The Signal, 1912-8-22, Page 2R TawaaDIT Amster THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO { :WDWEIO* ONTABLO. PUBLISHED D`"..RY WSVR8DAY er THx 1IONAL Pti1NT1Npp CIA Limited Telephones Cali No. 11► Tana . e/ Su osermelM : HLO per ►Balla 4 mosses. 5ts ma.W, stn ; tires swaths. Mo. ase United stalls subscribers. ELsie a rest t 1 Wily la ad vani*. here who tail te r stvs Tem MONat ebadw6 ouI.,afavr by w- aas s • date ase tee WI.. • et alms is dadred. both old rod tie wan edersm sherd beeves. Lem aidssrewce teases : al &.4 Kar similar adroit& isweoK leo pet Ilse Orr gist lnssrtise and se per Rae for e.ob subsequent insertion. Matured by • 000psrsil weals. twelve liner to an lscb. Bu.taess cards et ds saes rod under, 54 pe year. Advertis s: vets of loot, Fond, Strayed, Sit - atlas Vacant, 8ltuatt.or Wanted. Howse for Sale or to Rent, Farms for Sale or to Rat, Article. tor Sale, eta. cot exceeding a1ght f(nee, 21c each insertive ; 51 tor ant manta. 5 or each subsequent month. Larger advertise mwts in . oporttoa. Announoemeot. to ordinary reading type the seats per line. No noting lees [Lac Mc. Any special notice the object of which 1. the pecuniary hensdt of any individual or aewsel- ..tao, to be cashiered .n advertisement and charged aooerdtnttly. Rates for display end contract act vents menti will be align on application. Address W anm.aunieatioos to THE 810N.t L PRiNTING CO.. Limits tlodetich Ont. GODRIUCH. THURSDAY. AVO. is l9Le• PUBLICITY FOR HURON. At the June meeting of the county council a proposal was submitted for the inauguration of a publicity cam- paigo for Huron county. The council declined two take up the scheme at that time. some of the members saying that they bad not had opportunity tor sufficient consideration of the idea. 'houla not tbore outside of the coun- cil who realize the need of an advance movement in this county- get together and form some sort of organization to collect additional information and sub-, mit it to the cpuoty councillors in preparation for the next meeting. when the publicity scheme may again be brought tip's only a few of the municipalities wire represented in the deputation which appeared before the council in June. With adequate prep- aration it should be possible to dem- onstrate to the council that the desire for a forward movement is general throughout the county. It a thorough advertising campaign would add a thousand dollars to the selling price of every hundred -acre farm in the county (and good judges of farm values state that this is well within the limit of reasonable expecte- tion6and if the merchants of our towns and villages as a result of the same efforts would have a growing, instead of a dwindling, population with which to do business, it is sureix_,worth the expenditure of a few thousands of dol- lars to bring about, such results. Who will come forward with a plan to form a county -wide organization for the promotion of the general inter- ests of the county along the lines sug- gested? HOW ABOUT THIS ? The Dominion Government has given the contract for.the new ele- vator at Fort William to a Minneipo lie firm, although there were several Canadian tenderers. How does this chime with the policy of protection to Oandiaa industries P If the common, ordinary, everyday Canadian con- sumer is to be torted to pay- a cuatome tax oil almost anything be may want to purchase, why should aot the Gov- ernment put a handicap of twenty- five to thirty-five per nest. on United Sates contractors., which would allow O••adian, to secure the work P it United States elevator-bufden are to be granted open eotopstltion with Ca- nadians In tbe same lite of business, why sboule there not'. a open competi- tion all round 1 Why should these Ministers who last year were warning us against having anything to do with the people of the neighboring country - new give a contract involving hun- dreds of thousands of dollars to a United States firm ? EDITORIAL NOTES. The C. P. R. is reported to he plan- ning a line from London to Sat nisi. What has become of that proposal tett have a bylaw enforcing building regulations in Goderich 'r It needed. A plague of toads is reported from Toronto. May he a mistake for "toadies," which hare abounded in Toronto tbeets many wears. Canadian apples will be much in de - toned in Great Britain this year, ac- cording to a report from the l'aoa- dhan trade roessaissinmer at Glasgow. The Lord Mayor of Bristol, wbo has here visiting Caaada. says the T,ur•on- tn hotels ars the worts in the world. Had bie roost beef too well cooked. perhaps Premier BOed.e will he butter •n • few week, and Ms 'Athlete' followers may tbs. ter allnwrd to barest what wallies dartag the teeead. Itlltl11100 kind of navy policy they are to cheer for. Occasional newspaper report* Indi- cate that Hon. Clifford 8iftoa ie cut- ting a swath to "high life." while his dupes in the midi -reciprocity campaign of last year are staying at home with their noses to the griod.tooe. Ao exconvict has been discovered stead - in tbe person of s member of the Phil- adelphia city council. Uulike the caps of Jean Valjean, Victor Hugo's great cbaracter, many helping hands are los- ing reached out to the Philadelphia man. The world is growing better. Walter Long, one of the most prom- inent members of the Unionist party in Great Britain, is at present in Can- ada In • published ioterniew he re- pudiates the German war *care, no doubt to the great sorrow of The Mon- treal Star and other alarmist organs. Harvesting has begun in the West. The earlier maturing of the crop. a new*paper correspondent says, i* giv- ing the farmers a chance to co-operate in the harvesting and get through it on a cheaper basis than if A large number of extra harvesters bad to be employed. if "the very existence of the Em- pire" is "at stake," as The Toronto News says in big type, shouldn't that journal be calling upon Mr. Borden to come back from Britain and get the Canadian Piirliament at work doing something to save the situation ? Or doesn't The News take any stock in its own twaddle ? • Mayor Reid thinks that something should be done to prevent the spread of weeds in the town. We believe that recent legislation has given municipal. ties larger powers along this line - The Zouncil might look up the new Act and get in line with it. Certainly Goderich, with its reputation as a beautiful town, ought not allow weeds to run riot. General Booth is dead. soda great world figure bas been removed. Not simply as the head of the Salvation Army, but as the great leader of a religious and humanitarian movement which restored countless lives from wreck to usefulness, he was revered the world over, and the value of his services was recognized by men of all denoininations. Now someone mime. along with the fool proposition that all the towns in Ontario should agree on one day for a "Provincial civic boliday," to be fined by Act of the Legislature. What is a "civic" holiday for but to allow each separate community to obeerve its own desires and convenience in the taking of a holiday outside of tbe flied general holidays? If a holiday is made a Provincial holiday it ceases to be a civic holiday. President Tett is in "a tight box." The Panama Canal bill, by which the United States Congress repudiates solemn national obligations, is before hits for approval or veto. if hs ap- proves, be joins in the dishonorable faith -breaking action of Congress and goes hack on his own record as one who has endeavored to place inter- national relation. on a higher basis. it he vetoes the hill. be risks the danger of playing into the hands of his political opponents -of the Rooee- velt party, at least -right in the face of the Presidential election. There is a situation co test the mettle of a wan. The great newspaper% of the United States show it remarkable agreement of opinion as to the action of Congress on the Panama Canal bill, which they denounce in emphatic fashion as a oa- tional disgrace. It will be remem- bered that the great metropolitan newspapers were effective supporters of the reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States last year. in both cases they were not re- garding the merely selfish and meter- ed aspects of the twitter in bead, but were seeking to bring about a higher and better civilization. Selflph and sectional interests in Canada defeated the reciprocity movement, and in. fluences of a similarly unworthy char- acter are behind the action of Con- e rre% in the Panama affair. After an &levet continuous advance for the past twelve months the De- partment of Labor's index number, in- dloating the trend of prices of articles of general oonsnmption, dropped two points in July, standing et 1:4.8 as compared with 188.9 in June and 1%.- 9 in July, 1911. Tb • , I,iet decreases during July were it, ,,..ire and segs' tables. grains and t• • d • .. flab. ani- mals old meats. •awes being recorded in hides. l r hers, Mots and shoes, motels, foo . lumber and furniture. Home ter. : 'indred and fli'ty art Klee, ..Ieetr.i to represent tla.adiee prndtrction and oomeuesp- Moe. are included io the calculation by whit -b • edopari•ne is made d wbolesele priers et the pr.m.nt with the average prier, pre. Capt. Ww. Ireland. turoody pub. lishor of The Parry Sound North Star. sod fur the teat tour years collector of mimosas at Parry $ouod, bas bees dis- missed by the (.ovt•rngteot fpr"attire political partisanship," without being given an opportunity- to dispirit,. the charge made against him. The pres- ent editor of The North Star declares that the accusation of political parti- sauablp in ('apt. Ireland's case Is a "deliberate and dawt.abls lie." The member for the riding, James Arthur., it blamed for the diemlasal, and it rightly iso he richly deserves much more than The North Star says of him. Capt. Ireland has grown old in the service of the public as a hard- working newspaper man, and his dis- missal will nut do the Government any good among Lair -minded people. 8ir �t'ilhid Lurier plans to sit on the Now and await developments in the navel question. Still the oppor- tunist, as ever. -London Free Press. Wbat would The Free Press have? Sir Wilfrid Laurier while in power formulated a naval policy, introduced it in Parliament, put it in effect as far as was possible io a limited time, sod still stands by it, in spite of the cheap sneers of ('oorervative organs and the opposition of the Quebec National- ise whom Mr. Borden took to his arms at the last election. Wbat more is Sir Wilfrid to do's He cannot exp* as any opinion. favorable or otl,.•: aiee, on Mr. thole', . policy, tor .dy, except possibly '.Ir. Borden hieoelf, knows what that ioolicy is. Is it • about time The Free Press ac.nuwledged that Sir Wilfrid Laurier has all along taken the patristic course on the navy question. and that if Mr. Borden had not tried to make party capital; out of it his present difficulties would mot have arisen. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. A Friend in Need. Toledo Blade. If the pricy of 'neat goes up much higher. it will be wise to try to get on friendly terms with parsnip.. Cps.. of Batt Air. I►••o l July and Angnst fiave been rather cool this summer, but we must remem- ber there was a Federal election on just about this time last year, which helped some to increase the heat. Live and Learn. Guelph Mercury. By the time his wife has been away fora month, the average man knows that an egg can be boiled in less than ten minute., and .he has also found out that porridge testes better with it pinch of salt in it. Hire Will Be Higher. Toronto Mail and Empire. The market for farm labor is rising In the West. Farmers in Saskatche- wan are bidding me high as 950 a month, with board. It is expected that still larger wages will have tc be paid, and this for several months. But.to be worthy of his hire, the laborer will have to live a strenuous life and fare not too sumptuously every day. Baden -Powe l's Diagnosis. Chicago British Amsrioan. This observant Briton believes that a lot of our conspicuous evils result from superficial education of the in- tellect at the ezpetise of character training. He Pays the ole world boy, it slower than his American cousin, is less negligent. He is better grounded in essentials. Careless habits, accord- ing to Baden-Powell, are at the bot- tom cf our graft and crimes of vio- lence, oo less than our Ore losses and railroad disa•tets. It's Up to Hordes. Guelph Mercury. The Laurier scheme of naval coo- struction included a few cruisers of a high type a efficiency for scouting, commerce -protecting purposes, with destroyers and submarines to suit. if Mr. Bolden has any better proposal the public should hear it, not after a conference with Sir Wilfri3 Laurier, but before such it conference is sought. It Mr. Bolden is a man of spirit be will play the game and not be a craven. if he does not want or does not dare to play the game be should throw up his hand. A Timely Hint. Toronto Star. The other day the suggestion was made s these columns that every chairman at public meetings and ban- quets in ('snide should be supplied with an alarm clock wound up to raise an inescapable clamor at the end of five. ten, thirty, or whateser oumher of minutes each speaker was allotted. The chalrmn ran do nothing without such aid. He will not -he cannot - choke off a speaker. He hates to pull an orator', coat tails. Only one chair- man IG a hundred will do anything more than privately warn a speaker to be brief. and "talk at him" by Intro- ducing him as one who will saya few words. Of course, .11 this avails noth- ing. The alarm clock oo the chalr- man's titbit* is our only hope. Not only would 1t sed the speech. it would Increase the volume of enplane. an the speaker sat down. Renew Renews Her Strength. Matra Herald. Whatever may he the ground on which the British people will ewemtu ' 11y overthrow Mr. Asquith's Goverw- ment. It is clear that ebb Unit* le not reit at hand. They have been filmed- ieRly eistr in their soda' legis latioe, wh their conduct of foreign affairs they easily .nrpaes ally other Liberal liovernn-.ent and have reached a standard of firmness mod dignity whleh Britain used to expest oeven Mr. &diner, in that nly from the Conservatives* A few =lent address of his at Orford on decadese., sorsa tofareser. that the day was at haled wham the BN1Mh Somite mast tauter the Ream ad .11 others late iwM�tew. Pos.M1y 'hat thus Will seats. hut i1 gqe` bather ell Dow than ever. It seems farther off booms. the *oriel coo echoes of the British people belt been awakewed, sad ibis moral foundations of the Empties strengthened id the peucr'-. Mr. Serdsa's ewe Paslt. Mon psi asfe/R 81r Wilfrid has *set sod faoeLi guy melt sfWatione. +jd 1E apt Wady Ile Mwnow he doing age right. libfagt nem tarty wad, a sat �!�. mot hRllitik, bet Mr. floe - opinion in nada on thee question. Hs was the Ent l'anadtan ever to unite his countrymen upon this sub- ject, and full credit it.s never been vouchsafed him for the greet were he thus seeompli.hed. That work wise largely minified by Mr. Borden's a.;- tiose, and it is diffieult to treat with patience a proposition from this' de- stroyerof barerooy that 81r Wilfrid should now come to bis aid in the task of restoring unity of opinion and pur- pose. tis The Ties of Empire. 8tratteed H..,,... Sia George Reid. the Australian High Commissioner to Britain, who le an imperialist in the true settee, has formed the right ideas of the ties that Wed the Empire tooether. His state - went that the fewer and td .re *leader the ties had become. the wore loyal and attacbed were the dominions to the mntbercountry, is true. It iaeoo- trary to the .pmt of the British people to be bound down to loyalty by fixed rules and written co nstltutioor. Sir George c gime that if ever tbe clouds threaten the Empire "none would more readily respond to the call than the gallant devoted Australians." They are giving proof of that now in the e*tabhshwent of it fleet to he used by Britain in cage of war, but under their own control in times of peace. What Sir George said of tbe loyalty and affection of Australians may be said with equal -teeth of the loyalty and affection of Canadians, but these things have grown not by the imposi- tion of hood i but by freedom to act for t remaelves, allowing the bonds to become stronger than if they were outwardly Messed. NO AMBEflON �w ALL TIRED OUT Morriscy's Great Bleed Rc..dy Gave New lie ud Lraergr. Q U LBSC. 7'. Q.. les. 17. 1511. 'Fee sant a year .r were my MMtl\ was peer --my .mbitlos pa. -Nesta unstrung -sad It sass neefset eeedfsug to work. a.d I wee eetee N&rmse &belie myself. I hegnmesd to set beds et site of your pa pbl ts, whish I [tad vee, careful'''. and as Largesse wise the idea to try year N•. 14 Hasse samosa. a soon sa 1 started! tasting year molt. cine I bees. to 1&gmeew, ams that steadily Imprewtme with the ere et the medium. 1 said several hisser stet sew am p•rfectiy wen. sad la test agger felt batter to sag lira 1Hsetse. M taking your matey I ball beamtrrh.y tb • lot of others. hit sy 1. me r toed. Tr tbe aloe of .Mar &eerieen who may e• t. tb• &&mm essdMi.a t was you may mote* this Liter, sat 1 hope it will message rem to tyre Shia wonderful prearentida a 5Ls L Obsigremmwa The $bows M7r.leVel.m Is est a 'Oen- Air or •.-ears/ p.Mat geey.m 1F Y•rvrey 'newest It Mr 44 Toes, sat It eared tbse.&a1• shat sem been* roma er ,aster sadist +� LamsLams& ■.tlni sea~ Sold and Guaranteed in Goderich by by F. J. B%tland a-677za audit.. R TIOMMAS. 0511. IIasurive d tor residential dnrattes. The "Neal Csuse•.asere" h wMsb to mars B [aisles for year lif % work. Thsee.sb courser la Mae, Pasties, Oratory. High Scheel. $.4.sss Colles and Domande neienee. Lada campus. Irplri.g ..visna. sent. $.eldest nurse taws health of students. Sates moderate. Every girl needs an ALMA trainIDg. Haadsagi. pro. .pest . suet on application to Frinslpal. st ER�l'I� COLLEGE 'DOCTORS ADVISE OPERATIONS eatpauciviskumeil -"i PM*. - "Poe Mos 1 slellw.ld =SW er ylsiad st am* ewe yeses' W hew misses ear the &claws telt Bae 1 wield have w us bet I bap* _ �t it. V.getable Ort peal dad an Is goad health cwt. 1 an all ever the Chew et Lib fiat [asset prides year Vegetable Ompeserel a.bishV. •awywsseeseidaYhkeltat ihhat Wag. I reesswasad II te bath ell mid yaw ter female Wesbits."-Mss. Ssta.T 8m■mssesA. i fiettbnwt► Cassels& Wombat *zp rIs t Zest Masa . Oat -"I teal as it 1 moll sot vel acheds seemft abaft the gees Lyda 1. Flmkfhaa s Veg t.bl& Oswp.�d bas dens teems. I saes week ad Thad sad I eget at rant aiilbb. A friend ressagessige year Csaspeind wed I ansa pinedttthsal &ad etreark sad (aid set wide to sleep better. I ka.w other wean who have taka it tee the sea purpose asd they leis we rpeai.- isg it "-ll4u, Ws. A. savor, tti ea* Vicker et at. Zest Willem& Outsets Slate we gasr.Mss that tat t.sNmte- able wbhi we psbYgh ere passe, is II mat tele le wage that V lads Z. Phlk- b.n s Vepable Osswesed bus tie vir- tue tie help 1`.ee mime It will help sq ether ram who i w[aise la a b -r.r? if want !pail abbe Rift la Tear War will be vpsaXvi at aid aaewsnt by a mama gat WI b [rid .sod Mos. Fall Term from Sept. ]rd. ook 4. -4rr Toronto, Oat.. stands in a dor by Itself to yea Wrrits today foehhandsome k. es winger W. AOHUON a SON ! Special Showing :of cess G oods Oar Dew Drees Goods are opened and showing for your critical Inspection. Neer,tl,ul ee• we mei tweed esthete and slew sued pattern. 113 634141331W i qualities and at prices very moderate. Per yard NM, 76c, 91.00, jl iB and III 60. Blanket Valves Pure Wee/ 8bske s, led or Mee borders. at upbadld waiting gnalitiee, cut singly• per pair 1011.76, 54.50, Metes cm tP0eAA Cotton Blankets in three shies -small, medium and large at •1.10 and Bed Comforters Well mad., of English sateen and ',Mots, 72 z 72 inches, at each, special, 161.50, =2.00. . Table Linens Me, 51.40 $2.75 our import of beautiful Linens was never before so large com prising Cloths, Napkins, Towels. rise Fifty only heavy Linen Satin Damask Cloth+, 2x2; yards. worth regular $ 50. Special sale et 51 Linea Table Napkins, else 22 z 22 double damask, io • variety of neat patterns,, at special per dozen .75 .25 Cloths, with Napkins to match, in all sizes up to four yards long. Silk (Gloves ' Famous Kayser double -Up long 811k Gloves at s1 special price 91.00 and Eider Down Flannels Fnr sacques and gown., blues, pink, gray and cardinal, 50 inches wide end of beautiful quality, at per yard ........ Linoleums, 011 Cloths and Rugs Era vahoa for this month in Linoleum, An immense choices of patterns and qualities. 2, 3. asd 4 yards wide. at per 0c square yard 40c. 50c, (FII. and Floor 011 Cloths, in neat new patterns. at Per Square yard Ric. 90c sed . .25 )5c patterns Lace Curtains • Special sale of Curtains. Swie. and Nottingham.c 34 yards long, at per pair $L00. 91.50. ill 75. .p2 e50 I - 51kt/teridi Patterns ail ke Steell tW W. ACHESON a SON Pure Groceries ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL The Grocers On the Square 'PHONE til aERLUI.ONT. CANADA h.Nes tent ttsiipdeenttiiel College lacy. emi l eo.g mon Aeadssie rad Arts iby. Rr.e t. yth Se.eA w New mtmldiegs with latest itytiiee1c equip- ments. The largest Orn.uisa is Calais - Roane Track. Swi,nw:ng Peal. Sbswe paths. 'hew& wi.lreel at.sed.wreto Strdeets. Pro- ` fuser mrd. eeerradns .rtr eris tape. Ratsvery satierse. Mimsr . i•s.LLAwi//star,wr te..IR \\ R(LBER-010 ROOFING Is made In s.ft. ?oed- emas shades el Rem aeews and Gress. as well as natursl date color. These colon amp an Integral part o1 the exposed senses. seg pisedea, Cannot tads est w wash NC. Lam to show ya ga.-3.1•• est. C.A. area T@Rkl�tasrslafrOt, of Cease► tamietttsu..wa. NW Bahia C‘11011$ GO De It EDUCATION PAYS r 1 SUMMER FOOTWEAR With the warm weather comes the de- sire for something to keep the feet cool and comfortable. The coolest summer footwear you can get is a daintypair of Canvas, White Nubuck, Russia Tan or Patent Leather Pumps or Gibson Ties. We have them in all the latest styles at the lowest possible prices. Barefoot Sandals, Tennis, Lacrosse and Bowling Shoes in All sizes. Trya pair of our Brown Bronco Shoes for every day. They can't be beat for wear or comfort, Repairing Downing 6' MacVicar NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE, OODERICH. Look about you mod we how trained brains win bettor salaries than trained muscles. We train young own and woman to use !heir brain. In business, They sesosetL N by not tie t Will yon venttse fes • Dopy of oar new oata I.Roe t 11 will interest Yoh '71.0.,,,"" Addt to get abed. riU term h onto. Out,e"w. Shaw•, Schools.Tor. Vases a Gerrard *ha H. haw. President. COAL Having purchased the busi- nem formerly conducted by F. Barlow Holmes, we pur- pose dealitot in Coal, Wot4 Lime, Comsat Fire Brick, Ete. We will handle Scranton .sad Lehigh Valley Cort. two lines wbiehh are recognised as the best. We wish to giv: tbe pie of Goderich and vicinity tate best service pos- sible. and shall he glad to hear from all of Mr. Holmes' oestomers and any olheta who wish anything in out laws. All orders left with Jas. Yates, W est strut, prostpdy attended to. RlcDO®ag` &Gieskill 'Phone No. TB Yards at (i. T. R., Ndsne *reel, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS 11;410.00 TO WINNIPEG VIA CHICAGO Plus half -cent mile from Wlonipsg to d&stinatios, but not beyond MacLeod, Calgary or Bdosoeloe. Returning 4 -&halt -cast mile to Winnipeg, pins 918.00 todesthtatbo in II Eastern Canada. Goderich'Aogu.t 29'd -From .Il .tstioms Nmth of, but s Day not including Main Llne, Teronteto 9.rDia Tunnel. via Stratford : all .taUMss Toronto and North and Kest of Toronto to Kingston sad Renfrew. August 28th -From all stations Toronto and Hest, and East of (hillier and Scotia Junotiwt. Aogmt 80th -From all stations Toronto to North Bay, innio sive. and West thereof 131 Ontario. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXBIBiTION TORONTO Oodttrieh to Toronto ball Mira $3.90 - $2.85 Liot. ; o Ail tidies wand for retiree tiatll Try Sept, MH. MIA Ask see Orend Truwk *geed lir full portkelle.N Inks* eM. Ask F. F. Lwrases, d.wo-town Y. ?.L spat ('prang *a, s, a&e• beer, 0 a.s . to • p,a , for fell interwtmthia, tlieltsh► blab luewvael4K ar writs A. L Out D. P. A.. Dais Station. !lanae., flat.