The Signal, 1912-8-22, Page 1.,. pffict Stationery How is spur oolr of If owe Statiousr his VOU n•ed anytbinnoibn t line The Sittual J De- partment wig be Riad to d �rer your eat print( til g. night Pekes - Telephone SS. ,Iery yuLKTH YEA1t--No. 2417 ATRIAL TRIP e0DERICB, '1 HUBSDAY. AUGUST 2`2, 1912 THE TOWN COU NCIL.1 TfHE STERLINGBINKI� L .J S1.00 OPENS' A SAVINGS ACCOUNT It M when a (pan or woman opens a savings accnuot that tbey first realise that the'r inoowe is capable •)f yz�l�&Idimg • certain sum each month for ievestmeut. The Sterling Bank solicits ravings accounts. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch-ANDREN' PORTER, Manager Assessment Insurance Participatiwt Insurance The advantages of ptoflt-earning insurance over the assessment sfitem aro being realised front actual experience. Anyone dissatis- fied with bis present 'neuron°. may benefit himself by cotntounicating personally or by leiter with A. G. NISBET District Agent. Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada Phone a) Office next to Canadian Bank of Commerce Goderich • AUCTIONEERS. STEAMBOAT AGENCY THomA8 GUNDRY AUCTIONEER y is= 1G', 'rich All inatructloau by mail J. W. CRAIGIE - tlgried totsosmi Tsteem wdp11onnS 11 p-ly • Agent for STEAXIR OITY OF DETROIT II (D.'& C. Navigation Co.) TELXimt HURON (Star -Cole Line). Harbor office west of town freight skate. t' town offi.w co &Moronext C. P R dice. Telephones -No. I1 and Ka 198. Pereens shipping FREIGHT etouid thou word at uptown emacs DETROIT & CLEVELAND ,f- NAVIGATION CO. 1 STEAMER (CITY OF DETROIT'. FOR MACKiNA- C ISLAND Mr idays 8.30 a, m. 11:1.50 nue way 88.(10 round trip. FOR DETROIT tiaturdays, 8.30 p. m. $3.tri one way $5.50 round trip. STAR -COLE LINE STR: HURON Leaves Oaderice tuft BAULT STE. MARIE. MICH,. via North Channel. Ossetian Bay. Tuesday at 9 p, m. FOR PORT HURON. DETROIT, TOLEDO and CLEVELAND. Friday at 11 slideighL A K LEI. 0 General Maq.ger, Detrol•, Mich. ? WANTED. 1 . 10 Bo s, IS ears and up. 5 'n akers or ha n with tools. 5 Machine men. 3 Men for the glue rooth. • Apply at GODERICH ORGAN CO. OFFICE TENDERS WANTED. I AUCTION BALES. WANTED -PARTIES 't TENDER EIE('UTORB' BALE OF TOWN e'Sr sale at public' swam, ed0esa.ay, site day of piths per Ballon and geaatlt Ton win gtaaren- , Alison, b11 at W oot+K huo,e. lioderloh at tee to sepply it wanted. have � 2 tdoca in.. the Tollewiug tend, viz.: tl'he on•mneo:io0. Addrer Y MFO. on wiewitia r ii to 160 gala per day, ptura e 1 -The exwetor • of tie agate of milk se /t names from tipper. 'tate k�e �1'Aury, wer effete for fresh the ¢a teethed CO„ L1N1TLD, P. 0. x67. Dederick Ont. 1 easterly part of let 10. concussion C„ Ooderteh ___ containing five aero, more or less. said Iota Iti ODERU, H INDUSTRIAL EX- 11" le elUeb. to aurv.y .tats of nWti and Shu of GHIBITION-Tesden for Hooth Privileges sh„rd• The Mechem of the West Huron - .loris actual; Fw tnnwer particul*rd apply to the uoder- Society ark for tenders ter IM aliened. trW Exhibition to be h Sept.mber !kk THOMAS Lit NDRY, CHAS. GAHRON', 117tb and Mb, titch. Tenders to be In tine hand+ Auctioneer. Solicitor ter PAufp of the secretary by 3 p. 71 m. on Attend R W be aseemwnled by a deposit of fire a • g�ra antes. Deposit wi11 1.e 'Cursed to es.. mss sful tenderer+. re J. ADES FOWLER. Meotary. Mit Box 171. Guderloh. heath and dining hall prlvileaes at the Indus - GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'buses meet all UMW. Private call' have prompt wag careful attention. First -*ISM livery outfit' at au 'llama Reasonable prices. THE DAVIS LiVERY I TENDERS WANTED.-TENDERI4 to be received for the kuUdlog of a new school in wheel ere. No. S. Mullett, up to the pgh of August, wbeo tenders shall be opened. Lowed or any Wader sot necesaarlly seoepted. PLM and speoldeations to 1.e *sea at James Snell'a Teodoro to be seat to WM. L M.Cilt. dee-Trwa. tagetherkill P.O.. Ont. 143. PUBLIC -Nor= NOTICE. -1 HEREBY GIVE PUB- LIC notice that no pet.oa has any debt to sell any of the .tock or cbrtteis of my father. Chrbtupher lazebertua. or to have any deal- ing+ therewith. aa he hoe Irtt them to my oharg, to Dare for daring his absence. Ufa• WALD P. LAMMKRTUS. Uuderlcb . A gout t 1111. 1912. 17 -Inn TOWN OF GODERICH. Take notice that the mun- icipal ,-punkt of the corporation of the town of Oodertch Intends to co,druct aMlne-inch sewer on William street. 1n the •aid town. between Britannia road and Cayley +reef.. and Intends to memo a portion et the final not thereof upon the real property to be immediately benefitted thereby. fronting or abutting upon William street. Afore -old. be- tween the mid point& and to les y such final cad according to the frontage - thereof. by twenty annual *rectal w, a ements ; and that a statement ebow.( the lands liable to and pro- posed to be speciany aeseseed for tbe end work. and the mune. of the owners thereof. -so far a.. the some can be oscertaloed from the last revised ammennent roll and altered -4e. le now filed in the ofilee of the clerk of the muniel- fty. and Is open for ineteet ton during office The estimated rout of the work is 64,16.+0, of which 117447 is to be presided out of the general funds of the municipality. A court of revision will be held on the Mb day of September. 1912, at the hour all o'clock in the afternoon, at the council chamber in the town of Goderleh, for the purpose of bearing complaint.' agolne tbe proposed assee.arent or the accuracy of frontage nemetrenent.S. many other oomplalnt which the persons interested may de..ire to nuke and which 1. by law cog- nisable bythe court. Dated t 4011 day of Austin, 1911 L L KNOX. Clerk. TOWN OF GODERICH. . TOWN Take optics that the municipalcouncil of the corporation of the town of Goidelic& intents to construct a nine -inch sewer on Pari meet. in Um said town. between Victoria street end Cambria road. and Mead- to &sees a portion of the final toot thereof upon the real property to be Immediately benefitted thereby, fronting oe abutting upon Pork otteet. atore.aid. be- tween thesaid points. and to 'cry -nch final oast according to the frontage thereof. Dy twemity annual specter' ortedement-; and that a statement showing the land. liable to and pro- posed to be specially .rowed for the said work. and the manes of the owning thereof. mo tar as the mom can be .soertaioed from the last revised mr.c.emoot roll and otherwies, is now filed In the adios of the clerk of the muni- cipality. sod le poen foe 1a.pecuoo during °Moe boar,. The .stle.ated cont of the work 1. tin.. al, of whlol if1L33 is to be provided ant of the general funds of tM municipality. A court of rerbIon will be held oto the deb day of September, 1912• at the boor of eight o'clock in the..fte•n000. at tine couocil ass"- ber in the town of t.oderieb. for the purpose of Modest ea oolaints against the proposed o.- essstthmat se the ast..ureay of frontage measure - means sr 0n7 of her oomp3lnt which ! he par .ono interested may desire to make and whlcb by I.w cognl15ie by the court. Dated the lath day ed August. WIL LLKNO,X.Ifirk. F. A T. IL DA178 • I Proprietors South Street 'Phone No.lit I/ M URN tl.J R V /�) QId.1.E7/'�I�Y ULLET!N Many clients of ours have made thousands of 1 dollars by investing in Weyburn property during + the past year. We can show a list of prominent• business men who have made small fortunes by Investing in • WEY URN When you consider that the Grand Trunk Pacific are grading their line into Weyburn, the C. P. R. and G. T. P. are building new stations. freight sheds and yards, roundhouses, etc., and that building permits run over $800,000 for the year so far, a record that many a city of 75,000 would be proud of -wouldn't this convinceou that an in- vestment in property situated only five blocks from the postoffice at $25o per lot is good buying and S bound to make you money? Better *rite us at once. 4 We sell on easy terms. Ea V. Campion & Company 86➢OURiTY BANS BUILDING WRY au P 1. RAREATCHEWAN • ..ediehiedihsa.s....thein al.. Holt nth W. E. Gsllow, Itsecutore CHAUFFEURS. $,..r).' ni � PER WEEK IS AVER- AGE ealary that chaufeurs who loses, token our correspondence two pp11 ting. Would you like to drfvea cart '.Vrt4 ter foie booklet. TORONftt 1t'TO !Nen TUTS. Toronto. FOR SALE ON TO SENT FOR SALE. --1 WO BRICK HOUSES, comparatively new, with all modern Im- provement., For fall Leer. icular' and terms a4,ply to M1t8. W. A. KHYNAO. }a.t street. IHOtCE FARMS FOR SALE. -18'2 soon, being IoW 98 sad 26 on Sod conces- sion. Dederiah township. and also tots 29, pt 90, 00 let commotion, containing Inn arr., ,• an of which is the choicest of play laud and in fling door 000dttios. (seed wider : well famed and drained ; large bank baro. good brick bows and orchard an each panes Situated oto the expected 01.11.40 road route from Barite to Ooderiab. N ill sell logelber or separ rets For Nether partioelazs apply to THOMAS R WALLIS, Godertck. Owl. 17tt roe are LTARM FOR 'SALE -SIXTY-FIVE acres. tet 14. oonoeeiss 8. 1: D. Colborne. m7 and • half beats hews, kftcben and ether wtballdlloopgs kart! water pomp at kit eh** deer ; tele ioge.oan(rtloa. ODed frame bern, 80 x r, deities home and ether build - i�*gt�s�. -,�i good Wart water pump at barn. AU lundlaga are in ped noodltlon. 8oi1 it deep day loan, well feasted, with a runatn( spring. Good orchard- tropism. plums. cherries and ether small flat, also a vineyard. Situated It mites from Aptness' Matbu, 1 mils from range of Auburn and 1 mile from *oboe'. The farm deck and 5.& *tsWs will be sold by ..alien about • montknew; me toe biter. Par- ticulars min he from MRS. JAMES S Y- MINGTON er JU N BYMINGTON, Auburn P. O.. Muir BE HOLD.- HOUSE AND lot on South street known as the Pherie • rty, own& by J. lit Jordan of London ; Il easarete cellar, bot water besting. electric light, all conveniences lovely grounds; A snap to a quick buyer. For lalbrmattoo apply 81G - NAL OFFICE. L-tf '[0140? GODERICH. Tate notion that the municipal oouncil of the iyafetiration of the town of lioderieh Intends to e astroct a sewer on Hayfield road, in the said town. between Reglan .treat e114 Baldwin street. and Intenda to some. a portion of the final cost thereof up'n the real property to be immediately benefitted thereby. fronting or abutting upon Reynold road. aforesaid. be. tween the maid pointe ' and to levy each final met aonording to the frontage thereof. by twenty annual special aa.essments ; and that a statement 'Mowing the land. liable to and pro- posed roposed to be .pedally assessed for the .aid work, and the names of the owners thereof, ea tar as the same eau be ascertained from the tart revisedamen/mint roll and 0the,snot ie now filed In the oaths of the clerk of the muni- cipality, and t. open to in.pectloo during Milos houtw. The eetlmated opat of the wok k f+ 65•x.- 73, of which $1765.11. tote provided out of the general funds of the munlclpatity. Per*o0s studded and desiring to petition the commit against undertaking the proposed work must do .o on or before the 23rd day of September next - Dated this 15th day of Aegoist. 1L. 31 �NOX, Clerk. WANTED. - FOR A CLIENT, farm nneeWar Gaderieh. Send full milieu - lam LAND t CO., Tomato. Gat.ited bestte,m~ Y16.1m0L- R SALE RST -CLASS FARM FOR JP_k or rent. lot 1, oonoryrion 7, western diet - , Ion. Colborne townihlp, 10u acre. with first - cities house. with modern eonset.tenoe• good bone tarn. good oroiord and plenty of water. Farm ben been in pasture for ten rears.. Would rent boom .eparatelyr--A►pfy to . W. MCDONAGH, Carlow, Ont. BLYTH TELEPHONE COMPANY'S REQUEST FOR ^''ONNECTION. Councillor iaithwaite Objects to Hos- pital Grant as too Largo -Council Will Ask Donenion Government to Erect Grain Elevator Here -Other Matters before the Town Fathers. fpo 1RENT.-OOMMODiOUS HOUSE o J n Nelson .reef- All Jen•enaenoer. Apply�JAS. BUCHANAN, is. at Goderich Planinft Mws. _ _ TORENT.---SEVEN---R OOMED bots.'. bath, electric light, fiat water deathtg, everything in firth -clam repair. II17 Pee mouth. Apply BOX 64, SIGNAL OFF('k. Ci A Popular School It is freely admitted that among the High -grate Com mar - clef Schools of Canada the CLINTON BUSINESS l'OL LEGE stands in the forefront. In point of attendance this col- lege is exceeded by only three or four in Ontario. it is affiliated with the (lommer1al Educators Association of Canada. and its ' management last year trained and placed in excellent positions over two thousand youn4t.people, thew making them the largest trainers in °amide. A Lew months ago Mr. 8ppt�Mon visited business collegee in De- troit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Koch - ester, 8yraouse, New York and Boston ; and. with the knowl- edge of Business Science gained fiom his tour, he promisee the most modern training that can be pr ourld. • 1 Thousands of ambitious young people are studying entirely at home hy means of the H(xne study Department. while they follow their +scoter work: ethers ars studying pertly at bowie and will finlah at college The I Clinton Business (,nllegegoarao- tee* po.itinne. Last yea: the de - inane for its graduate* was many (j time* tie mostly. All interested In Kettering their condition • should writs. esti or one for t_partirulars. Tilts Institution re - 2. , LTOR SALE OR RENT. - "MAPLE F lawn,' the present bonne of the uoder- slgaed. owner Newgue .acct and Cambria read. Peidesdo0 can be given October let. or sooner if desired. Term+ to 'mit purchaser. ALE -r. SA UN DIMS, t:oderkh Oran Co. 13-21 The signal for the lit 14nee of the year oto new subscriber' fur only 25 CENTS TRL SIGNAL Path: fleet CIL, Ltd.. Pvauwaa The regular meeting of the town council was held un Friday evening. All the members were Present. Thecler•k's and engiueer''teports on William street sewer froth Britannia road to Cayley street, and on Park street sewer /rum Vintorla street t0 Cambria road, were presented to the council, and a motion was passed adopting the sante and fixing the court of revision for SWIM) on Thursday, September 5,.h, at tS o'clock p. m. The engineer reported recommend- ing the conetructioo of a sewer on the Bayfield road front Raglan street to Baldwrn street. The report was adopted and instructions issued that the neoessary noticed be published and delivered. The following letter from the sect et- ary of the Blyth Telepbooe Co. was received : Blyth, August 1912. "GEIsrLRM67t,-You will remember some time ago tworepr'esBrlghae from this company, u m and Hill, appeared before your council asking that privilege he granted this company to get telephone connection to the town ut (ioderich. Have since understood that the Bell Telephone Co. did nut get the exclusive right, so that the privilege may be open for other companies 10 operate in your town. We are writing the Colborne company asking them to take action in this matter, as their system is just onteide your town Hittite and we hope to get privilege of communication through them. We would appreciate telephone connection with our county town end consider it would be no di.- advantage to Goderich. Please gi, e your views in this matter as indicated by thio letter." 'Phe letter was referred to the special committee without any discueeion. Letter; from Hon. Adam Beck and W. W. Pope, sect•et*t'S of the Hydro- electric Cowmission, in reference to power for Godeticb (as published in List week's Signal), were read and tiled. A letter from the Provincial Aseoci- HOUSE FOR SALE -ON BRUCE +beet ; eleven rooms, hath. rower eonnec- tica. good cellar, good +.tern. Apply to WM. KILPATniCK• on the p smiths. 15.14 PROPERTIES MOR SALE. -A rood frame two-story reeldenee on Keay. street 'next to C. A. Nairn''), ha. 10 room.; +tone foundation under all of the house : fire( clas cellar and a good .table. Alec a good comfortable frame testdenoe. Not ae large o. above. but In splendid condi- tion. Clore to school. Also a comfortable frame house and three acres on wbicb there are a number of fruit tree-. bsrrlee. etc., five miles from Goderich. Any one of theme propernee will be sold cheap and po•_ minion can be heti at onoe. THOMAS GUN DRY. Ooderlch. FARM FOR SALE. -THE EAST MU of lot one to the fourth eaglet+ Mon, Eastern Division of the town.hlp of Ash field. oo.taloing 100 acres. The buildings con- sist of • ft eine home and frame barn. There le . small orchard. ?or pp••�yttt1ccaalar. apply tot e uederdgned. PROlIdFW'r, HAYS a: K1L- LORAN. Ooderteh. 12 tf atiou of Fire Chiefs, in reference toj PERSONAL MENTION. the annual convection be held •t I Mgr Etta Halliday is yieatiesg fr;e,.ds at see. A letter from the Commercial r torte. fid Woodstock next month,. also was , ltdWb ltb Br •1•1041d fete. to Wood Trunk Co., of London, tukiog what Mies Dowell 4'n Toronto, looking up stele inducements would he offered for re- for tats millinery.moval to this town, was read end the 'Fred Shannon, of ()thaws', id baro visiting hie clerk was instructed to ask the Com- mother anrue. pony to send a representative here to a Wt '. 1.t 0d. .tHu her and daughter, Fern, are dtTh es e mMojur, of oledottng her parIbtl fithnanceatter. COmmitLM memo. 0017Mra , Mr. an,t air.•T, A. 7 .O. s Ijolley.vlel mended the payment of the following Miss Ido Smiths f vt her vacation with accounts : HamSewer & Toronto ewer friend iu Elmira and Stratford. Pipe Co.. 8205.48: Dominion Express ales. Palmer rad Miss Mlddletou, of Chie•g0. Co., 45s; W. R. Pinder, drinking cups ad%deities their aunt. Mn. Holt. for park, !36c ; Chas. 0, Lee, lunch to Rea, D. Ko of osaturtb. wm guest of Hoo. F. D. Monk, 8•L4.50 ; A. instal, Mr. wd Mra l J. 1[oerl. on Taesdar.ar Li bill-posting. 75c ; J. T. Wing & Co.. Mr daughter, l Redett �dici raailsoorriw vert tel jute packing. 86.87 • F. R. Holmes, Mr, ad yrs W. E. Kelly have returned cowl account. $ .50 ; McDonagh & bpm a ,sett cd heves weld at 1'..t ,n. Gledhill. lune. 70c ; Canadian Express C'. K. Mdlregar. of Detroit, hs. t... 0 spend - Oe., 90c ; McLean Bros., police ceps. Leg •oudaye et his old home in A.ufield. 8(1 ; Bell 'relephnoe Co., 75c : G. N. W. tnJohn Yates and fafir icay. of Chicago, Jo& Y usint- TslegraFh Co.. 85c ; Howell Hardware Mss. MemrW, of W'unnllyelr• s the guest of Co , $19,40, The committee recons- Mrs. J. P, and -Hies K. Brown. Church +neste metaled also the following grants : p.Inw R. MoMt1l s. of Platen county, Nova Alexstsdra hosp ctrl, 8500 ; puhlic goods, 3. vleit.ni btr uncle, W. R. Robertson. lihlraty 8875; SVest Huron AgriCul• Mr, ad lin. Walter Buchanan stud two (.ural Society, 81(1.0 ; Godericb Musical coy+, et Toronto, are visiting their relatives Ip Society it00. The report %vas town. r airs. A. C. Harris and her sister, Miss Pearl adopted, Lloyd. of Stratford. are spending • few weak. The public works committee recotn• el town. mended that the 85.000 given as R Mn. Firth items ray Mi'. Mary MUler401 To- bond obond by the Tarlithic Peving and tion- 10010,,Istthe guest of Mrs. Mee.) Hamilton. struct ion Co. in connection with the IAA alta. "re"- MacEw•0 s spedipR •couple of sewer contract together with aC^rued week. with her deter, Mrs. bred. T. Eloper, of interest thereon he paid hack to the W000.took. contractors or their order. The Lock M .. t •nbb and granddaughter, stir &tad, Joint Pipe Co.'s account being paid hy wt oe Wedes,d•y morning for tee lather's the contractors the committee also rec- baNne i0 tea' ommended that the sum of $1,899,90 be Mr. sad lire, Frank Hodson,' and +righter. M,s. Doris, aro spending holidays at lake of paid the Canadian Bank of Comnleroe Bar+ Yi.kata. se r order of the nontr'actorn. Tbie Nie IA C Fox and alias Mary Nicelaskey. Still leaved a balance of 5800, part of Foo= lad tar, `noting at the home of Mr.. which will be retained by the town to N Neal .smote+ is town from Wets complete some minor details cn the Ww•ha.b and b tushes with his daughter. work, after which any b,Jaot'e wtll Yrs, Wn,. Barole. be paid Direr atter the seltlemeot ret a Mn.. Alex. McNevin and two dr titer.., number of accounts on file in the e t a e, are sienna1° 16 clerk's office The town still retain+ a 1300ERICH MARKETS. Ttuttdmav Aug. 13th.. ill Lou to 1 00 000 053to 055 10 to 110 100to 100 20 00 to 20 00 9 65 to 2 75 3 00 to x 10 97 00 to 27 00 w 00 to 29 00 12 10 to 15 00 6 00 to 800 300to 530 0 21 to 022 0 20 to 0 8 to 020 u22to 023 t 33 to 150 1 23 tQ 135 3 u0 to 600 6 00 to 700 B 8 10 to 8 10 400 to 430 -500t0 6 0 05 to ti 7CIO (0 730 25 to 30 .'all *neat, per bora Bpi L *heat, per bomb Otte. per bash. Peet per hn.b Barley per bush Screenings, per tea Flour, family. petOwt Flour. patent, pmeewt emu, per ton .., Shorte, per tae Hay. per tsar new Straw ...... ... Wood, per led Batter, per Ib Old Cheese, per 1D New ('beet'. .. - Kara, fresh, per dos A pples, per bbl New Potatoes, per Mabel Cattle, oram'y to good, per cert (:awe. export, per cwt SHbee.p, per cwt Lambe, per bead Callow. per 11 Hide., Dpeert cwt Oheepekioa FOR SALE. -TILE 100 -ACRE FARM on the 711 oo.oseslan of Colborne. mou- thed by the endsrslgned, is .feted for sale. Buildings Include Omit stor -tied-a-halt brick home. ��.popdd bbarn and silo, and large 'shed liveryt5ing In good order, tiro well fenced watered by spring creak. Lead ell .ceded down. la every w.y one of the beet farm. in the tewsrhtp. Situation ooevenlent to market townsd a ( P. R. atatio0._�w oeaele0 can be th given In e fall. AND JOHNeTON. Carlow P. U. '17.11. L' OR SALE. -1 i ACRES OF LAND 1' on the fleet conciseness of Um township of .A. hfeld, about li miles west of Nile. (±cod rill: nearly all under csldvedmr, meet of It seeded down. Good ''eked. Comfortable bot with stone cellar advise cement flow. Artesun well at house. Ilam 711x70 with stone foundation ; cattle and 0w1Ms, aim other Om buildings. Spring creek eatdagacross Ib* farm. Fencing In good Mage. Pbwmfoe Ie te• Dalt For full particulars apply to JAMES Me- NEIt, on the premkos, or erre P. 0. 11ttf. i,TOR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE imam Kingdom streets with (]fame Mese 504 lenge barn dorms. M 711ICould elbe Mned 4Y SMiTH doatl .te.s , ueiA 4 SMl CHatea oLtf. ER BALE. -A BUILDING LOT ve Newest. street Apel► is F. 1, Pa11) HOUSE. AND ism' FOR SALE ON Heron rood. a short dlndaoe tram - taws let's. I.ot noataln. tvr9 aegis erten Method andemailfrits .Lama base b repair. Anima o�FFt 'i ht :as I toAPRs at E:R SALE. ACRKR OF LAND 0 11 masa meth of a9 town et Rsm6eetb. (sent relay Maas°asla all ■sMr��Oe.�r��Kelv(�at�Lw'�eleasek herrn. with Bement fieMsj.'pale wall at 1543. newly painted. all In ■semi barn and hem's. An !teal tsetse. ♦.0�7 te 1MIMM1 Oreille 30* INLOCIL 8.•ferth bet. tistf FiNN REM - 1111=111 B 4I- ed tlaasarum a the Arow. MO W eb�teeeSt sed ter tatcl seNlkwezzaisdretee mug a 25 LOST 01 FOUND. LOST. -ON FRIDAY NIGHT LAST, • green .11k scarf. Finder will plena' leave Fame at PORTER'S BuOK SCORE. further sum of 01,400 80 for nine MWLo.h•Parke4..atBe.y6e11,i.tMczet, months under clause 18 of the con- this Wy Ume her oonslpe the ]Ilced John*ton. Stenley +tract. tract. The report war adopted. The market committee recom- mended some repeirs to the town scales and fences at the 0 T. R. cattle yards sod naked that the chairman of the cowmittee he empowered to have such repairs made. The report was adopted. Reeve Munnioge .rated that the spites put in this summer at the check - water had floated out, not having been properly put in. His Wot ship e 1 upon the action of vee remarked severely Y P the men who bad taken the money fur thio jot l' w out dojo; the w ork I.rop. erly ; be h ted the town .oIi- citor to write em. The Reeve spoke also of the sugges- tion that the town should rent ^stone - crusher, and said that Mr. Mancill of the Road Machine Co. had told him the Oompany wee ready to du any renting (bat was deeited On motion of tormentors Humber Mrs• Jesse Grummett has returned atter and Elliott the matter of draining speeding week. eei phi rh aughtter. M� Blake and McMahon streets Wee re- Annie ferred to the public works cuu.nnittee with power to act. To the parks committee was re- ferred the question of securing a bet- ter means of,.cceee to the C. P. R. sta- tion trete Harbor Park. Mayor Reid suggested that the tries - tion of the extension of the town boundary at the notch side should be n x motion was passed acted upon, and referring it to the special commi:tee. His Worship also thought some- thing should be done in the way of at- tempting to secure the erection of a Government elevator here. He under- stood the Goverr.ment was consider- ing the erection of a second one at Port Colborne. Reeve Munning, remarked that the erection of the three-million-busbel ele- vator at Fort William would make it more Urgent than ever that proper tacil- iliee should be had at the receiving ports, and Goderich ought to be in n position to handle the tr:, fle instead of allowing it to go pas! G. Pert Colborne or to United States pores. The epwcial committee %as asked present the rnaaer to the Clover meet. Whether the town has a bylaw to compel any person making an ex- cavation in tbe road to leave the road in proper condition afterwards was a question raised, and it was decided that if there in not such a bylaw there should ter one. The clerk is to look into the matter. The Mayor, who remat ked that the town was' filthy with weeds," suggest- ed some action to get rid , 1 then! but nothing was done. A bylaw to borrow $I' .') t) for current expenses was The bylaw to oon rnl ti..• ; rants already approved by the cot„ c 1 was introduced and read the h .t and second tim me hut wan held uvea to tb t' t theins. of OST.• -A WHITS CREPE SHAWL. 1/ fringed• Reward. Return to SIGN Al. OFFICE. 1,00.7. -ON SUNDAY, A GREEN own•ryry� vwr tome. Ree and for his re. turn to RIGa1STRY O elICE SITUATIONS VACANT. L?O R MA LS. -THAT r Rde�ntlet,*nt M R s�►,c 4.IW gr�Sr`ty e1 `- fest beers ISN pl.r Set=.. st.. .t .Il ltbts*ase ase• =..om mifiwether ri 198.50 WPM rip ►. .1 I AN'T'ED. -A YOUNG G11it1. TO help In housework. Apply MRS- W. H. KBBTER, Newgate attest. mEACBER WANTED. -FOR 8. S. 1 Na i. Colborne township; experienced p salary and teacher e Apply. Katt' t7 qualification, to PAUL (may Bon. millerP. 0. 104f GIRLS WANTED FOR BISCUiT and Cady. Fsotory. Light wort Steady PpIoyr�SO Wrlle for particulars. G. S. LtiR If IC OUMPANY, Manned. Laudon. Ontario. Mise Lillian NI. Wbite returned to Detroit on Someday after. pinr,.ant visit w,tu the Mises" lawsen, Welledsy street. Mir Llliau W5.Ung left -today to spend • week at bar hoose ip Sarnia. she will also visit Toronto before retur..log. Charles Kidd. who M. been with a C. P. R. .urveytug party near Montreal. is spending • few holidays at hie home bare. Mr. and air,. ('. W. Watson and son Ked - meth, New York C'lty, are spending two week. at tn. old home, Montreal street. Mrs. Wm. Ferrie and daughter. Mae. Viola, lett uu l'hur-da for their home at Winnipes after a vi.it to Mrs A. S. Chrystal Ma J. B. Andrews and Mai H. dalewright of Cleveland. are vi-Iting at the former lady a tome. "The Nurseries.• Benmiller. MW Dote Blaisdell, of Champaign. Ill.. Is v W ting at the home . of he: 0000i n. Mr. and llru. Joseph Startle. MallW,d street. Mr. and Mrs, Ii F. Whitely and s0s Mex. of Uwo+..o. Mich.. aro volt ing et the residence of Mr. Whitely'. or.Wr. (L C. Whitely, Ile A. Leahbrook. Walnut street, ►as re- turned Ram a twc'week,' pheogn.pktng ex- pedltfon In the Muskoka Lakes region. T 1 AUN(iH "DOROTHY" iS OF- FERED for esle at a bargain for quick W : hull rebuilt 1n spring and guaranteed to be in good eoodltlon ; engine In eveellent shape and running a a eag es when era ',ea kd demendratlon at any thee. Full parUenlar. trove R. TURN CR..t The Menai .roes L()R HALE. -A GOOD DRIVING mare, dv years old. not afield of onto, leo top boggy and barn'.,. light won and btre• nv►ams for one hetes. Apply J 7'. ,YR W EL1 Minolta steers, near Horan road. Call In t M evenlrlge or at noon vonSALK. - BARN ON PROP- til BRTY heMMng to J. 1.. Jordan. heath Address any communications to Mg Ux6wd Street, Lowden. 17-tt to n - Mies Ethel Potter. of the linnet - nothing $cbool for Nu --e- at t'h,c.go, Is voicing her grandparent.. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Potter. Dr. Strang and Mtn Grace Strang arrived home last night atter their We-tero tap. ['hey made the retoro trip by way of Chicago. No-. Thus. (',mmings. St. Augustine, and M!.s Dohei lip. of Rochester. aro the guests ibis week of airs. Martin l'ummings, Trafalgar street Ma.tera Morton, Harold end Fraser Robert- son. of `(tratford, nays been visiting .I R. week at the home of their grandfather. `"`Rob eat son. Mn. D. Johnston and children return today to their house at Pre+ton after • six week- visit hero with Mo-. Johnston's mother, Mrs. Webster. The 51 e.c. Mond l handler and Mar geret Marone. of Wotoivtnck, who have beer. vi-iting friends here. returned to their home - on Monday. Mrs. ICspt 1 nig and family, of St. Clete. Mich.. return .arrow to their home After n two month" %i- . with relative. at Ripley and in Oodedch. 311'. bombe! .Dcolittle, of Listowel, formerly of town. 1. vialting Mrs. H. J. Fisher, Nelson ntrret. Miss Doolittle bas just returned from a t. i p to the Wed, Mies Tillie /them who sang so charndcgly at Victoria street church last Sunday morning And evening, woe the meet of Mr. and Mrs. 0.dhill while In town. Mi.. Edna `Stewart and brother Mester George. of Seaforth-. were the guest,. of their uncle and sunt. Mr. and Mr. Jame* Young. Stanley street. this week. G. M. Elliott ha. been out of town for three or four date attending to matters in conned Woo with Children '+ Aid Society work o• Bntttflekl. Seaforth and other plane.. al les Veet• Hyde and her octets. Mia. Nessie Stewart of Hamilton. will return to them borne. on Saturday after an enjoyable visit trPS1 their aunt. Mrs. Peter MacFarlane. Britannia road. ltre. Nicholson. Nelwn street, whose hun- bend In inspector of the Northern Navigation Co.. joined hint at Owen Sound end went up on the steamer (lerar•nie a far as Mackinac 1.1•nd, and hay now returned to her home. Mr. and Mn.. C. Blackstone announce tbe en- gwgement of their younngqee01edaughter Victoria. F , to M. Hamilton Oakley. C. A., Itdnrooton, Alta.. mon of Rev. 11. H. Oakley, Sheffield, Eng land. The marrlagst*to take place in 0:tabor. H. R. Long returned on Saturday from Lon don. where he had been taking the mi. weeks' mire in military training tor school teneMrs. At the beginningof the new tear. Mr. long will •*sum. hit duties e. principal of Victoria school. Mrs. Merry J. Gledhill, of Riddell'. (iso dens. Toronto, spent • few day. In (ioderch. She we A000mpa.ied to the city on ber ret nrn by her little daughter. Vern*. who had been spending the vacation with her grandparent.. Mr. and Mr* Gledhill. Mrs. Jonathan Thompson ',nen 111 Rome Pions' and beby. Gordon P.. len for Tor ontonn 8atorday.fter n al'.nd,d *1.lt.1 the Mme of herr parent'. Huron rod. She *111 %•i.1. friends In the Queen Pity before returning to her borne in Whitby tewn.h1p. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.M4•r and daughter Mia. Ethel, and Mr. amid MIS Jobe Clark re- tensed on Friday tat to their homier at Pea Use. After a c oie•*ant Tint with their rola tier.. Mr and Mrs. °eeie wnllams. Pieter, greet. and Mr. and Mrs. David Sproul. 0. 8. Holt, M. A.nag.�duuor.. Doc.. of t'alrgary, *Ito baeWM thio week, While in 7'wonN Mr Mott soother mew mg a ancr Councillor Leithweite, who objeteed to the grant of 8500 to Alexandra hospital. He thought the town could not afford so large it, grant in view of the present state of the municipal finances. some of the members pointed out that in comparison with what other places were doing for their hoepitels the Oodericb grant was on the small side. After tbe di.cuesion on this matter Lb* council adjourned' YI•. Neils Towne awe nephew Master Reti- na tes'sill and Meme. Miss Velma. Rtan .trwst, left ea MoMday afternoon for Nn .M. w (hef ern she moue. of the Lady's brother. tot if .d foe", Mr. Md Mn Wi1Ha Santee and daughter. Mot �I+ Violet Tim all S.etoN te (y.stwrieh to 34, fist .s took carate of the mem le , .me- oath- n. Josephw. et Cl lMg e9rs1 far toe'(0.9ay0, relieving Dr. Ham. spO ea�tory I=II RtaM6 ]IN 1. er pyo .st••rletetrdeet of Mero7 8e•elth cwt nal. ra Malmo, o a..d ler INsr. Mtr 1Ve81e BALM �M trs►INtrg Mr Mr Jeee.l'. M. STEAM LAUNCH FOR RALE A AT .e.g bar.Ns. wenn Ite seam yacht. 11Ktt1Wt., 91 dreeght i1 tbirrttyy paessessherrs Asg1 gelid ( D1et.I1 s ppeddorferr fall lnfedstatamn =.7 r. KINGLET F. REYB0N. Naval Arob1 inset and Trot Broker, ie. Pests Wrest. seta 17-111 FEED FOR SALE. --HAVE JUST heugnt • iaage amirssnt of mimed NOW whet 1 will ell K. eeseseable prt.v. It ems s.(W of tr , w 10114 0001** Ansi.. 5...'.. let Ili egome at extra ~ wart slDRLWSev.rr Tl■rdsl sad 1'rt4(mF. J. it. A. BAIT.-o00d CIDER VINE- AlR wllteymb R row D. F HAM -WS, Blend a+,ti . M Slaw. of were ti. N. 4.11 were the w ow town sod War MUM on ^ last.IM4 trtwt Artltar. and ►.'tier. N . R rimiest. 11(43"••/ of Hewal W �Sga Acre el leedw. sae the. week ef their shay Jee. w° Pests, K J. amid Ile. Maleu. Ilrlioati• med. pap week •1s,Wwg hM 3.. H. TMest. let' prlroelptil ei yleWrl. wwd other .sail yes tett vUledt/ esMsei left .bb .term[ d •ttbi ht. tarty for ✓ .ar• rttem tn.* M V eneae■i a .mi nt=":11 llann hos% wherti M is"ss.. tsiuSipat d'amis b h rhe a ostein n ire nnemit ad inn I imwheel. of the +sits. Mr. bawl to Been In New Perk the pact yw m•ttmiig baa 1„''7�„`�'„, 'sere. with * .taw W Nag et ti We gond .411,... and the neopla .wow.aeeetol0 M 4.4w1t11 .L..Nell regret IMO, departure. mer (e gemshamaltar sal*• Whilew 0M1at them geed Moshe in their now