The Signal, 1912-12-19, Page 8(!e 4 • TEVIMMA?, Daeamaa 10, 1812 : ONTARIO Asthma Ct tarrh wH00rI.G COO= treitioDIC MVP pSIESI n CMM COWS asvao..:.r Iles. rl. ..M•ams. -'. se, o area. eau, tele *et aw..: rWOW gem• Tao sr ear. 1 ut t. aae6yelo vara', barbed .ata awry ►„osis w'y bessaise ray, ►.+Me ^r- esears•[, • i1 w.e•. r*0 . arwiae rest.' .r.a C"sal " u ia.. 'wale Ito ab, tn.r• 'soma .W*. sal oma a rA ION M own sr. ar f...:. ea. lima es p-..1 1 .(dssaip.^• touoklR INA DRYOOI$TS. T. CRP.6oI.PNP a'tr14e.P1IC TM;MA 1 r aM1.bT8i.wrrr,.u1 , •••,,...• „.t. Tse► a.. •relic •r 'rt1 Vapo Creaseless Co. a2 Geese Se. P.Y.two" iiosaatww Ciao. al10a HEAVENLY MANSIONS I FATHER'S HOUSE Jesus Now Makes Ready fur His Bride, the Church. Places For Humanity and For the Angels ot Various Degrees, Cher• urbim, Seraphim, Principalities and Powers, But Nene Previously Prepared For the Bride—She Is Ged's New Creation. Buffalo, N. Y . Dec. 15.—We . re- port one of ?.for Ruasell'.s diecout,sal ben- to -day from the text, "In n M y Father's House are m a o y man»lons ; • • • I go to pre - pose • plane foe you; • • • I will Dome attain and re- ceive you unto My. self." — John xiv., A 3. Tde Heavenly Father "dwelleth 11111111111, ! WANTED Ior Vali and Winter utonthe a .mart. fellable person to soil our well-known (cult and oraatuenW trees in t:oderich And surrounding country. , OVER 600 ACRES of the nand nurse -y stook pews. ' not in temple: made with hands " In :+tock sold u.d deli. sled to trade. Early the largest sense the whole Creation t+ .nd goort delivery esieranteed. ThIrtY- His House, every apartment of which lir. , can of budnes• ezprlience et *bred shall ultimately b. led with hal Wto offer the be -t recency in our Ione. y y. rite for term... happy beings. "All the wicked will H. Pelham Nursery Co. destroy fallen ezly, 20 llen Man's fallen olwditiasn i" the vault LSEM TORtWNTO elieeteleettneWWWWWRIOWWWWlieee e SPFASIAL DISPLAY Ok' Christmas Su estious Mistiness nes goods are in, and -sue oteient was:: never better or more complete. The utwot;t cote bas been exercised in making selections, ax. that none but the worst desirable furnishings should find their witty to our stock. There is no reason why .vou should not be one of the early birds. We have n any novelties that make beau- tiful present+. Here are a few Sugges- tions for you Sweater ('oats, Shirts. Groves. Suspenders with Garters and Arm Bands to match: Scarfs, Tie Fins, Tie., Hose, Hats and Cap'•, dozens of other Rifle. M. Robins South Side Square CANADIAN pick t r1 C CHRISTMAS 1912 — 1913 NEW YEARS EXCURSION FAKES bet... en all stations in Canada, Fort Witham and East, and to Sault Ste. Marie, Detroit, Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Minimum Fare 25c. SINGLE 1 -ANE Good Going Dec. 24, 25 Return Limit Dec. 28, 1912. Also ening Dec. 31, Jan. L Return Limit Jan. 2, 1913. FARE AND ONE-THIRD Goon Going Dec. 21, 1012. to Jan. 1, 1913. Return t mut Jan. 3, 1913. Full particulate, from Jos. Kidd, C. P. it. agent. A Handsome Cornice adds tenth to the appearance and value of your bonee. You would pay more for a house with than without one. Me would others if your house was on the market. TINNING, ROOFING AND ('OBNiCK WORK done by us can always be told M ita fine appearae(-a and long wear. 11 your o•rw•niee 1. be- ginning to show risme of age and weakness let us 'alienate on a new one for you. Ycti will be earl rts.J at what a low prim me [sill do It foe . FRED. 11U Baal to.a teem Onderlob of heredity God made Adam 10 His owr image, perfect, upright. holy Disobedience and sin h .ve wrought mental, moral and physical infirmi- ties, and "There is .one righteous, no, not one." All are prone to sin "as the sparks to fly upward." God provided Adam a mansion—tad. earth—Paradise. Bug sin (not un- foreseen) brought Adam and los race under a death sentence. (;...1 chose to permit sin and death to relgu dur- ing Six Great Days of a thousand year; each, thus to give valuable lee - sane to both angels and mea He does not intend that this lesson shall work disadvantage to any. He has provided • groat Redemptwn, wheel shows His sympathy for His ••rea- tures and the unchangeablene.. of His Law. The Divine Prugram for dealing with this rebellious province is to be car- ried out by the Kingdom of Mes..iah. during the Seventh Great Thousand - year Day. Satan and every evil its Silenceshall be restrained. "The See of Righteousness shalt arise with Bead- ing in His beams," and the curse of death will be set aside. Man will be waisted toward righteousness and lite everla=ting by the interposition of the Kingdom for which we pray-, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy wi;i be done on +•r+h, even us it is done in Heaven." Humanity's Mansions — Perfected Earth. At the close of Meeaiah's reign the "mansion" appropriated to Adam and his race will be fully released from the cur -ie, and God's footstool will be a glorious Paradise. (Isaiah Ix. 13.) All refusing the blessings of Messiah's Kingdom will be destroyed by the ^eso,td Death.—Acta iii, 23; Rev re, 14, 15. While there were places arranged in ,the Divine Plan for the angels, and for humanity, no habitation was per- lected for the Church. This is because the Church is a New Creation. Writing of these, St. John says The world knoweth us not, even as it knew Him not." 8t. Paul referw to this New Creation as the "ministers of God." All of these demonstrate their faith and obedience by walking the -narrow way" of self-sacrifice, "by Leith and not by sight. ' To all d them 1t is declared, "Through much tribu- lation shall ye enter the Ring But thin class have the aaauraaoe'tt nit all things work together foe good b. them"; that they "shall not be tempt- ed above that they are able to bear." Thi* New Creation is "made • spec- tacle to angels and men''; God ie giv- ing the angel" a great object lesson in connection with the development of this class. He is able to transform some of the mean things of this world into polished "jewels, "a royal dia- dem in the hands of thy God."—Mala- chi iii, 17; Isaiah Ixii, 3. Heavenly Mansion For Church. St. l'eter tells about the "mansion" designed for the Church, saying, "God hath given unto us (cnnraec-rated fol- lowers of Jesus) exceeding great and preci..ue promises. that by these we might beesrne partakers of the Divine nature."—II. Peter i. 4. Thus we see what it means to be members of the New Creation! "Eye hath not seen; ear hath not beard, .,:.aper have entered fixe human heart things which God bath in reserva- tion for them that love Him'—the choicest mansion, the highest place' As our Lord Jesuit in His Resurrect- tion esurrvrtion sacen.k-d "far above angels," en will His Church, who will share His Resurrection. and be made "like .him," "see Hint as He is," and share His glory. The Master's death was kw human- ity in general, but its merit remained to be serprnpriated al the inauguration of His Kingrio.m The whole world still "Beth in the Wicked One," unit: Christ makes satisfaction for their sins with the merit of Hes sacrifice. Meantime, oat Lord deals merely with Hi Church. a- we read "He appeared in the or st'''ets orf (�d fess us ' (Hebrews ix 94) --as the (1#woll 's Advocate, to make "natufactise tot our sans " The prep.ratio• is fes end tar us will be r..mpkt.d vase Fre number, is lull- 144,I E 1l re ler as to eoS ply with Mir tvwsdttions of w► covenant of sacrfftoe and thus to webs stn "calling •lid election sun " Innocence. He—Has she Men married lung' She—En; she still think• her hus- band eats ekoes because he liked deem Interested In Gar*Jse, i..ss2-s'111 latest Mrtt,vrltatra A MIMS protons n shams .,ghr 1l♦ ut almpd �. t� wow Ufl LURil) e. tt•a1" wet. w• ar . r . fav erf th. �tMt pownw of �.tOV. m. I. Ho ble friend must cum• down and ask.' tut $115,000,000. but twice, three dates. four amus i86,e00,000! We would put at the 4lapoaal of Eng- land all the reaourosa of Canada, tbere would not be • single dlsecnt- Ing voice! . -Mr. Speaker. it is not money [tut Britain wants at this moment. Britain never was wealthier than she is at the present time, her coffers ars• over flowing What she wants are the beans. the brains and the bra + .n Of ber subjects all over the world. Sir 1WIlfrid refuted the suggestion that the Liberal policy wan for a rep ratlat navy which would be new tral In time of wet "\When England la at war, we are at war," he de- clared. I have nue to urge upon my hon. friend that the present policy which he proposes settles nothlug The problem that you have to deal with must be a permanent one for today, tomorrow and every day as long as the armaments grow in Europe, and the duty which you owe to yourselves, to Canada and to the Empire. Is the enactment of a permanent .policy. Sir Wilfrid concluded his speech by mov- ing the amendment. Hon. Mr. Hazen's Reply Hon. J. D. Hazen, Minister of Naval Affairs, who followed Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared that, despite the lofty sentiments and language of the Liberal leader. his whole speech had been simply au 'appeal to party feeling and an attempt to play politics with the tssue. 'What people wanted was not ancient history, bet present-day tecta. He declared, that Premier Bor- den's course throughout had been "the very epitome of sincerity and consis- tency." ON THE NAVY Liberal Leader's Amend. ment to Government's Naval Resolution FLEETS ON IWO OCEANS Adrocdtes Nam* and Maintenance by Canada et Canadian - Built Vessels Two Dreadnought cruisers. Six protected cruise». Twelve ocean destroyers. Sia submarines. The vessels to be manned and main- tained by Canada_ This. in brief. is the natal policy of the Liberal party. aa enunciated !n the House of Commons on Thurs- day by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Instead of a policy of contribution tear the building of three Dreadnoughts, Sir Wilfrid proposed that the $15,000.- 00e asked for by Rt. Hon. R. L. Bor- don should be devoted to the triune elate creation of two fleet units, one ea the Atlantic and one on the Pacific avast. manned and maintained by Daaadians, guarding Canada's shores Balt ready to co-operate with the Im- perial fleet In time of stress In any part of the world. The Liberal Amendment Sir Wilfrid's amendment does not strike out of the Borden resolution the appropriation ' of 335.000,000 "to strengthen the naval force of the em- pire. sat declares: (1) That the British.. Government has been forced to recall many ves- sels from distant waters for home de- fence. (2) That this requires Canada to adopt a permanent program in the way of contributing to imperial naval de- fence, which can best be subserved v7 vessels owned by Canada and equipped, manned and maintained by Canada. and built to as great extent. as possible in Canada. (3) To increase the mobility and efficiency of the imperial navy, Canada should -proceed to construct, man and maintain two fleet units, one on the Atlantic and the other on the Pacific °wast. ' (41 That the Hous•' regrets the idellure of the government to adopt any Artallneat naval policy, and disap- Yes of a cash contribution in the 'absence of any emergency. preferring lithe plan of a Canadian navy. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, on rising, was greeted with cheers which continued till he had'to raise his land for silence. "My Right Hon. friend," Sir Wilfrid stated, "the other day, moving his resolution in terms to which I do not take exception, stated that he was animated by no otber purpose than to promote the welfare of Canada and of the Empire to which we belong. And let me say to my Right Hon. friend that 1 am` glad to meet him upon this ground. And though we may differ from him to the policy which he has presented' to the House. it is because we are firmly convinced In our consciences and our souls that the policy which .we advocated is more conducive to the end which he says . he has in nuid than the policy which he has presented. All Apprehensions Removed "Sir, the country expected and waited with great impatience for the announcement to be made, and which had' now been made 'iy thh Right Hon. Prime Minister after consulta- tion with the Admiralty. Mr. Asquith Mr. Churchill and Sir Rdward Grey had again a..d again asserted that Britain had no enemy, that she was prepared and ready for all comers. 61111 there was an apprehension that 'somehow, somewhere, some myster Jou' danger was threatening Britain A11 those apprehensions, however 'cave been removed by the document , whloh was placed on the table of the House by my Right Hon. Mend. Britalt le always Britain; she bows the knee to no one; she asks no favor from any body; •he does not come here as • ,•sppllant, still lees as e mendicant; Nut to the Inquiry of our Ministate .he answered: `Here 're the facts set tomb to this paper; judge for your pelves, and act as you please.' This ,$s the language we could expect from 3ingli•b statesmen and the Engine, people..' What D.ouwsas,t Showed "But. sir, In other respects then le eanse for rejoicing. This doeamemt Atom; that there is no emergency, 'that Britain 1s in no danger- -else L to no danger, whether Imminent a prospective. The document dlsob.d that, on account of the increased naval '�mament, Britain, la order to main tate her security is bee own waters lk boon obliged to withdraw some art naval forces from the distant setas 'Gassiest believe. is a felt t...t of isdisclosed by the documeat laid the table oat say Rt. Hee. frilled ere us tao; tits peonies i now fere question: Mot le the duty the Howse et Osmtsoss: what le deity of Use peep% of Camas' Is the aesstion as 1 esdsret•ad -h over ktmb). )edgtseat the re Needy In this That w►wrrv.r is the seas our le tri d1.tamewert ewer � (Usage or els.w►.es. Erin's ebb lies bees ramped ner el meeetrMMe in Derepsie V It meg babe Once. wrier .fab • IMMO A` le rwmeved INIp @MMO ha repassed by • Cosoledli. seelleall. massed W aerie 1 isle semi teem MOM wirot Is the censery essemfad r Me wwwseem Theses r emeWPWW. Then it as I-Mdlele Mee le ea pwep@drw dm- ? will mot me OM a1yPM MN ass say If MIMI& were THE DOME RULE NLL Passed Committee Stage—Attempt to Make Union Jack Official Flap Lost The committee stage' of the home rule bill was completed is the British House of Commons late Thursday night amid exciting dettnonatrations and counter demonstrations. The House then adjourned. Premier Ass quith and his Ministers were given an ovation as they left the Chamber. Mr. Hammersley (Unionist) moved a new clause providing that the Union Jack shall continue to be the official flag of Ireland after the measure pas- sed. He also urged that the flag should I be hoisted in a conspicuous place and i kept flying over the building of the Irish Parialment each day while the Irish Parliament was in session. He urged that this clause would be a test of the sincerity of the Nationallets' present professions of loyalty to the • Empire. The clause was defeated by 110 of a majority. During the debate Mr. Jeremiah MacVeagh of South Down. In behalf of the Nationalists, spoke disparagingly I of the Union Jack and was indignantly rebuked by Mr. Balfour An amendment was moved by Hon. Mr. Birrell providing for the election of Irish senators. of whom there are to be 40; Ulster 14, Leinster 11, Mun- ster 9, and Connaught e. The amend- ment was carried by 316 to 187, giv- Ing 129 meJority. FARMER'S AWFUL DEED E. D. Wellman Shot His Young Wife and Then Suicided After wounding his 15 -year-old wife by firing the contents of a gun loaded with shot at her head, E. D. Wellman. a farmer in the Township of ltawdon, Hastings County, blew out his own brains. late Saturday. It is said that his reason for wishing to end the existence of himself and his wife was that be believed his wife's relatives disapproved of him. They had been m riled w DAIRY CATTLEMtN AOT OlsestINl.d With Aeseoemenodatten at Guelph—May pe to Tomo» Threats of a serious split les the ellkfbltors of live -stock at the Pro- vincial Winter Fair were made by the dairy cattle men at a meeting held Wedndesday. Canada's leading breed- ers were present, and a unanimous de- cision was reached to break clean away front Guelph, and to found an annual national exhibition In Toronto similar to the great tuitional dairy show of ChicagoThe dairymen are dissatisfied with eke accommodation offered at the Guelph Winter Fair, and they feel that there is no hope of improvement under existing condltous. The mktter will be official. settled by the Ilalrym.n's2 Associations of Eastern and Western Ontario It, January. and the Dairy Cattle Bre d ors' Associations In February. ALLIES STAND FIRM Will Press Claims for Poeseeslon o: all conquered Territory If Turkey will not surrender Adrian ople the autos will resume the war On the eve of the peace conferenc' at London. M- Veniaelos, Premier of Greece, the chief figure of the Bail -an envoys. roads W. statement on Mon- day. He Mid that the coalition is as firm to -d ' as when the allies fires the, first at Turkish troops '.The ea," he continued, "will d r mend the surrender of AdrLutotee and Janina, as well as the rest ot th" territory conquered. Turkey. I under stand. le determined not to yield to this demand, and unless one gives way It 1s practically certain that the con- ference will he a failure and the war will he resumed. "The allies are quite prepared for such a result." Exo.erat.d the Engineer The Coroner's jury which levee* gated the Thanksgiving Day wreck ei Rtreetsvtlle. In which two members of the hath Highlanders of Tomato. lost their lives, returned a verdict on Friday night to the effect that the men came to their death "aocident- ally, casually and by misfortune, and not otherwise." They further found that the troop train was unsuitable for service and that Engineer Hart did all In his power to stop the train but overran the switch owing to a defect in the brakes, Bateman Emmen Gallows At the cabinet session Saturday it was decided to commute to life im- prisonment the sentence of deal* against John Bateman, the octogen- arian of Whitby, Ont., who was ora- demned to be hanged for the of his wife, whom he beat to eslib. Bateman was to have bum on Friday. Dec. 12, but owing= advanced age and other .:dine llae circumstances , Hon . C. J. Doherty. Minister of Justice, derided to aofi mute the sentence to lmprfsosaeat. Chrlstmai .m VmddTnp The Christmas plum pudding is de @Deeded from the plum porridge mil Is a time-honored dish at every arlstmaa feast To be properly each person in all the house must stir it before it le boiled and the mistress of the hoose mast mil the spices "with her own fair and so she favors fortune tar year. If she is an American and her pudding in an ancient china stirring it with as ancient a whose handle L adorned with old English crest, so mach the bet- ter, for in the new land she to help- ing to keep alive the customs that mete old England merrfe. The pudding should be boiled in a well -floured oloth "sox hours upon ih. day of mixing. six hours upon the day of eating, and the steam should ad cease to arise from the pot waif. 1!D pudding d within it" a a year. -ell man had been �- _ _ _. acting strangely for some time. He fired at his wife as she lay In bed. Tbe 'hots destroyed one of her eyes, tore away a portion of the roof of the mouth, and broke several of her teeth. Her injuries are such that there are but slight hopes, if any, of her re- covery WHITELAW REED DE&D Brilliant Diolornat Suooumbed to A. thma After Long Illness Whitelaw Reid, United States am- -basaador to Great Britain. who had been 111 from asthma for several months, and who had been in a had condition ever slice his return from America In October, died shortly after noon on Sunday at Dorchester Homm, London Tbe physicians gave the CRIMP of death as asthma, foliowlag exhaustion Whitelaw Reid was born near Xenia. Ohio, on October H. 107 and had represented the United States at the Court of St. Jamas since INK The Rritirh Government w1(1 probably place a warship at the disposal of the family for the transport of the body of the ambassador to Use United States. Ween Indian Trade Past Hoe. Geo E Foster last weak pat through the rwrnmlttee stage the tariff reeotutioea upon whish a bill w111 be feended rut1trtng the reciprocity agreement between Cease» and a nine bar of the Rrftbh What ladies oelo ales. Tie agreement le shot gives a Ma e.... of twesty per seat to tae e•1etl•s attested three cereal la porta Ise ("Asada. aaiely tropical trine.. Cowl awspomds Titres The Royal ()soap wrwek levestie• tlee lading, ee gese out by tie WPMk 0.ms1tee rs' Obert at irel.trwat. emapeels Pt1k Moue ter three ysefw. (*etal» Harrison ter twelve ataeA•, sad Mot Maar Dewa 1. ber three esselhe. Tho plIst wee made, 1M vend M tee ►ab • speed. N win deelded. sad Iflw captain abseil have Mew ea the bridge Maple dear Grocery S. J. YOUNG 'Phone 62 HAMILTON STREET The Skillful Housekeeper Knows how much depends at the Christmas season oo having the beat groceries end Cbnstmas fruits for her baking. We have • Hoek that has never been surpassed by any store in this County, including Relates, Currants, Primes, Peels, Flavorless*, Grapes, Cranberries, Peaches. Jame, Apricots. Jellies, Pkklos, Meesey, Syrup, M.lews. Pure Spices. shelled wtii- wta. Shelled Aimeeda and Assorted Nuts. And the many other things von seed foe "A Merry Xmas." is S.•ssgaa, Rams sad aaoee end abet Ninety meats we ow suit tux inset ismidieue tastes. Urisoe�� No order is our lime tee small to receive attend... M too Mrgs te he deed. ISM NM dB NIS a ISM SELECIING THE CHRISTMA KODA ISA VERY SIMPLE MATTER AT OUR STUDIO Our !.ick is complete, from the little one doll.r Brownie to the most expensive special Kods.k, and we can explain dearly and simply their various points of excellence. Let u . sist you in selecting the camera best suited to the erson for whom you are buying. Should you want to talk it over with the family, we will gladly give you free booklets which will help you in deciding. R. R. SALLOW Goderich : Corder Montreal St. and Square MARTIN BROS. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Renew Your Subscription to THE SIGNAL and receive one of the handsome 1913 Calendars. j Men's Presen Naturally you unsold buy Men's Presents at the Men's Store S Ours is the men's store --filled with requirements for men. Our store is crowded with suitable Christmas Presents for men and boys. Here is a partial list : " Neck Scarfs Neckties Gloves Hosiery Iiasdksrehiefs Gtr Links no *Isla SwPsstiers Usekrellas fur-liae41 Coats Bath Robes Dressing Gowas Smoking Jackets Coat Sweaters Jerseys Ua/blrweat Waterproofs Fur Caps Furmliaed Gloves Et e. If it is a Suit or Overcoat. buy it in the 1016 Century Broad WALTER C. PRIDHAM $ b Century Clothing. Llglg Rate, tkeaSeM'e Underline.