The Signal, 1912-12-19, Page 4DOt1INION •----1 CARRIAGE WORK S We have reopened the wen -known shop corner of Newgate and Hamilton streets, known as the Dominion (ahrrlage Works, and are prepared to emelt te orders for Woodwork Painting and Trimming Carpenter Work Etc. All work done promptly and well. We will appre- ciate your t.u4tom. D. Be McLeod & Son PLUMBING Let W. R. Pinder know when you have anything to he done in Eavestroughiog Metal Work or Electric %ir•ing. Estircater furnished and work guaranteed. We keep a full line; of fixtures and supplies on band and all such work will receive our prompt and careful attention. We k ave a number of first- class cooking Stoves, the (carnet Gocd Cheer and the, Empire Steel Range. l' ,I1 and see theta. Repair work of ell kind, ,lune at moderate e',.L. W. R. PINDER Hamilton Street (goderich WINTER TERM.. FROM JANUARY 8th CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE 8TRATFORD, ON T. does mere for Pte students and grad nate; than do other ,.Imilar whool.. Coupe. are op -to -date and in.trneters are exprrieaoed. t,raduatee arc placed in good position. 1 he three applica- tions receive' today offer average .al- Lry et it I11 per annum. Three depart. monis Cbmmerd•I. Shorthand and Tel egrwpby Write for free catalog"e a•. once. D. A. McLAt'HLAN, Principe 1NVESTIGATE . NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE -the merits of our school, where students attend from every Prov- ince In Canada and as far south in United States as Nevada and Wyoming. Catalogue free. Positions Guaranteed. ('. A. FLaXrxtr. F. C. A. Ptincipal. O. D.FLeal�a Secretary. OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO Christmas Fruits We have every thing for the Christmas h.king. New Raisins New Currants New Ftp New Dates New Flavoring Extracts New Peels New Nuts First Quality Oranges and Lemons Leave nr 'phone your order, and it will be attended to promptly sad carefully. with the hest Roods to be had. Sturd3 do Co. (4reeses, The Square Aoderiah 'PHONE •i IHAD been west taking • ma- valescent patient to his home and was returning to Toronto when a cane feu tmexpectedly into my hands. The Pulliam ooadoctor startled us early oar swaths by calling out to know 1f there was a physician In the cCi�ff Them was no response, so without hesitation I offered my .ervio.s. Re took las at ono* tato the stateroo•a apt 'stre- amed me to a worn young man. There was no need to eat his trouble. On the couch tossed a little glrf of five or sig years, her cheeks lad •7M bright with fever. I had • few iris rnadlie With tee, but the Chir showed railer planning mymelee. 01 w ageovullel SOK Deciding to take ao risk, 1 Mat II telegram abed. sad while we reeeh- all Wlnnlpeg a P144541101 with rimer NM medicines onnie shooed and se- eed us to Port =maladies eo}1orothy scaped e,Il al me maladies with whk� she was flat a the Urns we to MY tir] much better .war, Mr. Singleton. her father, retained lar, slid the three of Kra west to a faith - losable hotel The. little girl oos- to improve, 5:womasfter epontnn De. childhood king. was ap rso•ablag and Dor- othy r-'sthy wee now able els go about. 1 was (R/truoted to take its to shops and al unees- -In fact. to do everything to afford her amuse- lnant ii.r father 41 asggestted that she give a Christmas tree for twenty less fortunate 11ttle elle, and he kept the big limousine oar touring the shopping district While we played Santa Claus. One day we had been out all of the afternoon. Dorothy had selected twen- ty dolls, and In retrospect I viewed my own meager childhood and fancied what such a glorious afternoon would have meant to me, but the child ap- peared more listless than usual. Feel- ing rather anxious, 1 took her tempera- ture, gave her some stimulating nour- ishment and asked her to get Into my lap while 1 road to her. Dorothy had the beauttul old -young manners In which the little children of the rich are drilled, and always treated me with careful consideration and politeness, regardless of her own wishes. Obediently she climbed Into my lap, put her head against my shoulder, and I began to read aloud A wonderful Christmas tale. We are all of us children in the story. Dor- othy was very quiet, and as 1 turned a page I looked down to see 1f ebe had fallen asleep. To my eonsternatlon, the wide blue eyes were brimming with tears, fast overflowing and run- ning down the child's white cheeks. As I dropped the book and clasped her closely In my arms she gave way to oonvnlsive soba. Men the Yule Log Shoed Pretty Contents That Surrounded That Feature of Christeelas The Tule log on the - 11 =lees roared. The whole trail was aglow The great hou*ds lay before the blase. Dr'e•ming a stag an4 boar. One of the prettie- st sights of the Diol -time Christmas must have been that of the Yale log being drawn homeward, surrounded with Joyous laapfng cklldren, shouting merry iF9egng to each wayfarer as he Io/ej els hat In reverence to the log MP full of good grosalses whose games had the power t ' burn out old wrongs mod heartbuming.. On the arrival of the log at the "baronial hall" it was sastomary to greet It in fitting manner either In verso or song. 2n some parts of Prance there was elm the custom of the Christmas log. although there has been a different dgnlsoance. There the log had sue- "ended uryend.d from each end the toys. cakes and fruits for the children of the looms. These were the gifts Petit Maulet or Christmas child war said to have brought. In the mountain districts of Ger- many ermany the Chi -lamas log was supposed, to have the power of warding off der sews from lightning sad was kept be - Death the bed of the master of the house from one Christmas till Ube next. when it was used to light tie new log. On Christmas eve and fires were exti tons.• and a piece of US wee taken m where 11. was of the sanoteap I , now light that u' e1d on this at/bA la • Mr. Single- ton came tn. T h . opening of the door roused Dor. othy, and. see- ing her father, s h e stretched eager arms t0 him and cried out: "Tether, dear, I don't want a tree. I Jnst went mother for Christ - I placed the ohild 1n her father's arms and lett the room. An hour passed •and then Mr. Singleton rapped on my door. He told me the story. Mrs. Singleton was not flesd. as I had supposed; she was in Paris, sad 1f the separation of which he told me was caused by fault of hers he did not so much as hint at 1t Mr. Singleton cabled at on to Paris. There would Just be time. Ohrt.tmas Eve came and still no ` ole, and thougt Mr. Singleton's face thin and strained, 4 started Cwith Dorothy at noon, tailing her were going to have a grand and s time that afternoon. was left to attend to the last dr alb of the tree that stood In glitter- bravery litterbravery in the meter of tbs gib room. There was a lot W do, i was bustling around whelp the Bow open and a radiant yossg rushed in, calling: ! Dorothy!" Stopping quietly, her look arrested my uniform, she wl•tmed: "le - who 1. 111•" She faltered. white. smiling assw'am.* that all was brought forth a thousand quer and we both talked at ono., 1 helped her off with kr . she cried In my arms gal me with fervor whim i Mid Ms tp� The ism Of t of how Dorothyhad begged tor and then she bbled over and tad a gay afternoon Waking Otngl.toe was on the . laugbtag down at e when k and hfather cafe la dr ied osberhips,hat1 gieeise4 look and or, Then i wept pff loose, fedlMg the r I had mai Whom to Thais 1 suppose you MI veer Omelet prate Ohms for pro- 'trig pN 111I • tbs tarter?' r art w 911W l Veale Z.tlekti Il • de tell. ' 'Isaw, mi." replied ' i.. pleine sstw. Muse tele die Mae tor he thss'ftel Me Perms, 61rem fur bawls' his h.e beam dew ea he lee." Christmas Ball a Novelty I T_ Wel Prove Something New and Le - 1 tertalning for Children Thio Is a novel receptacle holding twenty or more small gifts for the en- tertainment of children on Christmas s• When the cblldren are seat - on the Boor, this ball is set In tpottn by a grown-up; the child to whom It le rolled takes out a gift, and sends the ball spinning to an- other, and so on until the gifts are ex - ted. The framework is made as Buy two pairs of ten -inch wooden embroidery -hoops, and put Mem inside each other until you have the skeletotl of a globe with algbt curved ribs. re the hoops intersect, top and bottom, fasten securely with raf- fia The circles are now vertical, and • cross circle Is needed to stay them; this is to be made of ooarse rattan (or reed), and must be fastened to the bulging part of each rib; do not Join the rattan ends together, as an opening must be left between two of the ribs to allow the children to reach in for the gifts. If you should cut the rind of an orange Into eight sections, from bud end to stem end, ,you would have the shape of the sec- tions for the Inner covering of the framework; cut from stout cotton eight of throe pieces. allowing amply for seams. Sew four pieces together, and fit to half the framework, letting seams come between rib., not cm them; now sew the fifth piece to the Joined four. sew the sixth piece to the Joined five, and so on unitl the framework is covered. Do not en- tirely close the last seam awing it ono one-third pay up from bottom sad one-half way down from top, leav- ing an open third. Make the outer covering the same way, using white Ohristmas cloth bevieg stamped on a Agars* of Santa Claus, holly, joins or ;Just plain red cloth.-Woman'i.Home Companion. A CHRISTMAS CARMEN John Greenleaf Whetter Hound over all Wasters, • all lands. glee eborus of voices, the tassertng se hands; Meg rima that were sang by tisa stars of the mora, lbg songs of the aageis when Jus wen born! With glad jubilations Bring hope to the .atfl..�ara !M bark night is ending sad hes begun; Mae bops of the amis. arise, Wm the AlEepeech sow to newly allhomesbhsenstt as oast ffilk.w, bogies of battle. the .Bebe. at Ws" won. north tad eeeik let rho long quarrel mans: `g the song of greet ler that the earls balm. `g of glory M Clod and of good MID M epi Hark, wales is Mown The beaver bead trier ffhe dart night is seeding *admirers hoe.her berm; bap of the ages, •aase Mho the reach out Mom d posit how to mask. W ImaImagesenr Mit •s oast Obrhaters-- Goy ,en the uses when holly sprys all th. berm. breeding mem every beidOt sesalle soot. Ma. 1s the Mister. prates. Is rhe time whoa tvies a•gm beryl to the every bell1111=e asell. And /rakes the Mashes pulse its pow le the tins ss !!S blessed dew of 0rlai-r. i1r1h Lked every aids s.et. ills Man. 11 .. 'Mag lit. praise t/.ergh..e the • earth. Mates Meellard la alyd.rffg • A Midsumm -r � Visit From nta Claus 141• time somebody ttasy could sever sed out who it was/ played • Joke oa Bali (1a and tore off all the leaves a the calendar up to Dec, 22, w bleb, as you know. Is only three days before Christmas. It was really midsummer, and the weather was very hot, but Banta Claus, who had sl ways arose according to his tateedar and bad never found 1t wrong, barred time must tune slipped by him without his realising It He had been rather taking his Uma in the worksbop and had scarcely half enough toys to go around, so Ile was much worried bow to give presents to all his children_ A fairy beard him talking to himself about Ws troubles and bad a sple•dld Idea. She burrle,l Into the woods and told the other fairies an.: all the beast and birds and bop about Santa Claus' trouble. asking their help to the met- er. "1 don't see bow we can help much," said a little bear cob. "We can't make toys." "No," said the fairy, "but you can be toys. My plan Is for us to offer to take the places of the toys that Santa Claus Deeds- We fairies can be dolls. for there are lots of dolls' dresses in Snnta's workshop. I know." "Spleodldr" Santa said. "Jost trop aboard my sleigh, which Is hitched In the front yard- and we'll be off." So the animals and fafrles and every- thing else bopped Ipto Santa's great sleigh, and he,'cltmblng to the seat. clucked te bis reindeer and bade them m'aaaD Teats Wlaas AND FLAW oaf. By over the grouud. . But they could sot move the sleigh, for there was no snow on the grroud Snots Clans d1/ sot know what to do, but the fairy dr ' dared that she could fix that difficulty. She blew a little whistle, and bun- deeds of white wild geese came dying trona the sky. She told them what was the matter, and the geese, catch - Ing the end of a long rope In their beaks, spread their wings and were off with the sleigh and Its precloOs load, bearing it as lightly as a feather, so that It hardly touched the ground. By morning Santa visited all the towns and left presents everywb rte Ile hadn't a single thing Ilett In his sleigh ntxl thought tbat be bad done a very ;,fwd ngbts weft Tb. cbil- dras when they awoke fa the morning sad found tete presents membered where they resold have come from ' Some et tete little bears bol earde armed Ods necks, which feed "A Merry Chu istmaa" The childr eo were serpr'Red. bat Joyously began to play with their strange toys. The little baby bars, who kept their claws curved la so that they wouldn't eeeatch, were the mast delightful Weis. The ebUl- dren were very food of the gifts. The gnomes made splendid Blows dull.. and some of the fdrles wens per- m ar11 ularly pretty dollies. The birds te the rages Mag sweetly, the beetles drilled lilas armies of real ssllient and the laid mks opus es their heeds sad skipped over ascii other's 1.1) to the • inuaemeet of their smell owners. le a few days. however, the children tope to tire OM et them wonderful r,sw tors, sad the Barest people said It was Ume to redone M tied: own h ems& Where ,they reached bee they weever .d Is to bslp Matta Class seats r/s rig Paw as thew ewer m that tee time wooed be bet ter Oe teal Chrest.asa T1• tsar aid sea had Paw this elms faded 1. W mode a tslsaahe d ties dote mid that the skims wed/ be I ,1 baa :al tlsg.~OW w Ole w. r-ij Farmers' Marmot T►. following Heger were pus It farmers by retail dealers at 111. Law recce Market. Torontoes Monday: Pall wheat, bushel $ 14 M 1 .11e Oats ��•• . U Goose wheat . /1 .41 Harley .64 .71 Buck wheat .66 .00 Bre .76 .4.1) ,Peas ' .26 1.11 New hay 17.00 11.00 do. No. 2 14.00 15.00 Straw, bondlt d .17.00 19 01) Straw, loose 9.00 10.0,1 Eggs. new Isid, dozen.40 .46 Butter, dairy .25 .21 do. creamery .30 .33 Fowl, dressed, Ib .. t .1e Chickens .15 .11 Ducks .16 .01 Turkeys .19 .2d Spring Turkey.; .20 .13 Live Fowl .11 .12 do. Chickens .16 .hi do. Ducklings .16 .00 do. Turktvs .18 .00 do. Hens .12 13 Cabbages, doz. .40 .60 Potatoes, bags 1.10 1.2i Apples, barrel 2.00 3.26 Dressed hogs 11.00 11.60 Celery, bunch .06 .6,, Toronto Grain Priem Wholesale grain quotations at the Toronto Board of Trade on Monday were as follows. - Manitoba Wheat -New, 91c; No. 2 Nor., 89c; '644c; feed wheat. 67c including winter storage. Ontario Wheat -No. 2, 92c to 93c for car lots outside, ranging down to 70c for poor grades. Ontario Oats -No. 3 white, 33c to 34c at western points, 37e to 35c ou track, Toronto. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W. oats, 41e. track, bay ports; No. 3 C.W.. 39>tic; No. 1 feed, 39%c for promp' shipment. Nb. 1, Nor., No. Nor., to 70c, lust Cpra-American No. 3, all rail, Tor- onto, December shipment, 64%e: prow pt delivery, 661•4c. Peas --No. 2, 31.36 to 31.30, car lots. outside. Buckwheat -No. 2, 47c to 48c. Rye -No. 2. 76c to 76c. Rolled O. cs-Per bag of 90 lbs.. 32.40; per barrel, 16.06. wholesale. Windsor to Montreal Barley --Good malting barley, out- side, 60c to 63c; feed barley, 40e to 60c. Mfllfeed-Manitoba bran, 4.10.00, in bags, track, Toronto; shorts, 123.00; Ontario bran, 120.00, In bags; shorts, 123.00. Ontario Flolu--Winter wheat flour, 99 per cent. patents, is quoted at $4.06 to 14.15 delivered. Toronto Cattle Market The receipts of livestock at the Western Cattle Market, Toronto, on Monday were five cars, containing 114 bead of tattle and 14 calves. Representative prices were: Export cattle, choice....$4.00 to 36. SO do.' medium 6.60 6.00 do. bulls .. , , 4. MI 6.06 Butclfer cattle, choice... 6.60 7.10 do. medium 6.00 6.60 do. common 2.00 6.Ou Butcher cows, choice4.76 5.60 do. medium t.60 4.75 do. common 2.00 3.60 Butcher bulb 4.60 4.76 do. medium 1.60 4.60 do. tight .. 2.60 3.60 Feeding steers 6.00 6.60 Stockers, choice 4.10 6.26 do. medium ... 4.00 4.60 do. light 3.26 4.00 Canners and cutters2.60 3.50 Milkers, choice each... 40.00 80.00 do. common 30.00 40.00 Springers, choice 60.00 80.00 do. medium 40.00 60.00 Yearling sheep.... ¢ 00 6.10 Sheep, light ewes 1.60 4.40 do. heavy ewes 3,0� i,60 Bucks and cues 1.10 8.00 Lambs 7.00 1.40 Hogs, f.o.b. 7.65 .00 do. fed and watered8.00 -09 do. weigbed oft cars8.16 .00 ^slues 3 $0 9.00 • East Buffalo Cottle The receipts of cattle at East Buf- falo on Monday were 1,0M head; mar- ket slow and 10c to 264 lower; p11see steers, 18.16 to 10.00; bstthers, **BO to 18.11, bulls, 14.00 to 16.60; heifers, 14.00 to 14.90; /Mtpptts. V to 36.14.; heifers, 14.76 be 11#11 13.00 to 16.26; attooksrs 14.75 to 17.00; fresh sem era ate at 111.00 is Teals 0r* steady at .M a nows-beceipts, 10c tolJshighr; !thew lower;h�avr. mMel" 17.26 to 11.40, Glp I roughs, 11.61 to 34.71; stew M 14.60; dallies. 31.M 1T.1•. Sheep and lawlpts, *1.110I motive: yearlings, tic sr; lambs, 60e ower; iambs, 16.1) to 11;0: rear` ones, 31.4.0 to 11.64.; wethaBs. N -M to $6.11; ewes. 11.14 to Wilt MOM mlzed, 1100 M M.M. eebago Leve Mesh nets. reedpts tut Mew as Saytotalled MAI :..w hea hat Iris to 16e lower. 1lsovee isa to 116.90; Teas steers, KM M Weeder s 141 le • Hoes --B ic4NI, M/,•1% . effet dell. swear. [Agit 11 te aj tlttg0& 37 (e $1.411b. Maur. 117 te S3 4II, Key, 17 to 17;oloi. M M 1111 1k of sales 117 SO M 11.Ms. /berg--Maslpea 44,•M. mefist weep ilea WPM 1•Mfvo. woe .t• Eteli lserk M MAit N is N1�1 «.it; M.10 • waters q gm fie Mt K. t• WILL CIYE $500 TO SICK R[ADERS QF THE SIINAL Famous Scientist Wh r Originated the Now Wonder- ful o r„ful "Monks Treatment" Otters $1.00 Package Free to ckk and Ailing. In order that every era l • 11t. Signal who may not host. ' , ••t this wonderful "Home `1' a Dirt" may have an opportunity to 1. -rt t61s celebrated medicine, the Dow faatntsa edentist, Dr. James W. Kidd, offers to give absolutely tree a Hurl Sae 111.00 package to eve hander readers of this paper, to prove the wonderful claims which*ave been made for it. In tasking tila offer the scisuWl said : "I know that there are many people who have been suffering tee years with .ossa chronic disease and many of term have spent lanes sons of mow asgkhap a cure. 1 know that these people bssitate about investing Medicine because they have .t ever getting well. 1Uousaode have told me that story sad ,may thousands at the same psopls have told ID. afterwards that dotreatinent had oatoes and everythinngg obis hared d after dad flied. I want to to a limited number -no matter what the disease no matter bow long they may base suffered, no maty ter bow blue avid discouraged --that my treatment really and actually doss aoeomplish the wonderful results that have been reported," People who war bola Rheum*. Asbastsh_ 11 uItiwe..is� Weak vv a ins•sas ae worn out, wit will bs. Mr doer. Aglibmitunchrorde kind, the weal, and despond - at the effect of a d41ltiss'ful treatment _ s 11lM,ap�gftts end helps the �t___Ir to Harry on their M should. It strength- esl•tbs too, and drives rhert- ssatbMt from the blood as if by net bi why people who try it bemuse so enthusiastic. An treader of The Signal who will try is atraostenery medicine that W emoted so mush excitement by its mires eon obtain absolutely fres a full 41.04 tteatmwt by simply filling in the so Wppoo below or writing a letter desmHsg Melt case in their own werda, it they prefer, and mailing it today to James W. Kidd, Turooto, Canada. No mono need be sent and no charge of say kind will he made. As this offer is limited, you should write at one*, In order to be rule to receive vour free treatment beim, Coupon CB 131 For Free Dollar Treatment Dr. Jas. W. Kidd, Toronto, Canada. Ple...e send me a Full 11.10 �ouree of Tr.atmeot for my arm free awl postage paid, Just as you W omi e. Name I'q.t t)moe Street and No. Age Hew least ~mit Province Yee .. _ .sOD at before diseases yes Dara crows. tress Two cr.., IXXI hears the ons trees ewhk Csestieseles Pees Hi heaps [mpase g seili .resale Weaklier lieeW I Went) Trouble Creat ::: .Ovsslas Trouble j..Pelsfel Poriod4 rsssl•ses I ..test Plashes Tew�vesev ereeemeem .Owen[ Down Falo- sretW .. thseulsrisy ....Obert! .. isseorrhoaa Oise say other symptoms se • ssesease sheet. Coreyoadenee in all laage.ges Y What Zetter Vhridtncad lift for a friend at a distance than a years subscription to The Signal, with all the home news? We supply a pretty ,presentation card to be sent to the friend to whom the gift is made. $1.00 a year to any address in Canada or Great Britain. $1.50 a year to the United States. 5he signal *oderich TRANSCONA A GREAT CITY IN THE MAKING Transoms will be one of the pg0, railway ooengtsrss of the West.. The (;rand Z4aak Paddle has Mega the 011111.11111 radio Beltway baseslabed=a it bas begs h1e Neetbsrs Binary Mira*** lrteem Port Row to Transcon•, . Tr.neoonis future as a soundlllatarl*sas wee as • railway centre, le srsitiJ, abd gps.s1large industries are .heady established, roywt:ing a big* number of man. PROPERTY WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE many times over le 1.1. sat two years, and fere . re 1,15 Grouts for the Investor who Axys today We have • number of lots to sell at ?rsa•eooa and offer tem very advantageous teem. to Gado - ✓ ich psrrbaseru. Write toe err booklet. whish teas all about Teases a. Scott, Hill do Co.. J. T. Goldthorpe 14WINWT , WAN. Korai eel 60 Q •