The Signal, 1912-10-10, Page 5Tava/UST. Ou-ruulut 10, 1912 •
l r , I • Anniversary of Meth of tisneral Brock.
T. R. Nee- ,. ` _ bee �n ea al The lfilninier of Education desires
11!~ Ved W 'rpeooto, 9l.. that the school boards cosmemor-
ate in a minable manner the buodr dth
baaivq.. iry of the death of General
8th leen Brock. who died in dutenos
of his:country at Queenetou Heights
os. October 13th, 1812. As the sonl-
versary falls this year on Sunday, [bey
hold the oelebastioa either on
A, few iies week. PrinciPalLl for FrCdt►y afternoon. October Iltb, or on
darpl-- Monday, October 14th, as each board
demos advisable. So signal an oppor-
tunity of hone Eng the memory of e
natloaal hero should cot oe per-
mitted to pass unnoticed is the schools.
Notes from the Waterfront.
The steamer Wexford was in poet
on Sunday and unloaded her cargo of
95.00Q busheb of wheat et the God. -
rich Elevator & Transit Co.'s elevator.
She cleared on Monday afternoon for
Fort William.
" engraved cm it. W. Chisholm is port oThe n Moodavress of F with aort lleaigo of
twee' ts. 1• again
p�gkerty. and M Pied ettbetitutad
sbe was away::
orkile The Awericao Road Msching, Co.
i a car of machinery to Vic-
k k.
[arta B.C., the art o f apples are being
SHOW G. apt . is running soother
(i. T.
n exdvtsioo to tee Wert oil
(ember lith.
ming operation..
I. ogee, s bungalow os. Nelson
west bee se the rafters on and is
roily for the roof to be 'jssheeeted.
Ii re L being bricked. Oa Mooia- laid 's house on
,- lir. Young had s o � GWd
web the manse of
u r residence on 113.000 bushels of wheat for the Gude
rich ▪ it putting tP work now pro rich Elevator & Transit Co. fibs
cleared for Fort William oo Tuesday
The steamer McKee is expected in
port today with 116,000 bushels of
wheat for the Goderich elevator.
The Ooverumeat supply boat Sim-
one was in port arl Monday and atter
leaving supplies cleared for Sarnia.
The Bon Awi. a passenger boat
from the Soo, came into port last
Friday and is haviuft a new engine in-
stalled. The Doty Ergine Works Co.
bee the job in hand.
The top covering on the commercial
wharf is now being finished. When
completed the appearance of the
wheel will be greatly improved and it
will he much more convenient for
captains to dock their vessels.
,D, •`p 1 . oo the sew North
greet rapidly a good
greet tbe
Methodist Wreong completed.
sea of the brickwork being
,s.'facers's house oo St. Vincent
street is ready for bricking. Work is
B OW .u.proded at the Masonic
Temple Smith
pet et George
Tbe death of Georgic Smith, at the
+ge of sixty-eight years, occurred 00
Saturday at . The deceased was native of
Nos home ou tbe Huron
rich, but had lived innO was
about thirty-five yaws. survived
j mei1y off r boys and
three girls. The sone are George and
f Calgary, and
mores, Will. of town ; o
of Berlin.aodtbe daughters
are Mrs. George Wilson. towo ; Mte.
Bamiltoo. Buffalo. and Mrs. Bugg,
Jsrksun City, Mioh. All t lo •
"fly were 'home
for ebdenessddanyyer to
took P Rev. Dr. Medd
►lain land cemetery.
officiated and the pallbearers were
Akre au. We
C. Prldham Thos. Mc-
Kenzie and Jas. Buchanan. gr.
with the Bowlers.
A *encs of ward ootupetitione
iota has
heexciting a good deal of
among the habitues of the West street
howling green. On Tuesday
won the St. Patrick's ward teem
tested the St. George's award rink for
the thud time. Thep S score
were: 8t. Geo e'e
BG Patrick's
0. t'. Whitely F. H. Woods
L. E. Doherty W. Lane
M. J. Steered Dr. Macklin
Dr. Hunter, skip -20 L. B. Tape, stip-16
The "Pato • hare also beaten a 81.
David's ward rink skipped by Robert
McLean, and consequently" t 1
they are "the whole cheese.St. An-
drew a weed has not produced a com-
peting rink so far. Upon their return they will reside at
At time of writing the silver medal 118 Fermanagh avenue.
donated by R. McLean is in the poo
session ot F. H. Woods. Oakley --Blackstone.
Oath of Walter Hyslop. • On Tumidity last one of Goderich•s
The following from The' Hamilton popular young ladies, Miss Victoria
Times of October 3rd refer. to a Emmeline Blackstone. younger
former resident of Goderich, brother daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black -
of Mrs. Henry Martin, of this towo. stone. became the bride of Mr. M. Hs in-
Hrs. Martin was in Hamilton last Men
nO kley, of son of EdiRevn Henry H' Oak,
week on is visit to her r•elgtives there ge
when the sad event occurred : ley, of Sheffield. England. Tbe wed -
A highly -respected resident of tbe ding was perfoirued at St. George's
city pasud away at an early bony church at bigh n000 by the rector,
yesterday morning in the person of Rev. J. B Fotheringhaw. Reg.
Ire Walter S. Hyslop, after a very Blackstone. brother of the bride, pre -
short illness. Deoesteed was returning sided at the or gan. The hrioe was
to his home on • car one day last given away by her father in thepots-
week when he was suddenly stricken rnce of the family and a few girl
01. His wife and two sons; Earl. of friends. She was attired in her trev-
Toronto. and Ernie. of Ibis city. sur- citing co -fume of navy blue breed-
viye. The funeral will take place on cloth. with pirtttre hat to match. and
Friday afternoon at2 o'clock to Ham- wore the meow '• gift of • handsome
Ilton cemetery. Deceased was a musi- peat! necklace. Her bouquet pm of
coo of much ability, sod the posses- bridal roses acid lily of the alley.
or of a deep base voice of exceptional After the wedding luncheon the
richness. He will be much missed by youngcouple left on the 2:40 pan.
a large circle of friends. train for Western points on a three
Y. M. C. A. Annual Meeting. weeks trip. They will be at their
The annual meeting of the Y. M. C. bone at Edmonton atter November
k. was held in the Association rooms 1st. Among she many beautiful
on Monday evening. The resident, wedding presents were several
3 R• P cheques, including one from the
A. M. Robertson, reviewed tbe work bride's aunt in En, l+nd, a mink set
rf the year, telling of what was being from her father and a .river service
accomplished in the various depart from het hrutbeta. The bride was
menta of work and plans for tins one of the town's fact rite musicians
future. Tbe finances had been fairly and will be greatly Missed in Gode-
well sustained during the past year : rich. She and her hiertund have the
but the Association reqon
uire. the D- best of et iabes from a hoot of friends.
swat support of its friends. Dr. W.
A Pioneer of Bruce. CARLOW.
Tbe late Augurs Mel . whose W CDN e$MAT% Oct. 9t1..
death occurred in Godo oo Wed- gee. Jae. Hamilton. old Ooderiobe
will preach In Smith's illi chords
next Sunday.
The apple tree Is cow the
attention of taw who • orchards.
Tb. tall apples are being patted mei
now. Tb. growers ars getting 81 a
barrel for them.
oesday. October and. was one ut tls•
p�eee of the enunty or Bruce. Com -
i 1ronm his native land, 800thead, with
his parent's when only two years old,
he grew up in the saw country and
later took up a farm Mosel/ and wtts
industry and perseverance hewed out
afrom the wilderness. A est
eight eats ago. his health he ug
begun to fail. he left the farm in
Huron township aal ceaer to Ooderieb
to speed the remainder of bis days.
For the past year or two his health
had tailed rapidly. but during bis
long aad tryiog illness be was Invari-
ably patient and cheerful. Hs is sur-
ervived by his wife, six dsugbters and
two sons. Tb. daughtete are Mrs.
(Cept.r Morrison. Mn. Geo. Moore.
Mn. Edw. Moulton and Miss Mary
McLeod, all of Detroit : Mrs. AngusMcKay, of town, and Miw Margaret.
at home : and the sons ire Angus. of
Toronto, and William. of Royal Oak.
Bruce county. Nearly all the
members o[ tbe family were home fur
the funeral, which took place on Fri-
day from the family residence, Glou-
cesterTerraoe. to Maitland cemetery.
Rev. Gouge E. Rose. pastor of Knox
cburcb, conducted the funeral services
and the pallbearers were Geo. Wood.
of Kincardine ; Allan Mcleod. of
Tivertoo ; Donald McRitehie. of Rip-
ley : Alex. McKenrie, of Berrie : Alex.
Sterling and Cods. Moss. of town.
A Toronto Wadding.
Frew Monday's Torooto Globe we
take the following. which will be
read with much interest by the
gr'oom's many friends in toe n and
vicinity :
A� pretty wedding was quietly
solemnized at the home of Mr. F. L.
Mactlam, 06 St. Patrick street, when
his eldest daughter. Mabyl May. was
married to Mr•. Wilfred 11. Bell, of
Goderich, Ont. Rev. Mr. Murray
of Erskine church officiated. The
bride, wbo was given away by ber
father, wore ivory satin trimmed with
pearls. and tulle veil, with chaplet
of orange blossom,. and carried a
shower of roses and lily of the valley.
She was attended by her sister, Miss
Dora Macklam, in p Ile blue satin and
lace. and can ying pink races. The
groom was attended by his cousin,
Mr. Harry Maw. of Windsor. The
Wedding March was played by Mies
Norma Low, friend of the bride. After
the ceremooi- dejeuner Was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell left for New York
and eastern points. ibe bride travelling
in a navy blue suit anti hat to match.
Deni delay Rnuvour fan alt ad co,or
coat. Prldhaor the railer liar the rttrat good.
sod guarantees .t le. out aad at. Setas Dotty
Dow seed, is stent : yen should .eo them.
How abort thaw widow nodes you nerd
for tall? Ramsmber we alae marry all widths
aad Morse ahadi aiotb in .took and can maks
any wise of shade to order. 1'emptrte line of
brawl and media canals pole.. Sea oar win-
dow display. smith's Art Store. Fisc eteeet.
The Royal English Handbell Ring-
ers will he at Victoria Opera House
October 22nd.
Oliver Grigg ebipped a horse to La
Riviere, Man.. today and went along
with it to take care of it..
lov-erness Camp Sons of Scotland,
will tweet on Friday evening, October
llth. A Iarge.attendance is requested.
Smith's Art Store has been newly
painted white. with dank green trim-
ming., and presents a fine appearance.
L. B. Tape. the Singel mee had s
display of his machines et the Duu-
gaendn fair and did some good busi-
Y. Hay en gays a report covering the A Musical•ss.
operations o[ the Bov Scents who „s a
Tbe line weather of• the past week
tens gratifyiog to all concerned in
building operations sod other outside
The Collegiate institute truetee
board is advertising for tenders for
the proposed alterations to the school
Andrew Johnst to will have a sale of
tare meek os. Monday. October 88th.
Mr. Johnston is leaving the farm for
the winter ; so the stook will hats to
b. sold.
TQrseev. Oct. lith.
Drawee HARv-gs'r.-On Thursday
oe last week • figure familiar to Ash-
field towgehip residents. that of Pat-
rick Austin, passed peacefullyaway
from this transient world In the m
•utuwn of lite. the deceased being in
his sixty-first year. The news was
heard with the deepest expreseioos .f
sorrow, not only by his family and
friends but by the whole comnuuity.
Mr. Austin was • quiet and obliging
neighbor and was always ready to as-
sist in the rush of farm work. or in
a sudden call of sickness or death. He
was of a kindly disp %anion and made
a geaial host. A member of the
Roman Catholic chute b, be was
always a regular attendant at its ser-
vices until shout six months before bis
death. and as the end approached be
received the last rites of his church
from Rev. Father McCormick, parish
priest of St. Joseph's church. Kings-
bridge. On Seturiay morning last
the mortal remains were committed
to the earth, and were a000mpenied to
the church and to their last resting
plates by a large concourse of sympath-
etic fiends, who earnestly interceded
for the repose of the soul of him who
is oow clothed in immortality. The
pallbearers were Joseph Griffin (Code-
richl, Morgan Dalton. Joseph Dalton,
Patrick Me('artb % . Florence McCarthy
and Thomas Joie. Deceased leaves
to mourn him hi+ wife (formerly
Agnes Young of 1 odetich) and one
son and two dangle ere : Clifton and
Ethel at home, and Mabel, who
teaches school at Stevensville. He is
survived also by four brothers. Peter
and Michael, of Ashfield township;
Philip. of Goderieb, and Stephen. of
Denver, Colo., and three sisters: Mrs.
Hogan, Mrs. Quigley and Mrs. Mc-
Carthy. of Ashfield township.
8100 Reward, 8100. •
The readers or tole mow ww be plMesd to
learn that there 'Oat lent me dreaded inseam
Dort s;lence has been able to cure In a* It.
gaffe, and that he catarrh. Halla Catarrh
Cure is the only pp�p.lfive oars now known to
the medical tr•tefe1ty. Catarrh being a em-
anational disease requires r. constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Oats is taken inter
nau7• seting direatl;, ipon tie blood and mu-
cous surfacer of the system. thereby destroying
the foundation of the dlsesee and nlving the
Patient ".tre.rsih by bttitdlaa a the oonstitts
Hicks, thin weather mate progooeti- tea end rutere a rang bs west.
cafes too early cold wave r ending The proprietors have so moor faith In to esus -
frosty nights far toward the south. rice powers that they ogle one hundred ddtus
curany case [tut tt hilt to Dare. Send for ilei
of test[monta s.
SolddDiel. J. HZZ''K � CO.. Toledo. O.
Take tla*'. Family gels for constipation.
Get your stoves ready.
At O*rgoode Hall yesterday judg-
ment was reserved in the case of Rol:-
et•teuo ve. Township of Colborne, in
connection with the telephone bylaw.
The Boy Scouts bugle hand wee out
un parade again on Wednesday even-
ing. Considering tbe few practices
the boys have had they are doing fine
mot k.•
The mild weather is bringing on a
second clop of small fruits. A lady in
the west end has some t-aepherry
plants on which are blossoms, green
berries and ripe ones.
Thos. Lacey bee sold his farm of
about fifty acres on the Bei field toad
to his neighbor, C. Brimicombe, and
will move into towu. He has not. had
good health of late, we are sorry -le
Miss Allin. of Clinton, daughter of
Rev. Et. J. Allis, assisted in the musi-
cal service at North street Methodist
church on Sunday. singing a solo
morning and evening. She bas a
pleasing voice.
The dresemaking worms over ('ol-
boroe's store are occupied by Mrs.
Garter. who 1w prepared todo all kinds
of dress. suit and coat tusking. All
work entrusted to her will be guaran-
teed satisfactory.
constitute an active and flourishing There w • splendid wudien h in
A North sit Pet 111ethodiat church o0
department of the Association. Tburwlay evening last, when • con-
note was passed tendering cordial cert wee given under choir auspicek
thanks to the members of the ladies' Tbe centre' figure of the evenings
auxiliary for their invaluable assistprogram was Harold Jarvis. the well -
mai dumint the year. The following non Detroit vocalist, who retains
were elected directors for the ensuing bis superb voice in seemingly unim-
"5'. A. M. Robertson. O. M. Elliott, paired quality. The audience elbowed
k." Sallow., S. R Wigle, L� B wane appreciation of hia singing, and
Doherty Dr. Emmerson and W. he was called upon for several encore
T. Millar. The Y. M. C. A. is doing • number.. Dr. smite, organist of
reach -needed work, and the directors Central Methodist church, Stratford,
should have the generous assistance gave selections on the pipe organ
teed hearty cooperation of the towns- which demonstrated musicianly ual-
oeeple generally.
Death of John Lawson.
The news of the death of John Law -
sea, which centered at West Sommer -
land, B. C.. on Muoday leaf, was
noeit ed in Goderich with deep regret.
Mr. Lawson had been in failing health
for several pears. but made a Ilant
tight for life. After x trip to the Old
(vestry early in the year, he left in
June for British Columbia, in the be�pe
thattbe climate there would benefit
lime The change was in vain, how-
vter. and be had been oosflned to bed
let several weeks before the end came.
82eLawson sae one of the best-known
the younger badness [see of (lode -
The elder eon of David Lawson,
nCblborne tow ubip, he spent neatly
In HI* in town and vicinity. For
ems rears he was a member of the
Wcb Planing Mills Company and
de Ind
Some vet y handsome orchids grown
by Geo. Stewart were on exhibition in
W. H. Harrison's store window one
dr.y the past eek. Mr. Stewart is
devoting a h deal of attention to
orchids at thhhhe preseot time.
A tall piece of corn was brought to
the Signal office the other day by C.
Newtoo, of Goderich township. It
was 11 feet 54 inches in length. Mr.
Newton has about four acres of corn
needy ■11 about as high as this stalk.
The Kies of Magicians
e ill appear net
Tuesday, Oct. 15th
with hie omupaoy in
Don't Miss Him
Tickers 60c, 36c and 25c ; for Pub-
lic and High School pupils, ibc. Plan
open at H. T. Bdwerde', to sub-
scribers on iaturda October 12tb,
at 9 a. m•. to the public on Monday,
October 14th.
Good positions await the graduates
of the
Owen Sound, Oot.
Thorough courses, large stag, ex-
cellent equipment, our own build-
ing ; and we �(uarautee to place
every gr..duate in s position:..
Catalogue free. Enter any time.
C. A. Funtiete G.D. FI.RMINO.
PriocipeL Secretary.
Tanto. (htt.t is well known ee the right place
for vaporise beefaese and shorthand education.
Positions worth PM and dugs were recently
*tied by nd. , %Who dor easaiswse.
WitoMel ,Ave 001. 9.
CRUDA H tiaras.- - Harold W il-
Ifaas prercber� A kk Sae sermon
Sunday evensnnt'. taking toe bis. text
1st Timothy : 4, 13: " Give attendance
to reading." Next Sunday there
will be no service in the Nile church,
owing to the anniversary services
being held at Ebenezer. the follow-
ing Sunday anniversary services
will be bold at Nile, conducted by
Rev. J. E. Hunter. of Dungannon.
The W. M. 8. bald its
monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. James Girvin on'W8dneeday last.
There was a good atteodrnce of the
NEWS IN BRIEF. -Charles Stewart,
who has been in the employ of the
Government as fire ranger and game
wardeo, at Cochrane, has returned to
his home looking as though the work
agreed with him ....Miss May McDer-
mott, who is attending Wingbam
Business College, was home to spend
a few days .. Haney 0. Pentland
has returned to Stratford Business
College to pursue his studies .... Mise
Minnie Currie left for Torooto on Sat-
urday, to finish her course of training
in the Deaconess Hong..... Mrs.
Fisher, of Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting
friends here.. -Mr. Seaguss is moving
his &wily to Dungannnn, as he has
secured a position with J. J. Ryan_ .. .
Mrs. T. Sne d and Dr. and Mrs. Clark,
of Godeticb, were %lotto's at Lewis
Taylor's this week Samuel Mat-
thews. who has been quite sick, is able
to be around again ... Nearly every-
one from around here attended Dun-
gaonon show and some of them
secured a goodly number of prises.
' Little Net" again distiog'tished her-
self and did credit to her owner,
Lewis Taylor. and her trainer. Dr.
A commercial traveller at Hensel!
the other day offered to bet $ tiara
during the coming winter there would
not be a week of continuous sleighing.
He bowed his estimate on the000dition
of the fur -bearing animals and the
scarcity of nuts.
We hese that D. B. MacKay bee
purchased from Alex. Young the
latter's fine farm of 150 acres, 'Loch
Merlon," on the 7th concession of Col-
borne. This is one of the best grazing
farms in the section, and we under-
stand the new owner will devote it to
sties of a high coder. Mrs.King 'aiming live stock. We congratulate
touched Scottish hearts and delighted Mr McKay on h.rctmimg the owner of
all by her rendering of some of the such a grad properly.
well -disown songs of sold Scotia. Her red "At the annual meeting and public
prperam numb" were March
of the
press • and ''Che March of the exhibition ot the Society of American
Camerou Men," and for encores she Magicians held ,at Carnegie Lyceum
ss "The Land o' the Leal" and "Mary last night, Laurent was the guest of
of Argyle." James Fowler, a member bonny and at the close of his part of
of North street Methodist choir, scored tbe perfo.wanee he was decorated
a triumph in his nolo 'TbeiTrumpeter," with a beautiful jeweled medal. The
demonstrating his poserssion of a voice only ntber magician". on whom this
of remarkable power end purity. in bonor bas hero conferred are Keller
response to an entbusiatic retail be end Herrmann." -The Lyceum News.
Fang "Out on the Deep." Miss Ads Laurent conies to Goderich on Tam
McClinton. another member of the day. October 15.
choir, was beard with surh pleasure I PORN.
in isoprene solos, A May Morning
and an encore selection. Mies Mc-
Cartney and Miss Edna Pridham
played • piano duet in cr•edit.hle
manner. The opening number of the
m was. 'Y) Carred•,-- sting
end Draetieal knowledge bed
Msgse business abilities were recc�g a choir and •udienoe, end the choir
Masi t►y all wbo knew nim. 1L ith has sang also tbe Moldier. Chorus. from
ltbsis be warn kindly sod generous "Faust." George H. King directed the
ss1 eiaceee. and there are than who choir and also acted as atecneopenbt
ktag will roles the sound of the voice throughout theevening• He an!
ilea;is still. To the aged father• the bis (hair are to be enogrstulated upon
Irate" w f and tom. pd the 'income of the entertainment.
The '~• main, are befog - brought to kind
OSd•rtrh fen Intes-meat, and the fun- I
coo ▪ will ak. rase. from the home of I P h' iawren.v. of tb. Oasis' R nitM
Alex Lawton, uncle of the de- ken agency. ese.nn10 ens that
e'er nn s')aturday afternoon at MOO boon In fut+tre will 1l.. from 6:16 a s
' ^ "'Aimee* cemetery. to 8-.90 p.m.
stater w them
k^+'bb•r woe ammo W. the sympathy which will. we t.ttsst. eneouraaa
whale eesniwoit 0.1. Ifo further ,ndi'rtaking' of a similar
SAUNDERS. -In (ioderrrb. on Saturday. Or
tatter a te Mr. and Mrs. char. K. Assailer.
• sea.
Lit qPPAN. On Sat mins,, cloister s. at Tempe'.
Mrs AMPsn wwa 1" Wetly MiPep.
IAe 0 r51t.y Baer
AELL MACIL I. AM - At tar 5055. of Mr. and
MM F I. Msrwlam aS At. Patrick rarest.
Toronto. on Tne..lay aft ttrtotore I.
by R. Jaster •Ma y, Merced g.
!label Nag kAsn and 1
Hell. of Tomato.
SMITH In Ooderiuh. on Aatuday. Orta/sr
Mia. Osman Amlta aged m Peers arid 7
LAWSION Al 'Feet *vtmertaid. P. i .n
*weds.y. OctoM.r nth. Jab,. I wwvm eMnr
Dna K D•TM t..w. Ueskm
The funeral will uga plane on, to
afternsen al
Aiwa Lan an :o , OSleekil . ir00.0 llhe
Cowan's S>rs to hit the
right spot. It is a great
food for husky young ath-
letes : satisfies the ap
easy to digest: and d
FarFallllaropdawsater moniker a ,mart,
blereit and armee trtie den i is (islnoerte
and surrounding country.
of the ilrwrt nursery stock grown.
Stark sold and degvees l to trade. Early
nod good delivery RWaeteed. Thirty-
five years of budeessexpertenw•aables
uv to offer the beet agency in our ILK.
Write for terms.
Paid - upGapiu►l. Rest and
UIWi.i.d Prate K176,000
Total Assets (over) fi+ee.u)0.uo0
San Time Mees
Yes Are Busy
Qp by carrying on your
.1 � banking by m a i L..
fy>lit.itii; iOut,dept llit4, or your cheques when
ye wan*' ttldr4 W mont�y.
We gigs special attention to business handled
in this way, and will be glad to have you make
use of our service.
W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich
es nweaanwess.1111.114.
{rr. 11P. wslll&
G. M. C. 113112111.113112111113112111.A•Sts..e ae..anee.
! Pelham Nursery Co. 1
Clark The "Syndicate" threshers
have moved their outfit to SaltfoFd,
to ;he farm of 8. Bisset. They expect
about eight days' work there in the
shape ot silo filling and threshing.
Harvesting around here is not yet
completed. The buckwheat is still
in the stook R. Mellwain, who,
as Already reported, bee secured the
clerkship of the township of Colborne,
is the right man in the right place.
Ir. rhe (i..ANI*T. ItasrtLST. sed EAST HOWL
Dye, .me Ma ave.-wbr pee del ovum or
W ow wan xri'm a ass Tees Owes see node
.t. -s. 50.1.a« 'i.. L.s..saste.
Seed M e... Order G..'d. 1W.•r Mace.... d
a.sanw s1W noon. or arise ....wr cies.
rs. J010e5044-RrCHARms0•4 rase tear.
M..r..t. comma.
We are now prepared to
supply cootractors with
all kinds of Moulding/4
Inside Finish. Flooring
and Hiding.. and (ienet•l
Building Materiel.
We slake ,4 mecca; t y of
Veneer Flooring in Oak
and Bird'.
(leveeing and Matching
by the thnus.nd.
T'be Paget grain Dor bra.
fu)DRRIOH Li mown
Automobiles . $10.00 Buggies se es.,....fjd.00
Bicycles .. 1-50 Baby Carriages 1.50
Gasoline Rugines, any dee. 1.00 Trunks, any size - ., 1.00
Furniture prices on application.
Storage free on any goods requiring work to the vatlue of twice the,
amount of the storage.
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.
OODERICH, ONT. 'Pawns 243
write Or dor Urea nes e.taimea of
chandelled, sod yes will ern hew ups
can cc ed. It will then rest with yon
to decide if sou will succsed.
We are pplaeine students in positions
ppaajtna 1)010 to time per annum, and we
have many such applications for help
ebieh we cannot supply. The best
time to enter ear class is now. Write
for onr free catalogue at once. .
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
°pending and Station Agent's
work thoroughly taught in out
School --The Central Telegraph
and Railroad School, Toronto.
Get our book "Ouided by the
Key." it explains our work
and the splendid chances for
operators. Write W. H. Shaw,
President, Yonge and Gerrard
Ste., Toronto.
AMontreal b Bristol'
Three Days Ons Atlantic
Tb, Waren taros sa shei..edet
taw.,ace. sell es Worn irnaw W
dorm, TM adna ,ad .,I.aaaf a►
Nerd a. M. 5. Royal Award and
a.M.s. a.ralOrons ease tar tdo sae
.4 -_- pis.. AtOnsesle.nee.
mime Wise tee .merle,
worry seUeda.
were Is. I.Ww.r,.a.
' N. C. s..tiee
Geese, *sew. Tomes
Having purchased the burli-
ness. formenyy conducted by
.P. Maxim, trelsest'we Ityr-
poem dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Buick, Etc.
We will handle Serantuo
and Lehigh Valley Coal, two
lines which are recognised as
the beet. We wish to give
the people of Goderich and
vieinity tee best service poe-
eible, end obeli be glad to
hear from all of Mr. Holmes'
customers and any others
who wish anything in our
All orders Jett with Jay.
Vetere, W no dreg, promptly
attended to.
' Pbooe No. 75
Yards •t G. T. R , Neeson Mt reef
When Choosing
a Plumber
do not 1,e led by appear -
armee DC promisee of Iuw
prices. Investigate and
you will And that our
Puts Us in the. Lead
for .Inirg *reerleas work
in all reser, and yet our
charge* are nn bigher %ban
P 1 e made for inferior work-
Style af, Quality
perhaps you sornetime$
wonder why you hear so
much about 2oth Cen-
tury Brand Garments. Look
at the exclusive 2oth Century
Brand style pictured above
and you will realize that ;tyle,
fit and quality are account-
able for the reputation of
these garments. You cannot
get the same style or satisfac-
tion in any other make.
We are exclusiNe agents.
FRED HUNTS Walter C. unwise
Hamilton Street, Cieder'ten
wear -