The Signal, 1912-9-26, Page 2• .1 6` .r r, ,l s sheailikAitpud SODICRWCH ONT ARID. PUBLISHED $V :BY THURSDAY ay THE SIGNAL eN CallIl limited IL ,Terra. of relttrMrredlIel • VI �sgra�W�ars►•to d •Ye ..:t6 Qayd amu` O.o er. u w a y..r owtsth �a .��wt. tib to missive Tawediru. Mr w1ll medias a favor so- I�erM of tiamt . at a. naris a as sed IY sear adding slwtid asa= at =dress be given ' both old Advertising baba : stand other =Mar ady.rtaieme� for 00 peg line air Ant insertion sad 4o W nob sabaoea st assertion. Measured by • imapatdl node. twelve Imes to as inch. Busbies* Dards of sic ars and under, $3 pe year. aavermianeats of Lost, Found, 8uayed, Sit- uations ♦.Goat, Situations Wanted, Hooses tor dale or to Ren Faros tor Baler to Ranht Article. for Bale, eta, not exceeding Wit , 300 .law. 210 eaob lnerrUoo ; {1 for first month. tor each vubea n•at month. Larger advertise menu in uoportioa. aanoeiaasanta le ordinary reading type ted oents per line. Ne notice lees than Ma Any.peoial =tin,the objeot of will=W tb. osounthrr bsaeat oany individual or amsoin- a- tum. to Ds oenatdered an advertisement and chanted a000rdtnib. Rags will be gidisplay on DDllwtlonand contract advertl+ m Address MI ccs. gunicaUnn* to THE 9INNlL PRINT IMO CO., Limtte tiodericb Ont. OODZRICR. THURSDAY. SEPT.* 1911 SIR RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. The death of Sir Richard Cartwright removes from Canadian public lite a mac who for almost halt a century was one of its strongest forces. Of late years, owing to physical infirmi- ties, be had not taken so outstanding u part to political affairs as formerly, but in the days prior to 18t6, when the Liberals were fighting in opposition, it was Sir Richard Cartwright who pushed the battle. hearing the brunt of Conservative attack and dealing gigot blows in return. On financial and economic questions eepectally Sir Richard spoke with authority. and against fiscal heresy be waged releutr lees war. A pat riot of the truest type, he scorned any attempt to make patri- otism a party cry; he was willing to be- lieve that all Canadians, friend and foe alike, were united in love of country, no matter bow widely their political opinions might vary. His speeches bad • classic flavor that is wanting in the utterances of most Canadian public speakers; one felt sometimes in reading them that Sir Richard Cart- wright would be in mor fitting com- pany among the cultured leaders of the British Parliament. The people of Huron had a partic- ular interest in Sir Richard's career, !e; be sat for constituencies in this ounty for two terms, between 1878 and 1887. Afterwards he sat for sev- eral terms for the riding of South Ox- ford. MR. BORDEN AND THE NAVY.I Premier Borden has publicly an- nounced the intention of his Govern- ment to call Parliament together in November and submit proposals re- garding the naval policy. Speaking at Montreal, he said : "It we find that the situation is grave. if tbe Mother Country assures ne of this, I will appeal to Parliament that immediate and effective aid he given, and it that be not forthcoming I will appeal direct to the country." There is • good deal of "if" in the Premier's statement, taut it is the most definite he has yet given as to his policy on the navy question. The adoption of a permanent policy of co- operation with the Mother Country in naval matters is, it is intimated, to be a matter for later consideration. Very much depends upon the evi- dence to be submitted of the existence of an "emergency." If Parliament can be convinced that there is a real crisis. ,omething in the nature of an emergency contribution may well be voted without delay. Something. how- ever, more definite than the German "scars" will have to be produced. We have Premier Aquith's statement in Parliament to the effect that the relations between Great Britain and Germany are cordial. and this should carry much more weight than the alarmist views which bear the suspi- cion of emanating from the offices of the manufacturers of war materials looking for big orders. EDITORIAL NOTES. The development of cheap power in Huron should supply s check to the alarming depopulation of the county. Lord Milner thinks that Canada should create a navy of her own. Wait till The Montreal Star gets atter him! We had to welt a long while for it. hut the report on Maitland River power seems to have been worth wait- ing ter. - Thank • proposal to change the heed epee of the Canadian Maanfao- tare./ Association from Toree'n to Uttaesa. The Ides, so doubt. le to be right on the spot when pressure is to be put upon Parliament in the inter- ests of the manufacturers. The patriotic attitude of Frencb- Canadian Liberals towards the nary question les cause of pride to English- speaking Liberals, Hon. Rodolphe Lemteuz's address at Ville Marie last week, which 1s reported in another column°, ehowe how tbe Liberals of Quebec are lighting agaiust prejudice and paerion. A Uominiou bye -election will take place in the constituency of Mardon ald, Manitoba, on October lath. R L. Richardson, editor of The Winni peg Tribune, will be the Opposition candidate, with Liberal and independ- ent support. The Conservatives choose a candidate this week. It is expected the contest will be a spectar- ular one. The seat has been held by he Conserv atives, but a strong fight will be made by the Opposition to win it. The Toronto News speaks of the op- erations of the American Fruit Com- bine in the West as an example of "wb..t United Stater trusts would have done under reciprocity." The facts cited by The News are really tin argument tor, not against, freedom of trade. The American Fruit Com- bine carried on its operations under shelter of the tariff, which prevented open competition ; and yet The News would have its readers believe that Un- ited States trusts could coins into Can- ada only „ under reciprocity. The American Fruit Couihine was among the patriotic concerns which fought against reciprocity- last year, probably contributing to the Conservative cam- paign fund in order to preserve its hold on the markets of the Canadian West, where for years, according to The News, it charged the consumer what it liked. It is just as well to re- member that, though there iglu pres- ent a duty on United States fruit, there is no duty on United States trusts, and there are a good many of them doing business in rearm` JIM* like the fruit trust of which The News speske. Recipeooity would kill off the trusts, Yankee and Canadian, vt the same time giving our fruit -growers a better market in the Eastern States. A despatch from Washington states that a British firm has ucderbid to the extent of hundrei , of thousands of dollars every foundry in the Coifed States for heavy projectiles for use in the big guns of theUnited States navy. The United States manufacturers say that undet the protection system it is impossible for American steel works to produce the projectiles at a price to compete with the British manufac- turers, and that even with the high bids submitted they expected no profit. The Navy Department at Washington is passing over the Brit- ish tender and dividing the work among the United States firms. The incident gives the apologists for pro- tection a tough nut to crack. The disposition shown by men like the Belfast preacher who spoke in Toronto last Sunday to extend the Ulster troubles to Canada is to be dep- recated. It may suit Toronto's humor to applaud such an address as that of Rev. J. M. Mcllrath, but what about the far greater number of Irish- men in Canada who believe fervently in the righteousness of the home rule cause ? Suppose they were to enter in- to a "covenant" to vote egainst any resistance by Canada to the Empire until what they consider the just cltium of Ireland are conceded by the British Parliament ? Would they not he quite as much justified in their at- titude as the men who are virtually inciting Protestant Ulstermen to re- bellion ? Surely the Ulster hotheads cannot view "the German peril" with much alarm when they are ready to provoke • civil war which would cripple Great Britain in any struggle with a foreign power. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Good Year for Old Country Fishermen. Haslltoa Spectator. There is some consolation in the statement that the abnormal wet weather in Engleod and its conse- quent ruin is West by the most re- munerative season for fishermen in twenty•flre year,. Herrings to the value of $17,000,000 have hee• caught off the north shore of Scotland alone. Nervous Strain on the Prairie. Vac= ver Penises. The nervous strain to which the prairie farmers are subjected during the harvest season is not calculated to promote longevity. While the crop 1. maturing frost is dreaded. Whew reedy for cutting scarcity of labor and wet weather cause worry. Then comes the threshing, car shortage and other worries. After the wont is over it in time to Malt worrying about next season. Of Course. Yes, Crtaiay. Tomato Star. Experts after full iareetig•tion have reported that seethe' Oa beech nor any other tree is lightning p oof. And, Indeed, we might have kt.,rwa this. Ughtei■` basal time to ex- amine the bark to me what kiwi of a tree is in lin. with W bok. d., we see bow .cisses by shier ed bard labor reaches toeo�y°ia'".a which common sense w�sW heist us at nee jump. LEMIEUX TO HIS COMPATRIOTS. HOW LIBERALS FIGHT THE BOR- OEN-BOURASSA ALLIANCE. French Canadians Enthusiastically Ap- plaud as Mr. Lemieux Tells Them of Their Debt to Groat Britain and Justifies Sir Wilfrid t.aurier's Naval Policy A Significant Demon - titration. At Ville Marie, Que., last week Sir Wilfrid Laurier spoke to a gathering of French-Canadians in • pouring rain. Nothing could dampen theentbusiasm of the crowd and the affection of the people for "the Chief" was shown in a most striking meaner. A dramatic incident of the day was the enthusiastic French-Canadian re- ception accorded Hon. Rodolphe Le- mieux on his eloquent response to • question regarding the navy. The intense eagerly -sustained cheering, emphasized the more because unez- pecte was evidently intended to con- vey tL "the Chief' the renewed affec- tion and understanding of compatriots who recognized the character of the campaign of prejudice which had dome duty fur the Nationalist -Conservative alliance at the last election. Mi. Lemieux was addressing *owe three thousand of his compatriots in their own language. He was urging education as the foundation of influ- ential citizenship, and a closer co- operation and understanding with Knglieh-speaking Canadians. This he declared with the strettgth of Sir Wil- frid Laurier. He warned the people against unworthy cries; in both the reciprocity and navel issues the facts had been obscured by prejudice. In the former the cry of annexation bad been raised by those who knew bet- ter. Continuing, Mr. Lemieux was referring to the eoonomie problem when he was greeted with the ues- tion : "Et a propos de la marine?' "I thank you for the question." responded the former Postmaster - General, with hand upraised. "I know, and you kuaw, that the marine was the one question of the Borden and Bourassa campaign of prejudice and passion. The moot insidious and worst prejudices are those exploited k•4.bay ei mabty awl religion. aasulh a great and purely a ike iquo like the navy men would -•eek to etbud it with sectional prejudice I cannot understand. Facts of the Campaign. "Listen, my compatriots," proceeded Mr. Lemieux, in earnest tones: "let us examine the facts. On March .:8, 1909, a resolution was unanimously passed by the House of Commons calling for the speedy constiuction of a Canadian navy. In 1910 a hill was introduced based on the resolution. The principle involved was that of a Canadian navy to protect this part of the Empire, to protect tbe coast, to defend trade, and, in case of peril—nay, even in case of trial—to' pass under the control of tbe British Admiralty on the authority of the Canadian Parliament for Imperial service. How is it that this policy wee so bitterly opposed? It w•e based on a resolution unanimously adopted. Let me telt you, my compatriots. The bye -election of Drummond and Artbabaska, where Bourassa aid Mont, appealing to the passions of our fellow -countrymen, succeeded in electing an anti -navy candidate, had taken place, and Foster and Borden, who had supported the principle of the bill, saw what a profitable game it would be to let Monk accuse Sir Wiltrid in Quebec of sacrificing Can- adian interests for the beneEt of Brit- ain, while they in the English-speak- ing Provinces would accuse Sir W il- frid of being a separatist. D would not now discuss the charge of separatism alleged by Foster and Borden. Every- one of you knows that 8ir Wilfrid s lite and career have been • lemon to his fellow -countrymen in favor of British connection, hut 1 would deal here with the amprtign conducted among you, my compatriots, both in Quebec and in Ontario, when Mr. Bourassa visited Sudbury on lir. Aloe - den's behalf last September. Titres Accusations Made. "What was the gist of tbe accusa- tions that Monk and Bourassa made to you, m compatriota? First, the accused Sir Wilfrid of being a mili- tarist ; second, they accused him of pledging the credit of Caned* for the defence of Great Britstn, and third, on the back concessions, they de- clared. to use their own language, that be had sold himself, sold lila Province and sold his compatriots to their here- ditary enemy, England. 1 ask yon now. were not those appeals made to you r There were cries of "Oui, oui, oui !" from all parts of the throng, many women joining in the affirmative re- sponse. "Then let us vee, continued Mr. Lemieux, "whether defending Canada and aiding to defend Britain in any case of trial was on the part of Laurier the ignominious policy which Monk and ether of Border's Ministers al- leged. Do we Prencb-Oaradians owe anything to Britain's Let us go to the pages of history." Debt Os Behest Rule. Proceeding Mr. Lemieux dealt with conditions under the French regime before 17110 to Mow that autocratic Institutions prevailed under the French domination. that "the oolanii was rebid by a few minions," ta that ever 1• religion the people were net free. After the treaty elf p Maned in 170. and the paellas cif the Quebec Aet by the Imperial Parlia- ment le 1774—which he deseribd as •the Magna Charta of P4wch4boa. flare" -tiny were giver rights ad sower were anal - Mime the , tIYtNcf 1711. Thdecl Mr. Lma tr, "le the liberality sad Bwereelty of British dombeaticr. Do we ewe Ba stale som.thhg few all that t There was • chorus nt Marty ap- proval ..d applause. Ten Mr. Le mime saddens'* mesad bread the 'Whoring einied with d clergy to the left et the platfnem Time for Plain Spekieg. "You. my compatriots," he pro- ceeded with arm outstretched toward the neuPle. "you bare hero told you owed notWgg to Britain, you breve been told that Laurier was ♦ratios to his ries and to his creed. Te time hie come for plain speaklag. Let use tell you that in the.o-eedied Catholic oouotrles--le Portugal.In Susie rres, and in 1rr•aos —the elisduus u+tdnr• have beets expelled. Where have the takawre[gge P Here In Cnaad•, in ngland itself, in South Afrloa, in Brit d emiessioos the world over, where they enjoythe fullest liberty � phie. You idn't know these facts, but I cballeege any man t0 denythem. "Now that you know under what benign rule we French-Usnadiaoe have lived and prospered. would you still object to doing our share ---a good share, yes, an sothusiastic share—not only is the defence of Canada, but in the defence of Britain whenever and wherever there is an bout 0f trial P" There was a remarkable demonstra- tion. The big gatheriog cheered and cheered epi e, and many waved Union Jacks. "Away with Prejudice 1' '1 knew it," exclaimed Mr. Lemieux warmly. "Away with prejudice and misunderstanding. Away with un- worthy Bourassa and Borden nlli- ances. Away with the appeals of the Monks, the Pslletiers a'id r he Nantels. It would be a sad day indeed for French-Oanedians if the old mother of freedom was ever in danger. In such an hour we would do oer part. We are tree to do it. Nothing in the naval bill 1s compulsory. Under Brit- ish rule there is no conscription. T'be very freedom makes for British loyr alt y. "I ask this," concluded Mr. Le- mieux: "I leak you, my compatriots, to weigh my words and to remember thew, and if ever in future you are preached at by demagogues you know how to answer." Cries of "Ous" and cheers. "In the heat of political conflict it is difficult to speak," added Mr. Lemieux. "Now is the time to educate ourselves, and character and education sue at the heart of our future proverb v." Mr. Lemieux concluded amid a re- markable demonstration. Have You Settled ? Pert Artbar News. The weather has settled beautifulty, which is our idea of a flee example to those in arrears for this great family journal. MriH. VON R0EN M LYNOON, Y. rewarmedlot Nervous- ' mess, Headaches. Lyadoa, =y. - "I have been taking forhsadimb s.wnlgia paine.ladtat he. aur�wta�s sad • gamma rya od dims ro *thaet[ tr• system, and am iamb re- lieved et these troubles. I rsesaltmeed year remsna- be ay friend. •ad give yea pomades to publish what I write. '• -Mn. H. Vat Roma, Lyndon, 1(y. What • woman like Mrs. Von Roden is geastw enough to writs such • let- ter es the above for publication. she should at least be given credit for a sia- eeredes.ge to help other suffering women. for we assure you there is no other rea- ms wily abs shosid court such publicity. Qaaaiiea woman's Experience: Windsor. Oat - " The birth of my first Mild lett ase • wreck with terrible weals spells, but I am glad to tell you that Ido not have those weak spalls and I fool Ute a new wom4a siaa taking Lydia L Mukha'''. Vegeta., ble Compound I am now well sad et:eag end can ds myewa housework. Ids not take meddles of any kind. It was Lydia IC Mildtem's Vegetable Casa - pound that restored me to health." - lire. Romer FaiasAtatt, 71 P.r'sat Avenel", Windsor, Ontario. If yea waat medal advise wile to Lydia S. Plakkam Kedieine Ce. (.s.1- dsattaE Lyaa, Bass. Year Wier will be opened,' ted rad aaswerM by a mamas bed httU fa MEM seasdstrso. Au •-lrisaman walkicg through a grwveyai d s iw a wtubetone on which was inscribed : "Heir lies a lawyer end an bonest man." "Be jabbers r laid Pat 111i' wonder how they came to bury both iv them fellers in Ivan grave?" . (I'IART.N BROS.) YOreputation for high - UR leading tailors in stock and value superiority. class work, immensity of 2 MARTIN BROS. BARCAINS!' 1 BARCAINS BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND STOVES If sou an n.ading a boater or range and do net wish to pay much /.r on. at pr,s.nt. hero M your opportunitr to ant one now and lave money, The pace thew stoves are taking up we must have for another purpose. w we have nearit.d tMm at • prim which ws knew N • bargain ; at a price to mow them euicety. One Art Countess Heater !row which the heat can lie con- ducted to another room, with new firebox, cold air Hues to dome, an economical and powerful beater in $15./x/► splendid shape for VWl/ Two small Coe! Heater,. very con- venient for ball or par- lor use. Prices $2.00, .00 0•e Art Garland BMW Burner with large radlal ing surface, $5e00 15 -Inch firebox, for One Gurney • Oxford Range with warming ck»et and reservoir, • good baker and fuel $ 1v/ R•M saver. Prime.. V\i We are displaying an assortment of Preserving Kettles wblchhM we have just received. $1 aW Priers from 30e to • Nowell hardware Co. i.1MITED The best plata to buy Herds err BARGAINS BARCAI N8 -1' W. AOMieON • SON -t ---- - - THE SEASON'S NEW GOODS A -- GREAT -- DISPLAY Newest Styles in Large O/ I Costa The °oats t rs saMQ* a e Ilse their hand- some lines of cut ad mbtedalstl�lMty �txttrees, soft towns, greys. m the beautiful teveeejWe tweed effects. and maw 11 - and of velvet novels or h-temail)tas • __ exclusive and no too Oka; ..00 .0.00. os, x10.00. sit Kid Gloves Special Direct import of ladlon' Hid (Novo% dome fasteners, soft kid, beautiful shades, quality eoeaaoaded. (blow: navies, tans, browns, black, gory., white. all sites. seg At per pair. spacial 3J Dress Goods—Priestley's Serter Direct from England Most beautiful 8ergee in the world. Our delayed ship went is now all in and is being shown. Delayed only because of the world'. demand fhb esaeoo for thee. •mgrs in Davy (3 shades) and black, all itis coeds. At per t• yard. 71ic, 8 6o. 111.00, $1.1 t, • Dress Tweeds . The new Scotch Tweed effects, light, service- able, stylish, M inches wide 76e• 51.00, Cashmeres and Henriettas Forty-two inches wide, all wool Henrietta. in cardium, navies, browns, greens. Regular price was 50c. Special 35 advertisement J Dress Silks Thirty -sit -inch wide Pallette Silk in black only, beautiful lustre and wear warranted. Regular 111.00. Q5c At per yard, specie,... QP Japan Taffeta or ('harmeu.. Silks, 27 Ischia wide and of the new deep taffeta finish ; a silk to give almost endless wear for dresses and wait., warrented and recwmmended for wear, and beautiful. Special value at per 60c yard.... . ............ 50C and Vll Unoleums and Floor Oilcloths Twenty patterns to Desist hon in imported Liu oleums direct from England, 3 or 4 yard. wide. At per 6nin„ square yard 40c, 3Ac and V Immense choice in Floor Oilcloth. in 1, 1l, li, 'L 30c 24 yards wide. At per quare yard and Cotton Blanket Special Fifty pairs double size pink or blue border Blankets. 10-4 small bed size for OOo ; 11-4 medlumbed size for $1.1 O . 124 largest bed size for x1.$5. Women's Cashmere Hose Plain or rib asbatlseo poreWoo. Hose. seamier.. tuedium weight, softyeti, dew 8i, 0,114. 10 At per 25c pair........... ... Table (,stens One hundred end twenty para limn Table Moths. slightly imperfect, splendid deeigms, fish satin aniab, rias 2 z 24 yard+, worth regular MILAt each..... $1.50 Napkins Satin Damask Napkins, ase Yi x31, very slightly imperfect, beautiful designs and worth double the 0 price. At per halt doses)._ .. $1.000 Rugs—Rugs \ Seamless 'Velvet Rug. at • bargain price for September only. 'select patterns and colorings and No. 1 quality,. Come and res them. Size :3 s 3 arda, s. SHIA for 512.0o 3 x Si yards, 520.00, for 514.00 • 15.00 $1.25 c Butterick Patterns all new for October and Delineator on sale. W. ACHESON .' SON Cl/co OS !/OIL80 ONfl. =wit sir aselssalld ea sstlea lie "1i.1 • *iZraW►*IR�ie�rarv' ts etas& es ware writ Theresa eels,lei• ]tis. Poisslas. Deers• risk ask.sl ambers hilar. rad Doserttr sous flow ssaai+e.a. .bsslth of spdada sadwle. IMry g i sleds SR IMMO& Burred ro- ll/0MM sat essaminemiees Prlasied l= SCHOOL: SHOES The time has come again to get your boys and girls prepared for the fall term it school. They will need good st r o n serviceable Shoes—the kind that will stand a severe test in any weather. At our store you will find the most complete stock of the class of Footwear that will give satisfl.ction, at the lowest prices possible. Don't fail to call and see what good Shoes should be. Rewiring Downing 8? MacVicar NORTH SLDR Olfr MQtIARet. 00011111,10 11. j