The Signal, 1912-8-22, Page 5H )1TrARM LOCAL TOPICS opera HOW* Newf. Misa t4ayden's Art !studio. victoria Owes House will open ibis Visa livslyo Hayden's studio in the „nq With the Franklin Stook Com. Huron Apartments was a centre of Dpe ny,,sopporting Kdwin Weever, next attraction today for' lover. of art, •nd Monday, August 9etb, for owe week. although the rain kept many away This cowpeny bee Just closed a Meg ; there were a Rood Dumber of visitors run of permanent stock et BranUoed , at the studio. Kiss Hayden has some and wiU come direct here. The own. , beautiful wort on exhibition, awe. Deny is • select one and carries all ape- scally in talo.. and persona wbo ere ,.ial scenery and effects. Pries will interested in fine arta should not fail be 10c, 20c and 90c and the asst sole to ser her collection. will open Saturday, at 10 a. tn.. et H. ' Decoration Uar. T. Edwards'. ( The heel/ten of Court Goderich No. An Enthwisstic Angier. - 32. 0.0 F.. are requested to meet .t the Juldy .oler at the I Kroom, North sttt ba[betrBsigUrvd•aukinggad umber ' sharQostreet, at march to ad txwet amusing demoekelfatlo of t-easutodul- ery, for the purpose of nese. She had goes down to the bar• , Pla•iig news a on the graves of de- Ixn with line and hooka. but without I Misted brethren Rev. Dr. Medd and pole, ezpectiig to End $rod of some •• J. Potluck will give short ad - kind to whirl) she could attach her I dramas, and the 33rd ttegiment band Visit - tackle. Not wowing one, sbe brought will furnt.b.ppropriat. music. Vbit• her utnbtell• into requisition, and ing brethren are cordially invited to with tbhl unique fishing -rod she hauled i attend - in nearly two dozen perch in ten hour. Farewell to Miss Richardson. The Isdv hos reoeoUy become a reel. I After choir practice on Friday even - dent of Goderich and appears likely to ing at Knott church the choirmaster, become s permanent member of the Mr. Hunter, spoke of the loss which local Izaak Walton Club. , the choir wee shout to sustain in the A Munster Puff -bail.; departure of Miss Richazdson, who during ber residence in Goderich had A curio which attracted ^good deal tteea a groat help io the service of et attention in the window of the Sig. I sag On behalf ut the member, Mies not office tbl. week was a monster' St117ng presented Mica Richardson putf•hall. it was found by Ed. Law - with • fountain pen. as a memento of .on ..n the old Williams farm st Dun- I her connection with the choir. Miss ..lace that to such to be amu! Richardson left the following day for early growths, ber home in Stanley sod in a tew days one which is thought to have been I will go west to Saskatoon. Sask., ...en larger was previously found where her sinter Mrs. H. Duncan there. This one measured iii inches! raid.. in circumference one way and Sl Fall Fair Notes. inches the other way. and it. weighed :t Ib. t nz. aeversl days after having I The directors of the tioderich indue- been "plucked." The puff -ball ie trial Exhibit( in anticipate an ezcee1- swewhat similar to the mushroom in I Ingle "nod attraction in the spent testa. Never before have so many horses been on the t-ack, and the track is getting into spleniid condi- User for heir work. if the atmosphere of Goderich last it is Dot generally known [bet the Friday Deemed to have a peculiar accommodsti,n for boners at the fair . "judicial calm." there was s rayon groands is the largest in the western for it, for there were no fewer than section of Ontario. There are 100 box fire cottoby judges in town. %asides stalls and accommodation for cattle, the- local members of the Judiciary, sheep, ate.. in proportion. , Judge Doyle and Judge Holt. there The sttrectroos committee are in were three visiting representatires of rnrreapoodence regarding several tee- the bench -Judge Robb of Sinum.. tures new and interesting, full partic- Judge Barron of Stratford and Judge Ulan of which will be published later. Widdifleld of Owen Sound. Judge The secretary, J. Ada Fowler, is Robb and Judge Barron were here prepared to send • prise list to anyone closing up at) arbitration case with applying for same. Many hundreds Judge Holt. Judge WlddiSeld and of lists have been distributed. and as his party. including Mrs. WIddifield it is impossible to foresee who way be and his son, Rev. Mr. eViddifield, an intending ezbibit:tr. and some may were here on a pleasure [tip- have leen missed in the distribution, Harbor Notes. any such are requested to apply in Food time. Friday. September 13th. it, method of growth, and some peo- ple like to eat thein when fresh. Five of Thome The steamer Jex, with her tow. is the last day for making eetriee on Three Brother,, arrived in port on the ordinary term.; after that date Friday last. She had a deckload of an extra fee is chargeable. coal for the Oo.tericb Elevator A Tran• I The director. of the fair meet every sit Co. and the remainder of the cargo Saturday evening until the fair. war tot the Big Mill. The steamer Wexford was in pert on Tuesday with s cargo of LZ%.(XIO bushels of wheat and oats for the (loderich elevator. She cleared on Wednesday. All the work on the outside br-sk- water is I.eisg animist up. The men were overtime nearly every day in order to complete the work before the fall rc ugh weather sets in. A largesbipmene of apples is await- ing the at rival of a package freighter st the freight sheds. The fruit is No. I i)uchese. and Lloyd & Son are the ,hipper.. ? Let the children snake e. Brownie vacatit tn-s'r ry. Anyone can make pic- toresV,ith a Brownie , Camera Brown let -$200 to $10.00 ' FICTLAND'S role KODAKS !- Films and supplies. VACATION DAYS esus right with us. The Na-Dru- Cn Toilet Neceseariee are win- ner` -every one of them. Na=Dru=Co Tooth Paste Sweeteus Ike breath. Preserrv ePreserves the teeth. (food teeth ' improve your r pp. rsnee. Two flavors -mint and wintergreen, 2Sr tuba. Na=Dru=Co Toilet Cream '. sweetly perfumed, emolli- ent skin -food. it renders tb. skin soft. smooth and white; rue snrpeeerd fnr Ian •nd sunburn ter- and 30c jay*. Na-Dm=Co Talcum Powder Nene better, finest, .ofteet, '•hite,t• Rest powder for nee "'ry and toilet nor. Two odor, Rny•1 Rose. Violet. Two ,.tot * --white, fifth. F. J. Butland earensing i)i uggist, Goderleb. r' r. That Plewss's LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. A reminder-So,ithi. Art Store. la t -trent. i. headquarter. Inc art epplfea, fanry work material- and shelter moria. A dine line of china for printing. Any lad, lntere.tcd it invited [0. 4011 The arum a some and go. •nd summer i. brut to make its departure- New 1. the time. before the rush .tart,. to leave your order for a fall .alt or overcoat with Pridbam the Tailor. Robt. McLean shipped a carload of horses on Tuesday lest to Saskatoon. by C. P. R. Victoria Opera Mouse open, the sea- s:on Monday, August 28, with the Franklin Stock Co. Mee. %%'alter, who was seriously- in- jured io the accident at- Saltford nn the 10th. inst., isimptoviog very satis- factorily. Beware 01 house flies. They are often hiders with deadly disease germs. Science mays that house flies •hn.tld be destroyed- The hest de- stroyer" are sold by E. R eVigle, Druggist. Goderich. Three rinks of Goderich bnwlera, skipped hy H. McDermott, Robert McLean and C. H. Humber respec- tively are et the Exeter tournament. Judging from the Ant day's results. they are net likely to Wog borne any of the prises. Today's (.hIre gives the name• of three fist-iicb young ladies. Mimes Remote M. Briroinomhe. Vinnie M. t'awphell sad bene Piidham, as successful in heir ex .urinations for o u,IiAc.tinu sscominerrialspecialist•. Mies P. idb,.n, although .be passed the ezaminetion, will not he entitled to a certifier e until .he qualifies as • high school teacher. CHURCH NOTEV. Mr. BI Tan, e f leoudsirck. eine soiree in Ktt.•x rhumb and Victoria street Methodist ebuieb oe Sunday. The pe •to. will occupy the pulpit in the Baptise rhumb next Lord's Day. et Ilam- •nd 7 p.•m. Bible school and Bible etas At 3 p. ra Vi►itort will he ootdially welcomed. The announcement of a ser•mot) by Her. Dr. Meidrnro is always sufficient to drew a Ter• large congregation in Oodericb. •nd Knox eburtb was well filled at tee eereio►s !set Sunday w -ben the eminent Cleveland p occupied the pulpit and gave wo Cb tracterietie discourse, Dr. Mel- d. um's MISS tap le wlwaya fresh and timely and goes straight ei the heart., and his hearers carried sway tact Nt ndsy • store of tbought and is - spit •tion for many days to re me. bees end forty-two edherenlg sae promising a stipend of 11,100 tuium, with manse and tout week•' botideys. The other was from Au- burn and Smith's Hill in favor of Rev. Robert McCallum, of Waldemar, signed by 193 members and thirty- three adherents, and promising a stipend of $1,000 per annum, with manse and two weeke holidays. Rev. W. T. Pearcy and Messrs. Gardiner and Somers, will repre%ot the Prow bytery of Huron before the Presby- tery of Toronto in the matter of the call to Mr. Turner. and Rev. J. L. Small, B. A., of Hespeter, will repro - sen;: this Presbytery before the Pres- byteryof Orangeville in the call Mr. W McCallum. SPORTS FOR LABOR DAY. Get Ready to SS Holiday at obs P The Print Farm will be the point of attraction for the people of Gode- rich and district on Labor Day -Mon- day. September 2nd. Proprietor Goldthorpe has arranged s program which promises the best dsy'e sport that baa been seen in these parts for some time. in the afternoon. enmmencing st 2 o'c(nrk- a uterine of athletic events will he run off, 'Deluding the following contests : 880 yards t•ece, 440 yards rare. P20 yards dash. running broad jump. running high jurnp, vaulting with nolo, obstacle twee, pickehsck wrestle, walking the spring pole, and "blind pi¢" race. Good prizes are being offered for there events, end they will doubtless attract the hest athletes of the district. The Blvth anis Gnd.rieh haa.hall teams are anxious to gat together Inc another teat of prnweal with the hall and bar. and this will he ono of the eyenta of the afternoon, the game rnmineneing at 3:30 o'clnek. in addition to these special events there will be the usual attraction. of the Point Farm, including bstbing. howling nn the green. lawn tennis, mind other amu•em•nta• There will he music for dancing both afternoon and evening. and for the evening therepec will he something sial and eteetacular in the way of a monster of the ladies of tie Peter's church. The ladle.' committee, oversight of the are • pts, iscom- posed of Mn. R. J. Phelan. president ; rive.J. C. OrlAiu, t ice -president. ; Mrs. Win. Doyle, treasurer; Mrs. M. Parr, secretory ; Mrs. Jas. Helton. aesistantse secretary ; Mrs. Chas. Moand Mn. D. Carney. The gentlemen's cotutnittee gen- eral an•ggeent is composed 1 Jos. K1d cbairman, Judge Doyle Jelin Dee, m, Jas. Obi.holm and Jacob Moser, and the committee on details of Messrs. Phalen, Doyle, Dean, W. Spahr, J. J. Doyle P. Oarey, 3. Grif- fin. J. Dean. J. Spahr and J. W. Chis- holm. ty of tit. itb xrneral Thursday evening. Then was a large sttendaoes at the summer fair this evening and the event has been s groat ds at success. Tbe Roo in the varioos booths were pretty well sold out, but a nurnter of articles be- ing still left on band an auction was held and the remaining goods were disposed of. Jo•epb Kidd and P. Farr were the auctioneers and the disposal of a varied assortment of articles hy the amateur hid -takers gave tb. crowd an entertainment that was not on the program. Tbe prizes were won as follows: $10.00 in gold. donated by Dean Brew-, won by A. Kneeshaw. Parlor table, donated by lien. Hob- meier, won by Mrs. Wm. Nevin, Dub- lin. Pair lady's pumps, donated by J. H. McClinton, won by Mrs. E. Lynn. Lady'. perasol. donated by fl. Brown. won by Mr. Mantel. C. P. R. agent, Monkton. Oil painting, ennated l•y Mrs. J. C. Griffin. won by Mies Garvey, Ashfield. Ameteyst.and gold rosary. donated by Mr. R. 3. Phelan, won by Miss K. Brown, London. Set of lady's bendniade underwear. dnnated by Sir.'. Carroll. won hy Mis [sham, Detroit. Cut glass spoon tray- donated by J. S. Davey, won hy Mrs. Dan. Mc- Donald. Handsome doll, donated by Mies Constance Griffin, won by Miss Mar- garet Kelly. For selling moat entrance tickets he prize was won by Master Joe Kelly. heath fire which everyone will want toss. Admission to the grounds will be Tye; fnr children, 10e. A REORGANIZATION. Mettle will be served at the hotel at the usual prices. and refreshments will he gull on the grounds. For fuller particulars see the large nnsters- The ..hie program thathits been arranged fnr the day shonlri attract a large ernw•A, and exit will be the last summer holiday of the season every- body who ten should arrange to enjoy it at the Point Farm. Everybody wee nae, THE SUMMER FAiR. different poiota Successful Effort by T &dies and Gentle men of St. Peter's Church. An event which has crested mum interest this week is the rummer far heine held in the Westttreet rink h the Wise and eentlem.n otSe Pete• church. This is a new feature of Or summer sermon in Goderich. and it 1 hnp.d that it will meet with such sue cess as to encourage similar entertain rents in the future. The big rink is resplendent with gaily decorated broths. where candy, s•roceriee, refreshments of various kinds, fancywork. tinwers and a large number of other articles rimy be pur- chased from gracious young ladies. The fair opened yesterday afternoon and is heing continued today. There was a large ^ttendanre yesterday, especially in the evening. but the rain this sfternonn is preventing a large turnout. With fair weather tbl evening there will doubtless be a larg crowd in the rink. The fnrmal opening tnnk place Ir' evening, when Mr. Joseph Kid chairman of the management com mittee. amended the rostrum and gave en eloquent address of explain' tion. appreciation and exhortation - explanation of the various features of the fair. appreciation nf the aaeimtitnm• that had been extended nn all hands to the enterprise, and exhortation to the Audience to take advantage of the many opportunities open to them nf helping to make the fair a great su"- cow. An excellent nntsical program waw rendered daring the evening and will he continnrwl thla evening Those tak- ing part are the Mime,' N. and M. Hurley, Miss Edna Wehh, Misses E and A. Spahr, Mrs. MnOa-thy, pian- ists ; Mire Young, Miss Heinicee and Mr. 11 Witmer (Platteville), violin- ists, in addition to the orchestra. Selectlone on the vict.rnla were in- terspersed among the ...tier number.. The musksi program ie under the cap- able management of Miss Spahr. The various booth. are arranged in mw. nn ei.her side of the rink, and the scene they present with their pretty deoorations - intending the young ladies in charge of them --le a very gay one. The fenevwork table la in charge of M• m- Jnr. Kidd. with Mrs. R. Shannon end Mne. Jas. Doyle se tiwiatrnte. The "Oouotry Stora" is doing • good bu.ine.e melee the management of Mise Nellie McDonald, *mist ed by Mies Rose Fnz, Miss Lena Ayer and Mies O'Connor. At the candy hootb Miss Helen Doyle dispenses homsmade swe.t•, with Mies Joel. Shannon, Mies Oon- tanee Griffin and Mrs. Ooultbunt as Iders and abettors. An Pepecially aft racrive place 1a the ewer booth. whimh is very prettily arranged. Mire. Victor Dean I. In barge, with Mimes Lillian Farr. Margaret Kelly. Genevieve Spahr. Muriel Spain, Emily Griffin and Evelyn Mc(' arthy as assistant 'Soarer -girl.." Th. "ebenee" booth, where * num- her of articles are heing diapn.ed of y ticket, is In eharwe n1 Mier Annie McDr•nakl, Mise O.rsie Free Mies Alnna Rpat►r and Mrs. Meiners by. The Aahpnnd, where"Aeh" are `aught. n and out of tmeaon, is tv.ndiueted hy MMI. Rana Weide with Misses Elinor Kona, grnesta Spahr and Agnes Doyle • assistants. The hos cream depart newt M !w nem orf Mrs n Mom and Mrs. Chis- holm. The 'hire., parlor,' where sol rinks and eiR:•rw are 41 p- " d, koar., Some Changes at the American Road Machine Co. Plant Some changes in the way of reorgen izntion, which may eventually result in a very cnnriderahle addition to the buminesadone here. have taken place in connection with the American Road Machine Co. within the last few days. Mr. R. Jones Phillips, of Kennett Square, Pe.,, the president of the Company, who ii hirgeiv interested in the manufactiere of road wachinm ryi a the States, controlling six plants at , was rn town for several days the) week conterringwith Mt C. L Moore. who has been in Ooderich for ablaut a month looking h over the plant and bnsinss beer. Mr. r /ore has t,tea associated with Mr. ,s Phillipe for some time in bis mann- f+cturing iutereats in the Stater, and • the result of their visit here is that ° they have amquired most. of Mr. Man- . eine stock in the Gederieb company, giving them control of the plant here. Mr. Moore will remain here in charge of the business, with Mr, J. W. Kitts. late of Hairilton, as secretary. Both these gentlemen will make Goderich their home, Mr. Moore's family being already here. While it is not intended to make any changes hurriedly, it is likely that in time some new lines will be added to the output of the Goderich factory. There is a large demand for the goads made here, a and orders have been s coming in in a most gratifying man- e nee, and the prospects for en even t larger business in the future are Kidd considered very h. igbt. Mr. Monte, who declares bimeelt much pleased with Goderich .pd its people, so tar as he bit. been s Me to The services at Nor i b street dletbo- • dist eborch law Plumley were of a artist interest. Rev. Cavid Roger,. of R'. Thema.. forssrt• chola pian of A the Goderich dietriet, Who bee many friends to town. preached in the r morwl.g. Nov. na F. At metmng of Chatham, wbois .pending bis vacation said the wanes of his hoy- heed. was the Drearier at night. able and appropriate. serapes. were deliver• ed, to the detlgee and proal of barge onetime/atingle. 1, noel solos by Mr and Mr• Pease, of Ib' raft. were a w.lcns,. addition to the matt Next Sunder the pastor, Rev- Alfred Brown will preach eeswlsg and *vest- ing sad eosdwet the adstk BIM. dna.. A email invita'iee to visiles.. Tae Car temee tell. The m MY a weld! Presbytery a .'liet of was kariy (Tb(d ay). w Metall* wos'a sew twee 8. 4 . 4 ON axe i by AO me . 10 1 new. The ref, ambulant 1 alike sr* in charge e hecnme acqua'nted with thein in the few weeks be has been here, finds one cause of dissatisfaction, however, in the ieck of a railway siding into the work.. The Compsnp's goods are b lky and heavy, and teaming to either .1 the railways is awkward and expensive. Mr. Moore would like to see Bowe plan devised whereby his factory and other, in town could have direct connection with the railway.. The people of Goderieb recognize the value to the tole of an industry such as that of the American Road Machine Co. and will be pleased to see the business prosper and increase under the new management. Avievr,r ..1. 11112 Paid - uI. Copus', Reef, Undivided Profits tl),I31,:fie Total Armee lover) eeet100,(s•0 A TERRIBLE SMASH Nobody injured, only the prices. Read on -it wiU tell you about it. It's almost impossible to tell you of all the big bargains that we have in lois, the big -est and most attractive selling - out sale Goderich people have ever seen. The sale is on now, and it will last only as long as the goods in stock will last. It is your opportunity now. We are forced to sell ; that's the whole story. On Saturday we will drop another bomb among the prices and here are the results of it : moo Linen Collars for men and boys, all sizes, in 4 - ply linen, in all shapes and styles, selling -out price, 6 for 25c or 5c each. to dozen men's 6 n e French Balbriggan Under- wear in natural or colors, 35c. 15 dozen men's extra heavy pure soft wool Under- wear, guaranteed unshrink- able, regular $1.5o and $2 per garment. Selling out at 89c. 1 2 dozen very soft wool Socks in grey and brown. Sale price, 19c. 7 men's Suits in brown and grey tweed, usually $1o. oo. jelling out at $5.95. Choice of any of our best worsted or serge Suits, usually $14.00. to $18.00. Selling - out price per suit, $9.95 - too yards of striped Flannelette. Selling -out price per yard, 554c. 75 yards strong crash Towelling. Sale price per yard, 6c. Hundreds of yards of Dress Goods, the best and left to the last. Thy are going fast at prices represent- ing only a fraction of their value. About 200 yam g dsVeilin s, regular 25c to 5oc, all going at one price. Now for 12%c. 3o pieces of Taffeta Silk, regular 5oc and 6oc. Now, choice for 29C. 1 gross Hooks and Eyes. Selling -out, price, 3 for 5c. 3 dozen Lamp Chimneys now going at 2 for 5c. Choice of our 1,4•hole stock of Laces and Dress Trimm- ings while 4t hey last, HAI.F- PRICE. Now is your chance to grab a Fur. You can save enough now for a trip to Toronto, and then some. -- Come at once. N.C. Cameron NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Ault, 22. PatThe Plrklingilemon e. M. Robert..ou... . . 3 Notice - Oswald P. Lambertua ........... .... r Hou.e amt Lot for Rale--8lgnal Wee Corr'e.pondenee Cour.. for Cha.gbas►-lbs SUMMER SPORTS. onto Auto Inatttute 1 An interesting baseball game was played et the Agilcultursl Palk on Wednesday afternoon between the town te.w and the In -quoit•. Al- though the score stood 6 tp 1 at the finish in favor of the iroquioe the play was not at all one-sided. A,1 r be end of the fourth innings the score stood 1 to 1. The grounds were 'soggy with the recent rainy, and navigation in the vicinity of second hare was mo- ped .sly difficult. W. Lumby wait umpire Toronto Exhibition. if you .re prink to the Toronto Ex- bibition } of should buy your ticket from F. F. Lawrrnee at the G. T. R. down town ticket office. The money will be ret it uvi In, anyticket not lewd. Single fare, $.9 90, or t h• i menu Rip going August 24 to Reptemher 7 ; ' special rate of $2.85 August 27 awn 2A. R'p suiher :t and b. All ticket. , R..nd for return up to Tneeday. Rep-, teenier 10. TREE BUTCHERY, To the Miter of Uwe Mgra MIR -- Your beef but timely refer enee to the hatcheries of the tree* on RAMI ■t. Pet by the else trio linemen should he f••Ilnwed by Paula oMei.I am -i tio..!hot wnnld prevent suck aro rendes in the flame. it is impossible to rl.areihe fitly the van Ioban, thea has iron meet lard in this e.is. Nn, -.-i• no Berms who bee any idea of the m..lue of It weli-.haiend tree oould lit Keinemeelt w (nn . "fling and slaseing• 1 Moe the sown outlaw rbcs 3241114.11%•1 ,tan Mus-hetetns wish 4 1 omen or TWA Teem Steam Launch for 8a1e-T. Ringlq T. Oen- eon. Toronto Toronto it ihlbttto.--C. P R. 4 w burn Ruietii.-R. V. I'arnpf et k OaWeyburn. 8esk. 1 R toMterachinery (b hunralfe Rerun Oar,line E,.Rlmild t A Popular School Clinton Realnesrts• 1 Special RhowiiignfBrea. ((esde-W. Ashes Son. ..... .... ...a Franklin Sleek Company-Vielab (!♦ass House • Nearing the Find X. H. Colborne 1 Perm laborer. Rxcno.l.wu►-Q.'a'.9.... t ('htklren'• Week Millar k Asn a August Month Find Sale Holism Dna k Vinegar for Sale -P. P. Ha,i, 'Vowe Jewellery Problem WaNsr U. Bea starer.. .. a. k Launch for Rale H. Turner. 1 shawl Loa Rural (Mine ; 1 Howie to Rent Rn. AI• sternal 09 - 1 Rarn for Stile 1. E. Jordan. leases 1 ant ter re witllsm .1. Rewe Tows et Miler tee, ('*nary 1. 4 Item/.try tee .... ...... overloaded Rale M. R.kb.a' ..... .•.-, 1 A Terrible Nrna.h ('at.a.ew'* ... . a Reader. le„ N. Wigle... 1 tars Inc Kale Mn. Jae Syw1triesns. ANIMUS 1 Otrt Wanted Or, W. H. Weimar la the IWO. remedy Tai.. ~ roAkta Al iglllb eat lissom or CANAA4. Bn'AISp 1laeli Remit Money by Bank Money Orders Bank Ham Orden issued by the Union Beak et Lana fur sums up to ie$io0 coat only from 3c to Ibc, ilceo,.liog to amount. Tbey are payable anywhere in Canada [Yukon excepted), am, in the principal United States cities. Money scut in this way is as safe se if leu hooded it direct to the payee- " W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Byalk h LONDON. >Ml1D.• Cris F. W. *SIM. - - - aie.ewsa kl ibrendmeeda , M. EC M• M. C. BART MOW ArslalaN aksermen, Overloaded Sale OUR SALE 1S GOING ON AT FULL BLAST: iT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT US. OPEN EVENINGS UNTiL 9 A.M. M. ROBINS SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE A lady's raincoat was lost about two weeks ago between Menesetung Park and town. The finder is re- quested to leave it at Mre. (Dr.) Taylor's. For all sorts of weakness and debil- y here is nothing better than the Peruvian Tonic, 75c. a bottle. Sold by E. R. Wigle, Druggist, Uoderiob. ICE CREAM The most delicious tiavors,wit h the beat and purest Cream, serv- ed at the BALMORAL CAFE. Or - dere by telephone for ice Cream in bulk or in bricks attended to promptly. Telephone b4. F. E. BURDETTE PLUMBING Let W. R. Pinder know when you have anything to be done in Eavestroughing Metal Work or Electric Vi iring. Estimated furnished and work guaranteed. We keep a full line crf flzturee and supplies on band and all such work will receive our prompt and careful attention. We [aye a number of &O - dam cooking Stoves, the Oaroet Good Cheer and the Empire Steel Range. Call and see tbene Repair work of ell kinds done at moderate cost. W. R. PINDER Hamilton Street Goderich I SeetheNewSuitings if you have pot yet got your SUMMER SUIT leave your osier et mace wit\ HUGH DUNLOP asst tN. The 6004•411seeTenee Brophey Bros. 5141DII11iWH Tbe Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders care(ully attended to et all hairs, night or d*', OMrM's keel Bre see Oesese CLNTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE $T*Atsown, OrnT. our teacher. ate ail erp.rk..mad in- atr.ntor►. Our commie are beater than Seer .ad the pulr's,st le metre earn plet We de were ler ear graduate' lW M ether *taller .. hseak .Nita. few. fee trek. h.l r were ••d .'wing tor. pat wa•e. wane l`•T ane. • hAwl SwbrlwR *Ter fTM per ^rpt, a/ iw .. oe :771we what .rest. 0 A W.LAC1iI. A'- r.l-.- ,,. • Singer Sewing Machine The latest improved iecill.iting, vibrating and rotary machine made. Either lock or chain stitcb. On ball-iearing •.taod-m. OIL, NEEDLES, REPAIRS and DARNERS for all machines. A full line of farcy Handker- chiefs for Cusbiou Covera, Aprons, Duetcape, ete.; also Satin Flowers on band or made to order, L B. TAPE liOLOOtit it North side Square. nest 1ie11 Telepbene Central. rvvswmea Opera Hoose Grocery THE Pickiing Season is here again and we Houk/ be pleased to fill your wants tqr pickling re(Uiai(er, such as Mind Pichl,n Spice Tumult Powder Curry Powder Mace Mustard Seed Celery Seed Vinegars White Wane Cider Vlnegar, err. Frtsb Foils sad Vfgelablts Pears Peaches Plume •poles Watermelons New Corn Cucumbers Tomatoes We are in the ottirket 1.. Spring Chickens and other Poultry. C. M. Robertson •Phone 144 MASSEY- HARRIS SHOP The place to buy •11 kin.ls of FARM MACHINERY Rinds., Mower., Hey Mailer., Side Rakem, Manure 'prea.ters, Bain Wagons and Cream Sep- arator*, eparator*, also louden', Hay Cars, Fork* and Siting., %InlettrIR.ea Separator, Homes trad Fertia- izere, Pumps for keret - po.ver and Kngin..: (ia.nl.ne Rnginee and Windmill.. And, A ear t you rots.' owe nor Buggies. We hove a fnnline, all styles, .and some of the teat and moat atyliab .logs that 'tor GUM 10 town. 1 have a few H..- .', to ..1 end some Drisiug Harteesn 1 alao have a Hones. to seat a leaky place for aim errr Cell in and see what we has r and rest a while, anyway. ROBERT WILSON Ilaeiltan Strew God. r . h