The Signal, 1913-3-6, Page 10IS TwasamAT., Naxos s. nes
St. Patrick
Fur Monday
March 17th
-k large assortment
ot St. Patrick Post
Canis, very daint,‘
..:41 high-class.
for 5i.. and Sc each.
The Colonial Book Store
r •
esevalitettebenewseeteuetoweIsse tWeentsow ewer
Etnionec of Itelsnd
to Itrktaiii
Late IlLallitotia
Eta prom of Ireland
Fair/win of
Lake Ninetietb*.
yore. of Ir -land „
Emptr.- of Witaln
•Mar. 7
-Mar. 21
Mar. 17
April 4
Aped/ II
Ayr I 76
-Nay ta
Ti etc nud sal hassenarese tress any
isawbouti was; or J. %WO Afilebt. C-
P. it:. llaillatina. Oft.
Singer Store
Baby's Wear!
Dainty articles in bah' 's wet%
Guth as :-
Baby'. embroidered tantrum.
Laity. habit macre wool jsckets
anu bonnet..
Baby'. boonrth &Lamm d for
!Di hi (mire y. AL.obibs, pillow*,
&Igloo& towers. etc.
Ladiesairbus in & variety cf
thralls be.
Ladies' st &aped underwear on
.est of uraterusts.
Ladies' nimhtgowns. $I Oi.
misses' nigbigusuti, 75:- co. set
ccvers. 25C. DUID1n wttuma, Si .
stamped house -60M burns of
all kinds.
Hsndsome tinted pillow trip.
refiltepietes. ULNA` i tanners. tic.
oilke for ow king. •
Wort commetieed foe pur-
Novelty timid', for yokes for
nightgowns .nd tlivers.
lace sad thsertior.,..
Crochet rho ars for haw -Magi..
Si et obsoes.
I O11.0. tineds,fi woolly dry
and co ochet work, lb oh white
sod colored.
Ribbon for faiscy work.
- -
The Singer Store
Next Bell Telephone CentraL
S pecials
at the
riaple Leaf Grocery
f or
15 Days
From Saturday,P. b. UR, ylbtb.
we swill offer you your =mem of
oar ew Ise wince r4 staple and
fear,* Ces eke, y and Chinaware
If you ore hi Wahl Of any ',ode
in thew lines it will be y
adventure to rail sod note the
values we we offering.
Grocery Specials
Green Vegetable*. - Rbularh.
Ottiona, Lettuce. Radieb sod
Waft -noose Ribs. ?real,
Tillndeetratit, natifetriet Weiner",
Osoited Hem. Jelbed Tongue
aml • "nugget* emortaient
Swop gem s.
S. J. Young
beia ems
ves to
Lasirier. There was so
116 that time. Mr. Borden Aare
kisow at that time that be would ever
be celled upou to frame a policy.
Coder these circumstance*. the Gov-
ernment having no saadatat what
Watt ths duty of Parliaasesst? "Wbet
rigbt have I to ....Jo we will take out of
toe treseury thirty-five wiflhoo, and
seod it to Gnat Shahs ? Not the
elQhoot. 1-311 Mt,* never cossidieed
you have never been salted to =a-
bider it. ls it not the $&D dot, of
the Government under tbe easetits-
Lionel system o con,ult tbe people by
dissolution ?'" That was the position
Ib. Oppreition took. said N. Outbids.
wad • greet btu= a epritivues greeted
his declaration thet the Literals at
Ottawa would tight LO give the people
an opportunity te express their views
at the polls. He did oot know
whether they could force the Covere-
rs:oat to an election. It had been
hinted the+. the Government niigist
can y its point by havirig tbe Speaker
or Ibe chairmen of tbe House entirely
diereirazd parliamentary prsetice. but
if that were attempted tbere would be
one of the grandieet rows ever seen
to Po -lament. Mr. Borden migbt yet
see the penpriely of diesolving Perlis -
Merit and consulting the reople.
Look for an Erie:etas.
He olbe speaker) believed that not
many inontto umul.1 elapse before an
election would be held.
If their were en eleetion it would be
t helot* tcome of • ei tam ion for which Mr.
Borden and Ms fro ode weretbernseives
to thaw Trier had goon pledgers to
Mr. Hoursisst end big friends if, destroy
• he Caliadian meal eervice act,. and in
the dilemma in e loch they then fouod
them/wives they bed bet about menu -
torturing 110 -emergency" hi.:11 in
reality did not rtiot-
Mt, Gatti, Iv tripled nt length from
stateneeet- .4 the Piot Lord i4 the
Admiralty aod other member% of the
nom& el **. u., e 4 1 41 -nye/ that Do
•le,yee-igete.-y" coo:ed. Mr. &ord.-a and
hie P•otoesier - General.
Mr. Pelletieroeitived in England in
Stock Ifs Poultry Specifies
We will aced alwohleD fret fee
tbe rakisspooress. ow of our
Prue 64 -pace hooka (with ia-
wet,. es the e,rstaisek diseases ot swot sae
yea,try. Te:is bow to feed all kinds of heavy
sad lista b eves. oohs and mares. letilea cows.
calves Anil fatadatas lames &We how to hesp
era geed ;e0....1.7 so trail they orb] lay as wall
e,rtur as us illnesses. 11 emstaim 36*
recommends f-twe ow froze people
she tsve used ,ear Rawls. Ne farmer ihould be
Y., can 'mitten cattle aral boas is a omeatlea
less i•me by wailer our Rossi Pert& Steck
Spec:ne than yes could paavials do without it,
they -by etir a rtioath's teed and labor sad
tete east to you twill rat he issie than $1.0 ter
sir vies <L,r 11.10 tor oft game. It will keep
your Moves is Is esswittips wide siedisani
feed. If roa have spoor. misersbie-loak-
iris anneal oa year place cry it tos to one
1st 'and we the marvellous result which will
be obtained. Our Stack Specifie el* iseresate
Ib. asilk Sow three to Gee I r aver per
day. while being fed ia the Aside. A See
pbeturri tsitt hat a cow ist noise In &ill.
will male your bre. la, wen in tbc
wtatee as Is the summer. isso4 will heap them
free tram 416/ase. Is ewes len Puri *ad
unadulterated. We dis last ore rip dray Anew
10 rob it Das parkenii. minds itiokr.-wi
from any on the market et the emend time -
Rorie' Purple Stark swear, fibe ratan : four
sie rclues., is as air -Debt Da. for 51-50
Royal Purple Poultry Iliewibe. 26e and Lae
Pekin.- and 51.14 airelight to that hold
four 110, pale.
55sal Purple 1 -ase Ciller, Me MA Gfie tlas
Me by mail
Royal Purple Gall Co,,. =e said ttlie tim
by mesa
Royal Purple Serest Liabsest. 110 bottle. tee
br assn.
Royal Purple Cough Care. Wm tat : 65e br
&wet Purple Disinfectant. 25e and 50e t:ne.
Doled Purple Roo. Cure, Mr tray 35e 10
Royal Porple Worts Powder. 25. tins : :pc 1111
Manufactured only 14
l'heW.A.Jenicins Mfg. Co.
Loudon. Canada
Royal Purr.' Mu pie and Book-
let. may be ob a n d ti con
A. J. Cooper. Flour and
Feed. ,Goderich.
New Spring
Coming In
Everything in Spring
11 will pay you to come
and see us.
You will double your
money buying from us.
IT Robins
Squart Goderich
JI'. ha& hafting is anted his ghetto.
to die MammOnth Mhe Disedes sold to
deo Inwpwriel nes
Cassolossof so V but so mem" i
am as Bindle n«...
ogamon•sia bead sr. Asquith mg/
that there wise mo daagarba.dQM
Um* had Deese hoes a sismast whom
Urea& Ihritaie mould miSheigies:
overwhelmingly sisperlar Naval v
=114any poesible keel& 4112106406.
114. hoer! Mr. thispridff mail lb.
boost law, the bu at the Oppose -
Um, make similar mid in
the faee of this hetease back to
Chum& sad told a the ••gesive
gess- that beast the Ramie&
Mr. Guthrie quoted lies. Deo. S.
Foster agates& the pefioy rof cowards: -
non. Acieciading to that peatiesias is
Mgt it was wring te lotottote sad
created no home sentiment in favor of
a navy. Sir Charles Tupper aloe
&denied /septic= earls a policy. Bat the
Drumniond-Arthabaska election gave
Yr. Borden hope ot capturing Quebec,
he a.od wheeled around from his dee-
titration of litifd got into hie mescal
difficult We
Tbe Laurier policy had berm consist-
ently that ot Cassaditin service. Not
an expeludre one. but it was accessary
to make a begineing. Tbe Wooer, -
auto. said that Canada could not build
up a navy. "I say.- declared M r.
Guthrie amid applauee 'ober* is notb-
tag any =bee itation can do that we
cannot do:
Tbe biseecti, whieb was heard
throughout with the cliaseek attention,
was oosicluded with an eloquent trib-
ute to Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his pol-
icy. combining -imperial unity mad
local aut000my.-
Tbe Delegates Cheer.
At this, stage of the meetiog the
resolutions. quoted elsewhere in this
issue. were, prevented to the meeting.
When the lust ooe. upon the
Libeials at ()melba to oppose Um
Borden contribution, was read, the
entire gathering rote to its feet and
Fiore three benrty cheers and a -tiger'
tor Sir Wilflid Laurier.
There was no mligaking the temper
of tbe Liberals of West Huron in
regard to this question.
The Member for Centre Ouron.
W. Proudfoot. 24. P. P. for Centre
Huron, followed in a brief address.
He congietulated the convention up-
on this choice it hod made and pointed
out that for tbe first time in a good
many years the candidate was not 4.
reitineni of either tioderich or Clintoo.
Turoing to Provincial affairs he said
that the baod of Liberals ito Toronto
were putting up a bard tight and ex-
pected to have anne results in the ap-
proval of the peopie at the nex t elect iOn.
Obey had as thew leader Mr. Rowella
man of outstanding ability and
judgment for whom there eras DO
equal on the Government bide of the
The meeting concloded in time to
allow tbe :waken: and some of the
delegates to catch the late afternoon
The West Huron Candictste,
The Globe : Mr. Thorrob
who hats been uranimously coos= by
the Liberals of West Huron as their
catdidete lot the Federal Rouse. ie a
young tuan who will make an excel-
lent Pas liamentai y representative.
The youngeet eon ut the late John Mc-
Millan. wbo so loug rep:memo:1Z::
Huroo, be is One of the Masi
sive and up-to-date farmers in the
Province. thoruughly verbed in public eleettertt debater, and of
irreproachable character. If be can
suixteed in redeeming Woo Huroo be
will uoquestionably make his matk in
t be House.
Baptist Chuck Services.
Divine worship next Lords Day,
March ft the pastor officiating.
Moreing service. 11 a. : Bible
school. 3 p. ni.: evenieg, • p.
A Gospel bong serrice is held before
the evening service. A good plaee to
be for all who like Gospel singuig. At
the eveciart envier the peat Ili ill
speak on "Cooscienoe or the Bibi,:
which is lamellae?" Everyone wail be
cordially welegmed..
Young people's ureic* every Mon-
day evening. 8 p. m.
W. R. Vealeopublisher of Tbe Sea
forth News. has purchased The Inger-
soll Tribune and will dispose of the
Seafottb paper.
Intindaost. Mac. 7th.
bah = illatio•ott
Dar 00
OM. me *aim en
Pam par 1 re be i le
• ew Illaa. 00
Ilia. ai fe se 550
per esra......i.... 1055 2 TS
now rat an.
ssas. VW Om 10 la 155
pir Ian 21 0 la IS 0
0 0 as 55 55
. Mem atar n ti tii *0
guise sew
wor1 ss be 5 IS
Va=i. 1 a cs • Ili
* is is • Is
este *IS
A pokee.
tank mese•li to • a
101. 255
Petatass._ par tillibil. 1 iiii te 10
(-11411.• *Wm/ le me& ow essi
1551. 155
5510 S�
Yaw 1010 50
Maw per wit f so te • so
.47, a a et a
0 5510 • a
Meek eget .� be 755
few II 0 ha 0
par lb
itiss= Loodia
sotilliaLseslegis mode by Col SIIIK
to "Is ps hut _Ohs
bIgnamp. sarna Isar will sea be It -'d at
esdielaa as a soma al taw belbv1 gl-
Pglogg isTolged %91g 50 her boat
era emu. beciesse it is
thb to Tee* Onespany.
tjeb 4
anent u Me • isms which isib=
eantifele %art Of the 01114
tryill0 110111 01111
ered exorbitant.
While we kn3w nothing dellaiss
yig.." said as Allow today. •-we usder-
salad that a tamp die at Woodstock
is beteg 'td' 4. There has beset.
great deal el diesatistaction over go -
(0 Goderielk esti is such an out-of-
bestay rims.
"A member of the alms basis
heard the report Quit (AA. itagassi
bard that the camp ituutti Dot be held
at (rodent*. la the meantime, we
are swag ahead with the routine
arrangesimue for camp. T'brire is a
lot of email wort that can be
arranged1 for in advance. DO aratter
liberty the pimp locate; ;sod we ars
getturg as aisle% an possible docie.prior
to an ansosscoment being merle.
Asted d there was may chance of
Luation wadsg the camp, the officer
awed that if a big esuaudi training
grounds cosid be secured there oo
reason why the HOMO men should not
CU under =now here.
-1 believe," he said, °Usat seventy-
five per ousio of the men and officers
would favor escaping in London it a
big enouglk tract of mod availabie.
A. tog area is absolutely riecemary to
crin v oat the manoeuvres wbich the
Militia Department insists be practised
while Use masa are in training. Lon-
dou to this MOM ttettUral plitese in the
&Lean -Land if the conned *54 Mdiva
Lepartnimat mold range w secure a
ate n thiak Loudocoald get ths
camp. and dishon ire bly against A mit ralis
end agairist Britieb Admiralty.
By the act 01 . Borden, tbe eamaies
of t be Asquitt, •vernment have ear -
castled in i-olsit ing Australia. The
oett step will he to bring prewar, up-
on Australia to abandon its Beet and
come into the centralization scheme
advocated by the conspiratorb in Lon-
The friends of rielt-government in
Great Britain. in Canada And in AID-
tralia ought to get together and do
their utmost to defeat conspiracy
Columbia Graphophone
The CoMinbia theJonola ••Pavorite" we believe t., he the best that can ever to made mid *obi st
IMAM or bear IL The cabinet work is of the highest paabible matt estentaip. The histronaseit is le : s
ioches square at tee time and 12 lochs@ bigh. Ilse twistable le revolved by a powerful triple sprito
deice, motor. The totemeeltame et the **Ireverite- is sionoishieg, and 11.i tame quality is noeseeptionat.1,-
We have several models in sloth be we would be pawed LT, l.asooss pita:we a1 tsar stare 01 b,
your borne. A tar -go stock of RE00111011.
Walter H. Harrison, Jeweller and
fits in • ery really with Use schemes a
tbe irresponsible Loodon clique who
for years base been intriguing secretly
For two weeka on/y, commencing
Saturday, Mares Stti. big reduction*.
froul Leo to twenty per cent. on .11
fancy goods at Singel Store.
Australia Deserted.
Tomato Stet.
Seuator Pearce. Australian Minister
of Dehisce, has Assued an imporuoit
statement os tbe naval question. He
treys that the Beet unit scheme origin-
ated with the Brit isb Ad et feat t y. and
that the AdMiralty has given DO DO -
tare that a has changed 11. nood.
Canada and Australia agreed upon
this fleet unit policy at tbe last naval
conference. 'Therefore it becomes
neceosary for Canada a=1 Austialia
either to carry out the s.heme
adopted at the conference, ur propose
another in its piste.
, The agreement between Cricked& an 1
Australia spd the British Admiralty
will he found in the conference report
of 1911In makes full provision for
loud control anti for co-operation with
the main body of the British navy.
Auetrana has proceeded with the
po:icy of orpourizing a local fleet tinder
tbe terms of this agreement. Canada
has deserted Australia and abandoned
the policy, substituting for it • =-
called emergency contribution for the
present. and making DO prevision for
the future.
Senator Pear is quite right in 557-
Ibat the Admiralty has given no
evidence that it has changed its mind.
Mr. Chnrchit's speech to the Ship-
wrichts, made shortly before Mr. Bor-
den a visit was stroogly ic favor of
local fleets to be organised by the col-
Great Britain was willing that the
organization a local Hee= should pro-
ceed. Australia eras gpibj on with
her orga.nixation. Mr/Bordeis backed
out and left Australia in Use lurch.
naturally. Australia, wants to know
what hie next more will be.
Tbe Churchill mamorandurn was
framed to meet Mr. Bolden's wishes
as far as partible. Mr. Borden had
pledged himself not to carry out the
Laurier policy-oe hich was also tbe
policy of the British Admiralty and of
Australia. He bad also pledged him-
self not to carry out any policy with-
out, appealing to the People.
Mr. Churchill tires tililiged to frame
his memorandum in th- light of Mr.
Borden's difficulties.. Reece, while it
does not rt -tract his Buono. opinioos is
fsror of local naviesit leavel rasa
question open. And out of this mem-
orandum Mr. Borden unfairly twists
an opinion in favor of an emergesry
Wbik be,iys that this is not his
permanent . needy all his sup.
porters in Wrliament are arguing
agaisat a Canadian navy. The Mon-
treal Star thaw," rff i be meet. and
attacks the Australian navy as
futile sad separatist is its character.
Mr. Borden's emeslied emergerscy
'Great fir Breakfast."
A day started ea Corraa's
Gam is a day with a deer
bead and a steady nerve -
• ay tall map and life..
cows aostriaires tie body.
It is rick la food value and
easy to digest.
Reportar---gver get scared while
rasmi a Weeder/ P
Orsoltsee a wends woke up avid
for yew te he sisr Seer a min
odd : "Ms j4asetty dem of sight
Me I thoeglit woo et home.
Bar hushosid tereseed. bolos Is a
rmetheserry sassat• 'ill She Islusest.
he as* "Whet waismi have demo tar
IseMoOdaird r °They
=?Ilmu. .
dem." replied tar=
Waaisa'a 020010 always ',las
treat the earhightaietutst the
teseamest se the ea& wee.
Owe. as. et Orem* L. Vitas
tee ar three 5*75 arlar ealaakeseias
5. we 110 logrammast became
analsialas. 11112, Imre veinal*
pleat, egret Uly it se
easema• 0011 imisstlestat, tire-
=rer Yea &ad We
etimesseassa Ils
alesaaid parte In order Its (seminal 11111 roma air Oho 0101 sr Illy
rtiTa Ilaarsarrnalint=tara="21k.frItAtireCt a legitre.a.laga! Lan
i -or sale by Leauing Druggists Everywhere.
Ready Now to Show You the New
Spring Suits
HE ADVANCE GUARD of the new Spring
. •
Suits. is now on view in our roomy, ready-to-wear de-
partment upstairs. Many and varied are the styles
as shown here; materials most in favor are Bedford
cords, whipcords and serges. These we show cut in
the new and jaunty styles that will be so much in favor
this season. Best choosing is always done early, for of many
we have but one garment of a style. Come and see these
new Suits and Coats. No need to feel' obliged to buy. We
will be pleased to show them at any time.
Would You Buy a Fur Coat Now t,
If You Got It at a Great
If you would we will wire you the bargain.
There are a few we would like very much to ail
acid will make it pay you exceedingly well to boy
ooe. Your ObObey itrOlieti earn anything like as
much in the bank as you can save on any of them.
Here is the list :-
For Men
One blackBulgorian Lomb Coat, Persian
Lamb °War- A very serviceable
garmerit M3710 for $24.00
Ooe brown Calf Coat. a superior garment.
special. for
undyed. soft pelt, w,41 -wad,, Ter? $30.(N)
Two black cloth Coate. earl cloth lining
and fur oodlare. 'tither of these $10.00
For Ladles
Two fur4ise4 Coats, outsides of high goal
ity Auseriaa Broadcloth. =the aori revers of
tor .
1:1:1147 Alaska' SableRetarred Ilisaltrists Int' $35.00
. is& prime selected
OM only Meekest Cost=lid quality.
perfect skies. is oast
at $42.50
Ooe setra (nudity Muskrat. Coat. prime
skins. a superior parsaist
Now $45e00
Owe black Posy Coat. full
satin Buis& collar sad revers et h
Wolf, now thee assews. The *Mgt sa• as -
Pori= quaker. The orioles/ 421101 edible era,
spent eras owe. We 55551 10 band star
it at as milestmall bargain yea do reple
mai weer ibis lear. Prise $45.00
A Truly Magnificent Showing of
New Suitiogs and Dress Goods
Th. sew Suiting, and Drees Goods are tam'
ling in 011 1. every day. We are delighted wil
them as they op= up. Never bare we bad
stock gait, so attractire as these already bete
swore., whipcord; Bedford oords. the seeson's
rim*5 popular fabrics. are shown Ili Variet) enough
to plowe the swot exacting. Of the best. no teo
it. alike.
Fierirealyoipcorth‘piir ydperaryard..... . 110resoo 10
Bedford oorde, per yard.$1.00 to 22
All sbown in i full range of colorings.
Coats $3.83, Just 7 of Them
We are going to close tbe Winter
Coate, that's wby yt u can buy one of
tbese for SM. Four children's and three
ladiea Oarreasta. new Ude searera. Rego
any of the seem
lar $10.00 to 51100.skunnitay. fogs5
Coats 310.00, Just 4 a These
There are the kat four good Oasts we
have. They wool be carried over but
must he sold now. garb • very nolvtiy
gamest. Thlus light adore. one dark
grey, all sew t Ramat and
former prices. Mlle sad Mal el g%
Matarday takes asy ose for. .. 4,1%1417V
We Can Give You Your Spring
Hat At Once
If you want year aeries Hat early we tar
give it to yea at mom. The sew 'toes is all in ism;
Ws are hard et work preparing far taw formal
opeeiesbut nist too haw lo show you tie oW
hate if you essuld Oka t• Me them awe.
Apar-oedema woofed to bars valllisery W'
have room for two eopeestiom iss tko
deportment Apply at ones.
Coat Makers and Sewers Wanted.
We waist • stood scat maker aied those irod
t=dsewers is our deerwaskieg deporuniie c.
y work seal geed wave. Apply M owe
liodgens Bros.
2 Direct laeperters