The Signal, 1912-12-19, Page 11THE 13431NAL : ODER1C1i ONTARIO Pays ID winatIng inew pro. 'sfre"I wenteri. •• ing besirrei ietnandThey me eilak RTC.. urging serret• of ititeci,. r 'wrote a line % week ani ei!1 !VIE WORK COPY OF pon nay near) fir! r York City IAS ' you get among nee in the world And appreciated, iothIng could bs or brother. 'Ws 4 would do: ye,. t. stylish pair .ot An to plea,e n more than LRMAN :. and Sqli.irr SesaiSiserarirsieseiressewriesepreio Gift 3mething useful yet elegant- ething that will Lys have a pleas - mental associt with the giver. hing you can will be more vciated, for in- ce, than a uitcase or Club=Bag the handsome iC we have just %ed. for the st mas trade. Women r Men TON Th.., 126 4241489614194991949499119*** 4949.1194941.49494949***919 49 49 49 okok 49 4 The News of the District at Y 4546+45.46445444s454546 *4446 *464e4bble+ 46**********N UOLISORNE. SVIWNINIDAY. Dee. 18th. A Christmas eutartainoseat will be leid in the Evaagelical chureb, Ool- florae. on Christmas Eve. Dee:ember etas beginaime at 7 *cloak. A good rograui is tesiatseepersd, one ot tbe stain features rig & cantata, en- titled "A Sign in the Sky." Admiesion -I childrep 10c. IIENMILLEM. TC1INDAY, Dec. 17t.h. Mrs. 8tewart ls unwell. Elbe seemed to he waning • few dsys ago but is not so well again et, the time at writing. KM A. Meddle is improving and la arouud again; not quite herself, but much better. CARLOW. TUIMIDATvDeC. 17. Jos.flkinnort sbiwed a carload of *beep and cattle to Toronto on Mon- day. Richard Levy and Miss Gladys Levy are home from Clinton, where they were attending the model school. Tiscastuor, DMIMMIHIR 12, 1912 11 FORT eASOAP1 Comfort Swill means 'Comfort" ---not just 'Soap' tnes Jenkin on TuesdaY ss e A large number attended the fu- 1 day to wind up tbe businefor th The township counci. met on Mon - neral of Jalast. An impressive service was Con- year. The collector was on hand to A Strong Demand. ducted st tbe home by Rev. A. W. receive laze* sod made a pretty good Brown and the remains were laid to haat rest in Colborne cemetery. William Taylor is 'making very A good progreen is being made much:pleased these days. 'rhe advent ready for the Christmas Dee enter- of a baby boy in his home is no doubt teinosent on Monday evening at. Ben- the reason. We all offer congratulas miller churcb. Mrs. Jchn Long and dons. Miss jackson etre working day encl Tbe date of the Masons' big night night to have tbe children "just eo.' has been changed to January 3rd, fLtut.e Sitevick-By 7 o'clock on when the joint inetall•tion of the of - Sunday night the new church shed was gears of Maitland Lodge. Goderiob, LOCHALSH. full of horses sod rigs. Many had to and Morning Star Lodge, Carlow, will MONDAY. Doc. 9th. be tied outside, so big was the crowd taske place hese. to etteod tbe spacial Bible clam rally James Glen sold his ohristmas cattle HEATH OF DONALD MCLROD.-Oil service. It was certainly an inspire - to Robert McLean, who took them to Tbuteday, November lith. one a the al mediate of Huron township. in the Linn L.4) be there. The congeegation -- the church. The singing of the the Toronto live stock fair. The price, we understand, was seven canto it pound. Mr. Glen is one of our hest s toek•feeders. . ic Elliott Bodeen College, Toron s .. has far snore ogartiegs for young Imo and wostes. who poum.. a arm ligh business sad abort hand Mutation. than it oan fill. The salaries offered are larger than ever betom This well-known collage ste joys a great reputation for superior training. • person of Donald McLaoJ known as Donald Zorra), pained away to his rest. Tbe deceased was born in Scotland, and cause to Canada wbeo a small boy with his parents in 1846. Be took up a home in Perth county. near Stretford. and was engaged in buying cattle till he lost his father and mother by death. lie them sold his farm to his nephew, J. II, McLeod, sod comae to the township oL Huron in DM and took up lend sod hewertout a comfortable borne for himself. Mr. Melwod was very iodustrious and well-to-do, and God blemed hie labors and he prospered. He ens a teen of integrity and uprightness. In 1875 be married Margaret MacLeod, of !Kin- eardine, rad to them were born seven sons and three daughters. Mr. Mc- Leod was a Presbyterian -in religian and attended Huron church. Ripley. In politics he was a staunch Liberal. Hideath was caused by an injury. *hick brougbt on nervous prostration. He was the last one of his father's family. The funeral took piece from his family residence, on Saturday, No- vember Idith, and was largely at- tended. The service was conducted by Rev. D. A. McLean, pastor of HIlItIll church. Ripley, assisted by Ite•. J. s. Hardie. of Asbfield. The re- mains were laid to rest in Ripley cem- etery. Tbe widow and family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole rommunity in the great loss and sad bereavement. WESTFIELD. MONDAY. Dec. ItStli. Albert Campbell. who has been suf- fering with toosilith, is now convales- cent. W. H. Robertson and A. U. Nisbet. of Goderich, paid a flying visit to frieods in this vicinity on Saturday last. Willirm Critteuden's little daugh- ter is very ill at present with scar - Letitia. We hope tor her speedy re- covery. Heery Leisbusan hAs rented his farm to Messrs. Jefferson and Wallace nd purposes going West in the ePeielt. m account of the funeral of the late John Craig, of St. Augustine, there was no service in the church here last Pabbath. We understand that A. C. Hardesty has disposed of his farms to Fred Cook and brothers., of this place. for a hand- some figure. Mrs. A. McKellar. accompanied by her sister. Miss Grace Wightman, re- turned to her home at Picktord. Mich., today. CHANOR AT THE POSTOVInCE. - Henry Homey. having disposed of his farm and mercantile business', held a very successful epetion sale and has moved to Blyfh. Dave Carter has Liken possession ot the business form- erly conducted by Mt. Horney. We ieh him every success. male choir was really good. The re- ports and speeches from Bible class presidents end ministers were encour- instructive and to the point. Ms organized Bible classes of Zion (Colborne). Zion ltiodetich township), and the Evangelical churches were well represented. The Benmiller Ilible cies. was there in good force. In the morning H. Mew taught forty-three of them in the class. GOOEFOCH TOWNSHIP. COL'et'lL Miurrierts-The township council met OD Monday according to statute. Bylaw No 7. granting the McKillotetelephone system the right of way to erect poles en a certain line in Goderich township, was read and passed. The following accounts were paid: Hodges ile21 '' P. Rundle $7.70; U. Ginn 114.09; 1. Con- nell $3.83,H. Sweet $12-74; W. Johnston 610.22; W. Patton S2.04; J. Brindley *21.74; W. Huck $&88; E.. Wise $24.85; J. Snails *3442; W. Weston $16 08: T. Male $4.90; J. Har- rison $20.25; W. Wallis Plc. : 0. Lind- say $1.47; H. Hibbs $1.30; G. Hudie 1119.98. Refunds -Chas. Lindsay. dog tax 1911. *1: Alex. Elliott. error in dog tax. $1; Jas. Johnston, statute labor, *2; Jas. Harrison. statute labor. *1: John Ward, statute labor. t3.50: W. Johnstoo. astute labor, 13.00; 8. Sturdy. statute Libor, $4.00; Henry Sweet. approach Colborne bridge, $130.60; 0. W. Potter. re- pairing grader, $1.75; Gilbert Mair. D. A. re- pairing statute labor, 112; Geo. -W. Sturdy. sheep valuator, 113; Corrugated Pipe Go. culvert, OOP 25; W. A. Mustard. lumber, $14.80; S. 1 Andrews. tile. $64.45; A. Forbes. tile. 22.40: John Young. ...beep killed by dogs, $13.30; Geo. Laithwalte, sheep killed by dogs, $4.65; Thos. Morrow. sheep killed by dogs, $10.00; Weston Bros, balance on Porter's Hill bridge, $49.75; Walter Weston. perms, SEM ; Harland Bros., supplies, $d.93; Bay- field council, boundary gravelling. $18.- 50; R. G. Thompson, collec'or, $80.00; R. G. Thompson. postage, $2.50: J. R. Holmes, wire fence at Colborne bridge while constructing. $7 50; Wm. Elli- ott, cement wotk on Huron road and concession 14, 8125. N. W. Tau- wARTHA, Clerk. COLBORNE. CARLoW, Dec. 16tb. Tow:reale Coreere.-The Colborne council held its statutory meeting in the township hall. Members all pm- Miss E. McAllister, of Dungannon, ent. Minutes of last meeting read is tbe guest of her cousin. Miss B. and adopted. Moved by S. Bisset. Wilson, this week. seconded hy Jo-. Chisholm, that the collector be permitted to accept all taxes except the telephone tax until the action at present before the High Court be settled. Carried. A npmber of accounts were paased and ol•dered to be paid. They will appear in the financial etatentent. Moved, seeonded and carried that George Ashton re- ceive $15 refund of taxes on account of barn and ctop being destroyed by H. Holtzhauer. ot Neepswa, Man. fire. Moved. seconded and carried that a plebiscite be taken next election accompanied by his wife, attended his to commute statute labor, to be hand brother's wedding and while here at 50cente per day. and oho to porches. visited bis brother for a few days. Mrs. MUler's property at $1,500. 10 be ;mid for next year. Moved by Coun- cillor Chisholm, seconded by Douneil- lor Hetherington.that the nominations for reeve and conocillors be held in the township hall, Carlow, on Man - day, December: alith, at 1 o'clock p. m.. and that the election, if a poll be de- manded, be held on Monday, January Otb, at the following polling eubdivi- sons, namely: Polling subdivieion No. I -Temperance Hall, Benmiller Charles Oke, deputy returning officer. No. 2 -Temperance Hall, Saltford ; A. J. Goldthorpe, deputy returning of- ficer. No. 3 -Township hall. Carlow; A. P. Shepperd. deputy returning of- ficer. No. 4 -Temperance Hall, Lee - burn Arthur Williams, deputy re- turning officer. Moved. seconded and carried that bylaw No. 0 of 1909, ap- pointing weed inspectors. be rescinded. Moved by Councillor Halliday, sec- onded by Couneillor Ohiebolm, that the collector be allowed to give three days' grace and that the time for bim to returs the collectoen roll be ex- tended to the first council meeting in January, 1913. Bylaw No. 17 of 1911 was read the first, second and tbird these and passed, authorising the col- leens, to etellset five per cone on all teem ent paid before Derwmher 20th, 1911. R. McILwent. Clerk. The ordination and induction of Rev. A. Laing, the pastor -elect of Smith's Hill and Auburn Presbyteriao congregatione will take place in Smith's Bill church on Friday. De- cember 'Mb, at 231 p. m. In the sveeing there will be an entertain- ment, for which excellent talent, bas been secured. CHRISTMAS RIVITAL -The recital to be given in Smith's Hill church on Friday evening. December 27t b, prom- ises ea be an event of unusual impor- tance. Miss Mona M. Walter, elocu- tionist. will be assisted by Miss Mc- Coll, Miss E. Walter and Mesas. J. F. Thomson, Milton Tyndall and Frank Williamson, vocalista, and Prof. J. B. Hunter, organist. Prior to the re- cital tea will be served at Mrs. Miller's from 6 to o'clock. Admiserion to su oer and recital. 33c. THERE'LL Be A Herr neut.-The municipal nomination day is ap- proaching, and already things are bile ginuing to get warm. Reeve Kerne ghan has not definitely announced Ida FOUR SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS POSITIVELY 'THE URGES' SALE IN CANADA happiness. The bride's goine-swef gown was russet brown vrhipcord, sealettei coat and mink funk with bat 1.0 matah. Mrs. Holt:Ileum will he very Much missed. especially in the Methodist church, where sbe has so willingly helped during all her life In different departments of the church work. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. - -- How to Have Good Manners. Florida Thom Union. To acquire good manners one must have unselfish thoughts. A Conundrum. OHM& Peokat Wbere do the chicken fanciers who sell eggs store all their wealth ? There are only four bank- in Orillia. Agit It? Bromide, Vows. Virben there is much war in the air ain't it comforting to know that we have Colonel leans Hughes resdy to save the Empire at • moments notice? He Lacks Faith in Canada. London Advection. - Poor old Spain is going to build three Dreadnoughtwith ber own skill and lahor.• but Cshadisos aren't even equal to the building of a tor- pedo-boat. so Mr. Borden says. • Tbe Real Troebte. • turas° Ragiord-tiorald. "The trouble with most people is that they can't see themselves as others see them." -My friend, you are mistaken. The trouble with most people is that they intentions. but it seems to be under- . can't get other people to see them as stood that he will retire. At any rate, ! they see themselves." two candidates for the position are in A Mild Rebuke. tbc tield. Samuel Bisset. of Safford. Hammen Spectator. who has been in tho council this year. is makinga strong bid for the higher Premier Whitney has hid a tiOvern- office, and the other aspirant se ex - Reeve James Taylor. of heebure. an old hand in municipal affairs. Both men will be strongly supported. and it will not he a walkover for either of them. Mr. Biseet's cendidacy for the reeveship and Councillor flalliday's removal to Goderich will create va- cancies among the councillors, and a number of nausea are talked of in this' connection. John McLarty, a former councillor. may be in the running again, and it would not be surprising to see the old Bentniller warhorse. Richard Jewell, again arming for the fray. The telephone question prom- ises to be the chief bone of contention during the campaign. AUBURN. MONDAY. Dec. 16th. Mrs. J. Laidlaw, of Blyth, visited tbe parental borne this week. Murray Paterson. station agent, is away on his holidays at present. Misses B. Wilson rind E. McAllister spent a day in Goderich last week. THK ORIN REATER AT WORK. -We are sorry to chronicle the death of iwo esteemed residents 01 this vici- nity during the paet week. On Wed- nesday niorning, Ilth inst., the spirit of Miss Ilva WIgIstman winged its Hight to the Better Land. She had been • great sefferer for many months. but her sufferiog was borne witls Christain patience and cheerful- ness. Tbe funeral on Thuresday, which was conducted by Rev. Mr. 1411 - was largely attended by sympath- izing friends. The remains were laid to rest iu Westfield cemetery Again, on the 13th inst.. the Grim Reaper visited our community and claimed the spirit of John Craig, who for many years had been • very 'highly esteemed resident of West Wawa - nosh. The late Mr. Craig was born in Sirocoe county, seventy-three ago. Isle came to this neighbo= with his parents when only twelve years of age and bad lived here ever since until called to "mold the bar." He was a valued member of the Meth- odist church at Donnybrook, laving long bedd the position of steward and other important positions therein His remain., which were followed to tbeir fast reale, place by oste of the rArtelloo iiity, were lead beside times a Isis t sseoursts ever NOM In this parents in Donnybrook seinatery bet inday afterattoo. Be' heves to moors hie departure a widow sad three daughters : lire That'. Bide- ford and lbs. David Doer. ot Wawa - Pooh : Mrs. Will Flaky, of Ashileid. ooe sou. James Ora*, at house. Cooling Mini Off. Two Jews, father sod sou. went for • Melt owe oweiterlep day. As they • Teed/e 01 1.. crews the bey to hie father and saki, low r: w eeds. fader I de feel warm." eb you'd my Se eon* father gosei et Mee for & few Meow& .le earaTi; thee be.s. so, way goy 1 loot re • vet 111 do-- Wires sone run r couirrlite mien woke your Mond W. Dohie aod J. Wright have installed the Blyth municipal tele- phone in their homes this week. aThe Methodists intend holding a soziel evening Decearber 27t0 for the benefit of the Sunday school. Miss Bella Stdker, who has been with her sister. Mrs. Finch, at Flint. Mtch., has returoed home after a year's absence. The nohket service esease hem moorings Made, and the bolt teees bra were naseetie -0. VI lreidea.: 'tient car cent all the way to New York. to convey him home. Woultin`t a twat in a Pullman be more in consonance with the democratic simplicity of this great Province? He is inviting a howl, on, tbe cost of ex- pense, from the -rural districts. - The Old-style School Examination. IBruaiield Peat We would like to see &revival of tbe old-time Lhristmas school exam:tui- tion, with every parent belonging to the school section in attendance. Our edurational system may be cracked up to be the best in the world, hut there is a broken link between the .borne and school in the ebaodonment of the public txrunination and the gathering of adults making of Omit addresses, etc. Who is the most to blame is not for os to say, but it would be to the advantage of all concerned. we believe, to re-establish the former practice. Rev. Andrew Lsing has accepted tbe call to Auburn and Smith's Hill Presbyterian churches and will be inducted ou December 27th in the Smith's Hill church. Mrs. N. Ball and Miss Ruth, of Clin- ton, who were visiting tbe former's sistersdn-law, Mrs. G. Sturdy and Mee. E. Gear, the past week, have returned home. Mr. Lorne and Mite Marion Wilson. of Brumfield. attended the Holtzhauer ---Knox wedding on Friday and re- mained for • few days the gueste of their sister. Mrs. Geo. Flanalton. A few evenings before the marriage of Mina Effie Knox (Mo.. Holtzhauer), a number of young tidies and other friends gatbered at tier home and presented her with a beautiful inutile cabinet. The evening was pleasantly spent in music and social converse. A HAPPY EVENT.- A. very pretty wedding was solemnized et the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, of this village., ma Friday. December I3Us, when tbe* youogest dangistew, Effie , wisMerried to Will C. Holtshauer. of Preeton. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. R. A. Miller. of Amber& Precisely at 11 a. ts. to the of Messittlegohe's wedding/ played ley 141. 0. Bettehaser. mimeo of the groom MARINE NOTES. Me couple eaatilesided. Wok MUM Ohm wader sa &Nth of myrtle Navigaties Clonal at Pert Witham. ma atelthee leave.. The beide was =rip by her inothey. wed was de tram eetthreigered tee11 talmosei with ilk sad beak Zael easelei &u hedeetof eensatiose esetehmellihisirwIde wade a pretty 'phi fere. no proton's set with pewit and amethyst. After eionerratatations bed Amen endereled ail missend to Ilso din Ise revues, where a (Looter lose -been wore served. Ifir. sad Mr.. Hoirsamose left tur Pereten. their fist ere home. 1W1 the wise a Med of birch •nd maple lows, see p. mite. amid Intsral showers 416113 Weil* 117611* ,4. Mae Ito el softens i &eel secompesteed ley the essek si die Fri gibe tee 'Paving( mg • Irma while. of mover Meads who had bole le her piank.itne. Fort Williams. Dec. 14.-Neelegatiou at this port ter MOO OMNI, was oil. clay closed whee the *teenier Met. thgewelevlitdee with wheat, (-leered for lege eight. • newsboy ot vends &ale engestoil to arrive tomer. row and Teeeday. but they will take ow wheat for loose stomp (rely Moho al 1.4 01 Trip. RyCky Mich., Dee. Li -After a wormy g fierily down Lesko Herm. berm at Ottawa are emboldened to make A Still further demand, and an iucreesse to $8,000 is propoeed. This laid ought to be vigorously oppostd hy Conservatives and Liberals alike. $2,- 506 a seseion ia ample. and for many of the members much more than tbey are worth. These increases ere testis still more objectionable hy the fact that the useless drones of the Senate share in it equally with the more ac- tive membere ot the House of COM - 11301.11. Canada ts certain 1.0 find, as other countries ba % e proved, that the higher the eay the poorer the class of repreeentatives will be. When enough is paid fo give a certain class of needy men a living, we obeli have as repre- sentatives • large percentage of pro- fessional politics -ns. whose chief aini will be to keep their place, and profit by it, by fair means or otherwise. And we have more than enough of that kind now. Tax Reform Progress. Montreal Witness. The tax reform movement is gain- ing ground in Ontario. In the city of Toronto tte council bas accedes, to the request of • number of organisa- tions that favor taxing land instead of improvements: and will submit to popul... vote a measure making tbe tax on land heavier than the tax on improwetuents. We showed the other day how. if Montreal could profit by the increases of land values that wi mid he created, the city could im- mediately undertake the most splen- did engineering works for her future comfort. But because we have so fixed our laws that .1 few land specu- lators would• profit instead of the com- munity hy ail the inciease ih value ere:Vett by such woe ks as underground rail•ays or street widetring. we can- not utelerieke them. The first. step to regains our righter ;P that if remov- ing the taxation from improvements to land. After tbat we may copy either the British Culumbia law allow- ing a monicinslity to put nu increased taxon any lend ali Hied Li it, idle, or the L•Ort law taking a /here of I be hats e st in pi ice. 11... step pro- posed ie Totonterewill help to put an end to land gambling in ridiculously inaccessible sublivisions. it will help to prey •nt owner a from holding vs- e.ant Lout out of reeidental use merely toeerie e he inCrernent in price caused liy the approach of the ci,y and de- er leprilen - 110 does mit COD- tribus e. Tbr-re Is nothing more is hole.. me fr a .• immunity than that every 5 nil should own a home. but we p-estnr this by withholding of the if. nJ 1, r Ligher prieea. , In a:Protectionist-ACountry. Philadelphia Record. Truly New York continues to be the Empire State, the leader whose pace is too rapid tor other commonwealths. In o hat other State, for example, has it ever been charged that children three and four years old are put to work in cauneries ? According to on, witness of the shooting conoitions in western New Yerk he "saw, a three.- yesr-old baby sitting on has snip- ping beaus with a. knife becaurie his Regent bad becouie tired from break ing the ends off and he foiled it easier to cut them." We have heard much syru- pithy expreseed for the bright little boys, ranging from ten to fifteen years of age. Who work in the break- ers of the anthracite minesof Pennsyl vomits. They are adults. however, compared with these infanta snatched flout the cradle to work foe a few emits> day. No one will care to dis- pute New York's supremacy in tbis unique field of endeavor. CL= IShoultelee Opposed. 3111=111 rev • :e'en& Packet 1Coneervat1vii. last addition to the sessional indemnity was taken so quietly, meni- litany rowing girls in school or business are frail -delicate -- anemic -lack energy and am- bition and have thin blood. It is all unnatural and unless checked leads to serious and chronic ills. Nourinhment, not drugs, is the law of reason to build strength --but when appetite is poor and digestion %seek, ordinary foods do not nourish -then SCOTT'S EMIA.SION is necessary. SCOTT'S EMULSION over- comes just such conditieoz.: its tieleg msteriel eaters tbe blood witbout di- gestive effort end smarm It rich. It teses the whole even= and meets th• firsIthy fiction of cOls throughout thie landitisti••• ees abed' Ogg 5. i•••••1111 POO MOM ref O7T& ifr.1411 a Dirstruo. Twaino. Osigarb 13-1.6 Perfume is always looked for at r stints. time. We have a tine line .1 1.031 f.t me.. E. ft. NVigle. tiggiat, Ooalerich. Out. . If you number yourself amongthe -‘1E1eventh Hour Shoppers,' don't hesitate in coming to us to make your purchases The boy or the man appreciates a gift that is useful. We are headquar- ters for Useful Gifts For Men Our large stock will still permit you to make a select pur- chase. McLEAN BROS. SEMI -READY TAILORS AND MENS OUTFITTERS. Agents for Stan6.1cts Uushrinkable Underwear and Carhsrtt Overalls. ...".".eseSesmes.PrirmsesPrar.sersesiNWrsiftiPsi"reS60.0.0Yisell. The Gift=giving Season is here, and we are 'prepared with a large stock of goods suitable for presentation. Toilet Cases Mantcure Sets Brushes andmirrors. etc.. in and White Enamel Military Hair Brushes Hat Brushes Smokers' Goods Shaving Outfits Ebony Christmas Perfumes. in large variety Cbocolates and Bon -bons h handsome presentation boxes Kodak*- nothing better for a Chrtstmas Gift A large variety of ;Christmas Cards. F. J. BUTLAND Dispensing Druggist ▪ tioderich "The Store That Pleases.. IHRITMAS APPEAL PEOPLE.mizONTARIO Tis Hospttal 7rtSick Childres HolidayGifts 11 Den, Mr. Editor: - It would take more spate than yom sae spars to tell of the good work deia• by the Hospital for Sick Chit- lins. 7'oreate for the sick and de- formed children of this Province. Let in • few werds,„ tell you of the 'toady growth of this Hospital. ln the year 1875 there were only trim Nes and beds, one nurse, 44 In -patients and 67 out-pallents. In 1912 there wore 260 cote and beds, 64 nurses, 1,284 le -patients and 17,862 out- patients. During the 37 years of the Ho* pitses existence, 19,370 in-patlents &eve been admitted. and 112,724 out- patients have been treated, • total of 153,04. or an average of 4,1211 per year. Of the 19,370 in -patients. 5,496 wore from places outside of Toronto. 9.644 of tbe total in-patlents were eared. and 1,711 were improved. This is a great record. • Of the 1.294 in -patients last year, 341 tomefrom 218 places outside of Tor- itso tkat the Hospital is not a , but a Provincial Institution. la the Orthopedic Department In 37 years. nearly 700 boys and girls have hew treated for clubfeet. and about Ilee were corrected. Half of these same frogs Paces outside of Toronto, so 'araiy we have a fair claim for help frees the people of this Province. TO. Corporation of Toronto grants 426.600. met only for the city children. but tow& the etatatseaac• of MI petiolate la the Hospital, and the rill - miss of Teroato donate an average of eirlaaatioally to the roads of the WM yew. tied reader. think of what YEW WA* wIll do' It helps bo store health aad spaniel. and gives seem' nubs and etnkight feet to = obeys and girls. ber teat year pocket -beset mot be tne Hospital's fraud, tt the Mospital is to be the eltildren's Itesaegabor that CbrIstmas oath yes le epee the purse of year Melees. to ?Cie:del. se that tee Hospital NM& the beset se Its bees to to. Remember that roar mosey eas beep tke Illossatal build a beldam owe, widen . the fest et 'little skilless may travel ea tlie hearsey tress Moroi, se 3117. trees Nehmen to health -ape boos Nigh Ile *a names.d a MAIM if MOM11 pee e lei ewe N. le Iteeehle DerIesea. the heetetaryir reateetto et the lieheiteh. et J. Sees Ilelleeleteb 0~ Of the ✓ atelees Itteole. I REMEMBRANCES We have a great number of useful as well as ornamental goods from which_ you can make a choice. What would be a nicer and more useful present for mother than an up-to-date Happy Thought Range or a Radiant Home Heater, two of the best stoves on the market? T1L_ A number of other Christmas suggestions: Silyer Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons Pearl -handled Knives and Forks Electric Light Fixtures Silver Knives and Forks Carving Sets in cases Shot Guns and Rifles Coal Oil Heaters Scissors in cases Hockey Skates Brass Goods Carpet Sweepers 11 11 11 El 1 11 and many others too numerous to mention, which we invite you to call and see. CHAS. C. LEE irk Phones :Stores 22 1 -louse 112 m i===at ===s====0