The Signal, 1913-3-13, Page 4• Twosomes. llama 13/MS
District News
h'ssahsI. Marrs! 11th.
sh6Carta Naomi to hie tare i.
co Friday 1 last woes,
iiariea Wight/ma has rrat..d A 8.
Ceev'. Sara,, for a term of year+
Wilk McLlo.ett has purchased the
Sit yore' farm beic ap.g . u Lou tae
Mies Maggie Fa*.
bierds from asiiriii sad this vicinity
on M uaday eenmeleg el ibis welt.
John ti assay res ow the* ins a
Saturddandleid and is now iMt oldie ts withlting friends c-
tared rites
Mrs. Woodcock sad daughter are
twist to Bayo this wet. Mr. Har
*My mases to the home vacated by
Jana Woodcock.
PattiesU Connor "had the midoe
tem to fall on tie ice one day last
mek}ed creek his ata ills brother
Jahn is suffering with e.e.moaas
MONLA T. Mar. )thio
We congretalste lir. sad Mrs Geo.
McElwain as the arrival of a ma and
hair at their Isom o. the Bayfield
Mr. Mod Yrs. Sam. Mel7wain and
WNW emu are Haitiag at the borne of
N.ates lir. ad Mrs Johnson
Quite as lumber from this neigebor-
bead are atte.oding the demonstration
Le ing apples in boxes which is
be given at Harnlink's warehouse
is town -
TIM farmers of this vicinity have
tialm engaged this last week is putties
intheir .®mer nrppty 1 ice.
e tug it from the post at
✓ he
ell belch hard on the Heron road.
the Y esy the ice is thicker than
Tbetetto . Mar. I Ito.
Noris. -Min Flossie 8syder bee re-
turned home /pun frogs a abort mit
with friends se Clinton :....Hardt
Forster is visiting wader toe paaeetal
roof tail wank • • Wilde Snyder and
D. F. Schwas vent the week -end
with friends at Ctesitoo and vicinity.
Maitland Allis, of Auernrm,
meat Sunda ss his home here...
Tba nonny of M. $chaise will
be ideate d to note that be is able to he
around again atter prying oo.ftaed to
the house for saw time The
weather maw is (ivies us some Rest -
ohm spring weather this week.
Thermo" Ooonat..-The township
council met in the township hall to-
day. Members all present, Micutes
of last meeting read and on motion of
Messrs. Meanly and (lotion were
adapted. Tbe following accosts
were pawed and ordered paid : West
Wallace -1M [.scienter, one -ball esu$rho
.pent cm north boundary, .
]duwiciprl World, aseessor's roils and
supplies, 612 ; Boort Bo*, tbit ty-
eight loads gravel. $3.Eht. Moved by
, Clutton and Young that the
council grant 610 assistance to Mas
Grant and family tad that the cleft
he appointed to look atter them. The
following patbsasemos were ap
voluted: No. 1. Lee( *sow ;,
1L Cattier : No. 3, J. F --1NNo. 4, N.
Xernighan: No. S.' R. %Iii .ll: No, 6,
P. Mamie] : No. 7, Amos Heber : No.
c$. C. oke ; No. it, M. Pfrimgser ; No.
Lf, Barer Vanstone : No. 11. I. Fisher ;
Me..1t3. J. Adam*: No. 14. Alan. Mug -
find: No. 1& W m. Million: No. 16,
W. Alis ; No. 17. W. Walters ; No.
Ji Lang: No. 21, R. Stnaughan
:R Jas. Streogima : No.
Helene Mifioe ; No. 24. Jas. Fate= :
Ph 15 C. Allen : No. :16. Henry
Z ; No. 27. tire.. Howitt : No.
Jam. Howitt: No. 31, Wm. Me Whimsey ;
Na St Jos. Hamilton ; No. 31, A_
Jobostoo ; No. 3` Ed. Rarefy : No. 34,
R. Bean • No. 35k, Mo. Carroll ; No.
St A_ Wise: No. 37, F. Gilder' : No.
38. part 1, Gen. Fulford : No. 39. part
2, Geo. Fowler : No. Si, A. Gold-
tbcicpe ; No. 10. Jar;. Jones ; Ne. 41,
Wm. Watson: No. 43, C. McPhee;'
No. 44. R Ake : No. 45, John Taylor ;
No. 46. K. Patter : No. 47. John Clark ;
No. 4K John Chiahols : No. 50, M.
Tobin : No. M. Gen. Corers.: No. at
A. Young; No. A. Jas Thermion ; No.
be. Wm. Keir ; No. 55, J oerpb Thogsp-
son ; No. Elf. Ina. Tarlov ; No. 57, Wm.
Vroomsa • No. :il, IVm. Hoek ; No,
g4 31. Horton : No. 61. N. bombast,';
.Jas. Mc WhinN o. et Gem
Gliddas : No. tie, Geo. A.btoo ; No. OIL
labs tressle ; No- 67, Jen Y : No.
1111. Ii J. Fa Mt : Na
, J. P. Lialle4d. PenaiIkaspers-
Cosa Fisher, Jos. NeCleten Jobs
Long. 3est loom, Myra Allis.
Fenoes-iewersos I..
bnbleser. Wes
Sallow*. Jas. Women Lauber Alm.
Amos Falser. Theo. Kellar. Jain
Jenkins. Moved by Messrs. Il.thsr.
iagto. sad Binet that Gas-
be eoYeotor. Moved ie
gMeaYa(3arty seri -- d "- /rat
aa ns. Hassilton be coi.riar. *sera&
mtost oareied. Moved by Mese Me-
aarty sad Ci.atss that R. Fimsnoede
M madied $1.M oveepsid in tarns.
Carried. 1L Jews pe.nsrated his awe
re via he a Soothe, kis lend. Outman
decile to go sad imps* the pr -1
.Oessmil adjourned te est see
Lt slay i. Aar*. 8 isorclt.want.
Orrice for Drink Habit
We w is sarneet wbee we ask yea
M Olt&INK a trial. Yo. Yeas
0o tisk and eveytlles se
Earle6r your `mao .my will b. referee/
This glresedisees
alas dad emefams et dose who debit
Ism ern eppsey
4 try the
ere tamest. I: is a very
load diltheet mu o r ghee
elf time
flim 1mismm, tend cies s ore OW.
0111811,411h peepers/ in tore Morias :
NEC;w`spa'""' Of hie toehtrieery _
amt. Oasis dill, RAD Is hem Oa
l etgallilhit ever dle r e■ wadi a
1/, jlhdleedisalbull ala
w.fmdidiaT. Mar.kbit.
Mr. Wylie w# trim a
as the lite a David 1.4tmeme is the
Baptist church an brassie
Oda Tb. ekidrea art t Rea-
a -
w a remise dist tie eater ie Every-
body body .demi ery-
WaxessimT. Mar. Mk
J. T. OaYsborpe has hese ttettieg le
hie email d ice ter the namesar
Prist Fara. [lad iiddRiBBrreews. odtthe
whir leaks i[ k air dal beIfselbsege. she paiiN.
ratto s ceding
eoe ir404. Irmo when the
Mr. and idea Jehm Maw have re-
turned to their Wasters home neer
Oen Lake, Sask. Mrs. Efdwis Moavis
.ad her two saes, Joe ad Bee. also
ong the
their dsets.tis. Ibbeeing Aueti..
Mrs Archie Horton, of
who hes beer eerionsiy ill for some
days, has been removed to Alessedr*
hospital. We hope to beer cif her com-
plete recovery.
W tt:ssmaaz. afar. 12th.
BRIEF& -Mrs. niter, who is unty-
ing with Mot H. Mew, jr.. her deter
bee been eery ill far a few weeks
Mrs. W. V a.stoae Use bees eery sick
with as extremely Charles Fisher is a add Yea
She can
walk a little am H. Mew, er
has hired for a .Neeat'i year with
♦stem Plohor. The ell an is not
ious for yet. Ho co mm endo respect
for his industry seer ateflebllity .
Will the Buster chimes ins. Wedding
we maeeiylsabie eons
demisters 2
WITS= B 'scents. -Rev. 3.
B. Otttmiost, at Lamdsshero'• at the
t 1 m
repothe LivisRate Miamian
`sir, is to give a lantern entertain-
ment co Wednesday evening in use
climb There err to be shown
n.timMs beautiful pictures, by which
the Ito d Darid Livingstone- the
great AMMO explorer =it missionary.
will be ia0lated. The centenary of
Livingotooa'n birth is to be oelebtated
that vert day. The children are
lookir:g for a large crowd to make
their sninionary effort a =coma. A
affirm collection will be taken et the
tb. 0. E. GATRERING.-Barnstable
Lodge, Sons of England. had a big
night last F''riday in Ashen" hall.
About one hundred persons were pret.-
eot, including members with their
wim and families .ad fifteen members
of Liverpool Lodge. Goderich. 11. J.
Morris cd Goderich. D.D.G.M., occu-
pied the chair and opened the proceed -
bags with one of his breezy speeches.
The program was as follows: Solo.
Bros Geo. Taylor: thieves; Bro. (Rev.)
A. W. Brown; soba, Bro. Goldby :
mandolin snips, Ora. Deneadpe resin
tan Harry amen&: emlo, Bro. Dem -
or.; eerer.citatiun,lCras Janet Mug.
asst. 14. old Mts. Henry Mew:
recitation, Miss Was Walters : Mouth
organ seliiatiest Mat=s. Coats sed
Blain. About 11 o'clock tie ladies set
a sumptuous tale old all etajwyese
themseives in pertained the rgse.d.
••.4 old Lang dyne was saes after mid-
night and the gatberingdi.pareedeher
a most enjoyable evesiag.
Parisian Sage Is Tsar Friend -Use It
and All Bair sad Scrip Trembles
Qom! Ge.
No peish.m sugar of lead -no
dye in Parisian Sage.
dmaest, daintiest, most refr•erd0
vies and delightful hair tonic in the
world is Parisian Sage. Il you do not
tree it yell .re a glotaocs
treat_ It is for uses.
women and ee it is sold at
drug and toilet gaoisamunters for only
i0 mats s loess bottle Ask far
Parisian Sage for yam own protection.
The girl with the auburn hair is an
every carton and henselae
Parisian Sage liver out all deadrnff
and std hair frc.m falling in two
weeks. it Hops itching s::alp in
twelve bouts.
It .s a Bair notariaber and
pats fife, lustre aid beauty into
forded sad M-isski.t hair.
gush D.. Illegismem. of Brantford,
net. writes :-•4 oataider Parisian
Sege the hest propagation for the cure
1 as k.1, tads hair and itching
diet B have ewer owed. ft is s..
hirrtemie sad dressing and
art alai be pinned tl highly
beelllehnenelPaeltiea eetriee It.
Tanenay. Marti pith.
Mi'. bassi.. at (14tom, will pimc,y
raini.mry earnest, o. • the Varna
tarok anal asiedap.
Mrs. Its *etehw ie home again altar
a tea daTheft with her cera, Mrs
Gilbert Loss of Termite. who wee se-
a ved in the death 1 her
bembatease wnhees d logs have been
.40 eai1*
bp baa ti Pel
. Welsh% tors Os
Fowle a bush ea the hi assaseis. d
Miss Mattis CLmer. s. of braelleK.
the evader Webber ber d 8. 8. do. 7.
Miaay. is hid Sawa of se attach 1
pieta iylalt
is her ne. o aeh'
Mr. Faster ani family are settled i•
Yr. Haswy's her on the ind anew
des d tllatdy. lir. Fedor will wart
4 Mr. Barmy this yaw. Jahr
lief eetra wise was Mr. Harvey's
awe fahems=r. peeper:
sap diet Min JesshanededbmMee
ynotucal its tmsarti
fladoetass. were
tie masa bp 116=7. Iffebsoilless.
!be ha at the Ode*
web he add Teestedei Wiese
IIsm Mem and peeeppaes semtheiris
wteaMW.*T, Mar. nth.
Shrove.- A ar.._ tai saki nes ImMI
.s the haws et Willem ldeswihe. ed
beengia hem Wreitirlk Wiser midi
MOS averaged OM Tbea deadryw.
the s.otio.s.r...There is me Amager set
a steed at the Pars this year The
sal peed eilasw almost ice ....The
cavies at berries see
actie hos ie
the hike. .. Ri. and Yin Rose r-
403.. et Clietua spat the week -and
with tilled* bees .... T1.m harries.
the Lamed .mints. bias hers in tide
locality for the Ism 4ew dsya Pose
mete etre aid far a. early spring. !YR
wheat hes wietse.t welt
areata here . Clover is in trstdas.
ahep.8so Tito Brio' G wild of
Maid shereb bald their flitch mole
at the home 1 Bina i... Me -
os Wednesday. T'be ladies
.at - a bale ready ter the bodies
Meme et Saadi Ste. Marie. _..8pspha.
end Mies Nellie Pests 1 Si.earli
gilded at the bases 1 Remy Meatball
this week.
Timssn►T. Mar. 19th
Norton. -ilii. Robert Jaw lett far
her hems at Re ire, Seek., a000no-
p•nisd by her metier. Kra. C. ReliefR.
Joseph Wilson is on the ark list
w ith an attars: of appesdiritia .
Wm. J. Dobie has arrived boors from
hew trip to Rainy Raver....... Geo.
Yem1t int wad Geo. Beadle spent Si. -
day is Zwick vtsitiag the formers
heather nsa,y Beet Marsh bas
w ar to rase ee bis studies at Chatham
Hudson Gallows. The box ad
i the Orange Hsraall Wednesday 1, under the auspices of tit. Marley
cbureb, was well attasisd. A pees
gum was Riven ooatietis5 1 violin
selections, solos. duets and readings.
The chair was taken be Rev. R. Miller,
owing to the pastor'. ithhetea. Pro-
ceeds MA10 sees Joe Lawson is load-
ing logs at McGaw station for Howson
A; Lawson's mill bene.
Single Fare for Easter via Canadian
Pacific Railway.
Return tickets will be iseued at
single fare between all stations in
Vanda, Port Arthur and east. alae to
Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y.,
Detroit and Sault Ste. Marie. Mick
Good going March 20. 21. art. aid il-
Return limit Maayh XL 1913. This is
an excellent opportunity fru a trip
at moderate expense, the return knit
being exceptionally long for an event
of this nature. Full particulate from
Jos.. Kidd, C. P. R. .gent. See that
your t.iniate read via C. P. R.
Mew's This 4
u'sanis me madam ,te.aas reward for err
coredsslaelrbclotenbeenrol !v Bay's'
P.J.twat tCs.TOWS U.
We Baa ememLna- Save kose.r'. J.
(?Mw asw As Ina rear e i,.. eel b0eve
blas eedrA` boorm bb i as bei i tse#ac-
tismand Mme-. - able es dtr est me ale
]Mims ssdhie i[aaroaoasst.L agmiltzwens & Marrs. •
Hall - Catena USoelssepiee the lfmLwaw miia...aliaM.cebe sWebs e
tPwe a gall' byleWaver
to • w
Take„ Reel Family Pile 4 or con. iiatiou.
ses aim*
f) the blood alai that MT Y
says may teem The Mend - seams --tilde
de their walk se ' Iiia clone Were
latopar dee dint dew Therein, yew
wad is eat 1mi pier boom
hied is Belisle ssh . They we iintand
sloe sricins wide ad tis
sad swot i.itased Mead tin.
ItObbey. March 1(Ks.
Jaspurox-MCCRAW,HT.-On Tees.
day ..s' s. Meech 441. the inns ef
and Mss. leprae op e inti
seassettitm at Biwa was
the, scene d a atsima.isl .seat.
when their demeggee. Dombia, wee
married to James Johnston, a ere l-
ktsoers and preopme.. Young farmer
1 Addled tonesiir, The oereesesy
was performed by ileo. C . lt. Rather -
ford. of Plea River Proebftetise
church. Oaty ksm.dut a relatives 1
the two cesttee parties were prev-
ent at the Mr. and Mr+.
Johnston will take up their residence
is Huron amide the hest wishes of a
host of friends.
McMtar--Btrocit.aab._On Wed-
nesday. March Mb. .a,at the home d Mr.
and Yrs R n., pati e.aess-
si'a. the sae a of their losses
Mugs Annie 8sada. co Lkvid T Ya
Mssseby, elf (]leomel.ta. Aleuts, was
*simonised by law. J. 9. Hardie The
brigs sews
vtegy bse*aliog whits
sada essegm'_ -see fires,
with needed vim, niimuiw
bridesmaid was Min ___ - y
ad tie was attended by
Thomas Min Anis Mo-
Gregor pia the wadding march. i
The house was tastefully decorated
with careafimast. Only immediate
1ramds were. i. attendrnee. After
viitisg friends in Ontario IIIc. st.d
Yea McJlurehy will leave for their
home at Clements, where the groom is
is .h.mise.. !tie brmde's travelling
amtame wee brown briadoloth with
hat to match. The grooms gift to
the bride team a itemdso ee pearl neck-
lace, to them ieiinaa.ii a set of cuff-
links. to prehe s a tie -pin and hard case.
Tr subs . March I I t.h.
Robert McAllister atreeded a sale of
cattle at Guelph last Wednesday.
Thomas Ryan was malting Uriah
Thomp.os to cut wood last week.
Miss Ellen Thompson has returned
home from bet visit with Brussels
A number of young people from
Hruseels visited at \s'tu. Thompson'
last week.
Quite a number from this vicinity
Weeded Mr. Hared ty's auction sale
lam Wednesday.
mabeJohnston irk Button sawmill in
'. hush has *but down for this
swim. W. Stuart has gone to Blyth
to work in Mr Hill's mill.
Mr. Leisbmarr's auction sale of
farm stock and implements last Yob -
day was largely sue+oded. Mr. Pontis
acted es sect toner. Mr. Leel me &s-
teads going West iw the near tutees.
piss eta sod hoessawd sada
tael cow hes a moult atrdls
oe de tame sobs. obese
he ▪ sib lee lewd every Aar. d orb es enth-
e sla =mom kerb, lebeilfaWillie PIA-
mrinasee M M-
erl l ebealeseer nd
04... ersber_ede4week W ameree to
TrsevAT, March I1tt
David Sproul is in Goderich at fitm-
ent ,
Mies Ember Bellamy spent Moody
in Luck DOW.
Miss Clot ■ Wbyard Jetsam& en
Monday froom Godetich, t
Mr. sad Mrs. Jas. Comics vidtd
&GUMcb friends os BmaAsy.
rick are Mr. and Mrs. Thew et Gale -
village. leis ipe is oar
Mrs L S. Palmer was called to St.
Marys. as Mcmday, otritig to the Mimes
et her metier.
Miss Coote. 1 Henson. returned elm
Meaday tie tabs edithetry deaa e 4n of t: ilntelley
setseo. 4e geedsthis week tisms cria
term where he Im-- -- String.
Miss Halls of Berlin snivel em
8etmtdey end lea bake cheap el J.
W Mi•es(miilieery iepmr
ammt ahem week at the
her of 31 Nonce. Waled&
!fee. B. Wise, of 1pte. _cors_
ad.mti.mel emmees w tie Denims -
Inn and Chews Mettretiet appoLi-
mesete A Wads tem„
ortrinR to the imatema r y et the
weedier lea esseetbty
S. wee
▪ pesedd mitmestleg aid a ef dieW the this wed:.
P&.aamtew Mere*. -.ort.. - A
assent w1 be hila 1.
*melt D. eider.. t
=1.8Mae* 17th. theadose
.we by Der. A. ef adsbw t
Tis►. J. t Maxim. 1 lily t Kee.
sisica, et Yadmler ; Mev. J. L
a41wetsmw, sed Oho had
=111171.41a. Ilhaddle and484111111116 41/111111111es
anther Dress coeds W!ek
IS will be another Dress Goods Week at this store. Last
week's Dress Goods selling has been eminently satisfac-
tory, which is proof that our offerings and our prices are
right. Blue, grey, brown and black Suitings ,are in big
demand in serges, whipcords, diagonals, poplins, broads
and venetians. The prices are 50C, hoc, 85c, 93c, $1.00,
St.23, $1.30, $1.63 and $2.25. We are making a
great specialty of blacks fpr suit dresses and materials for
waists and skirts. Silks. -Our yard=wide Silks, in browns, blues,
resedas, greys and blacks at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.5o are in great
favor and selling fast:
Dressmaking Rooms Upstairs. -Any Dress Goods bought
here can be made in our rooms by Mrs. Carter, than whom no
better dress and coatmaker can be found. '
prints A big shipment 1 Prints ib this week.
. - a peat as: rt:Dent to aelhct
bee Uinta end het redoes and every piece • Etat
ocher. Ant far Cswst brood, on. 1 the beat sashes
1 Eyehi deli ami etas Per yard
Oar IOe Prints ere tbs beet we ever load for 10e.
Cotton saltlnts Plan rehire. leesyt ash&
stupes. H.dloed silt
l sme colors. in marrow
stripes is use. Mown. grey sad Kee. Priors
from 15 to 50 oewta.
Underwear oarda.sttt adsal M.i.aleer
is MN cite soy how
on these R oealoes loes thews*tM
fast. but there is mat a psi .msehmeM
Game sad secure some at them while they lest :
it will pay you.
Kid moves Our user kaiser KY Glovers
grey _VI - are bees. P mho's make. tap,
the here Mack. *LOU sad i1.M. Perri.'s are
waists New Lawn Waists• int lo. Long
Mod short sleeves. i . $Lo0..$L:S.
:1-50, /L75. =An s.+ ;Ci iL 5U, $3 00 a.d Q80.
Linoleum', Oilcloths and Rugs
A new stock of Linoleum'. 2 to 4 yacht wide.
A new stock d Flour Oilcloths, 1 to 24 yards
.A new stock of Scanlan Tapestry, Btomasb and
Wilton Noss
Mr. Henpeck -"Are you the man
who Rave my wife s lot 1 impadesee r
Mr. Sc ap-r- I am." Mr. H,eopretck-
-Shake I You're a hero r
Mother- •There, now, doe "it whip
Johnny. You know the bible mays,
'Let not the mop deeoead upon four
wrath.' " Father -'That's all right:
but it doesn't my not to let your
wrath descend upon the moo. "
-the Star of Alberta
WATCH CARtI ANGAY. GROW I Over a million
bushels of wheat were chipped in 1911. Over a
million and a half from the 1912 crop -the greatest is
I all Alberta.
CARMANGAY is the :hip-
pie!: centre for Western
Canada's finest spring vibe:_:
. a ssa;es.c
railway centre.
CARMANGAY has rich co.:1
fields already prot:ucing.
CARMANGAY has pure
natural water supply.
CARMANGAY has 53 ':aces
of business.
rNVggT NOW EIC ALTA VISTA, the high -elan ra.iedmr-
tial seetios tot Caramtsay, only one block fro. Paatollito
sad Qty Han. sand postal sow for illustrated bodkin.
Western Canada Real Estate Co.,
gifg. IN [drat Toronto, Ont
MINOR ersms.
1>reeisaa Linea* .men lila lues,
lt.eemk erla
Itsthod. GRIM
Western Canada Real Estate Co.,
3114 Kest Bruit,
Toasts, Oat.
hobs *nomtlmd mss SI U • we pooh rltarm.
.............• ..« •,..
J-'---:_"1 wish 1 could be Tommy
Jamas." Mother -"Why : You are
ertrongear than he is you have. better
home. more toys. and more packet -
money." Teo, I know : bot he can
waggle his ears."
e x.44 41
L1 mmies -. MTV= ni
teN. Osaaet the
sbee.. 'dsaas- bear
aTka rs0.0.
The tea pesaasl tug mend u
Omar -
teat 9Sset.6aed .d Ttisamer.
rimer. are t► ad praebtea.
Teacher. are e.... 1 I sad owl.
nes are pima . earmma w'e en
indtvittrt stssrt es sed etedaste erg
eats at asp tori wraa 4 ear trait
entangler at moa
D. A. MMcLA.CHAN, Principal
Colonist Rates
On Sale Daly
From OODEKICt1 to
Vancouver, B. C. .
Victoria. B. C. . .
Seattle, Wash. . T
Spokane. wash.. .
San Francisco, Cal. .+
Los Modes, Las.. . 1
San Dime, Cat..
Mesion t•, iliac
Pasamsamata arias km Moe taCa ,p tntrlet
treatment. we.
Ark latooll Treat bees
tessera hirtles-
Grand Trash Praia beitwer le
he ret ere epalebeit remit b 'Gybiwi
To Manitoba. Seskastln..s
t and Aida
EachTomb,My October
ia Glaicare
et. Phad
rt rocas Ossiase ea[P.`.e Twee
Sassier Gla. we Le. Torente
11 t s. ea gibe's .sem 4 R'IN%i
sr maihm' ed One
Win leipK ani rebore 636.00
Eelsemelbe and Mum 1148.00
Welber sem weNreertim
ate tow seta le emirmitma
Settlers' Excursions
To Alberta end Ssslmfeieeme
March Nth
eedtelven TUMMY t.Ser.etter eaIt
lereedre. trees Kesler Oreasta Pemme. Hoe, cad
Low nates
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