The Signal, 1913-5-15, Page 9TAR SIUNAL : M)1)RRICIi. ONTA RU) TtiOliaaT, .MAT Lk IK2 si .+,T+* 4. News of theDistrictThe t.,,,,.,,,,•4•44. *446+ 4144 444 46 tob it +.4e is 4s 4,44,1?FOIKPI" NAL'S BING T 3 eekly Globe .... S1.00 aily G a 4.50 Fa„' Herald un (Toronto) aily Star aily World 3.2t; aily News 2.30 eekly Mail and Advocate ..... 160 arm. 1.85 1.75 2.25. Dairy • ;.35 1.85 - i:60 ... i.85 oultry News1.35 ers' Guide1.50 Weekly Free 1.60 y Advertiser... 2.90 eekly Advertiser 1.60 ally Free Press Edition Edition aily Witness... eddy Witness. 3.50 2.90 3.50 1.85 e 2.25 2.25 d Westminster 3.25 ..gister 1.70 1 1.85 ight (Toronto)3.40 Ine. 2.25 (Toronto)1.75 thly (Winnipeg) 1.5o in Canada or Great Britain s Magazine 3.25 sham ssbercrihe s. ome Companion 2.75 median subscribeea iy be obtained by Sig - nation, the price for any given above less $1.A) SignalFor instance ; sae MIAs i s se.sml. 1.35 news ee papers 112.95. or ids .s taxer ..as 14*. s. h4-; is sot in above list, kt licit any well-known Wesal agent or M d by bank cheque) to nting Co. Ontario ST. AUGUSTINE. TL AT. May fall` -Wm Many wee rt goissi t W, was i• a*Mgtwls +s1+ w et O ligirelt sanithi a timer �U,tle in this viedeity this m ........... of the swb-.e mbi t'iM. e heals. a the Sogs at - ward 1* Mr. gm. Wi.abae► last 9.: ay at d S goad eselt -tarsibase at the rine =last 111001617. Not wry hiss egg dem. on seoe.et of blahs tae dirt pretaos at the ltlls Sags this sfPldR. LOTMAN. TreensT. May iat.L Lor; loss 1wsrAte. vigil*tri=m i. the *wed Waghkgre for laspostyeaar, ddthe hone ofs o sttsr,� Mike Mins Ori► *arcus is viit- mgtore.. at Ester lass Mar jog scorMcgs McIver. of Ripiev, ort a few bore of MH. ksMcde.': e, Goa flwaa Jas. Eby and Ueimaa Mdrt�t aril. er Gedwy,ah one day lot .weal Mr. Jshe.staa, of Benda is at pretest aniline wails fee a few Cl the fanners i• tale dig♦ Mrs. McNamara received wad bra week that ber sow Wm., of calsis. Mira.., bad died. The haul v bpi the sympathy of the entire -ama•ity in their bereavement . STANLEY Pollard visited obs yet extra BAYFIELD. W sntttiati• Y. May 14th. Mrs. , ..obury mod hits F. M. Stan - bey 'carotid to the village last week. Mr. and Mr.. lea. Scott and Mrs. Pickard. of ('.algary. meet a taw days in the village. Bev. A. Macfatlase mid Rev. Mr. MehleF'or visited K.ippes manse 00 M:wdaof this week. Rev. lir. Soowdea. of Varma. es - dogged work with Mr. Yosag. of the Methodist ebureh. last Sabbath. T. J. Marls. wbe meat the winter with his eons in Ednostos. meted Mit week to spend the setomer tist•the is bis native town. Bev. 11. C. McGregor, of Toronto. ecotpied St. Aadr•ew's church pulpit brat morning mad evening last Sab- bath. In the morning hi. these was -The Task of the Church.' and at the .ream setvioe be pt eaebed from the wale. ,1 epeeist unto you . king- dm- Both addresses were tiseened 1;, with deeper: intere.t by large eodimo >. K WGStiMOGE. TrESDAY. May 13th. bar and tbsrald Lambs -cue team ttamtaed to t.be West. liar Madeline and Patricia Sulti- vms.sf the G. C. 1.. spent Sunday at thea hese herr. IJ1radWaiirrr. of Goderich, is work- ing with John g. Dalton during seed- ing. t.' -nn. is a bustler. Mr. and Mrs. M. .1. O'Connor were scented 'a Ito • baby girl on Monday. Say via. ( .ontratulations Tie early friends of Stephen A taw in. d Dakota. were surprised to bear of his dew h nn Wed nestle y la••r. • Mir. ,1 .hn Kelly nee B. Hogan, and etre. J .h u Joseph. .1 H arper's Ferry, batt err ri.ttisg frir•.N here - Lug,. ere.5. 4 Walter D..on. of tae(ii.C.l. • e. home t a+ p weeks hem silent., Swing t., . .rcc.i roil, but bee se - :el r.m ;n t s,ux bis steadies • Mici. i Kennedy sad toady, d G'4 .t:. hive femme rtsideat• of Linrshritice. Mr. Reneedy Mere& working wi; h J .bn O'Neil for the GOOD HEALTH Vis and Vomit/ Ace • • a, .1 if .you •• i:1 dsause Torre sa.aired, ,•1 under • t.ni •trod aha t.,,, l inns • the et ....es bile teen the I c ai-e aid the Wigle Lath tows* the 10 r 0 .- timria.disawel. by the use of FIG PILLS >rsAteat frit, kidney. liver, stoma( b +r.etsa4 teLsdy. AIM &Akre 3S .wd le -tent hot.. 'e modal by The Prig PRI ab., ort. 11- Wig*Oda bald in n Godlch by E. LAS�iT WAWANOSH. Mows%s . May Int h. Mie. 1. Weide hs* rvfarserd to bee home aSt the t•.dlh after r a fortaigbt'a vis base Mire J n. l obsabtem, who bee luno ors the *a hat. is able to be •bout again, toe are tied testate. Daniel F. 6. Peo gwasis hs* est.r ed the wiehry at the Mask at OsLs*sror t# 11„ Rmsygoes. mem i a un d endaet Ale mesrR.ai erne she i• the mr- lob Withers .ef themss teak. Wilbmw M ttt.Il.,.ad .t Folie Mew% sad levet a... i sebt r_ Their Maisie P allt�i whir iteuwtoomehip �t wit! Lind asioTstaGRAa1D CURE Doses n f Renes/ trade tib,r..e.M OsM hew Ilesseterch sre Oe.. R. L.. *17 iXth 4dsll--• 1 Bind � dee yrse,a oriel • terrible Pana K. at my bask MO. me at he+Me started in • esti, and woe tiveind dowers mod a, elmadii-i t ssaeti.aed lane weraL• wy .e!'e were sMN/.ley .trip el end 1 ho_wee • and eaveiing. aganation memo matl.bm, My o d So tel. ands hog lapin orenthaini '�iti►r vii seder /atam aimI atesd m . to ass M • They ore the.. -ban 1i r , •.41.11•1101101N101..., 10 LIJCKNOW Meaux, May lam MuitttsY, May tub. FM11 &beat Pe'teias M be •Rood Mr. sad Mrs Robert 6mama, req this year. It has Mood the winter°t .poli. err taocwa♦or :tar Cndetttrase•t d M e m _ ye... d. ug h ter, Debbie Da•c>Imatata.ris, l htad by a to Roberta. to William Laird Ainlay. of where he will spied Tommie. The i•arrisete 0111 Ate the asssrr . place wily in Jose. Rise Ada • id, d tlrecellelk is al WensmacuT. May 14th. eke aoembiaerd ..ttackof brondi.•k hale rte -last Thneeday .verism end whoopseg cough. the ememMtea.td awese of the Lock - William J. Aateahend, nines bone sow Bwsiamone•'s As-ociation held GM *mesa hisaymet doe Lain Rome. . About se d{w comae mete Mitt, sod an majored the most i.s-snsdy. Dr. N.wios. • pm idamt of the Assseiatao•, aimed sal tasbt- mener. A washer at speedos* deal- i.s with keel *Maim wore li.teaed to wadi arrest i teres . • Tint Lagoon Poses -TM dies satsmer, chargees d violating the local The township cooed! hes P•soed a Iso, which mer" Lail ae a te.trlt d ins "low prohibition the mire d =to: Pr .v40cial lessor -Lot A c ens s visit W or ttss*ov es the sidemeas Loan*. DOW monads, to ere oumesenesd in tbesu L..t tie tewsskip. This ..ties .cert at k iocer 0ler as Tuesday before iMesrNsafety foe pedesarisues •ni ,, Judge Barter. James Menthe wee healed wits status& by the timid mad convs icted sit ieliltig Hamar to use sd thousa0vaaeiag is years, tar Govererneet detectives. Heater The base of Mr. and Mn. A. T. 'war.. p. ,tirely that he did trot ee11 d �� � hes been bereaved the liquor, but Rave it to the tarso. by the death of their Mama ion. who Hunter had purchased it at s drug 111.111" away ca Thursday. May 14"none ea dodo, ...refer. The comet. aftmr • Brief illness host whooping beg hewed the es- 'dente of the aetentiy,r cough and Dram eorp`eataea< He and impose a tiny, of fmod costs was only seventeen wort ha old. car ninety da* Joys in Ail. Joawl McGarry was acquitted on a centime of allow tog liquor w he drunk on his premises. Gat•nd Armasaroog, druggist., em aC- quitti4 on a charge of having sold honor Without a toed iced certificate. Theo•. Gain and Thomas Grundy will be tried on .eyeral rhuges of vio- latiu. a,f the law. m • thus towanhtp, has pined his Ate dwatioa ezamithatina before the 1 taDealty of Women' l'as i-tiity. W. N. Mcajto+es, d ?avast* Csa- wreity, wars visitor at tae cid beam at itkw.e*eid last week. He has gess to 6s.lpb. whew be will be amasser pester to Res. Dr. McGillivray, for the MULLET T. NcicnsY, May 1_'tb. Thos. Appleby is engalted with George Thumpous for a few t000ils. MRobert Crawford 1. rogaged on the 6. T. li. section teas at Loodeaboeo' for several s.oaths. Mrs. Norman Garter, whose boles is A Remarkable offer. s near Seatwnb, visaed tier mother. S0b.ervber. to The signal may Mn Wm_ Hiles, last week.. sueauerise Daily (mora from now to Miss Nary Weymouth, of Belgnce. Jamie'? let' 11511` for Stitt New sabscr hers ia menatng • few month.' vacation at to The Signe may have her home In tau township. Tru Signal sad the Ileily Globs from now to Jaol.ary 1st, 1A14, foes Mas Bessie Galley. of Mount Forest, >k:4(t who was here on a tor•tataht'i crit to New subser ita•ry may hare The her asap, Joseph Lyon. ha. returned Signal and Tice Weekly Globe tor toe borne. remainder of the year for f(ctc, or any rewest saboorib r to The Sigma& it y have The Weeks Mabe Send all so do the aloe of The 9i1rna1 Out. `rptwid at Seafortb. The Se.fettb Expositor rays: -We ulna emu. nd there, are .mina rely wild and Icoltah rumors afloat respecting the e•zi,ti•ncr.of typhoid fever ilk $111 - forth. Careful inquiry eanhi.a tet to say that there are at the present time only ole. case6 nt thio disease in town. some of these patient* are bow oonvalescet.L and some of the MOOS are quite mild: gni!' a few of them *have fern really serious. Th? cries can latgvty be traced to the tainted well at the slick Howse. This ere41 has been enter op ad the poem - hies hroughly fumigated and pnaraL We have riot beard of any other vale being affected. - BADLY ULCERATEII LEG. Zmes-Bnk Cured Her When so Bad She Had to Use Carries. For varicose norm. hod leg. or chronic ulcer., Zun-Bat is ern bout coal as a healer. .k proof of toes is twist to hand from Montreal. Math T. Edwards, of lest Amherst steeet, imittaw ''Sone time ago • had sore btdts met Mhos of the valley. Miss dtetha I c.n my left Icg near the Ankle: ttttse a lhewgdru, soon ot tax beide, pigged week or two 1 did not heed it. taut it wedding leave. ilotie got so had 1 could hardly walk. 1 sent tiusaear t'yuodv, ism and 'a aepeaw, for ow doctor, and he told me that 1 art•i osb set•. Tit came aAe!- wd. would bare to lay up with the woun . the •satpie ladtfhrChier o 1 did mo ler three weeks. At the eta und comer Iia& �y win go of 1 hat time the ulcer healed a WON wi er in moa betse sages smog tout i could only more about by mks to tembornbunp.. where they wild be .t crutches boast to their dreads atter Italy lit. "Ibe sore then broke out badly, tai the docttrr toid nae that the only shire STILL EZftIN1ING. that would cure it would be as mem- d i should have to up Weiser. G• enie blest Mins v Amiss tor yes% ns. 1 kkoew, was my Erg pdf able, as iI bad a Easily to attend ' . Vaarr.avee. It. t', May 10.-M. •s- • ••My nota bad seated a had eat oa a►}• w .n,.aa.0 d the Braekuiao 8by esiMm 7ri-B k. sad tit 11111:7111;.111 give this hob a trial, 1 Kerr fila tag a;itspaas, in Alt.rtta did en. and Iatsttes theta a week's time and amok oafmmbi., have t+ren it gave tae :m..isted relief. It atsataiass eh by . Wster eCa•ada Flour tis which mee ad bn ay, bed thus Mu,t., 1-- -l-. The deal iaco;vrs i' essay,eights 1 did sot get a wok of Mrs. John Spindkr, who &peat the pest five weeks at the homer of her �psnesta, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyon, as returned to Luc -goon. Frank Longman. of the 1 Ith coo - cession. mold • nor team of bones teat p=at a price in the ueakbbothood Mr He purchased soother team on the same day. Input 't i u K. -The Presbytery of Huron met at Loodaxbot•o' on tae atterncwa of May ; to and induced into that charge Rev. J. Gray Heid, formerly of Alma.. Mr. Argo, of ligarc.oatille preached tie ieresos, Jllr. (iraint. ut chutes. aadar.eed the w�t tuducted ntiisiater sad Mr. Turner, of Myth. the oossreaatiaa, while the coodetra$ur d Presbytery, Alt. Smith. of Hansell, p4.iilesL A large and interested ocisgsd was present and gave a very hersrty wet - opine to the new minister.. WEDDI,t.:.-A quiet medi.g woe soleannitod at the heaps of Mr. arta Mrs. George Broyles, Iasi.bsee. e. Wednesday of last west. the eoessiss being the aaarniage of their dinegigsg. hiss Mary Marietta, to W ilLam Meney Lyon_ G. T. K. agent at tbat plass, Bev. J. H. Oatrruuut ofS•.;aated. The bride was becomingly gowned in is dre.s 4•1 white marquisette over silk triatior.t with (-luny lace and insertion. sod r..ze a or•td,1 ie..' caught up wit` sd,(Itlilfi11lt sissy.1a a vets short time the wound • s. mom d Wtimaipttg, now woe SO moth better that 1 W as more herr, e,a d this mimeos „mime hos the hos kwaaa-Yasr Malimg tllattaory -es' eight*. and was •ho ale to enn.piheaae.tsral mill at Ills..._. aammtae.il flour mill at fAoir.ry. rtes edema mill a, New Wassi.omstr, barn& daily. The flog atho %the M F---- 8sneewhses i. Camas is a yawls !Mises bt aselew Mem and twenty, who is a.ati.t the soot of the small aPpoet00*4 Ib.g come w Si.. any by da). 4114. tbisti.g that M midi ha Premie d the Dei :wins thiity or forty years hence. Oe. mediea monad e s is tau 'oath. yot eeimemo. who will railwaybe preektemt of a ry.iam or tither t.deatry. Who knows fast rim wit imamo of thew •e id get muse ke **miss bars the aortas at sstieb s es ^As Mellott at Mss." tie bs .s.t.fih.t nmetma. Nr. Roster went to Waorp- nted to The l estb'. ��a.pa.i.R dem.ream ' taw Sheen resawe and wee alb- 1111"? s- 141* T Th." Iii 10 "1 is i1eti0111 Mod web for Willis*. Shoe Coes of • Dwyer by tflow.woHa r Harsco, et et may. Re war fifty -s s years of see, Ohio : "Te Natiag et • Mauer by and1.5001 a' Mow staid one Might* Lawe.ser. of Massacheste : Mies Lochs Ramer. d•eibtor, et. ''!1s ilaki.g el • beams.,.. by At- o ning A- T. Mshes, C. R Making at a Jwnw.Yst.' by iaeoct Wrier.. Orem* at the P.igee. Behead e[ JeurnaYss ; -'Tbe ltiwtf.g d as lsy,miter.'' Ysde... !rids "Tem Meidies dD. .. Demur by b anter tin.. M. Pelt. K. no mea dee Veil. pelda-1d thetines pest ail : Whim as smalet w:-"t•isa1tn`wjfj Cries Tbirgrem "lairs -y, This is .rely a amok pmt if tie osetelita .ors nounesi 1411 - wee d el yte the illtykre Semen i volmmo•..4 bite bets ww�et. abs Uta illsR Maw ewu/y,wd at this teem about avid do my work. i pev- arssErd with Z. -H•!, with tiereu•t list the waned is new perfectly mink and the limb i• as awed sad stages as emir. To say rhea_ a•fllstielg f1wm air evaa ed sores. 1 emsii say. 'Try 7..es- Zss-B.k is just as gond for Piles. eil.esen.m, brit., scalp IAA r«. blood ptbua, festering wooed*, cera. bores. •*Ya hrw%ar+, eczema. eneptir.ast sod all ember ie•�ee*es and diseases. An dempt rialto •std starter 3lc. hos, or Z un- lst C.a., Tmnrsen, fur wire- Refit.* bars hal mhos iIMto and Have you lived 7ws-Bak Soap ' Sec- tahht_ Desch et Reese. Foster. Roeser Foster. a termer malidaat of OM.ton, deed es Metairie"' at Hesesp- Ms elver an Mono lowing twofer NURSING MOTHERS ZOAP It Costs so Little An.i Does so Much POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA The ' Palace Clothing (House To Shat a "Fns-Ileoneg Fara As aryseii•atiod known as tea. Hod asst Par CbmFY r provoke* to start a term re Stepbe•o tuws.bip to raise Mk, sas.tnat, itt.tev skunk and black fox. The discovery of bappiee-s may wen be Ilse great aim of shalom t and sore aeras east he happy ourselves trefon► w - can Snow t tat. • viaton' Itself oma- tains a11. -Maeterlinck He- dear girl, you -pend all year mosey is seating your hand teed." Slee --And yah speed "ell 3sea• aid toy, is meting your nosey ted: 000ERiCH TOWNSHIP. Moana'. May 17th. CIA sa- Mcg: ulna -A pretty church w+eddtag was sntani.ieed in Kt. J osepb's ehaoeb, (Trete. last Wednesday morning. wben Miss Martmatet, daugh- ter of Mt. and Mrs. Andrew McGuire. of Godericb township joined hand and heart with Bernard Clark, of Rogersville The ceremony was per toata.slo by Rev. Fataser Homo in tate pprraaeeee•sooro of • number tinny -lied guests. Thebti4e was attired in a lovely germ of ivory satin and wore a reit caught up with • wreath of orange hlcasown. She carried a h•auq user of cream roses. The bridesmaid e -as Mita E.Ia McGuire, anter of the bride 8be wore a dainty dress of pink with a large picture het and earned pink roars. Miss Loretta Lase, of Seafort.h, niece of the beide. was a pre! ty lit'ie dower -girl. Oswald . alark. mother of the groom. was belt Man. narigfm the Oeressonv Miss Net- tie Byrne, of Stratford, -ant a nolo very sweetly. At the conclusion of Use ceremony the bridal party and guests drove to the home of the brides 1 parent where the wedding turtkfast was served. Asoaft the 1t)i' is pros - eat were Mr. and Mies Griffin ind Mr. EET OOT THE PERFECT SHOE ?br SUMMER SPORTS PSR C`.TRY$O)Y f' 4 Made In Smart Styles, Suitable For Every Outdoor Occasion YOUR DEALER HAS THEM T.. Mak A. W.a Cis THE LEST C•NADtaie COat•OIJDaTCD wu.•ta CO., 1.111111111. 2 *OMTwtat. aid Alice La•ec, all of tiodetich: Nr. and N r a Byrne and Miss Nettie Hyr:ie, .11 of Stratford : 111, and Mos Thos. Lane and Mi-, l.•.t e , a a, all of Seeforth: Mis. Ella McGuire, of Tor- onto. and Uawalel ('lank. tit Lafayette. Mr. and Mas- (lark lift on the after- noon train for a honeymoon trip to Montreal. Qwbee and to ber points es.t, after which they will commence housekeeping .t 14agerswilie. The bride'. many friends in this township join in congratulations. Sat POLISH off:TH-Tii_Er4E.. ,, � } IN Ali ID° EASY TO u S E 1000 FOR TME Snots • BOYS! We wantlto get acquainted with you. You will soon be wearing men's clothes. We want you to remember our store. With every i.1ty's suit sold we will give you' a two - bladed razor -steel KNIFE t'sc' utely free. Tell our parents .ibiiut this and bring th(-m along McLean Bros. The Scnara Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORS AND MEN'S OUTF1TT,ERS.' Averts for Carbon: Overall., Stanfieds Underwfir. Fitwe:l Hats. Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs LEADING STYLES OF FOOTWEAR at 8hart.ia:,"s for .the ,putumer '.aeon are no heir g riewn. It a, 111 .arpmiae you wL..t fine F,,,,twear anerbowing at liitle picae. We will almreri.•r shoaling y the 4'tputar wbi.e naw hue k. w'4i'e e.. t . Uxikw.iat, patent and Xan AA -tai t'.Irul'- VV'm. Sharman Co aur East'St. and Sggare 'sl - -V'A"-`scs`--s11V`Vt-`ttekE��� %' 4 Hammocks We bare a very large range to choose from. Prices ranging from $2.75 to $S.00. Fishing Tackle We can supply the w -ants in Fishing Tackle from the small boy to most skilled angler. Bicycles Just received a large consignmerl of Bicycles and Bicycle ' Sundries, call and examine them. Bicycles repaired promptly. Veribrlte Furniture Polish To introduce this; ex- cellent Polish we are going to sell the 25c bottles for 2oc sold the roc bottles for 4oC. Sherwin Williams Paints Now is the time to paint before the flies get too numerous. We carry a very large assortment of colors and can always supply you with enough to paint your house without haying to send for it. We also have a large assortment of Floor Finishes and Vanish Stains. REFRGERATOR5 ALL REFRIGERATORS ARE NOT ALIKE. YOV WANT TO GET THE RIGHT MIND. THE KiND THAT INSURES PROPER AiR CIRCVLATIO WSELL TH HAM MOTT REFRIGERATOR, THIS' E REFRIGERATOR W-11.4 KELP YOUR FOODS FRESH AND PREVENT VEGETABLE ODORS FROM MAKIING BUTTER AND MiLK "TASTE." Lime Sulphur WL HAVE PURCHASED lb BARRELS OF NIAGARA LiME SULPH VR 11 RICH WE CAN SUPPLY YOV WITH AT 57.00 PER BARREL THIS 1S GOOD SEXING PROVIDING YOU HAVE TO 'CARRY IT OVER VNT1L 1NEAT SEASON. Coal and Wood GLNit.1Nlr PLI'MO* TH WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, WL SELL THIS COAL AT THE SAME PRICE AS OTHER COAL AND GUARANTEE iT MOT TO BE OPER SLATE OR STONE- CHLSTiVT *7.10. STOVE *7.30. EGG *T.21, GENUINE SOLVAY COKE M7.00 A TON. SLABS *5 00 A CORD. CHAS. C. LEE IUIO1rIRF. KIIIMR STUN HHTTTIt, ELECTRIC EMIL ETC. PMOMd e (Stove RR Ito t. 115 New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves We hive just received two dozen of these re- markable Stoves. Prices ranging from SS.00 up to $13.75. Sporting Goods Base Bali Sundries, Tennis Sundries, Guns and Rifles, Lacrosse Sticks, Croquet Sets-. Lawn Mowers We have a large as- sortment of Lawn Mowers for you to choose from. If your Mower requires sharpening we have a machine for that purpose and can give you prompt attention. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Washing Machines 4 4 4 4 4 A large range Washing Machines for you to choose fi.tm. Woven Wire Fencing Call and examine our Canadian Woven Fence. The wire is all large No. 9 bard coiled spring steel and will vivh more to the rod than several fences on the market. owe. old bask at secs a rod - wire. orb/' high et ate . rood II eine, sir high. at ldrc a rod FOR POULTRY AND LAWN it Mee. yea bilk et..ne • red to Met tor high, st.ier s rel 11Em� gram..... r s R s i'. gators .4-2'5 u