The Signal, 1912-12-12, Page 8• r mikes. OoaNIt11s lt< 1t/f THE SIGNAL GODERICH ' : ONTARIO \ Cbrtetma 3roccrice L eave your Christmas Grocery orders at Spahr's. We have a Targe stock of NEW FRUITS Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peels, Dates, Nuts, Oranges Bananas and Lemons; and everything kept in an up-to-date Grocery. Choice Butter and Eggs always on hand Your orders will be executed promptly. We have our own delivery. 'Phone JOHN SPAHR I46 Hamilton Street 1 The Signal TONEW SUI SCR1BI RS 1.00 to lan Ist, 1914, for HYDRO MEBTINO AT CLINTON. Very Little New laferalabus—#.Ml..d i<edieg. to Be Centimes& A meeting in the interests ot hydro- electric power was held at Clinton on Tuesday. Delegates from all the mupicyrahties in the count were in- vited w be prrwent, but onlyaUlintu., Exeter. Hensel! and lioderich were represented. Thos.: in attendance from Goderich were Mayor Reid. Reeve Munnings, Deputy Reeve Clark- Councillor Elliott and Commis - Wooer Murney. Engineer ('aster and Mr. Pope, secretary of the Hydro- electric P.,wel' (tommission, met the delegates and discussed the proposi- tion in various phases. what they had to tell woe practical] the same a. the information gleaned at the time of Rngtneer ('aster's recent visit to Goderich. They advocated immedi- 1 ate actino on the part of the munioi- 1 polities to have the transmission 1 Line constructed from aleatorth to I Godeeich. &• far as Go_lerich is concerned Sec- retary Pope stated that an expense of S3,5,11) for plant would be incurred by the town in order to install • distrib- , using pploot. He advised that Gode- rich odo-rich should sign a contract for 700' horsepower, at Sri per hor.epowea l As to the development of power on the Maitivnd River. he stated that when the consumption 01 power in Ithis district should warrant it the (•omatirsion would undertake the :on- struction ot the dam at the Black Hole. This. in itself, would mean an expenditure of about $OJI,(Ip) and un- less '...sat horsepower would he con- sumed in this section th,• price would he high. The Commission's engineers will continuh to take readings on the Mait- land River thtougbuut the coming winter. Weather conditions a year ago were such that the results ob- tained were not very satisfactory to the engineers in charge o: the work and th• v hope to be favored the com- ing year with more moderate winter weather. - Some information was givea regard- ing the rout of lighting residoac,s end hominess placer. This was followed by .s expression of *pines Amen several o� the gentleman preesst. Additional information way be se- cured trona letters which were :a- rrived early this week from Acting Chief Engineer Baby. Under date of December nth hr wrote to Mayor Heid lei follows : tapes reviewina the report of Mr. Le. sock biearht to tat. office and later from intontk tea received from our air. $M r. we would earls you that It will be neosesery to vote the euro of p.JIM for the purpose of building au addition to your prevent wbetatles and la equipping .arae with transformers ass ewitoa- tua apparatus; at,41 this amount will moue) for the tu.(allalion of 173 Doo IfandtN- watt -greet lamp. mounted neon tor eato�Y pie el mu,uahood pat ttealfard bar er the type that is n use at on. t further provider for eighty one handrel.watt h that would be placed in the assure of rout Lean arshown upon the seam aeyisa plan. t( htle we hate not actually at ahed goat your town for new pole, we have estimate. apes a liberal amount to replace tboeo that have rot- ted and the same u ay with the other pole .f• thugs. The detail- of this change wears Warble 10 be explained by one of ort Sael.eers *&S well vi.ft tioderhh for titan purpose. We wired you today in regard us your puma. leg ontltt and lot, a uo ,pot the exact /moa rat, ofmone) required for -ams. but would ads lee that $ .&, a would he sufficient. missing h total of $33,•W. Another letter written on December 7th by the same engineer was as fol- lows : Reterfirg to yonrleteerof November and to t hr term- made by the chairman to the Hon. Adam Beck. wo would ray tint we hen estimated the creat of prwer .to Goderich a.d district on the bast of l.aue horsepower in tie district supplied from the Maitland River with a tie -line to the Niagara sy-trw. Throe e -- treated cost. are a. follow. Including I cls GodHor.opoweerlohTut r ..si..nklnjy.78c Fund Depreciation ... . jNtl7 Baydeld I.*1 ... 5 lel -t.A1 l'linton au:_ 13.14 SI Y. Rsita.y ('o. hes... at7ti Kh? We have not made 00 estimate ou the ean- bined sy.tem for T. *i' Eta-elower, a. the refer - ern a 10 our eetimetr of Y.YtU borrepower for (he oomtWoed system will snow that the cost per horsepower on the tednood quantities would be much taerea,.e.!. We b.-lieve test it would be heft for the municipality to enter into a con- tract with the t.ornuus.,on for a aty.ry of power froth the Niagaradt-trier, and a, n has already beer eta•ed were the load warrent It the 1 •omrw-,nor, would be prepared to make the.r,•lurutf u' on. the M 4,011nd River 005`46164646616664302 effikWifiV CHRISTMAS ECONOMYrr! IS TO BUY YOUR GIFT HARRISON'S HIGH-CLASS JEWELLERY STORE OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST, quality - considered. Every article we sell is guaranteec4 to be just as represented by us. DIAMONDS 'if you anticipate buying a Diamond, call and let us show you our line. We are always pleased to show you our goods. Our Diamond values are extraordinary. WATCHES Our Watch values for Christmas cannot be beaten. Both ladies' and gents' Watches are greatly reduced. It will pay you to call on us. CUFF LINKS Solid Gold Links, $3.00 to $4.50. Rest quality Gold-filled .Links, $1.00 to $2.50. Plain or fancy. Engraving free. Our prices are right and designs numerous. 1.1 3AHTA CLAUSI is never more delighted than when he visits Smith's jrrf Store, which is full to the door of the beautiful things which are his favorite gifts. We can tell you of a few of the many lines of goods in this store, but you must come and see them to appreciate their variety and excellence. pleturus.—I n an immense range style, subject, size and price. of Picture Braminn.—Over 250 varieties of picture moulding to choose from. Christmas Stationery.--Papeteries i n pretty designs. Christmas Cards and Booklets. Christmas Post- cards. Chige.- -In Wedgewood, Royal Doul- ton and Japanese, very select and at reasonable prices. leather Snoods.—Handbags, Purses, Cardcases, etc. Military Brushes in leather cases. Statuary.—Some handsome pieces t tot -t suitable for Christmas gifts. Fancy Wort.- Embroidered Cushion - tops and Centrepieces, Fancy- work Bags, Tie -racks, Collar and Cuff Boxes, etc. Everything in Fancywork Suhplie.. . (ammered Brass, pierced Brass, Organrental Baskets, Bric -a - brae We shall be pleased to have you call and see our goods. L SMITH'S ART STOKE 11 EAST STREET, - (30DERIC!-1 J rhe Sensori `s )►, Best Wishes r TIE' PINS Best quality gold-filled, plain Signet Tie SOC to 75c. Solid gold, set with real pearls, $1.50 to Pins, $10. VVe have some exceptionally good values and designs in solid gold Tie Pins. CUFF LINK AND TIE PIN SETS Best quality, gold-filled, plain neatly cased in silk -lined boxes. $2.00 to $2.50. for engraving, Special value, Our goods are all specially marked for Christmas. You will save money by buying your gift here. You will also find the best assortment of Jewellery ever seen in Goderich. Be surer to see our Christmas Window for Suggestfogs WALTER H. HARRISON eweller and Optician, on the Square Open Evenings The Store of the Christmas Spirit to the refJere pi .Siena). Come tn.tl;r lint i ` 1 lie-ta,•r- at. [e r the beet=s ., Cardie: .Ice Crean? - Oysters, etc. 0111 Ohoeolb tea anti Bon -hone in handsome mei; ti tat ifs n Foxes, at all pricer, m n k . elegant Christmas gift.. )(r en's Edwards 'MIMIC _ •� aple Leaf Grocery S. J. YOUNG 'Phone 52 HAMILTON STRUT The Skillful Housekeeper Knows how much depends at the Christmas season on baring the best groceries and Christmas fruits forjter baking. We have a stock that has never been surpassed by any store in this County. including R11 Ins. Carnets, Proses. Page. Flavorists. Grapes, C,eraherrle., Peaches, Jams, Aprkets, Jellies, Pickles, Mosey, Syrup, Molasses, Pure Spices. Shelled Wal - sats, Shelled Almonds and Asserted Nets. Anel the many other things vett peeve fox ' . Merry Xmas.' la Sausages, films .ed il.ma atsd other dainty stats we tea mit the s.ost fastidious fasts. Daley W Orsiosty Bettor rte speeiatties with a.. No order in nor lies ton small 1 receive attention, sr tato large Io be Silk ?ice N — . axil All Ready For Christmas Copyright Book:-. - A toll t l •,-k of all the nate Cop)rrisbi. Ho let i, "ithvmew cf a [lofting $►on,'. try ft, t•-r'.W. S.: ' tt -,r4 $1.5n. '"RlackCreek stol•ping•Ifnuee. • Mrs. Mc('inng, $1.00. - t.'orp..ral 1'atneron," Ralph ('ounor, $1.7.; "Hollow of Her !land,'. Geo. l3arr Mot-liehMI,. $1 ,. "Streets of /k.^et^n,"pc .lest Chambers. gl.�i. "The Long Pat b+ /Indy. tel.2..".. wort .lose, of (Alpe , Books for Young People ('hums, $1 %in. Hove Own, 81,7 Girls Own, $1.75, Re. ut ('hwtterhox,, 7.'.' Busted Br,.wn, title. Foxy Rrar.dl e (itti, h. -+.isles a full -tock of Toy l'irtnre Hooks ranging p: ifs from : e .n,. linen Toy WA- from Ee rap to $1:9). Imported Papeteries in dainty lhoxes suitable for Christmas Gifts. rnngila; i• p: i<•, trout 2 r. up to S."J0. imported Brass Goods Hruoz,' and Copper Goods, Sterling Silver. and English Plate. Inirorted Cut (;las., English China. Royal Crow. Derby. Minton, Con/port. also two special linen in stock ps' terns, Lime+g•-s French China. and plain White and Oold.^ Christmas Post Cards Taint, Scali. ctr.. ranging in price from lr, rap. The Colonial Book Store GEO. PORTER, Prop., Goderich REDUCEDPRICES IN MILLINERY From now until the end of the season we will clear out the balance of the Fall and Winter trimmed and untrimmed Hats at Greatly - Reduced Prkes These will be found to be genuine bargain& including smartly well -trimmed Hats of best quality and material. MISS DONOGII The Sinal TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS $1.00 S to Jan. 1st to14. for