The Signal, 1912-12-12, Page 114 I. ''efemrvfo:ii' • , • . :r1 10.11•ung 0. 111041111- DOMINION A BUOY BASIPON LAST ',ear EVENHEL of and Hamilton Meseta. keown as the Dominica' CarriageWorks. mime Prepared to execute ostlers for Woodwork Painting and Trimming Carpenter Work, Etc. egport from Om Flee Untierwraters Asks for Many Improvements - Several Harbor Metiers ()meowd - &etre Track on Commercial Wharf for C. P. R. All work done promptly and well. We will appre- ciate your custom. ._- D.B. McLeod & Son NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone tonspriny ot Canada is soon to print a new issue of its OFFICIAL TICLIPIIONS for the I:work'. of Western Ontario. including GODBItICII. Parties who contemplate becoming Subscribe*, or those who witah chance. in their present entry should place their orders with the Local Manager it once to insure insertion in this issue. Con necti g Com pa n les Sho.ild also report additions and changes in their Het of subscribers. either Us the Local linnager. or direct to the Special Agent's Department. Montreal. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada WISHES YOU A MERRY CKIIIISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAH May your shadow never grow less. And we hope it will mot be many moons before you call at Ye Olde Cariosity Shop us ye Hamilton St. in ye Olde Towne of Ooderich There Was & large grist for tbe municipai mill Wit Friday evening, and all the members but one were no band to belp-turn it out. The one absentee was Councillor Humber. Mayor Reid read letters trout the secrtto y of the Union of Canadian Municipalities, calling attention to polices given to the Dominiou Par- liament -ons by the Central Rsilway Company of C11144111 for an Act to confirm tootain transfrs; the other by the Guelph & Gotlerich Railway Co. for 'tan Act extending time, etc." His Worship communicated with B. N. Lein. M. P., requesting him to send copies of these bills and Mr. Lewis replied stating that as .00n as copies of the bills were printed be would send them. Mr. Lewis added : '•In refetence to the drill armory, I have bad some cor- respondence with the Department, but everything eo tied up with the navy project at present that it is hard work to get the attention of the Min- ister.- In reply to a letter sent him by the Mayor. Hon. Adam Beck wrote; mu in receipt of you' estewined favor aud note your dente to have au estimate ens 150e h. p. required and un Ultt tor posse' in your disuict trout the Mail land River with a tie-lne to the Niagara spite -in, 'schedule figured on Utah. I i faking 500, 650 ot MOO. I have submitted the matter to tbe engineers of the Commisaion and have asked them to pi. pare the same for we so that I cen ID in a position to deaf ith the waiter next week. which I truist ss all ue satioftictoi y to you.? A report was received from the Pare Underwiitcre' Associatioo, fol- lowing the iespeetion tnade oti the Rth of October baste A letter from tbe secretes y of the Astrociation celied attention particularly ta a number of items In the report, dealing witb the following subjects: Street;114ists-No toeing of lees dias meter than 6 -inch should be used. The exi-ting 4-aoch pipes in laud around the moues« section should be replaced by iilus of larger diameter. Hydrsdits-In mute of the business section these ere wo far apart. Sev- eral of tbe hydranta tested were not in • satisfy.. tory condition. Preetsui er than before, but still in need of truprovemeot. Playpopee should be increased to at least eight Houk and ladder trurk and equip- ment are unsatisfactory. A moiern truck and suitable equipment, which should include an extension ladder of sufficient length to enable tbe firemen to get immecha ely and eerily on top of the -roofs of Use highest mercantile huilditots, should be provided. Brigade amidst' of only fifteen men all told. To be standard it should consist of twenty men and • steamier engineer. of whom there should beene fully paid man per 1,000 population lone of these being tbe chief) on con- stant duty in the fire ball by day and night, and it would also te advisable to have one or two additional men TUE fiLONAL B., GM brace to be tothjoot to the Uthe G. T. R., amid that a bylaw in ac- lit LATEST MARKETS MW tense .y as have been enjoyed 1 cordasice therewith be prp.-red Ivy the tows solicitor. Touimmax,D010111110 MI 111 Cottecilloe Pellow obiected to the Fanners' Matelot third track and wee backed up in the objection by 0ounc11lor Ifiliott. 1 bey The following prices were paid be claimed it would not leave sufilcient farmers by retail dealers at St. Law room on the wharf for other traffic. recce Market. Toronto, on bleeder: Oe • vote, however. the report Irmo Fall wheat, buahel $b $ •100 adopted. Oat. During the discussion it was stated aum„heitt that a steal tower was being con- Barley seetirs.010110401104.".4"1".• Christmas Fruits We have every- thing for th• Ohrietma, baking. Piew Raisins New Currants New Figs New Duero New Flavoring Eittracts New Feels New Ruts structed by the Big Mill people on the Buckwheat street allowance. Mayor Reid said Bye be bad been advised to issue an io- juoction .., it. If everybody New hey started p0114110 on the street .41 .34 to like that, abate should we be ? he do. No. 2 Straw, bundled asked. Reeve Munnings voiced the fear that., after securing the town's con cession of • third t.rack on the whart, tbe C. P. R. might go to tbe Gvern- ment and secure additional concessions that would not be in the town's interests. He therefore moved that the Goverument be communicated with and requested not to grant to any railway any rights on harbor quay without consulting the town council. The motion was adopted. A motion was passed asking the town treasurer to subtuit a guarantee bond through a local agency. The Reeve suggested that t he Government be requested to reopen old harbor quay from the foot of Hat bor street to the water'. edge. Recently a piece of laud between the powerhouse and the south pier was *old by the Government to theO. P. 11. Dressed hogs gre.atly tothe sui prise and annoyance Celery. bunch of the council, and it. is desired to guard against similar occurrences by which iambi at the harbor might get Toronto Grain Prices into private- hands. Wholesale grain quotations at the The Rrevet's suggration was ieferted Toronto Board of Trade on Monday to the bar's:sr committee, along with were as follows: - another suggestion that the liiivert- pleat he asked to extend the I a ,V/ ot Ontario Wheat -New No. 2 winter electric lamps on 1130 south pier 'don...! wheat, white, rad cr nixed, 95c out the conunercial wharf. side. Partiaily sprouted wheat. Pie The Mayor again referred to the to $0c. inactivity tof the special committer, Manitoba kThat-New. No. 1. Nor., and protested that Councillor Loth- 91c; No. 2 Nor.. 8S'4c; No. 3 gor., wane. ca11 a„ineeting of the coition, $6%c; feed wheat. fi7c to 68c. peeping there at night. Alarm system -The only alarm is still from the bell on the court house, which is very unsatisfactory It, is impossible to tell tbe location of the fire by tbe ringing of the bell and a consequent loos of valuabie time is therefore entailed. A standard fire alarm telegraph system is an absolute necessity and should be immediately installed with a sufficient number of street boxes, having keys under glees, In connection with 15 -web gongs in fire ball and pump house, at least a 6 -inch goog in the coal shed adjoining the ptioip house and suitable gongs in the dwellings of all firemen. The report was referred to the fire committee. A petition was received for • element sidewalk on tbe north side ot Nelson street. between Waterloo street and Maitland road, and was referred to the public works committee. A notification from the Bell Tele- phone 00. was to the effect that it was desired to open South street south from Britannia road, to phew thereon the Company's pales and wires. The Mayor remarked that the wn- e(' bad no alternative but to allow the Oompany to proceed: the ones - ser, however, could be instructed to me that the poles were properly placed. Tbe matter Wa• referred to the public works committee. A communication from the Aylreer Board of Trad. suggesting amed- ments to the present good roads leis- lation of the Province of Ontario, whir referred to the pet lic works commits ise. J. W. Orefield wrote raking thet tbe neceseery steps be taken by the noun' ell to allow of the receiving of tenders for the hoeing of the freisOt sheds at tbe harbor next year. In acoordance with the request tbe council decided to notify Mr. Sturdy, the presetat leeeelt� that new tenders would be waked for. The flames coennittos recom- mended the payment re • number of amounts: that 118115 be maid to the public library beard as haulms In full Straw, loose Eggs, new laid dos.... 32 Butter, dairy .26 .30 .11 .16 .16 .19 .20 1.00 .75 .76 25 .17.00 14.00 .17.00 9.00 do. creamery Fowl, dressed, lb Chickens Ducks Turkeys Spring Turkeys Black ducks, pair Guinea fowl, pair Black squirreis, pair... .46 Venison, carcass, lb.... .121/2 Live Fowl .11 do. Chickens .16 do. Duck I nit, .15 do. Turkeys .18 do. Hens .12 Cabbages, doz. .40 Potatoes, bags 1 00 Apples, barrel 2.50 11.00 .01 pieigneeee., 11;111 Milerrg v&___.. of M eeew dPew ailf0jecbraio roil at tea ham r be "111y seal is semsensed are I My epees\ talk I I sea st • I em for watt1 I ems beiaiolt with imilVegissare outiIeeseee." ansouneed Presidi.' Mese ',easy Doe sabay. "I gums taut b whets the matter 'es with moo." odd Um Mirolomaa die- eustedly. as be seek lute his seat. .00 COLD SORBS AND ULCERS .00 ABS HEALED BY ZAK-HUE. 1.33 18 011 Cold sores, chapped heds ulcers WM and whiter ecessea are common MN troubles just now, tied far all these 0.9$ 7mnt-Buk will be found the surest and 40 quickest seeped,. Sometimes cold is sores arise from chilblales on the toes ,s$ or lagers, and in the tortuer caw, Burdette's FOR .13 .se .se .se .ss .e• 1.0 .00 .00 .12 16 .00 .00 13 60 1.30 3.76 11.76 .00 so that some of the ilaPurt4lit mat'''is Canadian Western Oats -New No. relented to that committee in gh 2, 41%c; No 3. 41/2c. on track. lake 'receive title mos. ports. The " Hydro" triestion again croppi Ontario Oate-New. 4c ,t..) 350, out - _m_ up. end 'terve Munnitigs euggesteri vending ...nn -one down to see Hon. lie 88c to 39c, tn.:, k Toronto. Aden' Beck to find out just how Corn -Old. No. 2 y, Ho, 68e; No. 3 twitters stood. Bvery engineer that , yellow, 66%c. New, No, 3 Yellow, cattle alng, he said, seemed to have a (prompt shipment). -142c, all rail. ,diffei ent vaary to tell. track, Torono. The Mayor thought it would he folly Boiled 0..8 -Per beg of 90 lbs. to alliaiiiii a bylaw without some ' 32.40; per barrel. $ o5. wholesale provision for Maitland River power. Indsor to Montreal. So many different statementa had Peaa-No. 2, $1.25 to 31.30, car lots. bren made that he confessed be Wal.. °uthide' "up a tree." He pointed out a feat'', e of the Maitland River proposition whkia he thought bad escaped Buckwheat -No. 2. 60c to 62c, out side. attention. That was, that during Rye -No. 2, 80c to 82c. outside. high water on the Maitlani the Barley -No. 2 Barley, 68c; No. 3, suiplue power from thtt Maitland sit", gge; No, 3, 60c; feed barley, dam would be sold to the C..M.uiPSion 150c, lake ports. Millfeed-Manitoba bran, 321.00. in *1 .39 per b. p. This would mean, he said, a considerable reduction of price if the town were using Maitland River power. It was decided t� endeavor to arrange a meeting with Mr. Beek, and the Mayor was named as the council's delegate for the pUrpOie. The council tben took u the rop- First Quality Oranges and 1.01120110 Imiav. or phone your order, and it will boo attended to promptly aod carefully. with die best roods to be bad. Sturd) & Co. erasers. The Ropier* Godarich ?BONA 1111 bags. track, Toronto, shorts, 324.50; Ontario bran. 321.00 in bags, track. Toronto; shorts, 334.60. Toronto Cattle Market The receipts of livestock at the oeition of M VI Bowel concrning eWestern Cattle Market, Toronto. on certain ' concessions for his new Monday were 13 cars, containing 266 industry, and in order to place the head of cattle, 147 sheep and lambs. proposition before the electors with- 63 hogs and 52 calve. out delay it was decided to adjourn until Wednesday evening next, and to Representative prices were: have a bylaw prepared in the mean- Export cattle, choice... -:$6.00 to 36.40 tim.5.60 6.00 do. medium .‘. A dumber of ratepayers on McMahon do. bulls street, between South street and Bay- Butcher cattle, choice... 6.50 field road, offered to do the work on do. medium 4.50 a drain to take the water from Iota 7 do. common 2.60 and 8,. concession C. if the council Butcher cows, choice4.75 would supply the tile. The council do. medium 3.60 accepted the offr. The clerk was instructed to write the Bell Telephone C. to tweet twin if it is still the Company's desire to hove a thrwear franchise of the town, seine at similar to the franchise that expired on June 7th this year. The council then adjourned until Wednesday. WOMEN'S HAIR MADE GLORIOUS do. common 2.00 Butcher bulls 4.50 do. medium 3.50 do. light 2.10 Feeding steers 6.00 Stocker, Choice 4.50 do. medium 4.00 do. light 3.25 Canners and cutters2.60 linkers, choice each40.00 do. common '30 . 00 60 . 00 •'0 00 6.00 1.60 2.00 1.00 ' 6.25 11101s. 1. o. b. 7.00 do. fed and watered8.26 do. weighed off awe2.30 Calves 2.23 Springers. choice Parisian Sage Stops Falling Hair and a. medium Dandruff. Yearling sheep Nothing so detracta from the alt ec- Sheep, light ewes tie's..0 of woman as dull, faded, do. heavy ewes lustreless hair. Docks and culls There ie no excuse for this condition Lambs nowaday. because notice is hereby miveo te tbe readers of The Kemal that Parisian Sage, the quiet acting hair restorer, is sold with a money back Inarentos at 50 omits a lance 1411.1e. Sint* its introduotion Into Canada, Pavilion Sage has bad an immense sale, and hers are the reasons: it is safe and harmless. Contains no dye or ocato_ stele load. It curet dandreff in two weeks, by killing the daelljetrgerne. It stops . It promptly step, itabitig of the It metro the lialr soft MI1416113 Kant. It Ow UI e aedhisoty tallati hair. It is not Ntiplay or greasy. It is the didetima perfemoi hair Winile i. the best, the most pltMeant and levisporatipg hairt mad.. Plea .4'4l the______ who °ene ysts & serbstftelim be unworthy of your 0011 ide glinada hy the R. T. Boalth Oe.tUd., Fort Erie, Ont. The girl with the auburn hair is Oa every Paekliraag.. Aliable druggists, department stores and toilet goods counters have Paelarima flare hair tonic. The girl ulth the imbues bah e on every pack. age. B. R.. Wig% summonses it. Booth and Wesley. between William Booth mml a°°rotanriVerroloy is almost inevitable. Dods lived to a great elm and worked to tie Ihmr, hot in ibis respect the greet Methodist west beyeoill the ees$illelaretiosist. General Benth dft II; Wesley 11T54 instil be was waif hefere be "began 10 1* cow/dons of the titles of otil age." Thia be efficribed be tip "blaming of God affected Oromth early rising and the habit of deity ,proaribleg rooming WW1 vening. 4m. reneresing his eightieth year be tra four or eve thousand mike aseeelly (before rail. W571 sr meter.eare were and wlmo wrote • '12 le ateemi yeses eines legit flit mot snob thine aellimasseaseLhererses from a ran of 1912 grantT: that tb4I OTOISINIeill • sennoviting tell416, he paid that W. lieVittle he paid et the Mill Cli dsy foe the smemer's week as perU taretakee t that the emausen- Mottos from Miss Ski-. doled No- vember 1111 he Med ; that the wean ewer's bowl be paned threwgb some reitlent wet. Tad report WIMP adopted. On Thursday evening the water, Ught aed harbor coromittes board ro ropmetatIvo of both the 0. T. 3.. .and 0, P. R. wItb rohommtimo to Ito nowt et 43. 0. P. It. tor the jolatly will dr G. T. R. of the track., at pressot 00 33. sommerciel wharf. Alf • nweit .1 134. conference the ecametaties rem oannended that 110 aetio0 4. tabula os Me C. P bat dot tele O. north 01 these aro wed be tbm 11.1149. R. lie be • Ilea lei where colored socks are worn, there Is a ganger of blood-poloonang from the dye. Lam Buk being so power- fully eatise as tic remove* the danger won as ap 'a -ti and quickly heals. Mr. W. . Halliday, of Ash Grove, 0a.t.. try.; ••I had my little finger frown. and it, exacted at. the first joint, causing a bed sore. v. hieh &s- chemed freely and waold n..t. heal. The join wee •tit y bad, and ale whole ot guy band became ma °hen and in bad obape. A ire mi advised me to try Zam- Butt. and I moot] 1.und i hrt Zaut-huk war altogether diffeieet Lo may prep- sialion I bad ever tiled. la, & Teo, ,bort time at healed the woe," Miss Lillie May. of etta.n. y elect, On;., say.: "A iew wevito -ince, awe - et al nab' y, iii.figua ing o id stors sud- denly hi oke "U I MI nay lip , o hch 1,r - came thuch swollen. See. e•& lily en- diti,.e. a ie iend 1141Viaais too to try ' r z.w-Bukiu•d leave all a Li r prepare- 1 .A ; • ortir arisse. Ibis I did, s. d r a. much rterred. rites- a few appa., 1.tnii- of t biaa helm, to see every I. ' e by, 6.00 6.15 6.60 4.00 5.60 4.76 3.60 4.76 4.60 3.60 2.60 6.26 Christmas Confedions $$ Chocolaes and Bon -bons from the beet wanufacturers. Presentation Boxes in great variety. Many pretty Christmas fancies for the little ones. 4.60 4.00 8.14 80.00 40.00 80 . 00 00 . 00 6.10 4 . 0 2.60 2.00 7.00 .00 8.80 .00 2.10 Zama -But iU also he fou ai a .tare cure tot ea Nemo o 1.. en. 4. """"""""'''' Everybody's best girl expects a nice box of Candy for Christmas. PRICES FRon 25c TO $10 E. BURDET TE, BALMORAL CAFE Best place in town for home-made Candies co,e 8,441 p r, ring- ortIL, Infi..tord plICIber, bi Cla. pia d p &ea . U 11.'., or 1 o t-fi re front &Ili- ..iik es "Y.1 TO a tail agif al g • All di oggtsts told sit se.I so 50e. To. ono, upon I' reetpt u p He- ft, e hitt gaol inottwons and sub ti- The Signal from now to Jan. `ute:. e Uallli Zatn-Buk S..oa Beat for haby'e tendei ski NEW SUBSCRIBERS ist, 1914, tact Buffalo Clotho Cattle receipts at Mot Buffalo on Xenday were ON hes& Inerbot ate Iles sad steady to leo blmr. ?doe dews 110.211 10 01.01. Webers, de to *in bans 14.16 3. 34.31; 'Kock bole ffe; 611.15 to KW 71114t 17-00i WI batters. 34.71 to AO; ore% to 311.71; stockers forlorn. le 37• fresh cows aad mertsgora ern al 202 to re. ?mix -R00102t11. 11001 anew mod elleetv. at 114 to M. 1112eo-3ooelpto. SU*: satire Gado to leo Maul Ode 45090404 es'. Nom .ad mato* nee le .01. 'odors. PM to PM; .141 to VA; mew 01.110 to $1.1111 to Oa; Merles. PM to Obese aid umese-itee=ssism : kale iSe Wien ; oleos Us Weer. 3.34.11; reselbege. $4.10 KU; dem. �90 dem ohms& $11 to 01.10. tem. Leo 112012- 000, MOWS A new seesaw sloe wed. _alt..re woad; beovat. IS0 10 014.111; steam 3140 44 NM; vostais FI Esi otoeiare old be T1; ores sod be* 01 to ; autos. 0101 Is Cdo;-.111110011120. WWI ilorbot. deer- lo to 1110 WOW; haat. 37.116 19;atiel, P.* be 27.0; Marv, • le 37.44 to ruse, to Tr.% . of oak* 37 00 11 11 • 1 1 1 for only $1.00 URNITU Rockers jrrm Chairs fogey Chairs parlor Cables .Cibrary Cables extegsion Cables Book Cases Writing Desks Sectiogal Bookcases 11 For Christmas DON'T throw your money away at Christmas time. Buy things that mean permanent value and utility. We would suggest a selection from our large stock of FURNITURE which includes many articles suitable for sensible gift -giving. Buffets Sideboards pictures pkture Frames China Cabinets parlor Cabinets Music Cabinets Chiffoniers )ressiqg Cables Call and let us help you make a selection. • .11•=1., 11 WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Nordheimer Piano which is acknowledged by those who know as the leader in tone, dur- ability, finish and other qualities desired in a first-class musical instrument. If you are thinking of buying a Piano, we would ask you to call and see what we can do for you. Geo. Hohmeier Omega. $SA to 34. 40,0003 market WA to PIMA Weeters, iteeldtr We. le to, 3171 4. MW: tornmet Si /I to 40 The Square tioderich, Ont. 111 1