The Signal, 1912-9-19, Page 5It e .es in to abia 0I1 e. front f Wss , sub - creme d h IC 1 0 1 LOCAL TOPICS sol,piud Ngi ihe re •r. wt 'repent nine patients at Alexandra bos/It•l ratts4 who was wive winch.it•b_y_, this mnrn- opatrd on d tile �s &&PP011M1 ing, ►. reports% to ass weiL The Hamilton Welt. vwiog to the pressure ot other mate ter, The Signal is unable to pettish this week thert of tb• sapper given to tbo h t0t1�s* stay who visited Roderioh last It is bald over ter atao$bar iawn. Other interests 'Mer le n- moidably crowid trout OW* Mas. c. r. R. Noise. gtayslhrg P4+ t Agora Sas of i6• C. P. 11 was In town on Tu.� Grain sl.,pmente have been rather slow the past ha. to Arthur Beaver, Shim's. _ St. o. w visitWindsor, • _dsor, Raeilt.e and 8t Detroit. His wife and tastily accom- panied bias. Nobis Young is relieving bon while he is away. The Teachers Convention. Attention is again drawn to the an- nual meeting of the West Huron Teachers' A.-octatioo, to be held at tbe Collegiate Institute, Godsrieb, on lbutdayeod Friday of next week. On Thursday evening there will bean enter- teinmeet to which the public are enpec- lolly invited: but any wbo wish to at- tend will be welcome also at any of the other sessions of the convention. Teachers coming to the convention will le pleased to learn that they will have :.n opportunity of enjoying the hand concert, as it will be given on Wednesday evening next week instead of Thulndnv- Or. Harold Taylor's Appointment. Dr. Harold Taylor has been appointed house surgeon at the new general hos- pital at Toronto. The appointment is an important one and emphasises Dr. Taylors standing as a Olivet surgeon. Though he has bean in pract.oe bare with bin; father, Dr. Alex. Taylor, for a comparatively short time, he has already "on a professional reputation of which any young man might be proud, and it is pleasant to leans that be will likely return to town within a year or two after acquiring the further veluatde ezperiemoe which practice in a great city hospital gives. Dr. Taylor will go to Toronto to commence his new duties at the beginning of Oc- tober. The Paget Grain Door Ce. A .penial meeting of the town council was held on Monday evening is connection with the proposition of the Paget Grain Door Co.. Limited. to acquire the Doty building at the G. T. R. tracks, on which the town holds a mortgage. The council agreed to So - apt two notes of the Paget Company at six' mouths and emsear respect- ively for WOO each, with interest at five per cent.. and in consideration thereof to relieve the Doty people to tie extent of $1,000 of their liability to the town. The idea is o assist the� Paget Company hi ge started here. and it if elpected llevelop Into a strong copaoy operating • large industry. Public Library. The member, of the public library board presen t at tbe regular meeting on Saturday evening last were Chairman Galt and Messrs. Tome. Strang and Elliott. The secretary was instructed to request tbe school hoattd to fill the vacancy caused by the departure of Mr. Tigers from Goderich. A resolu- tion was passed that no person shall have power to order anything for the library except the chairman of the committee under whose oversight such expenditure may lie: An account of the Signal Printing Co. of $7.80 for library slips was passed and payment wag ordered of $2 for Miss Pauline Johnson's "Legends of Vancouver." The librarian reported receipts for August of $7.66 and an issue of 1.293 books and magazines. Rev. Joespt Elliott was appointed to act as chair- man of the book committee in place of lir. Tigert, resigned. in North St. Methodist Church Oct S' Always a standard .oeg at Scotch lathering', "Scots Wha Hae, received a superb rendering at the heads of Mr. Jarvis last night. To a powerful, resonant voice, highly vibrant in quality, add a splendid interpretation of the spirit of the song, the acting of the thought, the ooneeotratlon of the porton in gesture, tone add eye, and it is not surprising that salss old men felt their blood dung sed warm, 01 that young men owed with a lire whkk seemed to 1 them off their seats. Such is the power of a magnetic vIf the desires to by coverio bowtense l much of the martial. buried beneath tbe oar sof shop or street, is in him, let him hear Mr. Jarvis sins "Soots Wba Hae." Depths of emotiomsever suspect- ed by the wild bosom are stirred. and the truth is learned that in the Boost Pacific titers is something which will respond to the vale', the: to the high word that urges. strop wee* indeed well sung, but "licote Wha Has" was the inspiration of the even- *. Daily Witness, Montreal. Sarber Note,. Fifty feet of the soutbwe t break- water still remains uncompleted, but wit► favorable weather the ooetauct should i:e completed in the course et a week or so. PerchH,hi°6 i• the order of the day e the paean kinase good catches are steamer Wsztoed 1s s:peeled 'a port tomorrow. She will unload ho corr. at the ore leg of the V.'est- "rsbe a ad. Flour Mille Oo, This will beth moo tbst boat to be etalosded at the rib aaoer• esestie. 01 tis Isesr l.s 1 s• hamorcta1 wharf emar'laet is nR ptubesi to nornpi.tdos. y all the ne a wet erfvoat In and the forme w being AUad The /mit. brats will be able to uGay Limo = istesaser Jei cagy late sort ala •~Iasi