The Signal, 1912-12-12, Page 3TSR SIGNAL : 3ODERIC I. ONTARIO THIRTY-FIVE MILLIONS FOR THREE DREADNOUGHTS To Be Handed Over to the British Ad- miralty and to Be Manned and Maintained by the Mother Country -No Evidence of the Much -Her- alded Emergency. BEWARE OV IMIITA- T10N8. gULD ON THS ri111TS OI IINLRD'S NUENT BO0KBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. gULD D.ETTERINO 00 LEATHER 000D9 AUot 4et ed to on intros them at H Goderteb. A. E. TAYLOR. $'r Tronas MEDICAL Ib' ' W. F. UALLOW. M. B. Utlirs.al sediaase. Meta street. Ooderteh, o lith of Hamate gaele ey sees- Telepboae 121 IIR. F. J.T . R. FOIL i'ER-KYR, EAR, j1 ram all cwt oats. Hesse nurseoe. Cee Yost tioIdsa al- t otdtswta. sad la.mreleli lyre H,..pttat t, Qf S. Waterloo Street at noes tea, gees Church. Hors to 12a. ak.,tftso a p. nt. hose. 01. Telepbon .c, etc sad `suet institute, art Maw and )treat Hospital. LEGAL ()Uses., I)ec. 7, -At last Premier Burden has bt•ougbt down his tetupor- ary expedlept to tide over the Govern- msmt's emergency regarding the navy. 1t malls tot a gift of 1E16,000,0u° of Can- adian money to the Imperial Admir- alty for the construction of timer of the finest w.atern warships that science can devise or moony buy. These vessels are to be constructed io Koplend and tut nod over to the Brit- ish AdmirIlly as last as built, manned by thew welt British officers and crews and added to the equipment of Um fleet for such service as the Admiralty may think fit. also to be tnaiotafned entirely by the royal navy. In all his lengthy address Mr. Bor- den proceeded upon the assumption that there was a stringent emergency which demanded ti immediate outlay of large some of money by Canada to help the Mother Country to .tide over the situation. But nothing in bis speech backed up this assumption. It was carefully planned to .bow this, sod everything that had been said during the pert few wuutbs by the British Prince Minister, Rt. Hon. Mr. Asquith, or the First Lord of the Ad- miralty. Rt. Hon. N-inatoo Churchill, was carefully rinuinutroi, mince their utteraocie OJ the naval gnestion have been uniforwly to show that theme it no present danger of war, and that should, there be such danger nut only was Great Britain in position to pre- serve the necessary supremacy 00 borne waters, but, iu case of necessity, to spare enough vessels to • trend a for►uidable squadron to the aid ut any of the overseas dowtnwus. The Prime Minietet geve an elabor- ate account of his visit to Great Brit- ain which he real from copy furnished in advance to the Government press. in which he outlined the negouaciohs is otbsr :nature, elate tely is devotkin and Toy. ally to the British umpire" -a state- e reat which was cbe+ted by the whole House. Deal) bele! with the ateureo- dusa Sir Wilfrid ut pointed out bow ho- poss OIe It was to Inject anything into ti suggestive of an Iwtsudiate crisis, and said: "The people of this country will be glad to firms that we have not D OW to deal with any etsergeocy, but with that new 000iition existing not only In Europe and the Britiah Em- pire but all over the world -the ten- dency towards exoeesive armament." In dlgoifled manner the Opposition leader then pointed out that it would be unusual and impossible under the circumstanoas to discuss the pressure on the Bret reading, and intimated that he would be prepared to lay down the Liberal views when the matter is again taken up on Tuesday. OTTAWA NOTES. UIIOCI)FOUT, HAYS a KILLOR- AN, t,arrlmps. solicitors, notaries public:. proctors in tie Maritime Court. ora Private fund. to lead aS lowest rates of interest. calor. C.,t die Square.Uo.lerich. W. i'it e* '00T, K. C.. IL C. HAYS. J. L. KILWitAN. • laQ. CAMERON, K.. 0.. BARRIS- . TER. sonabor. notary Public-ooU®tes- rrauutltoe Street. Oudwich. (bled rom Square. cAItLES GARROW, LL.B.. BAR- Keay antarsee. ..w.• Oode� Monty to lead at maven nue. � us11 0. JOHNSTON, BARRIbTER,' .. sonci.or. atetraledsn•r, *Mart pobUc. , rtllow. Hamilton acme, Oodtbb. Ont. AUCTIONEER. 11HOM S OUNDRY 1 AVCTIONSLR Hos /17.Ood.rl . AU in.treolioss by mnall it lett at SISYI •S:e will be promptly at- tended to. llerlimoe televises* 11Y ISSUE/JD. LOANS. ETC. - Stink 000 PBIVAT1S FUNDI TO AM.rasa. Ape 10 M. 0. CAfs- EKu i- b.aTalar. itenttton street. Ood.riob. R. ROBERT$Ols. . 1NSURANCs AO1.VT. Vine imp LI HTNtse : ,)kitlab. Cinadlas and AC7DaMT� Yllala LOP ylWtpTaw' Lush. Tv: as uosal « sod Ouarset.ee ivaurYills0 Bacup: Tbs'U.S. rustier and f Owiliwat. umos at redden" ■ est assay of u1c- lorta and at. Dav'id'sstreet.. 'b' • 176. tJURN W. ()RAMA. LIFE. FIRE mud soetdsst te.tmatMa A Leadng ,usual and .task aat lowest rates. ll at o.a�asmrw* .V. sripad&mar or addren J. W. OSMIUM Galeria. 1'dep•sene 1t- L1cKtL.OP MUTUAL FIRS 1N Al BUR A N C 1C C O. -rats aid belated Posseaderth RO. �� ' Pl.�O Osastaaore. was Jae Direetoes-1J. u. Wi•t%w Wma�Blew. Joan ltmrtssla :7aiw Baas. ilsssit tri ; Jahn Malesio Mo��tat��be•saaatsss a�sst� Harie•k. G1 , i n)arlt►,to WHITEWAbH APPLIED TU BYE - ELECTION CHARGES. Hon. Robert Rogers Gets Out of the House when Liberals Make It Hot for Him over the Macdonald Out- rages-Mondou Amendment Re- ceives Very Little Support. Ottawa, Dec (l.-Oo Tuesday night the debate on the speech (tont the Throne cultninaird in a etrai,fbt p.rty vote by which Premier Burden and his follower+•. including the National - Pre ettb tb. debate ds swab aies• w /broom Ian to prevent thePremier (rout bidag Clown his val propositions. o seed shows n0 evidence of this. Throw bout the whole debate it pro- ceeded In trveggtutlar wanner, with ener- vation of Li beral• and Conservatives, while it had been arranged between the party whips that the vote .bonld be taken on Tuesday night -which was the tint occasion on which a Li- beral followed a Liberal. Further I than that, Sir Wilfrid and his follow- ers joined the Government side in trot - log down Mr. Mondou's innopportune amendment without discussion. In point of time occupied the Liberals undoubtedly were in the Ieiad, and for a vary greed reason. They were press- ing the attack and giving fullest evi- dence to support their criticisms re- garding the Macdonald bye -election. The Government supporters were try- ing their beet to forget and avoid that disgraceful episode -hence they soon found brevity the better part of dis- cretion. Borden His Own Press Agent. An amazing precedent has been set by Mr. Borden with regard to the naval announcements wade on Thurs- day. and one whish comports neither with the dignity of the Prime Minis- ter nor with the non-partisan treat- ment of the naval question which be has been demanding. Acting along the lines of the circus booster he sept his speech embodying the naval pro- poeals to the leading Conservative journals of the. Dominion several days before it was delivered, to be "re- leased" when he :more in the House on Thnraday. Not content with this, the sperch, some flue theueend words of it, was committed to a leading news agency, and cabled to England for distrihution amongst friendly papers there there atr 0000 as the ri,inal was tots, lowed to expires their approval given faun -Ottawa, by the Premier. of the outings' committed in the Mac- So that for days hetore i he announce- donald bye -election by the R.•gers- meet wvr wade Mr. Boidenr speech Roblin eowbin, tram. During. over a' was lying in cold type to newsy+per week of debate this sul,jeot had been i offices of two continents, neatly fixed uppermost, and every detail of the . u and interpolated w i. h"Hear, hear," bed hurinees 'bind been laid ba. e. , ..�',t11 1 applause," "Cheers," stud so on, backed by the affidavits of tbe victaua'at what seemed floing placer. and by the afflrtuationu vt three mew-' Alai t al ogee her from t he' dignity ben of Parliatu. ut uu t beir honor stud, Or prudence of such en e.oergency- responsibility as such. It was shown foci hid to seeume primp, publicity, it that a vrritael.- reign of terror bed etc- • shows an evident tack of sincerity in fisted in Macdonald ; that Liberal' the PI -sutler. He has for long professed wurkers had t.ecu h.tiuuded by (love/ n- to I,0,r az no Imperial statesman, and went drteciives nod policy, arrested urged that his Imperial naval between himrelt and his colleagues wiiu.,ttt cause, jailed without deflate and the British Ministers and Auwir- charge, l.l-tteated in ptiroa, offered ally omlctals. As a result of lb's' release if they. would ordure (been - negotiations he presented a weworan- silver with plea. 01 guilty. bullied dun which bad (wen furnished hie by with forged dreuwents 10 nu effort to the Admiralty. settwg torch .the post- prove thew guilty, soarcned like wale - tion of affairs. But instead of giving facture, forbidden access to their law - copies of this m moiaodum to tun yers, refused bail and spirited around House before the opening of the sen- trove piece to place in an effort to Sion be carefully preserved it, so that snake them obey the will ot the tiog- no one but himself knew what was the err•Rubhn „bet. nature of the arguweute to be brought No case a-uld, have been more down, and Sir Wilfrid Laurier and clearly established. It was even ad - the other leaders of the Liberal party witted by such T. ries a. W. F. Ma. -- were deliberately placed at a diead- Lean and J. H. Burnham of West vantage iR considering the proposi- Pet rboro' that the matter was one of tioustobe made -el of which was great gravity wboch demanded quite contrary to the recognized Sys- prompt investigetioo. Charge after ten of the British Parliament, where charge was made, proof after proof naval matters especially are treated was driven home by every evidence on a national rather than a p.uty I honorable men could demand or doe basis. l honest men dread. Little of this, bow - The gist of this memorandum was ever, was beard by Hun. Robert Rog- tbat, while during the past years the I ens, After wakrug a brief defence of British fleet had been steadily increes- the outrages, Rot denying the facts in in power and efl.ciency, all the but trying to make thein appear of other Ratiooshad been increasing, 50' little importance, he left the chamber, that while the British fleet was unex- and seldom re-entered until the vote ampled in striking force the combined was Laken. Bente of other 0au00a bore a much And the upshot was that the Gov - greater relation of power than in pre- eminent summoned all its forces and vious years wheu many were content at the crack of the patty whip they to go without a powerful navy. voted their approval of the lawless As a result it was set forth that it outrages in Macdonald and the open bad been found necessary to conceit- attempts at corrupting n w sole ridiug trate the fleet in home waren, in the in Richelieu. The Premier was the "decisive theatres" of soy possible tint to vote that everything was all European war, so that whereas in 1902 right, and be was speedily followed by lei. (?lt's Otiirs,e MOM% *emit W ALT= � yu J. P.. muss Of t[aBBias lactims QS. swim PARLOR KDFORDB1.0011 1 JIE$R8BOP. offers Owls w�NBtisB vrM M aegreelaMe. R. Ho�issstatsr. Forty years Tun use, 20 years the standard. pre- scribed and recommended by • physics. For Wo- man's Ailments, Dr. Mar tel's Pills, at your druggist- wesensemeemaak BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND ;•b,ecta bletglbt� strove* iesanottsrs . w�- s�R. -isloa CORP be. War am ..s_ a �a� there were ISO British vessels on the overseas stations today there were bur seventy-six. While it was shown that the overwhelming strength of the navy in home wr term was such as to ensure the Empire against succese- cul attack, this concentration at home to that extent weakened the forces at the overseas stations. Further the memorandum says :- "Anything which increases our margin in the newest ships diminishes the strain and augments our security and our chances of being unmolested." This is followed by assurances that whatever Canada may decide "at tbe present juoctute" Great Britain will not fail in her duty to the overseas do- uninio0s of the Crown. And again : "The aid wbicb Canada could give at the present time is not to be measured only in ships or money. Any action on the part of Canada to increase the power and mobility of the Imperial navy, and thus widen the margin of our common safety. would be recog- nized everywhere as a most siguiticant wiliness to the united strength of the Empire, and to the renewed resolve of the oversew dominions to take their part in maintaining its integrity." Not one word anywbere to indicate any emergency demanding immediate relief by what Mr. Winston Churchill called • "flinging .brut of million, on an impetuous impulse." Not until the lastggb is reached, and then the suggestion is that the emer- gency was made by Mr. Borden him- self : "The Prime Minister of tbe Domin- ion of Canada baying enquired In what form say immediate aid that Canada might We would be most effective, we hove no besitation iw answering_ altar a ptoionged oo.a'l- atioo of all the elretm etaneee that ie desirable that 'ash aid should iodide the imemet sol ships et Vat whits mimes can se me avYwot that Mr. setrdtn sisite7 �,di ng • psr,atyaewt etstlal' dile (l.a.d• Had be to be doubted that Lily ' Moak* nam that ass ~ was s create �.d at the ee tut Tan. and as was advised to do. and le Hoa. Mr. Hordes pro- be t that the Liberal distinctively • reel able.lbe rho bebel below: IAA htand- "th�•i iirw'y,Aim Is bow& 'be'".ewe w to ill tali. de- la � tMi' d7 die., lave that they eM hear ONmae Mao Y Lambe to his bold espy Bon. W. T. White, from whom better things might have been hoped and nest st of the party, and Sir Wilfrid's motion ceosuriog such practices was defeated v 119 to 71. popru.itiou he elevated. above the sphere of party politics. But quite apart from this hi. action was al- t.•gether wrong. Parliament was entitled to the that knowledge of the Premier's intention. and there present - at ives of the people were the ones whose tight it was to be the Bret to comment upon it from their seats in Pat liament. • Such an unstatesmanlike and parti- san procedu.e compares ill with the manner in welch lair Wilfrid Laurier and his Ministers approached the reciprocity announcement. There was no circus patter business, no partizan favors. Liberal and Tory were treated alike to jodicione silence until the proper time for the announce- ment, and then the people and press of all parties were given equal opportunity. Mr. Borden can hardly 'be said to have added to the dignity of his high office by descending to the methods of is press booster, and ignor- ing the rights of Parliament of which he is the leader. • Steered Tortuous Naval Coarse. Premier Hoiden has hardly shown qualifications which would fit him for an admii-alty post • in the Canadian nail-. His record on this question empty bean oho the Scripture -"Un- stable ae waterthou shalt not excel.' This is bow he has stee,.d his way dieting the past year o: two : 19J9 -Declared for a navy built, manned and owned in Canada. (The Laurier ppropoeal.l Feb., 1910-A Contribution equalling the cost of two Dreadnoughts, leaving the expenditu►e to the discretion of the Admiralty. Nov.. 1910 -Declared against con- tribution of any -kind without first consulting the people. 1911 -Made common cause in Quebec Province with the Nationalists. who opposed alike contribution or navy. 1912 -Chiefly spent hunting up Nome expedient which would satisfy the jingoes without antagonizing the Na- tionalists. Mondoa's Amendment Swamped The amendment presented by Mr. Moodou, the Nationalist member for Yamsska, was artfully frame) to catch the unwary. After perfunctory expressions of loyalty it set forth that while Parliament was prepared to take measures for the effective de- fence of Canada se a self governing colony it was not prepared to tax the people of the Dofninmon for the gen- eral defence of the Empire so long as the Imperial Government, solely re- sponsible to the people of the United Kingdom, retained exclusive control and direction of Imperial affairs. It was carefully designed to express something of what the Premier had said about sharing in the issues of peace and war, and also to synchron- ize with the Liberal doctrine of no taxation without representation. But again Sir Wilfrid showed him- self too astute to fall into any such trap, and broad statesman eoough to rise above the realm of partystorm. In a dignitled speech be admtted the importance of the issue involved, but considered the time inopportune to discuss it until the Government had announced its naval policy. Thera. fore without discussing the principles at ail be oppoeed the amendment With thle Mr. Bolden agreed. but followed with the Quibble : "It is not a question of taxation anib repreaeota- Goo. There is no proposal that the people of Canada shall be laxed except by their own reprewotatttves 1s Par- liament." But have the people so sight te.ay wbat shall be done with �y wham issues of such �•�,�y� are coder uotssid- eratM} tilt majority of the pso� of the Oovern- 1•set's �vs they not the right to say tit their taxes are com- mitted MINIIM int yeast: to nom. P Ilseralha Mame ,teasel s t both I the ea - e[ tooth � great winem been( a"IVMini► poetise tare and mtlebwe rwaay.orll°t their .Msssne'.. ably lyes, Maists. Amble% Barrette s. 1 Mr. lioodede awl teat w aMdm,Nt magassitheZde. or Oartier Oast “weipbre hile t undtattliag ue wesdtsty shod vets omen were s teleet the Oosrrva- tivo parry." ifs abeMwtise Anampeed. !.i♦sp{esmi rvativv.ass, have s. metle by the (]smsarvsM Weeperss to Reduction in the Cement Duty. Much debate has occurred in Perlis- tnent regarding the reduction in the cemeotduties last .ummer,which "hap- pened" to conic just before the Sask- atchewan elections, The way in wbfr b this Dominion aid to Provincial electionerrlug was engineered was plainly shown by Hon. Mr. Murphy. Hon. Mr. White," be said, `'declared that his action had nothing to do with politics. and the reduction in the cement duty 'happened'tosyocbronize with the Saakatebewan elections. Wby did not he say that the redaction was timed to synchronize with a certain banquet in Regina, and care- fully arranged by the Government stage manager, Hon. Mr. Bogen r The order -in -council giving tbe re- duction was passed Saturday, June ath, but was carefully concealed until it was annrouneed at Regina on June 10th with a blare of trumpets by Mr. lingers, who was organising the Con- eervativ.Iotoss in Saskatchewan. A clearer • attempt to influence the Provincial elections could not be imagined. ► r• en kggs. A middle-aged heebelor with matsi- monial aspirations and a partial taste for frwb owe was sitting enioying bb beeakfaat when be noticed this in w ipttnn on the egg : lb Whom it May Oooceern : - ShenM this meet the eye of some y}a�e�.nsgg mac who Seam tet marry a 11ABeer's deuglibmat years of with Maisie tie marriage best.. to write b geTand in a two .lays fats. 1 am essrrisd saw sad have fear ehildrwr." — tis made °Omura sad erltksem (sever bort afaybsdy if faktm. they emamot hart yea emblem aings.in seemly eberaetsr, and It treethey Avera mss W weak wad s.swace hilt .galest and trostia-oLdetene CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS: AT THE SCOTCH STORE Right now is the time to select your Christmas Gifts, before the rush and the bustle of the last few days. GLOVES The giving of Gloves is always a populargift. As we stock only Pet rinsgum auteed Wove-. it maker Glove buying perfectly tette at °uretore. ' Perrins, famous dollar Kid Gloves for ladle-, in all wanted colors, every AV pair guaranteed....... e Peri Inc'Eglantine Gloves for ladies, super gnsl.t) all colors. Per pair. Si •25 Peiriu's Lynton Driving Gloves. lie,vv make. all culors-a splendid wear- $1 00 I ing °love. Per pair...... ... • Ladies. Mocha Gloves. • Very special, per pair .................. $1.5U Ladies' 1tut•lined Gloves', exceptionally warm, snake u ,.handsome gift.$ 2.50 ,- Per pair.. Girls' and boys Kid Gloves. All sixes in I stock. All Gloves put up in fancy box if desired HANDKERCHIEFS Handkerchiefs are always appreciated. We have ready for your inspection a collection of Handkerchiefs -ladies' anti children's -that is probably the finest evet aasarubltd in Ooderich. Fancy white Handkerchiefs, daintily embroidered• in fancy boxes. Per $1 box 26c to 11 HAN D K'CH' FS —Con. Indies and gents' pure Linen initial Handkerchiefs -exceptionally good 25c value. Each Fancy Handkerchiefs froth. Witch. $2.00 UMBRELLAS Special Gift Umbrellas dor ladies. sterling silver handle.. newest design., silk and wool coverings. at each. t2 Del. ...lj.4..ili. $1.50. up to 5".$6• CARFS Ladies evening Scarfs. Splendid assort- ment of these handsome gifts in the daintiest Each designs. in fancy R ......a y a� box. From. rack...... .. MOTOR SCARFS .50 Sulk knitted Motor Scarfs for ladies' or men's wear, very stylish, all colors in stock. Eaeh Scarf put up in fancy box. Each. .... ._............... $1.50 SWEATER COATS Ladies' and children's Sweater. Coats. The ideal Christmas gift -one of these useful Knitted Goats. All sizes and all colors in stock. Ladies' Coats from 52.00 each. Children's Coats front 75o each. HOUSEFURNISH- ING, SECTION Special gift suggestions fro:: tb.• furnishing Section. Carpet Squares in ail sizes in Axrninster. Wilton 'elvet, Brussels. Tapestry and Scotch Brussels. Oilcloths and Linoleums. Special values in Mate, rich, new $2.50 designs. Very special, each • Beautiful showing of Curtains and Certain Materials in all the newest effects. THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR THE CHILDREN Iarge choice of Teddy Bears, all $20(�0(� sizes.nal 25c, 60c, 75c, 81.00 to See the unbreakable 11 )11s - something entirely new. e I ` Mae 56 Millar's Scotch Store The Checker Fiend. in a quiet country town. so quiet that the silence hurt, a oomm•rcial traveller entered the general store. Ooing through to the parlor at the heck be care upon the proprietor sod a friend engaged in a game of draughts. •'Bete. Mr. Slocum." he said in an energetic whisper," there's two custom- ers in the shop." Slocum took his eyes from the board. He merely nodded his head and whispered in reply : "That's all right. Keep gsieL and they'll go away again. - Out of 1.mper. , Bachand (shaving) -"Confound the mace r Wife -"What's the matter now ? You're dreadfully cross- tem pet ed." Busband-"The rumor is abominally dull r Wif.--"DulI ? Why. 1 opened a sardine tin with it yesterday. and it crit beautifully." Quite Simple. When the young physician's motor ear reached the scene of the accident there was notbiog to do, all the Actives bad been so .Utbtly burt that they ware able to waalk b sn... The young doctor ova• kseely disappointed. bat his ebauf/eur spoke up cheeringly "Wever mind. doctor, IT roe down some business on the way home." No long aa we lova we serve ; so Mem as we are loved by athsrs 1 would alma* say that we are i r�dd mo man Mt melees whenlista a hMmd. - R L Ntwenene SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS What better remembrance can you give your friends than a pair ot dainty slippers ? You not only offer them many days of comfort and satisfac- tion but also teach them that Slippers are sources of pleasure and contentment. And every morning through all the year they will think kindly of you. At our store we are showing the largest variety we have ever carried. The most obvious style features this season are the many colors in Juliets and Bou- doir Slippers. Hockey Boots and Moccasins are now in stock. See our window display. Downing & MacVicar ttl)RTH AIi)E OF eQl Age. AODRRIOH 1