The Signal, 1912-12-12, Page 24 THE SIGNAL Go -ERICH : ONTAitl Lumbago is Rheumatism sft'he hack. The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- oeys did their wort there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Male the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only cure far Lumbago is Dodd's Kidney Pills You'il Never Know the many advantages offered by thio store until you try us. tV'e might tell you a lot of rea.ona why you would like to trade here. but you can learn more about the advantages bene offered by an inspec- tion, of our goods than we could tell you in a whole -page CALL: AND' (i ET ACQUAINTED We sell everything men and 1 oys wear. Big values -low prices - and a constant, earnest endeavor to please you --- t ry us. M. ROBINS South Side of Square Open evenings until f) p. ut. CANADIAN NACIric GUELPH AND RETURN SINGLE FARE from all stations in Ontario, Sher- bot herbot Lake. Igen rew and west, but not west of Arilda, account ONTARIO PROVINCIAL FAIR December, 9, 121, 11, 12 Return iiurit December 14 C. po R. agent. from Jos. Kidd, •gees ICE CREAM 1'he most delicious ilavors,with the feet and purest Cream, wry - at the BALMORAL CAF.. Or- ders by telephone for Ice Cream in bulk or in bricks attended to promptly. Telephone b4. Fr E. BURDETTE Cutters and Sleighs Now is the time to look up your Cutter and Sleigh for the winter. We have them -all kinds and all prices. A SANTA CLAUS FROM THE SEA NAN and Jaok and little black Topsy rubbed their eyes and stared about them. A big wave bad landed them high and dry on a sandy Island_ "All shipwrecks ars horrid," said Jack. "But I think I can nod some- thing to eat and if you are cold, why, you and Top- sy can Ile down and let me cover you with warm sand, and then I'll go and look about. "Now, goodby,^ said Jack. "I'm going to look for food." And he marched off like a man, with his bands to his pock- ets "Topsy." said Nan after be bad g o n a, "do yon know it v the day before Christmas and we won't get a single present tomorrow?" But Topsy was not despondent. "What's de mattah avid Mara Santa Claus?" she demanded. "Ain' he corr- in' to dis Calan'? Dat's what I auk." "Why, Topsy," explained little Nan patiently, "how could he? His rein- deer couldn't cross the water." "Let him come In a boatden. Data what I say. Let him come iq a boat," said Topsy fiercely. "Oh," said Nan, "but I am afraid he can't" Suddenly Topsy sat op and pointed a skinny black !roger toward the sea "It's a°boat" she said. "a little boat. and It's coming here." Nearer and nearer came the little boat, and presently Topsy shrieked: "It's Marge Santa Clans. Miss Nannie, it's Marge Banta Clans, and he's cont. in' straight to die yer falan'. Didn't I tole yer? Didn't I tole yer he'd comer The man in the boat bad a nice white beard. He had on a red sweater and wore a soft hat palled well down over his ears. As hs climbed oat of the boat they saw that he was very round and fat and had a lolly red face. When he bad polled the boat up out of the water he leaned over and picked up a great bag and slung It over his shoulder and came trotting up the beach. "It truly is Banta." said Nan breath- lessly, "and he Is coming straight to- ward us. I am going to run right down and meet him." Away she sped, her golden curls fly- ing behind her, and when she reached the old man she slipped her hand into his coofldiogly. "I'm awfully glad yon came, Banta." she said. "We were so frightened and lonely, and maybe you can tell us what to do" The old man stood still and stared at her. Then be chuckled. "Well, well!" his said. "Where did you come from/- Just rom7"Just then Jack came running down the beach. "It's Santa Clans," called Nan as soon as be was within hearing. But Jack was older than Topsy and Nan, and be had his doubts. "Are you really Banta Clans?" he asked gravely. The old man winked. "Don't 1 look like bimr he said. "Yea," said Jack, "you do." "Ain't 1 got a pack on my back?' he asked. "Yes," said Jack. but it looks like potatoes and not toya." Theo the old man lased down and whispered in his ear: "That's la' what it ts, but if them little dears wants to think I'm Ban- ta, why, let 'em think it. It won't hart anybody, will Itr "No," said Jack. "It won't." "Well, then," said he ont land, "that being do Med. we will go and have din- ner." Dinnerr said Jack, in surprise. "Why, where de You ever "1 ollow me," mil the man. and they trotted gayly after him "ni AWPVLLY GLAD You cams." Kitchen Stoves and Ranges ROBERT WILSON Dream. little child!' The shadows fall. Over the land the mystic veil That hides the morrow from our 'Yee Is swaying in the starlight pale. Dream. little child! 'Tis Christmas eve. Dream while the magic hours glide by. Each wind that blows the snowflakes wild Is laden with sweet mystery. Dream. little child! The glowing coals Are painting pictures on the wall Out from the quivering shadows there You almost hear the thrilling call Of "Merry Christmas, little maid! I hope i've brought your heart's desire.'!, And Santa's shadow just above Grows lifelike by the leaping tire. Dream. little child! The Christmas air Is glowing with your visions bright. And all the joys tomorrow holds Are shining on the page of night. Dream. little child! And may the years To you their richest treasures leave. And may all happy dreams prove real That come to you this Christmas eve! Christmas Mornin NW WM is fiat Cured by Viso!. DMpm wee Deneb for a istht 'rhea MO mMak how distressing tt mast be w haw • Dough bade on for three a.rrn Mrs, limb Pet/arose, of 11 Newell Streak, 1tb N. Y., says: "I had a len which settled into a ehreaM which kept me awake fully three montha sad ardt rl the time became city rest wee so much. The dual of sod liver and iron rem- edy, rat my cough ls gone 1 can ear g pod night's rest, and I bat ash r In every way." It is Mils e abfned action of the madicleai ffiements. Dods' liven, aided by the kbsdinaking and strength. creatlag p egerties of tonic iron which mates thud so efficient in curio/ chronic saeglta, colds and bronchitis -at the kiwis time building ap the weakened` ran -down system. Try a bottle of Vinol, with the an- deretasdyig that your money will be rammed it it dos not help you. H. C. Dunlop. Druggist. Oodercib. Behind in One Respect. A number of clergymen were dis- cussing tt_e character of a venerable woman whom they esteemed Lo be wise in her generation, but is young mesh whs., was pseeen t said it struck hi m that she showed great lack of wisdom in one respect. "What is that, pray ?" inquired an elderly gentleman. '',Why," said the young man, "she Always puts out her tube to catch soft water when it's raining bard." And s'tence fell upon the assembly. GOOD HEALTH Vim and Vrtahty Are assured 11 you will cleanse your stomach of undigested trod and foul stases ; the ,:cess bile frotn the liver and the waste welter from the intestines and bowels by the use of FIG PILLS the great fruit, kidney, Byer. stomach and bowel remedy. At all dealers 25 and 50 rent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, tint. Good Fruit. "1 wonder what that elan is doing up that telegraph pole ?" said 31rs. daub . Why, he must be after fruit 1" replied her husband. "But whet kind of fruit can he get up there ?" 'Electric currents, of course !" CURED HIS GRAVEL. Dodd's Kidney Pills a Sure R r for the Terrible Disease. West Gravelbourg, Sask., t, . Orb. -(Special.) - Alexander McCarter, p,etmalter, one of the beat -known Alen in this part of Canada, has been etrred of gravel by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Speaking of bis cure, Mr. Me - Carter says : I was down with rheumatism and gravel, and could not do much work, when a neighbor came along who bed been troubled in the same way. He advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, which 1 did. 1 bought two boxes and used them according to directions, and was solar able to go to work." Those terrible operations for Gravel should now be • thing of the past. Dodd'. Kidney Pills always cure it. it's a kidney disease. Riches have wings, and sometimes they fly away of Jthemselves, some- times they must be set flying to bring in more. -Bacon. TR0TTfD eATLT .rTe. Away among the sand hills tkq came soddenly upon a tittle hour Within was a glowing Sr., sod • greet pot was babbling as the stove, and each e• the lite folks her s bot bowl of so,., ad a big place of tread, and whoa they had aalshed their sys drooped. "New hang up y.sr st ^ctlagu." said their heir: "tied fa M heel " 8.4 the old Misr f o:al this/ to 1111 these stecklsgs woe s woodier. Dee there was a gimlet seats, west Ila see ▪ s pair et Mimes shoes ser Peek asd a Japanese dell ase refer. Thea he Pled se the 1 51N ith Iassddel shells aced with Me b, lass st debt Belt sad snob tides. as mime sl! Seel •151* 4elo ass u,ersfsg es a west The sha/eea were delighted will OM MOM nese sataewsrd Raft spina them over Mrs mlalsa/ 11114 pa Oes. se 1♦e me 1118 1114. - Rona asset b towYOB it NOM of Is we alliin, OWES saw Rubs Rim 1_ Med. M- elem.II - sio ribs possilspin w1 fat bow Wistm `ea Crib weed/ -p--1 immour • • The Met elwilImia aet�a. Il nal ea 1111-•10 1l1ffig • 1s. .r >~ Re wase este Ws w Ohdimes as semis die _eche r w swig Me Mere le the mads elf the enieemed Mesa the Orr Thewrwles elf wOeM r g1lBnlm 1111 - Maw Rs awn Nes hit way dint. pis M•sli nes 111 a g•1ra- OW* Men's_Presents Naturally you would buy M.a's Presents at the Mews More Ours is the mens stt re—filled with requirements for men, Our stere is crowded with suitable Christmas Preset: for men and boys. Here is a partial list : Neck Scarfs Neckties Gloves Hosiery Handkerchiefs Cuff Oaks Tie Was Suspenders Umbrellas Fur -lined Coats Bath >Drsssiag Gowns Smokiest Jackets Coat Sweaters Jerseys Underwear Waterproofs Fur Caps Fur -tithed Gloves Ete. If it is • Suit or Overcoat, buy it in the 20th Century Brand WALTER C. PRIDHAM Bath Century Clothing, King Hata, Stanaeid•s Underwear SELECTING THE CHRISTMAS KODAK ISA VERY SIMPLE MATTER AT OUR STUDIO Our stock is complete, from the little one dollar Brownie to the most expensive speLhtl Kodak, and we can explain clearly and simply their various points of excellence. Let us ass"st you in selecting the camera best suited to the person for whom you are buying. Should you Avant to talk it over with the family, we will gladly give you free booklets which will help you in deciding. R. R. SALLOW Goderich : Corner Montreal St. and Square FIRE ! FIRE ! FIRS ! $8,000 worth of DryGoods, Boots and Shoes and Men's Clothing, slightly damaged by smoke and water, to be sold at sacrifice prices at this great sale, now goi$g on, and to be continued until everything is sold. Come early and often. THI8 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE BARGAINS BROWN e? PATHENICK THt SOUARt OODRICH ■ • 11