The Signal, 1912-11-14, Page 2_ TsustDAy, Novtnnzs 14, W THE SIGN AL : GO,DERIC$ GNTAR1V araiksionld =iODalca ONT &RIO. PUBLISHEDEZ CRY THURSDAY ■r t't!t SIGNAL PRINTING (lir.. Limltnt. Telephone Call Na Is. Teri of eskew,sue., Wiper seams In Mummah Orsefka Ms , three ranter. 3sc. btrtetlyVleein adis,i.sfes 1 bs°A1re Ma. hiLSu a rest Saroy(ases wile tall to receive Tun stereo lb mall wilt muter a favor by so- ne of the [not et as earls • date as Matible. Wpm a Mange of adders t. desired. both old .ad tie DOA tddrsr should be given. a0►.rewng RatesLes V and other similar advertisements, 10..1 Pei line for Mt [warden and to per line for each subasouent insertion. Measured by • nonpareil male. twelve lines to ao Inch. BUslaer carded of el r Itoe, and under, $S per rear. Advertisements of opt, Found. 8uayed, t*t- uaUooa V •oan4 8i i „? ttooe Wanted. nominator nate or to Rent. r arm. toe Bale or to Rout, Articles for Bale, eta, not speeding et�1tL Ines- :" m each insertion : $1 for test onth, ifo IrnJur G v month. Larger adverUoe- Anoounoemeota in ordinary reading type tell Beats per tioe. No notice lest than MSe lingual" matter to not catcutatu to help, but rather will hinder, the proper solution of the problem % It ie not a religious queetloa : it is not ere* a national questioe in the sense that it should *rouse 111 -feeling btetwe.* English people and Preach people. It IS • question a adwinbtratlon-aft se- curing efficient teachers for schools attended by pupils from French. speaking famftire and placing them under such regulations ea will assist them in their admittedly difficult task of giving the children a good Eoglisb education, without compelling them to forget their mother tongue. The attitude of sympathy, not that ot fen- I aticism, is needed in approaching the problem. 1 lot to the wanes, lard 1e severed States the prose is so be voted in the Deer future. iI1 the Tints am droves ones across the Bir thea Asia --ash that I probably want a arty every Oanedl whites may happen-wle& ie to loons, of the Arsesian Christi& Would the hatred tied cruelty of urks, deprived of their accost l prey le European Turkey, be Cron limited lbs unfortuna tuns lite ('brte- 1 tns of Asia Mune p But for the tel - 1 tittle mases in which European diplo- macy u involved, it ought not to be impossible to Rive the Armenians the protection they will probably need now mote than .vet. "� THE ILESSIS OF MOTHERHOOD nb"; Healtky Nathan and Chil. the Make Haw Homes 'l owed Motherhood is woman b highest sphere hull- is We. 1t is the fruition of her dearest hopes mad greatest desires ; yet thou- sands of seek women through nos ds- rsegemeetbambini donation bi eeig. la 'easy bones once childless them ... now cbildrls because of the fact that Lydia Z. Pinches" 'a Vegetable Composed esekeewomen seems/. healthyssdattoeg, nig is widowed by the folbwing knees which are geaaiae and truthful : London, Ont. - " I wish ta theatk yea for the benefit I received by takisg your famous Medi di as, Lydia F. Pl loam's Vegetable Com - Bohm tilly was bots I was so ill I meld a o t steed long or walk any distance. I bed to lie down .gads all tin thea. After I took peer =iodides I felt dos a saw w'o- maa I rids watt tram morning tai eight led was happy childbirthand deist it relieves painand reesmwd ft to every wosesswho is pregnant You may ase this testimonial monial if yos IDts. It may help sone ether woman "-Mrs. PLraz CORMX, lig Adelaide St.. Loudon. Ont EDITORIAL NOTES. The duty on cement, hell of which was remitted by the Government for live months, has been restored to the full rate. "Moet people appear to expect the Aar specie! notice. the overt of which is the cost ut everytbiog to go up, except meaf1r} bsoedt of any individual or menet I newspapers and taxes," remarke '1't►e clots to oonaldeed an advertisement and charted •met'dlagte. Orillia Packet, and The Toronto Star 1 Rates tor' display and clontraot advertise" adds "and preachers' salaries." • mutts will he given on application. Adorer ell oom.aunicWooa to THE 8It*Nas.L PRINTIYO CO- Limited: dodgeioh. Out. QOiiBWcR THURSDAY. NOV. Ip. ems PARTY VONVENTIONS. The question of holding a national or Provincial convention of the Liberal party is oeing discussed by some of •the influential newspapers supporting Liberalism. It is pointed out thee there are certain issues in re- getd to which it is advisable to have an expression of opinion from the rank aod file in ail parte of the country, that the party leader shoul i have no doubt as to the attitude of the party in general. Among the sues. tions mentioned in tbis connection ere those of naval defence, reciprocity, end abolitioa of the bar. Discussing the Ir:,'poste The Globe *aye : "The rank and tile of Loth political parties in this country have far too little to do with the formulation of party psliciee. An inevitable result of party control, from the top down- ward instead of from the iottom up, is that party feeders frequently find themselves following where they should lead, or leading where the great, bulk of their followers have no desire to go. "This does rot mean that in the case of the specific questions raised there is such n ditferenee of opinion among Liberals as to require a con- vention for the purpose nt securing harmony. It is entirely piobableithat a Liberal convention representing On- tario alone would favor a Canadian navy, would adhere to the policy of wider markets, and, if not with unan- imity, would by et least a large ma- jority endorse Mr. Rowell's policy of abolish -the -bar. But even though the result might be a foregone conclusion, The Globe believes that a convention not once in a long series of years, but before every general election would be a good think for both political parties not only in the Provincial, but in the Dominion arena. This country is becoming too big, end its problems are too important to warrant a few party leaders, no matter how eminent or trusted, in settling its political pro- grams in caucus or committee." ONE WAY TO ARGUE. The Orange Sentinel. ever intent upon getting a crack at the Liberal party, argues in this fashion : Mr. Rowell is a Liberal. Sir Wilfrid Iwurier ie t Liberal and also is French- man. The officers of the french Ed- ucational Congt•eee are protesting against the new bilingual regulations of the Ontario Government. There- fore Mr. Rowell and the Liberal party must be insincete in their stand for an English education for all Ontario school children. Herr is an argument just ss good as The `sentinel's : Bishop Fallon com- menced the agitation against the in- efficient "bilingual" schools. The Orange Sentinel is following Bishop Fallon's lead. Therefore The Orange tientioel has delivered itself neer to the Catholic priest hood. The Sentinel finds another "nigger in the woodpile" -Sir George W. Ross. Sir George is the former leader of the Liberal party of Ontario na and therefore Mr. Rowell must be re- M sponsiMe for all his utterances. But et last year fair George W. Ross was quoted in big type all over the e coveter ss oppotted to reeiprocicy, di while Mr. R-tweil, we believe, was out es etoosping for it. The Orange Sen- at tine', then. being opposed to Sir George W. Ross" views on Mliest nal- I Ism, must be oppteed to him all the through and mere therefore last year have hese in agreement with if1r. Row" has ell, aid so Mr. Rowell is rseptnsiMe for so the views off t be French Congress resp Th.Orasg. Sentinel must --but this of thing is getting a little too compli- cated. The Dewane Sentinel. style of a4dag tanker us dishy We Should iena�e It would be simpler and .elm ter The Sssga.l to judge Mr. Seelefl'e anatedie hated centiots, fro. lotto ewe aeliessasol Ir it hast fdtetopod to S- WIM" s in es o+smens w ie ' Me. The Orilla Packet comments upon WVinstoa Churchill's "remarkable speech" at Manchester. endorsing Lord Roberta' rhetoric on "the tier - mail peril,' and sage it seems to indicate a stroug cleavage in the British ('ebinet. The Packet has doubtless been :residing the garbled report ot the Churchill address published by The Toronto News and few other scavenger journals in (.'e ads. The "remarkable" statement a n - e The Hamilton Spectator a pe publishes d an idyllic "poetn" from a local source which in one of ita lines tells of "purple grapes and peaches." Per- haps, being rather late in the seasoo, the Hamilton reaches are that calor, but, really, it isn't necessary to men- tion it. Over ninety-six thousand dollars' woo tin of Canadian cattle have been shipped to the States by way of Sar- nia alone this fall, the duties amount - mg to os-er Ed6,5OO. If these du had not been" collected, the constlrt and producers would here divided t large amount amongst tbeinsely And yet we were told thete nothing for the Canadian fanner reciprocity. ttributed to Mr. Churcbill in 'that espatcn were never utteied by him. but were taken from one of the alarm- ist newspapers of Boglaed and tacked on to the Churchill address so that they would seem to be a part of it. And newspaper comments indicate that The Packet was not the only one fooled by the evil trick. Ottawa Citizen, a Conservative )o...ual which consistently urges upon the Whitney Government the need of more enlightened attention to the ties Pros-itfcial assessment Isiw, stye in a urs recent article : his "The wisdom of differentiating Le- e*. tween lend value and improvement was value appeals to very many, and the in ezemptiou. partially or wholly of the In Montreal there is a unique organ- ization - the Dismissed Government Employees' Aid Association. The political.poilsmen have cut such a wide swath at Montreal that a great number of former civil service men have found themselves out of work, and the Association exists tor the pur- pose of finding them employment or otherwise assisting theta. Thus is civil service reform exemplified by the new Government. S. 11. Armstrong is the member - elect for Muskoka in the Provincial House, the vacancy having caused by the appointment of A. Mabalfy, the former rept-esentati to a judgeship. Mr. Armstrong wan _ nominated as an independent Con servative in opposition to Will Lowe, the regular. party- nominee. 0 as Mr. Armstrong styled him. t candidate of the "machine -- Lowe withdrew rather than go to t polls. It has just been made known aha Mr. Rowell, when he accepted the puri tion of leader of the Provincial Liber party-, put ilia veto on a proposal hat the party- should provide biro with a salary, in order to recompense him in some measure for the sacrifice f his personel interests. Mi. kewell referred to be under no obligation to he party that would in any degree tfect his independence. This decieien leans something to • man who u not t all wealthy. On a snap vote in committee of the ritish House of Commons en Hoo ay, the Government was defeated votes to 21st. The Government i11 not resign. as it claims a rnejorit- f one hundred or more is a ful ouse, and a vote of confidence will n. oubt be demanded and given aft otice to the members. The point o hick the Opposition sorted its vic ry was one in connection with the nancial provision* of the bill, wbieh m t0 be the weak part •.f the meas - M. latter frotq taxation is a logical se- -- _ Brookes N.Y. -"I was atittg all rho time and tial not hese wast the Hearst was. I wasted a his 1st or hen* weak] root permit It i wss.lt� q ids ached and I was all this terra I beard that Lydia E. Pinna—'. % pashb Compound was good ani is & the tistfa tine. I have now a bea1141 easy est w,ott way."- Yrs. Jhasshelped MA q boidt St.. Broek(y% N.Y. quence. Tax reform in this direction is no longer" an experiment. it bag been tried. it has been proved worthy and beneficial. And Ontat•io. municipalities should have the chance to try- it too. But it moist not be for- gotten that alt that is asked of the Provincial Legislature is the right of local option. The wisdom or other- wise of exempting improvements from taxation is not up for debate. The question that ix to be settled -is as t0 whether or not a municipality shall have the right to fix the basis of its own revenue. Local option has been granted in many other important ot municipal government. is tical option in taxation to be barred? Meet the will of the municipality regarding its own financial affairs be subject to Proviseiel limitation? 1t is been almost inconceivable that any reason A. should he advanced in opposition to te, so reasonshte a request." Lahr be !t he • a1 Every Man's Home. Every n,..,, , home .s the best old home. And erery mea . n If* the .weele.t Kveee ma, , child is the beet little child. r. The best behaved and the neatest. Crary u.as's baby is better than all The babies that ever were born - 11111304 wit . babies sad wives and homes. Why. let ego all blow their horn' *eery Baan • wife makes the finest pi-e,ert-ee. Aad eery inane weds bakes Mead That teats all toe Weed that ever was wide Fres Hatteras as mess Read - livors man a haws le the piece to see Tae Raba bw8Mdne on earth— !tad prat .o It's bread sad preserver and home, UK eta keee, ea with their mirth ware evey stun think, that Ms own home',. t w 0 p a a a 13 d w b d n W to fl by T after e Mr. G. K. ('h.si,it.tn, wbo has a way of putting things tersely. se ye that. speaking of tbe "powers' a Europe. there is only one power at this moment in Europe •nd tbet is Montenegro. That is, while the other Lions wanted certain thing* dote, ontenegro was the one nation that arted in to do what it wsat.ed to do whip Turkey. Greet nations are onetantly withheld from Wtioo tv vleion of opinion or by the citation bleb comes of having large interests stake. t would have been interesting to a � tlDatMeed at St. George's school m aihese & did m 'Trans et ea watt..' Braga if they mold lase krona the It of the vette. le eemetr fllatea the V*foe oa that vv. y loop en the oe white was berms loess. 0 Piro States voted els Maned amendments piaster women se • franchise equality with tient One State--W�esj}'-sed the pro pO.sl t the ether four-1Leemie. Or - Anemia Stateso Wyenstag. Wee - Utah, Idaho► 111yttrlsrtga sell OaHteents already ah(t1T,sa the bet. Adhas ewe wlts's-worse. why then Weill swing hada unto t be golden dream Ug a melee ea earth strain. AMMO k tfratterN see asd.weet. net leek sea asst is kis child. Aid W wide and his home and,hle -iwolc tire 'Pkat he beasts of aadedned ' who has only twenty-nine per cent. It would not, how•, -ver. be sale to .ay that he owes his election to division in the ranks of the runny. It is cer- tain that had Mr. Roosevelt not al- tered the Held a ronsiderable propor- tion of the votes he carried would have been pulled for Mr. Wileao, sad that the latter would have bad a not- able majority. so that he may be put down a_ in any Cabe the choice of the nation. The Cost of War. London Darts News wed (seeder. An Admiralty white paper issued at the instance of Mr. Chiozz. Money, M. 1'., gives the total naval expendi- ture of the principal powers down .o the present year. issued annually, this return always serves o w useful remznder t o the public of 'he root. - tumor sums spent by the •eorid's naval powers. Turning to the -total ex- penditure of the same powers in the ten years, 1403-12, we got the Lebow reg tentarkeble result : Great eritain ..t; 388.LNI.IW United Wates �4.� Germsny leo, IOI,tHM France a 137:111 .1110 • Russia 117 lXAN Italy ...... ....... 61.466.4111 Japan . _ ... 43.,514,1111111 . Austria-Bungary . . :f4, Total...... .. el.letellat,tlas In regard to pers.'nnrl. Greet Bri- tain has at preseot 135,71e) wets, cm - pared with Gern.any'„ titt,7tltt and n4-. 780 for the United States. Where Are the Children ? KIrgstoe Whig. ' The horses are sate in the hero of pasturage after dark. 8o are the sows. Even the fowls are safely housed and locked in. But where are the chil- dren of the 'some after dark :• Are t hey safely boused. I/o their parent, know where they are ••• If asked, mans- a father and teeny a mother would ray. "We don't know ! They may hest e neighbors, they may be at church. hey may beat a picture show. or they Inas, be on the street, bit the parents do not know. They may be learning something of what true wanbood and womanhood is, or they may be taking eseons in youthful depravity from pre- orious but all too capable temebers ut the parents do not know. If any - ne on earth i• reeponsible for the welfare of those children ft is the ether aod mother. And if damage omen to those children because of ithoughtlessness or carelesenees those parents will stand condemn... in the sight of mon. i Britain Never So Prssp.rses, Leaden tests.. M.Il One danger of the preset war refer ia that it may cheek the assasiaR pros- perity is hicb is now gesetsal. • Mr. ido d lieu e, at the eery laterestfo g gathering of the Katiasal Union of Journalists nn Satsaday si�, gave us illustrations of tisrorsl aoarish- ing condition of R. told us how one steel matssllaetofer who put down a fr..b plant le the earth of England ha. been wad streets seeking men and ltss1p to Sed them. in another tllst._ the efts Moyer* had to sand to the esstahogr s to toot nut eny wbo entad possibly wnrk for them. Tho ery is digniet after district in the north is that erarcety sufficient Nude .ser he ob- tained to do the work wasted. 1• the month of Eastland. etetttwtastetely, this is not quite so true. la treat Undoes there b every pro.pe.t et meekleraids re5R largely des. to the aftermath the great deck end*. The iaaasedi- e react of Ilse war hes bees to /tis- Wthes every mann home is the sweetest place tela earth ter a was to be : Whirs every man'. wit* i• the .wee test wife to W rate wend l• see Whet every toss'. oblld is the dearest child Met ever drew breath—ah. then. l c We atoll have better children. and women. l o vied ►eases. Aad a Memel eight better men ' l t .__.,.—Rentatos n Herd. J c FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Good for Clamp Clark rugateStar. In Missouri Wilson polled II ,'L1ti Poles, Taft i$,8v0, and Roosevelt N,i,- 841 So that Wilson had •t majority of 6.94x1 Oyer both. This look. as If Champ Clark bad worked loyally for the maa wbo defeated him in tbe ren• restate,. (artiness to Blame_ er rat ford thereon, Hon. Mr. ° ollers, the Minister of labor. Ahmed • request of tbe freight haMMre, checkers and'clerks em- ployed on the C. P. R. for a board of eeseibatios and investigation under the Lemieux Act, and as a result eve tbotlsaad men are no strike. Red the eonciliatioes holed been granted the shrike wetted not have occurred. Ursine Tamagni Leedom •Adtrepass. The otber day the owners of a prop oho arty at toe aorser of king and Tooge of eg ed85*, Toronto, Kot Wt a miltktn at Sellars *tree fit it than they paid two a Fara Mw '11te people ct Toronto and tate thine and . jtrpyegeare t 1 thing aod � that of the whole Prowler* serfbuted to o� oo teethe that vele* Dome of It *t least i do ss sheets Fro into the melee et the Icy 01 T Seto sed the Pendent of Oe - mein be Me t me Om lanemothis ini mi b Otola$o caaibt in Weed d. Wewld Ram Wee W. sway legation Mr W t cis net a ssgl.rity of vJEs ei tae Vetted Stages. ' nigh, Mood►11 mit. of ty offer the treat tells. Yr. Roosevelt "gib Arm told ere ordered by the Risme ref alt. •elle Orois societies and pellirse= erne **64 i heed is 11i- tbibar all •sol merowall ems fine Mat rhetshpts ets tinebe siattae ch ',m:Zito: W.Acheson& S Ladies' and Misses' its New Skirts that are perfect-tttIog and finished correctly. Materials : Tweed smixture, and in navy and black very stylish and up-to-date. u • . . • f 2.Ao, S3,75,aad Ladies' Long Coats As the *mom establishes itself the vogue ot the long cos atrengtheos. We ere rewiring trout the cloak rakers every few days Lige shtptlente we fast as they can deliver for such demand. Stylish Coate of tweed and teversibbs cloths. They come almost no two alike, beautifully finished and exclusive styles, *8.00, ir1 A.0 •d/s00.112.00, 115.00, a w Lace Curtains Swiss Curtain .sd Nottingham Curtains, 34 yards long, 50 inches wide, handsome •doff -ond medallion patterns, new and beautiful, a stocktaking purchase by us. Vatuet were up to 8+4.00 and 14.50 .,111 II a pair. epeeist' at per pair. sees Eiderdown Flannel Fifty --two inches wide, for dressing gown*, .aoques, jackets, etc , in cardinal, sky, tank. cream, grey.. At per yard Mill Blankets Large sire pure wool Blankets, beautifully clean and scoured, large; double -bed size, made by one of the oldest and beat mills Q ....t iu Huron county. At each, per $5 0W 0 l rain Bags psis.... i ing Grove B" Bags. bales more at this price. owsimessumesmoomminmimmellermens Japan. Matting Yard Whin rev.rnible. to ' t 1 �.wofal. doubts warp teles f"'per zic ........., Fur: : id Fur Coats Ai - tion of out lhtt oto" ems of their.rhos tevwill the alias * � with and and Setts. and select. Sable said made 1 t le&the scarfs. Throws the shin ora aOdsonarr t style.; prices ate most d rieb. Tb9 e. American Beal Pied Ousts lined with Skinners' warranted •alio and with bsauth fol sable collar, and fastened across front lSSppecsal alith price silk ornamesh. Muskrat Coats .00 Satin tined, No. 1 river mink, muss t skins, Vere s respect. , guaranteed X75.00 in every respect. At each .... W Men's Fur Coats We guarantee *eery Coat and invite early inspection of our stock. Coon Coats at. ...... SRI sed $75 Walloby Coats at. IR and 40 Celt Coate at. Dog Coats at30 en and V d V Bulgarian Lamb Coate at 100 and 35 Linoleums We invite inspection of or.r Li ooleum and Floor Cloth showing. The selection is very large and complete. We lay Linot- eums free of extreC charge, but later in frosty weather they cannot be laid satisfac- toril or well by aa,ybody. We urge early purchases. Three or four yards wide. 60c At pet square yard ....,4,ic, 50c and V\J{ Floor Oilcloths One to two and a -half yards wide. At per square yard.... .... '26c and 4 Cotton Blankets Only two $340 Per dot, • 12-4, largest made and best quality $1.75 We can procure. At per pair ... Rugs Tapestry Floor Rugs, 3 x 3, 3 x :i x 4, z 4, 3i z 4}. At each, rentri o , 15600 from.. sees .....S7.00t Axminster Rugs Ranging from 4115.00 to 380.00 Acheson&Son monopoly of Great Britain may be bet- tsresdsretsad when it is taken into aoeslilliBwle ts►elre men own a very paaartioo ot the site ot London i tut two it anoually in rent the of 5100.000,000. The estmioster alone draws in reretls $16,000,000 a year. Five hun- dred leers oma an satire une-third of the Mad at Great Britain and four I1... a sol landlords own one-half. from whit* they collect rents aggregating rit- .10. Ilellermetit ion with revenue the retire t.het world this east otte dt sin upon the industry - of the etlestry must be incorporated in the Dost of the products which Britain hale abroad. Where Britain has abol- iabed one artificial high cost through the abolition of the tariff. abs has still tint other incubus through the land- lordism of Britain. La*dlordieru re- turns nothing to industry from the rents It rullect. tbereform. Lloyd Georges proposal is to take from these rents the cost of government. a pro- mote wbicb is at once the most revo- lutionary yet propounded in the his- tory of human aflame nal at the same time the moat reasonable and self-evi- dent. Toll Quick This incident is related of a Scotch doctor. new to the Inns who ad- ventured epee • days rabbit *booting : Chased by the ferrets I:Amoy was a rather TWA -moving target. and the medico was sot torts with the seeress se expected, "gars it all, the keeper hee��med i aapatieto "these u are toomq d quick flag" doctor." the pawky keeper replied. '•tata surely dicta* expeet them tae tie still bike Ter patients till ye ki11 them r Dr. Morse's Indian Root P1116 ewe their seemlier effectiveness is 7e4aska1thes &tune Lumbago sad to their pewee of stimulating ismigthanag the n They MOeirHe 'gsas to oreMOW Sew kegs the Mood the uric acid (lbs rsetlst1 el mete matter) whicl gsgs We the *eta asid oneschte sad smears earn mead dioneme. Oise bars ei ateey et eea.taat Veit bol. Ps'sd temetionively that Dr. Morse's M_Pii6 sittengtbess weak imme mod Crare Risituttotlss Brophey Bros, <WDERiOR TIN imam •N 13obalater• ode.m endslr dt:.d.tt to as all befell, *test me day. The Sinalto NEW ;Sr SCRiBERS 1914, for $ 1 .00 HE PANDORA RANGE When you May a range there Sur reasons why you prefer it to any other make. The tessoo why so many people are buying the Pan dora Range is ,because of its ezclusfve fealtl ,s: The gdareiltteed semi ,1e.1 fire -bolt, t _ The steal -Hoed nickel plated oven. The triple grates that cats be *hakes separately. The burnished glass- like top. The highest quality of tnaterial used to make it a long -life range. These features are some of the reasons why the largest str,t".• Menufacturiug Ca. in the British Bmpire ars working overtime t, supply tbe demand for these ranges. upkeep.They bake beautifully, they save fuel, there's no expense of Heaters If you are needing a Heater. a beep - burner. a large or small Oak, or elateloil heater our stock is eery complete, giving you it large assortment to choose from. We will be pleased to show them to you. Steel Range We are displaying this week a state margo try ezo.pttoas) ♦ahem, Use medl- nm rise with high elant led reesrmer beautifully Dabbed. telly Rumaateed. An altogether desirable range. Price rem plete .... . Glass We have received an in of flfar *high is very mesa ffawb.e Is oD rise.. Ojehe poly attended to. and The ilowell Oardware Co. LIMITED TIME REST PLACE TO MUT MARDWARI