The Signal, 1912-8-22, Page 3THE SIGN
go T vim uAv. AVUU T 1:, 1912 •
bound or repaired.
on LEATHER 000D9
iyAmil oardTH s�l.�maleaving
A. E. TAYLOR. S'raATsoaD
Hose:ism and ort
..greet. ase: til hal
Mole Termer.
OR. W. F. (ALLOW. M. B.USW sad daisidaaaa. /Math a .
oink et owner neatevy Grans TCws s M.
ilR. F. J. R. i'uRBTE ii—EYE, EAR
Jr Deo and ttphar{ea�t *WO. Kamm sad ~este
Cunical Har.
New t'� Turk Neemead eat nal
OdWcn ijQaarS. erase rieoteaslt lrM Hospital.
Laodun, Midland. u10w, 10 & W at.Aoo burse
etratwra. unmans Koss Chores. Ro..n •
o 12 a. l totem. toeaa Tsleobaaa
iL as, whetters. 1)arseterf.s /able
proctors in the Mealtime st. eta. Yrtvat�s
tun& to laud at lowest rata. of bearer
oats. kad aide Samara Godsrieh. W
YRuUU)UUT Y. C., M. C. HAYM. .1. L
'1 NR, mileage. salary pnb lc. 1 —
wuu:wo sows, NIIMOsk. Wed dsae stem
I iEA1tLk8 (iABSOW. L.L.H.. ISAR
v lus'lua summa7% sehatoe. ala.. 4.eae
ooh. • Mase) to and as [owes. MAW
Bl. *Mawr. esnmtsaloner. sours Diablo
mon. Moons• strssi tredarree Use
Jl d G R A h C Y C o.—Iar>o Gad irrolated
so.. ',reports wenre&
t,m.ere—J. b. Molwaa. Pros, Ns.ta1h P.O.;
Jar • moony. V aser're... twadarfeb P. 0.;
Theme k: hamm. Sea -Ti... usassrtk P. u
lareeton — % m. c .eta ; Jobe
D. leos, W int r., ; W Dura eesrRima. COeet•ro.;
Josh bw:nnearr, madames; James Bram.
Heeck euod ; Joan Watt. narsak : Malcolm
licks en. Wuoeneld.
Ameut.: J. M. Yeo, r(olmssvWs ; R. &DWI.
H nock : Jss UummLrP. hPradvW. ; Y
111nel ky, assfar•. Muff -beam ma pay
areamwui■ sun stet toter oar4. rs•slped K
1. J. Jturrmh. Clotkiva Ster..t:tlates. ar aaK
It. tut,' . ti.uis y, aaraMaw Raga, Uedw:0a•
•L,VII isms. Apply to M. 0. CAM -
),tea , narrater. raaolltos arrest t:odvtek.
rtit si Lis Rife: brtlUa, t:aa.OLa.Gad
mionnT,atcclrm MID aa,LOTlaa' LIABIL-
ITT : 110 Posse Assideat Gad OnaeaasM
-ua [HolToLous
rtou U.&
Frdellly sad Gearaotow compaannsy. d
tames u rWwo
. northasei ')'knee 1 -
Luria sod St. taavtd'e ms/0 m.
GRAND BEND bis (Jovarnment. This le tM right
"The Send" Has Numerous Attractions,
of Which the Goderich Folks Took
Full Advantage, Incidentally Devel-
oping Appetites Which Alarmed
Ctrs Natives—Who Is "The Nick
Young Lady with t1• Golden Nat.'?
The party of G..'er1. h 1,11e wbo
sp.ut last week at Brand Jirnd arrived
borne ou Saturday afternoon and re-
port baving had a splendid lime.
Tb. wade the journey b ith ways be-
hind* nem ut bo see, and they re-
commend this means of transppu�rta-
tation to all wbo travel to Grand
Bend ; the drive along the Lake Shure
road is a delimit' nil our. Ou the way
borne they wade a stop et bt. Joseph
and viewed the rather dilapidated
glories of that famous "city of soy
D The following notes written up by a
member of the party were intended
for last week's issue of The Signal,
but arrived too late for publication in
that Issue :
Grand Bend. August 14.—The cool
lake breezes as they nuy he enjoy,d
on the beach on Huron's shore at this
point, together with the many pleas-
ures which abound in the oaken wood-
lands which skirt the edge of the
•sure depths, bate been the means of
alluring to tbir very attractive .put a
large number of Guderich people this
season. In additiob to the number of
citizens from Huron's county town
who have already been mentioned in
thew columns as among those wbo are
rusticating at "The Bend," the Inst
of guests has been supplemented this
week by ths arrival last tisturday of a
party consisting of Mrs. C. A. Nairn,
Mr. and Ere. Walter H. Harrison,
Misses Del and Adelaide Nairn, Misses
Laura sod Nina Sharman, Miss Irene
Sault*, Mies Evelyn Jones, all of Gode-
rich; Jas. L. A. Sinclair, of Toronto,
and Athol McQuarrie, of Brussels.
Mrs. B. H. MoOreath, of Toronto, a
well-knowu former resident of Gode-
rich, also is numbered among the
later arrivals et "The Bend."
They are all registered at the stone
hostelry (lmper'al hotel) on Huron
street quite dose to the beach. So
convenient is it to the bathing beach
that several of the fair ones are up at
sunrise to take a "dip," which, it
might be mentioned. is proving to be
an excellent tonic, making them vet y
attentive to the clauging of the bell
which announces the opening of the
dining hall. When the appointed
time is half sn-hour ahead as many as
possible take up their position on rice
doorstep leading to tbe dining -room.
while the others in the party show
considerable military discipline by
standing in line itm)patientlyawaitiog
admittance. Should the pretty wait
reuses fail to respond w tbeir en-
treetiea for immediate relief after they
secure seats at the well -laden table*,
•bras,', crackers, and all the other good
things in view disappear in an alarso-
ingly rapid manner—alarming to the
other guests. because they fear that
tbs eatables on the other tables may
be the next point of attack.
Incidentahy, it Wight be mentioned
that each rite of the party has gained
a pound • day in weight since their
From casual observation. tbe two
chaperones—Mesdames Nairn and Her-
, rim) — are having a comparatively
easy time keeping their "chiciets" from
performing foolhardy tricks — and
other acts which might he classified
under any other Bathe than foolhardy.
IL is interesting t0 note bow atten-
tive the different member, are to each
other's comfort, it being not unusual
to find, on turning in for the night,
that the advance partite were there
with • plentiful supply- of cedar, which
oocasionelly was substituted for rice
or something "felt." and although it
was intended for • sleep producer 111
it was the means of keeping the house
in an uproar for some considerable
• time, and it was generally in the wee
ems' bouts before order was restored
and the Sand Man was allowed to be-
gin his work.
The afternoons are always looked
forward to, as everyone makes for the
beach, which cornpares very favorably
with that of Atlantic City. It lacks
only the salt sea air, in place of which
we have here the balmy health -giving
breezes of the lake.
The mornings are usually spent in
attending to correspondence, some of
the members having the daily epistle
w seed by first post, while the non -ar-
rival of the daily letter in return was
the cause of dampened spirit+ on more
than one occasion. Other times inter-
esting spots were visited, among which
may be mentioned the Crooked 0tk,
Male Grove. the Indian burial ground,
and las but not least, the numerous
attractions on the "Midway.'
LAN$ at?1BHNIR OF MARRI- A very valuable addition, indeed. t.o
. A02 u*sssas. enderiat Ort • party of this kind is a nurse,
—' although outside of an occasional
SHAPING TAILOR headache and several mild attacks of
rbeuwatilm the only occasion she
has had the oppprtunity of displaying
BEDFOBEDFORD BLOC►lis:�BARBER SHOP b kill was when one of the members
a si n=. ,.. aux Iallss' shams to loss some ot the bark off his Dose in
ty old rkfDad isGals wmDl•7sl an encounter with some unknown ob-
and aoc chef laserwaos. I,a1et ter at
-.otasi sad stook aamt4 — brume*, to W
sue arrow oted es torr: pars sad .t lowest rates.
., J at whoa meow W sal Beware
his sot. N utuuult O.4 .Ma Ont.
00DZRICIL„ Olrl.
tam, int 01 MAMZIA9B IJCIDNBib.
enrolee s er •
-TDI. welFkrews .fol Raed of theports was unfortunate enough
Hog won 1w yyreelated. H. B. mode.
aHM=1t. Fmoldstsr.
"Oat the Nook r
"Norora-1a seam en enthusiastic abort
their way of living " "Of course.
Aren't their lives in tent* r—Balti-
more Amerioaa.
Subjects tan* by expert instructors
at the
Students misted to positions, Casio
is semen Moo Sept. ird, Catalogue
Ne law oar Mos.
position. Canada enjoys redpnnai
government and free inUt a i•ai'. No
policy is the policy of Canada until it
bas h. en approved by r1. G.Ive n
meet and Parliament of Canada. and
hnal► by its people. It 1. ahoard t..
ark the Liberals o any other seetlon
of the people of ('s •,1a w approve a
policy in the dark. to eceept es, a
finality anything soon which Mr.
Borden ■rad the Briti.b au h ,three
may have agrees.
What mcy fairly be •eked is that,
when Parliament and the people ar.-
told what tbe policy 1., they shall
judge it upon its merits, and not use
it for purpose of advancing party
interests. If Ibis le the purpose of
the appeal wade by The Mail and The
News, the answer is that the Liberals
of Canada undeistsud tbrir duly to
Canada much better than those who
have now mounted the pulpit.
in all the history of Canada tbere is
nothing more disgraceful than the
efforts which were made 10 use the
question of naval defence as a means
of giving office to Mr. Borden and his
f. heeds. The gnntioo was new and
full of dif ieulty. Sir Wilfrid Laurie.
and his colleagues strove to find a
solution which would enable Canada
to preeeut a united front. At first his
efforts were seconded by M.. andel'.
But Mi. Borden soon heetd fret» the
machine, who told biro that
he was in dang.r of losing a ward
nppo1Wuity to make party capi•a1.
Then the word went out that anybody
who could wo ry the Laurier Govern-
ment wan to be encouraged, whether
he wanted a Meet of Canadian Dread-
noughts or nu navy at all. The Laur-
ier pohc)' was to he denounced es too
Imperial or not Imperial enough, sic
cording w the temper of the audience.
Mr. Boura-sot became a pet of the
party which now fay•, through The
Toronto N. w. :
"Fin tenet. Iv Mr. Bourses• bas lost
his power over Quebec, and a number
of the tetter elate French-Canadian
newspaper. have denounced his un-
patriotic bysieries."
These "unp.triotic hysteric," were
r uits acoeptahle io The News and its
friends so long as they served petty
par Lisen purposes. Now it is realized
that the nsv.l questisn is as difficult
for Mr. Borden es for Sir Wilfrid
Laurier. and a pitiful appeel for help
iciest out to those Liberals who a
year ago were denounced as traitor..
and their Iesdets covered with scur-
rilous alma... "Please, gentlemen,
do not act as we did."
The Li'wrals in Opposition will un-
doubtedly play a more patriotic part
than was pl.t ed by the Opposition a
wear ago. They have not misrere-
nted kir. Borden's course in London,
as Sir Wilfrid Laurler's course was
systematically misrepresented. They
will judge of his proposals upon their
merits. They will assuredly not as-
sent to the silly petition of those who,
having gone to the extreme of raviolis
opposition, now go to tbe other ex-
treme, .and ask that liberals shall
pledgethetuselves in advance to sup-
port a p'rlicy which has never been
laid before the Canadian people.
The liking for the water which The
Nice Young Lady with the Golden
Hair has developed sines ber atrrivel
at the Bend is remarkable. and she s
asw classed as a leader is many lines
of aquatic sports.
at swimming afforded great &UMW
MOO, for the onlookers and resembled
•M approach of a mioieture paddle-
wheel steamer, while it wasn't unusual
to on her dO•i,pear, torpedo-like, be-
neath the surface, and subsequent
evs.W DOOM 10 wbatantiase the theory
that Ohs had swallowed • goodly ren-
tal sf Lake Huron's "agau purl
And so life goes seerrily on
a,NNERs 1114 TH( PULPIT,
Farm Laborers Excursions *10.00 to
Winnipeg Via Chicago
Plus half cent mile from Winnipeg to
destination' but not beyond MacLeod,
Calgary or 'Edmonton.
Returning half centmile to Winni-
peg, plus 518.00 to destination in East-
ern Cadada.
August 'lard—From all stations
north of but not including Main Line,
Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel, via. Strat-
ford; all stations Toronto and north
and east of Toronto to Kingston and
August ',Nth—From all stations T:,r-
onto and east, and east of Orillia and
Scotia Junction.
August 90th—From all stations
'Toronto to North Bay, inclusive, and
west thereof in Ontario.
This is ao exceptional chance for
young men to visit the West, which
is truly called the land of "Golden Op-
portunities," as many prosperous
farmers and business men now resid-
ing in Western Canada can trace the
origin of their good fortune to a
f a r m laborers' excursion. T h e
route toot Chicago is an attractive one,
as many large cities and towns are
passed en route, which breaks the
monotony of the journey, as there is
something new t0 see all the time.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
is the shorteet and quickest route be-
tween Winnipeg .Saskatoon-Edmon•
ton. New fast express service be-
tween Winnipeg, Yorkton, Comore,
•nd Regina.
Ask any Grand Trunk agent for full
particulars, illustrated literature,
ticket', etc., or write A. E. Duff. Dis-
trict Passenger Agent, Union Station,
Toronto, Ont.
'resew sm.
TM Mail amid Bonaire and The News
new*oval Laurel D°ppttfA the
miew rssvrJ policy tad with
I mit has
mine of Mr. Horde.. Mrr..MB�orden has
isotmated that it eesiff lionisedt1 O Moir
intiM sir
tseaneed instil it Yes been Mill ashes
The secret of life ie not to do what
one likes, but to try to like that which
one has to do ; and one does like it—in
After a painful illness of more than
a year's duration. Wm. Clegg, a
prosperous and esteemed resident of
Howick, ptosed away at his home on
the 10th concession on Monday, the
12th inept. Deceased was in his fifty-
first year. He is survived by his
widow, who was formerly Miss Matilda
Galbraith, of Howick, one eon and
one daughter.
• ,ng
• is splendid
range places you
under no obliga-
tion to buy. We
guarantee the
"Pandora" just
willingly as McCary
people because we
know its perfec-
tions just as
For sale by : oweli Hardsrars Vo.
Millions of invitation Carts Seat"Out
Over the Country.
In connection with the proposals for
a publicity campaign in this county,
the following from a Loa Angeles
pap, r is intereeting ea .bowing one of
the urethods pursued in the State of
California to bring the advantages
and oprorluuit•es of ibe State to the
attention u1 outsiders.
As &icsult 01 "Ir:vlt,.iion Day" yes-
terday, i• is expected by the Chamber
of Cowure• co tome than 290,000 inquir-
ies regarding Los Angeles and vicinity
will he received from Easterners.
Shnnld'every one respond by cowing
to California the population would be
increased 4000,000.
Pr"pteed' he the Southern Pacific.
4,010.4100 post; cards ,Twit h ieturn at-
techuients were distributed through
the mails thruueb the State in the
second "invitation Day." Of this
number Los Angeles was allotted 481,-
000, tearing v°ewe of the city and its
environ. The return card of each of
these 480,000 was addressed to the
secretary r f the of l'om-
"We expect W receive answers from
half of the /80,000," said Secretary
Frank Wiggins "Last year the total
number dis• rih•tird through the State
was 1,000,000 cards. Of these Loe
Angeles received as i'. share 270101).
More thorn 50per cent. brought r'equeets
for info, mauun.
-I believe that the saute ratio will
hold good' this ',ear, and correepon-
ence resulting fru.n the requests for
information will luring hundreds here
to live."
Railways Back M see.
The cards, artistically printed, were
dietributt•d by the Southern Pacific
and Rock Island roads to Los Angeles
civic organizations, individuals by the
hundeede, hoists, banks, railrold of•
Mere, stores and steam' hip linea.
Prominent in thifwork rat distribution
were J. 1.. Stsntun and H. L. Gauen,
passenger agent, ot the Rock Island,
and Frank Biurus, general passenger
agen t of rte S.wtb. rn Pacific.
Mee. Mary Summerville, of rbe
Soul her n Pacific city offices, also aided
in tate distrihuti ,n and ruaiGng.
Extra force. w. re needed at the
postoffice to beadle the bulk in
thousand Iota
The cards hear the s -•ahs of the Pan-
ama -Pacific 1ntersietional Exposition
at San Fratfriaco in 1915 and the Pan-
ama -California Exposition at San
Diego the same 'year. Also the fol-
lowing under the caption, "Second
Annual Suggestion" :
Rates for Visitors.
"Aren't you coming to California
this spring i' The Golden State was
never wore beautiful. prosperous—at-
tractive in every way than it is this
year. Big egriciiltural and industrial
opportunities are awaiting the arrival
of folks like you. The Southern Paci-
ficis offering special low rates from
March 1 to April 15, 1912, in order that
you may see our glorious Western
counter. Why put qff this trip any
longer.' Oot7oe out into the sunshine
while the "coming" is good—and inex-
pensive. You'll Dever regret it—that's
sure. Give us a enggestion of what
you're interested in on the attached
card—please. Yours contentedly."
The revere side bears s half -tone of
attractive California scenes.
On the reply card is the following :
To Oalltot nla—Yes, I would like to
see you. I am particularly interested
in ()ere follows • long list of agricur-
turnl and live stock pursuits to be
cbeeked by tbe sender). There is a
place at the bottom for the signature
sad a request for Information.
Dandruff Di.appea rs, Failing Hai
Ceases, When Yoe Use Parisian Sage.
No preparation hem done so moth to
stop failing hair ; eradicate dandruff
and make women's hair beautiful as
Parisian Sage.
It is the only certain destroyer of
the dandruff microbe, the eaues of
most bur troubles.
Parisian Sage is most daintily per-
fumed. it is an ideal preparation. not
sticky or greasy. 1t does sot contain
poisonous sugar of lead or enlphur or
any dye.
It ie a magnificent dressing for
women who desire luxuriant lustrous
Mir that compels admiration and for
Man and children nothing can compare
with it.
It does away with terrible soup itch
` t ends IPMese.the hair to grow
Aod a large Wills 01 Parisian Hage
soots only SO MUM K aYand
toilet goods masters IL 11df °� 4tk'
at the Scotch Store
The week previous to the reopening of the schools i.
alway., a busy time in our children '• and unseen' aro-
Lion ; and this season we have made greater prepare -
Gees than in former seasons to have everything in
Children's School Coats
"Fairsex" liarwents are the recognized Coen' for children's
wear in Canada. Our stock is most complete in all the newest
styles, in the new r'everaible coating. all ages up to 20
years. Prices range from ........ $2.50 to � v. I
"We would recommend an early inspection, as there a:e many
exclusive .tyles of just a single garment.
School Wear
Sweaters are the ideal garment for
children's school wear. We have a
very large assortment of the lateen
styles in boys' and girls' swait
Sweaters and riweater Coats.
Boys' Wool Sweaters, navy,
cardinal and grey, in all sizes. imp
Very special each, Boo, goo
Children's Sweater firsts in all the desired colors, high $2.25
or low neck, to tit .11 egos, nom, each .. - 110o to L
Childreq's School .ketts /q Creat Variety
ltnderwear for the C1�lldrer1
Nu heed to won"' about the children's Underwear. We can supply
every want in Shits and Drawers and combinations, io heavy cotton,
cotton and w. of or natural wool and tierce • lined. We feature
Turnbull's and Laub brands—the Dame beings guarantee of quality.
Children's fl'osiery
-Aiways a I erplexing worry to know where to get the best school Hose for Moya and girl.. The ques-
tion is easily answered-- at Millar's, where the good Hose comes from.
Jress gooas for Sc/zool Wear
We are shoeing a special lot of Tweeds, Checks and Tartans, which twill make useful and
attn., five eehonl di eases and give all kinds of bard wear, at per yard. ....... .....25., 884s sod
Children's School Umbrellas at 50c and 75c each
Mrs. Magnus Loultit. an old resident
of the 10th concession of East. Waw-
an)eh, departed this life at the borne
of her son, John Loati it, of \Vingbam,
on Sunday, the 11th inst. Deceased
had reached the age of eighty-one
yeare. She was esteemed by all who
knew her. She is survived by her
son and two dtughters, Agnes. of
London. and Maria, of NVingham.
Vim and Vitality
Are assured if you will cleanse you
stomach of undigested food and foul
gases; the excess bite from the liver
and the waste matter from the in-
testines and bowels by the use of
the great fruit, kidney, liver,
and bowel remedy.
At all dealers 25 and 50 cent boxes
or mailed by The Fig Pill Co., St.
Thomas. Ont.
Must Issue New Policies.
Local insurance agent. have re-
ceived notice that the new Astute
peered recently try the Legislature
provides that from Angset 1 all fire
insurance policies horned must be
new ones and that all agents must
refuse to renew a policy. but must
issue In its place an entirely new one.
The purpose of the new Dation 1.
to make all policies uniform. The
new act is much more stringent than
the old one and Provideel better con-
ditions for those insuring. It will re
soil in the •genie being forced to do
roach more work. it weir an easy
matter to renew an old policy at its
expiration, hot Dow the agents win be
farad to slue all new ones. A re-
ward�s ponoittd ft
by the act aer.
Judge -• "Are you a property
owner r Juror—"Yes. Air.' Jaig�ss--
"Married or Risgie v" Juror- "Mar-
ried three years lest June." Jodie,—
"Rave you formed or rasnnsasd say
opinion r Juuue--otrot for three
yews emir bong"'
"Great 1eakfast~
A day started o• Cow•n'a
Coosa is a day with a dear
head and a steady nerve---
• defy fill of snap and life.
Coco• nourishes the body.
It in rich is food value and
easy M digest.
Corner East St. and Square
1 now have a full stock of Motor Accessorise, such
as Spark Plugs, Wiring, Fresh $Batteries, Battery
('onnectora Ammeters, Acetylene Burners, Gas Bags,
Generator Tubing, Carbide Tire Patches—no cement
patches : Tube Protectors, Rim Cut Patches, Quick
Repair Outfits, spare Tulle Raga. Tire Envelopes. inner
Tubes. Valve Parts, Tire Testers, (.aeoline, Oil, Grease.
Linseed Soap for washing automobiles
Anything not mentioned in the shove list. please
ask for. as 1 carry • complete *tock and can furnish
supplies at remarkably low prices.
Your truly.
Kingston St. OUderic*