The Signal, 1913-5-15, Page 6• T rise v. KAT to 1113
Tke Chalice of Cour* g
Being the Story of Certain Persoril.
Who Drank of it anal Conquered
ate `Romance o f Colorado
4y Cyrus To7onsend Brady
Author o/ "The King and the, Mani.
' ' The Island o/ Regeneration, • 11-e
Better Man..' "Hearts and the Hig'-
way. " "As the Sparks Fly Up
ward,— etc.
Illustrations by Ellsworth Young
a� H
ik'trnd that door what would M
Mad! Just cwt at he bewegbty to
it. love and hate he fancied. We
Iraally had on the usher side c,
so more and nu leas than
we brag to our own sides But what
emir was there there was no haeme
tiler is Anamesi 6 course tie rat.
:leeward it, paid his hand on the latch,
wed 'pawed it
What creatures of habit we are'
jFhrly i* that same burn it g, after ort
Wain attempt ;gain to influence the
woman wba was, n: w • he deciding gad
determining factor and ho seemed to
be 'aktng the niar.'f hint•', `;*w',old.
Teady for his journey, had t,,ru him-
self away from be presume tai had
plunged down the giant stair. He bad
ha mortal could
that tits d aMS130 "detaleed lam. tie
wee that typobedhri m
et a eag wham
menta" eadeadsd to bis Weida. The
user bits* burros must be atfesied to
and their safety a sassed sb tar as it
could be. for k weal/ be impossible
for Fold Maitland to care for them.
Indeed be had already exacted a prom-
ise frets her that she would not
leap tbe plateau and risk her life um
the icy start with .bleb abs was so
— he
ire .-
Ho bad Wiwi to the corral and shak-
es down ed etaoegb for them whicb
it It had bee doted oat to them day
by day would Dace Weed longer than
the week he intruded to be absent. of
course be realized that they would eat
at up Mt half that time. but even so
they would probably suffer not too
great discomfort before he got hack
tae can tied ,uru -.f7■.. .�-
tugs" he bad sped .ants tug lobe plea mg you had ever east did
seweran arrow. sad She as sewer i tbtt 1 soot arta ata ft 1 maw IS
aidkows1 b. had Met babel MO are 'I mea, and Mars meek I will In Mho
avow Akio. yln .betae epee his et[ Fearer& 1kid,"—bs lambed. "Wv.
track Past mow cruet L - " the messing a that kiss 1 sense tram
bobat raa .N pe
1 bt to peon e"ar"s tap sea-- lis Meal the
tug toot d die Tte now tangs imihrolri a sad ram am bis feet
ember had amity lowed bis way there_ once meta wee, give sae another,,
With besilug beast ked tibrebbiaa be said. -x art is the pater et ow
'paint Newbold blmeNW beaded ug baa to stand MUM* a bre Bata
a.-", atter the as -ager. .matt- bats. -
se be did se evil nese at the ask- isn't 11'•'
riot aaoast Readies the to* -'N.. asamt-
him be ran eros* the marrow mon Louise Newbs4 dice abe aaswetyd
gild ra k_s tura laid his head upon tno very (Warily but with tie swsfenesa
i and tbe deo.rity of a went Moat
LIM was not mistaken. be beard y a awls d.lena eights/ anee. within'. He listened a ".mead Atsaaaeg stared at her b• apse
ties lung it open. ant all the etth- eentbrd aa01a ehmeet-
ler bad done, to entered. "What do yea know alai Loans
Way beet es the tr til, old Klett! Rarer or Newbold be asked at
Robert ,aaittaad. the *tars hawing last
were rattail dashing aP the -A1 that 1 weal to kksrw"
Fate was bring nip all the ac- "Aod did that damned heard bei!
at the little drama within tie yq!-
ow of hrr hand_ "1f yea Mesa lir. Newbold, be area-
s maetleml year nate, be deem net
CHAPTER XX,. Irate yes .xt*L-
' "Where i. M now!" thunder* the
The Odds Against Hum. maxi
The noise of the opening d lb. -'Hao no tsar," answered the wo-
doer gad tie inrush of cold air that 'baa calmly, -*e bee gena a the set-
doilew*d awoke Enid Yutland to is- tlebeau to tis. toes I at gats and
hent action. She rose to her feet gad to seek help to get n o est of t!e tie entrance through whteb aha tmouat•i*a"
expected Newbold to reapperz—ter at -Pearl' exclaimed Ar'matureg,
ecoerce the newcomer mast be he— I peougye .j fear nettling oo earth Mier
,and for the life of her the coal net yaut, wag state 1 beard bin nabs is
help that radiating Sash , of ST. tbvWO.. 1 base loetiged to meet hug. I
momentary anticipation d wbleh lana ! cast to ksow.who tread you -about that
1y transi5gured her being; **bough r ."
the bad stopped to relent alto wall w . � mat oned your tum* is
have remembered that not is fav
with her •
whole course of"
atane.had t y But you asset have beard it some -
Newbold ever entered her room at aay w herr,- cried tbe baa thoroughly b.-
time without knocking and recehiag
1*n birdswildered. "rds d the air didn't
doer rrrntlln 1 1 semi tell it to Tont lid they!"
do for ber curator,; wood eeoagk to tees preparations took some lit- Some of that )try yet lingered !i bR "She told m e herself." aasaered
last her for two seeks had been taken tie time 11 had grown pomewhat late
from the cave and piled in the hitch-
in the morning before be started
en and etenwhere so as to L nasi'.) There bad been a fierce storm raging
accessible to her; the Mores she a! -
ready Lad the run of. and he had S-
teed a stunt bar to the outer doer
titbicb would reader it impregnable to
any attack that might be made 'alt'rompleted; be had done what be could
aitbougb tie saw no quarter from for them both, nothing now remained
Mibfch any assault impended. but to make the Quickest and' safest
Enid had reoorered not only her `stay to the settlement- Shouldering
strength, btrt a good deal of her nerve. the pack containing his axe and gun
That Ft:e loved thiamin and that } aad sleeping hag and trocb provision
loved Ler had given Ler courage. . ii. .as would serve to tide him over un -
would be fearfully lonely. of Comte til be reached human habitations. he
when he firs' looked out and at ber
earnest solicitation be had delayed his
.departure until it Lad subsided
His tasks at the corral were at last
but not so much afraid as t.e`L: e. TIe
'math of immunity in the mout:tairf
within* any interruptions bad d:sr'
gated any pwcssible appreheetions cr
b .sant It was with a sinking be st.
jesweett, tL..• 6he saw hint go
hart '
They 1.:.i beet so much page;:.c•
d that mon' b; they had learned w1..
Zoe was. When b. name beck i•
soutd to diet:etc, he would. nt , .r
alone. The first bun:.n beirg 1.c 1
,would bring the 'world to the door of
the lonely bat beloved cabin in the
mountains—the world with ro; puea-
linna. its inference. its suspicious• its
o••nunciatiohs, and its accusations'.
Some kind of an explanation would
have to be made, some sort an an-
swer would have to be given. sottle so-
lution of the problem would have to
'be arriv,d What these would be
she could nut tell.
Newbold: departure was like the
cad o1 an t7-1 to her. The curtain
,irvppod: lab, 21 it rose again what was
to be eapectf'd't There was no com-
fort except in the thought that see
loved him. So long as their affections
matched a^.d ran together t nothing
elite matte red With the solution of it
alt nest Lo t•'r sadly beating heart Fhe
was atilt supremely confident that
love, or God—and there was not so
much difference between them as to
sanks it worth while to mention the
ore rather than the other—would tied
the way.'
Their leave taking bad been singu-
Tarty cold and abrupt. She had real
iaed the danger he was apt to inane•
and elle htd exacted a reluctant pram.
Me from him that be would be catagen
'Don't throw your life away, dealt
risk it even. remember that it he
nisi" she had urged.
And just as simply as she had en-'
•irtsed It up,m him he had promised.;
lie had giver, his word that be wou]dl
not send hely back to her bat that he
would bring it back. amid she had eon-
1ldeaoe is that word- A coe/aenc•e•
that had be been inclined to break kits;
promise would have made It absolute i
ly impossible There had bees a Mart
clasp of the hands. a beg look to tbal
eyes, a lona breath In the breast.
Jong throb in the heart tad ties
farewell They dared so more.
Oeoe before be had lett ber and Mies.
had stood urge tie plateau *ad fol-
lowed lila malaise ogre with antt-
oae tr'osbied f' V nail 1t had° been
loot is the depths ad' the forest below.
Abs bud bagel in tale
,Snoel setting is Me gam aa well a.
Iher own. toiler the ashes art bio
plea re.tresisa die dwelled the Wigs
mane of Ibe teals wilsk a loath moll
have habena bads slam. NW aimed
CTt etas be mea tae. It abet
t Ike deer Wiled Ida �• pia•
eeeaty ler aellwsalpt wee ra.rmai.
Ube brad lad ber attar ea w abbe
mai bowed bur bead epee Ilea Mel
mosso Pot quivered with eaelle.a mor-
tarwed by a stogie 10•-v e.g
we sae lighter Marta ml 10111 mragr*
file postttlao atter *11 was the easier
ct the two. As et add . was the mon
ems went forth a the bettb4td while
lbs wanes meld ger .well WarilMalli
ttbe Mess et the SOL ARbear be
Mee MN 10.41101 with taetMer be bad
iso amp nam. Oatmeal to w. srwgnwam.
tSimi ger moa ear Mm! be be deep
r ane nit Wirth apes IN
Mehl .w-.dbw god no -
Pet forth He did not look up to the
hut, indeed -he could not have seen it
for the corral was almost directly be -
booth it, but if it had beers in full view
he 'would not have locked back, he
could not trust himself to. every in-
stinct every impulse in his soul would have found you at last. Thank God
fain drag him back to that but and to you are safe• and well. Oh, if you
this woman. It was only his will and mould only know the agonies 1 have
he but knoll it, her will that made lid
gone through. I though; 1 doted you
Ibmcarr)' out his purpose. when I left you six weeks ago. but
Re would have saved perhaps. half sow -
mile on hit Sourney if be had gone In eager impetuosity he drew nearer
elnhhght across the lake to the mouth to Ler. Another moment and Le
of the canon. We are creat.res of would have taken her in his arms, but
bebit. He had alma}' s arpa*d would have none of him.
the lake on the familiar frail and un- ' "Stop." sale said with a cold and
consciously' be followed that trail that inflexible sternness that gave pante
atsming He wan thiakitag d hoe a even to his buoyant joyful assurance..
lovely face when viae tardily rem**'- Enid Malthus&
'nixed the newcomer in the half light ••Sbe told you! Why, she's twee
Armstrong, scarcely waiting to cions dead in her grave the years, shot to
e door, sprang forward Joyfully with death by that mar
a bands outstretched.
"Enid ! " be cried L ol
Naturally be thought the look of ex-
tant happiness he had surprised
her face was per him and be .,
ted for its sadism disappear- ,
cm by the shook od W astsWiected.
Ittnhnnounc•.ed, abn� emRm—na
The warm coke brad tasted ber
ce, but as she stared at ism ler as-
p rapidly changed She goo pelt
The happy light that had demo to kir
..yea faded away and ea he appeaeied
her she shrank back. - -
"You!" she exclaimed almost a ter-
"Te<- ke answered smilingly. 1
hs plodded on in a mechanical way' may. the matter"'
Mille the trail followed the border of "The nn: - EreEverything. but
the lake for a time, plunged into the '.No eyasiuns, please," continued the
woodF. wound among the pines. at least man still ch. e rfu:]y but with a grow -
teaching that narrow rift 1n the en- Ing misgiyir;* His suspicions, in abc)-
ltrcl:ng wail through which the river is for than moment because of his
Mowed He had passed along the trail soy at eeein-, her alive and well. arose
SObvious to all his surroundings. but with renewed force. "1 leg. }ou prac-
s he tame to the entrance he could tically p ledged 10 me." he resumed•
not fat] to notice what be suddenly Not so 1- t, answered Enid h ait-
baw in the ,nos. land, determined to oagabat the light -
Robinson (5raeos when he discos• est attempt to establish a binding
'red the farrows ofootprint of Man Fri- claim upon ber.
"isn't it true"' acted Armstrong.
�r = "Renta. walt." be said before she could
mower. "1 gm half frozen, I have bola.
searching for you since early aagtm
tag In the storm" He unbuttoned awl -
unbelted his huge fur coat as he speba-
aad threw it carelessly on ibe Mer hr. .
his Winchester leaning against the
Wan. "Now," be resumed. "I ext talk:
batter "
1 'Tou must have something to ea'
thea." said the girl
She was glad of the interrvplea.
Oboe she was playing for time. .be
(8d not Quite know bow the interview
thrum! rad. he had Dome epos ber so
Unexpectedly and abs had never pori
mnatated what she would *y 4* kbte,�
that which she felt she meet fat- wl
Meat hare time to Mak the tieReR;
herself. which be In his part wee dabol
willing to give her, for he wag mete,
meet better prepared for the Mal
view thea abe. H. redly was ke�l1
red Lund, bio early Mersey bel
Aoihardy and f• the highest
reepro.a. T . violently d bin
• ti m for bar addled to tie sad
• ••;.'Wsat ber presence. ant the pr ebahb
rifted` She r.-4 Almost le `tem dt Maybes! as be widow abitai
Tetter. "boots M vroniaeed were let nates
Mete to rapid recapenatloa. it weal!;
�p eamdrrt to hits deo to have toad
trall them.
".R down-" elle said "I shalt be
bat Ia a noesaat.-
Me ire a tbs soeaing we still
ambit la than Mime le the lathes; to
beet a eta tit map, M sake Ma eon*
lieaesral toast and beta mem wee w
was a< a M oeaeale; vibe brewed
Oka bar* to blab set One en w fug
trbeddsrt nal beat Hwa t• 6.11.11.ble hire Ida mod bale him tell
the Weeks to reed tug be eedl altar is `- 'a°- tem ruga
aailleatleaa.lie road ems tart era. h 114* ea w M baps to sit mo.
or bet +ab emu taalmh whet she lad
rime Mal ewe cep to caws. that mew w4i abe steed ewer bug
'we W Mam.d eras* ,Je wet that taw **.t4y. '74. i mop.
egos eat bed gree ase. Mare bad A wenk rs*Hrtdiebs rage. *antikasg
be gene' 1111 at mewed bhp abe *seat was. Ipi�
+ 1r planew the sew trail was chills gas "lc w plwefieet mem es .eft
claw bug Iiia. lf. ran by the tide et Mak kt_whet ba* mad a w 4,
U esti. be racial ter boob. Tlo ♦ moo to tem weir iia /pig w hI
mrd stepped agate. lee bed In w isbma-
r*Itbl hem mil last m emt(har. tat- Tea hove w wtwnt weewar tar
deft r to bed been beekaag alga Mee mow
age► " moss tbrL' mower.,s.l thin
Are bat 4.160.447..
to the seed wee sot more wawa -
at what tart bb vision thea o
'Martell es that water orafag. Pitt
itbrae, r the virile whiteness, wean
ltbe tracts el e man!
Rt Sed dead mow cow
.eldea co
11taetig d watt b0aseetty
er au be an/ abe t* that w*dentee!
aft oval mot b.! net a s . emM
i�ted the evidence of hisours ow -
Ifo aback kW putt boom hots Ms
- mets ems. trim add Kelt,
ts _4.i• T*. trail Mb f. 0...' '7M.. i oar sand w aim geamb
Os e*p. et til. 010101096 Pi's by lad yge psi as. to ill- a
we'll heber
wary rttk
aid talk about
-k word with yea, Mr. lrsettoeg"
said the woman with great mirk
"Toa coal tali that way about Mr.
,tewboid; he saved eV Iib trice
over. fres a bear mad dam , is the
cloudburst chick naught me it the
ea seta. -
'What evens up a little,-' said Artm-
M:dilg. "Perigees ler yoat "sake I wilt
apace khan." . •
"Tee!" laughed this wafts dow
tempts owty. 'Spare b4.! Be advised.,
look to yo.wdt. it bug. -.ewer Ras out
wife. i haemo. I dem% lana* tel Paver
on earth amid caws son -
"Ob." ane Aramttong carelessly
enough, although he was c-zrumad
with hate gad jealousy and raging
against her clearly evident ducat*.
"1 can take care of myself, I guess.
Anyway I only want to talk about
you, sot about Dim or Des. Your fath-
er—" '
• 1s be well!'•
deroua dog of a boa
There awn a thousand hacking at the
bessebes of evil to one who is striking
at the mot Scotti:ir Reformer.
• ,
The philosophy of clothes has
lots to do with the philosophy of life.
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• Tea laps' Teem/a Fro*
ORANGE IiLY is s oerbta ewe ter as dealers et wawa. It is amis.
.d r .b.erti.1 tate tis twee& 1M dad mew matter b tea
eingessel ream Inmetialla smaialy.54 ,RsaIre�i .ns
tbe Meal vases% ea
ser Mimi and etreeetbase=
Ile elm anOga i rr/wel esresat.,
se ids Waimea Is Mesa es sons.--
` v'ams `e y.entlidi°''lal :t=. fM
of ris= setea. Datil
f thaws*.
.ea Mee, Mee per ba wade r
ettttattasM ere. b.nta haemomast A ,
Tait Tonteamit.'
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For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere. •
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.rte =a.m. a-lic i, ; w "'
era esea Qd agwant wsthii eaed sOur
MI pow Mese emeeellemaa.lea • al LIM=
Dear People:
My name is "Lou. " I've had long exper—
ience in buying furniture and things for the
I have a young friend by the name of ''Amy'
who wants me to keep her posted on where to
buy things for her home.
While I nal about it I eight as well publish
my letters in your paper here. I have no se—
creta. I will tell you lots of things you
ought to know about furnishing your home.
See v 1 ettbr to "Any' ' each week.
Believe me,
Pa i thf ul ly yours.
t7ili. ll