The Signal, 1912-12-12, Page 6• Tommast. Dzontssa n. 1Stl THE SIGNAL : GODERICH' ONTARIO 11) aliY e T nuA int by Amsrlean Plies emssbtlse. NI, two, three, four, Are, six. seveu." Kathryn counted twice on her slim brown en gats. acrd each time she **b- ed • doleful sigh. "Seem unlooked for guests coming to eat Christmas dinner with aa and not a sign of any Christmas dinner or of the wherewith - a1 to procure It. There isn't a thing but bacon and potatoes and turnips in the hoose unless' it L an onion or two." "You forget the quash. Kathryn." mildly interposed her brother Tom, with mock serious visage and dancing Ufa Kathryn, fresh fron4 boarding school, bad attempted an elaborate and ultra - scientific garden the summer before with tangible results In the form of • single well grown squash, drought, UI management and various pest. having played havoc with the other things. Kathryn's dreams of a tidy Income from the sale of treeb vegetables and of a possible prise at the fall Lair van- ished Into thin air. But the squash was teuderly borne to the cellar by Tom and nrrfuly guarded as a me- mento of Kn.'iri'•Ye brave it futile at- tempt to sieve , the evil day when the dreaded mortgn 'e, like n dark bird of prey, should swoop down and carry off the little home. Kathryu war t•ou,idered a very elev. er girl at boarding acbool and by all her legluu friends at horn.. She could paint strange birus that a naturalist would have beeu et a lose to ctasstfy end flowers uuknoss u to the science of botany, do fancy sewing and nwrveluur embroidery, and write charming verse. though, alas, the editors were surpris- ingly obtuse to the latter fact! Be- sides which she was able to talk vol ubly !t) I•Yeucb and coald rattle off D ome lively two steps and schottisches on tbe piano -12 she had possessed such an tustruweot But none of these accomplishments were exchangeable for COLD ut the realm In the little country village on the outskirts of which they lived, and as they bad only Tom's meager salary as a grocer's clerk to fall bark on, It soon came to pass that shabby gar- ments and the plainest of plain tare were the order of the day, in their tc,usehold. Kathryn's angers itched to help her brotber bear the burden of support. She longed to add her mite to the family lm••ome, but as yet had not struck her "nlrbe." She did not know quite enough to teach, and there was no vacancy In either of the two village dry goons stores. On this Christmas eve there was lees than a dollar in the house, and be- sides herself, her mother and Tum, they had received notice that seven guests would be with them for the Christmas holiday -distant relatives, wbo had standing Invitations to"come up to our house for Christmas some- time." and who by a coincidence bad chosen the same date to accept the in- vitation. There was Aunt Mettle and her twin boys, Cousin Wilbur and his n ew wife, Auut due and Uncle Hiram -quite a tableful at any time. and cer- tainly an enormous crowd to be provid- ed with Christmas dainties with a fund at lees than a dollar. It began to look aa if they must break their rigid rule never tea 'go in debt. even for the necessaries of I11*, and ask the village grocer to trust them, a very bdmillating alternative. After Tom's brilliant remark. which abs had been expected to take as a K. eels QiAMSIT. a.QtiST. sad DEVI T HONG Def, psee tree leer --nab/ Too dotal eves s ro:•ae1 KIND et del\ fear good..,. assn., .t -.a.1111161•11.•• teW r.. ere ressL. . Sire the I.e. Cater Geed, Nosey eo..sM...d a est« ac•t•. rondo. of Drat... •..• .tsr Ta • SO INa0e1-a1atAau.OA CO.. Nor...[. C.a.ds. ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics FREE ��. large 61 -page bouts .th ..- eertl. on the common dews*.. of .tock and poukrr. Tell. hos to feed all kinds of hes.y sued tght horses. colts and marts. mach cows. calves and fattening .tear.. also boa to keep sad fend poultry eo that they will lay - well in enter a, in summer. 1t contains 360 r,c rotuenda (ram all over Canada. from people r M liar used our good,. No farmer .h.uld be •,the., tt Yr, eon fatten swab and hogs in a month's 1.-$.* time by seise our 'Royal Purple Stock bocci,- than ,ss. meld potuWy do without it tbortti .arise • months fired and lotto,: orni the cost to you triU sot be stare than il.bo for . a ode or tie: for oar steer. it will keep yo.r-.r...' in. aeon condition with ordinary herd 1f you have • poor. miserable -look - animal on yter place try it on this 011.- 1 t,1 sed .e.- the manvraous .result whirl .111 • N;•yin•d Our Stock Sp.tier vel' increase t • • teak flow three to is, 1M, er cow per dr•-. whil- b.- nut fed an tie stable. A see pet"-..aae wi:i ia'.t a now rtr tires ie daze. •:OY:41. I'. RPLE t')L'LTRY SPECIFIC • .that: .lour hen- l50 Just as well. in the • . ec a. It toe-umrtrr. and will keep them ft from •'r+c•a..... Three rook . are purr grid tohdterr -4We do sot use env ebeap filler o stake * large package. entirely different l•,•', any 0,1 the .market at the pre•rnt tem-• • " vat Purr:. Rtc•rk Specific, See pckgs.: fou- . -.1e Ache... $n :.0 airtight. tin. for 81.69.• .:'ra! •Purp'e Poultry Specific: 35a• and 54c pekoe.. amt 11 sir tight tin- that hold lots- b0. o 's. - R. yet Purple [.ice Killer, _nee and '?e this. ve by nisi!. -.vnl Purl•:rGa.1 Cure, 25c and 30e tin,: Stic ISmail. •• R••vi! Pew,. Sweat Linimrtrt, 3-Ic tattle;.60e n, moil. P. .,sl Pt. .'.• Cough Cort-. bete tin ; 60. by nul. - Roal Pur.. .Ui.•infeetant; abe and set tins. Royal Purple -Roup Cure. 25e tine: 3.1e by man. arra, Pterp'r Worm Powder. 2Se tins; Sec by ',Si' I. e. ' Manufactured only by TheW.A.Jenklins Mfg. Co. •- Logsdon, Canada We will rend absolutely fret for the asking, postpaid. one .1 our "Royal Purple Supplies end Book lets may be obtained trona" A.. J. Cooper, Flour and Feed. Goderich. .. Or. Morse's Indian Root Pills are not a new and untried remedy— our grandfathers used them. Half a century ago, before Confederation. they wereon sale in nearly every drag or general store in the Canada of that day, and were the recognized cure is thousands of homes for Constipation Indigestion, Biliousness, Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To- day they are just as effective, just as reliable as ever, and nothing better has yet been devised to Is Cure Common Ills • VW -IPF TP.RM FROM JAN. lad. -I..IOTT Tcruuto. (int. ('.,•",[s'. High ' ornm ivr clal Reboot! Highly recommended by former 'tudents. Oradaetee in grunt/ demand. Write for Lew eetaioa.u. Shaw's Schools Toronto, I'anada. Include the t'entr.l nurses., toucan. T... tees -rat 1ern, 'graph and Kallroad Reboot, and row %ily Branch Bittner bobesie All pro - ride sasellest eearoel, lead[ssgn� to stood notarised amities*. Free catslo.u. oe request. Witte for It. W. 14. Shaw. est Head (Aloe. Yortge and Ger- rard . t'oreoto. - T. Swans' 'Bus, Livery aid Baur Stables MoteraRAL ti'rIJICT JRteT OPT THIN KW Atli 'BUSKS MBILT Ai.1. TRAINS AND : PAM$1tNORR : BOATS Pusongers called for in say part of the town for all grains at G. 1'. R. or O. P R. depots. Prompt eervioe and careful sue,. Our Livery and dark service wilt ba teed op- to-date rto-date le ewer) raj -..t Your patrooege sAleleed LSRYS s :•Nasal Sires t' ' • • rarely humorous hit, Kathryn gaged at him admiringly for a monism "You think you're funny, Tom Wrennet, but you're not," she told bltn. "Squ•ah pie will be a grateful addition to our boiled potatoes and turnips and oolong and other Christ- mas dainties. Surely no one ran say that I blistered my Angers and freck- led my nose In vale over that ger- man. rbas, slit.. :y oue and lonely product Is to feed the Christmas guest" "Never mind, rhlldren," broke in their mother, laying down the letter that had just curve Nom Aunt Mot- tle. attnouncIng the arrival on the mor, ,ng train of ber•elf and her twits boyo. "we can et least do our beat to make our guests feel at home and try to enjoy their visit It is hard not to he able to entertain tbem as tbey have ...in the pant. but what can't be cured, uti know, moat be endmsd" "Mother's a briekr exclaimed impar sive Torn. "Aad I move that we ten der her s rote of thanks for her little Cbrlatmas apeecR" Wberenpon be gave her a rousing kiss and a bear bug and went out into the yard ace d own Into the cellar atter the squash When be rime up from the depths or the dark/mots cellar to where Kathryn stood expectantly waiting, be dropped limply no to an opturoed box neer by anti fanned blmaelf weakly with bla Md hat. He opened his moots twke in is rain and apparently desperate at tempt to streak and thew subsided Into Pilfers "Toon W ren tiet" demanded ells Me- ter. eeter. giving him an Iapattest shake. ' drip yteir Denson.• aad speat what's the matter?' -Ire-tee gseer gasper TOM. gaits as 11 •1r bad bean a dlaseu4 sort bra instead et • warty and Mabel• vegeta hie. 'Gamer .ebbed bb cheer Mertede- iammty "Who womb viral s •tees.? Legit the tamers aad same with me M b seer womb wars N oath OM mow MOD -lays W OftegittV ilM0 � Mat Ti. was these years Mr =der. Ti. elbetllaaty° procured the Mebarni ifrea the woodshed, and together the/ expleeed the abler. the had tenet • let et time then when shebed gest returned frets homilies wheel OWN sheet with the vale hope et lessee, gra.dtather 'Car's mosey. de bad cease to make W hose wtth them a few Warne peseta.+ to Ms death from MI age oats the year before, aad once they bad caught blas playing with a heedful of gold pieces as • child would amuse Melt with a let of pebbles. Se bed quickly blddee them trots right. .bwever. with Ma nervous. Mallet begs aad though be sometimes bab- bled of his "treasure" and W nee, tune" ao one ever saw them agate. Ooh Kathrya had surprised bit coming out of the cellar with a shovel la his Mad, the damp earth stuff cling- ing to It, and be had slipped away guiltily. After his death she remem- bered the tocident and sormlaed that he had buried bis money in there for safe keeping. It meld not be mach. of coorse. not more than =100 or so, bat that would be a fortune to them in their present Wakened circum- stances, and .be felt It no wrong to the dead man, wbo had been but little more than a child, to unearth the mon- ey and put It to good use, for It did no one any good in Its hiding place. But months of vain searching had dispelled the hope of ever finding tt, If It had been concealed there, and now she gazed a little disdainfully at the deep boles and beeps of dirt which marked her former efforts. Suddenly she underwent a revulsion of feeling. The little excavations and correspond- ing mounds of earth seemed to her overwrougbt mind symbolical of her constant effort and conataut failure to be of use to In. -self or tbose she loved "Oh, Tom!" she moaned. burying her face In his coetaleeve and trying to smother her sobs. "1 wish I could do something -anything -to help you. It'a a shame you and Betty have to put off your wedding just because you have us to take care of. and me young MD was TIE — CHAIST CHILD BORN? i T is sot generally bows that there is • grave question as to we actual date of Christ's home. For marry moturloa we bare celebrated Christmas ou Dec. Lai and Mee sot troubled ourselves with ehresologial Inquiries. That counts le ee doubt ressooabie aad proper. toe the eburcbas bate •aactlosed It As a matter of tact, few modern theologians and eIro•otogtsts agree as ell the dab Of the birth of the Mvtour. What most of them agree In, bowever, b that It did not occur on Ora 25. A point on wbleb these is still mon •nanlmity Is that Christ was cot bora le the year whish we call 1 A. U. Me was bora at least tour years earlier. The present method of c000tittg the years was Introduced by the nomas abbot Dloeysius Ezigaua in the sixth cautery and came into general use two (notaries later, during the reign ort Oharlemagoe. Hs placed the Na- tivity on Dec. 25, 754, A. U. O. -L e.. after the founding of Roma Nearly all chronologists agree that be was wrong by about tour years. Cbrtst, according to them, was born 750 A. U. C., or 4 B. C., 11 not earlier. Mach evtdeoce le offered In support of this. Accrerding to alattbew 11 I Christ was born In the days of Bing Herod I. or the Great. wbo died, ac- cording to Josepbua, at Jerlcbo A. I. U. 750, Nat before the Passover. ills date has been verified by the astro- nomical sttonomical calculations of the eclipse of the moon. whirl) took plate on Merril 18 In the year 750 A. U. t:., a Kew days before Herod's death. Allowing two mouths or more for the events between the birth of Christ and the murder of the innocents by i Herod. the nativity must be put t' t: -k at least to February or Januar) . .50 A. U. C. or 4 R. C. The star wbtf•b guided tbe wise mea has been brought Into service in the attempt to fie the birth of Christ with scientific accuracy Between 1603 slid 1604 the great astronomer Kepler ob- served a (wajunetlon of Jupiter and Saturn, wblcb was made more lumi- nous by the addition of Man in the month of March. 1604. In the autumn of the same year he observed near tip planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars a new fixed star of uncommoD brillisacy. It was blasting and glittering "like the moat beautiful and glorious torch ever seen when driven by a strong wind" and seemed to Kepler an "et- ceedingly wonderful work of God." He tbougbt that this pbeso.eooe might lead to the determination of the date of Christ's birth. By careful axle 1 Write Ideas for Moving Picture Pays y Y OU, CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND EARN $25.00 Olt MORE WEEKLY e Will Show You Howl If you have ideas --ll you an THIMH-we will show you the seams of this fascinating new gto (melon. Positively no experience of literate exoelleace mammary. No -flowery language" Is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big 111* manufacturers are "Luo and earth" in their attempts to net enough plots to .0 "molting heaven offering $100.1.'0, and mote, for single aoenaricia, or written Ideeea. ' ever y denmasd. y are We have received many letters from the 1111 titanuraetur',q, =oh as VITAGRAPH, EDISON, RSSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAR, IMP, REX, RELIANCE, CHAMPION, UOMET, MIMING, ETC., urging us to send pbotoplays to them. We want more write,', and we'll gladly tea= you the eser.ta of succea.. We are selling photoplayc written by people wbo r "nlber be/ore wrote a line for publication.'' Perhaps we can do the sine for you. If you ea • thick of only one good idea every week and will write it out as directed by us. and it eetUs for only b.' •.210-a low figure - YOU WILL EARN $100.00 f1ONTIILY FOR SPARE TIME WORK FREE sOEUR ILLU TRAT DABND OOK.DMOVINO Opt: IOE RF.RPYWRI?INOF, ik)n't hesitate. Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession may mean 1•n• you and your future. National Authors' Institute, 1543 Broadway, New York City ul The Signal TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS to Jan Ist, 1914, for $1.00 Housework Drudgery ! dtioueiework is drudgery for the weak woman. She brushes, duals and scrubs. w is on her feet all day attending to the many details of the household, her bads seb- iag, ber temples throbbing, nerves quivering under the stress of pain, possibly dizzl feelings. Sometimes rent in bed is not refreshing, because the poor tired •crves do sot permit of refreshing sleep. The real need of weak, nervous women is satiated by Ur Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and as Mn. Briggs sad others testily • It Makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Well. This "Prescription" reeaa ores the cease of woea's weaknesses, eats Inflammation eat aleerotion. It Iranyall/zes the nerves, oaseii.gos tit. appetite mad ladaces restful sleep. Dr. Pierce is perfectly willing to let everyaose know what his " Favorite Prescription " contains, a complete list of i.• grediegts on the bottle -wrapper. Do not let any drugdiel persuade you that his unknown composition is "Jost es gm's is order that be may make a bigger profit. Mss. Sauna. Balms, of 529 N. Washington 8t, Delpbos, Ohio, writes:. „Having taken our, Favorite Prescription for a bad cue of Intestinal dand constipation with woman's I:ls, for which I was almost unable to do any- thing, I think I am sate In saying_that there are no renedfes Y � In the world like Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 11 health, and thank DTr. Pierce for his a-'tmediccllnei which have done me a world of grad." Iia ■aso•a Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate liver tr d bowels. PLUMBINtI Let W. It. Pinder know you have anything to he dobe in Baveatrnoghing Metal Work of Electric 1% $ring. Estimate= furnished and work guarantee.'. Vie keep a full line of fixtures and supplier on band and all loch work will receive cur prompt and careful attention. We lave a nuwher of drat- • claw cooking Stoves, the Barnet Gocd Cheer and the F:nipire Steel Ranee. Call and see then[. Repair work of all kinds drone at moderate r»t. W; R. PINDEK Hamilton Street G.1.ti.h The Chalice of Courage ` se eteseet eeP s "Komar r sex axobLutiD. and dro•g. Just as moos se Wuistmes b over I am going to try to get a place to do Common housework. 1 jest can't stand for you to have to bear all the burden." "Such, little ataterr Tom drew her dose, with big brotherly sympathy. -It hasn't quite come to that yet. and you mustn't think of leaving home. Tau are not strung .sough for suck work." Drying bar eyes as best abe could she began looking around firer the squash. Sbe found it at lest-tt bad only rolled Into OD, of the boles that she bad dug sear the wall Tom held the lantern sear and abe polled It out of the bole. la doing which sae dislodg- ed the earth from the wall above and down came a rain of damp dirt With tt came a small glue jar wblch bad *Meetly been imbedded la the wail With a wild cry Kathryn seized It and beid It op to the light of the Iaa- tern. "Moneyr atm gasped. "Gold pieces aad greenback& tkaadtathees for- tune. Tom! Come upstairs, ealckt Never =ad the.quesbr A moment later she poured the mousy into ber emanated mother's lap aad was counting It over, tr. Wig with joy mod excitement "O.., two. three• foam. eye, six, me - se," abe counted as abe had dose am- ber la the 'vetting. oey tale time there was no Crow• Go bir teem. "Reveal buadred dears ---e hundred for each camel Surely that oegbt is teed 'eml Was there ever *web leek? Why. That. It w111 pay the .ort age and give yea • hest egg Ia the beak, and we can h ave sixes pew aid sew yen can Mlle- ry SetV. aad we can Rave her b dosser tomorrow aid • big fat turkey, and we wos't he vs >• go la debt, aad wVl sate the turkey with *Mere aid P at • thew mrost 1• Aust Maine's ewe, 'mese the oat ass's sisgeaestvI, =ha= Mum puddles she enaberry 4ad them she ebtap ed for out of Meath sad W bar tree es Tame tl4dbr and Mem[ hole learn bet a semen Niter ale belied up 10 soft e t respb..Vy ehr.Sa bar Isere see eq: "'there. sow. lbw Wnaastt Whet M 1 hadn't cabled tilt agl m car By CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY 'ria OZIOIM (-elation he ascertained that a similar conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. with the later addition of Man and probably some extraordinary star, took piece repeatedly between the years Ter aad 748 A. 11. 0. The discovery of Kepler was CMOS Mpsates until the nineteenth century, when It was idepeedesty confirmed by several ennead astronomers. among them Behobest of St Peters- burg, etersberg, ldaler and Be ncke of Berlin and Pritchard of London. The majority or theologians agree that the date of Christ's birth mono* be axed accurately from the New Ta. - tamest oe from any other source, A Perfect Shri•tmee. Inst am try to Imagine what a scale the world would present if all man the earth around could hays and enjoy one perfect 0brletmas-one day in which the Christmas spirit should manifest Itself in every =eau heart le all 1m, happiest. truest, largest met Mob What • foretaste et A. mUI•.obm suck a day would 11.1 What sorrow. would be mitigated, what misery car sagged. whet enentlea jealears, ella terse.., would be batted newer to b• renewed! Baca a C1 btems eyes fee ear day would he a source et luster arsble bla.ing to the wortd, It could sot tail to break the Casae et buena e sigebsses beyond r.etee.ltes aad she essay whim of 11i.d.•ts and geed will Bowing. sever to erase Wblls sash a Arietmas, .,as ter • day. ms extol only to tae nalm eat dreams. tt wltW or power M rhe met ream Wag tairletass s•s•srably Mise k by trombones or whims late elude, b maths/ the bast est ear smut she sp Perth la to rhe tete • tittle MOM ee aad • Mtn• sweeter ter theme emus • lied • rale ttwnr Thee the We we .seg Indy wish ter all .aatheg.-(.gr We Weeny. The Wool ill molt. "RIM d• yes wase tot Obrislises this year. Jebsr sales sir wMs. '1 than tars." her+lisa `um 'tgss," abe ebb VII int pee firsh ag Its tele SOW A Masterly Romance of a Man and a Maid Alone in the Mout Co�of jw ado No `e sound lb poll dozy saliii pihi is Marg- QA Weston story of love and advah're, but one unhlie any other ever before written. Mole, powerful, and with a fascination that will hold you a willing and pleased reader to the end. Don't Miss the Opening Chapters Finer (NthTAL.M<NT NSXT WtIN