The Signal, 1912-10-10, Page 3TIB GF/PAL G{U din THE 1SINAL IND ONLY IENUIIfE BEWARE OF IMITA• TIONS. g ULD ON THE MIIIKITB- 01' IIN1RIES LiNl1ENT B() 0 BBI NDIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD UMPIRING on LZATHER GOODS All o mining team at TB ele•eeisa. A. R. TAYLOR liharIonD MEDICAL HRS. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR, 1l Physida..s eel OL♦s•-Varib .rest. ser. Btewaf seta Terve. TA gWROLI' TAYLORB.A. Da. W. F. (iALI.O and nwiadatet Medi B. bt .:ltd Cower ON& z isMeat lA F.J.R. YUR9TB R-I;YI3, EAR rart mss �s. L deetteo Wawa tt.eIs .. Or �iN�.urts. titas.e instead. comelle Emu CMrca. Sankt 1 attain. taIwa..t1.0wet. Trisobsse LAMA DROU DFOUT. �HAYS r, s K ILLOR- 1 sw•tex. hs'1. w emblem. ell brat eta«a.Prtvare PRO Is . C fps _ ta..tert UD 11 G. CAMERON. K. C.. HARRIS- so..TAIL doer CHARLES GAIIIZOW. L L.B., BAR Wel kb. _Wst.ss..te., Oed. . a. henna 1. d .ass .ata 11 0. JOHNSTOIq. BLRR1A1'itR sass tu% rest is iasis OnL patello INSURANCE. LOANS. ITC. COUWTY W, C. T. U. Sunday mhool convention of the Oak - rich district in $estorth, and a vepI was sent by teleRre a from the W. (.. T. 1'. convention, atter whi•rh the 0 of ing closed by ringing the Ns 'io I Anthem. nesday et 9:1) a tat. the ctxr lure Yemeni again opened with the pried lent in cbarge. The drvotineal rxer- embee suer were meduct d I.y Mrs. I)•t id K •4of Goderich. fiv. following reports were given ; Atlee Parbr meetings -Mrs. Morose. of res i- Zuricb ; Surprise soap wrappers -Mr.. ��� Leech, of Goderich ; prey work -Mtn. Williams, of Zuricb, was A motion that a vote of awoke be �e- sent to all the editors in the county ing who bad so kindly given operetta their papers free of charge was carried. „as The following tinkers were elected lee for the ensuing year : President, ga. kin. Follicle, Exeter ; vice-president, day Mies Bentley, Blyth ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Fatten, Exeter; record- ve Ing secretary, Mies Attic, Goderiob ; ate treasurer, Mrs. (Rev.1 Sharp, Exeter. Superinteodeota-Evangelistic, Mrs. Davidson. Goderieh ; &adore, Mee. Howell, Goderich ; franchise, Mies Mulvey. Weighted ; prisons, Mr,. Hol- laod, Goderich ; parlor meetings, Mrv. Buchanan, Winghaui ; press, Mise Williams, Zurich ; anti-narrottcs, Atm. Robb, Brussels ; temperance in Sun- day schools, Mrs. Harland. Clinton ; law entorceweut, Rev. J. talreeor, CUD - too ; lumbermen's, Mrs. Randa, Brtrs- sels: moral education and mothers' meetings, Miss Bentley, Blyth ; flower neseioo, Mn.. Davidson, Godes icb ; systematic giving. Mn.. Broder, Mrs. Elder, Blyth ; medal contest, Miss J. 8. Murray, Clinton. The Year's Week 1R.eiswmd at Gti+.mies. The 5tteantb annual con vento H urou Uoktaty Woman's Ghrlsllan Terrsperaoee Union met in the 1•c sere of the Methodist church, Ill at 9.30 e. m. on Tuesday, Sept i lith, with tbe president, Mrs. F in lbs chair, and between thirty and forty delegates present. devotional errercise led by the p dent, the cooventiop was d open for bushes.. A report on evangelistic work presented by Mrs. Davidsots, of G rich, and was a most encoureg one. Temperance in Sunday reboots the subject of the next repent, wb was .given by .are. Harland. of Cl' too. Daring the year 785 Bun school scholue have signed the to peewit e pledge Ten schools ha wade a special effort to educ against the tobacco habit. Alter these imports, two comn.it were appointed : the "plan of wo cnrnwietee" with Mrs. Alex. Rues, eViugbent, coovener. and a re.oiuti committee, with Mn. Harland, Clinton, as 000vensr. The report oo law enforcement w given ty Rev. Mr. Greene. of Clinto Two licensee bad been taken aw during the year, and there had tee a decided improvement in the enin Went of the law. Several moo h• been fined for giving liquor to t oo the Indict list ; one was a baste der. The eeoeasity of putting tempe atomism in the council was diecuased A 'notion that copies of the Law E forcement Act be placed in prominen places, to be read by the public, w carried. The report of sailors' work w given by Mrs_ Hewett, of Ooderic showing an intra...• of Interest in th department of tbe work. Seventes comfort bags had been filled durin tbe year. the superintendent visit.in the a and placing the bags oo th for the comfort of the men on The following literature was alio di tributed : 330 papers, 50 books and magazines. Tbe superintendent re- ceived manyexpressions of spprec tion from te sailors and officers o board the boats. A report oo franchise work, by Martin, of Winitbaw. was read all diecuesed, after which the meeting a8 journed. Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Lege number of officers and detegates and visitors again assembled in the school room of the church. After devotional exercise. led b Mies Bentley, of Blyth, the convex tion was again opened for business. I the absence of the recording .ecret..ry r.. (Rev.) Fear, Mrs. Elliott. o bate, was appointed secretary or afternoon. Minutes of tbe morning session we and adopted. A r on anti -narcotics was Mn. Robb, of Brussel. She r ted good work done by four super tendeete of this department of th ork. Mies Bentley. superintendent atonal education aid mothers' tings, reported six out of seven Union In the county doing active work. Seed of truth and purity were being sown that would in future bring forth an abundant harvest. Sin. Fatten. of Ex Ser, gave a very itutructive talk of loc"l option which was listened to with interest by all present. A temperance chores by Loyal Temperance Legion, pf Brnaseb, was much appreciated. Mrs. R and s, superintendent of mber•men's mission, then gave the report of that department of the ork. From tbe different mission.; rougbout the county, $111 had been otributed to the mission, an increase eighty dollars over last year. Mrs. Dark, of Intimate. gave the ext report., on systematic giving. The prison superintendent, Mrs. olland, of Goderich, reported having e monthly visite to the gaol. dis- buting papers and tracts, and when pportunity afforded talking to the Pei and generally found drink be tbe cause o1 their being there. Tbe report of the flower mission a. given by Mrs. Devidsoo, of Gode- cb. This was • work, she said. that W. C. T. U. societies were doing roughout the land that angels rind delight to do: ministering to sick, suffering and needy one. in ✓ title.• towns and villages. Mbe poke of tbe many article. distributed firing the past year. the sick calls ase. the bouquets of Bowen given. ides fruit and jelly, letters written the aged. and papers, cards and leaflets distributed. Mrs. Ross, convener of the plan of ork committee, read tbe following recommendations "Tbst each prepare for tbe ensuing ear an educational program for superintendent of each depart- nt, and each superintendent give e port of the work aceompliabed up to that date." "in order to facilitate the work of e local Unions, that our president be ueeud to vieit Pack L oirlo at least once a year, tbe expemee to be met u•Ily by the Unions." rs. (Rey.) Sharp gave the secre- y's report and the treaswer'• report. wbieh were adopted. A beautiful solo was mune by Mia. 'err, which was mocb appreciated by aadi.nce, atter wbicb the meeting ad' reed. y evening a targe number g athered in the auditorium of the arch, when an interesting program as given. The pre.ldeet ocalrpid chair. After devstroial exercise by Mrs. Armour, of W iogb•er. r. Mr.3Pearory. of i unde.boro . gave srrs..t tsepere.es address. A very interesting part of the program the gold modal ronte.t, whirls r • competition ssen+g thaw who woe tbe silver seal pr.vlouely. odmtsstants wen May Skelton (1a.emsv Anderson, of ltlenssels Hastings and Willie Mantra, of :star . Lilian R. W i nghsm ; and anis Mains. Blyth The sdsetiatas vas were all gond. The gold medal awarded Mester Willie Maseru, others ry lsivinggold m�.p s Maven. s.bntios by • ladies' quartette, organ selection by Miss Pearl • • $ Lagrl.oma of BrtLoyal rk. WOO, dad t* witb plwore by the latae sailib mots Grostinge ead fromthe Epworth Knoll wishes Liaise a Foil k tees rk of on of as 0. ay n roe- s hose 0- r• • n - t ad as b. is 0 g g e0 board. 5- 24 24 ia- n Mee. d a y n f r1 read e • of neetr a $ 3f f the read by taw w 3')0,W 0 PRIVATX FUNDS TO ' add vJtflJl Moa. Ap.� to 11 . O. CA]II- iku Immatsr. Manama street Ootleric` lo �'• R. ROBE/M.10h. nits.xt, Lw rum; *),I..CDeetTSANanadian aanTd Samosa. cruiser, exam= A55, iurrorasts' laaari - m : LLe tensa& acid of a ..• ge. )tirtrn.xo vu sSWUM:: U.B. flighty .ad Osar.atesOemaeaeay. •[ dela .aduses ubt barite 'Plea• l�Y JOHN W. (MAMMA IJHS, FIRE bondawtet ass lsaaeass. £�as1e� raw in a4cied ea bla°s�: �na'l aslaweltrsta& .s1 at amp, eerier N� aitea dila *salt., rrM J. W. Madsel.k Oat ■ARKIAffit 1 ST3 WALTER R KELLY. J. P.. uuDit10M. ONT. wait or a'AeatLoa LICZNeles �LAN1 I8svER aF MARRL- . Abs Beene& these t•► rot SILTING PARLOR BEDFORD BLOOR &AMtEER SHOP Weed dn, w Liens r sbavfam mit, 44e, eta sum r•ms'lstar. Brophey Bros. JODKKIOH The Lsadli.g Fusers, Directors and Embalmers �s �y wooded to slight tar day BUSINESS AND , BHORbY impart instructorsat Ms ai►• t'g LINT r em s'•r.k.d to priitiows. C.Otge mat Ease rI haw let CraMga► lam l�• h*S1 re ( w�0'=:=.ar.rt't..t N w th co of n H mad tri 0 to w ri the lb w the ou • di m bes for w the rue re th req tar tbeeouu 15Mrda els the led an we. bed Tb. sed Lirl. R A IF wee the A 1'..ap.lMM H it ed NO REASON FOR DOUBT. A Statement of Facts Bathed by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every care where we fail we will supply the medicine free. Rexall Urdu liee are a gentle. effective, dependable and safe bowel regulator. strengtheoer and tonic. They re-eeublirb nature's functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nausea They are eo piesaaat to take and work so eerily that they may be taken by anyone at any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to beelthy activity. Rexall Orderlies ere DDsurpassabie and ideal for the use tf children, old folks and aelicate persons. We can- not too bigbly te_oommeod them to all sufferers from any form of con- stipation a0d its attendant evils Two sizes, 10c ands. Remember• you can ol-tain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store - The Rexall Store. H. C Dunlop, Goderich. Facts About Tuberculosis. It is an extraotdioary fact that a cow may present a perfectly healthy appearance, thrive well upon her feed end give a good flow of milk and yet be iu a badly diseased suite with tuberculosis. This, is vet y clearly brougbt out in a pamphlet prepared by the International Commission o0 the Control of Bovine Tuberculosis. Ph be are shown of fine-Iuoking animals that are known to hive been diseased for years without cough and otherwise .pp,eotly healthy, and yet co0stanUy passim( tuberculosis germs that when comumed by hogs produced the disease. Stich animals are • oonstaot menace not only to the health of the herds to which they belong, but also to the people who use their milk. or are otherwise associated with them. Apart from the bealth star.dpoint the disease causes tbe loss of millions of dollars annually iu cattle and hogs besides materially decreasing the food supply of the .ountey. Tbe disease is commoner in some regions than in others, in some districta it being no uncommon thing to find as many as 70 to 80 per coat of the cows in a herd diseased. In orderto lay these and man other iwportaot facts regarding the disease before cattle raisers, and others interested in live stock, a large issue of the pamphlet koowo as the Tuberculosis Primer was printed by direction of the H000r- abl. the Richter of Agriculture. Tboee who have not already received a copy may do so by applying to the Publication Breach of the meat of Agriculture. at Ottawa. Root Culture - In a paper read before the Senate Committee on Agriculture and For- estry. Mr. John Fixter, fern super in- tendeot at Maodonald College, Quebec. takes the ground that dairymen and beef producers find that when root. are fed animals keep in better con- dition, and the flow of milk and the produetino of flesh increase witb lessened coot. Poultry keepers and bog raisers end that when [bele 15 D0 grass roots form the best and cheapest substitute. Tbere is nothing fed to animals that is mon relwbed. Roots appear to act as • toric end bele to snake all dry feed peter ebb. Mr. Pieter pointe out that the overage yield pf mots over Canada is 402.38 busbels per acre and that the yield secured at the Macdotlald CoUk'ge farm wait mon than 1000 bushels per acre. He noes on to describe bow Iarme Meld. may be secured in every Prow- I:oe of the Dominion and then tells how to successfully harvest read store the crop. This paper, which is lensed in pamphlet form for free distribution by the Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. concludes by saying that the greatest comeen in growing root. will be ermined when the following are observed : A sv.tematic rotation of mope : roots to follow a fresh clever sod ; manure once in the retortion ; tborougb cultivation in, preepantion for the crop and after the roots are Down. Rheumatism. Lumbago and Lame Back ran be cured by the greet trait bid - they and liver remedy, FIG PILLS Ftr•antfnnl, Ont., Ani 1:4, 1911. Sour medicine. Fig PINe hes worked wonder* for sae. The rheu- matic pain, have entirely left me and I owe *veer biasto nur remedy. You w at liberty toPhlish t.hi. R. H. (iaiLYAA. At all dealare Xi sad M rents or mtaibd by The Pea Pelt r 41 1M, 1'-. Out ri.'.r ,:SasC tit .Ortolan& 1 Its s Ds Y`'iILLAR .SON The "Pandora Range is doubly guaranteed - k is guaranteed by the makers and just as fearlessly guaranteed by every McClary agent. You hould know ''Pandora' 111 perfection before you buy a ran , i?or alio Memo Hardware Ob. MOOSE PLENTIFUL NEAR RUE&-. Beat Thomas Country in Ontario Re.cbsd in a Day. The impression seem, to prevail that moose bunting is synonymous with I hardship and that it is n too a long distance from cavi creation in order to shoot this monarch of the forest. While this may be the case in resard to many disteletr, the northern territory traversed by the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway forms the great exception. Hunters may now go to Ruel by rail And i bere transfer m to Cleow's launches,. which run from I that point down the Opickinimkka River and to D.ehaee Lake. Hunter can make camp right on the shore of these waters in the centre of the best noose oouotry in Ontario. Guides eaa be .sewed and all hunting supplies purcbassd at this point. The service of the Canadian. North- ern Ontario Railway to tbese bunting ground. is almovt too well known to require any introduction to the sp.rts- mai. Solid vestibuled trains are operated, exclusively, and special rata. will be in effect good going Octoher 7th to November 9th, return- ing up to December 12th. nefont making your annual pi ritm- age to the woods this fell, inv the bunting 'po. ibilities of ..the territory along /toe lines of the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway. and be assured of a good miasma's sport. A postcard to R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, Canadian Northern Ontario Railway. Toronto. will being you folders and all inform- ation Who Came Next ? A teacher was bearing the class in civics and asked this question : "If the Premier and all the members of tbe Cabinet died, who would officiate ?" The class thought for some time, try- ing in vain to recall who cane next in succession. James .t last had a bappy inspiration and he answered : •'The Undertaker.' Bette Quirk and Permanent Strength. If you are run down or Orel out, if you take cold easily, have 0o appetite, are losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our Macl yd's System Renovator under our guaran- tee to refund the price paid if the remedy fails to give entire malefaction. It aids digestion, tortes up the nervous system and gives bot h quick and per- manent results. One dollar • bottle. Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine Co., Goderich, Ont. For sale by R. R. Wigle. . No Opportunity. A gentleman touring in the West of Irelaed and being c•irgbt in • storm took •better in a dilapidated thatched cottage. Noticing a large hole in the theteb, through which the rain amass, be asked bit host the reason of ita not being repaired. "Shure, Dow," mid the Irishman, "when it'. ranee' Oi co't do it, and when Ws foine it doesn't want dojo', so Oi lave it able." Battle -Scarred Humor. "There is • lot of humor, real humor to be Lound on battlefields." said General Nelson A. Miles at • dinner one evening. '•i remember the ease of a retreat which was really a rout. In this retreat, the commanding general. as he galloped along like Use wtod, turned to an aide, who was urging his horse to the limit, sod asked : • W bo are our reser ' guard 'l The aide, without the slightest hesi- tation, replied t Thom who have lbs worst bosses, sir.' ' Torwrny'e R ply. A teacher was giving bet clam a lemon in geography. She said. "Note, Mimdost..m is the place whore the Rio- dom are, and Af.haniaaa is the plate weer. tie Afghans ars. Now, wbo es0 give a • similar @tan:stpgeay Pl.L4 Tommy held up his ed - "asst, mum, Umbrella -etas'. the piasm whose the Urahr.11as are." Soggy Perna. wW87 do you Maud so much Bare os the creme of your pants, bey r eft ie Important. dad, not to wear blintee.ssrs." d ispeeteat, u it 1 Wby, you young tub, leak tree. DM .ver see a .taw manin • who didn't wear baggy palms T -Louisville Omelet - leisenal Some aro ing erbat t wo.lddo if theyybbada milk.. the wo.lda't do amy- 1 thing of the kind Alts • reran has hose marvid di menthe be never takes a blood bass to &me without area letting Ms wets know. The FAMILY'S UNDERWEAR Now is the best time to get your fall and winter Underwear, when the stocks are complete. We sell only the beet numbers of the following celebrated brands: Turnbull's Peerless Lennard's Zenith Velva Tiger Brand for Men's Wear Women's Wool Vests Women's natural Wont Vests, "Turnbull r. This is one of our hest sellers. Per $1.0 k garment.. ��JJ Drawer: tel match. $L00 Our special Vest, wool and cotton mixed, Turnbull'. and Peerless. Very special each. Drawers to match, any style, .per pair, 60c. Vests --Continued Floe ribbed, Zenith Brand. wool with eotton mixture, soft, piiahle and uusbrinaable, big tar low neck, long or short sleeve. Per 75c gamrent Ladies- Combinations, Turnbull's, Peerless, Zenith. Each season there is a greater demand for oombioation•, and this season our stock is exceptionally gond. White or natural, c? Per suit. $1.00; 91 50, 92.00 to Sam ' INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR A most complete stock of infants' and children's Underwear in all makes in natural wool, wool and cotton, and heavy cotton. Infants' Cashmere Vests Infants' Cashmere Vesta, Turnbull's, buttoned clown the front, with seams on outside. Ls/1„ Special, from ...40c to 600 According to size. i Children's Wool Sleepers Children's'batural Wool Sleepers $1 with feet., Turnbull's. Per suit. Children's heavy fleeoe-lined "Hotly 65c Bunting" Sleeping Suits with feet, from according to size. .W Men's Underwear Men's Tiger Brand heavy ribbed Shirts and Drawers. Per garment, 75c, 91.00, $1 Men's natural Turnbull .50 wool Shirts and Drawers. Turnbull's make. Per garment, $1.0 Men's Underwear -Con. Men's Cee Tee unsbrinkable all - wool Shirts and Drawers, tbe acme of. comfort. $1.75 Per garment. Boys' Underwear Boys wool and fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers. The New Coats and Furs More new Coats for ladies' and children's wear to hand this week, excep- tionally smart garments, in the latest New York Styles. The New Furs to hand this week. McCALL'S PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS MI LLAR'S SCOTOH STORE 'Phone 56 eseareeelerseiewesteemeemeereemeelese SeetheNewSuitings If you have not yet got your SUMMER SUIT leave your order at;once with HUGH DUNLOP West et. T M tha-.lank. Thee NO RHEUMATISM THIS WINTER Tints b SIM RLS ON'T you want to hone ON1t WINTER free of Rheumatism? Don't you want to enjoy life as other mea enjoy it ? Don't yon went to est and sir ep soul work as healthy, normal men doisme.d of being all crippled up with Rheumatism or Litaey Trouble ? Thea take 6111 PiLLS asd conquer your old enemy for good. Mr. Beaudry did, with the help of the G I N PiLLS. p!7 Pawst St.. Mnotre.l. P. ,Q. March .9th. 1911 "naiads ase great piesture to inform you that 1 have used GIN PILLS for .boot a1. months. sad that they bat e dose ae • great deal .f goad. i have had Ghee estimst for a remote of rears, and this wieter 1 saved myself from it ivy s GiN FILLS. i highlyrs- eaars.tad GiN PILLS to the pulic" A. PEACDIY. Thomas& of bores of GIN P1LL.9 are sold every yea thto.gh lite iafi nence of those Irina hese beers cored. and who ntromme.d GIN F ILLS to t err friends sad neigbbnn if you are subject to Rheumatism k'd•ty or Bladder Tm.ble, start F. right sow on GIN FILLS. 'sr. • boa, h for S, se if yen went to by them first. write fora home samples to lelmissalUI��ts11�� mid Chemical Co of Canada. nitech Pers. • ea Are You Interested? Having paid a visit to the large jobbing centres during the past week. we can Dove offer you some real bargains. Mena bats, soft felt. all sizes Regular $1.Lt) to Suspenders, Americo manufacture, well made. e5c a pair Spits. 3 pieces, in all sires and Camel Brown. for 98 25. Regular 913.00 for $7.59. Overcoats in all the latest styles, sum 34 to 44. for 95.50. Regular 91200 for 97.85. Regular 918.00 Working Men's Pant. $1.10, clearing at 80e. 20 dozen Overalls. regular 91.21, clearing at 75c. These prices gaol for one week only 92.00, for 91c. Regular 50c, for Regular 910.0(1, Reeuler 910.00 for 918.35. M. ROB I I S SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE 0 1' F." E V 1•; 1 1 N t, ' 1.' N 1 1 1. 9 I'. M. 0,000 HARVESTERS Wanted in Western Canada "t:O1NG TRIP WEST " -RETURN TRIP EAST." $10.400 TO WM1p11PEti $141.0o FROM WINNIPEG Y)w halt omit per anile from Win- Plus half rent per mile ft..nt a11' n_ Ipeg up to MacLeod, Coignry or points east of MacLeod. Calgary or Edmonton. Edmonton to Winnipeg. GOiNG DATE OF SALE OCTOBER 14th. frost all nstio&s is Ontario Ors -way S.o.ad-kir. Tickets Will be Sold t. %%scopes Only Oise -way second -elms tickets to Winnipeg only will he enkf. Lech ticket will iaclud.a vsriacalioe eerUfk.&t., with an extension coupon. When extension coupon ha* been signed at Wieaipeg by • tarsier, *boss- ing be has .agagtld the bolder to work as a faros laborer, tbe coupon w ill bsop to Oetoi.r lith for ticket at rats of onebalf cent per mile (trip soot 9fty s) to any elation west of W1n.ip+g on the Canadian FsoilloiLtirleairmaNertliers or Orand Trua& Patient Re.ilways in Mani or Alberta, but sot west of EComonto.. 1'aJgary ni Moulbaked. Aka. A tart Blest* will 8. issued entitling perebaeer to • sseo04-clsse tie/jet, good fa rotors truss any station on the t &•&dies P044.. Comedian North- ern, or Emma Trunk Pas•i8e Railways in Alberta. esekatebewab and Manitoba east of MacL.e.wf. Calgary and Bdmnntna. to original etarNeg post Iv toe .aloe rover no travelled on soleg morn., oe or b./ore Nov- sahib* Ihk. 1811 nn payment of ate-baJI rent per mile Iwalnim.s 81iy crates of to Winnipeg added to SIAM from Wiweip•g, provided the fender deposit. the eertli.sao arab the ticket agent on arrival et deeti.a- tioa, sea works .t team thirty days at baryestiag Pe, full particular. ase Jos Kai C. P R +mess ne write 11. Y. Murphy D P A, C P R. ibeMte.