The Signal, 1912-12-26, Page 3F: 0 10 r 15 .00 J ,h Co ".Meal. fes acd s tee.' 1'urpl, ,y pair wen to on St. Phone ASII argc ..t flgr. S es as iA1NS 'OATS is ter er 1 in- tek e d 8Street Irk THE SIGNAL OODERICH ONTARIO 1lHvtsaDAY, DECEMBER 94 1012 B THE OD161N>L AND ONLY GEMINI UEWARE OF IMITA- TiONS. SOLD ON THE MERITS OF BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. SCn0 L EXAMINATIONS. VICTORIA SCHOOL. Following are the results of the Christmas examinatione at Victoria school: Division 1. Total 860. Grace Pinder (honors') 11138. Eva Keene 010, Maitland Pridham 810. Victor Kerslake 506, Percy Beattie 504, Ernest Lee 508, Arnim Brandt 587, Icon Cutt 548, Bennie Smith 540, Lulu Bates 5311, ()live Black 525, Harold Murney 590, Laura Salkeld 505, laurel Bates MO, Roht. Cls, k 4118, Pearl Fraser 4114. Katie McDonald 4111, Eleanor Hays 458, Ins Muir 458, Ber- nice Davie 466. Hate Wilson 4.15, Emily McArthur 462. Myrtle Jobnaton 432, Nanneh Leonard 421, Florence Johnston 11111. Delt.hii.e Halliday 388, Albs, t. Wiggins 881, Clarence Robert- son 381, Hazel Belcher 35:3, Bruce Noble 45t Gonion Noble 320. Derision 11. Alen. Hume (homers) 7118. Etinn Wallace 4438. Ethel Stokes (101, Nora Statham 611-1, George Baechlef 602. David Ross 583, Jessie Wilson 543, Jamas Hunter 517, Bertha Down 617, !may Thompson 516, Greita Mai un 510, (;faire Hays 479, Harry Howard 474. Mattie McMatb 446, Robert Bell 441, Alex. Anderson 438, John Bell 417. Edith Murney319, Norman Wark 392, Stanley Cocklield 389, Lily Mc- Lean 378, Edwin Laaba 364. Allred Warner 342, Russell Bates 327. Eva Jones 314, il4innie Drinkwater ?Dl, GOLD LETTERING Irene Morrow 964, Grace Hunt 256, on LEATHER GOODS Kuril King ''30, Edmund Lymburoer 216. Eva Schaefer 174. hells Cousins 88. s11 order.yytly attended to aro leaving them at THEL. SIGNAL. Dederick. Diviner° 111. A. F. TAYLOR, STRATFORD SENIOR to. Honors 676. MEDICAL DR. W. F. UALLOW. M. B. luaus residatica. nor t.oeM N TeMMese ltd R. F. J.R. it'URST'SR—EYE, wE�AR, 14 acne cad throat, saw lsingeoa. n. w York upiik-' 4 Clioioell w@i,t. )fess. Nees and 1 haat Hospital. �Eatdaas Le aad Meereaeld Eyes � pompe, y y. Waterloo Sow* as1�e Rani Cbereh. Hours 9 to lY e. es, 1 is s p. s. 7 to a o- m. TeMokone K. r . LEGAL PROUDFOUT, HAYS & KILLOR- AN, barristers, solicitors. sotaeiss p btlo. In tie Maritime Coart, etc. Private tCrenn to lend at lowest rates of interest - OEMs Sart side square. Oodeetab. W. PituOu. NT. K. C.. 1i C. HAYS, J. 1. K.U. CAMERON. K. pC., HARRIS- (luSsrlC�h.. third door from Square. c(ARL S (;ARROW, LL.B., BAR- itteTEtt, aiwrws, . Wt. etc.. Gods- gym(MMoney to bend at lowest rasa.• O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, • tar, .omalsdoner, sours pantie. Ustow, Lamiltan weed. Gederteb. 0.11. LUCTI0IiUEE. THOMAS OUR DRY 1 AUCTIONEER Box C. Gedsrloh. Alt instraotbaa by mall x rest at Signal d..e win w pro pals at- tended to Haddam abe.eens 119. INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. S20.000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO torn. Apes to 1L G. CAM - k narrieter. Hamilton asset, Dederick. I.'R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AGENT. Fink AND LIS Taima : British, Canadian and earsocart Ac':/ arTD.MJ Oatmes AND 1613PLoraa.' LIABIL- ITY IAa14ITY : "lbs OCMD 4.49:61 44914. and Ou.rente. „orporatbo lUmlte& of l.oedon. 5..g. F Iua,JTT AND ti AwNTu BONDS : The U.S. e Hatay and Ouaranise COW PLOY. (Mee at residence. nortbeast corner Of Vic- toria krfor a end 8t David's street.. Pb oe 176. Winnie Gledhill 746, Mary Pinder 7111, Elizabeth Donaldson 80'2, Lily Newell 880. Paw 4.e). • Albert Barker673. Ma Johnston 065, Harry Inkster S19, Frederick Beevere 802, Douglas Thornton 59i Viola Mc- Clacherty 586, Helen Shaw1640. Gladys Bedford 5.99, Henry Hunlalvy 529. An- drew Murray 528, Fred Arnold 483. Hazel Birnie 475, Gien Murray 475, Ernest Videan 474. John Sanders 466, Norman McLeod 401, James Anderson 385, John Reid 384. JUNIOR 111. Honors. Nora Nilson 732. Pass. • Doric Hodgens 652, Pearl McLean 1104. Charles Nairn 802,E Fern Humber 594, Bert. Megsw 586, Harriet Porter 578, Rub-'na Naegele 567, Ila DeLong 548, *John Pinder 543, Catherine Mac- Kenzie 532, Reggie King 530, Shally Panzer 611. Herbert Wark 506, Lily Laahbrook 497, Norma Johnston 476, Irwin Speiran 475, Ruth Murray 436, Martin Price 430, Horace Kell 285. Division I V. IIENIQR 111. Total 900. Pass 450. Ben Weston 756, Isabel Foster 738, Ed- ward Pridhaw 700, Jean Hahkirk 690, John Donaldson 688, Clayton Walters 887, Fanny Panzer 672, Roy Foster 680, Gordon Down 884, W illie,ohneton 534, Helen Smith 578, Gertrude Mc- Lean 569, Stewart Burkholder 541, Susie Bate@ 5811. Ella Cousins 521. Willie McDonald 609, Reta Wilson 484, Willie Sanders 474, Percy Lnmby 463, Violet Burley 418, Marion Fileinger 400, Vesta Young 375, Knox McLeod 356. JuHN W. CRA1U111, LIFE, yF�eIORDEig and aeoidaot insar.noe. Agent for .Il manual and Mask es estian llasurenoe In all howl lasogoa as bar. plane and at lowers rater. all .t Mew owner west ;Street Gad 11quare address J. tilt. CRANA K. Oodertak. Ont. re/emboss 1L b cIiILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 114 all d UR AN C E C U.—Farm and belated man property insnred. 0elcet.--J. B. Mol.e.o. Pree..eieatorth P.O.; Jags Connolly, ysVioe•Prer.. tioderieb P. U.; Thomas lereoters—D. F. cGrTegor.''�o� Jobe Q.uriev., WinthroD. WwumRlnn.constand.; John Hennowels, HrodheKea ; James Evans, __k sono ; Jobn Watt. Harlook : Maloolm Mlif woo. Hr.osfleid. euiesate : J. W. You. HolmesviUe; R. Smith. Har took' William Chatoey, 8.aforth; M n.kley. Ileatortb. Poacy-eoiders 0.n D.1 seraa�sam ..d tet their Dards teoMpud as B. J. Mserlsb's Clothing Store•Cllntoo, ur at R M, Cates dreary, t in sten unser, (Hestiok MJEEIAGE LICENSES WALTER auto ticia.0141. P.. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. SHAViN(I PARLOR -DFORD BLOCK BARBER and popular eland e11111 ta a bat massing. In aha rng. eta. ens. UAW ssinned.Immo atlie ld. wW M appreciated. H. B. iwsstss. Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, pre- scribed and recommended by physicians. For Wo- man's Ailments, Dr. Mar- tel. Female Pills, at your druggist. SINdents amble/ le r1.p.ar1tinT. College IIs Saba hem Sept LCatelege aid tinter meg and 191.111.11101100111 & Medina. Jr• POMO 3USINESS AND SHORTHAND WOMB taught Ivy ezpsrt Instructors at the 218, Helen Thompson 191. JUNIOR CLANS.. Total 4(10. Irene Young 305, Percy Barker 296, John Wallace 2270, Morrison Baker 244 Olive Bell ''236 Stanley Wilson Fourth Chas. Do las Wilson, Evelyn Clark, Adeline Palmer, iz.beth Swish. Annie Pannier, Howe d Tape. Everett Tremblay. John Tow u. SEPARATE SCHOOL. Below is she clam, standing of the pupils of the ti eleven bet) .rste MIS, John Randall 171, Jean Sproule I school : 158, •Agnes Taggart 70. •Senior IV.—Fiona Hargitt 1(ii,nor r, Division VII. Joseph Kelly Ihonors), Cyril Hood, Reales Austin, Venisba Doyle. e(EN►OR 1. Senidr Ill. (in order of merit)— Benson Ltngeridge, Harold Murray, I Margaret Kelly, Emily Griffin, Helen Mabel Edwards, Calvin Sutherland, Kidd and Muriel Spain (equal), Hilda Ernest Doak, Marguerite Lymburner, Austin. Helen Webb, Margaret Doyle, Willie Mouutaiu, George Bowra. Francis Margit t. Gladys Jeffrey, Hazel Phalen. Jtweph Moss, Vera P.ge, Della Foley, Gerald Farr. Promoted from Senior III. to Junior IV. — Muriel Spain, Margaret Kelly and Emily Griffin (equal), Helen Kidd, Gladys Jeffrey, Joseph Moes, Gerald Farr, Hilda Austin, Arthur Strode, Helen V ebb, Margaret Doyle, Hasel Phalen. Vera Page. Junior Ii1. (in order of merit)— Michael Bowler, Theodore Bullard, Cecilia Davis,' Elie Martin, Jobn Farr, Hugh Baechler, Cecilia Lynn, Dan Finn, Lillian Farr. Second clan. (in order of merit/— Mary Wehb, Alban Finn. Jack Kith!, Charles B.echler, Dorothy Davis, Geoeveive Spahr, Annie Mover, Valerie Jeffrey, Josephine Carney, Hazel Robinson, Marie Mero, Helen Lynn. Senior 1.—H. -len McKay, Kathleen Clairmont, Jean Lynn, Thomas Mc- Carthy. Joseph Dean, John Jeffrey. J U!41014. Colin Murray, Russell Young, Rachel Stewart. George Matheson, John Post lethwaite, Regie Newell. F4/ U RTS. Adelaide Hays. Mary Young, Grace Young, Gladys Warner, Augusta Hunfalivy. Division VIII. meta C'LAh$. Elliott McVittie. Dorothy West- brook, Ida Latimer, Billy Andrews, (trace McLeod, Robbie Howard, Ford Burling. FOURTH CLASS8. Willie Habkiik, Mary McLean, Stella Bell. Abe Smith, Helen John- ston. Violet Ttompson, Tom Gundry, Katie Welsh, •Bessie Murray. Those marked • absent from part of examination. JUNIOR III. Total 900. Pape 460. Margaret Paltridge 752. Sadie Moun- tain 706. Mary Newell 706. Lilian King 697. Helen Howard 872. Dorothy Smith 82.1'3, Louie'. McDonald 815, Fraser Newell 1702, Ireue Thompson 572, Elsie Stancomhe 558, Irene Hunt 555. Margaret Murray 562. Gladys Murray 524, Reg. Duff 514, Vera Wil- son 499. Alex. Dooley 498, Mary San- ders 496, Gertrude Winmill 463, Laur- ance Nicholson 4&ri, Jobn Winmill 418, Albert Leonard 399, Murdoch McLay 297, *John McDonald 381. 'Llewlleyn Taggart 233. CENTRAL SCHOOL. Below ate the resulta of the Christ- mas examinations at l'entral school. The star * indicates absence from part of the examination. Division V. SENIOR 11. Total 500. Clifford Johnston 429, John Bedford 384, Bert Bradford 374. Olive Craigia 356, Julia Beever 344, Harold Naegele 840, Lorne Drinkwalter 318, Inez Por- ter 361, Alice Cockfield 268, Alexander MacLean 957. Percy Warner 263, Wil- liam Row Mk Arthur Curry 218, Emma Copp. Division 1. FOURTH CLAM+. Total marks 9141. Eva Jones 8'24, Jean Bogie 758. Evelyn Brophey 744, Gertrude Porter 732, Eva Mot ri.h 732, Nina Roberta 706, Beta Worsen SR, Scott McNally 875, Margaret Rues 09. Donald Mc- Donald 819, Hazel McLeod 812, Jas. Videan 610, Harold Wuliams5177, Olive Clark 580, Gladys Seults 548. Harr Buchanan 633, **Jean Gitlin 531 Glad McKay 508, EldaStoddart 498, Myrtle Walters 449, Alfred Hebei 458, Melville McNevin 456, "Marjorie Jones 440, Allen Telfer 490, 'Agnes McDonald 375, Beatrice Wells 335, Marion Bogie 319. Absent, Thelma Russ, Pearl Mc- Donald. Division I1. THIRD BOOK CLASSES. Sr. III.—Total WV. H. Sanderson 083. W. Babb 88.2. B. Rose 652, R. Tuffoid 645, W. Sturdy 839, J. Harrison tt37, R. Brown 578, M. Vanatone 570, C. Brown 568. E Masi -erten 551, M. Henderson 530, W. McMillan 518, V. Tremblay 510. P. Jenkins 507. 'E. Beck 470, W. Sabel 488, J. Patterson 390. Jr. Ili.—Total 850. L. Macklin 808, G. Tebbutt 597, D. Dancey 596. l.. Watson 5113, E. Mannings 558, 8. Yunghlut 561, R. Harrison 546, C. Mitchell 542, C. Stokes 5411, B. Sanderson 531, •A. Brownlee 631. I. McNevin 512. L. Mc- Donald 498, M. McNevin 488, D. Martin 482, A. Henderson 450, M. Kemp 444, A. V anetone 381. . Division 111. SECOND B41OK CLASSES. A. Total 660. Mary Howell 503, Jennie Beck 551, Olive Allen 646, ituby Snasel 546. Carolyn Tape 526, Hazel McDonald 520, Teresa Munnings 519, Edgar Jones 517, Beatrice Tdfford 514. Helen Galt 506, Catherine Fowler 499, Mazy Carrow 496, Lola McDonald 401, Mildred Stokes 477, Minnie Brownlee 486. Jean Hunter 488, Maitland Rey- nolds 486, Laura Brown 458. B. Ilugh Hardy 454. Gladys Fowler 448, Marjorie Mitchell 444. Elizabeth Brown 440, Leonard Hardy 433, Maud Howell 427. Alan Ross 425, Peter Me- Kensie 410, Orel Cooper 406, Charlie Hadden 401. Janet Snazel 99S, Henry Silk 390. Lawrence Correll 3714, Delpbena Reynolds 378, Marjorie Liliew 374, Leonard McDonald 360, Sadie Patter- son 358, Maxine Burdette 323, Jsmee Malin 316. May Brownlee 3110, Jim Gamow 299, Elizabeth McKenzie 291, Wilfred Nicholson 235, Harry Ed- wards 266, Willie Brownlee 221, Cecil Carey 192, Cecil Lynn 128, Gwynneth Hopper, Willie Benjamin. Henry Taylor, Walter Row, Hilda •itrattan k. Division IV. MIDDLE 11. Total 500. Gordon Macleod 400, Alice Nairn 398, Joseph Hunter 536. Clarence Johnston 3.90, John Forden 981, Ben- son Thornton 315. Alexander Fowlie 298, Marion Lee 296, Norma MacDon- ald 267, Henry Leech 249, Helen How- rie 246. Gordoo Anderson 229, Ft auk Thompson 214. Dorothy Davis 2119. JUNIOR 11. Total 400. Robert Proudfoot 2116. Worthy Black 243, Grace Videan 931, Beatrice Arnold 217, Nelson Smith 904. Laura Cousins 197, Wilfred Donaldson 11M. Alexander Mallough 191. Willie For- den orden 188. George Howard 175, Elwood Armitage 171. Fred. Rees Price. Hazel Burling. INvision in. aENIoR CLASH. Total 400. Kate Handy 365, Vera Latimer 356. Elaine Prnot 315, Toddle John- ston 907, Herbert Akeroyd 995, Ernest MoOr atb 957. Clyde Carter 950. Mar- garet argar'st Bran 954. lana Murray 958, Clara Moat %Snegnus 2f119t,a Reg Placer Rataa Murray 277,4171 Melons Anil% Robiaesa tease esrkh.M.r TM WIRM DonaM- aos 1111. ( 'et Keels M0, *Deka Wal - fare EEL *Wa Wass IRA meow mets. Total 4100. 110. O. � Wane . Agrees Wentanh UM Catherine Hays MS, Massie Smith 11111, brook t� Monteith egfan every e& da 5...P ilk. JeeM. J.Matw 1W- lieMose , :1fdese sw Godfrey MAKE THIS TEST. How to Tell if Your Hair 1s Diseased. Even if you h ive a luxuriant head of hair, you may went to know whether ii is in a healthy condition or not. Ninety -eighty per cent. of the people need a hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your head; if the bulb at ibe fend of the root is white and shrunken, it proves that the hair is diseased and requires prompt atten- tion if ire low would be avoided. if the bulb is pink and full, the hair is hes l r hy. We want everywne wboee hair re- quires trealm.nt to try Rexall '"irr Hair Tonic. We pro.oise that it shall not cost any, bin'r if it d'oe• n• t give. satisfactory results It is designed to overeome danir.ff, relieve sca1P irri- tation, to stimulate the ba,r mora, tighten the hair e1•ea3y in the bead, grow hair and overcome baldness. It is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and nor sincere faith in ita goodness that we want you to try it Al our risk. Two sizes, 50c and $1. S,dd at Our store—The Rexall Store. H. C. Dunlop, Goderich. WHAT HE GOT. Tim—Did ye get anything for your vote' Bill—A suffragette gimme a kiss, and me wife saw her do It and gimme a ).lack eye. The Christmas Farmer's Advocate. The Christmas number of The Farmer's Advocate (pahlisbed by the William Weld Co.. London, Out.) i. an annual treatwelcomed in thous- ands of farni homes, and elsewberet where artistic and literary merit is appreciated. This year's number is no exception. Itis tull of attractive p'c- tures and bright reading matter. Among the writers who contribute to its pages are Agnes C2Laut ; James J. Hill. the, great railway king of the Western State. (a native Canadian); Prof. Thomas Shaw: 9. B. Sinclair, Ph. D.. of Macdonald College : Prof. H. S. Arkell, Peter MigArthur, Prof. H. L. Hutt. Dr. C. A. Publow, A. E. Adams and others. FIRST BOOK CLASSICS. Class A.—Total 400 Isabel Brownlee 9419. Jack Griffin 353, Clarence McGratten 361, Marion Mcleod 350, Clytie McRae 342, Willie Beek 987, Kenneth Nichol 398, Willie Sanderson 325, Tom Ross 334, Ernest MacDonald 5)41), Harland Reynolds 298, Harold (.Doper 292, Leolla Hera 968. Laura Murray 357, Lillian Hardy 9k Harry S.:baeter 244, Donald Mc- Leod 937. Colin Patterson 222. George Vanstone 213, Mary Hardy 206 Carman Morrish absent. Class B.—Total 4(X1. George Butland 389, Madeline Mc- Kay 1746), Frank Berland :i22* , Leona Webster 311, Doris Fisher 301, I.oui. Krebs" 278, Marj tele Morrish 9U. Cecil Kemp 194, Rector Ward absent. Claw C.—Total 400. Sheldon Roes 871, Ronald Wilacn 386. Beatrice Hunter 989, Marjorie Doherty 356, Harry Fillmore 345, Frank ()allow 3110, (7atirarine Vatsetooe 94.9, Edna Fowler 1* Mary Ueden 931. Claes D.—Total 800. Marion Ross Mit. Noro.n Joe.. 9090 1111460=1 fi, mor C1wnk fid: WIllibildie 11fy1sseie Silk 361 k !t1 Diebis1 V. PRIMARY eLaaAL Sixth (frill—Total MO. Robert NM. Albert Kneeebew • ��)Ra S Wo Marne 5 Mows SU. WWL4 Abraham shown absent. tilph Otaes.—Tetd — Oampbsiii1 !t. Gordon Mle- • 1���r�dlliteerrrR 110. ltd �y Drysdale .esker 'moi. currents ficCall'8 Patterns D MILLAR uSO SF Perrin's Gloves Our Hearty Good W shes to "Ane an' Aw for a Guid New Year." Coming Events cast their Shadows before. Our Annual Clearing Sale will start Thursday, January 2nd, 1913. �% Millar's Scotch Store 'Mall 41 A Happy New Year to All our Friends and Patrons Sturd3 & Co • Grocers. The Square Goderi^h 'PHONE 91 Ask Any Express Agent— You'iI Fre met with a prompt and courteous explanation of why an Express Order is the safe and simple way to send money by mail. Thousands of dollars go astray annually be carelessness in remitting money. When a few rents for en Express Order w11 avoid lei Gad assure the sale delivery of your rernituace, iw't it, Is put it aridly. Mor j.age.wt est te ewe them Ter* less) arm will dew toe hew it is te obtain en 1Lgsen os. TW yaw ver b sarMeseb Irt+rsntee,t �w y.e rrienis bI on Express DOIl1ini1 Moneu RA7g3 Orders a r ser. lea N• M. . .M- T(� M' . - w N Warr .+.s• .Lana bar is Bagoss Ilam, Stan. -@•. ass Se dinlool sol •.w 049•44444 taerrb Mu. Yore N . eases, &arta E .thank our customers of the past year for their generous patronage. WE wish ALL A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. LET us all make itjthe best year of our lives ; determined to meet and con- quer the obstacles and embrace the op- portunities as we meet them. OUR determination is to make this New Year the biggest Hardware Year in our history. To do this we need you and we are going to make it to such an extent your interest to deal with us that you cannot afford not to do so. 11 HOWELL HARDWARE CO., 11 II LIMITED The best place to buy Hardware. Men's Presents II Naturally you would buy Men's Presents at the Men's Store Ours is the men's store—filled with requirements for men. Our store is crowded with suitable Presents for men and boys. Here is a partial list : Neck Scarfs Neckties Gloves Hosiery Handkerchiefs Cuff Links Tie Pins Suspenders Umbrellas Fur -liked Coats Bath Robes Dressing Gowns Smoking Jackets Coat Sweaters Jerseys Underwear Waterproofs Fur Caps Fur -lined Gloves Etc. If it is a Suit or Overcoat, buy it is the ZOts Century Strand WALTER C. PRIDHAM lith COntory (lathing. King Hate. Rtaslle4d's Underwear 1 4 i 4 1