The Signal, 1913-5-15, Page 2t Tfwm od r. ■air id► -
o.ovtacY b Nifty wu.
r seQ?T [ - aissamsoc nUoglioN
o. a
Tomos s/.riatrrersa .
TTo'aYei •wt.. fit.' `fw i • mover
noted/ footwear*
wiliiiM til ��p w/ � 110 1I •w
assialsoams �sioohes as so well •osis the
ooA tLf w.Ur tb. Wit
1aawllAtal mr
ewssrsS Naga tat= to a twit
Sydow model/fits less sat .demo. 0 Far
SIMINV=Ihr °sr
Itrb ssso 1.row ~thy
aaya osswomes la eshmory imam Wee w
owns a.w loan :mots swim kin Was as
Aar aeoarells bre Gari rYaaa�ai
wryer., 77eeoaM
.a�e� sat
m.bM Kam kir
as y.rOr/►a
settee, all...+s..thrar
THE msif: / L P11.17111111110116 10111111114
.tourist tilt.
a ,,mltsra imiviprri v. MAY N. mon
jvititx.s bore the putdic acerata
b i4f�sfs�wl
Far the Ms time the lemien trade
el Cona& gins over one bines dolma.
Tbay Mvori t Eat fiat Wit
Ter meth-motemm.d ,I...••
dM that it ie el .vara um outdid
ihewwh.e out tie thisty4tire merltz
defier moral UK
CreeeraNats is oppeeiPars amid tie&
Ossada was ga.dis tae mats the Borden flogreraimemt ha.
imu'.ad the •.dame'rttspiadlim.e by
Jeldgistr treats tie to•.11/t Of Ise
a•far+ty to fist Ottawa and 'Menti
Parliaments. the tints are especial te,
be tis.ktel tint tb.ry are adl2leed ti
exist at alL �t
Von L Ii Lame hes here woven in
as Provincial Trimester to ammox.d the
Iota Cot. Matheson Mr. Lucas is tie
me ester foe Demur Grey. a Commemm-
tivs .tros*hotd..
The liberate utT000ato h•ved.tided
to hold a puWit s wt:tog for lin
further ventilatmis of the Prenatal(
teary**. Mr. Hamm is oat to be
alined to get away whit Ute mat of
whitewash applied io the Legislature.
A wanes. who refined to .newer
The session of the Ootorio Legtsla-
turr which closed last week was
marked by the downgrade tendency
of the Whitney Ad)uu)wtr•tion.
There w,.. no prr.•.emiye legiiataoa
of any t ru purtaau . The Goverrmest
has.dupted a dont/thing policy is the
matter of tax refocus. There was
anther postponement of &diva io re-
gard to woratneo's euspe'esation.
The promiond oat treating trill did not
matter -tin-. There wan a di.tinc Jy
r•eisr4caorry m(ye eGhent in Iia aliena-
L.on of vsot areas of timber lauds
gr-ant.eetd ; o a railway corporation. '
Throughout the swam the Govern-
meet %%N'S constantly on the def.nsite,
the tonal but unaestriagly active band
of Oppusitiuu uneaten. under M•.
Rowell and Mr. Proudfout, making
mem stream attacks upon the Admin-
1atrethas's i/ae:Uvity.
Toespit all. tLie sctsio• closed with
a refusal by the Government to allow
a fair mud impartial iuvettigation of
charges of corrupt acts land by toe
member for (roue Huron .gainer
the Premier and f be Pr•oviocial lawny.
tail. The Govertaseut rviiileutlr
acted ou the idea that if intre.tiga.ion
of the charger were choked off •nott-
iug more would tie beard of Choana.
That Lir idea was a mistaken vee
events will shortly. prove.
Toreatu (:lube.
•'We ask ou,:e more: sad the public
will coratioue t0 ask is v* . 'what
evidence'" het. iuttuires The !Lail
and Empire in dealiog with tine sup-
peatioo of evidence oo for Proud -
foot charges. The oD.wer is plain -
tin evidence of Mr. Taylor and Mr.
Thorne. Everybody k•uws what evi-
dambs way prevented. Our contem-
porary's .ywlpoihy fur Mr. Proudfuot
should be reserved for the oc ifeswag
Minister sad his culletyguto. Whether
Mr. Proudfuot and every ether mem-
ber of the Leetialature wbo has a de-
cent regard for fair play utbovld resins
in diaguwt is a fair clatter to ooagfder.
Hut it is sheer mendacity to aytpest
that Mr Pr"wifur.t should a
retreat from the positive be W ae-
Be made his,ebulRes. He was pre-
pared i o prove then,. Ths charger
stew/. He is will prepare/ to prove
them. He bas tie &widgeon Its did
tot See awed Mar tie tikes that were
dune, 1,1t he tae pmt this woo om tie
Nand Cabo did. Sir James is "btlid
..00.sth to be boned_" Sometimes, be
is ewes holder. as waters tie Nik Lahr
telegram. Whomever he can anew
up bis baldr.s to the pints of theins
se bassist tsibm•sl Mr. Proudlool we
he pespeeed to prove bio ..•hse>pen
Until them let cause wiry have bow
uo.d{.ad by tis 'vide•ce given or
placed iss a bait by the cwt.
Armee .appressed consider the propri-
ety of resipfag.
Hoa. W.T. Whit delivered his State
meat at tie national Ammer* 1. tae
Home et Cerner on lyiosday. The
misdeal tad, thane's an.oweord
wess lie Meals( of traction ambling
-asbilwf. tap to . oust of ASN. is
the free diet and tae rdsstbm of tie
duty oe cement frees at��.�moss to N
..«n4 per *-eeedbus *L
wittier/ and t yewna.tilte inesilame
atm le placed os tie her ib
The Yielding tarp a.sstlsses to be
• ta•+t bwaleserobseer and Use
Miwirar ef Flaws was aids w
alloamaa a curage of arty'Me
tainesn derttam. TM ta•kal wvonup11 les
Use year smiles Maeth slat Int war
iltaMJlfa The eq.mrasti es
os sexy asseme was 11112.11101111 and
as eigi d snaost Mem $111141.1,011
sell Mr mil sol deed wee seism/
eemegiaN *1 .Ottawa was eget , to
prisms•. At Toronto when a wising
before the p.b1 c &reset* oumerWes
objected to a.iar.ibrgood/msies be woe
upheld by tag inajmity Gad tie mom -
het at where imatrooe the que.L►oos
were asked war eeaare.d.
Says Thr Wisdoms Record : For auto
lime nerve and the three A brand of
gall, commend us to Hon. W. 1.
Raeder fur suggesting that Mr. Proud
foot resign lou seat as -•a sign of his
responsibility 101' shattered a raee
and tae starers hied disgust wbki bee
&Hero spiis4 • t m t romsho0t ria.
Prvri ewe." •
.b. was twcaivi.g the twat of white-
TNeoks trduasfano
tri. yrs. Has. Wells Wit.
;01;:m Idtll/a,
peogitiog iLr7 Dow..i t•
ark the waterers wisdom It wee •
«I swalls.f a rts.d
dKr Jaime .Y'iita,y i... peer
rws•b/rtsw ii am amseseabile We log * [�Wtaee
tiii ie =its a shwa bit tact be
meat areas a little team a be b to er-
tltls his lsaimthip?_
The Prwdlieet lAssiseestranon.
Stratford fewer s A da•patch
deem O..olarieh eismileisone �slithhee agememew-
eerr is tart ias..•W t of h1. �r al ell. moa
Sent. IL P. P.. b W tar
the servo+ be In•lleme OW
SD batwing la Ogle tbearateseharems
mad se a sari ed eaalldiesse it hes
baser esti Istegilty IS seed' sae, Mit
tad syr beheld lis loaner rod of Me
aeesSth,- [lb. Itilen4fuut ire 1tSeLi s .
*ea tie' a malt drat of abuse rad
silimpessmielelise in named w ab
amok is fhb differ aid K ie
lith hie tau mesad Mb=
miles. ale was pswast./ �t
le mehis
arlimi lgsCamervedve rsejajarity ds
lath the psalm aOOD4aL a -.measlier
base M
and lies samittasbenwatt on f•.) ' psi
•'Mrs -
"t hyo EMaier W b u.evid•skay • and
HaW. 1. Bassa srhkkb. tabes f•
cosmetics with ther.
perm enw la
w to meter, fully warraatod
My. Mvudfnst'a riaerKe e.
Q. T.R. israttesman Kdied.
Kincardine. May 14 - Walter Gemse.
a heakerawa us toe G. 7' tl.. east with
. eta aooklest as Ripley +tMMO with*
rust bio his lite. My was ossogio
wide eMrtiatr can • and when tree
swami fres uads-meatOtlot b tis tetS.fa air
ver mud right leg Lad bran eat.
He gave the Niguel W stop ase
mitten for the engineer. AssiataSee
was immediately secured semi tit
iejwed arse was rushed to Kinntadir
hAspstai He paned sway *host Iwo
h.twr. otJLer tie seeidrut G)I.ek tae..
at Costar fres ilosrtb Wales and be
ill no imistives in this country. Ho
hes been here •betl& direr yearn. Am
inquest is noire held hre.
Mev I. ASADA MutvTHLY.-Little
Moutenegr•o, standing valiantly out
& goiust time united powev. io rode of
batttesbips Kos mieuvring Ireton its
single seaport and 'asking each other
why this enfant terrible isn't tome
owed. Sas attracted much attaattem
Wel y amuog people who formerly
couldn't have told you whether Mon-
tenegro was a country or a brand of
imported cheese. The Maa'ehiouea. of
Dousall i-, Carted& Moonily far May
tens at her travels 'Throws, llooteTl-
een. to * Scutari'. sal Moe, a
4vdy, picture et the M.ustesngrios, in
dtrdag ting Niabein. rem of seventy
has Led b. troops le toe Seidl against
tae umemk.abl a Turk. Will Isom moll
in -The Eaglet of Bella Cuuturd' bells
a rumple scary of a French-C.nadl.D
lad who longed to be a "king of file
air," t/ the grief of bus ouuarrvative
woos her : George S. Hudgins, t u -A
Flag and a !3oog' explains the bin -wry
mud m.'auiug of the. I-ta LOU Jae :
Gert rage C. Well, relater cur ripe/ire-
GOO tat a part tat Lravell«mos tr..ur I'A
WUntWD L,• Ka(Dlu..fw w DM, undcs
the title of "l he North wort ritasage
by Laud," and F. W. W.Jlaoe we heti
about "Jobe Apt. Fi.bertaaau aced
1'aent.ivae)." who outdo the Itr•itttuu
• cup and nod. the tastiest Selina
sebUU Wt out of Digbv. Vooderhe
dew Ryles iu •'Diciie slid Goliath" tells
1 the atm y of a Little lad sod a rob
bully : Hugh d. *Sayre' story. "the
Cost of ditae:c:tw.." r•.,ewuut. a singes's
debut and why she thought it a rail-
mte: "Yu" continuer. her "Pedlar's
Pock" and Robert Awa'. Brouet Ota
. adventure wetted. "•Uuwilliog KM"
! ae.d there are utter 3, cuss of Mt mored.
try T. A. Doty. FelAse Duviaray. Kauai-
• error Nolo Gonne Jobnetune, and
Deputy uprate' Blondin. who was
the Burden Government's tool in forc-
ing the naval 6111 tbrough the House
of C.osmoor. io the eau who told the
French-Canadians that it waa owes,
guy to shoot holes in the Briusb flag '
ter srcure their liberty. What a tine
lot at 'loyalists' there are in the
Wafers -Pellet ier-Borden-Bloudio ag-
gro -gat ion
._. i
The death of rioter of Police
Cart b y, Fire Chef. L' urtio and Polk. -1
utas/ Ha'nilton in the great StratfesM
Tuesday morning is another proof that
the battlefield iv Dot l he only daoger-
out place of duty. Men who Nerve
their fellows well in the quiet rooudls
of ordivar•y life and in times of .penial
Guess or danger st ick to their posts
Lboae who give their servitor Slide,
L gl s.uor of war.
lsuutosr ..orae mete hero of the county
,c.yan.•.I held up business so that the
srs*oo hutted two works, instead of
oar. abut would be thought of tbean ?
Weald tbey be re elected ? It is only
at Ottawa where such tactics are
tdelated.-limo Its -view.
N.ppusi aemprity of the merits '
or the ousty mimed prnpos.d to
.psmd a Wee elm of mon.y is a
ovoorr whirls had not been approved
by the vi.etore uI the e, meaty. sag
Use a,inr.rity .trvuuottsly or, jeeted-
who wuuhu ler r.'-e'ret.ed. spend-
thrifts to the ,nadir, t.,r.
A nrwp.per despatch frost Ottawa
states that Mr. E. N. Lewis badveaat-
jog the appoistsneot of Mr. liaprst
ItcLeaa. of Goderieb, to the Neste.
The Sisal is ter issue of Aprn l6tb
made Ude proposal that one d time
vaeea.esee is the Senate shomld be
NW by the appoint/seat of Mr. 11-�
L•am, asci we are Lead to more that Mr.
Lewis it urging the mosses. It bee
always Man a 0etaafen on tie part
d tae Conservatives thin lir. Meiners
was rJpttutly tie winner of a owls.
iosfsd bye•e1ectios v Wert H•gos.
It they n ally believe what they mill
abrupt that elegies. tau ase badly 1.
tastier to Mr. Melees far te •marsh_
Isis dais at tbo enema* time.
Thea Is Straight
arrow boson
Haase a►wH gales.
?be err Hems.
Parry •sad Saab Moe.
Weil. it was a iso ievestisatism $71
It beet every mem ti et ors .e Wed by
• jury at bis psis.
The Tamm <i1Sa •.
semen. Stare.
We aro tell that tan ehempes
Mr. H.q.a Isere Wien eat. Rate/
Gat word/ b • muse a.nasy pll1&•S.
• wielys awing
It.ibmovies sei s of Whimsy beset :
-Bead ,soot+ to take mors far ewe -
emp es ..Nha
eese t iem t"s t•
r Me
flet r M reemilest.
women!e- -sawrw.
We fell te esraesad whet Mr.
Weaker limblai
team/ es ! memo wires he re
master ` k wee sat .
S.. Jameo and lAr. Proudfoot, K. C.
', urvute •+tet.
At wince. mor post io remote time
i tomer r and tendencies, that
r ultimately to produce ouch a
rrr;ier for Uslar•w as SriJames
Whitney began to bestir u.ese.ri•ee.
th.ers was a i... Lu r ink o. otter tett. •
wad•eoe .ee dr, t iced t.. Pr'o•t..ea o
Ni. Peosdto..1. ii. i.. t.. • sod uvev
sad &rideb fie•,,., b:.a &n.. tv Nate Liar
wrrfid from tvuorc w orae nide mrd
fleeting mtirtir sly oat NI balance.
Yaass sago ldss•ritktmgr Out.. little
bora that Goeeri ci. Oat.. was setters
bled, ter it. Meitbee Iowa knew what
nit At. Preto tete. K. C.. led been
akm/uuad.d Guo a pratxipU.. Err
use is tie 1'000 ea antidtae
i roar elan ~dere of Sir lame" be
hea. be hens
suet the sloestme batta-
Sir Jamas is Iu eery. bent, ate ass latisaf Wig- `essined M. suet. w
mod ore propesteame
oeepsstbr is • day Mae septa*,
rise dews is a peer. Lie dos cwt erre
ars wits as olesw• y -b• rwbwhSs
hiss. Sarnia. ttrtuaoas. Masts barn. ldNrs
at bias. wed fieeny admit. that beam.
sat melte bead et Urs ef web es
Object as the bee. esmil m se wbo our.
bare him On on appest Ude* mate
to the Speaker as lie arse ar tics hied
Jams, � molly as
and desibe Mat bb was mob
Sigler. end that it was. se tree. ewes
siatatiemi0, them S. Grads it a be.
Mr. t. O., womb amass
rear Sir Jamie wholly imperteshedie
Heb wk6aat t best, 4....
ties. The ether 4.7 wham be read LMe
Theme Mem he reed it is the melt
impartlel tele. He reed de teed
.rsreleas d IIs Allem A,lmtr*Ab. r.
sL t. t. Z. n syr. ..i.,
H. t#aeoseb K. C., end fur. i♦sss
ilewept R. C., webbed Vat, ris.�sr
who emphasis. lathe Gemimes y te them
sad the
stators meted ie US► then -
seem erlrrtbsr Me. Ism epee
tem seam Hie srlmlsal sale
T1s. dissibiy Nems et the Seers •
laterestioglEaperissiesaf Two
Ware. -Their Stateamb
Wee& Rare
woe Oak. Out.- "At -011
wham deems amid dor mens mod 1weep
giv•a a `' Mi
fee ds.
liekbam / Vspeis.
to the boa and did
merits ler atabed bees basing 1
mals to bl s ter
rime I had
sobs sod 1 was very
Goodman bemmameiva Sewing. I ants
ammo/ sear ______s/ highly sod de
all 1 e.s to adeueliee it ass /.mine
,.moo's meidsn." - Ilse, lInsea am
Mamemak While Oak. Cali"
!am Cam at Wer. Ifitrld.
dpdw� Qin I ens truthfully
err Int 1 awls --.syr de me se
magi geed /sass l - . a[ was. Ls -
as R. rklik era Veget bis Oregegemti
"Rehm IMO takes ter kelt a beide
e t it I helps tM feel bettor, Gail I timer
combat/ lift it My Wel* fie better
ries it h.s bees far armed yams 11
ad wanes would take ft they weeld }s-
iaps amfoi/ poi and nilly tat this Me
d lite:" -Mea. At.= Rmta4, {tiff W.
*3*3 IL. Cir.deatin Ohi&
Time ammo et
is or et Ibe
adder peak& dpi mimeses.
Hidekm"a Vegetable Compesst
Oast . tiu.e ovideo.eva .l « ahiliry of .hr
aural«-rtito gawp the .iguitl•.atom of
.rio, they bweed. I'
Tb« Perrier u-«,1 bi. (snow" rage
sad his tri.toetril iodjg.&*' •is vale,
.sofa.( lir. t. C.. WWI
nieraly kraal,, sadre.eestd
where he had left off. He was Lel
diverted so Korb from the bee b" w•a
coo. IS' wa rt rte/ ,i .t afyrd bite /e the
Least. He pk.fed tat•ne 1Lr Lewidatani
mond the ',weary th« facto. iofereseee
aoethaval r.drsriren• which n•w4«4 to i.e
Hoed..wblr. and 1.-te r,6 the I:oval-u-
swatthe reopoi sito1:tc tat .queletimg
investtigatios. t
rffiliWg If°
7 its summer
jay 2wAm. 16
Tie Arta coons
may be tains by
correar•eile ..e
but .tad.sts dew -
sag to graduate
soot attend see
Fur ,.lead re urea
K.aas.oe. oat.
The cost of a Business or Shorthand
Education in the
TOrOyt•. trot.). VOSS teoder'U tree the
selene ■ Salta ane .r..•t rad. "le)s. .1
w e-..ur dart meas /Ys asst. This (rand it
sees d rear.
W. ACHESON di 5400/y
Carpets and Rugs
This wet* we will ett.,w wee a rata s r est pieties
at Tsp isesy. lireesde•ud Velem Carpets. of whirls
~Mock has berm vary lerss, er mtmei mailer taegsdar
Sisinotil erewise prier• o• esti lines of
Rae•. mad*WY, pie Zytrtrff Ciepmta, Zr asthma wide.
Is • ad suers of esters sod dseipe Gad rnour-
midrd far bead wear doodad, priced per
Wilton and Velvet Carpets
Ogress isy'a Seeli.i make. 'a Haire designs
. aa/ rebsrises. heavy pr*. at per yard . ti 1.26
- Brussels Carpets
A Srebro tK bowdmitpa i ftrl.+osi, boswiM.
dowse is emeaseesel pane as, h gsdar value
Meer OU Cloths
*mid Sties el Alma wide lobar Or Climb
seat awl Marr me clued rd ever --land de-
die%r!�!il.Ise an ea. Gtr W6 *epee spam.
ttesteh IMAM.2 yards wide. Potteries Hoist
thrombi 10 the etwa•, at ker symere yard • . lin
ted elle
Ladies' Separate Skirts
A very large showing of new skirts, our first season's com-
plete showing. Beautiful cloths and in style very smart and
pleasing. Serges, Whipcords, Bedford Cords and Tweeds for
ladies and misses. Prices range 12.30. 13.00. $4.00, *5.00
Spring and Summer Coats
Black Silk Coats are in greatest fashion, and what is
handsomer or more serviceable and always correct? a range of
sizes 36 t0 40 at $8.00. 110.00, 112.00
Cloth Coats
- New late arrivals showing in Cheviots, Serges, Tweeds, in
fawns, greys and neat mixtures for misses and ladies. Special
prices now 17.00. $7.50, 18.00, 19.00, 110.00
Butterkk Patterns and Delineator for June on sale.
Yw .oder. Yr w
knee.mow to tre.etketeer 114werlwayaroaa
eitoo sed far Clem •5Pduadad
(u ueuer hal wyr.xti..
wtp lee u•wdu.051 tax obare. liWe/`.
'3 anew Mkt (:wdtrd *54.tsss t:.lf=
with roar airy treat* Imbed dew
July ted t„ Assad Nei fids year.
Kiudeutr Ws)' eater War taw fur era.
moral c .ur,a.• It:a esuateae.. N' rite W.
11. Whew. +•ro.l tees. for u..sakeroe. ad
Yew" et.. Tu.-uaLa
I.dividsal lestrsctisu
AT Tarot
peewite attiden'S to begin witb wi
Lily day. P..eitiotls guaar.pteed lis
graduates. Staff of .pec.alo a. lo -
format -ton frier.'
C A. Fi.colso. F 1_. A.
Pi.ucipol. t;. D Ftninno
" SHrity of Purity "
We Irish to make stare that
!N read b you just as we packed it --with all
its de/Withal aroma and flavor conserved.
See that each tis is sealed
witb the Government
approved form of warranty.
Wits Swam Spices tial
, ' A ,.i.....i4
Facts in Nature
pat ewsamrm.•t bas bows Iwo toot Mesas'. sus miming basin �.
a_ Ngg�s/wsw ibir fits saw d tioaaas ass shaver is we Ansoniaaw�sss.
Over see we r"la.�Y4.t. at i+l V. 1Plions. XOK 4.7 mod sat'tbrdides meta d mimeos aswell as
tae limit se/atlwss d waive
Coins mid Mew 111= ay M wsa�
elwswsws. Tim pjawsssyalrs es pt or is head dem me roue a obs to al Wag
DR. ms's
Golden Medical Disco...mug
Ow�a�•�m t,aem way rimose r e
lasd.�e aa. amt � le s&s•satt b WW
stoner bws
Vas ding we W sidepd�•w ars Ise d Wow yew tie
oe. Nes., beltP i�.uL ltttii. MZ. end rr.rp� 3 *3. i . p.m .mortes
Tr'tOod , i.tla.l miss aid WOE losel�lgns ws moo►.� iI.sIMsse w bosh
sod sapid:.-. 1 of ba/ Nese
-wee/ aso l Ir !•l. to.samb b.e..ttai...l
r7isslsr Aiis•r.�liiusjaje~�iaowar
SMme S. SIL r. t•�
ASti L
Na=dru=co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chlorodyne
Goderidt Ustarso.
'Tire Store That Plena'
Chi=Namel Is Here
After a most serious dela}' of the manufactur-
ers in getting spring stock of Chi -Name], We
now have a Well' assorted stock.
You Owe it
To Yourself to
Try this
it retry as fascism* wait M
.qty Ciba-Nan.1 Vw•i M the
aid dors sad tiles sad see fin
you led ss I pes were
tedium • magic .laud.
Cats V
dorm der aid- dermad Ow •
Vi lira. with ask ants apla i s.
Newel Chi-Npmi Vane
OM seal leas wiliest &mama
i.e del odor
Aad ted off A -4.r Gael is
why .5P L coat pa utpms lest
We have sever puts has an the
advises that bats ewers are• ton -
vetted eatidaetiuu seaGltamel. to:
tre.revrissr old Ryas and woodwork.
,mei as doors. sad hate
isaati You esu era& beautifully
fillet molt with a sat of our Chi -Named
VAIwily &. good for Dew wort.
t'bi-Named win stood boiling
water sant.
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