The Signal, 1912-9-19, Page 8• TaosaDaV. Sslrtolaala u. 19t* TIEE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO 1 Septem er Weddings { Now Is the Time �! Silverware as Gifts We have in our stock a meet complete and up-to-date tette of Tea Sets, Bread Trays, Fern Ieishes and outset ous other choice Rifts of tbe very beet quality. Rogers 1847 Flatware Oak stook is complete io Helves, Forks, Spoons, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Pie Ir. d S Sw hell of the latest designs. Clocks as Wedding Gifts mise. an agar The idea of a cloak tx naturally associated with the inner life of the home. There ie eowetbing intimate or familiar about it which makes it a suitable me- dium for expressing the warmth Iof your affection to the bride and groom. Our .tock is •o varied that you may be fully eatisfed in your *election. Oor Prices Are Right a . Walter 11. Harrison JN W ELLER and OPTIOIAN On the Square 1 COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA "Great far Breakfast" A day started on Cowan's Cocoa is a day with a clear head and a steady nerve -- a day full of snap and life. Cocoa nourishes the body. It is rich in food value and easy to digest. DO YOU USE COWAN'S 0000A? 173 Ontario's Seel Business College CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE ST RA T FORD. ONT. Oar teachers are all eeperienood in- structor.. Our oourees are better thee evor sed the equipment Ls more com- plete We do mom for our graduates Dian do other etmllar wheals. rourteeo applkatleas for aslne! L� were receivedduring the pa* w .ose K theme sir ries 0% Or 8700 per eaeeo. We have threedde.ppo�rlesse... al. 8lorthanlaadTd fpr mer hos catalogue= we are dolma. D. a. MmLAORLAN. Prior -Mal. vv WANTEll. s first-class : lrnachine hands. S first-class cabinet-mak- ers. A number of boys as ap- prentices a t Nanous 7 trades. • Apply at 1. GODKRICH ORGAN CO. OFFICE aODERICH 'BUM LINE Two 'buses meet all Iroise. Pre vale oaks balm gay$ and ~sled ettwWw. Fleet sites beefy all flues. 1 illeaeosahle prises. Tett DAVIS LIVERY F. • T. i• Dave Proprietors ninth Serest ?ham. No. R A ---JI �-•.. - - ..tea... News of Dietriq PORTER'S HILL. WIDM&SDAY, Sept. loth. Norms. Howard Ooz returned home on Monday, Staving spent a few days inorLondon Kr. and Mrs. children,Tom Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan and fmily and John and Will Sterling, of Port Stan- ley, are abating in the neighborhood. Misses Kate McDougall and Mirn Sterling atteaded the Fair at London last week ... Anniversary services will be held in Bethel church on Sunday. September Bath. AUBURN. WEDNISDAY, Sept. 18th. Miss Mabel Hiokingbottom is home from Detroit for a well-earned rest, alter graduating as a nurse. Agoes Ladd and Geo. Lawlor were united in wedlock at the parsonage Tuesday night. Jae. Hickingbottom gave a piety to his friends Wednesday night and all report having had a good time. Our village was well represented at Goderice fair. The annelid cora feast was held this week on the fiats of the river by the MO of a huge bonfire. The bridge contractors bad the foundation of the pier reedy for cem- ent on Friday night last. but beton morning the bank had caved in and it took them until the middle of Satur- day afternoon to get it in shape again for cement. The cement work is now emend feet high. LOTHIAN. TUESDAY. Sept. 17tb. LOTHIAN I.00A(.S.—Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hogan visited in Strathroy last week, and also put in a few days at London exhibition . -. Mies Lena Henderson is visiting friends in Luck - now Mrs. Swan, of Crewe, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Mc- Kenzie Ed. Gilmore and Alf. Ritchie were in Tseswster one day last week.... Alex. McLean, of Montana, visited at McLean's last week Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hogan and Miss Mary Hogan attended Lon- don exhibition but week... . The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sand on Saturday night and left a baby girL Congratula- tions 1 Kr. and Mrs. Saar. Ander- son, of Nebraska, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neil Murdoch. SEAFORTH, TUESDAY, Sept- 17tb. BEAN —MACLAW .—A pretty house wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Stewart, Goderich street west, on Wed- nesday last. the l l th inst., the oc- casion being the marriage of their sister. Mies Susie L MacLaren, youngest daughter of D. MacLaren, Cromarty, to George A. Bean. of Oars low. The ceremony took place at high noon and was of a quiet nature, only a few of the more intimate rela- tives being present. Rev. A. W. Barker officiated. The young couple were unattended.. The groom entered the patior, where be awaited the bride under a bower of evergreens strewn with white flowers. The wed- ding march was played by Miss Susie Morrison, cousin of the bride. The bride, who was given away by her father. looked lovely in a gown of rich pearl grey pailette silk trimmed with lace. She carried a bouquet of white asters. After a dainty luncheon served in the dining -room, which was prettily decorated in pink and white, the happy couple left by the 3:30 train fora short honey moon. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue cloth. with white beaver hat. On their return they will be at home to tbei: friends at "Grandview Warm," the home of the groom in Colborne township. Their hosts of friends ex- tend to them their very best wishes. FALL FAIRS -1912. Lhcknow ,. Sept. 19, 20 Seatorth r , Sept. 19, 90 Atwood Sept 19, 20 K 19. 20incardine Sept. n• l1cardine . Sent. 26 V1%0114711 Vgbam Sept. I, 27 H irkton • Sept. 25, 27 Milverton .....,. Sept. 26, 27 'Tiverton .,.- ��j.1 Blyth Dungannon Oct. 8, 4 TerewaterOct. 3, 4 Brussels Oct.4 Fordwioh • , ......... - .. Oct. 5 Hayfield Oct. 8, 9 Sale of Notepaper and Envelopes A Ave ream lot of Note Paper lehsled "Very Beet Linen," nice light weight, special price, So for a package containing 5 full quires, or tic per single quire. Rovelopes to match. correct shape. itis for 5 packages, or 50 per single package. Besides the above we have several odd lines of Rnveiopes. good quality Special bosiaes s eevdupes. ie per pkg. Aaothee line. clearing at 11 Pkgs. fat ie. Tbe Glomal leek Store ORO. PORTER. Prop 'Phone 160 Weisser h ST. HELENS. MONDAY, Sept. I6th. WOYEN'8 ItreTITtITE. --The Septem- ber meeting of the Women's Institute will be beta at the home of Mrs. H. D. Woods on Thursday, 26th inst., at 2:30 o'clock. Subject: "Economy in Housekeeping." All the ladies are in- vited to attend. Tom FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY. — Calvin chinch will on Sunday next celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the ant church In the village. flit preacher for the day will be Rev. Joe. Wilson. B. A., of Dover- court road church. Toronto, one of the "old boys" of the congregation. Mr. Wilson will also le prevent at the social gathering on the Monday even- ing. when another of the "old boys," Rev. C. M. Rutherford, of Pine River, is expected to be present. The con- gregation. too, will have the opportun- ity of welcoming back two former ministers, Rev. S. M. Whaley, B. A., of Hickson. and Rev. R. W. Craw, 1. A., of Fergue. The musical part of the program will be in the hands of Mr. Hunter and his choir of Knox church, Goderich. Baizes.—Mn. H. D. Woods was in London for the Exbibition last week. Dr. W. C. McGregor, of Chi- cago. renewed old acquaintances in our neighborhood het week Mies McQuoid, of Port Albert, visited Mise Jane Rutherford over Sunday Mies Lilian Clark 'was visiting at Locbalsh this week... . Owing to the rain on Sunday the harvest home ser- vioe in Christ church was not very largely attended .. Quite a number from hen attended the yours people's convection In Lucknow y Mies Myrtle Webster has returned from a visit at Toronto and Guelph. Rev. W. Mackintosh returned Saturday, via Toronto, from a trip to 1:)obbington, where he officiated at the marriage of a college mate. SUFFERED Calgary. Alberts, July 8, 1911. I was a great sufferer for a long time with biliousness, sick headache and liver trouble. Nothing seemed to do me any good. I had almost given up in despair when i decided to try FIG PILLS. After takiog about half a box tht headaches stopped and my aetite improved. 1 have just finished the fifth box and feel as well as ever. I can heartily recommend Fig Pills for stomach and liver troubles. • MRS. MARY ELLSON. Sold at all dealers in 26c. and 60c. boxes or mailed by The Flg Pill Co., 8c. Thomas, Ont. LANES. MONDAY, Sept. 10th. NEWS Norms.—Many of the farmers of this vicinity are bury ploughing. Possibly they think another dry season is approaching .Clifford Treleaven has returned home for a couple of weeks prior to resuming his studies at Toronto Qniversity....... Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, of Luck - now, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Ione....... The many friends of Bessie Reed will be glad to know that she is recovering surely, if slowly Rev. Mr. Purrent visited some of his flock in this ueighborhood last week. .W. P. Reed leaves in tbe morn- ing for a trip through the nest. We wish him a very safe and enjoyable trtp.......Tom Ferguson is at present in Soderich on the jury. -.....Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lane are spending a few days with friends in Goderich and Holmesville this week Mrs. Mc - Dole spent a few days the guest of Mrs. W. P. Sanderson If Lanes does not get the cup this fall at St. Augustine rifle shoot there will be something seriously the matter. Capt. Mac. thinks if the weather keeps tine we could mike the trip in bis airship. He is sending word to tbe officers not to let any of the Dungannon club fire alter we are sighted, for fear of any bullets being wide of the mark and puncturing our ship. SENDS GOOD NEWS. A Sufferer from Rheumatism and Lum- bago Finds Quick Relief in Dodd's Kidney fills. Clain Bank Cove, Bay street, George, Nfld., Sept. 161.11.--(Special.)— Mr. J. C. Green, a well-known resi- dent of this place, suffered from rheu- matism and lumbago for five years. "My trouble was caused by strain and mid," Mr. Green says, in telling his story. "And for five years i suf- fered from rheumatism and lumbago. f was always tired and nervous. My steep was broken and unrefreshing and the pains of neuralgia added to my distress. i was in a bad shape indeed when I'started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, but they soon gave me relief. It is be- cause i found a cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills that 1 recommend them to my friends." ST. AUGUSTINE. TvasDA T. Sept. 17th. Mmes.—Mies Fowler, of Hamilton, Ohio, visited friends in this vicinity last week Me. and Mrs. Quigley and twobiers. Helen and Kathleen. of Hul and Mr. Morrison and Min Hattie, of inton, visited at W. McIntosh's this week Mr. Melluak and euro, of Luoknow, are siietoad �lusg in aculvert oo McCabe's siietrwd file weak Oswald Pollard was helping Joseph Hoyle with hiss hereon lest week. Ws.Dnte.—The Cathobe church Imre was the evens of a very pretty walling last Wednsedey morning. whoa Hies Mary, daughter of Jaques Dcan.11y was netted owill officiating to Mr. Cheesy, of Hamilton.es Rev..gFy*thher Its ewcoapts c�m reside Is Karaite&, where the groan bas a pad position. T u Rrrl.asas . —There was a good tarooslagt of mambasis H at the matte Ise ✓$sstur'day ing was at both WA ale 800 -yard Menges !tach M y was the Rest .hoot ler le takes Is the shooting, as *holder ef petme that ere M he shat for flared thea ar+ two diver nape. THE PRIZE UST K,eeUswl haee peps 41 Mrs. Rowels ; beet drawlttg in water colors. any subject, U. F Hargitt, J. A. row ; leatherette, not local, 0. F. Hargitt, J. A. Fowler ; figure, Mrs. Heinle. G. F. Hargitt ; animals, 0. F. Hargitt. Mew Morrie ; mono- chrome, J. A. Fowler, 0. F. Hargitt. Amateur list. oils—Landscape, local subject. Mir M. Cook, Mies M. Comma ; marine, Mn. J. G. Rhioc- hardt, biro. Howne: &meals, Mrs. Robt. Stephenson, Mee. Howne ; figures. Win. Howrie, Mrs. Stephen - mos t flowers. Mir. Iii Cook. Mrs. $b.pbasoa ; fruit, Mrs. Stephenson, Miss M . Chet ; inanimate object. Miss M. Cook. Mrs. Howrie ; origi- nal, any subject, Mrs, Stephenson, Mrs. Rowels ; landscape, any subject, Mies Id. Cook, Mrs. Stephenson ; Amateur water colors, (original or oopy). Landscape, Mies M. Cook, M. J. Howler ; marine, hire. Stepbeueon, Mies M. Cowan ; animals, M. J. Fow- ler; figures, Mise M. Cook, Mrs. Howne ; flowers, Mrs. Sispbeoaoo, Miss M. Oook ; fruit, Mir M. Gook, M. J. Fowler ; inanimate object., Mrs. Stephenson, Miss M. Oook; original, local subject, M. J. Fowler, Mir M. Oook ; monochrome, (original), Miss Gook, M. J. Fowler; maagohrome. (copy), Mir Cook, M. J. Fowler. China painting eme&sur--fireigle piece, Mrs. H. C. Ender, Mrs. Reverie ; figure on china, Mrs. Stephenson, Mn. Howrie; three pplater, Mn. Howrie ; collection, ldn, Howrie. Mrs. Elder. Wood carving—Collection of wood carving, , Yrs. Howrie ; collection of Mrs. A. Johnston. Willie Berson. Crayon, charcoal and Ink—Crayon, Mies M. Cook, Mrs. Howrie ; charcoal, Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. Howne; pen and ink sketch, M. J. Fowler, Miss M. Cook. Specimen of writing, Pub. school pupils, Victoria School, 1 and 2. Drawing, pub. school Pupils, Alex. Eagleson, Victoria School. Drawing, Coll. Institute pupils, Victoria Sehool For the best specimen of writing by any boy or girl attending Public school in the town of Goderich or township of Goderich or Colborne, a sterling silver medal given by the Northern Business College, Owen Sound, Victoria School, IN SPITE OF RAIN ICenm,ned ham page L taken to Alexandra hospital to be at- tended to. The Receipts. The gate and grandstand receipts for tbe three days amounted to 91,447.30. This is 925.00 ahead of last year's receipts, which were the best in the history of the Exhibition up to that time. The Fruit Display. In point of number and rise of the specimens shown the fruit exhibit was fully equal to that of former years, but there was a notable deficiency in color. This is accounted for by the unfavorable wet season that has pre Tailed, and the comparative absence of sunshine to color the fruit, especi- ally the fall or early, varieties, and partly also by the tact that the show was a fete days earlier than in other years. A few days' more exposure to the sunshine at this ripening season would have the effect of putting on the color and bloom that delight our or- chardiits when they come to select the specimens for the annual fall show. The apples, of coarse, filled the greatest number of plates and ex- tended one-half tbe length of the long table on the east side of the hall with an overflow on the western table of 750 specimens. The collections were numerous and showed well-chosen specimens re- markable for their size. There were shown six colleetiooa of ten plates and six collections of six plate. (Cooking), with five collections of six plates (des- sert). Altogether there were 1,900 separate specimens placed on the table for the inspection of the judge—a task of no mean proportions which oc- cupied several hours in determining who were the lucky ones to secure the much coveted prize tickets. Much in- terest bas been taken f0 fruit -growing this year in this district and the result is clearly seen is the clean appearance of the apples wherever the orchards have been sprayed. Tbat line old apple the Northern Spy which is generally acknowledged to be our best apple, was represented by twelve plat.!, but like most of the other varieties was not seen at its best, for it is the month of November before it ripens. Scene plates of Dualism's. Alexaader, Snow, McIntosh and tot. Lawrence were about the only varieties that gave any show of color. A young exilibiter, Arnold Leith - wait* of the Huron road, showed a collection of fruit that was much ad- mired, consisting of apples, plums and avows, the priuciperfea- ture of the collection being a number of new varieties of apples which were shown hers for the Arlt time. The principal exhibitors were the Meters. Seibold, Andrews and Bichos, of the Bayfield road ; R. R. Moats, of Porter's Hill. who took thirty -saves prizes for his really One specimens and also captured the silver medal for hie ten -plata oollectigs ; C. Brimteombe, who excelled in .oIhetioas ; and Chas. Oke,a young enthsdast from BsomWer who promises to bosom. one of the limbs* trait roes et Colbot•ne. Dr. )4oree'• Iodises hoot P$11 are as. a new and a isteied r — ear pandtatbert stud thea Nei a er iposid sad WO :� basney swan! theaseade of hesomiar sass WI= still=seabisa for are bet as efficties.j= Is. pet bees W Cure Cos>•01 )tom Tbe pears included six osUsretieae of six varieties, sad Wipe collectinos of these varieties welt. Altugetber there were ninety -tout plates. Some very the Clape'e Favorite were shown -the only pears that were molly rips. The Bartletts were large but were off Dolor. There was a good showing of Bourse Bmo, Ionise Bonne and Sheldon. bet taking it alp throes the color wits not there to snow off the specimens to advantage. Grapes included one collection of twelve pistes, two collections of eight plates and one of tour plates. All told these were sixty -Ave plates. la none of the classes of fruit was the lack of color more evident than in the grapes. With the exception of a few Concorde. Clinton*, Delawares sod same of the Rodgers grapes there was very little color to be seen. That ofd veteran ex- hibitor, W. Warnock. carried off most of the poises. Geo. Lalibwalte also ex- hibited some large and well -grown bunches. Pluto filled twenty-five plates, the deticiow w i betag the most promisentin ut•ooiorsd varieties and the old Lombard In the dark plums. Some German prunes were plated pan exhibition and captured Potashes fined only four plates, Orawfard and Fitzgerald, but they were very Ane and tempting. This small exhibit is easily accounted for, as the period of bloom was so cold and wet that the blossoms were sot fertil- ized. A few plates of quinces and bright red crabapples were on view, but aot much interest is taken in these classes of fruit. Death of John Rheas, Morris. The death of John llstoa, ' one of the old residents of Morris, 000urred at his home in that township on Tues- day, September 10th, at the age of eightytwo years. Mr. Elston wee born in Lincolnshire, England. and cane to Canada in 1860. He had lived in Morris for over half a century. In religion be was a Methodist and in politics a Liberal. His wife cried in 1877 and he is survived by four sons and four daughters : John Siston, Prince Albert, east.;; Mrs. Hubbard, Wayne, Mich. ; Mrs. Mc e, Coul- ter, Man. ; 13obt. Siston, West Hope, North Dakota ; Jaw Elates, Austin, Man.; William and the Misses Annie and Nellie, at home. AUCTION SALES. 8Anaowr. Sepsssslee b. Am len sale et benesbaid huskers mid haaWnwa; pssnit7 of Yea A. WAYNES. Ufa Meet. at 17a Wetse�tap�Timms 9c. v. � tspeesealm eta, as W M ~aa~lenel Yea Jas Symington, esseemiee a aellseas ammem Ike t 1 o'clocsh k arp. Tana. Otnwsv, ase- tr. .o- ST STREET GARAGE A ManCame Into Our haraige 1rom I41 miles awn and bought a big hill of goods. Wpm we &eked �s why hi atone all Ws way to buy goods twat w he 'Mid. "Well, Raveheft in your plat, several tithes before, only to buy a fele cents' worth of oa each os$eloo, but I have always received just as good treatment ds though I bad been your best customer, and so In future I Intend u, give yte all my business." This is bow all our ouetonsers taut and feel. • 1f this is the kind of sou ervice you any thus y Appreciate we would he glad to see Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co GODERIOH. ONT- 'Pewee 245 LADIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND MISS DONOGH'S OPENING AND INSPECT THE SUPERIOR DISPLAY OF HIGH-CLASS MODELS AND PATTERN HATS AS ALWAYS, HEADQUARTERS FOR THE MOST EXCLUSIVE AND ASST TO BE SEEN IN THE MILLINERY LINE floth Quick and Permanent Strength. If you are run down or wsi out, if you take cold easily, have oo npp��ite, are losing flesh or have other evidence at lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's System Renovator under our gaaran- tee to refund the pates paid M the remedy fait to give entire eittiefactioo. It aids digestista, tones up the asescus system and dews both quick and per- manent results. One dollar a bottle. Manufactured by Macleod Mediolus Co., Oodericb. Ont. For sale by E. R. Wigle. 1LoEEILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN - 1L aUR•NCL C O.—Farm u,dlobo" Pisa, Searwtb P.O.; be, 1 • , Prim.tioderiek P. o.; Scatoma P. O. BeatR.eeiatasiakR' debila lightotr, h.71114,, forth ; 1f0*y-bolder. ma gag vete Garde receipts' et 1.18311=R tkeesClinton, oretA H. Cuff'. Os.s.rr, [lutea street. UolleeleL The Great Fire Sale Commences Thursday, September 26th THE Insurance Companies have made a prompt and satisfactory adjustment of the loss we suf- fered at the disastrous fire which destroyed the upper story of our building on the morning of Friday, l 3th. Practically the entire stock was damaged by either fire or water. We are working day and night get- ting it in shape for quick selling, and at 9 o'clock Thursday Morning we will open our doors and commenceto sell. There, are thousands and thousands of dollars worth of high- grade Dress Goods, Carpets, Furs, Ladies' Ready- to-wear Garments and general Dry Goods, that must be sold within the shortest time possible, for we do not want the interruption of the regular business to be a day longer than it will take to cleat out the fire and water damaged stock. There is still a stock of over $3o,00o unin- jured by fire but more or less damaged by water. These goods must be sold immediately, as they cannot remain a part of our regular stock. Millinery DepartmentThe in f Millinery Department is now in full swing with a complete new stock, in J. Stead's old stand on Hamilton street, where Miss Reynolds will be glad to receive her customers. DressmakingDepartment The Dtastemporg Depart merit has temporarilylocal. ed in apartments in the old Huron Hotel next to the Canadian fixpess office• wiltre we have fitted up workrooms, and where Miss Coutts will receive her cu, - Terms of Sale, strictly Cash. No goods out on approval and no goods exchanged or returnable. J