The Signal, 1913-3-6, Page 2• Owens.. nog lab !se !Ss SiO AV: ONTARtt, ebrithisioad 9"wo■cm smT rte . PC13Ltuila IVT THEBSDAT ligH Pena a1. reilnTtaw (r,.. /man* Irmammara Or. ha al %rma aM lbubsor.atwa Lea par ailalairm. lt111. g�`ii,r a base sew �~ heads. Zbo WoofaIMFsaa. miwag• .a aas %IN•• ebeelehey i tieah art at/ bo sew aa.arw+ot : peal=aarl a .. fw.aewry si 11.11 ow&aissonen rant. .. � ~ • b. Nair. .serialga Ilan awl ammis. sear ,.aa at 1a1at,1r11I•4, res.. r asls w arrAare.a emr��' ■yet �_s� tor •Mh snot lab srrwisia. amnia 11242011m. am osomis am. r a.tr. p madly.. was 1 wale trey Una. 711. ride. L. tbsn Jess aeaatmlwrs. sam.idat at which r tae • alrimirttasre.t of ase ln.laaemal r sweat wawa to aatr an r laaelreesnt nod almond tease >w rememe eta/ amaaot advent** mom .rel be inn es maeurasa .liesmaass memes.ms Tliiaa•1tALPtINT1NH CPO.. limited. twidenot. Ont 9 _- 1.&Y. /taken fi 1911 LOCAL oPTION IN TAXATION. After a lit -Hy discussion t be Ontario Associated Boards of Tiede. meatier/ at Landon last week, pained a remits - ties Mooring a measure of local op- tdsa in municipal taxation. IL wan MOM= to the peewee of the re.olu- tis.Mat the question was an issue be- tween the political parties, bat in, mite at tiffs ayatacb Conservatives in Os sembias. i.clttdane W. S. Bur - WPM seater of Lbe Conservative r.pera/!lt thgbaranes. supported it. . taTMlutioa w.. as follows : "Thee ba so ei.es the 'i .mese in asolen raids pm- , lode es ret tb.t s11r■ssiiff be � allowed ayes telaeetwd , b in the levyiei.(eswe epos dm r..ber than triodee e thereon." THE ALLIANCE RESOLUTION. The Alliance oomeentiom at Toronto lam week pearled a resolution strongly endorsing the policy cif Mr. Rowell. Liberal leader i" Lbe Legislature. on the temperance ga.etion. The rep- oluuias called eosin 'Nall friends of the tensetueee ewe to Lake preps to name the seeisetiam and election in every seeseae.e*cy al a aepeaede.ati'e who cae be 11th= epee to Taff is his power to acmes lis as. I- 0f legislatioa le' tie ee ipreselem d the liquor ttalle.," .tad also etpdwsei .ilenei.tien of the Gm -rimming. athlete f tkr the enforstemest of tie beat option law. The fret paragraph ot the remittiom esdsas follow "That this esaartits hale with iiabt the admen= .teed tali b the Liberal party in the rssj-t .. of which N. W R,reief, K. C;.. I• It P., the Is of that, pasty hoe suss swim is the LitylabIseas tist be imiN aim gee the imesellirep ahraidem ed thin bar. including' heed std dab 1irseeea : also the mitjgg and placing moth odor "ran the asewsoe d /lar oI1111.ry >laael�lelitaom raysnbs�w to be ueoeesrp ibr pesetie mad effectively O.diliiertdi•mvint (woad option to be OP . sem= ot wiping icor fir tasidue of the retail sale where the Amon 113 decide." EDITORIAL NOTES. r Bordeu promised to submit his naval 1, .lire t.o n he people L Wily shruld be bore u, he forced to keep his promise Woodrow Wilms woes formally i. stalked is the prieriency of the Cited sta.1 e. ms re a y. He is the gleet Dei, acre t ' tie MIA slice Ali cisme Grover Orsi lteflsasesmd to s. i - The Manistee 011isna hes hes renvei. with W. £ >fmhnesle as shame. We sow teat sorwei stat Mlle the Benismw adisi, list. R gar tae Mira maw 1b.. ws sews, ire hope the Berristos people tmif be Road a Ya WO it cwt be ratter -1-- tis ter the semsber ter wet Owl i. gats tar as the pleaste hefts hi sew eliea lei Os d ihe..es the Odle teems pedes a ease._, which .scab -4 se Si .Mite 111 w7 Ie. d dimdimism! S1 Chsowt atism Naha, No wmei. peaty lab i 111.1, ami wore .p peritiell SOD `: es ear, jaw - t. L to MOMS ebelr Isiligetiw owe the m d .twice tasks by tae Violeta. MINN viatica ONO ..iyilime l Q,.,tI1..rtl- Belli rmime igeieeis tR !me hue by seedy 4.4•10. They Al • girlie esomoyais me the Om Ihey hoes hem embin4ad =visor thesediss ea.rthy/a Mess. F. IL tiedi. Omar f` unser d ttvgdle Weds la Os beam a mg. est r fees& is Oeisteio r acne. ism. ewe the his rather the neewa i slat ampeiiimt. Did tqt lila *ocher ere 'ltlfaa Bala some is Ite - reit A� a�tsli i a Ibis Ors her imsleesll es *Ala lrwiene _jest ab► of siesimel to tsewma of theiss ' Ira, at %slim . is ably the Peasitse► The ea d tee Piteibies mei Ci malls lOserprep at •w true t llh..li,_ gnaw i t _ r wmuid ae saisa Or Oily hese awM ��� ems& we nary assent et yrs semi os at the tide .Ilia Is - rflwtsy dim t �_ p�".w�ss wise at ty wd[ •Id sr• �ifisa• sof de.f semisted es trues GI 'se • lamsemt that tis mist -4-O. 1e1I _mi m aa.d d sp beadier.(_!•� O�f _i. voaaw wee. tgtpsed t. sMey sinimbe_ a. '!ha sant eagteoditare P ab dere. saaay aw.ise all The Th. oasis. '..ata policy heel a L fisierei. ! v �� MIST 1 I . L Pasiews. be mitbat Let: he pleat, me Os Unci Umsi.d baba eyes r .. �a� seie .d ...++...Yes''�a.�ie. isith with •sstwaa..111111 wits a Ddeewi a tie d the beat ppa b y ' the r psi retie dr)R at ttt�nsi is espied at the isipeeiel CC.dssseem hats tsellw is lir 111tssl.ta lir_ Ma- r mfit theft Casaba awl A unrramla *son .1111.1"641111"11 •>Smrtltesih a11aisraft ewes awiimeos al hi s ••• a& mei laid a Sleet wait with a sissy M d Thos wee__ -.111 wf Ow w l sisbeires altb t e 11is .!-I e.rp.suisa w the Paeii� Slew Lamm w Mist eellei S. iia. is burr U1.. IAL„ ilia Fuse • Slim Ines• Ma at tilde.. amid �'eid_ !'!� • her a sir ler a sepirri local klesiseies.1 a Ilia *Alerts ger tine nes bis ash a ms, caw dime case al she Mil y i •bail aA the A.. P. a A. ig..amd.1lhnMi Ala. ushimia and fieri. acre . eased to tb. aid .tied at Perishy- He i a semi ad £. &n)d tewails p. aaieeiem b. Wn melee been' 1111111 Sews...110/ breis, a.d was ado- ase wearer kir." Armies Ice Ieseat 0+11441 at eyes ei Itirtiter a s..{a ... " and the Qies..t _ s where Le INK be rented Mlle. Olive Tait, he lie toms d 4l. R. in NM setae yaw be Rea,auau,d da, i LLeeea.bor Os m a. tee S. B flees Q'D.11i Bei. i.. L a dr, Hao- Pew twiaoee1hae s. Morte ws bewail wetted lbw Lena Baird . Fealty% buighfor Swage wed Kra. Bair -d, of basso �w then Al te empieee their, se Il lathy- '- b e i lflO family - 1 eseeeesd dye .1basiatia Xt.' jth-..Md - libL . Pitt- 1m'h�..r it la with tsar este hem mesa little longer them Lbat for • roeteietttise grime his ability attracted the sus- bas ami r bstaee 9 e adeslesels of for l ism. ms ipley; sd prtrgnseelew to tale etfert. ISM d fie ih+ea+ieea at laetttR loo Mot Li betel ism. MB Me awe seal to Owtanouver last year gwda hearty welcome awaiting I Jahn�ie1 Combe. The Setsia Observew twines.e the hs. pis Nola action of Lbe rai)way oommitsee d the • rile eclogues* and deep-rooted Lib- emtaage. hyrtsliw bileIsIMINdised lay. of Commons in killing, Lia and prie.aWho sake hire • popular shire. 8nereJ John Cempbcll Out- Huron ]eke Shore t$ailway ail mi the n at awry meeting where Lib Pie bete este bees a true ems of the steriem is diapered and ie ante of his -` Retd ar,e,tr��seaty," and to this day around of ••P,•oviecial right.' Th. abaft .,pules on the cruet be is nnt.biugaieewbile MOM rima es awe Observer states that lobe ago. in hmeYd r ane of the ern who are tl.e donaries el the regalia at the It* days a6 Sir Job" A. riastemmald. Rs� v led dig= Lo t-ict oir*y and Stew art 11.1161811111.1.• .., it was decided that railways aesmieg dew tdear.s jeers tetsd fs ee leei.i.tion To Ttiw nes w is iitieb Cei.mbia. the �'afNlier widaeee d or oo.aected with treat lir .bat Dwdcaa Rasa wr eselgb0 sola d tale lig Suet wad l\.. hie dseise Is 111.1°- extend beyond the bensdis is.d of le Mt ranks of the Ltbrra,l standard ra raptly imr taeaL hie low the Mier.. Praviime should be Atwood Doe imine hearer. is British Columbia. abate a h.._4. j hoc•, ad iet#�t stpeoe railways and be to 1 Inaabate presteaged oar hue wtsirR to subject Ilartiw more to better known t has the n- Lis wish. laws. ceder the law the snob se scorner in the Doe.it ° Porimmaot Be married Miss Mary Stafford of de .ford line. The Orseeoe ar.siw ger Y«l••Lrrieaoo, iwini i. 1Atmean W .trrion. which bappy union bars is entitled to a Demisige she!! chi Roes, a •a 01 Gentry Brum been blrw,ed by the Annie, J m t and be war berm in Brvor eoenryr daughcenr-Itiieen Anode, $tee and it nada : "Tbe mow/ slserltiee I. Ontario, Bay 15, 1870 He r.n.lved his Hate. surety makinga....aaed play of edueatroo is tLr public and bigb We asked this well-known old so. hniR Lbe dda/elw d Provioriaf echootp of Kinc*rdiar, and inter. of R -o0 coedit what form hi. re- etit.re.d Lbe profession, Cyr aofl t rwpliwd tighas that have Io. ism Seem tat= subeequ.•atlyMoot l�v himself wits oak, to which be away by a Con.er native Government the r.mks tthe funs storias cad that to jeleswlism. Hie work tLe came " �e easy add that The with the f14 broking and approval elf is beth r hese gene gate him a wide' Sum anti••ipaten Mote frequent visits the Oaeemsetitee party There uremia ante this ewlderlts confronting of John Coupled Currie. probably smoothing more in it than s Ibomi is the development A sterling Liberal 411 the way vest al incee. We see him for the ough, he replied with marked grandstand play. It appears that Hon. themes few years • prommint figure pride. Ticar. grit' Adam Beck demands that., so f.. se in Mes.iwmy building and contract. M-. Currie is a former well-known he can prevent it, eo railway .ball he Aly homes ; resident of Qodertcn 7'hr+rthree diversi8•dactiviticr,, all constructed in Wetetes Ontario that conducted with rswent samaras to will Dal use Hydroeltptaric power, No himself a. well .s setatfasrticm to all County Temperance Meeting at Glinten O wads saris eat of the sasne.elels asl >utmfdte mases. 0.. ifsai is ..osier be the Sisaiemei:ta is bas- ing aism osa e* meets Iia nisi al _ons Huron adapted ea Mie.iy 01 sees a res0lesien .lies Stir btu leerier ad his ha- lwietr at Ottawa to oppose the Dar- den naval bill in every paries par. At I o'eneek T uaiiday maes1SR. imam a few hour, lager, Su- Wilfrid gave his followers the sig.al that tar *tat to a finiab was cn. It sometimes takes a m f neaL•{a OO1asty i" the making. It finZmt'fay id at Clanton on der denied unless: they provide a is, J1[aw'oh 30. The nlxr atter• Loa' much addiniewai railway w-nb 'hal be s'asv itt oontact, gave A meettnj of abbe count' temperance facilities may be ".ceded. they are to 4 aderieahlr ooncrption of the otganizrtioo will he h; lid a matter of little wonder- business of the organization, ouch as market for Beck power- Along this meet that be shooed have hem] fro election of offineea, will tar transacted, hoe en attempt wap made to block baais.ssity r.I.urnrd 10 .►rt.w* lop hot the leaditti question to be des - the people of Stratford practically . pter.tmr 1, gift which unloo has wb..l" conoty may vote at once and if told Br. Beck that they would not brine hep 10.1..01 with throe cavil- a majority at the votes cast are in t .)erste his intenf.rence in the trotter. mss' Ciei'b�• see. Mary, tire. and f..roe of the a -t Lbe law will go into 70,7 �'R«LT.. ag, lien.7resrs d aid. i effect or day tat, 1914. Single fare t tL .>eiglig� fyp- a titi$ensbip on the railways will be in effect for Sesta wl the EMIL e d of web a emssfel Maw of the the day of she oeseeiss. as alt es tie Says TM(ltittslawlBei6ieh Americso : wlwwe• mei d tide Rarisas as a day before Geed iniloy. John Walt is sea 111 sisal credited selle lit hie "et is with waiting 'alb. tslseiies Boat f� voting Iwheerl i t>rilaeh t o Song" printed inview. 0. sus is C •.- lain Mimi tae send �ee�eei s�e. � Tho.. Frank Paterson. 8. Sc. A. N•� Amimaelamre i madam ors I Few . here are who have lived the his case hn d Orland nod seeeimd Miss liar. Thornp.nn. CsbadaT..npersece Act. wberet the Wieffeti4 Sadia•mber, !ga 1* the more formative emitde.if tbe•ir Naim sae.. ft.1.biw is loo amide wised ti is tar baauer 11~ ea old Outwits mathnett, beee e- 1 ur ably dceesiesd sit the iris- ood Lrsenallem. •.t Thaws !Leak Ppeimeipies of a lona is no erre aim ear that stole. Burn it m- net, Oataric. No- vember IE. MO. ems of Ales. and Amiss Pfteevese. both of whom were pears at in all the stirring activities ante pawner day* tberr, t be subject d thea sireteb war jus, a little too late And in the "Nemo Chntis- tmeater North nays that s Mimi i Canada has sent bis tit plow pot -- tontine to be a trs...ies how rye Baehr saes by bc.mrsirt las dens rowing sty the Sr.. Lawweo.. in a little Nast jest out, "The Canadian Boat id Other Proem" the author i. Gak.. '•Latter to me as obi= ye board awgifts llirrg Ione ono tum ewer stem dram. Ltaten leo MC. ami Mea Saler.. same Nowt 'flit we altar am meratd for ams owe 001111411 UaiaetiQm . t+m •�•l 111100'. We ties r..1. *Oa. ssia ( mei garths lei behovF. e tthamr isi=i tsnrre- Lamaafs r1e• ane air it Igrasse, sift its. fess of aplaima. sat goi▪ ll▪ h Praia Ti emu R tiff b is - Take lull's Family Plat far free lack` Prima at the, family-•- Bow's mew All your dere yams low pe pull peep sem + Um Con nfe lstioi Amt. I Peareeiee ? ' Proud •F0.4 Meet Parent y Chem, �; pebsp• aeeeeseree doe to AL ,Is. could .day only alaesiesl this govt that be very seren ih.reatter pieces. het sew pie coo do raqume-" wood -are tommoes.eed a close Hedy of political quessomi for• the neat forty. gear,., land wi h • be await that today T. Frans espome halm comeittiaos re the wits L'tt}* ds.vbtw p seismical ode uld is Fair thea* brood mead,. rhes boa.;r nand. Hat we are exile- from ow lathe 11 is the second stanza that haus the reeler Pam ti. ]nor teltiaetoe d tam - idea !•mere. aleeln M eel etre wise es Sat e/ She tient i # tis baart M Hien ISA .cad w i.lsome tideel tb. •eYri6e.. Patiws.. is mate Mae ever oanvincied "" et Me =wit. eft =se Litier.li,M. O nisi. his primary natation ii. >11e Vane sr11esle of i.ockier, tad low se. tb• O.aesiese lD«tartsgso Itamest tr�leal 11ie yf'� 1 isi tie years S is M. � latae Weser' rot i a argirlieli is tie '�aalp of a s- taa est w CsMa rs ter. d*mt►gg 'Ala C .Ras at that ties altbelss\ melt smarly say youth me es et the pto.....i, the agrea& tuna moils sal Briuide t)aeumsb www riewidl, appwstot t. hi. Stmt M sosdt4.,& to tabs op abbe tib. pehem0. iriel Is negateettaine r ebb Cabe i Owl" at& the time al TSR Ms les ssetki t, r lei w las el'� . • M stemwt. a b� lair gale be low oa llti i et hems mis es thertsts aids at *be >s /wiser. aim mtmlllei lsla Ise mai salol!• lie teeme�e�eett• 1.1111 sea f eiw msomesr the "O. J1. C. ieM.1," +sheen taw yams aboisai its anent creek &.umbos. He ssea rebated es willeseekea d we ailw ami me a isider iesteme be silo ' by hesleme+tegr �lj tics yew a Id- Idiessary. t• sh- ols the hoe 0111[ N m la s tar sesoolb That iiiO0.0I& M- N va�etpd his (71 we& W4 wet loll Lased the fanny bauntd .'loner *'es teras dart hilt. creep.. the aura slew .dost.. an era.maesdthe.mews.. imam. Nor we tam alimea seas esesestm_ ani Chorea Whet rbe add els ed y se tllaa kw vet_ Moog crarmealthe GM geti..Meism. Nie raw rested w r ward be bre *sea That • l.eaenees Ise. Wein beam amebas Genu Caw tamers rase -let lobe' .nest in tntssie ter • 0. taw fat abau mm tree. mal seta slaw. Ter leets Met trate have en wn auk key Ms use elm haeme �e the ALIamtir MITI Ell COLUOBI A LIBERALS. Sent of fa (Rest Pgsimet Rea yes This Pert el On C mmiy. Ile Veet....we rites pthisb , a very neter~t i.... et be sasoliartary ae R won:dot addle e. The ie b 0 IJhm stesi� paps of re hetlle (hue etc,, f sessadtlf yew tamit . at hem le too eb- bling. tam sell lest larwied es lei sweet el serhises mem 0it easeemit up ie mbe -wJsMes mud=Ireiragrosikas 01 awes d swim the armee -m�/ mob- SamImeemothe rL. .*Mee We Wil s l w i moat embsoms r Cbteska. 11.68 d 1~`11. w:sr.. ebb 'id eat w J.111. aeimesel taw sib km"` ybeiwe it stkmii Ow Atte (rated the NW to The Wade. Mee .sus/ by tar bar J. C. ]�e V gsgsgsmoller agog �t :at ib tfra0e.• tam Ilse agog til twerp deer the lee. JN W1N1I 1111 el NU w o oaten he mei CISI /ELLS MO drat..a..dag.sess a Oshisk. wl: it., NOL sN& "St Oho senna d syn, t .tial stasesei est gob is die beck as s. I r n mime wen. woolla Rig • a'aherds imm trof I R Own mat he n tis. AwriteMe i lets.... .blot lime Yee a 6h trial sad the semis 1awedtobegad'. GAO. E. ROGELS G X TSI I.S meet eels yea or yew tttnmeey will be I01. pec, a tieo. flat /-S•. Sat¢e bre it yea ads datianal lrug aed C ..X110 Ce. el daboia, Lim ted, Zbnmtt. 144 Wbyu a, fast young lady 1!e a egeerbr.►t F Bem am lobe never goes ahs.d without a swell after her. 1013 Caiepe Now !a% • wow brim full of good third. Ow - aim Intik ixdormum lass per. tar fateti �pbarker. 12 naeti . at c knew wed how. werid-wij,. slUabalbaulioaa. e .al able pea17 Your limit ad 6 u.yarrows ons stall ..renal (se for w4 mail 1914 abrolul.l♦ tom* ttsiY .uw7 ardor. lame ot ano1L Ifmm.L &kw writing Wil the with soar motor ami aidrw Vow rmmmeet win ..Iola Wut1W atWtion Si! it ow .saw gquil.. w Soweto for rearm • low how a .penia: prior Witt Wath *odor' while it'a hash m War wad. DARCH R HUNTER SEED 00, Limited Dept. u 1 LONDON. CANADA purging they griping) really so thorough)y NA -DRU -CO LAXATIVES are best for the children es well ae the crown -um 25e. a boa at you druggist's. dirt eaemrhmmi teer Lir.►11.11.1 1e2 CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE ATRU T'PORD OuT, The hest treater) taafniac radial iv tlmasrta Trine ate.rtae.t., (imme,- 4114 sal �a _thhsee_M aid gametkat amll.ams mletsst i Maiiists.u-_--$. are ies�egrms .soden eel er.irss Mer awe to awe trade. 'Ms *wow true eataleyte al aeon to 1 4 _1 I1.'. Ptd •i,pA Titin esker art ad • pisgsseramla mimosaest ger •h tie enssiost msimmeingue k iingswi /s the qua d etf.tarn . As Edison 'son Blue Amberol Record w, imitated on time 4 eItler the ee..c dos i cat, iifitil mid Tee k se elver wet mit mid sfilinvemet of t at fir•'piell it es ate lass wart imoitillitag is cemmuit es so amity so pima am Aa asel Ream& it Iles is r ploy Ibmwe•►iee inak . Mw- -ase. ai.m t frre.lAL • ae masse he. • -iD awl tessbni, awesome owe s MOM Ir. ra W. A CHE&0A4 SON ails 1 care Luis Pike sept *psi iris d •taseaie orad 3 se all at hie tesiets tide h..eedled y Omit - mak ams piss ebbe. ase1e�- - •saee irnia' '-.-1,Is alai 3 Kett Muss ssad isign ib styli ale/ .ham Harm Me d.eiyl OMR serer team Near et heir eggeabr 34: wanes ..ii't 3 seeLeib/ Rad�stgfea. BAgdae "MOWtheibi.�a.d S 3 ........... _......._._..aflts est $17.8181 g 3 titMifi Lime nee. retest a# sod ateahti, One area arplINL goifromito5 ~•Lbmaiir ottepped est hem e perM>R w -MUMS atteety very 11 .. Canmes 3 Is Yssa wmoo �.ed by seam d ..r eastemees as ye IL 7s Btvle. err paths. him .cert is Ca.ae smelt, E s"sr .RSM. $l.11.t1.e. is $$.T►s F 3 Ce�ali F Twenty pain white Swim Cekaiss yetis flaw&, he.ier,t , F .3 ..roll a.d iredalLon atgaligee _- . Wiwi !a p..: it $4 bR and i4.bij Sleek-takit• oak mine *1.75 F. it Art Sews cad Glatt E it 0 for quilts, combiner and demons. 22 and It istabee wile` awn t damages is colors and effect.. Pleb . Mem. bwmwa mod Iirtr. reds. at per yard „«lye, lie and *Oc - III Grey ,Cedligs r 3 Pe ry Clutton. .11 Mahan arida, extra heavy and free trout • 6. firms.*per Secular 12 c. at pywrd.. •. - .. 104 rc 3 ags iii Thirty-two inches wide. lento Oahu= Siairtiogs to neat 1. ril stripes or checks. Belt made, attree' yard .. ebbe. . . .. - Ilk � '3 Priats cad Giagiams r 3 ew A cholas. bright and eetifnl S'1 -inch paint in light me- dium or dark colors, at lilc and ebbe.. 1=se 3 Crumb's beat per yard.... • f d rs....4 >1111111 g. .1111 rias len ti.1111. >x , waft; it �,r. Handkerchiefs Twenty -live dosed ladies' all pure linen hemstitched fiend- ' 3 kerchiefs. Special each 3 Idea's Haadkdrehicfs E R.sekda and mereeriaed. hemstitch. fancy border. reglad'? each lice Sale special :; for ........ ebbe... !loo 3Milos Carpets • Yard -wide heavy union rarperr reversible, neat pattern* in browaw, groom and blurs Per yard special at lac W. A CHESON g SON VTPNTTTTTTTTTTTMTTTuR!lTTTTR lidivid � lestrwjN A7 Tilt NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWER 1110Uf1D. OMTARSD p"riolts students to begin wit us any day. Position. guarmaiteed to graduates- Staff of s'pecialisu. ln- for•mation tree. C A. P1.eeawo. F C. A. R incip..i G. D. FLE .. Secy.: a t I Will Stake This Medicine Against Your Time A Few Days Will Be Sufficient to Prove That You Are Curable A few minutes of your time for a few days and I will demoestratc to you, without expense to 3 tureen. that I have a needscing that drives Licit Acid pair. htOt tie system aid by so sea - Ilk bladder Week sod I 't ask yes 0 hag M im it, but simply wast rm. to let we send you some ed ties mc8iciat se that yon can nae it personally. aim trying to .swim. 500.1. 1 Mg Ma SI* 111-Thils ��.bsnse�e= saw s et it 11.01eimmemasi se. +i ORM erelslrmm Osire siyImmo ma, wit arm - see it7sieserasam ss . seer usemseowisp r mit us %...cargre wwsesite• INV ase Gm �wsmi weir tall ~waft �a ~ �0.es�e rele let _sig�"wow me r� ail rmwier =I�� mea this tree.. .r � t�� �� ere ss smitr 011t•.sent r t R~ Is lift hm diostsoh. gra se yes ��et so r onegoiri..�.� v a deer Om'slfs�m. t e "'' ,.limiarerialletmetraillrlar w Weft wile Uwe lose ghat Albssiess sea est sits .~r...ikp'' tont =emir IIIa' OR T. MAN. LTt7NQTZ sit mil s u a �t► # w let► pu N tun ss Osie tear. as�aaaa�•>� •Or ages a�q.gare�ieees =me Earr=lifr11ea aq. O. - Aa~ She �sisg teat Poutla ginuriliMiw wail seeOM somswe to aileteeri W�tieet tth~e.- lion Mr WetMaiOuew =permeglis iv it medWis. rmstma eet lop Mrss7m.m. wbturMlleipemA There Ase the *sem � •a__ 01 a.m• se ween sa•asetalmamwM. ~ a.w.�_ ea at Smarms. �• .rfr►e��►�Off` e aasttftwaa bmiL Se s� to ..�Wrnim •