The Signal, 1912-8-29, Page 3?aE Ipi1NLL AND ONLY iENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS. BOLD ON THE M!IRUT8 Ok MUM LINI/ENT DII U KBI NDIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES booed or repaired. GOLD LETTERING oo LEATHER GOODS All ordain aowptkrattended to m leaving them at TH SI Oedaeiot. A. 1L TAYLOR. liTiaTTORD MEDICAL '11tS. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR, 11 I irriciasa and tieet.waOwess-Norte u. -el. um: (ugh (later. 1=1 ie-�;•ls 'urn. Terrace. ALEX. TAH. A. NAROLII TAY1.Ole. 11. A. M. B. DR. W. F. GALLOW, M. B. (dice sed reside," bests sOrbt. OedsstM. berth or (:maty Msalssr7 dim 7Mseboae hl. ' R. F. J. R.1rOR)1TE R -EYE, RAR 11 ser add throat Besse sesame Caw York O/kthairl• Golden) onht., age air kre.t� London ,pear...a! London, k.uoppos (lf8oe. !d 8. tiU Esse. opposite Kon: Church. Hoers e o IY r. n... Y tot 0.m.. 7 to II P as. Telephone • LEGAL 1)HuUI)* OUT, HAY$ s KILLORR 1. proctors•lo memos* wattle tate funds to Mod at levee rater eK interest Deane. Last side rlosani. Oederfeh. W. PKUUUFUOT K. C., It. C. HAYO, J. L. 61LLORA N. �G. CAMERON. H. 0.. I3ARRIS- . TCR, solicitor, notary pabila LeBow-- taauultoo Streit, (iudsetek, tatty dee" tram Square. vHARLEi8 (JARROW, L.LB., BAR it1blk1t ectomere. solicattr, ate.. trOS• .. b. Money to rend at louver, rates. 11 U. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER 111. solicitor, coreml.feser, notary public u IiamLtea sweet Uoderfet Ont. INSUIRANCE LOANS. ETC. alcg1LLOP MUTUAL FIRS IN 111 duKANCs CO.--Jszsa and isolated LO" t: rrep.tty Insured. Oeketr-J. B. McLean, Pres.. 8ssSorth P.O.; Jae. f,0000lly. Vioepree.. Uodencb 1'. 0.; Timone C. hays. deo.-Tram. Bestortb P. O. Directors -W m. choosey. stestorth ; Jobs 0. thieve. Winthrop; WltlramMen,t%oastenoo; John 1fei neweb, savanna's; James Evans. Beech wood ; John W sit. Marine* ; Malcolm Mckwen, brooetl.W. Agents : J. W. Yeti, Batmesvale ; R. Smith. Hariock . Jae. Cumruings. MLmosdvOle ; 1L hinctiey, Sealo:t'. Nabr♦osaers ono pay si ssemeou ant flet their Dards teosdpted at a. J. Morrisb's Clothing8tete.CUatao, eratR • (. uu . O. uoety, LLraasssa atr.St. Godsrto` 520.000 PRIVATE FUNt ODS TO t7Gll V Man. Aptly w 1. CLM- t t... , tsarrmier. Hamilton street Oodeeiob. W Et ROBERTSON. ' 111 IN8URANCS LOZNT. F Ikg iHt lac Nina : With& C.oaalso and American. ("abaft]', Stamm AID ' Lunn - ITT ITT : 1 be Ormantee . orpo atiOn, F Ib-IJ'TT &ND t' Ea1:1.8. (Fidelity atr'nd eriL nesse sonar et 176 tit Vic- toria and David's 'Phase 116 O sod assellsaS Ii -Marl .and MO soon steletea w hest she as -Al at ad os.. meow est dime r address J. W • Mabel& ani Tele hone ss. 'Ba MIREE "Pims�ss's� is •7 rMtstseta. Get MARRIAGE LICENSES W ALTR eoD> 0)1?r. P., issi0SR Or MAP ILLS LiCSNBSd. W • • AGE uotisssalJ se OB RRI SHAVING PARLOR KDFORD BLOCK BARBER 8110P 0e the and te stay(ae siaapeeteaa Arne' repealer. 1•a4is- r H B Sallow Complexion 1nd'cat esindigent ion, constipation or liver trouble. Fig Pi1ls wiU regulate your system and build W the nerve forces so that yen seri ray fetid enjoy life. At all desl.w;6 anti NO moth. or The Fig P111 Oo., 81. Thome. Ont BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects tanebi b aop.rt instructors art reels, ben Sept. ink Cselsgw frau YAW Plc t L W wMtt.rt k. THE SIGNAL News of District 8eaf+srth's tax rate this year is 90 mill, on the dollar. Mn. Weir bYJsold her 100 -acre farm near Brucetleld to Mr. Olein, of Lum- ley, for $8,500, Mr. and Mn. David Workman, of Ei pen, have been bereaved of their infant son, a baby f three months. Joao Johnson. o BruoeasW,' bas purchased Mr. liwan'r 100 -acre farm halt a tulle south of the village for 57,500. Miss Lizzie Lswrenes, of tieefortb, has gone to Edmonton, to take • posi- tion on the stall of one of the city echoots. Mr. sod Mrs. D. McQuarrie, of Crsn- brook. are removing to Brussels, where their son, Athol, will atteed school, taking advanced work. T. 8. Biters, who has been in the grocery business in Rsatorth for sev- eral years, has sold out to William Reid, of Seaforth, and is moving to Toront o. Mrs. W. Blair, a former resident of Kippen and Henaall. died ai the home of het daughter, Mrs. Joho Weismil- ler, of Beverley Station, Sask., on Saturday, the 17th inst. Deceased was seventy-flv' years of age. Mus Mary Stewart, daughter of hey. Dr. Stewart, of Toronto, form- erly of Clinton. wbo has been teaching in a college in the city of Quebec, hiss been appointed to the staff of the Winnipeg Technical School. Miss Lois Biroey, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Cbarlee Barney, of Exeter, was married in Winnipeg on Thurs. day. the 15th inst., to D. F. Ferguson, principal of the Dominion Business Oollega in the Western metropolis. 8. Young, of Wingham, had the misfortune to lose one 0[ hjs fingers last week. when he slippedewith his hand uoderthe foot ot a horse which he was shoeing. He had previously lost two lingers in an accident while running a machine. Arran ments are being made for a Grey andh lma Old Boys' Reuoion to be bell OD WW. W hitfleld's farm on the 12th concession of Grey, on Son - day and Monday. September 1st and Sod. On Sunday there will be three out-of-door services, when "old boys" will preach. F. C. Kalbfleiseh, of Zurich, is using the new sutnrdatic flax -puller this year. The machine is drawn by horses and the flax is pulled by belts and rollers and bundled into sheaves. The machine with three men operat- ing it does the work of twenty men pulliog by hand. Mies Charlotte Dearing, of Exeter, tort with a very painful accident last week. While she was operating one of the sewing machines in the Jack- son factory the needle ran into the third finger of her left hand and'broke in several pieces. The different parts of the needle have been removed. but blood -poisoning is feared. A correspondent in The London Ad- vertiser credits the genial postmaster at Seaforth with good sense as exhib- ited in his quiet, restful--andinexpan- sive-way of taking a holiday. He says : "Mr. and Mrs. Dickson have a way peculiar to themselves of enjoy- ing n ying their summer vacation. Mr. Dick- son takes his favorite old team of bays attached to a single buggy, and makes a tour of the country, calling upon old friends in the various places be visite." John Hardie, an old resident of the 9th concession of Turnherry, passed away on Saturday, the 17th ioet., in his seveoty-ninth year. Deceased was a man of sterling character and was universally respected. He is survived by bis widow. four sons -John, An. drew and Thomas, otTurnberry. and Fred. of Culross -and four daughters -Mn. Simpson, of Culross; Mrs. D. Murchison and Mrs. W. Homutb, of Turnberrv, and Mies Lizzie, of Culross. The death of Mrs. Joseph M. Smith, an esteemed resident of Morris, oc- curred at her home near Bluevale on Wednesday, the lith inst Deceased was in her fifty-eighth year. She is survived by her husband and four chil- dren -William, of Melita, Man.: Wat- son. of Thorndale ; Claire and Alethea, at home. She leaves also two sisters and nos brother -Mrs. George Faun - by, of Melita, Mao.. Mrs. John Ander- son and Thomas Watson, of Luc - know. Miss Jeseie Cummings. one of the most highly esteemed residents of Wingh•in, died suddenly on Monday of last week. 8be had not been very well for some weeks and had been tak- ing a rest Deceased. who was thirty. saves_ ears of age. wee a daughter of the late J. B. Cummings and Mrs. Cummings, of Wiogham. fibs leaves two sisters and one brother -Miss A. Stewart of Lucknow ; Miss Elisabeth, of the ' Vingharn public school staff, and James, of Lakefleld. Sudden Death at Clinton. Mn. W. J. Nelson, of Clintoo, was found dead on the street on the even- ing of Thursday, the 15th inst. De- oeassa had been taking tea with a friend and was on her way home when death overtook her. Her husband was away from hpme at the tithe and she had been living alone for some weeks. She leaves, besides her hus- band, a large family of grown-up children. Meana of Haat Wawanosh Resident. Mrs. John Taylor. a pioneer resident of East Wawanosb• passed awayoe Thursday. the 15th Inst, on the arm opposite the Zetland tabool, wbich bad been her home for sixty-two years. Deceased had reached the age of si ty-four yeah. Site leaves five dw blare--Meedeenes Me0eadllsb, of Nelson, B. C. - Arian Frail& and W. G. dee , of Fa ; Mimes male ohn. iLeaded ; home.Rpt. of Morris, J Ori Mssident of Staley Decetr.ed. Oa eanday, the lath Wet., one d Abe residents of Stanley. le the peesw Wilt rams of the Jaems 1e�d� efatge �N Ithe her met at wee bees In eibil sameb OMnii betla lot ee FMtat sql '. 1s. Dsasawi was suierI4 to far la ISM salt sottlsd co bas 4 eoneredon. whew she eso- cera. la Hatred to reside until three months ago, when rbe removed with her daughters to OUntue. Deceased wan highly esteemed by all who knew her. 8be is survived by one sou. Joho, on the homestead, and four da htsr. - Mn. Edward Olen and Mn. Thomas Fraser pf Stanley, and Misses Eliza and A el, of Clinton. Tbe Lite Timothy Coughlin. Timothy Coughlin, ex -Reeve of Stephan township, died at his home at Mount Carmel on Munday, August iltb, at tbe age of sevens -eight years. Diseased was for thirteen Nears tbe Conservative member for orth Middlesex in the House of Uom- mona As a live stock dealer he was well known throughout South Huron. He was • man of sterling integt ity. H. is survived by bis widow, two sons - D. F., at house, and John J., barrister, of Stratford -and two daughters, in Montreal. Daniel Coughlin, ot Cen- tralia, is a brother of the deceased. Sarnia Man Fatally Injured. Wbile on his way home -from Grand Bend on the evening of Tuesday. Aug- ust kith, Wm. Dillon. a merchant of Sarnia, was so horribly burned when Isis touting car caught tire that be died two days later. He bad turned out to pass u buggy on a narrow road near Arkona and his car went over the edge and overturned twice as it went down the embankment. Mr. Dillon war pinned under the steeri1g wheel. The gasoline leaked out acid the car was soon in dames. A boy who was with Mr. Dillon made frantic but futile efforts to rescue hits. Automobile Accident at Heosal. While Thornton Baker, of Exeter, was motoring tbrough Hensel' one night last week with a party from the last-named village, consisting of J. Hudson, J. Huntley, James O'Neil sod F. Smallacombe, the car turned turtle. Mr. Baker was pinned under the steer - leg wheel and rendered unconscious. Mr. O'Neil was caught under the front fender and was badly scalded by the shower of hot water which poured on him. Mr. Small/wombs was cut and bruised and Mr. Hudson's arm was broken. Mr, Huntley escaped unin- jured. The car was only slightly damaged. A Runaway Accident Mrs. Patrick McGrath, of Tucker - smith, bad a very unpleasant experi- ence and a narrow escape last week. \Vben she was driving home the front wteel came off the buggy and the horse, becoming frightened, ran away. Mrs. McGrath was thrown out and be- came entangled in the buggy and was demoted some distance. Fortunately for her the buggy struck a telephone p tie, breaking the whittletree. Wben the horse thus liberated ran off, Mrs. McGrath was rescued and carried to a house near by. She was suffering front the shock, but escaped unin- jured. The horse waa caught unhurt. Death of Mn Thomas Dodds, UcKiliop. The late Mrs. Thomas Dodds, of Mc- Killop, of whose death brief mention was made last week, e WI Porn in Scot- land eighty-five years ago. In 184d as • young bride she emigrated to Can- ada with her husband and settled on the 0th concession of McKillop, which was then • wilderness. Five years later they moved to the bush farms on the 7th concession, which by indotni- table energy and perseverance they converted into the comtortable borne which was their pride till death. Mrs. Dodds had been nu failing health for the pest two years. She was a woman ot strong character and of ex- emplary life. She leaves four sons and four daughters. QUICK RELIEF. When He Used Dodd's Kidney Pills for Rheumatism. Holbeck, Mask., August 213th. -(Spe- cial.) --Among the many on the ptr. ai les who ate shouting the praises of Dodd's Kidne f Pills none speak with more entbueiasm than Mr. Matt 3yverson, a well-known resident of this place. "1 suffered from rheumatism for three years," Mr. Syversnn says ; "and I was also troubled with an acute pain around my heart. My case was a severe one and several times 1 doubted if recovery wo. possible. But seven boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured mo completely. 'i can truly and honestly recom- mend Dodd's Kidney Pills as a remedy for cases lite mine. They surely cleared out all my aches and pains as if by magic.' MARINE NOTES. Freighter Lealeld es the Rocker Oolliogwood, Aug. 2.-Tbe big freijchter Leafleld of the AlBpma 8. S. (Jo. s fleet is ashore on one of the rocky islands east of the Giant's Tomb. The accident occurred on Sat- urday night .vhen the steamer was bound for Midland to loadg iron. Tbe accident occurred when the ateamen was light and it is out several feet forward. Stearn primps and a wrecking outfit are working on the boat. Upon beingreleased the Lea - field will be brought to the dry dock here. O•pt. Alex. McIntyre. Rho is in charge of the LeaBeW, is an exper- Ieooed mariner and during the many feat 4 he has been on the lakes has bseo very fortuoate. Be is recog- nised as being rareful and his ae- quaintaeees in and out of marine circles will regret to (ears of his trouble. He has been with the Algoma Oorporation for some years and has base master of the LesAeid dere the Agawa came out as a t..s or five years ago. '1s l�.Mis me of the four demo- ers brought to the mites when F. H. Olectiiae was lo oaetrol of affairs let Soo. 176 orale. were the lffoei t►aven sed Ta sso, which were loot In Lithe Egginat', sod the Pallkl. yaw s e wish* le omsalisdon. As oar- 14•11‘ ardere the ateaeeSI were especially ad for the ore and rail trade In taw tw8eld has bees enraged. Windom Swim Opens at flea Bret S1* �toev�esr the new "1111�wi r fiw "" wet of hos go esys ago ee the the midis.Inetthe a/led et t thleatt palet be eoeeset with lake ports east 4wQ s. ONTARIO 111 The ••Pastder* Range is doubly uuaranteed - it is guaranteed by the makers and just as fearlessly guaranteed by every McClary agent. You id know "Pandora" perfections before you buy n range. CIrys /or sale by Howell Hardware CP - TUVI SDLY. AOMERT MI, 191.2 S and, west and vessels plying the Great Lakes. The first meswge through the medium of the tido station was -eat to Tobe. moray, 150 miles east of the Soo. on ♦Vedneeday. August 7th, and proved a success. It was a business message sent by tie Marconi Com- pany rnquirin,r regarding the effici- ency of the service between these two points. Since the completion of the local stations and the installing of the apparatus the Boo has been in con- stant commupicatioo with the wire- less station at Midland, Tobermoray and Port Arthur, as well as the vessels of the Canadian Pacific, Northern Navigation C.,mpany and • number of American vessels equipped with wireless apparatus. Within a short time it is the intention of the Marconi Company to establish wireless com- mnaiaittoo with every vessel of im- portance plying on the Great Lake., it was for this purpo.e practically that tbe chains of stations, of whecn there will be nine, were arranged for by the Canadian Gover nment through the Marconi Company. PUBLIC AND CONTINUATION SCHOOLS WORK. Texts for Departmental examina- tions, 1913 (as presented by the De- partment of Educatlbo t : r. The Junior High School Entrance Ezamiaation. BEL8(TIONS FOR MBMOHF/.1TION. Ontario Public School Reader, Boot IV. -Hands All Round. p. 49; The Burial of Moses, p. 60; Ye Mariners of England, p. 154; The Harp that Once Through Tara's Halls, p. 174 ; Oo the Grasshopper and Cricket, p. 197 ; Rule Britannia, p. 212; My Native Land, p. rL7 ; Dont Thou Look Back on What Hath Been, p. 239; To a Water Fowl, p. 377; Daffodils, p. 3/L' ; On His Blindness (Sonnet i, p. 3913: Reces- sional, p. 409. Canadian kronen Catholic Reader, Book IV.-Tbe Mae, p.. 11 ; Abou Ben Adhem and the Angel, p. 51 : The Exile of Erin, p. 5f; Tbe Stream ot Lite, p. 84 ; The song in damp, p. 100; The Heritage, p. 150. Ye Mariners of England, p. 101 ; The Reaper, p. 183 : A Day in June, p. :3Uis; The Bells of Shandon, p. 330. txAM1NATION8. Hereafter. betides questions on sight passages, the etamtoatiasr paper in reading at the junior high school entrance examination will contain questions on a passage or passages from the Fourth Reader authorized by the course of study for the public or the separate +schools. i1. Junior and Senior Publi: School Diplomas, the Senior High School Entrance and Entrance into the Model Schools. NELS(TIONS FOR MKMORIZATION. The High School Realer (New Edi. tion►. -The Well of fit Keyoe, p. 43 ; The Soldier's Dream, p. o8 t On Hie Blindness, p. 80; Home They }brought Her Warrior Dead, p. 107: Tbe Re-' turn of the Swallows, p. 111: Rosa - belle, p. 18e; A Wood Lyrft, p. 191 ; To Night, p. 198 ; The Revenge, p. $34. Hereafter, besides questions on eight passages, the examination paper in literature for the junior and the senior public school diploma, tbe seo- lor high school entrance, and entrance into the model schools will contain questions on a passage or passages frees the following: (1) Macaulay. Horatiui, The Battle of Lake Regillus. (From "Lys of Ancient Rome.") Lowell, The Vision of Sir Loonies'. Arnold, Sobrah and Rnstum. Longfellow, The Courtship of Miles Standish. Moore, The Meeting of the Waters. Scott, Jock of Uataidean. Scott, Alice Brand. Bret Harte, Dickia' in Oamp. Aytoun, The islad of the Soots. Longfellow, The Builders. Wordsworth. The Solitary Hound, tiradatim. Wordsworth, • it Is Not to Be Tboht of that the Flood." L B ting, A Musical Instru- ment. (9) Shakespeare, Julius Ca.ear. IS) Irving, The Legsed of Sleepy t;ol- 1 w; Rip Van Winkle. i11. ware Sekoel Rteam.es sue SraEa- .. baths int. the Normal Schools. Tann sea, Tbe La tue Kat qu AA Me. Why," • Of Wt �F�s+ae.ao�s,"p"�L�ove -Team. IT " •'„•^'►ter ' Tears" and the six Inta.lede Cclrean Tb. Prifte.mb , The bosh, h. aof the Duke Welliagrma. Arden ; fllhakeapeer.. Julius fawoar. Lathe : Caesar, De Bello Oalllso, Rook JY., than., 9iee. and Ron* V f i ow ism= Children'sWeek at the Scotch Store The week previous to the reopening of the schools is always a busy time in our children s and misses' sec- tion ; and this season we have made greater prepara- tions than in former seasons to have- everything in readiness. Children's School Coats "Faireex" Garments are the recognized Coats for children's wear in Corrado. Ou;stock is most complete in all the newest styles, in the new reversible coating, all ages up to 20 Ci years. Prices range from ........... 62.60 to 6.75 We would Ieeommeud an early inspection, es there are many exclusive styles of just • single garment. Sweaters for School Wear Sweaters are the ideal garment for children's school wear. We have a very large assortment of toe latest styles in boys and girls' smart Sweaters and Sweater Coats. Boys' Wool Sweaters, navy, cardinal and grey, in all sizes. 75e Very special each, 50o, 110o, Children's Sweater Coats in all the desired colors, high $2.25 or low neck, to fit all ages, iron, each.. .. ....60o to Childreq's Sclioo! )(ats in great Yarfety Underwear for the Ck ldreq No need to worry about the children's Underwear. We can supply every want in Shirts and Drawers and combinations, in heavy cotton, cotton and wool or natural wool. and fleece - lined. We feature Turobull's and Zenith brands -the name being s guarantee of quality. Children's I(osiery -;, 4maids 5-nrir Always a perplexirg worry to know where to get the best school Hose for boys and girls. The ques- tion is easily answered --at Millar'., wbere the good Hose conies from. dress gooas far Sc/zool 1✓ear We are showing a special lot of Tweeds, Checks and Tartans, which will make useful and mil_ attractive school dresser; and give all kinds of bard wear, at per yard .. .. ..25c. 36o and Jll Children's Schon! Umbrellas at SOc and 7Sc each THE CHILDREN'S STORE MI LLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 chaps. 1-28; Virgin, .. neid, Book Ii., vv. 1-0116. There are two things about which we ought not to frets -things which we can help and things which we cannot. If you can help, why do you not apply the remedy ? If you cannot. you may as well surrender at once. COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys -and they like t. h nourishes thee- 6tde bodies and makes them healthy and strong. C r can's Cocoa, ss you PIS from yore g.cn, is absolutely pure. lo dioses Ewer is elea sea by tie use et We highest Rads of Cense beim, chilly ilsmda. Nails is added to inpek the WM- boating Pov+ai' of cis Crena Do You Use Cowan' Corea? Ire 1 PILE. Tula Sal,*I i~ illal-i el l N INN So kris atiflgl g yell, dips Wells rad 1rit�s ors. Parenienass itii b Alts, mumsarc sMslf y ad p.m ▪ 411 '7u n E3 u K DERBY SHOE QUALITY SHOES FOR MEN. LATEST STYLES ALWAYS IN STOCK AT WII. SHARMAN'S Corner East St. and Square THE GODERICH GARAGE TO MOTORISTS 1 now have a full stock of Motor Accessories, such ns Spark; Plugs, Wiring, Fresh SBatterie., 'Flattery ('oonectore, Ammeters, Acetylene Burners, Gas Bags, Generator Tubing, Carbide Tire Patches -no cement patches; Tube Protectors, Rim Cut Patches, Quick Repair Outfits, +pare Tube Bags, Tire Envelopes, Inner Tubes, Valve Parts, Tire Testers, Gasoline, 011., Grease, Linseed Soap for wa.hiog automobiles l Anything not mentioned in the above Het, plows el Cask for, ae i carry a complete stock and can furnish supplies at remarkably Mw prices. Yours truly. JOHN 0. KUN T Kingston St. Ooderlch