The Signal, 1912-8-15, Page 5THE SIGNAL OODER1OH °NTARItt) I4OCALTOPICS Wee Is Responsible?raft Nouse/ Needed - i number of b uses be- A citizen would like to know who is A g°°d in (ioderioh (kir year, but I lespon.ihle for the butchering ot trees Y1g erre • null not enough to supply on Ent street to maks way for elec- demand. °� caies Judging ho ses torentfrom cum- InS i yth Post ffioe Robbed. that M oft °wade at this otdoe dtsdleg The pcetoRloe at Blyth was robbed Tweet" It would ego that during Tuesday nicht. The sale was blown oven sod about $300, mostly in stamps, was taken. In their haste the burglars missed a drawer 000taioing some registered letters and bills. C. P. R. Notes. W. J. Garrick, treigbt clerk, leave. Monday on • trip to Quebec. W. Matheson will relieve him. Operator MoKee Is taking • helot/ay and Operator Odeon is taking bis place. • Shipments of floor and mein have been very heavy the past week. 8t. Peters Summer Fair. Secure your admission ticket. early for the summer fair to be held at West street rink next week under the auspices of SL Peter's,- church. The fair will open oo Wednesday at 8:15 oclockwith introductory remarks by His Worship Mayor Reid. end will con- tinue Weider -Way evening and Thurs- day afternoon and evening. A musical program afternoon and evening each day. Mowers, candy. fancywork and refreshment booths sod other attrac- tions. Drawing of tickets on second day of fair. A nu.nber of the mer- chant. have kindly contributed prizes. Admission 10c. Everybody welcome, .4.0,6°164:we veritable house famine. • number of properties, preal itoo. are ..ate owners, d damdhow a distinct upward ten- • k r : of Sallow.' 'titter's. A , scent issue ottOomeIreY Life (pale lewd to iegt. England) & Do- cmb.lus a large DROP big of articles illustrations on Us- agdirc subjects. No publication of the sort seems to be complete without e me of le It. Sallow,'pin pthls hic view's, and there are several number, showing farmwane, tip in s m�gbborhrxd. One picture D, (', weee(albip s entitled "Fruit Farmingd in .Nova ycutia. *duel Bible Class Picnic. 111e annual outing of tbe North greet Methodist Bible clapwail u •r ld Atuill s Point yesterday afternoon and sea a very successful event, la spite of the shower early in tbe after- aoou a hundred or more members and guests made their way, by boat or rig, eo the pleasant picnic grounds at the mouth of the river. Mr. Venatter and his huti,c assistants were indefatig- able in art ranging for the comfort and pleasure of the party and all enjoyed s delightful afternoon and evening. lived in Gout rich Many Years Ago. Tbe death of James F. Clegg, son of the lute 'Ir. and Mrs. James Clegg, of Goderich, occurred on July 29th at the Veterans Home hospital, Napa county. California. Tbe burial took -0-e at the Home cemetery, with full re mllitery boner., um de-,OMVd baying Mrs. M.theed in United Chatham.r. and Miss Ewtua Clegg. of Asheville, North t'arolins, sisters of the de. wed, survive him. "Mr. Clegg and kis late brother. William E. Clegg Wen small bdys were employed in the Siaoal office, and later when they bit Goderich for the United States both t,ecawe Journalists. Miu Kate Barr Wins Newspaper Con- test. Friends of Miss Kate Barr, ferwerly assistant p.tmistrees here. will be, pleased to letrn that ebe hos been pro- claimed the moot popular young lady in Moosejaw, Sask. The Times, the leading newspaper of that town, re- cently held a contest' to determine tbe most popular lad in the place. Miss Barr has in her abort stay in that city made herself as popular as she was utile in Goderich and carried off the premier honors, receiving, in additioo to a three weeks trip in Eastern Can- ada and the United States, a 8500 piano. elite Barr is now in the East wile the other members of tbe party and will make Goderich one of her stopping places. Dr. Strang at Vancouver. Vancouver papers, r•eosived this week. mention tbe visit of Dr. H. I. Strang and Mies Glace Strang to that city. where they spent several days, meeting large members of old pupils and friends of Dr. St , wbo are now LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. U.1vrtyk estnswn�t!t aDeet .tach k lawn ., outs u :+ .;,,121'.`. Last a". bultluw. and Pim ovetooatlu•„ In tae tat.st goods orads ay late catepresent, expert (sluts Prtdham the 'rano:. North side dosage. Miss Grace Oliver, of Avonbank• was visiting her sieter, Mrs. (Rev.) J. flame f Itoo. "Jake" Moser bat present engaged in building • cement bridge at the cul- vert near W. Cook's. Rev. Dr. Meldrum, of Cleveland, will preach at both services to Kuox church next Senday. Waiter Buchanan. of the Bank of Montreal. Brantford, la spending holi- days at bis borne in town. A lady's raincoat was lost about two weeks ago between Menesetung Park and town. The finder is requested to leave it at Mn. (Dr.) Taylor'.. A Ane of $1 and costs for using abu- aive.Logrtage Mayor Reid upon tbewGallo an arrested Last week es the result of a row in the "foreign colony." The official board of the First Methodist church. St. Tbnrnas, has Increased the salary of Rev. Dr. Dougall (formerly of Goderich) from $1,600 to $1,7t5) a year. The Mitchell excursion on Monday bruugbt 7W or 81X) people to town. The fleet part of the day was wet, but it cleared off and the visitors bad a good time in the afternoon. Publicity Campaign for Bruce County Tue Charley Board of Trade is tak- ing the initiative in a publicity cam- paign for the county of Brum. Tbe Boards of Trade of other towns in the county are being asked to co- operate. and when the county council meets in the autumn session the matter will ba submitted to that body. It is proposed to ask the Ontallo Depattweat of Agriculture to .mist by advertising Bruce county forms in Scotland, in order to., In- duce Scottish farmers with capital to come out here to purchase farms and reside in the county. The census returns of Bruce county show a decrease in population to the extent of 9,000 in the past decade. and it is to arrest this depopulation that the publicity- campaign is proposed. Miss Lilian Fraser Appointed. At a meeting of the CollegIau% In- stitute trustee breed held on Monday, several apptications were received for the position of commer:iel specialist made vacant by the resignation of Donald Clark. The application of Miss Lilian B. Fraser was accepted, the salary bring fixed at 81,0(10. Mies Fraser is a Goderich young lady of Met -rate ability wbo has been on the staff of tbe Clinton Collegiate Instil- Chatham, in the evening. A cordial tote as commercial specialist since welcome to all. New Years. and the local board is for- To help out the scarcity of bard coal tuoate in securing her cervices. Miss Chas. C. Lee has put in several cars of i•n Solway Coke of egg size for furnaces and of nut size for ranges and small heaters. It will not work in self feeders, as it is not heavy enough to feed. A ton of Solvay Coke will last Ail long as a ton of hard coal. Solvay Coke will not burn out your grates. Solvay Coke sella at $8.:x0 per ton. Will Stothers is erecting a new house on the south side of the carriage shop on Victoria street. He tore do the old house on the property, andtbe new one Will pe eetly improve th�e/' en of the bleCk, Miss Evelyn Ha den will open het' art studio in the Eluron Apartments (formerly the Huron hotel) Thursday n ert, August 22nd An are cordially invited to call and see her work. 10:30 to 12:30 and 3 to 0 o'clock. Special low rate from Godericb to Toronto Exhibition is announced in the G. T. R. advertisement in this is- sue. Buy your tickets from F. F. Lawrence, the down -town agent, and avoid the rusb at the station. Mr. John C. Malian, student of Vic- toria University. Toronto, will preach mo.ning and evening to Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. Mr. Bryan, of Woodstock, who is holidaying in town, will sing at both e ery leer. The members of Knox church choir had their anoual outing yesterday et the Point Farm. Choirmaater,Hunter bad a large but happy family under his care and brought them all home este and sound after a pleasant after- noon and evening. At North street Method.t church next Sunday visiting ministers will bess associated with the pastor in the ser- vices. Rev. David Rogers, of St Thomas, will preach in the morning. and Rev. Egerton F. Armstrong, of The Western Fair, - bar • M 14. The Wliuegeuteut Vt the WWIIEi Fair have bean very fortunate Inhale" We to secure such favorable railway tees The territoryto which the apply over aroads extends es far ears( se Kingston and west to Port Huron and Detroit. The single rates fare will go into effect the Opening day of the exhibition, Friday, September ff, There wW be three epees lYl excursion dye---Teeeda Thurs- day day and Friday, Sept. JO, 12 and 18. -when only two-thirds of single fare rate plus '16e will be charged. AU lieketa are good to return up to Monday, September letb. This should afford a splendid opportunity for those having friends. in London or vicinity to visit these during the exhibition. This year will afford the opportunity of a lifetime to bear the famous 1 o' th' Barn Band. This is one of the finest brass bands in the world. They have appeared by ruyal command before (be ng and Queen at Windsor Castle. They have toured the world twice. On their last trip, during the years 1909, 1910 and 1911, they travelled 40000 miles and gave 591i concerts. All lovers of music should not fail to hear this tawous combina- tion. For privileges of any kind, prize lists, entry forma or any information regarding the exhibition apply to the Secretary, General offices. Richmond St., London, Outario. Hodge, asetstant on the stall. bent an application For leave of absence during Septewbef on account of the illness of her bitter. The application was greeted, it being understood that a suitable wb&titute would be ob- tained. Public Library. A meeting of the puhli.: libra; y board took place on Saturday evening, rang 10th' inst.. the members present being making their homes in flash Colum- Messrs. Galt. Fowler. Tom and Kidd. M. On >;aturdey, August 3rd, he was Tbe following accounts were passed: the guest of a number of hie former Fred Hunt, repairing roof, etc., 86.06 ; pupils on a trip to Nanaiuo on the R. Tait. new batteries and bells, $2 steamer Princess Patricia, the party taking motors for a run in and about Naaaiwo between the arrival and de- parture of the boat. Among those prowot on this outing were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 'Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. David ('antelon and Mise Cantelon. Allan Bowles, Mrs. John McAllieter and \lies McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Macdonald of Nanaimo. Miss Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Macdonald, Miss t1 illiams. end others to tea 'Miniver of about thirty. 1)r. and Miss Bhang left the following Monday for eob•eschool Board, - Victotia. Ed. Reid, csrtaae cinders and earth, 83.76 ; Stewart Estate. plants. P.M see etary. salary and postage, 816.80. TbeGovernmeet grant torlDI l,amount- ing to 8141.67, was received and placed in the hands ot the tteaiurer. it was derided to order twenty-five tons of coal and the secretary- was In- st. acted to solicit tenders from tbe coal dealers of the town, twenty tone of tbe coal to be delivered before September 15th and five tons by Jan- uary 1st. The board then adjourned until Saturday evening. August 17th. A meeting of the public school board Verdict in Abell Inquest. was held in the becretary's office on The coroner's jury- in tbe case of Friday last. There were present True - Joseph Abell. of London (father of tees 14. E. Hodgen (in the chair►, William Abell, of Goderiqh), whose Alex. Saunders, A. D. McLean, R. J. death took place at the L&lstt works Acheson, R. H. Cutt and Dr. (callow. inLondoo, as a'ready reported in Tbe The secretary's report showed pay - Signal, reodeted the following verdict meets of M88.18 for the month. the at the conclusion of the inquest : payroll, 88116.24. being the largest 'That Joseph Abell came to his death ire,u. Tile payments for the veer to os. Monday July 29, 1912, ergo being date amount to 86.596.38. A letter ovetcon.e 1., the inhala ion of poison- was received from Ohse. Garrow re- garding C. J. Harper's a000unt, On motion of Mr. Cutt and Dr. Gallow it was resolved that the account be paid. Miss Millian's resignation, to take ef- fect September 1st. was read and ac- cepted aed Miss Marion Fraser was appointed to fill the position. Letters of acceptance of re-engagement from all the other teachers were received. W. Pinder'. tender for closets at Cen- tral school, at 8'214, was acepted. The secretary was instructed to en- quire if the water and light commis- sion would furnish fifty tons of coal for Victoria ecbooi, and the contin- gent committee was empowered to contract for fifty tons of bard veal. owg.,s in the bottom of a pit on the premises of the Labatt Brewing Compacv. Front the evidence the accident sppeara t0 US t0 have been unavoidable. - No new light sae thrown on the cir- cumstances of the sad affair. it was stated that three had never been any trouble in the `pit before. although workmen had used the shaft daily for years. It wee surmised that c.ubonie mid gar accumulated in the pit be- C211W of the oppreesiveneem of the atmn'phere for tonne days previous to the fatality. Building in the North End. North and 'adjacent streets are ex- periencing somewhat of a bulldiog boom. 'rhe foundation for the new Methodist parson.ge is completed. Oe Nelsen street. the tramework of Walter Sharman's house on the Kiely property is neerly finished • work 0" the foundation for Dr. Orresar's bunga- tow on the (PI manes property 1. Pm.' domino nicely : this will be an ex- esptinnally lame esekiemes, covering n ew Knee feet. On Brow street the fratnewnek for Kee. Ours Mum w coraPiet. d : R J. ,Ashen. has moved 1►e ronin portion et lbs old manse ar to hie lot hieing on this street asd is making it into a mondani' dwelling Melvin Rowell moved tM rear Maths of the manse house ea to hes lot farther down the Meet, melt a new emotion in frost sed elp.et. 10 here the place reedy for ooerupancy by gt�ouon bee 1st. On e 1aigar sorest. the foundation for how V corn . sed ell Ms sea is on the 1ra„ed : ea/M ebe W m (Ad.... ss. is preemie" for bis new Amer. fouedetlee foe M i. s Mss Ma's Were os K Irksome street is »es- us. JatMv ffeitlirr's oil house. w 1t for the Wien'Terrocie;tR t.d ev • HARBOR NOTES. The tfeboat crew was our for prac- tice on Sunday afternoon. The Halcyon, a pleasure yacht of Detroit, was in port on Saturday last. Rhe was on her way to Georgian Bay, The steamer Ionic was in port on Monday with a cargo of 85,000 bushels of wheat and oats for the Godericb elevator. The outside southwest breakwater is getting the last touches. The top is beiog put on true the men ate working overtime nearly every night. The straightening of the commer- cial wharf in front of the Big Mill is being pushed through. The outside pontoons have been sunk and filled in and the top will be ready shortly. the marine tower for tbe Big Mill leg is nearly completed. A11 the cement work is finished and the mach- inery is heing installed. The leg will be in working older, it is expected, inside of two weeks. Within the past two week(•. half -a - dozen shanties have been erected on the beach between the river breakwater and the north pier, mak- ing over a store of buildings on what was formerly a vacant stretch of sand. Don `Iceievin, Trafalgar street, met - Accident at the Big Mill Iasi .le was helping load a car when N. R. yard engine shunted bone other cars into it and the jar knocked borers! heavy bags down upon him. He will be off work for some time. The C. P. R. freight shede are com- pleter!, as are also the various sidings and switches along the beach and water -front. A row of piles are being driven along the embankment for pro- tection against the waves. Severe' carloads of stone have been dumped •L the west end of the sheds, which Mend to the water's edge. lixiON Yount le, Aotsvwr 16, 1012 A Paid - uy, Capital. Rest and Utadtvi4ed Profits 88,18t,iflO Total Assets lover) $68,000,000 Thrifty Children The lesson of thrift, leo OF CANAlOw necessary to the future wel- fare of your children, in pen tttarA3Lrseso 111115 haps beet taught by epenkag Mr each • leavings Bank Account, and encouraging thea t0 deposit regularly a portioytt of their speeding money. Though they may Dot accumulate very much money, they will Isere ire valtas and how to save it. We welcome Children's Savings Accounts. W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch. sasssoset s Masaaev. • rgagei hent d In s Our stock of Rings has pever been better than at the present time. We have s large assortment of different styles and patterns at pries to suit everyone. Gant Rings $ to 2 5.00 Pearl Rings .. 00 to 10.00 Stone -set Rings , . 1.50 to 10.00 Diamond Rings 10.00 to 75.00 We cordially invite you to examine our stock, J. S. DAVEY EY . JEWELLER and OPTICIAN Cor. of Colborne at. and/Square, Goderich 1 Life Insurance. Penne who are interested in lite Insurance. whether they are consider- ing taking out new insurance or changiotr the policies they carry at present, should read A. el %tsbet's ad- vertisement on the front pace of this issue. By communicating with bio, they may get some ..pointer " oo tn- sur•aoee that will be of great advan- tage to them. Mr. Nisbet represents the Mutaa J Life Assurarsce Company of Canada, which is one of the strong- est mad best of our life (neutance CAI psalest, and anyone could not do bet- ter than place his Jewesses with tbie Company._ ___ t.7 V LNORN E. Moans.'., Aug 111th. Mise Wingate (11.48111, 4 Goderieh. is vlsltiag with Mee. O. R. Foreleg, Kim Corsi' Helabswsea. of 'f uveette .prised bows lest week to speed her Peter Pisber and Mies Katie e�M� se .. $ n(tay at the hof Mr sed age. R4wss4 Grigg. Mm Marvels, Ma of U0rlee. act ,., a e , t. • lend. es tees 7t bled opoe.ewou. r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Aug. 16th. 'Fa!!shelters Excursions -C. P. R. rm T.reeto Errnntee 0.'1'. 11 1 Aeolian `tale --M. Orumme t .. 1 Fars Wanted-Mwlhotland It Co.. Toronto 1 (sale of Naiad Notepaper.. -Ciro. Porter . 5 Overbooking of Automobiles and Gasoline Engines ---.seen (3e.Otine Engine k Ma- cbl.err (-o ...... ...... 7 ayes pt,Ared_Ooorse Gould. Holme'vnis . 1 Tenders Wasted for Rooth PAvlieges J. Ades Fowler I Sweater mats--M'1111er a (Ilse ...... ,.... .... 11 powwow: isrsnae.s-A. O. NUM 1 Yeomen Ws -r. J. ae1YoL 6 ' caucus ler me but Spe-ll teleses BasPI (.std -bra eels -3.12. Weems 4 Ovss4saed a.i. ). Retorts...... y' senesces sf eswsee washy -ieagess $ rums ter slab -4. IV. 11001 6.11 11 ... I l in t waseed-Mhsgr MIs. CO 1 Madame leak st Two Peep or -As 8t1r• sew. asar_sr 1 Plods Males to share M one of the keee•4ys reenter wps Rill the Pybsnx M 1M, flu pads(etieby • ..,'A b. R 14 '<rid a sire* *met. Mede, ire 1 IMP 11 SUMMER FOOTWEAR With the warm weather comes the de- sire for something to keep the feet cool and comfortable: The coolest summer footwear you can get is a dainty pair of Canvas, White Nubuck, Russia Tan or Patent Leather Pumps or Gibson Ties. We have them in all the latest styles at the lowest possible prices. Barefoot Sandals, Tennis, Lacrosse 'nd Bowling Shoes in all sizes. -" a pair of our Brown Bronco Shoes 1 ry •. They can't be beat for wear for every day. or comfort. Repairinjs Downing & MacVicar NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE, GODER1CH. 1 E CAMERON STOCK It is to be sold over the counter. , That - isthe decision arrived 'al" : and the doors will be thrown open to the biggest- unreserved sale that could possibly happen at this time of year. It's a case of sell everything from the cellar to the roof regard- less of prices -it's simplygot togo now, and go in a hurry. Mr. keg. Blackstone, whois well 'and favorably known to you ail, will have charge of the - sale. His instructions are to dear the, goods out of the store ,in as short a time as possible. Saturday, Morning, August IOth, at 10 a. in. the doors will be thrown open, and we would advise you to come with the crowd ; you will not be disappointed. • Here are a few of the good things0to look for: Men's Wear 12 wen's Tweed Suits. While they ►,a s t, p e r suit 1 .. $4.98 t3 men's heavy Tweed Suits in brown and grey patterns, sizes Si to 42, good year-round Suite. Our Sale price $5.95 per suit .�7 18 men's all -wool navy blue Serge Suits, sizes 34 to 41. QQ Our Sale price is only e85 1 doyen men's Negligee Shirts with cuffs. Sale price -n, each.. X77 0 dozen pie a men's Overalls -black and striped, heavy Denim. w ith and without else( is braces, double seats and koeee, 75c always sold at 81.00 and 81.25. Our selling -out price, 7 doyen men's tine Semmes Underwear, made from double thread fine combed yarn, usually sold at Sl.(10. Selling 50c out price oDly,. JVI. 3 doyen fine . Baltrrig4aa Underwear to clear et per 35c pair...:... ...,..r, • 100 pairs mens mrtt1 4M4- mixed Socks selling out at per 1 Q �, pair .,.. , rt . C71. 126 pairs niea's good TWesd Pants from, per pair, � .71o4o $1.48 1 s'Tl7A (ibese ale at half price or leas) Dress Goods 175 yards Weak wed striped Denim for orerelle, regular 26c 15c kind. Selling -not peke.... _... ...... . eN 5110 yards F 1i.gselettes, all wldthee in gaud pattern.. at exact ly HALF -MICE. (Daly 10 yards to each customer). About $,00(1 yards (Res. Goode. ranging in p, ices from 50c to 11.00a yard. in Summer. Fall and ♦V101er weights While they last you can get your chore per yd.. at H A LM' -PRICE s.)0 peed" i►reh. Gime. in 1. he . t 3 y reds to 7 yard.. e9c - valueschoke 3e 11 00 per yard. Choe of tibia let, yd., only 7E. -,44.44. _- 4 . Laces,Skirts, Suits,Coats, Flowers, etc. Hundreds of yards of Overlaces, Laces, White DressTrimwings. etc. Come and help yourself at HALF-PRICE AND LESS. 2 dozen Silk Spools. Now 2 for.. . . Se 'A) ladies' Overskirts, in tweeds, worsteds, Panama, etc.. dt1 (l1Q 0 now at away lees than half-price, at 111.4and / e�7C7 7 nuly ladies worsted and tweed Suits, regular $15.011 $4s5 Selling -out price .�eJ 5 only ladies' imit.stion fur -lined Coats with fur collars. This is the time to save on one. Wets 825.00• Sale price $8.95 9J5 now. ... �� Thousands of Flowers, Feathers end Braids all marked down to about tbe price of the paper and string for wrapping. 20 little girls' heavy Coats. regular .►p to $4.50. Sale price, pipe. choke �7t(7J Furniture and Fixtures Must Go, Too s.0 Egg Crates. hold 30 dozen eggs, regular 40C. Now (1� for.. X71. 1 $85.00 Computing Scale Inc rely ... tj10.70 Rice -Knight lighting elyalen,, 6 lights aid tank. $29 for.. ....... ........... ...... L� .50 There are also Grocers Somme, ., Measures, Cbairs. 'rattles, (rice, Stands and erten,. too r,un,erone eo mention. Everything must go ova : and nearly all at whatever price yo.i want to pay for It. N. C. CAMERON Sava Bnagikip hl* Sale to Buy Your Winter Coal. Don't Forget the Sale Starts Saturday Morning ! ts�erar1