The Signal, 1912-10-24, Page 1Oifict .9tationety Loeb Weer say IW; 'phone will oalL trill mf oots. WOE h►o1'- �1.r mid soy Aber voreelW ol (Mee yuslt`at t` = bee \ r. ikon 771 YU. -N.. $ - GODERICH. THU ''DAY. OCTOBER 24, 1912 One of Every Ten You t to put at least one dollar out of every ten you e tin in a rigs..Qgt--$1.00 starts a savings account in the Sterling snit• ` "j. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager AREYOU INTERESTED IN ANY KiND OF INSURANCE? I F SO, Of/NSU LT A. G. NISBET INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE HROKE`R OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANK or LOMMERCE, GODERICH 'Pruning inn : Orrurt 1111: Horse 150. P. O. Box 304 G ODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'buses meet all trains. Private cane have prompt (and careful energise. Firer - class liver) outfte at all times. Reasonable price.. UF. DAVIS LIVERY F. k T. M. Davis Proprietors •-, ,nth Street 'Atone No. 51 GEO. WATSON PRACTICAL TAILOR hes reepsora • hies. Y the .Id stead. Mantled street Neat Swerve timer •rd w$ be olleaestt to wee all W rid I.tamwm, as well no •0y erw ears. CLOTHES GLEANED REPAIRED amt PR( LD ,n the best etre et mebrate Wiese. GIYK Rill A GALL LENT OR POUND. SITUATIONS VACANT. TEACHER WANTED. -FUR . S. NK No. e, Colborne 'Dunlop,. Dottie to coal - memo in mJoeusrt y next. Apply. sating fi srd Mary expected. to A. A. WIL- `. rrtary.1lonlop. 2t. (1IRLS TO LEARN ELECTROLY- W T Bib. - Removal superfluous hair° moleess,, etc. Iyye in Geduld: V. rite for tonna MAYZK I YEMEN, d. °Bpecielot. !; Daly Avenuuuee.Imfitrat. ANTED.- A (a1s.\ ERAL SER- YANT. ly to MES. CHAR. GAR- ROw.1,lereheta it WANTED. -A 000D GENERAL fervent MRS. WM, PROUDFOOT. wANTED.-A CARETAKER FOR Victoria street Methodist church. tre�� at woe to J. H. M I LLLtN . or G M. OTT. Trustees 3l P'PRENTICES WANTED A T one. Amply to MISS HALEY, 73 Keay. 264 ANTED.-A COMPETENT GIRL for general housework : two in tangle ; Red wap-. Mite. CAEBAR. corner Ilcton and Waterloo struts. esot QPECIAL. SOME INTELLIGENT 7l. laborers wanted for all year work in our t t department.. Men that may grow edekty into better than oommon laborer.' pay. ►.Quire. f'ULLI\Gtt'001, `Uh1'RUILDING CO , (tallingwood. Oct. 1912 -TAXES -1912 Taxes for 1912 are now due and payable at Collec'tor's office, Town Hall. 2 per cent. off payable Nov. 1st I per cent. off payable Nov. 15th Tbereafter no discount. After December 14th a penalty is attached. OBIT. -OM MONDAY AFTER- i1O1/1f,• pia trees► ♦rgg.� r • oft.W M. rise wet mean have i m111. curries. CAMPBELL, COLLECTOR AN IMPORTANT Annogsncement 1 The Winnipeg Free Press of September 21st contains an tticial announcement that the line now building from Winnipeg through Weyburn will be the New Southern Main Line of the C. P. R. to the Coast. This means that Weyburn will have four main lines of the Three Great Railways, with shops and yards. Weyburn now has 133 buildings under construction. This is your last chance to secure a lot in the original townsite five (5) blocks 1 from the heart of the city for $25o.00 on easy terms. 1 E. V. Campion & Company WITSoEN $apt)RiTT BANK BUILDING WSTRIt1114. SAIZATCHE W AN ACT NOW We will guarantee this investment. nfor'matiotn given on all Western investments. FOE SALE OR TO KENT volt SALE. -A BUILDING LOT nn N.wgat. street. Apply to F. J. P311) �• eau R SALE. -THE 100 -ACRE FARM on the 7th c000ewdoo of Colborne. mato • by the undersigned. le offered for sale. Buildings Include sand solos -and brick hoses, rt� silo. and 1 shed. verytMna In good order; farm well fenced watered by spring Greet. Land all seeded down. In every way one of the beet farms in the township. Situation "'convenient to market awns and C. P. R. station. Posen too Gan be given in the fall. ANDREW JOHNuTON, Carlow P. u. _ t•7-tr._ ARM FOR SALE, -THE EAST motor lot one intie berth armee Eastern Divides of .1 Ash atoll. 000talning 100 awes. 111100 eon - din of • frame house sad trains bare, 11 • .mall orchard. for tl.py�• � to the undersigned. PROUR!'OOT, 1iLYb -fs KIU LORAN, Godereeb. 12.11 FIRST-CLA$8 FARM FOR BALE or to nut. lot 1, oceesedon 7, martens divi- sion, Colborne township, 100 scree with ilea - elms house, with modern conveniences. good 'wok barn, Ruud orchard and plenty of water. Farm ha'. been in partum for teeera. Would rent house.eparsteh. Apply to F. W. MaDONAGH, Carlow, 001. LIOR SALE. -100 ACRES OF LAND 1. If miles north of the town of Seaforth. Good clayloam, all under cultivation: bank barn. witcement Boors; large frame honer.' newly panrted, all in good repair; well at both horn and house An ideal home. Apply to MISS) ISBI BUBIE G O r LN LOCK, Seaforth, ant. 0011 LOR SALE OR TO RENT. -THE comfortable brick house at corner of Bay- eld and Britannia roads; nine room*; modem conveniences. Posr,eedon can be given at once. Apply t0 WM. WAITF Hayfield road, Goderich P. O., or NELSON HILL. Lon- deeboro' I'. O. 73.11. FOR SALE. - NINE -ROOMED Donee on Keays street ; town water con- nection, also cistern. Two loto with number of good fruit trema. For term or further par- ticulars apply to MR8.,' FERGUSON, on the premises, or ROM'. YOUNG, Elgin avenue. 211 -lin I'IOR SALE. -TWO VERY DESIR- 1 ABLE houses, convenient to [actonet and Grand i rook station. Apply to CHARLES GARROW. 2141. rRENT. - A TWENTY -ACRE (arm on the Bayd•b road. three miles from «odert-h. Good building*. l'wo acme of orchard. also small fruit.. For further tuform anon imply at THY SIGNAL OFFICE:, or to Yea am. FOWLZR. tit. Vincent street. L1OR SALE. -THREE HOUSES, J: alt mode, n convenieit ea. Two on Vic- toria street and one on Angleton. Two have 'tables. W. T. FELLOW, Anglaise. street. 264 FOR BALE. -THE FARM OWNED by the late John Halliday on (he are con - 'e -.ion of Colborn'. containing 1144 acres. Good atone house with frame kitchen and woodshed • furnace In house : hydraulic wet ens supply ; good barn ; young orchard ; ten acres of bush. Convenient to church and school. Oferad'at a bargajn forF imn,ediate sate., Apply IO MRS. -HAL IDAY, Cameron street. or Uod•reb Y. 0. alit. WOR SALE. -1E3 ACRES OF LAND 1' on the first commotion of the township of Ashfield, about 14 miles west of Nile Good soil, nearly all wider cultivation, moot of it seeded down. Good orchard. moo house with atone cellar having cement floor. Artesian well at house. Baru 31:70 with .tore foundation ; cattle sed hone sables, also other outbuildings. Spriog creek montage meows the farm. Fencing in flood shape. Pomander) in tae fall. For full particulars apply to JAMES Mc - NKK, on the premises, or Nile P. 0. 0611. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON Huron mad. a short distance from town limits. Lot contains two acre- with need orchard and small fruits. Frame house in good repair. Anyone atshing te inspect same will be welcome at any time. Apply e: THIS OFFICE for information. s -tf L1OR SALE. -THAT FINE REGI- L dentist property at the corner of Camara and F..aglan street,, formerly known es the A. Melt Allan property. is for sale. It Gonia eight. town Iota, plooted with the Modest fruits of all ticda. There are two brick houses. each of two stories. one built eel= year, and the other In first -dear repair. bones, have modern oot-veala en, mad ate getter tbe property is One el tbe moitdeste able in Goderich. Will be read am reoweesbls tents. Apply to P. J. RYAN 9saseki. ARM FOR SALE. -SIXTY-FIVE acro.. Int l4, e000es.loo a, K D. Wibsme. tory and • half frame borne. kitebse and other outbuildings ; hard water pump et kit- chen door ; telephone connection. Geed heel, barn. 4ixda. dui. Ing house and otber Indidlimos good hard water pomp at barn. Al) beadings are in good condition. Soil is dwp cly lases, well fenced. with a running spring. GDM aerym- chard-apples, plums, cherries a04 othereesal frit:. also • vineyard. Situated If Auburn station rind I mile from school. Oculars can be had from MRs. JAM SYMINGTUN or JOHN SYNIINGTON, Auburn P. 0. WANTED LARM W ANTED. -- NEAR TBE awn of Goderleh. Apply for furter in- reaatton at Blgnal Ofi7a.. 2-tf FA - R M HELP AND DOMESTIC BCRVANTS.-Peenere requlrleig tern p o beeld appy at once to WILLIAM LIN, Dominion Ooveramsrt Ens Ag�na0tt,, Bt. Helena,' Int. ISR wits N. D. WUODd, 8t Helens. Out, excelT• Pt • ttemtism. POR BAWL. POULTRY FOR SALE. -POR IW 1 YZDIATT wile. it peekkeerera..�C.. white oe air�beetrlariolLapd w f .bei, Wit year wand to J. C. DURST. wesusium.. oft. ILO itIOR BALE, -OXFORD MONO- GRAM heater, now. R. G, ARON. Bruce street. near W •tees• Wren. STALLION INSPECTION -UNDER STALLION .t CT. ROUTE FOR STs' LLIOj IN P�milt ret e t.ata TWO iRRe1Thee earl_ norrrmram. ]aster 19 a et _Tow.. Oct 9eti weed . nit a in . '. m itxb. 1.9p... AUG. is. s. 11.001 p. r. SAO it le dateP a. .111m. ase Nev. les. e. Nei. Sat. y.Nev. Ind. am.. Tura, Nev. Rh. Sam. , Nov. Outfta pea.. Wed., teem. abb. , Wle..v: tl1i` Women are much braver than toes -you sever heard of a foss marrying a Weems to redeem her. PUBLIC NOTICE THANK1iGiVINti MAIL ANDnrksasSat 1 ()et� r R die /rttfrYo • ileo l.rdi« bee. W. MIL, A NNUAL MISTING. 'leder the...maim 17 -r -careerism h«wel- Power Question Demands Serious Consideration for Weal so isle., the annual ,weeilags masa be h eld during 'he ant rink is Newres r sash the Safegua. ding of the Town's Interests - Niag- 7ear The ansM4 mraapr.R of lis edw4eh Monies"oral y � w"`her PM k'yy ■ ara Power Out of the Question for Goderich. Monday eeeeteg, Nssemb•r Ph. .t $.'•seek In the sectarye et1r, in the evert resew,' All members are rope•s+tee M ats.rd ' WM LA. 'F dseretary. Goderich. In .o:d.If'_ •0 will be held le w ata. eer:tsar wdrsele. AM - BETTER BE SURE ONE DOLLAR win bring 1!e Signal to tbe address of any new subscriber in Canada or Crest Britain from this date to Jawuary let, 1914. Suture'ibe Now. TSS IIGNAL PRINTING CO.. tad., Poatrmmo THAN SORRY. :Let AUCTION SALES. (1LEARINO AUCTION SALE Oe FARE BT .CK Mr. Andrew Jointed' will 1: ny p.Wif aee tion at la 7. . wn_lee C. R. Colborne, on MON A roayas eowmeaclug at I oittsaa .baro One brood mare. rep e -e4 re he in foal.. isle honor.driving hor. onto lair of Tod wickb��asre�r a1 and 1rie..: one cow. are mons cid. �rl toseyear.e: d be to alt; acow. three year. Gas WO♦ posed to be In Galt ,tae row. rear T.ar. mid one fat cow: floe deem. , isier thew/ yew. Stu ; ave bettor... rising taros ;ear- old , ewe Wood .Ow. l0 C Ire 1..oar : tittle awl Wearier ewes.. ell ynueg ; ds *Swing calve., There wail be n0 se e.rveoo awy►a,og. as Mt. Jnbo,:on ie leasing the fa in for the moist. T, rms. .t.l sums of t't, and ceder, Caton : over that amount. meow moron.' audit will be given an teralahiag apappperevmd motet mast A discount of four per ewe. -testing allowed for mei on credit ANDRZWJUr M* TK4Jd liJI1P& . tLE A PING AUCTION MALE OF OR.•;ES. Heut:Ig+. Rata1*n, HULSEHOLO 6UM,, ITt:ILE AND Fri/t- ins NOS. Mr. It'ber' C. Kist will mil M pebl(e rah tion at the Kleg Edward hotel. to tae tows of Ooderieh.00 SATURDAY. ,r TrtttElt t: commencing at 1! d. loot .but. - The v.eil-lur%h rood -:alio.► PnwtPal Ba,, by Prodigal, a good Omit Inc.., a:td • money- maker. Full ~Gelato., at ti-nof ante-. A complete drtviot omit. re•:iwdise a low - year -old :-be-teat gddess mitt. b!s harper and mbher ur.; S:anhoWeand -u•trr One goad brown mart. ser'rn yearn dd is foal to Prodigal Son : u., .'- . e,f •twits far o ra. ; two cutter.: t. -. he*. y wearer: err runabout. Also all the fureit ute and furuHbiMga. doe - trio light wiring and ayv:l M,.ws sad every- thing lr and about the ho -no. It M wail fur-. ni.hed and ibis will be ••, ex•e renal cloaca to buydining-roonifatoiture. dl.be.. cutler,, glassware, etc. Bedroom furniture. bedroom seta toilet este. carpets. certairn• bead-. -I mato mattress, etc. Reading -room tuner etre. writ ng desks, tables, chain, Meteors. mirror*, cigar case, ducks. etc. Kitchen turnitnre avd uren'11.. Mr. King 1' reeving to lintMl and them will be no reser,e on asyttong is will al: hese to o • g .Termor- A11 .arm of t' acid under. ,• nh over that amount. eight u,ou.hs orm tit el 1 b, given ou furnMblug approved talo' !IOUs.. A dlsoocnt of four per e.me. •tw•gbt allowed for malt on credit amount-. R. C. KiAG. T. GUNDBY, Proprietor. , A uctloeeer. AUCTION SALE FARM BTO, K. IMPl.xmixNrx kNlr HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE - Mr. Jam).. W. Rotch will cell by public auc- tion at lot iii, concession 3. diet Walesa:eh. oa WEDNEdD tr. NOVEMBER fern. aomneea.dog at 1 o dock steep : One pair of matched draft roan mart . Asir.. five and six year. old; ewe agrtetltoral vsld- jioogg rising five year.. odd: oar sucking colt tRlljl, sired by DuneeydMr: awe driving !wee. rising five you, old ; one stow, four years old. •.opted to be in calf: swamies. seven years old. *apposed to be in calf ; one err. ten year, old. aeppaed to be is calf ; one now. four yeah dd. due maitre i. December : four .tete. video two) moo old ; two steer tieing ooe year tld ; tires spring calves: mea Dasrh.gtrioder. nearly Dew ; eras Pal toddler. p;p. born. rate. ore mower• eat railer. hart` mew : one cutting but, m� ��wrwrrad'mit;nee cultivator. one set bem.4a�.. saw taralp sower. one Bain wages owliget.eolellot et tract., ems bay rack, we stark rack. one etre rack. one pig crate. one gravel bee. two sets of Dimond harrows. ens floury rtsmgli. see terse -hem Kangaroo So•gk. en M1Mc• ere Lewd* win weaver. tar tap lou y, ago outer; see span baggy. amts tat. tttshM axis.. rem prtt d not asm- maewee : tMum, pals. wtNarletreee and .eek - yaks; ere lest err. two w aelbarrows, one e t - 5 bat. w bigbeeprerere tanning mill, ems sea et sambas 'SAN lbs.). sae Na- dsaal cremes mew: twenty ewe twesed-akmlr Dearly uew ; tws esu et Awes hummer, sear ly new ; w est el nen* lee. elle One *et d ftmeiblo loaners e'teanttmwat sesames bermes. esu1Lmse rail% sew; ems reit mew w we et fate met On. d eka 4pWa, Sas , two brood saw*. tw isty TOME (rn hen.. one Die' surra, we mum pee. NO butte,. .od w apple seek riot a and terms chain.. fork., �tmrmpMtvoela, too numeron. stiles* : AU .mew of Woe *4.r. oa- h ; over cher eagriest. eleven tmeelle credit will be �Rl�y,.amt hsmbiekhe approved joint noes. A tleramm;01 press& egralertt allowed for up cash . TRW. (d;NDRY. heigehltsg. Anstiooesr. L arroR'T SALE. EXECUTORS' SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY. TM executer. Of ta. ...a1. of the late Jere M0►rsur sou elle tor sal. at ill lea ettIIr�altaawlt steam rn pries de..w . stress. Abele. the N i st-dmimrla'LMs l' teateewaste • frame berm te a re shier , of Purest IL -Lore maaielw a wpm it Am, yemst, •teelm lawea ..nr56,wN tie taws et Gels- r1����reMM tons wel be ,ACM wbyat as tterns. o.w atYLN7Ii. away� t►ss AUCTION SALM. w.owmao•v, Oer.bre Nab. - A*Rlee sale yless=rCbt...=s. Apr raSEXy d `A�. K O�hNwelrma�rt.•er: aster sash Wimeelebea. lsev A W. et pe.prlesar : v, aro minis gala It will be a few weeks before the ratepayer's of Uoderich will vote on the power bylaw, and in the mean- time it ie• well there should be some discussion of the situation. The Signal hag all along deprecated any hasty action in the matter, believ- ing it better that the people of Code - rich should know what they are doing than that they should without proper consideration involve themselves In serious obligations extending over a period or thirty years. Scone people would favor the town's entering upon a contract for Niagara power, trusting to get Maitland River power later on ; and certainly enough tray been said, by or on behalf of the Hydro -electric Commission, to war- rant stone expectation that we are to get Maitland River power. But in reality there is nothing definite to this effect. Hon. Adam Beck's latest statement in the matter is contained in • letter tend at the last meeting of the town council, as follows : 'THE ADVISABILITY OF DE, VELOPINO POWER ON THE MAITLAND DEPENDS ENTIRELY UPON THE QUANTITY THAT CAN BE USED IN THE HURON DIS- TRICT." Ro that, despite any other state- ments' that may have been wAde, the Comrnission has not de!lnitely decided upon the development of the Maitland River. A, atfyone svb3 has followed the dis- cussion knows, there is a vast differ- too..tween Niagara powerdelivered at (:,,(1, rich and Maitland River Dower. (Where Maitland River triwct is mentioned in this article, the iefet-enc,- is to combined Maitland River snJ Niagara power, as dealt with in the report of the Hydro -elect. tricComrnis-ion). Taking the figures fcr 700 h. p., tbe price of Niagara power at Ooderich will be $37.60 per n. p., an 1 of Maitland River power *25.13. But the difference is not all iodicate1 in these figure•. With only Niagara power available, Goderich would be in a hopeless position, so far se any industrial development depend- ing upon power is concerned. With Maitland River power on tap, Gode- rich could compete in power with massy of the towns in the Niagara sone. It is not, then, simply an alter- native between $37.80 and 1120.13 as the price of power here -it is an alter- native between industrial stagnation for this town and the prospect of sub- stantial. If not rapid, growth and ex- pansion. But we are told that all the munici- palities now using Niagara power are satisfied, even "delighted." This, even if absolutely true. would be about re good an argument as to say that because furs are valuable in Can- ada they should command a high price at the tropics. A glance at the fol- lowing figures, showing the present prices of Niagara power and the re. wised 'schedule to come into effect on the 1.t of November, will indicate why some of the Gowns in the list are Dot exactly "delighted" with the position they are in : PREeZIT RATED. $18.10 26.00 25.00 3400 41.00 88.00 32.00 MAO 3(.00 111.119 111011 38.89 24.00 11/.00 m00 37.00 16.00 *00 *00 .4.00 17.00 17.00 Tot onto. London. Guelph Stratford Seaforth Mitchell. St Thomas... .. . Woodstock ... 1nlersol .o.hI i't ..nhnrg Norwich Beachville..... Berlin waterloo New Hamburg Helen Preston .. Oalt. •1. sem. NEN RAT 1. $18.50 27.00 2150 3200 41.00 38.00 13.1.00 14.00 '17.00 :3'2.00 30.00 3200 24.00 25.00 3.00 87.00 ]0.11) 24.00 25.01) 34.00 10.00 man 37.800 30.00 nee d.dlt...... .,,• 86.78 MI 00 Wean* ...... ....... 80.00 30.00 20.00 *00 91174 30.00 le It any wonder that some of the towns in this list are apprNeesive of extinction se ee.aufaeturiag centred'? Bow sea a aenfeeterer paying $31t *R power sempeta with one paying SNAP re will be'otieed that the rows. ara the Stratfor•d•Sesforth line'(wbith it ie proposed to extend to Goderich) get no reduction in their tate. They are so far from the source of power that the price it bigh, and the price being high comparatively little of the power is used, and ss it is the large users of power who get the advantage these towns on the outside of the circle get no reduction, while any use of the power they do make helps to bring down tbe price for the inside towns. We are not arguing for a fiat rate : we are simply stating the facts, and as Guderich (if it gets tied up to Niagara) will be on the Stratford line it should be interesting to the people of (lode - rich to know how Seaforth and Mitchell and Stratford are situated. At Stratford, which has consider- ably the beat rate of the three points on the line, not only has there been no industrial development from the in- trteduct ion of Niagara power, but com- paratively few of the manufacturers who were already located there are using it. And Stratford has a rate of $32 per b. p.. while Goderich's rate for Niagara power will not be better than $37.80. The Seaford) Expositor of last week, - in an article which we reproduce in another column. tells of what Hydro- electric power has 1,40T done for Sea- . fortb, ' The Mitchell Recorder of I ist week bad the following article : The announcement by the Ontario Hydro -electric Commission that power rates W certain municipalities would be reduced, whip others would be un- changed, has stirred rip some indtguu- tion in the municipalities that con- sider they are being diacriminet.etl against. the St. Tortures aldermen claim that St. Thomas has toren forced by the rules of the Commission u, .ell power anti light at figurers fixed by the Commission, while Loudon has made rules to suit itself in violation of , hem) rules, and yet London, which in using roily three-fifths of the power :ou- trkcted for originally, gets .e reductio,. 01 one dollar per horsepower, while St. Thomas gets du reduction, although it is using 1.3110 of the 1,61111 horse power contracted for. They threaten to defy the Commission to enforce its rules against St. Thomas, while London is allowed to neglect thein. The town council of Mitchell can preeent an even stronger case. They are using the whole of the power originally contracted for and yet the rate is unctanged, although it is the second highest in the Provio7e and they have been acting under the rules that London, Mr. Beck's own town, has been disregarding. The city audi- tor of Toronto has reported that in that city the Hydro system has too many officials, that the system of bookkeeping is cumbersome and smothered in detail. The same criti- cism has been made of the methods of the Hydro -Commission and the report of the Provincial auditor will be awaited with interest. The officials of tke town of Mitchell have found the system of bookkeeping recommended by the Hydro-Commie:ton very com- plicated and unsatisfactory, and the number of inspectors of various classes whom the Pmvincial Commis - tion employs e a its li nes affords sinecure positions for a Targe number of hang - ere -on and adds 10 tbe expenditure which must be met by municipalities, while the interference of the Commis- sion with to Cal finances is deprecated. In another article in the same issue The Recorder, referring to the situa- tion in Goderich, says : "The Signal gives some advice with respect to safeguarding the town's intereeta which the experience of some other towns iu dealing with the Com- mission has rendered prudent." The Stratford Beacom in a recent issue commends The Signal's warning to the people of Ooderieh to avoid cal-elesanew in negotiations with the Hydro -electric Commission, and says : "The people of Coderich will be well guided in following The Signal'. ad- vice." Surely the experience of these town• ought to be sntncient to prevent Gode- rich from rushing into a contract for Niagara potter. milli yet there are people in this town who have neem trying for a year past to get the town owned to make moth a contrtv-t. 1t is :mid that the necessity of a supply of electric pewee in Oedmr{eh M argent. How many •ppiteations for power arpety ere there before the tows council? Jest nM.. it in tree that tbe town plant its in seed of • r disci newelianS141. UM it hes been In • Nlmiliene w11Ai s flee the last tee frl.eYerg eta pals 4, 1 •r ti- :::i-1 TN.When we compare our ton, our circumstances, today, fwith those of the Pilgrim national day of thanksgiving, iFathers, the inaugurators o the we scarcely know how, fittingly, t.. exposes our gratitude. After e year of dnorm* And wasting disease, with half their original nuwlrer laid in the grave, and wady of the survivors weakened by illness, these people, with rm- dauuted faith and sublime cour- age, appointed a day not for fasting and hutuilietiun, not for prayer for succor from their distreesea, but a day f� thanks- giving that the lure or the disease had abated, tbat the first cruise in the new land had been successfully harvested. and that tory had been preset ved from molestation by the tIibes of Indians. Whet a contrast has been our 'lot, .es Cauadiaor, during the put year. Continued prosperity has been ours, with absence of great phtgnes, and freedom in most of r our immense territory from disaster, while, where disaster has fallen, the courage and vigor shown in meeting it in l wresting good from the appar• j( ent evil are in themselves an added cause for thankfulness. In spite of peculiar climaticconditions we have again been • blessed with abundant hart-e-ets; commercially our laud is pros- perous iu a high degree : polit- ically we are, tree 1 exctte- went and turmoil such as' the neighboring republic is exper- iencing, But., above all, Canada 'nay be steeply grateful for the signs of an awakening of the nation's conscience. Abuses have existed, abuses still exist in Cenadisn public life. But the demand for Bleariness and honor in our public men is increasing, and dishonesty, self-seeking and graft are being treated, more and wore, with the contempt and the' punishment they deserve. Therefore, for material pros- perity, fortereedom from disaster and from political disturhaoces, for the growing love for rig.ht- eousneasie our national life let all ttue Canadians give sincere thanks to Heaven, and let the sincerity of their gratitude he sbown by greater efforts to attain to the righteousness that exalteth a dation. l tiJt..... �.. - 1 1 1 THE NORTH COUNTRY. Mr. Sallows Sees a Beaver Dam One Hundred Feet Loig. R. R. Mallows ha„ returned from another trip to Algonquin Park, where be did some more photography work for the Grand Tt•uok Railway. A num- ber of lodges ande'.elter houses are being built throughout the Park for the accotnmgdation of tourists, and Mr. Sallow. was taking pictures of these .fur G. T. R. advertising pur- poses. "Highland inn," witb aocum- ,u odatiou for 200 people, is the centre for visitors to the Park, and trod there they may move from place t,4 place. these lodges ;one at Smoke Lake large enough for fifty guests) providing the necessary accom- modation. On his recent visit. Mr. Hallows was the guest of Mr. Robinson and Mr. Bartlett, two of tie Park rangers, at Joe Lake Station. They escorted him to various points in the Park, the trip from lake to lake being mode by canoe, with occasional portages. On the way to Wilson's Lake they saw an immenee beaver dam -100 feet long and six feet high. The beaver are in- creaeing very rapidly -too rapidly, in fact -and the Government has com- mented takiug some out each pear and selling the furs. Lost year over $7,0111) worth of furs, from beaver, otter and other animals in the Park, were sold, this helping to pay for the upkeep of the Park. No bunting is allcwed in the Park, so that the ani- mals increase more rapidly than they otherwise would. During the trap- ping season Mean. Robinson and Bartlett took out 800 beaver in six week., and their operation. cover only one section of.the Park. Mr. Sallow. bag a section of bird) tree showing how the beavers can fell a gcod-sized tree. This one is eight or nine inches in diameter, and the beaver tackle eve larger ones. The deer in the Pari also ars increas- ing rapidly and there are Also some moose, which keep pretty much to the north end of the • reservation. The wolves did a great. deal of destru.tion among the animals flit year. Mr. Sallown also visited one of the J. R. Booth Co.'s lumber camps east of Algo.gnie Park. The Company is working on a timber limit which is said to be valued at $15,I100,000, and it is estimated that it will take eighty years to clear it oat There were about 180 men in the camp and this is only one of several wn; log on tee Holt. Mr. hallows was away about two week.. He enjoyed rile trip greatly and weeks with estimations oe the north oon•trv. It ie la Utl ingnmeisn of jr,sperltyt•� itM end of NIIIs the hew e11 1110116. 41f the 1;tsletr mei =es el MN in /iegwtial<- oddthe int el illibt. " �n Wok hotter d y it."