The Signal, 1913-3-27, Page 3sti
wig nip,
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ist Mese
The News of the district
Xi�. 454466164454645464645444645 .ts.tami.m.s.m.wssm.te.t.�t..rsa.,t..t..t�a..tsa.�e
4 45.544 445+ 4 4 + 440 4544
Ve`mit the a ei
ins sWMata=
whoy Mar eldest , delights,.
became tits bride d
deaeldest souJ eel-
v r rine%tat.
Mr jnerook. et
Belgrave, whose fair paws r in nunson
Wpteant. Mar. 15Na.
lo, ti- Nurse, -Wm. Cory, wbo bas
'meta returned from the West, has
he farm of 8. there is tbe nearlfu
Mr. and Mr.. Weller tamed makt.g
their hr'ws in Godesicb Mr. sod
�beIwof�tbeir t triesd moo Friday
"suing with games, mush and danc-
-. All report a del' Llai evening.
.....•.be stork has paid a visit totbe
woe of Isaac who
Coo -
gratulation., Ike
' Thom hoe a •',meet tooth" are busy making
Mt delicious product of our country,
am•Ple syrup .. Mise C. Sbepprrd
returned from Merlin, where she
was making a visit
THURSDAY. Mar. 2kb.
ycsoot RgroaT.- Iaper't of 8. 8.
?is, 3. West Wawanosb, for March :
V. -Della Fitzpatrick. Se. IV. -Lot.
or .ichnsuon. Laura Fitzpatrick,
tiormlry Thompson. Jr. IV. -tooth
Fowler, Tommy Webster, Johnny
Cranston, Able Smythe. Gordon Cam-
eos, Allan Uurnin. Sr. IIL-Annie
Dwain, Mildred Fitzpatrick, Jim Dur -
.in. Harvey W ebstar..W elle Tbomp-
oce. Jr. 111.-- Joe Thompson, Harry
DersmoD irrnin, 1 Harris Pa
t Durnin,
'semrdon, John
A. Tbompaon, Mary Johnston. Jr. 11.
_Willie Cranston. Blanche Webster.
Clayton Smythe. Pt. IL -Lizzie Wil-
ms, Russel Thompson. Elmer Pur`
nos. F S. M I LL=rl. Teacher.
Mo%DAT, Mar. 34th.
lobo Gilmour. wife sod family Irfr
co for their house at Mu.,..
Jaw. Sask.. alttr spending the winter
REIO'S CORNERS. r Hue4.10. Mr. and lora Fettgusoo
lave Laken up reddest* os the
tronas s ane farm le Uabru..
A quiet wedding was soiamaised at
the ruu,e of Mr. and Mrs. Oeerp
Haney, riluevale, oa Friday. lath
Iasi., when their eldest daughter
Mina A., was milted in marriage to
John Higgins, ot Hannah, North Da-
kota, ltev. J. E. Conk omciati.g.
The bride *M one tit Hlurvale's pope.
lar young lashes, being amount to the
Methodist church for several years.
Mr. and Mrs. Higgins have left for
their borne w the W rat.
Mrs. Morrow, relict of the late WVil.
ham Morrow, died at her Dome at
Wingbaw tau Saturday, 13th inst., w
her s.venty-.eoond year. Mn. Mor-
row was born near limpets: and cause
W We.L Wewanosb over fifty years
ago, teaching reboot tor a tow years
uuul the was 'Lou -neat. title Wen lived
wub her bis+baud on • term in (last
Wawas:eh uutu for death of her bus -
band. For seamy twenty -flue years
the bad been a resident of %Vingbate.
She is murnved by one sou, A. A. Mur -
row, of Vancouver, ti. C.
A Long Separation.
The Seafortb Expositor s a y r :
Thirty -,aura, years tar spring Megan.
Janlw awl ,. Unitas ALedv 1M. lett 113s
old bowe in Hallett to push their tor -
tunes In We new West. Tbey went
by boat from Godericb to Duluth and
Irian there w Winnipeg, as tonere was
no through Cauadtati tout*, at that
Hate. W title in the Wert the brothers
separated. William puebrd uu fur-
uo-ther west to British (iutuwira and
also travelled curriderably
the W enteron States. He dually in 'turd
to the Klondike country in we early
days to tun gold discovery them.
But, none of the family beard How
tum tar over twenty five years 0r
more until a few week. ago when an
uucle at Lethbridge. Alta., had a let-
ter from him, giving a history "l big
w aoaer gongs rum his present address.
Tau letter war received while Mrs.
Warwick. astslei, war ton Lethbridge
and tie -hue sur rrtw sed herr. Mr.
Melville had w:ilteu several titles,
tett some way or other his lei Leib bad
But. maths -11 n.> brother or those W
whom Lary ware audreised. Ile is
00t104:atr.1 arx,ut slxly t5 I[vm
Uawwo l'..y, wbrre Ile tusk beet"
eetileako1► we owe. He mel with
an accident Haan utue ago stitch re-
sulted 111 Lbw kers of righi in out eye.
bloat tot Y, March 841.h.
011 I for the rural mail. Hurry up.
Ottawa t
Jas. Uourtoey st !faster with his
fish*. Mrs. Wm. 8•Aows, of LoyaL
We ore still llsteeing for the toot of
obs angio+ oa the O. W. S. Railway.
Jas. Hooter, for the past year at the
(!oast, has returned, looking bale and
The Sunday school reopens on tbe
8th April, with • new library for the
A prayer -meeting is to be held at
the home of Wm. Hovey on Tuesday
es e41ng.
This vicinity seems to have suffered
Irea stun trust places near from the
windstorm. .
Geo. Chaplin has sold his fine farm
0o the 4th to Time. Hovey, of the BW,
for a fine figure.
A bunch of fine tulips, the gift of
Dr. Mc(lrimmoo. Kincardine, to Mrs.
Rutherford, added to the Baster
service in the church.
Mrs. Lotto's bouae is to have •
tenaot. Mr. A. Bell moves into it soon.
Some are curious to know why Mr.
Bell is leaving his present comfortable
q n erten.
the following are borne for Easter :
Mies Isobel Steele and Mia lea Welsh,
horn Toronto Misses Maria and
Cbrutine Wels;h, from (ioderich Col-
legiate Institute. ISLLAND Fort EVER.- The
Young People's Society of the Presby-
terian church bad a full house on the
evening of $L Patrick's Day. A pro-
gram of speeches, recitations. readings
and music appropriate to the day was
well rendered and beartily appreciated.
Everybody was Irish, or would like to
be, that eveeiogg The proceed',
amounting to $i3.00, were dupaterd to
Kincardioe hospital.
Cr Loog lamas -Speedy Vanish When
Yom Um Dodd'. Keiser Pilli..
Iodd•. Mille, Stanatesd Co., Que. -
Mar. 24th. --t Special t - M r. Loren G.
Ladd, a well-known young man of
thw place, had perfect health' restored
by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"At are age of six 1 had scarlet
fever,' Mr. Laud states. ••At twelve'!
bad typboid fever and at foutteen 1
The Craig bridge on the 'lod conces- had measles. About a year later 1 be-
eiun bite be -n dammed by the .pri last gan to be ;.roubled by ewellinge of for
&ed. and cannot be used until it is Lace, feet and hands. The doctor told
i ps,r,d, me I hal kidney trouble. He gave me
Medicine but the ,.welling* continued
t.. come at intervals of a week to a
-Two years ago one box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills stopped the swellings.
Last winter the swellings returned
and again I was cured by using Dodd's
Kidney Pills."
Ralph Stephenaoo, Parr line, ha
retuned from Vila rtir, his uncle .
limns Stephenson. at Marlette.
Rich.. wbo h.. been very id.
Ernest Eppi met with a nasty
act44ent while wonting with a revoly-
imam in his .hop at Varna one day
last wee.. His right thumb came in
mime, with obs saw, regeiviog an
ugly gib which required several
teddies to dose.
WIDD,N44.-A quiet wedding took
e at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ibtsest Epp., Varna, on Wednesday
uterine. 1210 inst., when Miss Martha
Wisegaiden, of Durham, was united
is marriage to W. F. Lewaaw. of
kngvnoll. Rev. T. J. $ocwden per -
hewed the nuptial ceremony in the
prance of a few 1riaoda. Mr. and
Ilea l.wsaw left the following day
for their home at 1 cger.olL
THURSDAY, March 3►tb.
The medical men of the county met
at Seafortb on Wednesday evening of
last week.
The cboir of the Anglican church at
S.sfortb now appears in surplices and
tone Wiugbam hospital board is soli-
citing funds for a proposed addition to
the hospital in that town.
Dr. W. J. Moon. veterinary sur-
geon. wbo comes from Hamiltoc, has
opeoed an office in W ingham.
Waoui,o.-Wm. gym. mod Mi . Zurich has lost an old resident in
Wry Sartrs were uoited in marriage the person of Abraham Lebmsn, wbo
Ntlw bnAe's borne here on W.dres- died at the age ot over eighty-two
4y, by Rev. W. Wylie. They are years.
tskug a trip to Brussels and will
rattle in the house of A. Sheppard,
Bass line. where the groom is em-
ployed. They have the beet wisbee of
may friends for a happy future.
Trs News rN Barge. -Oen Lemp
MINN!. to his old home, being called
tinker to attend his mother. funeraL
(leo Denstedt is taking • trip
to Waterloo and Stratford m the
Easter excursion rates . Mr. and
ars. A. Sparse. of Southampton, were
fluting tbe latter'. father, John Mole.
over Sammy The &action rale of
the Auburn livery on Wednesday was
largely attended and everything was
ohpoied of at good prices. Mr.
Boberton has not cleeided as to bis
future plans.... Mr. Pfeffer is taking Mrs. Chris. ?sillier died at Dashwood
ep the livery beams», in a usaestioo 0o Tuesday of last week at the age of
with the Auburn' Hoom. Mimm si=t -six years. Mb. is survived by
lattie and Lama Jaek cin attended her husband, three daughters •od four
tie wedding of theireoatla, Miro Bella Dora
Whom. to Geo. Cowan at the hams ' John McVettie, an old resident of
Ms. McAlli.cer, SL Anguilla, the township of Morris, died on Tuea-
&Iv"' h Lawson s sawasW baday, 18th inst.. in his seventy-eighth
Ms shut down for two weeks owing year. He is survived by his wife, one
ion • break in the melon. They eon and two daughter.
expel to start soon !ie isettnw There died at Melo&, Mao., on March
by Ile,. W. Wylie oa Tueedag 1010, Mn. Robb. Ballantyne, formerly
less well attended. The <Iefd st ol WrozMer. at tbe age of ninety-one
oke 1014, work Ot D& eetionuviegtole. years. A .on and a daughter of the
Knox tdsersi voted ,00eswd rseid. *1 Wrox.ter.
os Sat,bati to add s their Mrs. Muldor•n, widow of the lets
"'doftuns .. Rev. A. V •d of the manillas M dled on Wed -
his the*atmJoba yvisit e�ing 19111.gnat., !n bee see -
Johnston has returned from his trip to enty-wtveoth year, at the home of her
lihnontom sod tither Wolters cities, .ss. -lc -law, Join Watt, Waitoo.
lavlmg been absent slang two weeks. Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., was in -
^ed &pMta prospects for the ale ��� chpieterate unk Bre elle, 00
Theday of last week. He succeeds
Rev. A. T1. Wishart. wbc removed re-
medy to Calgary.
Robert Adams has sold his farm of
fiftyacres on the 8th coocearion of
McKillop, near Winthrop. to Geo.
Little for $5.000.
Henry Duorao, wbo !geed io Blwa
townshipp dropped dead on the side-
walk in Brussels Monday of last week.
Drcea.eJ, whu wee about forty-five
years of age, had a weak heart.
Russel Beat, youngest eon of J. M.
Beet, Seatortb. has gone to Regina,
where he intends to study law in the
office of Balfour. Martin & Blsfr.
The firm of Me(iee & Campbell,
Wingbain, has dissolved: W. A.
Campbell will eoounoe the business
aad R. S. McGee intend. going West.
A fres Trial that Masse lien ethirtg.
Ilett of the "Prey Offers" that ap.
pace l0 advertisements do act pan owerase remains of James Roy Little,
"a7 w.11. There M a6 sa. wpb Olid at Me(fr.gor, Man., on the
string atlarbd ere some oeoorto ilth IRs. war's brought to Seaford%
11 N'rnplied with that aswawa1 w native taws, flet immanent. The
r "table n j note, you Ips l dewed mer the ontsa awns oily be
a gond �� iesrever, i. � �w Wes
made `! !lira F. i. Oseub. Ilfe hos l Par.
Ballow. Out., tis stated In her std. Biggar
gri•s�o(a to shselsssiy hums
1w »
biomass. Lay. en
rwasMy la st+res
��•a d111i�
"ort It alotaa
sailati= atm
„Loon mfa man M to tank
sola"' •bend lanwormat
lar o SWIM MIM
Tse Sumasa says tae only
ha.daW�-a that town leave
sig(o� setas is
that have attest owe floridity.
at Tis Mamma says same
�s arra ti Mae maw
iMly saOsana at. Wag sesatee
eat sasetr@y. _
1•ssaMya perssee t .c et
dre ttll11 11.604 Roc
at at..ry floy i. st
antail oar.
*ay. sag OM IL A. Vota8+w et
Harold Murray
Benson Langridge
'Mabel Edwards
"Marguerite Lymburoer
Willie Mountain .......«.:..„.......240
George Bowra. .-n 200
Calvin Sutherland .. 190
'Ernest Dalt 160
Colin Murray 281
Bussell Young 270
Mary Young 368
George MatuiesuO 2110
•Mlicnel b-ewant 1515
'Adelaide Hays 1 184
Augusta Huntalvy U84
John ?ostletb waifs «....... 162
'Grace Young 60
mitosis aria/. TOir&L400.
Fred Wetton 338
W oodsie Randall ............. 112
Monteath Leckie 303
Catherine Hays ...:...... 2212
Logan Muruey. 280
Laddie Morrow 179
David limes 260
Jessie Johesroa 269
Godfrey Jame* 2.57
Irene bot -el. 216
Willie 'i tioneua 1516
Helen 3 ta.rul erUS 186
JUN lint CLAS. TOTAL 400.
Percy Barker 314
Monona' tsaker r 282
Agnes Taggart 260
John W"Juice 24.5
John Itaneeail 110
Stanley M thou IP
'Olive Bell 8.5
DIT. 511. 62.1110R FIRST CLAM. TOTAL 340.
eaxloR CLAS. TOT1L 400.
Elliott McVittie 340
Willie Andrews 106
Greve McLeod 195
Willie Habkirk 7N2
Stella hell 184
Robert Howard 1110
Ida Latimer • ....... ...........376
Gladys Grindrod. nee
Mary Mclean ......... »....-
Abraham Bmtfh
Helen Jobaatos 11$
Violet Thompson IN
Elisabeth Murray1
Thomas Gander 170
W ilhelminaa Sharp
Katie Welsh .4 IS
Minnie Palmer .M6
Marlon Dunn .. StM
Wiured Bishop sus
Florence MacDonald 176
Sidney Donaldson 5161
Chart% Thornton ». .108
Florenes Smith .. tali
Einem Az among NS
This report gives the average staod-
iag for the exaahinmtions beta in Feb -
wry sad Mm158. The punted report
of inch .tod.nt's marks w0l be smut to
MIS pita about the rad of Api it :
Pram iV.
Pim I. -J. !laid 81, 1. McClinton
MIA 3. Somerville 7f .8 A. F. ns
74,g, U. lis L ck 74, V. B. DurnIn il0?.
H. Jena, s.4 t• A. Ooiburne KU. J.
aOnsets P.m i L i t.. I. Tom e, le.
Mil A, Z. Ouse
it Warne*S.t - roar Eft
Perm tri. A.
W - Jim. --I. 8.4111 70.11, B _ii•
rt7 r4D..
son 52.& M. Ju11Dalo. 51.8, R. W.
Ryan 50 6, H. Hallman 50l.1. U. louse
48.2. 8. Wilke- 31.3
Without Latin. -E. !doss 73.4, R.
Wise 72.4, J. Dalton 68.4. J. Johnston
ole 4. F. P. Toone 811.2. K. Beacom 6.34
E. Boyle (Ci4. 34. Ryan 01.4, 8. J.
Smyth 57.2, P. Drennan 55.0, 0. la.
MacEwen 52.8, E. MacLean 47.8, M.
!lark 46.2.
Form II!. B.
T. Milliao 81, W. iien•'.v 70. M.
Redwood 02 7, E. Pdlock 04.3, K. Bis-
set 66.3, C. Hays 98. Y. M. Young 0'L8
M. Adams di, O. M. Trrht.or'oe R:8`
1. G. Currie 61, R. Durst 60.8, J. Cott
55.8. C. N. Welk► 54.2. T. Kempton
Peres 11.
J. Garvey 81.6, M. Galt 74. G. Me-
o-Dowell 73, H. Walters 73, L '3arve
71.6, J. Ynuog 71, E. Prick's= 70. L.
Cowan 64, B. Galt 61.4. JI Hartwell
61, E. Joy. 00.5, R. Bradford 540.6, R.
broddart 540.4, B. Nairn 58.5. W. (leas
56. L. Wagner 56, 8. Briteicombe 556,
H. Cure 54.6. U. Haydn 54. F. Moes
53.5, N. Green S3, M. Sh..celrt ,u 53, P.
Johnston 62, H. Pow• II 51. J. Nairn
50.5, N. Whitely 51t, R H+wilton 496,
R. Junes 440, M. Welsh 4x 5, F. Griffin
48, M. Davidson 48, 11. Hoyd 47. G.
Jones 45, W. Ounninghaul 45. E.
Stothers 44, M. Yui11 444, K. Stoddart
Form 1.
1. Bowler 8a G. Wootton 808. G.
McKenzie 714 3, P. Sullivan 70, W. Gra-
ham 72.8. L Bowler 71.8. 1. Wart
71.8, L Macklin 71. O. McNee 70 8, D.
McManus 80.e, A. Mrlran IN 5. C.
W'illiaws- 88.8. M. Sullivan 87 & 0.
Newton MS, D. Hays 003.4, L N'a roan
64.8, G. Field 64 5, M. tirittin 04.3. K
McManus 64, W. Bahl. 64.2. W. M.
Dail on 63, G, Russ R2.5. K. Hume 4..5.
G. Hat►kirk 617. J. Hwley 814 A.
Moo. 61. b. Aruiatrong el 6, t'. D•1'on
(10, M. Swans„n :44. 11. 1:.. -chlor 38.0.
H. McCloskey 58.6. If. $ Itors. 36.4.
Dewar 57,'A. Sinclair 3:. C. V. Wil-
liams 5641. E. Dunnaoge• 505. N.
Driver 55 tf. J. Ross 54.o. M K. Fal-
coner 54. W. Sutker lane! :.t( K. We. -
ton 53.3, 8. Harrison 54.2, I. Elliott
52.5. R. Pr'oudfn t'52. V. Mel/twitch
52, V. C. tiling 51.5. V. K. elloosid 61.4,
8. V. Williams 5118, K. H' Ilidsy 498,
Geo. Ross 49. D. Howie 48.4. R. Cott
48.3. B. Bell 45.6. B. Ware . 45. G.
Kerns ban 44.4, E. Glen 42.1 P. Carey
42.2, It. Shaw 740, R. V. etaoo 39, L
Price 30.2. 0. Jones 29.8.
Aheer,t from most of the examina-
tions -R. Griffith and A. Brows).
Examinatloss were not held in the
con.nierri.I fore[ owing t0 the absence
of the cumin•-reial tr.cher through ill-
ness. - J. P. Ht•er Principal.
br. IV. - Fiona Hargitt.
Kelly,, Cyril Hood. Regina
Venetia Coyle.
Jr. IV. - Emily Grittir. 'Mori. 1
Spain, Hilda ,tis tin. Glawr Jeffrey,
Margaret Kelly. H• -leo Kidd, Helen
Webb, Geral,l Pair,' Vera Page.
Jnnepb Moss, Aithw Strode, Hazel
Phelan, Margaret Doyle.
Sr. III. --John Well, Hugh Boehler,
Vincent Dodge. John Farr.
Jr. Ii1.-Elsie Yariin, Michael Bow-
ler, Theodore Bullaid, Cecilia Lynn.
Lillian Farr. Dan Fir,n.
Sr. II. -Jack Kidd. Alban Finn,
Mary Webb, Charlie Ilaschler, Gen-
evieve Spahr,. Josephine cern -y.
Valetic Jaffrey, Annie Moser, Hazel
Jr. i1. -Kathleen t leartnont, Helen
Mr Kay. Jean Lynn. John Jeffrey.
Joseph Dean, Thorns- McCarthy.
Promoted to Part I I. --James Ryan.
Josepo Wehh, Edwin Ba.chler, Mafia
Weir, George MrK••v. (Tara Foley.
To Part 1.-Freddisitohioson, Philip
McDougall, Thelma Hargitt, Evan-
getine Hargitt, Mary Ryan. James
Dean, Willie Carney.
We aeExposed to
iiiherculer Germs
exp day. Past-mortetn
examinations often show
that tuberculosis had been
arrested by strengthening
the lungs before the germs
gained mastery.
You can etrengthen your
resistance -power by taking
Scott's EaId.iow. It con-
tains available energy ia cow
easimisti farm, w6ei "middy
pewiatta ai the arms of doe
boar. it miaow eimse-wise
AA ...J.. &lima owl inns
amtvir 4►. de • ambo i Ire
Ineelle are .i ee the ha* am
Far ssobborn colds std
writs sga
SAWS ira.aisi
Aram .iatir -_-ilat11r aa
r azV'ft t�b_ ,she
m� flaw
Experienced mothers say
Zia-Euk is best for chil-
droos injuries and skin
troubles, because:
It 14 herbal -no poisonous
mineral coloring.
It is a.itisep'ic-prevents
cuts and burns taking the
wrong way.
It is soothing ---ends pain
It heals every tiara,
Just as good for brown-
Soli/ at all stores and
�: am-d3u/t
Asthma Catarrh
arssuitcamt PASaot>:c OM?
11111111110111M (0114...
asvasiaswss saw
• srr.sft oar tar +,new nauseant r,.. sr,. siwsrr6 a aa.,.t aloft SAS 1114_4.1.44 44.41*
assn Una .wawa... War p.a...
Tr ow sitar.e an ashr.pta wraea ftaYal
uadsay. sit-.. 4. -'vas ur
suis,, a. Creaks= a le.raser la s. nes r -h
sea4r.• r a r a.le.r.. L a_
..ala a. r•.r.rer a.,
T a !sari lana t•. u.esaea
.Rutin s .�arsr. ~
Vzpo Canada. tam.
.r overran.. EY.
TlWasast. Manan IQ 1S1 .7
Your Easter that
Is- here. We have received a new'
stock of FITWELL HATS, the C')rreCt
thing in Derbies.
Our selection of Soft Hats includes
all the latest styles, and our large as-
sortment assures your being suited in
shape and color.
Call; and select your Spring outfit
from our new and carefully purchased
I1cLean Bros.
The Square. Goderich
Agenn:for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield $ Underwear, Fitwell Hata,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs.
Here Is a
New One
NOTE the cut of the lapels
on this coat- the fine
shoulders and the drape of
the skirt. This is a style
you will find exclusively in
2oth Century Brand. Bench -
tailored by expert needlemen.
Made to special measure if
you wish.
Walter C. Pridl
asth ilde
Ong Res C441fnry� ousmi
RENEW Your subscription to THE SIGNAL
• for 1913.
Q 1= 11%
Dollars Are Thrown Away by 11
�• r
the Man Who Does Not Use
save your labor bill but at the same time
will increase, your crops.
manure because, while increasing your
yields, it will build up your land. This is the
desire of every farmer who has his farm at heart.
Fe myard manure is admitted by all growers and farmers
in this country to be the hest form of fertilizer to apply to
the soil. and the reason for its l.• -ins eo is common knowledge,
but tar compariruu a 1..0be o well to wrutit u it. Farm-
yard manure is an organic manure, having the three elements
necessary for plant food (io this form), and by its application
to the roil you obtain that humus which is so easeottal for
plant life. caused by the decomposition of organic matter in
it. But the three elements, nitrogen, phosphates and potash,
are not in sufficient quantal** to satisfy the requirements of
any crop. and eonseetuently YOUR CROPS ARS GRADU-
Natiobal Fertilizer is also an organic manure, but instead
of cattle manure it is human excreta. which is considerably
more valuable. and by a *seal process of sterilization is con-
centrated and brought into such a form that it is aa easy to
apply to the land ala floe soil. It is dry and inodorous, harm-
less to handle and contains valuable fertilizing properties
which are increased by the addition ,f steamed bone flour,
blood flour and potash, which essentials make it the most
valuable manure on the market. It bas been in use for the
past thirty years in England and there its value is universaOy
recognized. It is sus:• Ie for a1I Props owing to its organic
base. and the result* obtained by its veer on general crops
should give an idea of its great value.
National Fertilizer
('raps ields per Acre
Mangold. W tons
Potatoes 400 bushels
Wheat 50 bushels
Barley 42 bushels
O1at1 58 bushels
Hay sod Clover.... 2 to 3 tons
Corn.... .... .... 75 to 100 bushel.
Tbe saving of labor in applying this manure is very con-
siderable. Another great advantage of this over ordinary
farmyard manure is that the germinating power vet the quan-
tities of weeds of weeds which are found in farmyard rnaoure
is completely destroyed by sterilization in the National Fertil-
iser. with the result that crone ars clean and v' and their
development is unhampered by the presence of alien growths.
We also have • ton of Potash rowing alone am most of
the had in this vicinity has been robbed of the supply of
Potash it would pay you to look into ti. trees of Potash
Yejsee patting in your spring crops. • booklet giving its
advantages ems be had by caking at the ,more.
Hardware, Plumbing and Steam -Fitting
neat Scranton Ned lJael. Solvay oak.
Nmsiowd Portland $Damssltt. M Mak