The Signal, 1912-12-12, Page 13• A.E. Cook TEACHER OF Piano Playing and Theoretical Subjects Pupils prepared for To -- onto Conservatory o! Music if desired. STUDIO OVER Thomson's Music Store The Square. Ootierich -J---- -2 THE 12.UNAL ;r0DERIC1I, 0 TARIO 10r. LeTouzers Noble Work of Rescue. LO CAL Pr OP CS FueotImdetells hay, beseenwielezirteee town of liker-le-Kar, Jammer:is. Wail anima wiped otst during the hurricam seed cloudburst erf the ffith Novetaber last, which resulted in a serious loss of IUe, andpractically the entire destruc- tion ei the banana. cocoanut and other crepe. in the columns of Tbe Daily Gleaner, published in Kisegstop. JsE- sk*, mention itt made of our former towoonan, Dr. J. It. LeTousel, who is a reeddeot of Sav-la-Mar. The Gleaner says : "A aspeeeptivs sketch would aCie be complete without special osentioo being made of some of those prin- cipally eoncented in the noble work of risco* on that fatal Monday morning?" The Writer thou goes on to stede be does apt now of everythipg t inineldeed, hut at least there can DO question se to the noble efforte pu forth by Doctor J. R. LeTouzel and othere." On Suspended Sentence. Last Saturday Syndisy J. Cope, a Baru/tido boy,_ eppesered betore Hie Honor Judc Holt `o answer to the chartri of t ft- In view of tbe dr- euenste.noes of the cam the accused wee let. go on *Amended sentence. An agent of the Barnardo Home was prasent st the sitting of the court and, on his momise that he would be re- sponsible for the young tosn's good behavior until be had attaieed big maturity, he ws e given into his charge. Cope had been employed with Wilfrid Farrish, of Ashfield, as • farm hand. He was engaged for a pet iod of fifteen months on the understanding that if he remained for that length of Lime he waster ormialp a horse and buggy ma full payment to hi. wages. 11 be did not stay the whole time be was to be paid .10 month. He stayed eight months and received 12U on hie wages. On the 9th of November last he took • bore., rig end overcoat belonging to Mr. Farnth with the intention, as be said, of goiog Lucknow to purchare souse clothes. He did not return end later Constable Wbitesides traced him to Whitton and arrested him there. OvJergarten Closing Lseroless. An in vitateon is extended to pima, od all 'laurelled in klatteesseetaa work ) he pressen at Victoria school on eeojey, December 17th, at 9:183 a. w. o.0. F. Officers. Hew)) Ledge, No. 02. I. 0.0. F. as re-elected the officers who WM es realm duriog LI:repast six asonthe. 'be effluent are s Then. more ; V. O.. R. W. vos; m- Drding seavtary, C. A. ; ffreen- SI secretary. IM ,W. . Olark ; r„teurer, 0. 0. wtinay. They will installed, together with the ap- Arced officers, aL the beginning of ie new year. 1. T. ot . Entertainment. A very suceessful concert under the uspicee of the Royel Tempters of e uipera,nor was held in Temperanos lel" last Thursday evening. The pro - owe which was Ovon under the irection of A. E. Cook. was thew- ughly enjoyed by all. It consisted of ocal and instrurneutal numbers and natal readings eel recitaLions. leclamations by Graham Ross. who pok The Boy Scouts" as his subject, nti Leonard Macklin, who spoke on Buten County," were very interest - gr and were well received. Dr. Medd nd Rev. Geo. E. Roes were proseat itti gave sbort addresses. J. IL Toto as the chairman of the evening. be singing of Lb. National Anthem rought the entertabunerat to • dose. Social Evening. About fifty men responded on Tues - ay evening to invitations sent oui by he Men's Sunday Club or North street lethudist cburch and spent a very leasont evening in a *oda' way. ;fter the company had partaken of a plendid repest provided by tbe ladies 1 the congregation, Dr. Emmereoto be (accented president ot the Club, ave a short address setting forth the inc of the organization. This was elowed by a spelling match. Under be direction of H. R. Long au d wieh L. .1. Cooper and A. J. Paltridge as spoilers, sides were chosen and the zeitentent began. When the fight as concluded and the smoke„ of attle bad leared away it wee found bet Mi. Paitridge's side had won by Perral "heeds." A guessing contest ben held the attention of all for • bort time, after which A. E. Cook ling a solo : C. W. Kerslake played two otnet solo.: W. H. Robertson gave a eliding and W. Shipunin sang two ousing mono. Before the doxology nut bung at the clam of the program, he gathering passed a hearty vote of banks to the ladies for t he part they ad perfm need in providing Lhe good biogs of the table. The event was ne wbich should tend to promote the ocial bide of tbe life of men in °We- ide Municipal Fixtures. The statutory neestiag of unmicipal councils will take place on Mooday mite Milo lost, Municipal notrilos time will be held on Monday. the Satti, and elections on Monday, Janu- ary Get Your Skates On. The West street rink will again be under tbe control of J. T. Goldthorpe this winter. This will be good news to Patrons of skating, , so it weans a continneatoe of the very satbdaotory conditions uoder Which the rink was eoseuctedlase wiester. With season- able weather, there should te a good S uiting aird hockey seaman ahead of us. los hea already been formed at the rink, and it will likely be opened on Saturday. Leg Sadly Crushed. While working at the old Smith tannery on Saturday morning, on a contract to reneove this machinery used by the tormer oceupents, Lynn sustained a severe accident. He was mown* & beavy casting when ft fell on him, crushing one cif his legs between the knee and the thigh. Three doctors were summoned and be was removed to his home and later to the hospital. The Injury la a very err- ioue one. The Telephone Case. Judgment has been given st Osgood* Hall in the appealed case of Robertson et al. versus the township of Colborne. The imperil was heard in tbe Divisional Court before Chief Justice Mulock and Justices Clot. and Sutherland. The judgment is as follows An appeal by C. A. Robertson and others from an order of Riddell. J., of Nov. 12. 1912, dismissing their motioo for an order quashing bylaw No. 2 of 1912, of the township, provid- ing for the municipal telephone system of Colborne, and a resolution passed on April 27th, 1912. that the municipal telephone systeni pey law costa or other expenee that may be in- curred on the township by tbe passing of the bylaw No. 2. Appeal argued and the debenture bylaw relating to West Wawanosh vet aside. The township Of Colborne to Wive two weeks to ob- tain payment of the $120 from the townsirip of West Wewanosb, or who- ever else is to pay it. If the $1) is not paid the bylaw is set. aside. R.eso- lotion is set aside. Applicants to have costa in respect to the two points own which they bave succeeded, viz., ik respect to the West Wawanoeh by- law and 'evolution below as well as of this appeal. No order to other costs. Harbor Notes. During the pastor terk five vessels ar- rlvd at the beteee with wain cargoes for the R. Mill and the Elevator Company. They will go into winter quarters hece. Toe steamer McKin- etry hae e load of 106,000 bushels of wheat; tire site -ewer Gordon, 127.752 busbele of wheet and oats; the eteamer Tueret Chief. 111,000 bushels of flax. The steamers Kaministiquia and Drummond have cargoes of wheat for the Big Mill. The others are for the Croderich elevator. Tbe steamer itenvoyie is expected by the Elevator Conipaoy, and DO doubt has been de- leyed by the unusually rough weather. Opinions are expressed by some of the "old wilts' that during the past few weeks the weather for navigation has been the most unfavorable in all their experience. It is true that com- paratively few accidents on the lakes have been reported, but the gales last- ing for many days at a time have caused long and tedious delays in the transportation of grain. Contractor Bermingham has com- pleted two of the pontoons he will use In the construction of the •ddition 10 the notthwest breakwater. The se- vere weather has stopped all concrete work. There is still some work to be done on the construction of the straight- ened commercial dock. About an- other week will see the completion of the contract. Tbe work is a redit to the contraetor, J. H. Tromanbauser. 'ormer Goderich Girl Wedded. An interestiog matrimonial event vas 'minimized in London on Tuesday 4 this week, when Miss Edith Mary, laughtet of Mrs. Mii;:le and the ate Cenductor M. ie, formerly of iodericir, became the e of Arthur reorge • Dixon. The ceremony was ierfonned by Rev. G. F. B. Iktherey, of St. Pant's cathedral.- under a can- opy of white Bond decorations with a iackgieund of palms and cut Howell. rhe bride was charmingly gowoed in ory duchess satin with (windrow of lawn trimmed with pearl hinge and eisebude, load carried a shower bou- piet of winter roses and lily-of-the-Tat- ey. She wore a Juliet cap with a wreaeh of orange blowpoins and bridal vele Mise Rim Weir, of London, and elm Fern Allen, of ()Rotolo were rib - Don -bearers. Mrs. Algie, mother of :he bride, wore black train trinuned with white and gold lace. Tbe bride W1 s given away by her uncle, James Slate, of Guelph. After the ceremony a dainty luncheon ware served in the liningroom, which was decorated with pink and white roses and carna- tions. the Tony Cortese orchestra dis- counting sweet music nmenvehile. The groones gift to the bride was a three - none diamond ring. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon loft for a sboit wedding istp__to Detroit and Howell, Michigan. Tee bride's going -away drem was II ereY tailored *oft with black velour bat. They will reeurn to London and take up their residence there. 110 wit- nesses of the marriage included guests from Goderich, Clinton, Listowel, Hagersville, 8t. Thomas. Glencoe. Toronto and Howell, Michigan• The bride's friends in town join in wishing her many years of happines in her new spbere. McCuliough-Jardine. The following wedding notice- la from Tbe Indian Head (Saskatchewan) News of December 510. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jardine, of Uoderich. Her friends in Huron wish her much joy : A quiet wedding was solemnised at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Howatt at 8 o'clock on Wednesday morning. when the latter's sister, Mies Lillie Jardine, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to George Ed- ward McCullough. of Indian Head. The bride wore her travelling suit of brown whipcord with bat to match and carried pink room Mimi May Jardine, of Regina, acted as brides- ruaid, wearing blue silt and carrying pink carnations. Mr. Arthur F. McCullough supported the groom. The wedding march was played by Miss Edith Lee and tbe ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. Mc- Afee. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl sunburst ; to the brides- maid. a pearl cross ; to ehe organist, a blouse set, and to the groomsman, a tie pin. The young couple left on the 9:30 erain for a short. boneymoon in Winnipeg. Both the groom and hride are well known in this community, Miss Jardine assisting Mr. Howatt in the store and the groom being em- ployedatr by the implement firm of & Elliott. Prest--Shephard. St. George's church was the scene of a fashionable event en Wednesday of this week, when Miss Helen Sbeithard. dsoghter of Capt. A. U. Shepharl, of Godericb, plighted her troth with Thomas Linwood Prest, accountant in the local branch of tbe Canadian Beak of Commerce. Led by the choir in sur- plice singing the precessional hymn, "Tbe Voice Tbat Breathed O'er Eden." the wedding party entered tbe church at 11:45 o'clock and took their places testate the marriage altar. Rev. J. B. Fotheringham, rector 01$t. }.ore's. was the officiating clergymen. A. Roy Adams presided at the organ. The bride was attended by two brides- maids -Miss Helen Iliddietoo, of Clin- ton, and Mies Rota Jordan, of Montreal. -and 1101e Mary °arrow, oleos of tbe bride. was flower -girl. The groom was assisted by A. L. Smith of the Bank of Commerce, flealot:th, and J. B. Doyle, of the Union Bank. broderich. R.G. Rose, of the Bank of Montreal. Goderich, and W. Middleton, of Clinton. dkl duty aid ushers. The Wide wan given away by her brother. Fred Shepherd, of town. Sim looked very = dressed in • gown a white br satin with Face veil sod orange bloesoino and carrying a hooquirt of rases and lily -of -the -valley. The bridesmakis were dressed in piek eitanneuse ratan aod wore large IlUck 'saline bats with, pink roses- They carried bouquets of pink ropes. The flower -girl wore • becoming costume el *Mt* tosucuieette with white plusb pokebonnet trimmed witb pink nem sod carried • hethert of roma. After the ceremony the games, toe - eating chiefly of the young frieeds of the bride and groove, ateended a ressotion gine at the hoops a the bride's sister. Ilse. Ohm. Oarrow. North street. The geese from out a tows at the event included ler. and Mrs. Anabeem Prod, and etre*, of OSLO i W•Ilhees Pews and Freon M Alias tersig . M.&Y. tjamptoo, of Wryhtten, $ma., Mrs. illielffieton and Mies IMAM - ten. al tastes Mr. and Mrs. Prost The Late James Tait Following an illness which exteuded over nine mouths, the orbit of Jas. S. Tait answered the oell higher on Thursday morning, December leth. Mr. Tait's whole period of sickness was marked by the patience which charactensed him in all dream - assess. So gradual was his decline that those who were nearest and dear- mt to him hardly realised the nent. delilleer. and ecteesosently his de- miee wee the ereater shositho Vie fam- ily. TM deceased Was bone in Kirke well, esotiand, sixty -lour years ogee 'There he grew to initobood, sad at the m.a Orrenty-thees Ile saute to ono - oda sod took up big abode in liege - rich. we he resided seatineetally until Mt death. No was a Presbyter. tan In relegioa and for stermal be hael occupied a gain et. the mosiesurnes of Kam elturebe 111. beeraved widow soil a sorrowiag lase- lly of three sons sod three iMarghtere ars left to mourn the deportee, of a devoted husband and lovingefather. The chlidren are Robert, Illtel sod John. and Misses Nina. May and Orson The funeral, Which Was an- nounced for Mooday, was to Tuesday afternoon t the arrival of John troll . The serviee.at the hems sae senduoted by Rev. Geo. Z. Roes sod by the deem of laventese Camp. lions of floolland. TM last sad rites at Lbs graveside =ea by the officers of OM! No. ft 0.0. P. The pall - bowers were three of the deserved's Mathews of tbe floes of Scotland - &ilea D. Measen, Alex. Johnetcm aod 2.104. MeDomid--and three Plover left tbe SAO train for • liberal Iletnesy, wbe 10. neon running be tara-1)0144 gioddert. Dungen Coon. werielimg trip else on I bete rotors they 1 WOOS Westford and Godavari'. has aeo woo eiteeeetelle er. .1 ale mite no iIir tenet nee le Orel- been transferred to a run bet ween parity the etramsesuiiy wore mit to rirb The roue g eple her- • I owe eloothatopten mine Hamilton t the in the loss which tiny base leorie 14 tomtits who tube in s (dries donee Whiny Ma thanes of the run mat tough happiness between) inederteh mid letroU'ord tooth LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. TMONSDAII, &ONO la -.Emmy EAST STREET GARAGE SKATES iSHARPpEO. 15e -A 4 Iluron Onsohne Engine and Machinery Co. • 4 4' 43- *00:41mm asi. Vetoers 2411 -^- • successor to *r. Mitchell ia ap- pointed. The Goderich Lamb r & Milling Co. is expecting the &trivet a4 an early date of several mire of Douglas fir timber from British Columbia- The materiel will be used by -W. Marlton. wbo will construct two new mud scow* mod rebuild the old dtedge Arnold'. The work will be commenced early in -the new year. Tbe meeting for the organization of a town hockey league was adjourned last niOt untll next Wednesday even- ing, wMn it will be held in the Y. M. U. A. rooms at 8 o'clock. The pas- sibility of the formation of a junior 0. H. A. team attend the eligibility of several playete for the town league, and it is expected that the uncertainty on this point will be cleared up before the adjourned meting. In any case it is expected thee will be at least four usenet available for tbe town league. Mr. Farrell. Deaticion emigration agent, of Petrolen. Lambton county, was the guest of Rev. Joe Elliott for a few days this week. While he was here an effort was made to have him address a meeting of the Board of Trade on Tuesday evening. hut as such a short notice was given tor the conhibers to turn out the meeting did not materialise. Mr. Farrell is conver- sant with the workings of the success- ful publicity campaign which is being carried on in Lanabton county, and itt is to be regretted that more were no privileged to hear him speak on the subject which is now a vital one in Huron eounty. Good hair betteltes In raowo d ebony. tad Special valuer at Nktir'a Bey yourself a Christmas prossot of • new suit or overcoat aod make youreelf happy. Pridlusor thsNalhor daaraptese style, out ani boss than two weeks to Christens& This is the limo to make your chrettamanurthases; and the plaited of courve, is Smith's Art Store, Nast street. tall and See the many beautiful Untie. in attack. The Boy Scouts advertise for sale a list ot books suitable for Christmas gifts. Subscribers to The Signal for the coming year will receive a handsome 1913 cendar. Matthew Betas teturued last week from Halton county. where he was engaged foe some weeks with the apple crop. Look for the opening chapters ot The Signal's new story, "The Chalice of Courage," to be commenced in next week's issue. The uionthly meeting of Ahineek Chapter. D. 0. E.. will be held at the court house on Monday next, 16th inst., at 4 o'clock. Frank Jeffreys on Wedneeday morning had his back bedly sprained While assisting in lifting roils in the Grand Trunk yards. Don't forget the bazar on Saturday in A. Saunders' store building on West stmt. It is being held tinder the direction of tbe Soangetaha Obso- lete D. 0. E. Tbe Western thinade Flour Mille Co. has opened a branch offloe at Van• couver. Chester Pl. Elliott, lete of Winnipeg, is in charge. Mr. Elliott is a on 01 (4. M. Elliott, of town. eaouneillor Elliott returned home last week otiose spending obeyeral weeks buying and shipping apples In Halton and Pool noontime He aleto made a taip out Weat eroking up nuerkets for his amities. ANNOUNCEMEnTS. L'resetiti 75,600 Total Ands (Onr)I - SIAM. ••• Nice sweetest perfumes at Hick's. Finest select oyster" at Burdettea, Balmoral Cafe. Hend-made fancywork, eititeble for Ohristmes elite -as hog° variety at the Singer store. "Ice cream" - the best at Black - stoma. 'Obone 240. Mrs. Carroll Ma reopened her store ou Hamilton street and so kits a call from ell her old customers as well as 1 new ones. Chromes btock now on sale. Fancy candy packager for the Cbrieunas tree at Tiureeetees. Your hazy hens will be ambitious money-makers for you if you feed then; on Leghorn Poultry Food. It will keep them in laying condition. Manufactured and sold by E. R. Wigle, druggist. tioderich, Ont. Miss Donogh annouuoes a sale of millinery ret redireed prices for the re. mainder ot tbe season. See her ad- vertisement on page et of this bottle. Stamped good, for beneywork at the Singer store. Don't forget that a gift for Cbtist- ma+ that is alwaye appreciated is a photo of yourself. 'The Brophey Studio specializes 'these in tbe most beautiful mountings for the Chtilit- MAP trade. A new and beautiful line of mountings just arrived. Make your appointmente early, PO that we can do justice to your work. Tbe farmers who are subscribers for The Weekly Sun. Torontohave reason to congratulate themselves on the entsegement and improvements to their paper. These improvements Wive only 'web possible by the sup- port given the paper by its readers. They are amply rewarded by the knowledge that in The Sun they have a paper that voices their opinions without fear or favor. The Sun should he in every Ontario farm borne; it. a duty the farmer owe e to himself and Isis business. -- CHURCH NOTES Rec. Dr. Aiken., of Toronto, will preach in Victoria street church next Sunday forenoon at 11 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Medd will preach in the evening. At Knox church on Sunlit', evening next the annual service for the sailors and fishermen will be held and Rev. Geo. E. Row will deliver an appropri- ate discourse. Subject: "Ship lost but all hands saved." Everyone is cordially invited. In the morning the attention of all parents is requested to the subject, "Guardian Angels." Next Sundsy will be temperance and moral reform day in North street Methodist church. The praetor, Rev. Alfred Brown, will preach in the morning and have charge of all the services. In the evening, Rev J. W. Aikene, field secretary, will deliver an addrees, touching the various depart- ments of the work. A large attend- ance is expected. A cordial welcome to all. There were large congregations at St. George's church last Sunday. At the morning service the new pipe or- gan was dedicated by the rector, Rev. J. B. Fotheringharn. It is a beenti- For an 0. H. A. Team. An enthusiastic meeting was held at the town hall on Monday evening, to prepare for the coming hockey -season. There was much interest in the elec- tion of officers, which resulted as tot- ws Honorary presidents -M. G. Camer- on, K. C., E. N. Lewis, M. P., W. Proudtoot, K. C.. P. P. President -H. T. Edwards. Secretary -E. Wigle. Treasurer -W. H. Robertson. Executive committee members -J. 8. Dewey, Frank Doty, Janne Wig• gins. Manager -John Wiggins. Frank Doty had sent the club's en- ful instrument, one of the very heet, trance fee to the 0. H. A.. and a resoi- it is sale, in Western Ontario. A full Mimi was messed beartar thanking( description vrill be published in an- him for hie ((penlight. hi. U. Cameron other issue of The Signal After the was present and on request addressed evening sereice the organist., Mr. A. the meeting briefly, expressing the Roy Adams, geve a short recital ead bope diet the coming season would be this will be continued after the even- a very successful one. Ing service each Sunday. On Wed- Tbe executive will get to work at nesday evening a large number were ow* aod make necessary arrange - present in the church to bear a special menet towards getting a team on the nausicel service by:the choir end organ- Ise. ist, which wee much enjoyed. The annual Christmes enteasin- ment of Saltlord Sunday sabool will be Wild on Thereday evening, Decem- ber 19th. A good program, consist- ing a dialogues, recitation* and songs. is being prepared. Kverybody welcome. old. Ler of Mrs. X. Baschler, E. lieechler. thirteen years town, bee received a handitome gold weld" from the Doginion Wateh Montreal. as a prise for working out a t=it Loodon Pres Press. uterine* to Mime Maly. Thi December siteings of the Cottony °mart are being held lois week In the wort bows. Ills Honor Judge Holt is neesidiog There are eleven cases an the dneket, three of which are de- fender! issues with a jury Only two er Om oases werredisposed of by Tow s - day evening. Oeseiteetor Mitelsell, of the 0 T. Tbe Victoria • t r es t Epworth TAY UAL -At Carlow so Wedne*daY Denerr liOffte. League held • banquet on Tueeday eventog. About fifty of the you hi"' 311* M W T"tet. • people sat down to a toble d ( beautifully for the °cession The young ;nen acted as waiters. After 1 doing justice to the good things pro- vided, the president. C. If. Robertson', proposed • toast to "The Chard'," which WOkli responded to by J. H. Mil- lian. Other toasts were given, the toast to "Canada" being responded to by Sidney Belcher and to -TIM Ladies" by Dr. Medd. Solos were rendered during the evening by Mies Hattie Belcher and David Welly and a duet was given by Marguerite and Countess Lymburner. In closing a toast was tendered to the pastor and tesponded to heartily by the young people. Presbytery of HAMA. Presbytety of Hurtm held its regular meeting in Clinton on be 1010 10th. Tbe following were present - Mr. Oarriere. moderator, and Mearre Grant, Richardson, Fletcher, Mohr - lens, Larkin, Timmer, (etreerele Smith, Sharp, Rosa, Portray and Hainikon, minister,. and Messrs. Gardiner, Love. Strang. Jamieson, Martin and 0481 - Ian. adore The tires business, to bit considered wag the &deletion of the annual bit bort It wee deemed advise able to p re. pone decision until the next meeting of Pesbyter), when delegates ft .in the different °memoir teem are expected to be prevent. Me. Smith, of Hensel'. was elected Leese - neer of Presbytery. It was decided that the Presbytery Weald emstisee Its contain of pitying the extremes of its own oommlasiocere to the General Assembly A rate of *Item agate per family wit* fixed as meeting the re- quirements of the Presbytery fund far 1918. It wee fonnd asomeary to Me- bane the roneregatlos Oleseiburst. aod Meese's. Fletchet and Rieberdees were appointed • coesseittee Prise bytery to arrange all menses la cos - moths' with the care mut disposal of property. Mr. Smith woe involuted eoevener of the Premirytery Mem esiselon ontentittee. At the levitates". .1 2.. Roes the Pret6yiere. will newt meet in Knee ewer ch. Andel irk. ..n Wonder. Fehroery 24th. Mei 1•••••••••••• . API DUNC API - AL LAO MUM Lockeow, op Sun st.day. Doomehor I to Raw J. S. and Mrs. Doom& a sod STOTHICSIL At Ogoloa. risek on November Mk to Sr. sod Mr• Omen :Or:steer, • 11 Save Time When You are Busy' • by carrying on. yrr banking by mail. Just mail us your deposits, or your cheques when you want to withdraw money. We give special attention to business handled in this way, and will be glad to have you make use of our service. W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch. •••••• LONDON, ENG., BRANCH, I 5 vv. *sat. . st- *.M C. HJIT &MEM Norelotahl Neeramese. The Picture of Santa Claus ie enthroned in our hearts freer childhood days. A young ledy likes her sweethearts piceure in a locket. Our specie' line et locket*, amine braceletstinge aud pine all tipped.' to the fair sex. e A rePleased to have you call and exitmitio our stock before going else- where. as our prices compare favorably with (ohne. -4 J. S. DAVEY Jeweller and Optician Corner Colborne St. anti'Sajti'are Embroidery and croshet threads, ,,ribbons for fancywork, wool for cape, shawls, etc., at the Singer store. Listen! Would a nice box of choc- olates be an acceptable Christmas gift? See Blackstone, indow play. MED. WIbL -*1 Wit.t BranshOlooltigAn. Ferdinand Aim Whoa. la his Nth raw. BANLICN.-At Deredint, Mao.. on Saturday, theosodew 7th, Thomas liaroloa, eldest non Of him Nasaloo, Globerfoi• to his 631..1 year. VIVIAN.-- Itt Nokstroaseek Midi.. on Toeeday, Desesolor Mk, Nile. Jambes ian. ford arty of eseerieb. M lenteg IR - leeterieleas Turedsy morning. IdalastIllays lord Aastrow lif°1 ner,"ger NI years, smooth* sod 1 days alicraILLictorto. - At his iota residence. 727 tesooroseitt road. Toroato, so Wedoesday. Dossiober 11. I tattioi NothIlleuddy. tort• Riff enterister sad Mater of The stem', in hie Mad year. • lb' rotting eystere at Bleeketteares ynd are ageored of the Ones that els be had 'Pbose 140 Christmas Gifts Books for the Home For Boys owAsonir We a nd lodian egos era, 51..5) For Girls TM Mary France, Firet Cook Wok. 1141'. For Children leaributei gun -y of the Bible, 111.e8 and Iffielk For Adults Meet enti WAS, MCA Nftti ve Lane, 11.50; The Story of Our 4 laundry, Wan ; The mialanot of the Titerair, el en R woos ea male a Throloonsee sesed nt1 OPP Ordee. telling by the Ry &wok Pruitt, hit the PAM* It 01 10. Y NI. 0 A any neoute • Have you seen the beseatalul pres- entation boxes of Clerietmee coulee - dons Burtlette's ? Perfume rs always litoked toe at • Christ Wee time. We have a fine line' ot holiday perfumes. E. R. Wigle, chuggist. lioderich. Out. The Goderich Grain & Feed Co. handles Caldwell's Moles:oriel eel. Use it to fatten your hooters and eat tle. A ter of Manitoba feed ta 'neat pot .rrieed. Sole Agent for Royal Pulpits tock Specifics. esoode delivered to any pa: t of the town. special attentiou given 10 fanners wants. Warehouse - Hamilton St, Elevetrer -G. T. R. Track. 'Phone No. 2117. TERMS STRICTLY CASH R. J. Hutledge has charge ei be retail department. A. J. COOPER, .1gr. immi•• A Christmas Gift not for the MOIDelli only but for every day in the year Heintzman & Co. Piano The greatest of all gate, a I leintzuran At Go. Pence In tone, touch and power tbe Heine:men k Co. Plano holds a distinctive potation. None equel them so these ineet amen - tittle of a high-cleas instrument. Musical Instruments In .mailer wurrical instruments we leave Violin-. AC- cordoons, Mendolins, triter,. Harmonicas. Flutes. Fifes, eta. Talking Machines Perhaps you ere thinking of a Talking Machine. mil the greatest of all, the Raison Phonograph aod Victor Oramopbone, at priest from 1113111.en up. ran in herr the new lediacon Blue indestreetrige Record. NV. the and Stationery In Statioper we have • large amortment of AroiaI Knit =kis. elroy Books. eleapehot Albums. Tags. etc. Sewing Machines If you wept to tree your Vide smite, buy her • Witte. New Williams or Reymann Peering Mechem. 1 all mei se. anti we will wave r ho 14 ft pi a riem. Thomsons Music Store