, hit at prr*eet tun472,Andrews 454. Alice His Worship did not think so. Cnun,. 1 441 J k Moser and 1.sithwaite then moved a A. 1. t stALW1N, Tw•tataa usr SHG ��, •'lf people would bake GOOD CONCERT tbetlr own bread and live more careful- I GO 1 to saber ways there would not be w antes careful - Below 50 par emit -Lily Lasbbrook sttttib �� -'�'"�� much of a cry of the blgb Dost of living 308*. Elva Young 371, Horace Kell g i heard" be contended. Deputy Rave 1)r. Clark said. that the matter of putting chadors on the walk on the Saltford hill should he Immediately con►idered. Mayor Reid stated that the public works' eotumitt es' would look into the wetter. Reeve Mooning. said that his atten- tion had been celled by citizens, to the fact that there was a lot of rubbish being damped over the .wbankmeot near the I gbthdtasw and suggested that a sign be erected there to pre- vent this practice. Mayor Rid un- derstood that this land was Govern,- went overn. trent property and the counetl had no tight to erect a sign on it. He was in favor of forwarding a resolution to the Un4ernwent to have this twitter Ink- ed into. Reeve Munnings then moved a resolution. that the street inspector be instructed to have w sign placed on rorty a' the foot of Cohourg street. .once or n Jr. 111. -Total 5500 Honore --Vats Latham 11e66 Dorothy Marshall 6.-4. t'a..--Floe le Boyden 571, Marton Lee 608 Henry Taylor 587. John Bed- ford 649, Midi., Johnston 633, Alex. McLean 514, Bert Bradford 6055. Ernest McCreath On Julia Heeven 470. Lona Morroy 46tt, Olive Uralgitq 487. Margar- et Ball 458 Helen How 430, Om don Anderson 400. Below 50 pee cent -I the Burkhol- der 3138, Dorothy' Davi 381. Norma McDooald'293•. Stanley ct.ean ]S9', Willie Rose 126', Della alters*. Ar- thur Curry'. Division iV. PUBLIC NOTICE ike bu.t.ew. foes►, coodMncted lay the late 4, F. Androwe will 1• haulm S cantina oil by d ee ESTATE e1J. P. ANLS W8; WI' -r- DR1:.•4SMAKINIT- THE UNDER- -weed will receive order, tor dye nnak the other Mom. Awned noel HISS t4!LM'- • SITUAT101S VACANT. ANTED. DRUG APPRENTICE , era Gibe) Per seem. Data d eeenrtss- t a ineiwale t.leeraphy Dodge '0' tett hsmary s' rebe,..y. Aran 6. u. 11 i 5LL k t 9sntik.. t reef 'I'wosl to WANTED. - A HOUliEKERPER VI wi�w re a Millet. lserhoaidfddeli . may. f 41,. rase- re lamed. Appy at NAL orrlle& North street Methodist Sunday echool will hold an entertainment ands Christ- mas tree on Tuesday. Decem'•er 30th. Go.,d program. Admission 10 rents. OIEO ANnttF:W.i At Oederir', nn Decorator Lyth. .1. F..tndrew.. end it yetre. 11,11.1 .\V1•. At OndeHM. on n."vinbor I71h• William Holo s4. aged re Teal ilonN IMPORTANT MATTERS DEALT WITH BY COUNCIL Market Will he Established and Advise - hood -All Milk Dealers are to be Licensed -High Cost of Living Discussed by Councillors -Last Meeting Closed with Banquet fir. III. -Total WMl Honors Sadie Mountain 676. Mar- garet Peltrid4ie 5503. Louise MoDooald 8551. Mary Newell 8411, Lurie Duncan 528. Helen Howard 610. Pails -Lilian King 698. Fere Wilson 578. Irene hunt 572. Fraatr Newell 540. Uherlie Witmer 538, Derotby Smith 517. \Villar Sanders 419, Margaret Murray- 4152, (;ledca Mur 4.y 483, Elsie Stan is 448. Mary Menders 443, Ve.ut Young 41li, Lesirartl-t Nicholaun 4441. Alex. Donley 143, Albert Leonard Teti. Jr. 111.-Tntal )Mt► ltonors-Clifford Johnston 030, Her- bert Ackaroyd fid). pa -s -Ernest )4cVittie i.B:. Reg Pin- Ooderich is o ha'eia market. his was one of' pm regular meeting tem: of busiest* tru►mctrd at the last reg of the town council. held on Friday night when all the town father* said, •'Hood -bye" to the connril chain - her ufllcielly fur the year 1913. With the exeepttue of eou„t.illor McClinton, HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT IS HELD IN OPERA MOUSE Miss Jeannette J Kellogg, the Toronto Elocutionist, the Chief Attraction Large Audience is Delighted - Dr. Strang Remembered by Some of His Old Pupils The annual commencement and con- ceit in cunnectiwl with the 0.derich Collegiate lustirutr, held its Victoria ijpesahou,e on Friday night last. was a huge success. The tbeatortum was crowded to capacity is honor of rite occasion. Principal Hume introduced an excellent programme. in• opening Dr. Macklin ata bat he bad return - Mayor Reid pre*Wed as usual_ (' ill Young seconded rd from it three iso lbs' trip to Europe l Dun. Young, as chairman of the I the motion and it warrented. idem and mind Frle ench, German Oerwan by had izedldwitb Rag- e o n Mr. C. L. Moore. pro Market etrWwutee, tepnrttO that his manager of the An►ericau Road ala- midlands, but be always was gird;to conmfttia had visited the market rhino company. was resent and asked be with a Canadian audience, as he building sand had found it In totter a that the town yclerk be instructed to thought it was moet •ppleciatrve. He ►rad cod.dition. It had been used •• a forward an application to the Railway preoected the 1913 diplomas. amble. Reeve Munnings asked luno• l ommiss'ioo to grant per utismion to Young why he allowed ibis.. He re -have a siding hitd to the new plant. plied that be did not know of it. The Grand Trunk would not act until While he was doubtful of the results T was brought before the Railway of • mxrkei, Mayor tread said. that the Cowmirron. On motion of Cones. people were +g:t»tinK for a market Vanatter and Moser. it was referred sand he thought the council should Rive to 10. Public Works committee with to are bow it worked. power Coact. three bylaws were passed. The by- law ..ulborizing the enuncil to gttar- entee the booths of the American Road Machine Company received its third reading. A bylaw reappointing the town anditors of last year,Meserr. W. R. Robertson and A. O. Nesbit, wain passed and a third one appointing the regular officers In connection with the utunicipal elections also received the assent of council. there is Dot," was Mr. Kidd 'a answer. r C-tekfleld 430, ('lvde Carter it ,.solution that the chairman of the The name of Mr. W. L . Horton has I ForJen 439. Alex. Fowlle 418, Alice been mentioned in coonectimi with KIK, hI Id Market ootumitlee be empowered to the mayyoialty and it is understood that he has been asked to utter him- self for the chief magistrateship hut it is uuderstood that be declines that of- fice owing to pressure of business. Regarding the office of reeve, Mr. B. C. 31unnfner, who has tilled that pose ition capably for the past number of yrarr. has stated that he will again stand. It is also rumored that ex - Conn. Robert Elliott will oppose him and it is possible that a two -banded combat will be the result. It is ex- tientely likely that I)r. Clark. al- tbnngh he is non -committal on the s abject -wilt tlel again for deputy- teeve and it is whispered that Couu. V*natter may be in the same dela. The rest of tjte cooneillbre were Hi; Dn IRT 1* andertrh. on Iteoonilrr lazy dumb on the question wbe11 approach - 1 to Mr. and Mr,. W. J. Buddart. soon. POLL.'or-K. no \Ved...dar. It comber 17th. to Iter. Joan Prlioea ant Mn. Pollock. • d*ughter. THOMht(nN.-At Atom!, Fa.kwtcb-wan. net I ikmen,b.r lett. to Mr. and Mr-. John TAomeoon, a dauthte• tita•ab tlirwhethl. 31n. Tbospen we Mies Vera Burrow,. formerly of O.lerlet T. AE'[I 1 1 ANTED.- 1T01440II.�ROOM FOR Atetkh Yw **seaoc& Nio.1Iette°. SI 1( AUOTIDI4 VALES R.,n'SDAY. Janoary 1-I:erov,r: .ale of v.heshie tarn, women in tae towneblp of W twane.h. 35. 0. Caues:rm. .•ollclter for •a estar.: Treeless(t Meer. *petteaeer. FOR SALE 0E TO EMIT Nairn 419, Gladys McLean , ant i Market 3544*, John \V inmi11300'. Clar- l spend money neceetary to make' the endo Johnston 338, Ines Porter 315'. markt tcebuilding fitp and tbece, by ha v- Georgr }Vigo 2141• John McDoealdifugnitnre installed. The motion ear- ry q Percy Werner 103, Blaine Proud- ed unaminously and Ma -or Reid ed by The. Signal, but it is understood that they will all again run for their old piaci-it For route time it wits said that De. Caesar would look for muni- cipal honor', hut the doctor stabil definitely to The Signal, a few days ago, that he would not run for the council this year. He thought that during the last year there had been a lot of good work done by the council and mentioned the laying of the tele- phone wires around the Souaie under- ground. the installation of the hydro, etc. He ititinuted that he had been asked by a number of people to reek office and had refused. However, it is simply a matter of JR BALK. °TWO-STORY HOUSE conjecture who will riinand who will ,st KGaya .crest, captaining ten rotten*. has not, uutil nomination day, which falls f Gn elretrie Ilthr, ; on Monday next. foots. Division V. Sr. 11. -Total 000 Edna Bennett52>t, Orae. Videan 490, \Vortby Black 468. Willie Longmire 431. Many Leach 420, Laura Cousins 423, George Howard ;i811, Alex. Mal - lough *58. Frank Thompson 378, Nel- son Smith 342. F. ed Price �,t44. Benson W.�e Iwogridge 3ti. Willie k Orden 311, all dealers tort they must pay a etc' Beatrice Wale C al' ence of 25 cents per cow. before they MiW dei. 437. Her ld M could sell milk bete. This tegulatwn Murray Id t t at Lilian Wallis Hato o y void into ,Reef on the fl 414, Gladys Oeorge d 402. Elliott Mc-1of Jamary. The motion was the Vitt'. 391. George Bowra 382. Mary result of Uoun. Youog inquiring if sll Young Billie tenJnAndrews stoo. 1311, I anything bad been done in tegard to sell 31!8. Helen Willie 811, ibis matter, which came op in the A iguetue Hunfalvy 3519, Willie MouD taiq*7, Robert Howand 261, Wilfred Uodald.on 243. mod,rn bathroom. furnace ARM HIILP AND DOMESTIC taordugah repaired hos sellar to roof , tell lot tPLIIVAMTS.-Pureset .ambles ears help sed .m+Monrimae ll Mn with eometrait. Apply to W r1*ILLIAst 11oOv14 it PtvDkR tf. •.t w1O6Die• 's ti"e"'msat I �ji HAL ESTATE FOK 8&1.1;. We have for 351. about thirty tow IOC u� Atop rearing fres ion upwardo ass oast dwWi and a low darer. =SridWOT. OT. MAYS & C1Ll.ORAN - f. 4541 fl0U8108 FOR RALE. -AN EIGHT - 1111 R003FDHOUNk.n Victoria street ,as' seven roamed bow r A•alesa*��Mimi t Seth with all netterssera ek is s .�w beila- - - I•� +rs7M'r pew her wartheielnew apply_ i W. Otte of tier Will* the Pros- T. PLt,W\t :eau . vat. dist. mews OsL, will receive rlr IP .rYaw`r�r WEST WAWANOSII FIREINSURANCECO. ' face. Fliedoto of 111""teeut. reilDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR Love Stork laminated at ib Intl � ly gAu TM reateosoe. with, rare ism. + value w 1 betbson farm rthe f ror y i mss es IMA Mc°. AIMpe S eesrt1. tea eu+sa. Ooea not. No troubie to make adjust- emir t:amrwe us brlrk boar ewe steric b lewtlla a• *t paIth SCHOOL REPORT rt instructed the chairman to ave the work done at once. IMPOSE LU.ENSES. As the result of a notion of Conte. Young sod Moser *11 milk deeded will have to pay a license in future. The motion was, that a resolution he d instructing the clerk to notify Standing of Pupils in Victoria School 1r. 11. -Total 400 Veryl Nicholson 3•Ctl, llacbael Stew- art 294, Violet Thompson 238, Adelaide Hays 232. Florence Smith 134, Bessie Murray 215, Wilfrid Bishop 201, John Posteletbwaite 167. Katie Welsh 90. Division VI Senior Claw -Total 400 Honors -Perry Barker 3 2& Fred Weston 318. Frank Adams 311, Mon- teith Leckie 309. Pays -blodfreyJamee287. Julio Wel- led 283. Catherine Hays 275, Morrison Baker 271, Logan Muroey 258, Wood - sir Randall 254, Je,sie Johnston 232. Irene Steep to, Willie Thompson , Kinser Bennett VIP, David Bates 213', Helen Thompson 197. Eddie Morrow 192. AenesTaggart 191, John Randall at the Christmas Examinations - �.. 315d41. Clais-Total 405) VICTORIA SCHOOL Honore-Mwr>rretiteLymburner 334, - _- Mabel Edwards :503. Of course. the interest centered around Jeannette J. Kelk.gg, the fa- mous' reader and elocutionist, who came hete from Toronto especially for the occasion and who was the star of attraction. Sim is an artist of excep- tional ability and her portrayals of character ere true to life and elle at- tempts "to hold up the mirror to na- ture.' Tragedy and drama were brought out with lustrous brilliancy- in rillianc. in the reeding entil led, "Claudius and Cynthia," while .:Sally Ann's Exper- ience' showed that Miss Kellogg was equally at home in comedy. The character sketch, "Mise 1'uhhe at the Sewing Circle," brought out.still an- other phase of the *mist's work which wee highly- pleasing. The local talent ale too well known for further praise and it sufficient to say that perhaps never did they show up to better advantage. Mir Hildred Mccoll in her Tweet and charming voice rendered, 'Good Bye in • winning manner. Miss Ada Mc- Clinton highly delighted her audience in "The Flight of the Age.,"also prov- ing herself to be one of the sweetest entertainers of Otdei ich. Fine piano solos were nicely given by Mies F. A. 8irtitb, Master C. Dalton and Miss Eva M. klurnerville, while Master W. Akehur•at Stewart gave a tine selection on the zylopbooe. In presenting the 11)12 diplomaa, His Honor Judge Doyle gave the winners good advice, exhorting thein to build Up a •bong resolute character by learniog to be able to resist tempta- tion wherever it was found. THE FEAST. Being the last regular meeting of year. Coubs. Urabam and Young provi- ded a little treat by the way of cake. coffee and tnasL The town clerk rol- ling up his sleeves and worked like a Trojan in the capacity of cook and the rest of the councillors•, memIntrs of the Press and a few friends were their nests. ' g After refreshment*. Mayor Reid proposed the health of the hosts and Mr. Win. Campbell replied. Mayor Reid by request, very briefly reveiwed the work which had been done by the council this year. He stated that it the Reeve or Deputy Reeve would early part of the your. 1 h Mayor run foie Mayor he would gladly step replied that nothing was done. It was down in their favor. However, he the general opinion of the council that knew it was not custoulwry for the something should he done and the mo - mayor to sit for tuote than two years heId that Followingis the standing of the Pa'u-JeenSproule2788, Ernest Doak pupils of Vi tori* school. based on the 385, Stanley Stella 8 382. Willie Hair I'heistivas examinational kirk 257, Stella Bell 2401 Grace Mc- Leod 243, Ida Latimer �i 1.. Cavlin Those marked with an asterisk were 'Sutherland 263. Crtliri Matrai. 20S, abeeot from one or more relemina- Abe ymltb 188. Tom Gundry 1t Lions. Junior Claes-Total 400 tion was the result. I.y imposing this nominal license it el- lowedlithe Medical health officer to in- spect all dairies where the milk supply fur Ooderich Is produced. At the pre- sent time milk impelling at eight cents per quart. A communication was read from the Goderich Planing Mills cowpony, stat- ing that the firm would like to change their proposition re the guarmentee of bgfid*. from 10 to 2.1 years at interest at five per cent. This matter was ge- ferred to the Special committee on a notion of the Deputy Reeve and Coun. Young. Mr. J. E. B•echler wrote the council *dating that he intended to erecta fac- tory for wood working purposes and if the council granted concessions to the (loderlch Planing Mills company, be would also ask the town for ass- Division se Division I1 Marion Duan 3►1. George Mathle.on Young 199. Sidney Donaldson 1 Ales., Home 73Li, Vietcr Nitrated Florence MaeDor•ald 11159, Charlie Tboralbn 176, Ernest Armstrong 115• Form 911. ' • Total 900 244 Margaret Howard 2113, Mary 111.0 5.5 a sea pla,itas wt •1 Wil 6114 George Baechler vselebe.a 1O° 619. Haze Wilson R. MelLWAIN, ivariety g.,pas..a tart I555(, pearl Fraser 542,Ethel Stoke* Nile. I KTAN T241 bili, Greta \Latin 522, isetay Thomp- Agent for Colborne. 1 l OR BALK.-FLVK ACRES OF eon 65A. Jessie Wilson 5054, Bernice DOR pat d tat t 1. It W.. Umbers. Davie 4911, Nera Statham 4$6, Mabel �•.!*�.�.a�r� Mtrea is tw PIop,rc� Handal 4itl, Harry Howard 404, ae • Ira • sad a week .a.v : 161. ;semi Hunter• 451, ------ _ _ - > are a na.te� MOM piii�t��t►y'Kert ^� las -Dow& aGordon Noble Hannah r Ledford novas( Parlor a Yea t► A. A. itis, r A Imine 421, Grace Curry MR, Bruce Noble 949. I.sa cls W tram A. w. w1Lu �an ,tt David ROM 300. Norman Wark 906. oat. Grace Hunt Wet Russell Bates 241, The best equipped and most AItM FIOR SAL.B.-THS EAB. **trips Waeatr 0A. Irene Morr>•w 198. �p-t� date plop is town. Ft e/ tat eM Im 1 ' J Ash gdwnod Lvmbatner i05 dee D1vMa. ad tl �__--� l�msee 1M • trot -c r'+ hosieonly "n- I plc1ed. taleshopemal ntasd the gov- 111 Outsideennead west. Razors clad Blears put IR flrat- elms shops, W. O. LUMBY 3 GODERIOR 1 'BUS LINE, � P 18S.L••Mrea �iiM� .E rima.. 7 Ha DAVIS LIVERY T. M. DIMS .0.1414100 Seek atswt . 'rheas Ne. Si 11 trams is Divfsise 1. EFOTafrallt J(1V*OR IV K= Jean Habkirk 582, Mary Pl.der 570, RRTfSIDENCE AND FARM PR OP Rdwerd Pridbso 361 10 Weston Foe/AtiA bare bed please 66, SUrhetoDa ��• aiesel sr•lleshr•snseine dr u01dbi11Jolt 11reM1l Lao. Mehl wkW • ASK Alc.we wa. It � 6M.A�� ink WOW i�0wwAOrU.Yt ' kM• •�wilieM MK OMyt'aa Walters OK1tth.0..�1M. AOCT10. SALE 4011468. Bolen Shaw �eedrys Down E1 lAILDoes ERRCLTORtl• SA H�i.ywr+ HuB. ire , SE vaLt:Ant,e rLRlt PROPERTY IY T.E TOyt .1 vwP O►' WAWAY0811 11 Tho .f the last will and tastamrt It W to i I)wARO 1e0RTi)1 be pekes serum at the AM>Y.. tea. ♦Mabe ••ever wed 8.1 seta ass see two rose �are Os Andrew Murray At S tewart Berkbeldee ford 411. Helen red Areal Harry 1.k - Viola Me- Oleeberty ffi7. Oerteede McLeee lot. S ada Mateo EffigariRegni waster 364, lila tfras.a Ceerins 11131. Rata >1 bMt WIllieC Dense. WItssa ]p Wass s, Marlen Ftid.ger t*. Jeb. Itn.Mse TAA Giese Barmy ppW. idle "tante. Reeve Munnings stated that sat in the capacity of chairman again befits' the matter was dealt with. by for another year. Other two-eainute referring it to the work of a corn- eneserbe* were given by ez-Cnun. matter, Mr.Beacbler should be asked gobs. Elliott and Messrs. L. L. Knox. tosupply the council teit0 data, etc., Win. Moseley. Harry Vendevan and regarding bis new plant. Some time Ubm. E. cowptt.n. 'ago, Mr. Mumbler bad told the Reeve that he had intended to establish • CANT CUT TREES handle factory bore. Then the *rev. told kiln thathe had nodcitht the town Idako Props from Shade Trees age is would give Otto some assistance. Tie FinedMagian ate matter saws finally handed over to by •ra the Special committee for considers- No man can injure the town proper - Senior -Isabel Murray, Irene Blocks Gum tpp with impurity. Police Magiatreta Maw, TAXES PAID. Kelly will sew to that. On Friday last Donald Murray. Owendoleue itawgie Newell. (*lady* WV.rtw. Tax Collector Wm. l asmpbell t Mr. George Wilson appeared before let Ro , Fred Mo'gaa. TDs Oust. Vio- d t� be bad collected abobt g47,tri O I him, being charged with euttlntf a 1 orb McRenttie, Dorothy llfallewib. Team j�z�tirv� d.ar�t Tonally, , nes I.snR�t>K. Dost.N Ha lowed that the collections this year Black, Doo.M woulImetirf di d amount The eolldta y -J Piod Liu" (iareieO Ice �O sea would tM bud he felt that be would like to nee the �Ve*t `Shote railway cat -tied to w aucc.sdul dao either woad or disposed of in some way. to relieve the strain that the town ismer under and he al- so would like to see the hydro succese- fully wailing. It was his opinion that the council this year had done its very beet for the town. Reeve Mannings also spoke on the dateline-. and stated that he would not aepirt to the Mayor's chair this year. deputy Reeve Dr. Clark spoke at some length on the market question. Colin. Maser refetred briefly to the numbering of the houses and thought that it would be a gond move for the town. Court. Laithwnite spoke of the good work which the Public Works committee had done this season and be had decided not to • Det. STRAND HONORED. As a number of Varsity student* journeyed from Toronto to present Dr. Strang with a complete set of Count Tolstoi's works, this presenta- tion was one of the features of the evening. The gift was from a num- ber of Dr. Streng's former pupils at the O.C.I. The presentation was made in a very good and terse address by Mr. Roswell Rutherford. D. Strang, "the dear old roan." suitably replied, tlltanking the donors for the gift. The ex -students were Messrs. R. Roswell Rutherford, Roy Walter, W. Howard Walter, Howard Jones, Archie Tom, Reginald Tye, Cyril Carrie, Frank Foster, Arthur Boyce, William Fiiug- land, Herbert Smith, John Millian, Angus McLeod. Di -Leanne Millyard, Harold Swann, Clifford Pugh. Principal Hume and bis efficient staff ate to be highly congratulated upon the high atenda,tl of the Collegi- ate and the apleodid manner in which the entertainment was conducted. The members of the staff are J. P. Hume. B.A., Principal end Science Master; H. 1. Strang. B.A., LLD., ihbtory end Classics; A. M. Rohert- tot , M. A.. Mathematics ; Mir M. Clif- ford, M.A., B. Peed . Moderns and Literature; linea G. Hodge. B. A.. Lit- erature and History ; Mir L. B. Fram- er, Art sand Ooo►sueroial : Mia L. d. Durol]. Mathemati7. and English. couple of *mall trees down for cl ea -- props. He pleaded not guilty and that when be proved • short Uma Ager th.-paha► wed on laJ.�wml see. As the trees were identified by residents living in that locality, Mag- istrate Kelly thought the evide.se warranted a cotyledon and Unposed • Ane alp per test. Early Morning Wedding RL George's church was the some of as f..sestieg ceremony tart Wedges - day morning at six o'clock, wham Maw Rattle Thurlow, laughter of Mtn. Georg. Tburlow. and oat of the et RDs. already this year and he had paid the atld.t Graham, Harold the onal Ag McUoosld Willie i ri to bj.(5 ). Marra . ted tlsat it wow neces- Fitth can sr. • says LO extend the Hare for p•T Sla{a Morgwo. li.r jar � ttwt of tads. n.tll the first of FrFr D nit. Ruth Doak. dory. This was agreed to by the Fourth - Albert Kitts. :ldlth R.Iw- 000•04 - hem George Plleinger, Roth Wark. HIGH 00ST OF LiVING. Cleo! M.Ore.tb, Jew. Anderson. Gert- rude Rix, Charlie ADlstlw Fred Drink- Sproule, Y.requested by two resident* i whose w bean (!barn, JVidor. ase. Hunt. JWIIb.rlb to his that under NL present coa- TOitrd-Ndxs.a Ootrdr. Run?. tt►amet he did are diaciese) to brie: beRun?.the - Bee tb. ew..cil, the problem Or. IL- T*4 Er ilemer•_Derl. Ill 61R 411111 , rows Atm.b.t 01111 eras Ile- V sl. . EmsINK Stowe, w wartie was most difficult to brie, .rte Bieewakw, Mary troy W . hm/ly .. that paiaries glue as dirt, Sam Mem Gertrude mai. Present very log=they they were atraf4 Wiuie faerrw.e Hart ss � Fusty gwsitbi Jeal. Low- 4 eb r a TIM ilayor wotsdwM ray, Jaded Ilse. L.er..e Pbr'dsn, thelroatadl could do scything la re - Divides MOM )s VIII. Be1L g� to this feaster. Some ono s.g- Dlvlele. V11i. s ttosrkeN Coen. B..Ier 01... -Total 430 =waits deaYrM tit was very Ride I1d1Mrt ltald, Charles M. her ToMos MNPasIa* 3 Oo..N be rase »K ,'al papa. OR Edward tlMtb 31o► Mae Ikeda WI&Liily Opeme. EA► Fred Boers Nereid Freese* Jester Os.e-'baY tIRdY�MMbes VA Ye1.b 11"%ivebre. wit wRififtliW= Oho the case that tms.omy was Dot Nerved. •'!.esit people. be old. townshlp, wkere the groom is a pros - '..s id got ea le ... a y earl others perces normae ...ld ere live ea Ma M day." In re and As the bW rwas a valued t.sasb.t of d�N Rt. a choir sad also a teatime In stressibusedr oohed. eh* was Itittilky re - by both. ?be sissibers o1 iIke dab pare Mr a tarps ba. beeee .riser bake dei atsd the .heien .t bar • ho me ... The *.d"swith ad wishes eta hest d 1jeilab se with Me. wad lbs. Fatter. R. 14. V.t.er, el Dwkrett, iia vWtialt as the lows d Mr.s, Mr. sad Mrs 0. A. Wel* 11.7DeM die Alm wass.eble los road. tsw.'e regular youmtt iodise. treese the bell& of Mr. Wm. Edward Fester. of Claiborne toweabip. Rev. J. B. IMtberingbas performed the osre- mo.y and -the young couple were en - attended. The bride wore a snort travelling suit n( slimy' blue with hat to match. After the ceremony Mr. •.d Mie. Feeler loft on the Grand Trak morales train for Hasilto. and Niagara Falls and after a short honey- moons they will reside la Colborne -Mrs. W. S. Hager. of Nnetb street personage. received oat Friday. Dee- enther 19th. from tour to six in the afternoon' nd in the seaming, whoa ikp.t lyes lt: reesivedwith hen.- • s iso Mrs. Rego will receive on the first Friday of each moth. --Mr. A. M. Marlin". engineer ;of the steamer J. A. lleK.e. which has reee.tly {mid up sere. left nu f4atrsr- day for Toronto em route to Nemroek, Se.tined, weer. he will 'peed a eonpte of esostbs. He trail likely rail os' the McKee again next n,sssr. TO OUR READERS ANO FRIENDti This issue of The Signal may presets some short comings but am ask our reader* to bear with et owing to the snddw illness of ear editor in-e►Mf. Mr. A. S. Bradwtn. 1t w.. the Intestine to make this {espe w large .. 1 the fret two weeks but, on amount Mr. Beedwln'. Ul- nae we thosO$ we world not be able to publish on large aIn 4m view of the keep aots.t of job work which we hase is head and which re�nired coelp1.tkn this week. Mr.Bri4wIn has mot been enjoying the beat of health for the past meth, but owlag to the extra work wMeb a prl.tinli office mtoil% at this es..on of theear, be Meek gamely to Ola post until severe sold Okla, bold of We run down systems ensp.lied Nm on Reed. to t.Os to his hod where h. ► boat vriN and his physki.. Melee* shot It be. ley et Ow ret bMa he klanwe what Mr. Dorsal.'. Miss ..,s est. of. LorryWo job le for a as4& olio ma Frogman 14Itk TOM be this wetter O.es. Veneto:. v- a!d jabs a 0661. mu..- Be railed I0...ss.Ilw al the sourf to soma me.wM creel& ilii G&W It. were .t- tke '"We low.. 4 otu.r s.i sos. "W..ra1a be old. '1tu- taut. P 5510 re& 01 ettr aw*Mysel wbi.h we ow .Mad a.r a.hyst"- sad the wee �.rttliMradtww .fiesta geomper es roses le tart ghat time vig: Ia i 1.11 ase e F eae.rb.d. she wng*p. lee..J1erd