The Signal, 1912-12-12, Page 15�'K lt1`rNA L GUDERI wtokstinivie941494949.49**494944++.4149494449.41+49 49 49 49444911, The News of the Dktrict' 40. 44+464146.46454144646. 44464S 614 4546 +** $T. AUOU$T'MlE. OOOERIOH TOWNSHIP. Tu KaDi T, Dec. 10th. Robe. W 1aw1 has gone on a busi- ness trip to 8ss[atetoo, Sask. John Beattie bas put up • windmill. He now has a water supply in both house and baro. Mr. Nicbolsou, of the Hayfield road, is leaving this neighborhood to go un a fares uear Hamilton. The young people of 8. 8. No. 1 are practising for s Christen= entertain- ment whith is to be held in tbe school on December 2Otb. Thos. Amy bad a hee last week. About twenty teams were hauling gravel for him. We understand he iv going to put a foundation unde.,,s shed in the spring. A number of men met at H. K. Revell's one eversion last week to die - cuss the organising of a Farmers' Club Another meeting is baing held this evening in the Orange lodge. TVIMeneT, Dee. 10th. Jobs Craig M on the rick list at present. Mks Mary Grieves visited Ooderich friends Ibis weak. Mies Elisa Tbomprou is visiting friends et Brume's. Kobe McAllister made a trip to Winghsm lavt week. The beef rang held Its annual meet- ing in the hall on Saturday. Henry & lCSeingtOD are threshing clover in this vicinity this week. John sod Joe Wilson, ot Auburn, visited at Wm. Wilmer's recently. Joe Boyle is sporting a new driver. What's the matter with Joe? He's all t igbt. Mia Ells Reid, of Ebenezer, spent a few days last week with her friend Nits Betsy McAllister. Harold Williams and James Craig bave' returned from the West boll\ looking hale and hearty. Mrs. Bert Jones, of Prosperity, aid Miss Betsy McAllister spent the week- end with Auburn friends. The members of the rifle club intend holding their annual supper and eon - tett in the hall on the 17th MAFEKING. MONDAY, Dec. 9. Mrs. Ferrell. of Clark. visited at Anson Finlay's on Sunday. Herb Curran, ot Crewe, called on friends bete on Sunday. Jas. Webster, of Lanes, called on etme of bis old neighbors last Friday. Miss Esther Hasty and Miss Emma Sproule visited friends here on Sun- day. The students attending Lucknove continuation school were home for the week-enl. toting wnest oad outnd bn ofBthekare pie piece of bush hieh the latter bought from Robt. Henry. I;thn Brown has engaged with Anson Finlay. Mr. Wortman, of Nile. hes engaged with Thos- Blake for the winter. Geo. Manna), of Belfast, represent- ative for the Stone & Wellington Nursery Co, passed through here last week. Throe. Reid and family arrived home from Amulet, Sask., on Friday IasL We always like to welcome hack old aeigbbors. - Rev. J. B. Hunter, of Dungannon, preached a missionary sermon here en Sunday evening. On accoutit of the inclement weather the attendance was not,so large as it might have been bad the westber been more favorable. DON'T BE t8ALD. Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splendid Growth el Haw. We have a remedy that bas a record of retarding baldness and promoting hair growth in 98 out of every 100 cases where need accnrding to direc- tions fora reasonable length of time. That may seem like a strong state- ment—it is, and we mean it to he, end no one should doubt it until they bave put our claims to an actual test. We are so certain Rexall "fill" Hair Tonic will eradicate dandruff. act to prevent baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots. arrest premature lase of hair and promote hair growth that we personally give onr positive guarantee t 1 refund every penny paid us for it in every instance where it does not give entire satisfaction to the neer. Rexall 'UT Hair Tonic is as pleasant to use an rlear sprios water. It is de- lightfully perfumed, and does not grease or gum the bait. Two sires. 50e. and $1.00. With our guarantee hack of it, you certainly take no risk. Sold only at our store—The Resell Store. H. C. Dunlop, Ooderich. Shaw's Schools. The Central Business College and Shorthand School of Toronto has now four eity branches in successful opera- tion. These with the Central Tele- graph and Railroad 9ehnol and tbe well-known Shaw,Corresondence School constitute a Correspondence "troop of tellable institutions known as "Shaw's Schools " Thousands of young people have proved the merits of these schools and now occupy good positions and enjoy 1eed salaries as tbe result of the practical training thus pro- vided. The new catalogue is interest- ing and should be carefully read by every young p.rvoo who desires to train for • good business appointment. See card in one advertising (solumns. His Wits. ttlahti, Met Its Afri cab Itsaesl, reed : "This li a Ana etsp6, with my dame WIMpas' lebtly a smiting my a eri veL" Ot onss�e It tb�n't s1� t h. pens este was wort iv* Iles lint** bele lewd lob to pet. semi* the peofteeor that it was all an vet -Weer. LANES. MowoAY. Dec. etb. Mee. Dunbar, of Blyth. la the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Baldwin. NVilliam Baldwin intended going to Guelph this morning to attend the fat stock fair which lasts this week. The weather this last while bas been very much like the winter we have expected tor some time. We welcmue almost soy kind of weather that keeps a person on the mud instead of in it. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderion and son Reginald, of South Africa. have returned to the land of their birth after an absence ot ten years. Mr. and dire. Anderson are at present guests of the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lane. Don't forget the old-time tea -meet- ing at Hacketis appointment of the Ashfield circuit on Christmas night. Everything is being done that will give enjoyment to all who will he present. Kindly keep this date in mind and set upon it or you will mise half your life -time, PORTER'S HILL. WEDNESDAY. Dec. Iltb. CHRISTMAtt TREE.- Don't forget the Christmas tree entertainment in Bethel church on Friday evening. De- cember 20th. An energetic Program committee is at work and is deter- mined to make this the best Christmas tree entertainment ever held in Bethel church. Those who miss it will miss tbe treat of their hypo. The program will consist of readings. recitations, dialogue*. music. instrumental end vocal, and a 'enock triltl.- A leading feature of the program will be tbe men's chorus. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Program to commence at 7230. LOTHIAN. TUESDAY. Dec. 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hogan paid a flying visit to Goderich on Saturday. James Ritchie. of Zion. sawed wood for a number of the farmers here last week. Mr. and Mr. . Geo. !Swan and Miss Mary attended the Thompson—Cooke wedding). on Wednesday. Alex. Barnby. teacher of S. 4. No. 3, Cat low. accompanied by Mr. Clark, spent the week -end -at the former'■ home here. BENMILLEH. WEDNESDAY, Dec. IItb. THE SICK LIST — Mise Maedet is still very ill ..... Mn. Jesse Oledhilrs condition ie much the tamer,,... Mrs. A. Heddle is feeling much better Just now. Mr. and Mrs. T. Windle leave the, village this week for the vicinity of Toronto. Mr. Windle's term at Stew- art's nursery closed this week. The church sired is almost com- pleted. it is certainly a first -cities shed and will serve well the purpose for which it was intended. BIBLE CLASS RALLY.—On Sunday evening at Henmilkr e4turcb a large Bible class rally service On to be held. A mete voice coir is to give special singing. Organised adult Bible classes from the German Evangelical church, from Zinn (Colborne)and Zion (Oode- rich township) churches are to be present to partic_pste in the service. Rev. O. G. Hallman and Rev. A. W. Brown are to give addresses imitable to the occasion. Mies Kirk, the teacher of the school on the Maitland concession. expects to leave this Christmas. DISTRICT NEWS. 46 46*4 4646446464646* Ditnean McDonald, of Grey town- ship. has taken a position as teacher at Dysart, Meek. The Department of Public Works is supplying a clock for the tower of the Wingham postoffice. Siebert & Co. bave diapered If their 'merest More business at Dashwood to Geo. Kellerman & 4on. Gordon McDonald has disposed of the Central hotel. Brusssls. to Brown & Noels. of the same town. Mensal) electors are to take a vote on the question of allowing cattle to ren at Mtge en the streets of the vil- lage. James McMichael. Staforth's well- known veteran chives, who has been in poor health foe some time. M now confined to hie bad newt of the time. Mrs. Wattage tl eetotinue the publication d Ties Tat4WIeb [Wooed.of whish her labs hhowabkraod was the editor. Wo whe her _.eases. The Wasters of S. I. Na 14, Grey, knows se the Matadischool, have W. A. AMvwsee. of the IMOD beinseam begetter for 1919, at wint.w Orawer.rd. eldest eon of Mr. earl Mrs. Ubet g. Miry • •ray, reee _rly ttf Rrwwle hi_tth. y, 444 •I the pe t cre :.I A Cheese Waddreg 1 "•n% GM' Lot,-, It .M . • n V•', . 'e The berate of Mr. Md Mr. to ► easel twenty-rtglia years. Oka[ Clinton. was the geese if a mg. Loom May, or 1hennee has pretty presiding tfsdneadsy afternoon a NW, cit b •eo appointed to suoceed !Iles Knight ou the teacbiog steff of the Seefortb Collegiate institute. Miss Knight is taking a position in Toronto, J G. Medd has sold his interest in the tonsorial fine of Medd A hutch, Clinton tbe purchaser being Melvin Uri*, of Tuckerssiitb. $r. Medd will continue to reside in Clinton. J. H. McClinton has just received a new stock of trunks, club -bags, suit - oases, ladiei hand -satchels, etc. Pee - sow hunting for something Dice in Cbristmas gift goods should call and --- see them. HiitfillI(it, A University Club has been tutored of last week, when Limit, ..coed at Clinton, for membership in which daughter, Delle,- was married to Dr. University graduates and undergradu- 0.J' McBride' of Welland. The =re- ates ■re eligible. The Club intends mooy o of f *Ingham, rmed by Re.. Dr. Rot - putting on a series of University ex- ledge, "Ingham` and Miss Muriel tension lectures Bruce, sister of the groom, played the wedding music. Dr. and Mrs, Mc - Misr Roadhouse, who for nine years Bride left on a trip to Montreal. Que- baa been teacher in the junior depart- 1 bee and New York and will be absent ment of the Fordwich public school, several months. On their returns tbey bas resigned. and her place will be will reside at Welland, where Dr. Mc - taken by Miss (:ase, of i'linton. at i Bride has a good practice. the be,tioniog of the year. Farewell to Rev. D. B. McRae. The Zurich Herald announces that Rev. D. B. McRae and family, who satisfactory arrangements have been are leaving Cranbrook for Arnow, in made with the Jackson ctur- Bruce county, were the recipients ot ing Cofor lbs establisshihingng of„ • many farewell tokens from the branch clothing factory at Zurich, to I be started early in the new year. Preshyterian coogregatioqq et Cron - brook, whose pastor Mr. McRae had Joseph Upsball, one of the older rest -{.been for thirty-six petite A puree of dents of the Kippen section, passed ¶7b„ in gold, in addition to $100 away on Monday, '2nd ioat., at the age ( previously hands i him, was presented of repent y -three years, He was born : to Mr. McRae, ac.ow}wnying a farewell etional tn th thisthe part of theof Peel, countr when coming oungIon Tuesday everti-eeof last wee Al. tnao. y young', the sameymeeeee Mrs. McRae was On Wednesday. December 4, at resented byy Ow Wanton's Foreign Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter. the Missionary fioci.ty with a Book of rector, Rev. D. W. Collins, united in Praise, and Miss Mina McRae received marriage Miss Susan Mitchell, dearth- from the Christian Endeavor Society ter of Mr. and Mts. Valentine Mit- forty-five pieces of beautiful Limoges shell, of Exeter, and Dan Dew, of 11s-, china. Other gifts and testimonials borne. received by Mr. McRae before bis Nelson Masse, of St. Joseph, cut' departure evidenced 1 he esteem in himself severe) while incah-' which he was held by hie parishioners e uerkrautre pstHis B knife cand others in ebb community. The bwgfor sa ht the end of his thumb, shavingmdeparting pastor pt•e,ehed his fare- d pisco three inches long from hie' well seroos at , band. 1 Crttnhtook and Ethel on the let inst. J. H. O'Neil. sono of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Frank O'Neil, Clinton. who,Jeft some Opening of Frances Willard Hall. time ago for Moose Jaw. h..s secured a' Toronto. Dec. 4.—The splendid new responsible potation in the court hot ee Fiances Willard Hall on Gerrard there as assistant to the clerk of the street,ihe whale property valued at MooseJaw district. Court and local registrar fey over 990,11)0, was declared formally Moose Mopen yesterday afternoon by Chester The home of Charles Wright, on the if Massey, one of the chic contrib- 17th concession of Howick. was the utors. Mr. Massey paid tribute to the scene of a pretty wedding on the memory of that great and good afternoon of Wednesday Noven,- woman. Frances E. Willard, after her 20, when his daughter. Miss Bessie, who= the hall was named, and cotn- wss united in wedlock to John Harris plimented the women of Toronto Dist Dixon, also of Howick. Rev. W K. trict W. C. T. U. to whose energy and Allen. ot Clifford, officiated. ability the erection of the building 3Jas. C. Ganrett, who owned a piece was entirely Inc. of property on the Base line )cwt out-' yrs. F. C. Ward. president of the side of Clinton, bas disposed of the Toronto District W. C. T. U.. presided same to Wm. D. Connell, of the 9th and outlined heiefy tbe history of cunc.cssion of Ooderich townuihip, who their work. Out of ibe total expendi- will take possession in a few weeks. 'tore less than $2,000 is now unpaid. Mr. Gannett will return to Bluevale, Others who tock part in the opening his former place of residence. ceremony were Ven. Archdeacon A pretty wedding took place at the Cody. Rev. Dr. Tovele Rev. W. F. home of iIr. and Mrs. Jacob Cathers, Wilsonand Rev. Mr. Brown. Howick township, on Wednesday, The hall accommodates repent five Noveinher 27th, their daughter Mary guest*, ueall alreadyfiv ken. go anxious roomse of the bring being united in marriage to Frederick rte to come that they were flocking John Irwin. of Tnrnbetry, Rev. R. f- Lackland, of Wroxeter, performed min October, before the front doors the nuptial cetgmony. were on. The girls pay from 113.50 per week up for their board. It hes At the Main street Methodist par- often been said that girls stranded in scnage, Exeter, on Wednesday, De- Toronto Lave no place to go for a sate shelter. Perhaps this was not true. but. assuredly it. is not true now. A =uncial department of the Willard Hall is open for needy girls. who rsay stay there free of charge until work is found for them. A girl who has Dace registered there in that way is free to corns in to spend the evening any time and to use the sitting room proviied. The furnishing of the hall is simple but exceedingly comfortable and in good taste. The assembly hall will bold 000 people. cemher 4th, Miss Lily Maud Cann, daughter of James Cann, was united in wedlock to James A. Earl, of Zion. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. G. Powell. The happy couple will make tbeir home on the groom's fine farm near Zion. William Duncan. of tbe Seafort.h legging factory, finds it. necessary to procure larger premises for bis grow- ing business and purposes purchasing the old Grip hotel and fitting it up for factory. The town will be asked to grant him exemptiou from taxes and water rates for term of years. On Sunday, December let, Mary Jane Morrison. widow of tbe late George Kelly, Sth line of Morris, died at the age of seventy-one yeare. Mr. Kelly preieceaeed her about six weeke. Four sons and three daughters servive. Mrs. Kelly bad resided in Morris for nearly fifty year.. Mrs. Henry Kalhfleisch,of Hay town *hip • died on Saturday. 30th ult., after w brief illness. She was in her When one-half of the !Sabbath is sixty-eighth year. Amides her hos given to pleasure religion ie not likely eon band, she leaves two sono — Louis• to share much of the other halt. -3.r Reeve of Hay township. and William. todter S.utt. of Ottawe—and two daughters --Mr.. , John tichUoe, of Detroit, and Mrs Abel Sebilbe, of Waterloo. The remains of Miss Emma Smith Knowledge is power. _study to he a dynamo. Hope always strengthens to the performance of duty, gives courage, and clears the jni'gment. G. Mac- Donald. Reputation is an idle and moat false hnposition ; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving. -- Shakespeare. daughter ot Mrs. T. Smith, were brought from Stratford for interment at Clinton. her former home. Spinal meningitis was the cause of death. Mit» Smith wee a native of Clinton and lived in that town practically all her life. the family removing to Strat- ford in February Inst. Her mother and three sisters survive. The borne of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stalker. Wingham. was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday. De- cember 4th, when their only daugh- ter, Luella R., wits united in marriage to Dr. Bari Homer Oook, of Friend- ship. N. Y. 'l'he ceremony was con• looted by Rev. D. Perri,, in the pres- ence of rbc immediate friends. Dr. and Mn. Cook left no et short honey- moon trip, and will he at home to their friends in Wingharu after New Year's Booed to Bars. Seattrth is mystified over the heretic - lag out of fire timer. limes within a week in the residence of Nelson Suite. *thy Is that. town. The first flee was on Friday maiming two weeks ages The same night it broke out agate, probably not baM g bees completely qed by the brigade on the Rust ememilon. Th. following Monde, night the firemen were age% called out to lbs same building There wee no person in the bane et the Ude' of the but Mets the o.e.pants having re - avowed white the hem'e was i Bing le. ?alert I e- ?alertl after the Ilea lie.. NERVOUS MEN WOMEN Iyt, actuafly.veak, run- down --they are slowly deteriorating --they need strength �for brain h1t11! 91t Scott's Emulsion corrects set c.. .. -it is t - -. 1_ a food -m ooncewtralma. awlNiti� ins, curative Food w r plle,raia healthy action of beds cata fortify the Woolf. sharpen the appetite, make etreatth. easily sad vigor. As pare as sat. it is read* asietilsted—soteri_le.. may and every home. Ply - everywhere .caret• Maul Se estt'a ti talehmw with absolute eoaii4pee is its boasikial resuks. Dsa't wait —Mast Moor, bot ileitis' ea SCO7TS. Ho abokoi or ttt/rew& Ikon a Tie es, Gussets i The boy is father to the man, we'll concede, but the timer are so fast gpwadays that et sixteen a youth thinks be's really his dad's grand- father. Opera House 0 rote ry has all the require meets for the Christ - WWII sersun m e Raisins (Valencia and Sultana Currants Dates Figs Peaches Prunes Peels Mixed Nuts And Confectionery We solicit your Christmas trade. All ,me ask is a trial. Call, 'phone 104, or send a note. We wish yen all a very Merry l'hrist- mae. C.M. ROBERTSON THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON ton one and ill. and don t forget that HUGH DUNLOP Teta Tailor, West .truet. will 811 dear order for (hereoat or Suit to tam laeet style with up -to date aood+. onseseateretweeeveseseseveveseeeteesWe CHRISTMAS APPEAL TO TH! PEOPLE OF ONTARIO 10'01\ TN Nodal for Sick Children Dear Mr. Saw:— It would take more space than you sac spare to tell of the good work $sap by the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren. Tomah ler the sick and de- formed children of this Province. Let M la a few words, tell you of the steady growth of this Hospital. In the year 1376 there were only six cots tad beds, one nurse, 44 in -patients and 67 out-patients. In 1912 there were 260 cots and beds, 64 nurses, 1,664 in -patients and 17,862 out- patients. Dories the 37 years of the Hoe- rman existence, 19,370 in -pat lents have keen admitted, and 133,724 out- patients have been treated, a total of 136.004. or an avenge of 4.138 per year. Of the 19,376 fn -patients, 6.496 were from places outside of Toronto 9444 of the total tn-patients were cared. and 6,711 were improved. This Is a great record. Of the 1,291 In -patients last year. 341 ease front 216 places outside of Tor- ICso that the Hospital Is not e . but a Provincial Institution. Is tier Orthopedic Department In 37 years. nearly 700 boys and girls have been treated for clubfeet, and about NO were corrected. Half of these came from places outside of Toronto, e s wrrty we nave a fair claim for • fresn the people of this Province. Corporation of ToMnto grants RMe6M, sot only for the city children. hat towards the maintenance of all pe1661ats is the Hospital, and the lith rias of Tomato debate as average M SUMO �aseardty to is tie taxof tilaihe wfl yon. tied reader, think of what year cense, will de! 'It here' to re- store health sod st,ene.b. r•ed gives N NW iimbs aad straight feet to artereubstys and girls. bar that your pocket -boort )awl be the Hospital's friend. If it,.. 1s to be tie children's friend. bee that Christmas eons too fo the purse of year kendneas 10 se that the Hospital may argrr heart of iia kelp to lire Retawher that seer mosey sae las tllsspltal b0OW a bridge ever the feet of Ilttls ekildres may Wags* sa the Warm* frees e,mrow to Matrim elelaees to nealtin-ave, death r Mlle. Phew aped a defer. or mere it yea can spare IL N Des$1_. Meadow the $seretary-'f reatwisr M Ibe Msr*al. or 3. awe1 'errst A ps11t■aa of lieealb TrogWes.ae•x„r a: ee pea Tuowatt, Da il"M to 12. Ivll •• If It's Something for "Bim” YOU'LL 0BT IT AT McLean Bros.' Look over this list and if you do not see what you think he would like, don't be dis- appo i n ted. We have everything a man young or old could wish to have. Suspenders, Garters, Are; bands from 25c to $1.5o. Extra fine pearl - trimmed Suspenders in separate boxes, 75c to 92.50. Men's Neckwear, 25c to jl.uo. AL T es over 5oc pat up m separate boxes if .de- sired. Enghsh Night Robe s, extra large, 75c to $1.50. Silk and Wool Mufflers, extra nice for Christmas presents. 25C to ;2.07. . Gloves, suede, giey and brown, silk -lined and unlined. Also all the leading makes to Kid Gloves suitable f o r Christmas gifts. Dressing Gowns, Smoking Coats, Umbrellas. Silk Hose and' Ties to match m separate boxes. Underwear in all the lead- ing makes. Fall and Winter Overcoats. Men's Business Suit s, Dress Suits, Frock Coats and Vests, Evening Dress Suits, and everything found in an up-to-date mens store, at reasonable prices. McLEAN BROS. SEMI -READY TAILORS Agents for Stanfield's Uushrinkable Underwear and Carhartt Overalls Poo o:o � HoiidayGiftsMt We have a great number of useful as well as ornamental goods from which you can make a choice. What would be a nicer and more useful present for mother than an up to -date Happy Thought Range or a Radiant Home Heaterl, two of the best stoves on the market ? A number of other Christmas suggestions : Silyer Table, Dessert and Tea Spopns Pearl -handled Knives and Forks Electric Light Fixtures Silver KnivesWnd Forks Carving Sets in cases Shot Guns and Rifles Coal Oil Heaters Scissors in cases Hockey Skates Brass Goods Q Q pCarpet Sweepers 0 and many others too numerous to mention, which we invite you to call and see. CHAS. C. LEE vi Phones : Store 22 house 112