The Signal, 1912-12-12, Page 9Be sure Ho read the opeeing chapters of The Sigtoaas Dew story "Che Chalice of Courage' to he oomfneneed next weed It's a good 0410. 'SIXTY FOURTH YI♦at-Ha 010 GOJ)ERIOH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912 0 :rrllIE STERUNGBANKj OF CANADA POSITIVE ASSURANCE Your only positive assurance ot'be, ug richer five years beece than you are now, is to open a savings account and coetioue it. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager • GODERICH MARKETS. _ Twollattiae. Dec. Ink. W waeat, Der bush 10 in to 0 0 diel wheetzlintalt 0 4e to 0 to ase 032 to d11 por boob as0100 to 1 43 to 0 1 110 r` per beak per ton 10 00 to y. per owt 3 66 to f 00 75 ,.seer, patent, per own 800 to 3 10 Ikeapar tau 17 00 to 17 00 n..r1.. per ton 19 00 to lie 00 , per too. new 11 70 to 11 M rs,r e OHO Bet► Md. per A 6 00 to 5 50 ef810 013 asO par lb onto 25 0 el to 0 t8 Cfreek_mrje8 031 to 833 b0111 1Mto 200 pre OW sbet 00 to f 00 maedi to ERA pr cwt6 00 to 6 26 expo per cwt . a int is e M 7 SI to 7 66 700 f M For Christm i C s One of the most substantial rre.ents you can give your wife or mother is en iosursnos policy on your life. Try one of the MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA POLICIES and see how she likes it. A. G. NISBET Durrett"' Assam' OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE, GODERICH 'Pilots= : Orrice 36 ; Hones 150. P. O. Boz 964 { GODERICH j 'BUS LINE 1 Two 'buses meet all trains. Private calls have prompt and )) careful attention. First - class 1 livery outfits at all times. 1 Reasonable prices. THE DAVIS LIVERY CF. & T. M. Davis South Street 'Phone No. 61 GEO. WATSON PRACTICAL TAILOR has reopened a store 1n the old stead. Montreal street tasxt Beretta' livery& and will M pleased to see all hie old customers, ss well es any sew ones. CLOTHES GLEANED REPAIRED and PRESSED in the best Kay at moderato erioee• OIvi BIM A CALL i Ladies' handbags, handsome and bought direct from the makers, at Hick's d rug store. HAVEYOUA 1 Mebp. per owt T per I1 a =meows m cwt .... 4Mts 01 to 7m33tow 7 PUBLIC sons OUT OF BMPLOTMIINTT- tterves you right! Leasebsehertrade. AJways saw oatMStr barber. Our toprev.dheMm masher eel Is• atmethe Una `eyea kir mealeees. M ri OLraaE Tomato. sow WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN W stook beading boatman t I wast, e Uva. ambitious repnaetat1ve is every sAsst4r aid tows (0 hoses weeks. besets dleasts mot Nada and or cell. TH L i rt B ON, as bars from noirvand or tail. ♦ O OB N, !i Colborne boast. Ts ssia WLBORNE BRICKYARDS. - A VI: wrd iq aoute et *tech die tor sobs. then should Boss so 1 Y the ' will soon go. J. PiTBLADO k140NR TO W N OF OODBRICH, To in-ute .e Clement, allesae..MSwabert y town of Godsrloh meat be Weld with W town clerk at once. All pentad mbw, the town are regorged to setae tide 80seiite before the end of the ',ter. MEL__ Dated this I3th dal of Deoe Lber. _Clash. S SITUATIONS VACANT. FARM FOR SALE ? , The Publicity Association for Huron Doom" Weed to publish • list of farm propMtleetee sale In tble county, and e st panes having a farm for sale Uva MOW to any prober of the e posed below. partlrtalars of bing It and stating ey will sell. When u e 01/Sufficient farms nave best as executive will pub- lleh th. rtw total tor gesiong • -tears, WE6a41 obarge to the .4 particulars may be obtained from p.217 of the exeouUve. JOHN LLCyK. 11L. rs.sii .nHrnwele. Aa YMITCRKl,L, esay, Goderlah..E i0ecmtive cowmittir-J. ll. Govav- wee. {reeve d Mc W4tthrop P. O. ;150.70'1 *10Trole W a, GUM. Reeve of Stanley. tea P. 0. : JoNN RaN1VORD. President Clinton Beard of Trade; W. J. Hua AN, Reeve of Exeter Tema erorns*s, Dangan- sou ; R W. Lv10erro0s, Reeve of Grey. MonerieR, P. O. WANTED i 1V DRAB M.rlaeTand (h.s,siALHBoRsplAtaNL- three or four pupil nurse.. Apply W M198 GRIFFITHS, Superintendent. MR_ FARM HELP AND DOMESTIC SERVANT*.-Pervons reQuirio farm Delp should apply at ones to WILLIAM MoQUIL- LIN, Dominica Government lkuploymeut Arent, St. Helene, Ont. Orders left with H. D. WOOD'S St. Helms, Ont-. will receivetf pt attention. etOMPETBNT BOOK-KEEPER AND lJ stenaaggnnpier. with two years' e1-prience. &wires podtio.. Apply P. 0. BOX lGode- rich. FOALE. 1U -10R SALL-SECONDHAND RAD - 112 1ANT Rome food condition. Bo rSIGNAL OYFICS y EOR SALE•-.8HORTHORN COW. good milker and w11 bred. Calved on her 8th. Apply to E. V. LAWSON. Dunlop. Telephoto, r. 6-12. 18 M. 1 WvhflJ1Jrfl Ss Il .;tt cl ic a e t i/ co .. .w. ..... golden no Iun l w for fast win cityof the haat Great, West," offer" you the •sine golden opportunities for Good Sound Real Estate Investment that Regina, Moos, Jaw. Saskatoon. Calgary and Edmonton offered five or six years ago. The C. P. R and G. T. R. arts NOW making extensive developp8enta in Weyburn. Rask. Our lots In "City Gardens." in the old original townelte, right at the door of the big C. P. R. ftp, at 1360.00 each, require. only a small case payghRt and the balance in O.12 and 18 months. Time eery terms .re Rosi only until January let. Ma Ten are hoend to make mighty big profit. In the very sear fatere. Write lie for the Board of Trade pamphlet on the 0. P. L Dsvele oseta. E. V. Campion csc Company Med Mase t Weybori. Seek. 1sraattood, Oot. Ake : il! Maer.t At. nearrelipendlanes should he addressed to nor Hssee ord opine. { ,I1EACHER WANTED. -FOR U. 13. S. No. 1. Addled. Colborne and West awawdtt. Duties to eeenaseoe after New years, Apply. stsUng gmIlo8Uone aid sal- ary expelled, to HOST. MoILWAIN Vas File ri1EACHER WANTED. -FOR tr. S. 11 Na 9, Colborne (Dunlop+. Dation to mar noses In Janu.ry next Apply. eta: tag int lU uaon. and radars expected. to A. A. int LIAMS, Secretary, Dunlop. 41.21. FOR SALE OR TO KENT R SALE. -A BUILDING LOT (1 on N.wg•te street. Apply to F. J. P ID HAY. YLAWNO. ZBOF1914 OF THE Renew Your Subscription to The Signal and secure one of the handsome Calendars for 1913. THE SIGNAL PR16 1'NO CO.. Ltd., Pont✓ omes CARD OP THANKS. ARD OF 'THANKS. -THE °F- t..)ricsiv4 and members of Eureka l'0,,ucil, No. im, It 1'. of T., extend their thunk• all thews whet kfudly Rare their assidanoe n. the TOW V OP OODSKICH. PrinkBatt "d the eotertalument in the Temper .nos ou the evening of I heredity. Deeem- To AUTHORIZE Tea 0O.MOWINO Or 185.010 a7 her S J. T. NEWELL. 8. C. TR8 Iaeve AND SALO 01 trenaNTL'aIa, 7V - PitOVIDR (30.000 1014 TNa MIT Or A MAN? TO DISTO1nv7s. R1.aeta1C 10.118 7a DS evPTLISO a T T ■ If' HT000--1:1CCTI.0 P011111 COMelleMON Or 0llT41110, AND 15. 100 rota TEM OMIT 07 AN SLSOT.IC-Dart'1N rear TO as vse0 1 n OON N 1LTlON wirer Mt TOWN WATIOWOR1s 878788. Whcresa It Y.s.eerary to rates by wry of loan on the credit of Lite Lite town the omit of w orR• sumfor of pul,astoM plaot, machinery and applications neoeerar7 for the diet Abelian of eleotuo power In the said town to be .upeH.d by 1 he Hydro -electric Power tsosledon of • warn, and • further in of eb'Mto pswlide for the Dost of an eler- FOR SALE. -THE FARM OWNED by the late John Halliday on the 3rd ooP- cesston of Colborne. containing Idd acres. Good stpne hoose with frame kitchen and woodshed ; furnace in hones ; hydraulic wafer ..upvly : good barn ; young orchard ; ten aerie of bosh. Convenient to church end school Offered at an for Immediate tale. Apnl7 to Mics. HALLIDAY, Cameron street, or Gederich P (1 FOR SALE. -THE 100 -ACRE FARM • oo the itk cooeewIon of 000borne, wee - we by the undersigned. let tamed for sale. Buildings -a storynds-haltbrii k hoose. rood gsbarn apd silo, and large died. Everything in good order; farm well fenced I watered by spring creels. Land all seeded down. In every way one of the beat farme in the tweed,. Situation convenient to market i town. end C. P. R. station. Possession can be given la the tall. ANDREW JOHNuTON, Carisw P. 0. Mt?. 'WARD( FOR SALE. -THS EAST hal trf lot etas la the fourth eouoes- rise. Iaat.rw , DMM00. el W township of A'h lie. csatataat.g 100 .mea The buldior. con- ** K. fy.er ham asd pants barn. There dal a small setlmd. for seek -wars apply to t. M; ere tlUD/'OI T, HAY* a; Ki4 12-tt F1R8T-OLA08 FARM FOR BALK ddon.oss iotawk!Wiser cwt 7, w.11s saws wItb1. Mt=ow swd lv(ldrrat,8rant y0i aepaey ApplhetoFW .- McDONAOH. C.rMw. Out ru trio -strives pumAnd p pi Intended to be cthe created by this bfylialne w. the debt And whereat it is desired.10 mho the p- debePlmese at em time, and sepal d the as e r repayable In yearly sums during the of thirty yearn. 117Wog. the cur- ing of seek Vi a •aid yearly same - vet •meant✓ tart t s ander- racybe- gat* year tor principal egsst et the sad debt shall b and tale equal the amount paayabl, as .I8 Yyaset - of lye ataer tw.bca-olae yeah the quired to be ttla e the rate for paying the salt NKaeaA int net as heteinaher peovded ▪ Dramas W am000t of the whole me ashypewgeefd au.. add town of (+dar eh ., ge yg to the last re owed aeeurmeot toll tissue[ M QOM• Aad Whereas Ile amount of the exist Eng do- Ileld of rev/9L74 municipality. e eel u- taf loadtsOreement deb, sad mean sf the piuolpal or Interest le to smears. 7tiers'o.e the onoudl of the comets. Lion of the town of 13 .de• 1 b enact* as slow• : t. -That for tm pirecne at •reeai4 it shell be lawful to the Moyer sod treasurer of tits said LAYdeemsboriser' t1h. won ser' Mao sae to tto isuo ts is a,yw n[ art 51 .5 e. each of which debentures Men Memel stave ia•eof the hem thereof. B sed within thirty pan [bone after at tors edea of the treaeet er of the said said debenture -8 shall be payable In tairr7 •ante tastabasioi during the thirty years next altar tae boob thereof. 3. -Each of the .aid debenture shall be slimed by the ]tamer of the mid town of Dede- rick or bypass w par on anthodsd by by- law 0saa411t l e, and by the treasurer to rare as• s the r4t Mden seal the ..ame with the corn- law mei el said •eoroo, u l .n. 4.-1 he said dsMnturee .hail bear interest at the rats Of Ire tem emit. per annum, payable yearly, at the also et the old treasurer. and shall have athichsd thereto comma) for the payment d seem. which coupons shell be signed be tae xatior.md treasurer of the geld town. S. Durlet tis esd ^y of the and deben ti - tures awn smmg M r e'er annually by special rodeos all the tmteable property In the said town eIambingl the sum of 1821081 for the purpose et paging t11e amom.t due io each of Chested year,. foe petedpal and'interest In re - sport of the said debt. a-Thts bylaw shell take effect and come in- to operation from and after tie fine) parsing thereof. 7.e vote Otis electors of W said town ( (It derlek M taken s ktylati.8 the Ne+eee times oaken a eea mr tae saves eepeta eilw+r-Gte vole of use said teeters mwiblpal councillor., for the ensu- ing year at Mt 8. On 8.terday. the 4th day of Januar), 1913. at the council chambers io the *AM town of Oodetich, at the hour of It. o clook in the tore- ro on. the Mayor of the ad corporation .hall appoint In writing, -Awned by hfmorlf, two per- sons to attend st i he final summing up of tha votes by the de. k. and one presort to attend at each polling place on behalf of the per..ons in- terested in and de -Imus of promoutie this by- law. and a like number on behalf o the per - 80'.e interested in and desirou. of opposing the peeing of this bylaw. 9.--The°lark of the said mnnicipal council of the torn of Ooderirh &ball attend at his office in the town hail at ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th day of January, 1913. to sum up the number of votes tor end against the bylaw. Provisionally mimed at the council chamber at the town or nooad rich the I lib day of Deoem- ber, A. D. 191.. C. A. REID, L. KNOX. Mayor. Clerk, R 1 ALB. -100 ACRES OF LAN!) ii earth of tie town of esates18. teiay lana, all soder miltivat ea • Mak barn, to essssot loses: lame (rase `ones,• newly painted. W In geed mesh; wen at both barn Amity OB1E00holm 'INLOOYBisteriatt CARM FOerie,114R, BALE.-g,S II%TY-FIVE ' aid Mt AM kNdhC me. barNN:s llg tem izi, vele w88 an_Iq seed esetl .se. other E10R SALM-THAT FDNB RERt- as Ube A. 4=ero _r ecalnese sea ains mesa deer ea adermia slas _[ TAKE NOTICE that (be above id • true copy of a proposed bylaw wh h has been (alien lutn by the council of the municipality Araoonalderst loo, and which will be dually .7.010(111e assent of the elector., being ob- tained theretol atter one toroth from the lest publication In The Star newspaper, h a of which publication Wes the tat day De- cember. 1912. and that th • voter 01 the electors of the said m•.nictpality w111 be taken therms en the day and the hours and places therein fixed. And farther take natdoe that all leaseholder, 4oal1Aed under the prov)rlons of 3 Edward VII.. chapter 19, aectys 364, 8. 8. 1. are re - gutted ten days before the layer voting to tale with me • et.tutory declaration of qualifies tion. otherwise their names will not appear on the voter• Bettor such L. KNOB • Clerk. i AUCTION- SALES. /,AIAD OF THANKS. -MRS. TAIT IJ and family w)ah to exprew their deep a-atitede to friends and uelghborr for the ver,) Many itindoesae, their A .ban and fatved during the i her. the W.es Jetties. Tait,, and also for syu.p.thy extended to the time of bereavement. CARD OF THANKS. -I DESIRE to expr8e- toy mesterei thanks to the An - carrot Order of 1 r.lted Workmen for payment of the policy of lite Ln.uren a held b) my late h usband OEY. Sault OM- Maris, in (het eOu• HERBERT J. • K.N 4 Ubltiu!unLB F A CARLOAD OFFIR3.*T-CLASS MILCH COW Mr. J. Y. Ferguson will sell by public auction at the King Edward hotel Kabtea, Goderich, an FRIDA 2. DECKMBIR 8D, oddessndeg at 0:510 o'clock sharp : Thirty-five watt -bred young cows. mom[ of them ghee Dsa,hama. wens to freshen early, and others CM In March east A pill. Terme.-Bevan mouths' credit will be given eeaa furnishing approved joint Petra. Gorr • die J. L • ) OUSON TROIKAS OUNDRY h Proorletr. Auctyos., I1LKARINO AUCTION SALE \FARM. FARM STOCK AND IMPLOMINTB, Mr. Alex. Rote will 841 b7 mimic auction at eny w awseo'h, on latst,ctAY DIOt7EMBitR 17. at 0 o'olaek scarp : 160 acres, oon- e tetLe awl part idiot 2$ oonoesios 2, ias1 draft are, t eats gac m [swan teal pt Hary Matt1 ett IP eine et Men L sew, ht Tsars alp. dtw tans! 14R,lareb; sear, save. Tsars W. ase Wolk' In N r 1 1 grads saw. t years ala, doe to YMarab 1 sew, awn old, due *ens t t• lnailma aaasif ; t Os1e1aeaomml se In *As ca• lve tAel.s two 7.11.1 sY ; e x oloya■ir.teeaw. Awes s, II slaw tame j 1DeirD i twin ' ' gtr V-144.4 tl'ialP WM.i erjw e fOilkk. ell arssw seta .,. saddr. s tare BYLAW NO. 24 OF 1912, OF THE TOWN OF OODIRICH. A IVuw 4111ANTINW TO MnNRR MAYUTAC- TURnrO l'O1r*NT A vixen AMIMSWINT 0014 A PRRIOD Or Tin YRAR*. Whereto; the Mistier Manufacturing Com - puny. of the cities of Windsor and Detroit. are about to establish. or cause to be eetabuehed, upon the property at .he ooroer of Waterioo .ori Rehm streets, known formerly ar Smith's Tannery. and comprising lot opmber 798 in the sad town of Goderlcb, se loduetry for the maea[aetare and rete of toilet acoe.sorie•. Aod whereas the said Masher Manufacturing Compsny has tegne'ted the municipality of the Lowe of Goderieh to aid them an establiih- lag the said bedews by granting to them. oe their badge-. a flied ammee.ent, of One Thou. mod Denny-, on said laude, together with all buildingmachinery, •. plant o improveroonte. now. or that may hereafter during the cur- rency of thi. bylaw he erected. placed or made 'Arson. for the purpose. of • he .1••d business. Aod whereas it le deemed expedient to grant the sad ad to the said MI -ser Maoutactaring Company oo the forme, and oond1Uons hereln- 'fter set out. Therefore be it enacted and It Is hereby en- ected by the municipal council of the corpora- uou of the town of Guderirh : L -The said Mleoer Menefcturiog Com- o.tty, M a condition prec.dent to the granting of the ad hereinafter mentioned. theft estab- lish sod oommouoe and continue to operate ..pun the raid land... namely. lot number 798 In the mid town of Goderich, the proposed lodes - try for tor. manufacture and tale of toilet ars memories. R -Por the puiyaue of aiding the said Misner Msnufaoeuring Company iueeubll.Nng and tasrrying on the mad bw.lnee, it is hereby de• Glared that the assemment of so mach of the mid lands ea may hereafter be oecu• pied sad made use of by the said 31Gner Manuhoturing Company, or their a-.igno, in connection ton with the said beaten'. to - AUCTION SALES. sst sc star Deewm b 17,-1 ialMr1 es iter er Aags 1st 4 t Ir 11 vases w December R atm 1[l TO VOTE ON HYDRO - MONEY BYLAW SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORS. 11136,000 tor Distribution Plant and Electric Pump -- Another Bylaw Vote Will Be in Connection with the Misner Company's Proposition. The town council has decided to submit to vote of the ratepayers a bylaw W provide money for distribu- tion of hydro -electric power. The amount named in the bylaw is $36,000, of tide amount $5,000 ')zing for an electric pimp. This decision was reached at the adjourned meeting of the council on Wednesday evening. At the regular meeting on Friday evening several of the members ex- pressed dissatisfaction with the cir- cumstances under which they were asked to deal with the matter. Reeve Muunings spoke of the conflicting statement. that had been made by different representatives of the Com- mission on their visite to the district, and Mayor Reid spoke in a similar strain, intimating that there was no definiteness in the promises concern- ing Maitland River power. Councillor Vaoatter remarked that somethingare more that. Mr. Beck's word ws - quired sea guarantee, and Councillor Laithwaite echoed this sentiment. The meeting at Clinton on Tuesday yielded nothing more definite in the way of any provision for Maitland power, and yet the council on Wed- nesday adopted, provisionally, the bylaw to raise 51195,088) in connection with the Niagara proposition. This, too, in face of the fact that no estimate was before the council of the cost of the distribution plant, such ore was promised by the Commission. It must be said the proceeding was decidedly unbusinesslike. Having mentioned Councillor Van- atter'e name above, it 1s only fair to say he was not present at the Wed- nesday night meeting. It may be that the council, despair- ing of getting anything definite from the Commission, wished to get rid of the respoosibtlil y of dealing definitely wether with au buld{ng.• machinery, plant with the question by throwing it on cu pied and node use of aa a foreedd. o r here- and Improvements now on said lands ret or- the ratep.ayers. AL any rate, the question is now before the electors of atter during `the c,rreuey of tib bylaw to be pi reed or made :hereon for the per/toots of the said business, shell be aseeseed during the pet - i d of ten years a,mwendog wish the year 1913 wt the cam of One 1 Demand Leallars. S - The privileges hereby granted t . the rad M1-ner Manuh.cnutng Company shall forth- with cease if at any titoe during the tad period Of ten 7•'..n• the .old bundles Ito to be e.tah bodied shall cease tt.• .•p• ration-. 41.--1 his bylaw `hall Oil...etre. t on the day of the On.1 pa..lug the. wf. 6,-11e vote of the elo.,tors of the .aid town of Gods rich .h.,10 be taken on . his bylaw et the -awe time- 81.,ti •tin e., and before the same depuri rrt.I nir.g onU.er, as the Rote of the ..id rialtua. 0, r eo ieal oou:,efaars for ti. ensuing y c..r of 1913. a -+'r. Sato day, the 4th day of January, 1913, na the menet! chamber.. lu the .old town of (ioderich,.4 the hoar of len o'clock in the fore- noon the Mayor of to mn id corp.tlon shall appoint in writing, signed ppy himself. two per- sons to attend at the nod Summing up of the retail bythe clerk. and one poison to attend at e arth poing piece on bah .If of the per.ons In- terested in and doirou- of promoting this by - the town, and if they want to tie them- selves up to Niagara power and jeopardise J.ba navel/eat of Maitland River dt•vt•l•wpment at any time within the next two or three decades they will have the opportunity of doing so in the vote un this bylaw next month. Another bylaw Met will be voted on at the same time is in connection with M. W. Howell's factory proposition, noted in last week's Signal. Mr. Howell, representing the Misner Manilla:timing Co., asks tor a fixed assessment of $1,900 on the old tannery property, on which he is establishing a factory for the making of toilet articles. The industry is a desirable one, And although at present not of large` propos tions the concession Mr. Howell asks is a small one. The law, and • like rtamtrrr ou behalf of the per- property is now assessed at $1,100. ROM lotereeted in and de.irous of opposing the passim of this bylaw. The fixed assessment would be for ten 7. -The clerk of the seta municipal council of years. If this slight encouragement the town of (itiderech shall attend at his office should aid Mr. Howell in building up in the town hall at ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th day of January. 1911 to sum up the a considerable business in this new number of votes for and agaln.t the bylaw. line the town will benefit. Dated a the council chamber at the town of God.dch the 11th day of December. A. D. 1912. C. A. SRI0. L L. KNOX. A letter from the reel' Telephone Co. Mayor. Clerk. read at Wednesday's meeting intim- TAKE NOTICE that the above i- a true into weeders/ion. and which will be finally , up aced that the Company could not take Dopy or w propated bylaw which has been taken the matter of a franchise atpresent, by the oouncil of the municipality (la owng to the new legislation on the he event of the e.ent of :he electors being sub ect. i obtained therotol after one month from the ahlopnn/nbllcaThetlmBtgnwaasl nttheew12thpedraythef 1 ofAWpeditscitsinsStwreaset received Briftwornna iaserwder /dan,te pot; bwl December. 1912, and that the votes of the suet- to Thomas street. The clerk was in- toe of the said municipality will be takes Mason the dayaod the boars and places structcd to examine the petition and therein exec. if it is sufficiently sigh.. d to refer it to Auld farther take notice that all leaseholders the •engineer.e rallied punder the provisions of 3 Edward tee jays before the day of voting to file with me a etatnla tory dsorstlon of qualification. edierw).•e their names will not appear on the voters' list for such voting. I. L KNOX. Clerk. IL ola ter lf. soot ton 364. 5.S. I. are required A communication received through the president of the Board of Trade from an outside firm who were nego- tiating for the establishing of a factory here was taken as indicating that the The Christmas Gladness. The glad time of giving, of loving generosity, is again with us. In these days when such multitudes of "things" to give are spread so attractively before us. it is more than ever necessary that we hold tenaciously to the truth that the value of a real gift is In "Not what we give, but what we share. For the gih without the giver is bare " That gift is poor. no matter how cosily. which carnes not with rt love and kindly thought A mere conventional ex- change of gifts is a travesty on the spirit of this joyous festival. On that first Chnstmas. long ago, the toy that overflowed the bounds of the Celestial City and was carried to the sad earth beneath was born of the true spirit of giving sacnflce Madly. eagerly made. for love. The Father gave His only Son. the Son renounced the honors and glory of His heavenly tote. the angels yielded their greatest treasure, -the Joy of Heaven... that sinful men [night share in the purity and peace of God And the toy born of this loving sacrifice reached even to the earth. in that triumphant song whose echo has never quite lei our v.orid. At the Chnstmas season. especialy the noise and discord of our selfish Innes teem to lessen for a time. and ears too often deaf to messages of ktrldhness and love hear once gain the voice of the Christ as He says 'Freely ye have re- ceived freely give proposed deal is off. The polling places, deputy returning officers and poll clerLs appointed for the coming municipal elections are the same as last year. TO CHRISTMAS BUYERS. In order to do your Christmas shopping to the beet advantage, you should read carefully the announce- ments made by our merchants in the advertising columns of We number of The Signal. The stocks in the Gode- rich stores include everything needed at this season of gift -giving and festivity, and after reading the ad- vertisements prepared foe your guid- ance you should have no difficulty in locating anything you wish to pur- chase. MR. D. McGiLLICUDDY'S DEATH. Former Editor d The Signal Passes Away After Two Years' Illness. The melancholy news was received here this morning of the death of Daniel McGillicuddy. formerly prop- rietor of The Signal. Mr. McGilli- cuddy bad been in poor health for over two years, the cause being heart trouble. His death occurred on Wed- nesday afternoon at his home, 727 Dovercourt road, Toronto. He was in his sixty-second year. Mr. McGillicuddy was of Irish parentage, and was born in the bar- racks at Carlisle, England, while his father was stationed thee. When he was still a small boy hie father was transferred to the barracks at Hali- fax. He learned the printing trade on The Guelph Mercury, under the late J. C. McLagan. Afterwards he, with his brother Thomas, now of Toronto, went to Brussels and pub- lished The Post. until 1880. He then came to Goderich and published The Signal until 1903, afterwards going to Ottawa as editor of immigration lit- erature and also editor of the analyti cal index of Hansard debates. A few years ago he mode a trip through the West and finally started The '-Calgary Daily New.. It was through ill -health that be was forced to give up this paper two years ago. He was president of the Canadian Press Assnciaticna in 1903. A widow, two sone and two daugh- ters survive. The irons are Owen employed with The Star Publishing Company, Toronto, and Arthur, em plc ed with the hydro -electric system at Toronto. The daughter", Kathleen and Jane, ranee with their mother. A further reference to the departed will be made next week. INDIVIDUAL GREETING CARDS. 'The Signal can supply individual Christmas and New Year's greetin cards ho a large assortment. Many people like to send out cards with their own names printed on them, and we shall be glad to show samples a many beautiful cards. All orders should be in at least a week before Christmas. Ebony toilet brushes. all kinds, ebony mirrors, manicures. etc. Spe pial prices, at Hick's drug store. A PHOISLEM IN COWS. On every farm there are practically three classes of cows. First, tbos that do not pay for their feed and the labor of taking care of them ; second, those that just pay their way, and. last, those that are profitable cows, and pay more than their ex pensee, thus giving you some en coureeement for keeping them. Fro the farmer's point of view 1 here eboul be only one class of cows, the one that pay a dividend over expenft` Take the cow that produces th hundred pounds .yf butter per yea At twenty cents per pound this wool bring 5.60. Let this $90 be interes on your outlay at six per cent. Th outlay would be one thousand dollars Then take the cow producing six hundred pounds of butter per year The outlay should be double that of the first cow, as the prodoction is double or two thousand dollars per year. Now answer a few questions honestly. We will say the first ie a poor cow and the latter a good cow. Does it take twice as much to feed the good cow as it does the poor one? Everything goes to prove that the opposite is moreoften the case. Again. dose it take twice as much time to attend to the good row as the poor one? Everything and everybody says. "NO." What is the result 1 Only that the difference in the production is clear profit. How are you going to 1 know whether your cows aro poor or goad 1 Get them tested. Who will teat them P The Wingham Creamery will do it for you if you will send us a sample of milk fr each of your cows. Number these that we can send a report to asps Remember. it is a sample of the M 11.1[ not ercam. We eves going to run our rrtasrl all winter and need all the cream ten get. Rend us yours. (dies tell trial, and see if we do Rot dos, wtti not better than you are sow We ere now paying thirty-one per pound butte' fat or a trifle than twenty4l• meta per butter. 1f 0117 wagon in sot le yew d writr or telephone es MA ore win make arrangements to miles' year areso. TrH W sr DA "IMP ( W d e .O