The Signal, 1913-3-13, Page 6r Tecamtan. Ream IE WV TM' 1L•: CIODICRHGEP GTkRfl. The CbaliceCourage Being the Story of l •rtain Persons Who Drank of it an 1 Conqurrr,.: A `IZomanlce of Gollr)rado By Cyrus Tot2vnsend Brady Author of "The King and the Man. "The Island of Stverseration, " ' '4he atter Nam.' "Reads and the 14L - way," "As the Sparks Fly Up- ward,' e c. Illustrations by Ellsworth Yoang t''rit "tee , ; • s !ow ce;leS, and as sloe sat ;uceere. up at him. Le had Ice treed a', .. a rfe title Le seemed to fill it Naturally, she had acrriti:ed his every ashlar, as she bad hunt ee Lis every tante. Hia sweet and tr-,::re- west stett3ed moasseent kit friset'as as be had seiaed the picture on retch sbe bad gibed with euc•L it:r - net+ aroused the liveliest st:rp^ss e.t.a tu- rlodty lit hes heart Veto wits this woman! Abe ass e' to quirk to remove the piefere fro_o Ler eau' Tbourhts rushed tumultu- c::sly through Ler brain, but see re:.l- lzed at once that sin larked time to indulge them She could bear bis molting about 'a the other atom She threw aside tee blanket with which she had diee•d teased. changed the bandage on ler foie. drrx c'n the Leary lit—C. rt raking Yi!trh, GC course, was miles too big fur : er, Let which easily took in ber foie at:d ankle eweumbcrt-d as they v. -re L} the rude, heavy bet elective a raepiug Tbereafter the Lobbed to the tia'r ■nd mood far a meevent almost ag1,a:;t at the splendor and mzgrificence be- fore ber. He had b•tilt les cabin on a lerbt'1 obeli of ruck perhaps fifty by a hundred feet in area. It was backed up against an orer'tosl'ering clef, otherwise the rock fell away in every•directioe. Site di- ' vaned that the descent from Rte et.elf ebb the pocket or Talley spread before ber t' as sheer. except off to the right• e i e: e a svmea hat gentler ac- reivity of Lege and broken • boulders 6606 a pract;cable ascent -a sort of titanic stairs -to the place peec'.-.i on the mounten side. The ehe'f . -s absolutely bare save for the rel n axed a' few huge boulders. There •a .•' • few sparse. stunted trees further up oa the mountain side above; a few hundred feet beyond them. Lowet'er, ramie the timber tine. atter which there was nothing but .the naked rock. Below several hundred feet lay a clear. emerald pool, whose edges were bordered by pines where it was not dominated by high cliffs. - Already the Iakelet was rimmed with we OE the shaded side. This enchanting- little body of water was fed by the melting ioow front the crest and peaks. which In the clear. - pure sunshine and rare bed air of the mountains seemed fo rise and ccefroat her within a stone's throw of the place where she stood. On .ale Fide of the pretty lake in the valley. or pocket, beneath. there lovas allele grassy clearing, and there the t ealler in tbe wilderoeas had Oben tale corral for the burros On ea small lard by e tee ire!. of the door Mee r A. phohive conveniences to nrYt� 110 bad alluded. Tb. water Ora daglirfully soft and as It had Mood dimose' to the anti's direct rays airs time. althotete the air was crisp and cold. it was ,bampi 'sufficiently is eptly to be merely E.ad womb's. Sbe infuriated ft.16, a Ulf smese.ata. had while hila itat face bol l to the towel IfilemAlVst-to seek the mat sag bare OMNI telae under$taadtag wick - uta ' Aad. after ail she reflected that w was better dans that ta his "iwiamoa kr thea •tall gimp MOW big bets Mr theadlis IiaIllikodlog 111g11m4• et the minim ti1S try a oar seo.Md to pat sOne Metalled . t ee1M Meek she w as a Whig ••s ctrl '+•onto. •mane, sat damn. she beard a t~atso laded us la um" to see 'elm —.lay dews wpm be bench a small mirror as! a rises oesek lie este ttlalag as be did las a01 Ido ha/ ia..ppsrtuntty to think Rhin Mime 7is was soar Tb. thodlMskisos at ttb• act alerted ber .tramway. dad ads las very glad of a chance So heli tow hair, rose It out sad Mrd ft *gen. ehr bad asst a fair pia Sett, of coarse, and all sbe could /n eilth it as to Nara It toad It W hang types hsr Realise.. Ear endue. wadi Mat Isere very aroma a dvahtatfda. but oat thaw s the m.•etatas. It was mei- imont17 a1Oroadsto. Withomt honcho( Wetai1*. the men �t odd general oas sae limped j� de the rad Simard the take•. Misr breakfast was 10•/7 or bog, ilt Vas a ewes fan, Me••, a badd p4 tat, bard tack enowid bottom the ars. Oath, black act straw Witt /ter .11mit so crisat. The dishes matched the ?Seek tae. let 160 mutteed that the Rork was of silver surd by her Mai. t 'S was • ae*a, .muga dried. bu pf I. IIs.. The eras bad jurat sc tis table slim she appsarod "I •m sorry 1 have as cream" be Isla, ese as.. Maw* .the road make eammwt or resew he tared sad wads/ mut .r the roa. Ids purpose /Mdam1p bang mit M adorvnm ber leo Ito woman, whin she •a EON i .fumed W paws to raid Imo t.ee. ideging ti ado saps► .t mod h.wh mail eatAMs. tibs aid sown sera sapilhg bat masa at mod to bar as Ail res abed that mai, for she MOS bora adroit pie lahmpstas. otstdd it albs pec a burst, she /breaths. V he had cols It wttb bar, a ahs Mt out bora a est It haus tans NNW mea .e that aoaevatl Misr- 111111111‘d ais*tl r taw ea i iii dmidx ter► the smatter was naiad It dila not be hapset now, ab. wash. fsnwt It as =Mk as was posuillIs. Mit wadi reeur to it with nee tieatim Lir sea but the pi -most was so full at grave that theme was not any room =Poet_ XII. A Tour of Inspection. The first thing necessary, sbe d !tided, ween rhe Lad satisfied Ler bun per and finished her meal, was to r M'or! of ber plight and ber restin ,loos to ber unc,e and the men of lb .party. and the text thing via to ge away, where she would never sae th :man again, and perhaps be able to for get what .hail transpired—yet there was a strar.ge pang of pain in be bean at that tbougbt7 • No men on earth tad ever so sum Mated Ler curic.atty as this one. >d -h was be' WLy eas he there! Wil was the wonaau -ohne picture be ha u;o euick;y taken iron her gaze! Wb had so splendid a nein buried himself &lose in that. wilderness!, These re- flections were presently interrupted b 'tee re. ppeartt! a of 'he man him self. "Hare yon fin',.lee7' be asked, in ceremottous''• •aod!ng in the door- way oor way as he spoke "Yea. 'bank _'.u, and it was Tery good indeed." 'Dismissing this poilteness with, a ware of his h<nd, but taking to other notice. be spoke again. "If you will tell me your mats—" 'Maitland. Enid Maitland.' "Miss lfai; land "" 'Ms girl nodded "And wham you earn" from. I will e*dea-or to tied pear party and see what can be done to restore yot to them" ' We were camped down that canon at a place where another brook. a large one, lows into it. several miles, 1 should think, below the place where--" Shp was going to say 'where you found me" but the thought of the way to wbi-h be had found ber rushed over her again; and this time, with tis glance directly upon ber, attbougb ft was as cold and dispasalonate and Indifferent as a mat's look could well be. the recollection of the meeting to which she Lad been about too allude ✓ eaLed over ber with an accompany- isg ware of color wblcb heightened br beauty as it covered ber witb anima. Sbe could not realise that beneath Ms mask of indifference so deliber- ately worn, the man was as agitated as ahs, not so mucb at the remem- brance d anI-thiag that bad trans- pired. but at the slat, the splendid picture, of the yams as. .s s stood diem 1a the Httls toid& tick k seem- ed to him as t ides atheMl or 1s ber own person sa the r'•taaea. are 1 and beauty, am do po db a d and sphedsr d the mrra. Mg, a aids. sad tomb la W tate 'M ohs beattated tr geshmlerr psshdps losopmh• adog its caaau. hs `MIp.d ..�. hat lams ad bade. discos. 'eI Mow the camas w5," M salt. 'I think fi know chs plate to which ipso rotor. Is tt hist Mows whirs the rear Mail as oa-'sees hoed arise Madre - 3 jj 1.a, that is ft Ili bat dimetat NO Lave bees romped ler two wads. owls must bo crate wtta eatrty 41seu what has Morose sit bac WThe our Iaterp rad. "I will go there directy' hs e*M. r t i. mow batt atter tea. That Woos '1. about seven oda r mono from its a mus ms the crops, Mums or twos. R7 t,7 Il. river 1 stall M beet b nightfall. Tie adds he parr *so." w war � m�a.s7 �olf>�T lira ctor sitar bar. est a ida'te h r ...,.site team Ze romembrams st that awfd opiate Abid would 0 � ea awry 'Tom can ono s alio .r r ..Ilia tis Newell .ser M pho wog and asst ab.a dr Wisdom J which he Mart bar - ii -M� � o s ter s�tos. mai Iva w!l fed a moreior as the digit Thom s may ..s m+eadbia wog dew toss a this cabin; that's Iowa the . uma gat rma domi- rad stars. 0as sea oar sem:••. • . �"id �� OM 1=1.sco. with tla.� wows. Oast 2j rY TM& did b • ae� &tidies •�satlaa d Iia .•.keno -isb�1 L pts/setiaa at ode dark hath i ovoid Paris iimt- edMd sed bit Was ,Third. V. co - W ard Thi as mos .r the arks h dy-b ldssa sad atzard imast us !a the wail fit seed eseide. ldaf iso hwy. et Oiambua Oa. e1T•: "M wale slaty Mow th. pad Vied dame dl h.gis, Toa would M usable to omit, ria Iwai; It is tis brat tisk aMA strabicsstar 1 sem taeaaa." Ws wish ran — .id pa•` ase r Ms staidly dad try Visa a ear agrm.m-t `tt hem their mous_ r ft 1.118 M dos obti dtrtlfoa. R. C. Dorm re. Ila aw+airt. Gatierisi. • lasaftisi Per Ills Is A• ber • bag lido d+w• b ram ad he Ow- asWt t Mho s atsatraiss pews it and aril wit aid showed, 'Lw teldel kelt, be sire M ardor. drat worrf..r pleat, d ..techs b de hook sit. ma dam *. tap door ted.." t swat a rosddrt I P with. rear 'COs tb•t soar grease bar wa.rd.a fait lea orad. It was art s ftasttd mai bat she teed mho amid watt a sty as It without treat 1 hat ern? roe part .t the w,' - Rte moa. "1 corded lave last jalgbt. bat It woad be 1mg.ndiq std Int le' ' -Promise oar that rw via be hack !b7 atghttall. with Clads ash sad -- -I tied M bock by bi6YttalL but I ,can't promise that 1 old brim( say - body with tee..' t "Ten ricrac -Tsui caw what the cloudburst near- ly Iii for you,- was tbs quick aa- tali warns ass alipee`J lir ..a.tatsraw� seer- "1f !bey did met pet out of that woad be Baited. • pocket, tbero is suthing loft of them The di .has oar. a mgrollMd ea how." the ant beret stir hal issid le; eta, ars, sear Oddi+ictus M Iso little *- beary, if ahs could Mee their condi- tion. wane eseaigned. 1 nt o the Meier r .ard and the drawers, of exorse, she did not ls•t. These was aefbisg elle is the "Ma to attract her attention, sate mins piles of xamscdipt neatly arra*S d on one of the shelves. each OM eerier- .ed sec ed with a sosisre of board and kept *algae* brumes of glistening euarz. Three done tea' of these piles and an - mbar MK She sluts of the first four e ► tie beim Tbs.e ce course. she did DM aomie, further than to note that the 'writes was in the same bold Ase hand as the siguatnre in -the 'butt, . If site Lad been an expert she- Might he mat have deduced much from the `writing; as - It v i r, she fancied it was strong, direct, u a:.ly. Bovis( tio®pleted bar, ins:pectipn of ithis stomas, idle opened the door and 'went by Rife other. ft was ,sailer and lees Inviting It brad Maly one window, aid a door opened outside Tbere was a cook store here, and sheerer with cooking utensils and graniteware, and more rude hoz re- ceptacles on the walla •Lich were til- ed with a bonatiful and- well selectee store of canned goods aad protielee 'of carious kande. This wee erelent- tiy the kitchen, t=:tpply room, china' closet. She sae:. ro sign of a bed in 't• and wondered a here had Low tee ran had spent the night. by rights, Iver n;tnd seceele ha-'e� been filed wet b r nn -. rad Lis eerie. and it their alarm sbe should Leve shared, but sbe was so en'rerlefy cusfortable. e-r_pt for her foot, wh:rL did not greater trouble bet so long as !she kept it quiet, that she felt a eer- iain degree of contetimehr, not to as happiness. The ad'-erture des so ro- mantic and thrilling -save for those awful moments s the pool• edafly ,to the soul of a conventional womaa %rho had been brought up to the most h*sirum and stereotyped fashion of !the earth's ways, and wi'b never an ppportuniry for the development of albo spirit of romance whicb all od us EbWtrd hoar time to our life, and thank Qod, souse of us never that she found herself revelling d it , She lost herself in viewing lumens. tions of hies of ber adventures that she could tell when eke got back te her uncle, and when ase gat further beck to staid old Philaeletpbla. Bow shocked everybody would be witb it all there' Of course. aha resolved teat she would sever mention one en t.o4e ef tha• terrible day, and the had somehow absolute confidence that this anti, 1s spite of his grim. gruff tact- teraite, wbo bad shown himself so ex- ceedingly considerate of ber feelings. woia sever mention it either. fhbe had me mer! ford for thought that teat even r the W d'terassa .ti I tks isag day coma vis Imo ber add 1 to the printed pow d the bed air bad tinea at users atm lbs mhdf which lay opm botany ber. abaft its set h the sum, her bead casteel by as .ill "rtbsssu" that mks bed vadermd to appoupalaae. She had dreamt a boar etas ..t a the reale is Act ass and let Gadd IP es St bat olasYg. tits bdostem.. r b Mr t//a Ike hod eat..s se lea a bradawl bat IMO W made a rather Med Wad out et whatever bad rim her tow b the dire -- hal tie was walks .cert eaal.osly sow for tbo return a the 11$11- TM naa Tb. awssa was late and the sen wok botlad the parka punt asil7 s the daoaeea sed It grow dart mot rib leg Was the .halo•s td spm the twin of the lowlands. Sall drew tba bear silo dread her rest wed we* a swatrarow?ig ep- prmbmarva. if she .hoed M saal- pima M ssad the skit silos IS tet wait, trim hat. th•t de omit ma t - Ile. IL tae was sorer phobia d outbid is her i thea whoa ase sow base ware!► bred an et the wilds w .cart • the ewe tui,, see ger s msmmt Mr dermt wad set MmpnW bI r tat wild d o w•. 8--.se4b to nseim will west dbuT. Chat as L WWI SIM is Y oar rawest dela "But they must have escaped," per- sisted en misted the girl. fitting doth tar alarm at this bleat statement d pseut- bis peril "Besides. Uncle Robert and most of the rest were cimbiaag ass d the peaks, and-" "They will be all right. thea; tilt lir I am to End the place and tell teas your story. I must go new." He turned, and without another word or a backward gleam, scramblsl. e does the hill. The girl limped- to the brisk of the cliff over wkicb be lead et 'plumed and stared after him. - Si. g watched him as long as sbe could see e +hime until be was last among the trees 1f sbe had anybody else to de - ▪ pad upon, she would certainly have - felt differently toward him; when racks Robert. and her aunt, and the ✓ children. and old Kirkby. and the rest surrounded ber, sbe could hate that ease in spite of all be had done for o ber, but now she stared after his de- o terminedly making his was down the d mountain and througb the trees. It y was with' difficulty abs could restrain herself from calling him back. The silence was moat oppressive. ' the loneliness was frightful. She bad - been alone before in those mountains. .but from cboioe: now the fact that - ,there was no escape from them made the sensation a tory different one. She sat down and brooded over ber situation until elle felt that if she did not do somethhtg and in come way di- vert her thoughts she would break down again He had said teat the cabin and its contents were hers. She resol-ed a inspect them more close- ly. She bobbled back ere, the great 1 t Me tome away without MINISal word. 'wilt," seta the wise., 17 r dud M shad haw.` Ms had base betimes eainghbalm is dem msuostdea Mt h.v .brat ti Psikto.s hod -smsllow somrttlid kir amrswa 'Then 1s sabre Ism earth Whet tom 1 dd." rotedist the mat "'Thor deal a basso bis< o *sr o I besw, !• them sassamia" " ie11spt m7 usage part,, r ow sallied "WA there sada M sasdo•--int,• W. odds. wwerossr. rims begat, 'Vat ihalig: ad •w ••watt aloe hero It Oma war. •rte. Tian Cir log Jesse t bink lth IS hoe e. 8M Watched M,m as L. as She Could See Him. roots had there about her sada 'Here was nothing that Iemaraed emend scrutiny. She •awl ado sew whether shits was witbda the pro- prides uspalolass sr sot; but abo abed the old- est had art wars of the "slow at Elm dolt It was a test bask a miei- isg and sestallsrd. 5*. ehaer.aa, sad stptel•m it to the 4 kat, saws tele she sew •Alta la a fes, vig- tsaroe•1ss head a ammo, "1110— orderly lttsaar'MIL' aid be. that.. worts, "Mr.r Sha& Han ' sal a date MGM Nova bare TM ewer of that best wb.tlear tie p•moaser .r wt. hot Zeis • seat. hay that h• het Pils- st twestrow .r tw.rtptss, be M twostralli t or team:ma w all sow. hot V w, Irby Amt hart Poncho Oust. fie ..till alt wow to Gems a tb. Mb. uemed to other heat, se the rill' leery at those www taheleal add ode W cull hist pas - rude. a dome souif he .sb able to a ors hely .lusohed. cost • '-paid utadeet of mhos sat deka rade••►, roe I• deb • aIle a at aims Instr. Oman 1101 apple•- i et • .•••rule =Ztd.t.Iy. but d whamaobaal ees 1P•a•rh • fwd rasaaMm et OW Mahe ,....*_4 her is the e.sidoi OW b seas it do moahiss Waal the arum d A..adettbm. Thom dao s M tr • I Irma letasea • ••••Hose 1>wr re 8 ••+s. were, • .m re: w ,edea just the t..* =11' c "es t ow arm . mel was VP* an • bort ttTo ti Ob a Coe "fa vorn. MaaeAr, we same V bra turd $4 ea bearWest 1-4.omssaedis out at ale Y tw.ei. b.. dad by oiso • art ms ss moat Write Ideasfor Moving Picture Plays! YOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND EARN $t S.00 OR MORE WEEKLY We Will Show You How -1 ft, ha.e idem.—u yea am (TISRIM-ore win rias r yam tis ..Oreo of tau hisoi .•Lia8 ass lassies. Plsaltively as regssiout. re Il saorw autufls.or i.eees•-w. No -'*.wry is./mars' le autot.d_ I1r drum �ad /.r p homp'y. s parties.* •drit.d. The .tit bpm •••••1•••••••• •a. lea r el. rad oath- it Choir dotmptm to wet ea.ss;t awl pieta to repels the ever ince assts ' ... d, W , ~Is S1tfa[it,, oma saw., far a lwAs www... we meitteo tdesa we have awitseil w bums from tie flim a wares ssaiw/L sed as VITAGI LAFR,' ELI EIWL?iAY, L *11 . IMP. MEL RELIANCE CHAMPION. C)MET, WNW* ETC-. tarot., we is ectad ptb.topiys to teem. We wart esee •rtes had well giadlt troth wap tae ason.se of ascot We are settling photoplays written by people alio "ne)er before vlwote a line for publication.' hied_ a we oa6i. the same for you. 1f you can ti.iaek of only owe goo. des every work ant e mita it out as dime -tied by ca, and it sells for cooly r .eai-.s low i eetl e - YOU WILL EARN 5100.00 MONTH LY FOR SPARE TIME WORK FREEISiEVD YOUR RAMS AID ADDRESS; AT ONCE FOR FREE COPT OF OCta fLCETRATED HOOK. -MOVING PICTURE PLATVCBITIFG' DortYolkaaa. Dort argue. Write NOW and learn jot what this new profee.wn may meat Foe aged your tatese. National Authors' Institute, 1543 Broadway, New York Cite IisIneetwmlmneeripsem r as. ewe Wed war.. el ear eartd— Cf17li� FARE. Axonal lirmaymins Look /11. boo illood. oe- awl emic int aswsr*.truthsese iwi. 6 imam. ��wiev areaga ' �^e• n� �if— imenimue and 24i�r�--"'l-�a.—m� , .-.s limb Pmdatrrat! .11 gm 'mese taw `� Preys _ur.rwo.e Wow t>bsr•a.am r ciao.. art: t.'r . e1 r -.s ,I.. ; :.bar s .t .w.r+r. trot az* atomwr ea monad .sm et lir woad. art., to am,au.L Tie Ciweisd & J•siab Tarsen Ca - . C7woisrd. Obis 1WSW Omar MeV lea Oras D. aas Why should anyotic_ cereal be called "just as good" as COR i 169 Because Kellogg's L. /:.'town to be the best and most nutritious cere:.l on the market— Betz:: se the sale of Kellogg's Cc -n FL_kes :s enormous as track returns w::; ta]ow— Because another large modern fac. --v, the Gest and moat sanitcrp in Ca na c_ -d to be built to take care of car consul/711p in- creasing trade— Because the .r ^r, knowing these. facts and having few selling arguments for his own product thinks to create a market for it by comparing it to Kellogg's: But ---the f_lavorand the sustaining qualities of Kelloggs Corn Flakes cannot be counterfeited. Sold in bg packages at 10c. Look for the signature. I1v6sIiMi Russ es COAL HawiatwPareierasd tie tau« - assue e�deotad r', F.13as4. we I, Poem dualism in Cool, Wt Lime, Cement Fire Beek. Etc. We will Wasik Sone _ Cir w as� Creche c w . wl tib. bels. ' We Ishii - Ps'ragaragsed osmad aid 'dimity the tress ssrei_ ails, end shall he 4 hoer ikN allot Mr. ' and mess awho web nd tmay Le ethers n ow lees. Aa commas islet with la« Teas.West lett, prompt!) atxewidl Leet. McDoeag6&Gledh7l 'Pbase 1o. 78 Yards at G 7'. R.. Neleor •e•« Building Supplies We are sow prepsr.d etggly eentsad rs with all kind. of Mouldings lnsiee Flout,, Flooring and Sidings. and Genes a Boddie* Material. We make a specialty '.1 Versa Flooring in Oak and Bircb. The Paget Grail Doer G. GODERICH Iaarrrso Grocerie s s The women wile have acrd ,N. Dr. Pieres's Peewits Preacriptiess will tell you dot It a time tram p- tr .liri tor ad aliaarriblio leek le Eessiw4gi sir11111111110 AO itiutiTimilts1=Z; UN'S le NOW Mi01111111114 *M dad MOM time .sad hist Cdr • pow& esaha.if. It Pettimef Mow daLil�brar iIlea. . Amro. 0111111 We Rmeesstee tont .m gout' will shoal Mie quality Mat every time. Ws want Tom to try thew sed d for soy swam yr amu a.t padoetly .atiad.d we wait 7w a tat - ksow tar e an haw M give you setidart.ua le (irwneresa (live in • Lriil es roar ural order