The Signal, 1912-12-19, Page 1Es else M !valid she Owning duM,aes anima Miguel's new 'tor, "Che Chalice of Courage" to he ogmmaeeed next week. ti's a good one TY -FOURTH THAit--RO tttr P%new Your Subscription to The Signal and secure one of the handsome Calendars for 1919. GODERICH. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1912 THZ SIGNAL PRIN CO.. Ltd.. Pommume [1iIE.5TERLINGBANKI OF CANADA A SMALL BEGINNING Realizingbow quickly the swan .Owlet grows. we wel- come the new rustorner who opens an account with as little as • dollar. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager For Christmas Drs of the most substantial Presents you can Rive your wife or mother is an insurance policy on your life. Try one of the MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA POLICIES sod see how ibe likes it. A. G. NISBET DlrrraICT AokNT OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF tX)MMERCE, GODERICH 'Paoxaei ()erica 20; House 169. P.O. Box 964 1 I GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'buses meet all trains. Private calls have prompt and careful attention. First - class livery manta se all times. Reasonable prices. THE DAVIS LIVERY F. & T. M. DAvis Proprietors Soucy Street 'Phone No. 51 MUG AOTICB I 4 `iT ANTBD.-AT ONCE, MEN TO [sate barber tr.da Rupert inatrucUOn : constantteal ,. free; abt ye summ e - I le Write for aatavee. ploj MOLiR LToronto. cow. WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN the steak bating ►.mines t l want a live. agabithsee memellatative to every city and taws to hemMe seeeke, tis and mart hagee appw ��neia or aaf. AT Aa1e90x,Wvt5s Colborne see - a. Ls -.3m poWNBHIP OF COLBORNE. e.taatiea-fsi Rsave .ad ComeMors for caboose Towaablp will bb bid on Monday. December 1131tt,R at the bear of on o'clock a m. 1a the Tomphb Ballhaglow. Clark. '1OL80RNE BRICKYARDS. - A ttisr>4 et 1i lee& tale for sale �'1�ss'sss� renes early. as they w0 ossa ADO R SON . AUCTION SALES. CLEARING AUCTION SALE 0U8fHOI.D FURNiTU �Rg, wTOV1C8. CAR - PHI'S AND ALL OTHER MAN BHINGS. ' I me 4setracted by Mr. Jsba lemma( to eeln by ppeeblle archon at the Zing LOWS Meet on Setwreay, Dsaawber Mt► o eensee r ins (kiosk rlIvfez and baba . rything � amid. es Yr. Swami le leaving toe Timesaver. Terms cant. T. A N�DRT. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. - EXPERIENCED stenot[rs r. A y at AMIC*ICA.l4 ROAD MACHIN i CU.B OPTICL -vY 1 HAVE YOU A WANTED. ins THE ALS7CAN- • URA Marine sad Oe•eral tlssakaL FARM FOR SALE Y n°�• te t. °°k' � t.411 The Pehlica Aesaelet loo for Huron oomig Woad t publish a Wt of farm Mill b ties comity, sed sasik _ maim Laving a farm toe oaks til sang steres Y7 a the fist MS salt Wbes etsedbient farms have the executive will pub- lic, us lar for.n tar gmaeral Old Lard la the .��asr� without charge to the lertasc particular++ may be obtained ham� gs�a jjtl5�the executive. J. 9_,9 VVfoe.1 res, Sru ls. B C. M(J�c7NIN 8. Trees.. Oodericb. JAS. MTTCHICLL, Secy.. Ooaerich, szeorave committee -J. M. Oovcr LOCK. Reeve of McKlibp Winthrop P. O. ; Maros 83 OTTON, wives es W M. Otte. Reeve et Stanley. ClinWo'P. O. : Joon It•Ntwosb President Gunton Hoard of Trade ; J. Hite AS, Reeve of limier • Taos. BTornsae. Dungan. ono ; R. W. LtvtxoemNt. Reeve. of Grey. MonerteR. P. D. I { FOR SALE. VIVANTED AT ONCE. A GOOD amend servant u We Alazsodra Mar- ius sad Gametal Hosdtal. Appy to MISS GRIFFITHS, 8spertnteudeet. ee-gt TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. No 3 Anbdeld ; mooed edam certificate ; duties beginning Jointers 3rd. A .la• H psi Land salary, JOHN MOM,1. TEACHER WANTED. -FOR +. S. No. 9, Colborne IDsnkopf. Daws to met neon to Jaa•ary nett. ApOly Mang a Stations and salary etpsotod. to A. A. W Luna, Secretary. U alsta A CA RLOAD OF AMERICAN CORN Jest received sad will be en sale at the okf 8.. David% ward reboot buntline A Qum. 1117 *1 good S. � wheat still oo Mod. J. F. l�(136-11 R SALE. -SHORTHORN CO W.1 1 good milker sad well Med. Calved on December uta. Appy to L V. LAWSON. Dunlop. Telephone. r. 5-79, eL4L OA SALE. -THREE THOROUGH- ":HRliD Regal shale white Wyandotte b. hum -wlke. Itit0o each. JOSH birds rd. will ata! atocIL PALMiR, 8t, David's street, oodeeli WANTED FARM HELP AND DOMESTIO SERVANTS. -Ponces al .boom .pp1y at noes to LIN, Dominion Government fit,&. Helens. (lot. p . se wW iVOODd, St Hobos. Ont., will iembe=t - atteatioa (1ARETAKER WANTED FOR I) Central scowl.-Aptrbeatisos will be .e- caived by tee andereesed ap to !Linear, Jaa- nary loth. Salary Ma. Duties wa be mads known to applicant. oo applying to the mem Bary. A. BTHAii(V, Bseretary4me a ge. FOR SALE OK TO EMT R SALE. -A BUILDING 1AT 14ew.sas Buser Appy to T. J PRIU I OB MALE OR TO RENT. -A S1X- 1: swum, tames en Wolfe stress. to good oondiWa. Alm me parker cost stove and ora coal ar weed &ILP.4WCi. ars street. mom toe 3411 WIC POE, BALK. -THE FARM•�OWNED iT eby mst ( .r..se.„late Mut m -s' tw iaa 34 ear stem asses with borne and t.raass ifs homes; kylz11111" ;sea a water et�d .w�i ihete,, tvit . ALLW Y' mss. IISALL-TSB 100 -ACRE FARM W 70 esereaede. 0f Colborne. ems. ilrb aarsalesult ase, r 0d for sale. In gem mem arm •=lraia Idat alirrher erase. w epsreray .t-atwsai�es�eS' 0.&osymehaassi10 reet in Mune end els Crew the to AN 17Rs9t' JOHNKw10�N FARM FOR BALE. -THS EAST arae Hesslsysswsast�Dt72keasbi[s&wsZfsemu ♦si learth :teaser et fteneo preys egg ts�s • Weyburn Swskatchew, t.� n "The fast growing city of the Last Great West," Awes the following growth in figures by the Board of Trade. Population 1i0t4 .... ....200 1912.... 5000 Customs Revenue 1910, *21 00.(10 1912....$142,710.00 Pasta] Revenue 1907.... $4,146.00 1912.... 514,902.00 BoUding exon.trnction for first seven months of 1912 *930.486.60. And will continue to grow faster and faster for the next few years. 1.,ssttrrs e000tscted with big Canadian financial Indkiioes are investing in Weyburn property. (Nooses on requeet) Why Don't You ? lava* in our "Olty Gardens" property. °sly five theft fuss tis beset d the city. at **t1nA0 per Int. IWsi1 mesh payment and halasee he 4 l9, 19 months. E. V. Campton & Company Seed olive c Welters, Rask. isl rt adbee : • *Hn kst SR . Areettteed. Oak A11 1&atsea se.. --.. nee shmail be edLuMed to nor Estee tale. .1 BYLAW N0. 23 OF 1912, TOWN OF OODeRI('H. 41CtU32 �hrii3tmaz to the caterz of the pignaC OF THE I To •I.T11o1M TSS .OSROWINO Or Sumo ply THt Nous AND Bail Or DtaerTVata, TO r.OviDE I34O VON Tat OOST Or ♦ rL•NT TO Difrai1 iTI rL1cretc tomtit To w RCRIJan NT T H t H TDao-.tin lac POwilt t-Oo0r1NJON Or OnTaa1.., •ND e5. Ore r..a TTtt Ober Or •N allCrRl6DKIVO.!t rump Tome veep IN me memo sr WITH TUN TOWN w••r0W0W $Te'r1Y. WINNOW it a ureses - to rugae by war of Wan en the edit 4110 of Ouderlch the Mutt -• a( a ' ae �r the cost of woke ygtie►eeBB necessary for ihed>ielsiMtlsaet cion re power In the said , h, Hydro-electric Power io_ .. ,aet nts and a further ..dam elf sumer yeerele for use east of an elsc- t �wMUBss 6je�attdw s( t. the debt tamed,. se be And 'whiner' as Wto SI MIsselones at to make the min- ded the sand reee labb be Hegar mum beim M. Minty mare,ewer the cur - mid yearly MM be - reser le--------- era tb.t Me awe - at Year ler P as .1 sea=mPmehielag et emit reseessive raiid i�i e es wselLla 1w. t j' aaswac In emit et md {fa ether tomb -eine years the said Aad�wMieae Me b,W amount required co be mime oriMmeaf ter special rate for paying the said deli end tat rest as be+etoaher pro.- ided d rrd�itLBsase Me awoent of the whole me Itorttg et the said town of O.derich ac (=lim9014. bers.. a�as[to the bb revised assessment roll sabers.. �tbe iumalla tM mks toe de- Dentere debt etch sal MiWolpiallty.emote- Ave end no local toe r`svosrtit��dsLe. a 019iest 1. .2101.71 end sod part of arb 13NAte it strewn. Thema! t eoeusdl corpora- tion of the town of Generic& emote follows : L -That for the peepers at mesad It WW1 be lawful los the Myer sed 'roomier of the said town to borrow the sane et x.600 and to tears dietamtethe errant a M0,0 of e. e.� of which b.corporatice ntetes sMae be demi ad droll co the dare of the ieeu thereat. payable within thirty years there attar at Merino. or the treasurer or the said o !aT'haisa d debentures shall be payable is feisty weN laetallmea1$ daring W thirty Team next after the roan thereat 3. -Each et the AYd ddwtues doll be aimed by the Mayer et the meld- towa of Gene- etch M►rte► orb sones ether per me mamboed 11p le - law Midge metas, amt lathe tUM+e4er theme. sad the clerk shell nettle mettle with themes. moo seal of the odd o.pw tion 4. -The said d.healene shall bar interest at Me rats of Eve per cent. per Yarm. Payable yearly, at Me game d tis stain treewrer. mod shell kayo atteciod thereto aetuseaa be the pyneeet d rtaas, which aeepooe Mall he termed by the Maywood treasurer el W said town. 5. -Donbas the curreney of tie and dame - term there stall be r.Msd annually by ,pedal eatethe n tM ,suable m In `t maid sswa.rt the he amount m V seal et perpew ssseee[[[t!5 iri enei� and lama* in re. slsset d year. dam, `-Thbylaw .balk take Whet and Casae to- tooeageeettaflge from sad attar the brat passing ,17,e -'fie vets of the cholera et the saki1005 of (kind& Asate muss ea tib i hew at 81. tame tense mil Amu sea Were the same domityletownleg idiom me the vete of the mid Mestere ter epidpal seasoner. hr the emu- tag It year ye 313dst7etJeerBary.1113. M tri essae5 echoer r me said town of YMesd&.■ata{p&eer e[rsObet ta tM tbre- t�Mp�p. 13 et aid eonmeetln, s0U eeae' at l ewnelsrg q L Mitt �e Shia ales ar ra asiead�: lires mob law. sad • W aemler on sone bui eMd 1• mit Marna& et avesele t lie empien IL -The pie.1 ice= sews art fi��dr«� ne ar fa te Orem tMge Gw.R i61D. LL.RNOX. TARE. NOTiCi that the ahem e• true copy et a ppr�opo•sd bylaw which lupeb esndeoretlae and Mike .rt•�(skeeecehde e~vwtaat the .�sa�dt 01 the Meagre Mt Mimed thumb* MleeMe .wt& fres tie Amt pewwl1iyaa 1. rrlles esMwrgamotcr�see �s�a et `Iiwkage�W �gdea /i.esa s�tM1�•. rtM�.ke aetbe IMI aN vtra vitae� .slitg J d{he�e of er3gaa lMI aws wen ezei tae. arm t ag a t eahe :�{ mer enol le net essmer en As LIOR SALM.-THAT FINE REM. r�ll�.•t[at � t4 peataw. sa &eassh es !L. w WWII" EARLY NEXT WEEK, PLEASE i As the Christmas holiday comes in the middle of nett week, we shall bave to insist that all changes of advertisement. to insure inbertioo nett week. must be .handed in by Mooday at 6 o'clock, and other matter for next week's paper must be in by Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock, to insure insertion. Advertisers and others will please pay strict attention to this Announcement. -THS S10NAL. Both Quick and Permanent Strength. If you are run down or tied out, if you take cold easily, have no appetite, are losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod', System Renov♦tor under ou. guaran- tee to refund the price paid if the remedy fails to give entire satisfaction. It aids digestion, tones up the nervous system and gives both qaick ard per- manent result.. One dollar a fro • le. Manufactured by MacLeod Medi, Co., Goderich, Ont. For sale by E. 1t. Wigle. GODERICH MARKETS. Tgua.D•T. DSC. 19.h, 011 *35. , per bosh Bsolwheat, per bush PP. � hush L. 209)10III U 48 to 030 to 100 to fadei►.aper , bush 0 48 to :lasts Eunt� per r cwt 92 665 to new, patents per cwt 2 in to Idea, per ton la 00 10 t�eetq per Ion ti 00 to Hag per too. new 11 70 t 00 to Weed, perloed 5 00 to Vitae.' ib 0 rs to OM `ae.' ei. per ib 0 is to New Mane. 0 18 to Segs, front. per dos 0 12 to A ppire, per bbl 150 to Potato., per bushel Caths, seamy to good. perowt5 u0 to import, per cwt 5 i0 to 7 50 to per owt 3 50 to io. per be.d.... 50 to Dillow, per lb Hider. per cwt 7 00 to as 50 to 0 fa 0 51 d 31 1 10 0 56 90 0, 2 75 300 27 00 99 00 12 IIn 1000 550 0� 018 e2 1 00 525 s 50 85 i 00 500 76 7 50 M WHO IS ON YOUR SLATE reale 01 1014 tvyew r erectea, p ace or ma e tyrsaa, tor the gsrpoaes of the sa'd bnsine.*s. ♦ad whermie R b desmesd expedient to grant t1r esfkl ald Its the said Wisner Manufacturing yss (M terms and conditions herein- oat. erein- be It enacted and It is hereby en - tae municipal oonnd ea i of the comma- s» town o�f( Ooderich : 1.-Tbe sold Moser Manufacturing Com- pany'.• as a emilities peeeedent to the granting oe the aid hereinafter mentioned. shall mutts and continue to operate mntay lot Dumber 796 In loris&, the proposed Indus - re and sale of toilet ae- UM and syea 13.Ma Mid wm%i tee I�theR°net NOW IS THE TIME TO HRING OUT YOUR FAVORITES. lthe�pefpoue Mi of aiding W the said Menet* it.o un n In estabhfog .ad the mid tridoemde- Wit_ I&s m..wst .eat It m hereby a o�h Municipal Nomination Day Is Fast Ap- proaching, but tfandidates Are Not Making Any Big Noise Some New Material Will Be Required tor the Council of 1913. lgslsaitast ming Conepaqor Ilbelt .ams, iin 553556105. wifer bwith t�j4o ' to - all venerate e ea amid r (35 eaeNael I at a lass! with me if .t my I et toe ream tMe 4. -This bylaw shall take Whet et oo the day of Itie dost pwln. thereof. IL -The vote .1 the Wrier. ate .aid tows at Goderich .hall be tabes w this byte* at Me 1 news times and plaaaa and before 135 seam yreoturr6snoteee. smarts eariarkgeel the teat he &tyeassaaasperq �j et ..�1Mi. OednelsL tis ,air1le �'W stM vel.leY&pas��e at i1t�ae wts`pei. w the ..fnie.� law. audb• w w Mr - seas lathe na d a alai d.ieaa�t ., 81. o t -The a aleft.31i. tt.w ...ieipsl..weBa 43. in lhrr sane e. ta• 7th a • phot w or- o co r bere- w to be of the Me psr3 year m.3 to tis said stunt forth- ssaidd period me to be estabMINA shell - Bills are out announcing (be nlnni- cipal nomination meeting, to be held in the town hall on Monday evening, December 90th, for the nomination of a mayor, a reeve, a deputy reeve, six councillors, one water and light com- missioner, and four public school trustees. The nominations will be received from 7:30 o'clock to 31:30 o'clock. The retiring public school trustees (who are eligible for re election) are Dr. Gallow, Ii H. Cutt, G. L. Parsons and H. B. Hodgens. It will be necessary also to elect a trustee to 611 out the unexpired portion of Dr. Turn - hull's term, on account of his removal from town. The retiring water and light com- missioner is W. T. Murney. He is eligible for re-election, of course. There is a certain amount of talk abut possible candidates for the council. but there seems to be very little new material offering. There are a number of young business or professional men wto are spoken of as desirable candidates, but who decline to stand for election. on the ground that they cannot - afford the time necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of • member of the council. it is to be hoped that some of these men will he in tuced to allow their names to go before the electors., It is understood that Mayor Reid, Reeve Munninge and Deputy Reeve Clark are all willing to be re-elected to their present offices. Of the six councillors, however, only one-Ceun- cillor Graham -may stay. Councillors Laithwaite, Humber. Vanatter and Pello.v will retire, it is understood : and Councillor Elliott wants to try conclusions with one of the higher members -preferably, it is supposed, with Reeve Munnings, with whom he had a hot contest a year ago. 4.62AIj2YLAW NO. 91 or nu, OF Tits rMa the e+ alt 1J' TOWN OT 0131M IOIL ♦ gnaw es•*Tsre ,rs IMMO' MAMMA. - roans• Cenp♦nv • peas adaBsgsaf rT Boa • WOMB w tar vacua .ad tis :nes ISMae1�i► 'Whereas the et tie dem eV r guile TAIL Mune ARE see m e *d ime�s� .Meii .w...A. rsine dlatsi ♦al . alt the faker pinem DECEMBER SESSIONS. Biddulph Farmer Secures Verd ict Against Insurance Company. The December cessions of the Cou my Court opened in the court house be- fore Hie Honor Judge Holt on Tues- day afternoon of last week. 'l'wo lengthy cases were disposed of in the two following days and the court was adjourned on Thursday evening until W eduesday of this week. A cane that excited considerable in- terest waa that of Ryder vs. The Us. borne & Hibbert Insurance Cu. This was an action on en insurance policy, entered by James Ryder, a farmer in Biddulph township. The plaintiff wished to recover the value of a horse which he alleged was k rl;t-d by light- ning. The case was tiled with a jury. The hearing of the evidence was con- tinued from Wednesday noon until Thursday night. and the jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, awarding him *190. Dickson & Carl- ing (Exeter) for plaintiff ; Gladman & Stanbury (Exeter) fur defendants. The other case tried was that of Racho vs. New Hamburg Maoufac- turine Co. This was an action for the non-delivery of a thrrihing machine, the pbintifi being a farmer in West W awanoeh. Judgment was entered for the plaintiff for *'L84. ?roudfoot, flayys & Killoran for plaintiff ; Makin, & Gregory (Stratford) fur defendants. On Wednesday of this week the case of the Canadian Bank of Commerce vs. Mowbray was tried before His Honor Judge Holt. The defendant in the case was Jae. W. Mowbray, formerly of McKillop, but now residing In the West. it was an action on a promissory note. Judg- ment was reserved. R. C. Cassels (Toronto) for plaintiff') ; J. ld, Beet (Seaforth) for defendant. 7'be court was then further adjourned until Friday of next week. when the cess of Goodman vs. Carter will, be heard. This is an action involving the price of mu,krat skins, entered by Harry Godman, of Luck= now, against E. T. eJ..l-ter & Co., of Toronto. . e Two former members of the council whom the townspeople would like to see at the beard again ere C. A. Naito and Dr. °allow. Mr. Nairn fe one of our bhrewdest business men. and he can get thi ougb a lot of work without making any fuss about it. When any civic movement was on foot, requiring some quiet preparation, or organization. Mr. Nairn could a1 - ways be depended upon to do 'a large share of the work. Dr. (=allow dur- ing his years at the council made a record for thorou hnese in everything he undertook. He would be gladly welcomed back to the municipal service, where men of him calibre are needed. Another name that finds much favor is that of Allan D. McLean. Mr. Mc- Lean has served for a good many veer. on the public school board, and his experience there, in addition to his recognized ability, should qualify him as a very desirable acquisition to the town council. If he should give his consent to tie transference from the school board to the council be would have no difficulty in "getting there." There are doubtless ethers, some with municipal experience and some without, who could give valuable service to the 'own : batt the names above mentioned occur to us at the time of writing. afs�l�ICrriLh ale mvurlriRse amew ea the snobI. '. c1fO k irk • • , • Advocates of theHydro-electric by- law talk of bringing Hon. Adam Beck here to address a public meeting. They realize that the bylaw is not overly popular, and they think that $ big hurrah" meeting. with the Minister of Power as the central Sure, is needed to "enthuse" the electors. The president of the Board of Trade, who has apparently re- covered from his resentment of the Minister's course in regard to the statement of conditions on which Maitland power would be developed, is understood to be one of the chief movers in the effort to bring Mr. Beck to the rescue. Demonstration Car. The Department of Agriculture of the Provi ice of Ontario has equipped a Demonstration Car with roots, vegetables. grains. grasses, etc., of Northern Ontario. and the itinerary is ss follows Dec. 2nd. -Guelph 9rd.-Elmira 4th.-Heidelburg 5th. -Berlin 6th.- Baden 7th. -New Hamburg 9t1.---8trattord 10th. -Bright lith.- Richmond lath. -Paris l*tb.-Ingersoll 14th -Denfield 1*11.--0.ntrsllra ITth-Exeme 1411,x,-Hensall loth.-Klppen 29th. -Olin tort 21st. - orlerieh The gar will arrive at station at 11:96 s. m. on OBITUARY. jerkin. Following an illness extending over a year. the death of James Jenkin, an old and highly respected resident of Colborne, took place lest Sundayat bis home on the 2nd concession of that township. Tbe deceased was in his eighty-fifth year. He neo. a. native of the parish of Wbitatone, counts' of Cornwall. England. lo December, 1353, he was unit, d in marriage to (.race Sleaman. wbo predeceased him just seven moatbe ago.' Three years after their marriage they came to Canada and settled near Port Hope, where they lived for thirteen years. Afterwards they resided in the town of Lindsay for seven years. before coming tri Colborne township in • 11x76 and settling on the farm on which they spent the remainder of their days: Of a family of seven sons and one daughter three sons survive : Samuel, in the States :John and Isaac, et home. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Colborne cemetery, Rev. A. W. Brown, of Benmiller, cond.ict- fog the servicee. The pallbearers were Richard Jewell, Isaac Fisher and Thos. Mitchell, of Colborne, and Emanuel Mitchell, J. H. Colborne . and E. Downing, of Goderich. the Goderiab Saturday. Why bobber seskiag puddings whon you tan get ibp*MMe1ons. City los Cresm brides at Egpiette'ti Vivian. The ann.••rnceulent of the death of Mrs. Jan ,•s Vivian on 'l ueeday -of last week was received with deep regret by her relatives and friends in Godericb. Mrs. Vivian was at the home of her d.slighter. Mrs. Brown, at Kalamazoo, Mich., when the sudden call came, beset. trouble being the cause of her demise. The deceased was born in Coderich, and was the youngest daughter of the late Matthew and Sarah Black. who were numbered among the pioneer settlers of tiode- rich. Until she left here two years ago she had lived the whole of her life in Goderich. .since that time rte.had made her home with ditereet members of her family. The ohildi en are : Mrs. F. Brown, Miss Coral Vivian and Reg , all of Kalamazoo. Mich. ; J. W. and George, of Chi- cago ; James. of La Porte. Indiana ; Mrs. Sanderson McMillan, of blew Hamburg, and Mrs. P. Harper, of Bethlehem, Penn. All of the family were here for the funeral, which took place prvatelyy from the residence of her brother, Geo. Black, St. Patrick's street, on Friday afternoon to Mait- land cemetery. Tbe pallbearers were three sons and two sons -in -law -Geo., James and Reg. Vivian. F. Brown and 9. McMillan -and (4. %V. Black. Rev. J. B. Fotheringhani conducted the services. The many floral tributes on the casket were a testimony to the high esteem in which the deceased was heli by bar friends. In addition to the relatives already named, Mrs. Renderson, a sister of deceased, and her daughter. of Detroit. were here for the tuners/. Besides Geo. Black, of town. James Black. of Saginaw. Mich., is the ooh surviv Thg e bereaved family and relatives bare the sympathy of the community in their lora THE NEW STORY. har Readers of TSignal should sot mien the opening Instalment of the new story. "The Chalice of (burs" thi whieb is published in s layse. The story Isa fascinating one, writhes 1• • beet ed style aft the author. Gyrus Towasssd Brady. aed M dlstlaetb w 3eeboe tattle general rape of ser nala paper Ens. buHasa marpme. Malts abeam. m. -t for airbuses 1A01.•1A01.•i., crow. poliat mlrsl+t st WWI slew