The Signal, 1912-8-8, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICH oNT4A_RW Ipt okte+4******* 4494".°4441+ '4** .....***"i9+4"ivt; EAST STREET GAIZAGE • + 4.e ews o e s nc . . 41. 445 4$464445454641 44644545 +44**,04 45 404 • • MEWL EENMILLEN. WIEDNINDAY, Aug. 7th. CHURCH UNITING& -The MethOd bit circuit quarterly meeting and board meeting have been held on Sundae morning and Tueeday evening respec- tively. Both events passed off with every satisfaction. The former was held at 13ethel church, whete a large congregation nmembled. Seats had to be placed in the aisles to accommo- date all the people. Tbe sermon as well ae the hymns were appropriate to the omission. The text -was: *'And Jesus me His custom was went into the synagogue on tbe Sabbath day." It W& s an earnest plea for the regular devoted observance of religiour institu- tions. Christian worship and waiting upou God. with particular reference to the saltitaty effect such eustOrDet enforced by the example of Jesus. Inuit have upon the rising generation. The meseageraemed to go home, as re- peated tuention was made of its time- liness in the after service. The bap- tism of tbe little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens was an interesting feature of the service. A large nistn- Der partook of the Lord's Supper, which was administered for the first time by the pastor. The meeting ,mas lengthy but of the bappiest kind The quarterly board [net In the Ben - mike church on Tuesday evening, when • fair representation of officials wee present. Harmonious feelinge prev•iled. The 6410.17 of the minister.'" was fixed at SEM. The pastor stated he bad no intention of taking a vaca- tion this year. Mention wee made of 1 the forward movement the Zion Ncrth people are making in rebuilding so handsomely their little church. The circuit is to be meted to rally to their opening on September =ad in the morning, when the president of Con- ference ia to preach. and_in the even- ing. when Rev. A. Brown, cf North street. Goderich, is to take the service. Zion North contemplates bolding a big supper and entertainment on! Thanksgiving Day. MONDAY. Aug. 5t1i. Shesdrach Itivett and big .on eolorse expect to take a trip out West in a tew days. Oh&Eieli Leo& of Roeedde. Toronw, t sprading the holidays ,,liontot relative. here outs Bffeetta. Culbert'u barn s ,truck h#latroing Friday morn - tug /I bOHL SOO o clock end was burned toe grourat with the crop how to about oine acres of tall wheat and a large wiantity of hay. Insurance on baro, sato: on contents. $4410. BLY IN. MorsoeY, Aug. 5th. -- A very interesting game of beechen was pleyed at the park here hut Thursday evening be- tween the •talwarte of Clinton and Myth. The class of ball played was not netirly up te that played here on the 1211) : yet our [Nato had the ratio - tartan!' 01 winning by the score of 8-6, and the victory was still more to their credit considering that Traker, who DOW is one of the Brantford Comedian League pitched, opposed them. PKIWONAL AND OZNIZAL.-Pifty tickets were sold at the G. T. It. sta- tion here for Kincardine last Thurs- day, amongst the excureionists beiog A:F. Carr, G. M. Chambers, W. J. Woochne.n and the Misses Spafford. Most of the people, however, are figur- ing on taking in the excursion to Ooderich on Wednesday, which it our civic holiday. One of the attractions of the day will be the baseball match between Goderich and Blyth, which n o dount will be a hummer . ...Rev. Mr. Malcolm. of Detroit, who is on a visit to relatives here, preached two very intellectual sermons in, St. An- drew's church last Sunday. Ile was not preaching for is call. If he bad been, we think tbe congregation would have been sorry they made their choice so some as he is certainly • splendid preener Miss Eva &others is at permit spending psrt of ber holidays with friend. in London and vicinity'Wr. Howard, of • Moncrieff, bas moved his family here, ' having tecured a poeitiou at the Hill pining mills Mrs. J. Stothers and family were the guests of Wing - hare friend. last week ....Mr. and Mn.. Mills. of Lendon. who have been trending souse time with the latter's sister here. Mrs. F. Mclatrah. left last week for a visit with Seaforth friends. Until 'moldy they have been in the West. but having made some money there they very wisely helm decided to live in the East and have settled in Lendon Niro H. Mcguartie spent Thuisday of last week with Loodeee hon.' friends T. Heffron and his neither were in Detroit last week..G. M. Chambers received a car of Scranton coal last week and is disposing of a great deal of it, as those who have toed it know it is good t`to keep a house warm .... Mr ffroaden, of Londes- boro', is spending a few days with his daughter, 91rs. D. Floody, at present. Mrs. Iteht. Know was the guest of Lontleshoro' friends last week Miss E. Steinhoff. who has been em- ployed as clink fot G. M. Chambere for some yeero has had to resign on account of nervous trouble and Miss Myrtle Livingstone bas taken the Posi- tion Tbe prospects seem eery D oor for mug, of an apple crop in this locAlity. At first the outlook seemed beght, but as the apples jute, devel- oped a blight raceme to have struck then', making them unfit for shipping purposes Dr. Robt. Agnew, form- erly of Clinton. visited friends here this week. He is now practising in the Wee, and doing well M. ileheY, of Westfield, accompanied by A. IL Cook: sang a beautiful solo in the Presbyterian church on Mun- i 4 y evening Tbe following Blyth bowlers are in Berlin this week taking part in the Twin City tournament : H. Tionase, A. W. Rob- inson. G. E. McTaggart and Dr. Mc- Taggart J Dodds, R. Stewart and 11. Sims, who have good positions in l'otento. took advantage of the civic holiday on Monday, and spent it with their parents here AL. Sims, who has been engaged in the black- smithine business, has decided to have an auction sale of his household effects soon and with his wife will leave for the West, where he thinks prospects are hrightet for making money fester. It is their intention to leave on the C. P. R. excursion of August With. LUSTROUS HAIR FOR WOMEN. PARISIAN SAGE STARTS HAIR GROWING AND INCREASES ITS ABUNDANCE. No Poisonous Sugar of Load or Sulphur in Delightful, Refreshing Parisian Sage - If you heven't enjoyed the marvel - nus benefit derived from using re- freshing l'ai islets Sage, the modern hairgrower. beautifier and duldralt remedy. you have missed a real treaL F:very woman should nes Parision "NW riot only to banish dandruff sod othe heir troubles. hut to prevent falling hsir. baldness, grayness, 404 faded hair. Parietals He knIta ski lustre into say 11keepthe wall) UhlpI hale clean. sad ems. the hair to twee in thick sag almmallast. Parisian Sags Is sait_a dya It 41sa itot contaie a memos et poisonous had to ay el=ilet hair or •nla• *West t. (4I a bottle legey. It early rade kelf s dollar assi la sold at dm and toilet rameaps irear7wbara11 see7 cv +Co goarallittas IN ate is Fot Is bat Mares clowt r 'a" le bits e.keletem 1. 15. shoot wbat ,.„.....1111" aro pony persons IA* are - ""'• ref otgaer proipeets -•tt .1 46 tho IT lbw rw,. LUCKNOW. WHoNitsDAY. Aug. 7th. , J. G. Anderran, M. P. P.. is honie from a bushiest.) trip in the weeL Mrs. Brennan, of Berlin, is sleeting at the home of Mrs. George Douglas. The Muldoon Bonk is putting a stone front in its 'mailing here, which will add materially to it. appearance. The Bell Telephone Compauy bas a gang of men putting in adaitional cable to accommodate the increasing number of subscribers, A. D. McKenzie. formerly propri- etor of The Lucknow Sentinel, intends shortly to commence publication of The Tribune, a new paper at Wilkie, Sask. Miss Levis, of Kinlough, was suc- cessfully operated upon yesterday afternoon for appendicitis. The opera- tion was performed by Ih. Kennedy, of Winghatu. WINS TILE MEDAL.-Alargaret Mc- Kenzie. of Lucknow public school, ob. , tained 5tie .narks out of a possible 6501 at the Recent entrance examination and io entitled to the medal awarded to the candidate obtaining the highest standing of all who wrote in the county. Ethel Green, of Cargill school. obtained Mit, and Lizzie Con- way. of Tiverton school, 541. SUrrItssFUL PI:P1111.-Twehe pupils front Lucknow school wrote on the middle school examination ( tormerly called the second-class) and eleven were succeasful-a splendid record for the shoal. The successful ones ere Wilfred Anderson (honors), Hugh An- derson. Sellie Graham. Mary Hackett, Donaldit Mt. frit osh (honors), Violet Morrison, Jobn Newton, Adelia Spindler, Cerulean Stothers. Ada M. Webster, Margaret Smith. Pansosret.-Mrs. J. Alexander has been visiting friends in London .. Mies Francis M. Midden is visiting Mr*. Thos. S. Reid at Teeswater Ernest Innis. of Owen Sound, spent a few days with friends in town .... Mrs. D. W. Evans and Mins Evelyn. of Newmarkese are the guests of Mrs. H. Pritchard Miss C. Urethane and Mr. I. M. Paul, of Armstrong, B. C., are visiting at the home of Mrs. D. Graham Mies Sadie MacKay has returned to her home in Goderich after a visit te her cousin, Mrs. M. Mitchell. A Hit'NAwAY.-Earl Begley, of Lucknow, met with • rather aerious accident yesterday afternoon while drawing a load of hay from his father's farm. While coming down Bowles' hill, the whiffietreee in sonie inanner became separated from the tongue and fell against tbe honors' lege. This mused them to start on the run down the hill. The neckyoke slipping over the pole let it drop, causing the team to run away. On reaching the bottom of the hill they swerved to the side of the road. the wagon going over into the ditch, pitching the driver into the fence end injuring him severely. The horees galloped toward their own barn, and were none the worse for the accident. AUBURN. WleDNICSDAY. Aug 7th. Jas. Hickingbottom loot a visitable mare last week from lockjaw. Shearer Wilson, wife and child came op from London to visa, friends here over their elves holiday. Wm. Mora hos retureed from the West sell waned to see hie parents °es hie way to Dungannon. Geo. Deed% is cia tbe nein& again with his tbredikag ossallt. • Demme Ms retarmal to the villersiglbus emenred a inseams cm tbs 1. Oben Welt III $b. erreirreove to Ehisspillas on Tassulday. UK mei Ma hit. Iireastreng and aaroatiofft. 01 Ilkwasia. ars visiting 1. oar vlIhes. _ • joner4 McDowell. Mese 111110110014 lira Thos. Poetise. Itre41•014 aid Not nine. Palma. at Mei& 1111011001. Nipiehloa. ars visit*, bona tow Nebel Malik ot Mew. is Mtn'. MIS. erelemp. DISTRICT NEWS. J. C. Johnston, of Bluevale, intends to go West and le offering his hotel in that village for rale. The Union churn congregation in Grey township (Methodist) purpose building • new church. Miss Culbert, of Crewe, is engaged to teach in the Paramount school for the balance of the year. Elfra, Collins, widow of the late Campbell Flyndnian, died in Bowick township on Sunday, July 24, in her seventy-fitth year. F. Paterson, formerly of Wingham. has sold hie property in Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Paterson have moved to Whitechurch, where theg intend to reside. Word has been received at Belgrave of the death of Mrs. Cameron, of Outlook, Sask. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FA. Wight man, formerly of Belgrave. At the Oranbrook manse on July not Rev. D. B. McRae united in mar- riage J. Irwin Raynard and Miss Hazel Winnifred Coates, daughter of John Coates, both of Ethel. Frank Sims, of Crediton. was presented by his neighbors with a puree of over $400 tor the purpose of assisting him in rebuilding his barn, which was recently deetroyed by fire. D. F. McGregor, of Tuckeremitle has been appointed a director of the McKillop Fire insurance Co. to fill the vacancy caused by William Chesney's having been appointed an agent of the company. The Goggin estate, just north of Forelwich, has been sold to W. II. Brown. Ilth couceesion of Howick, who will take possession next March. Mr. Brown has dispoled of his farm tc Adam Graham. It is said that the fine span of gray horsea that were sold lest spring by Alex. McLauchlin, of Morrie, at a handsome figure have been purchased by the C. P. R. Company at Winnipeg for the sum of 81.000. Two Seaforth boys, Ryerson and Roswell Hartry. have cornpleted a handsome little boat, twenty feet in length. with a gasoline engine, which they have launched at Hayfield. "The Imp is the name of the boat. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Knott, Exeter, on Thursday, 25th ult., their daughter, Miss Violet, was united in marriage to Ernest Cellingwood. alsoof Exeter. Rev. Mr. Yelland performed the ceremony. On the 24th ult. death summoned another of the pioneers. in the person of Mrs. David Rutherford. of Loch- aish,who had reached her seventy-sixth year. The deceased leaves her husband and eleven children to mourn their lose. Miss V. Davidson bas tendered her resignation to tbe trustees of Brussels continuation school in order to take a position on the staff of the Peter - horn' Collegiate Institute. Miss Pearl M:Pherson, of %4 ingham. has been engaged to take her place. at a salary of *700. On Friday, July 2dth.Mre. 0. Law- son, of Crediton, passed away at the age of seventy years. Mrs. Lawson was born at Woedatock and at twelve years of age caine to this country. She was merried to her now bereft husband in 1803. Six sons and four daughters survive. A. S. Smith, who was re-elected for Moosomin constituency in the recent Provincial electionin Saskatchewan, with a majority of 469, is a brother of Mini. Frank Kerney, of Morris town- ship. He has been a Liberal member of the Saskatchewan Legislature for the last eleven yetis,. J. J. Pollard has disposed of his fine terms on the 13th and 141h concessions of McKillop. He sold the fifty acres to his neighbor. John Campbell, for $2,500. and the 190 acres to Percy Taylor, of Kinburn, who gets possession next March. Mr. Taylor pays $6300. Mr. Pollard has not detinitely decided where he will locate. but may come Us Goderich. After a short illness Adam Edighof- fer passed away at his home at Blake on Tuesday of last week, at the age of siztjefour years. The deceased was a native of Germany, coming to tbis country when a young man and set- tling in Hay township. Later he set- tled in Blake and followed his trade as elhoemaker until the time of his deeth. His wife. six ions and four daughters survive. A quiet wedding took plare at tbe home of Mrs. Jaines Bell, Hensel!. no Wednesday afternoon of last week, when bee daughter Helen was united in marriage to Hugh McEwen. son of Alex. McKwen. Rev. E. Met.. Smith perforated the ceremony in the pretence of the immediate relative* OS the contracting parties. After the honeymoon trip the happy eouple will settle on tbe groom'. fine farm just outside the village nt Remise. The tote Peter Roes, who died re- cently at Winnipeg, was bore in Ox - fold county, and came with hie permits to McKillop about Afty-irit years afrolie farmed in Morris also for a good many years. He was ewes- enty years of age lux, was prerleossased some years ny his wife. The past year be had been reedinsr with se daughter. Mess. R. C. Wallin, in Whit- = Residesthis daughter, two Mies feline Rose, of Winnipeg aad Miss Isabel Rose, of IlleKillop. and one eon. Alexander Roes. of Kee Enloe. survive. The remains were brought to Eleaforth for interment. Pa bow tbs Mow. John Seer, of Myths hed a had fall Tuesday 01 isat week while hie we. e= at Wm. MidG dies's in rey t lp. lie went to sant Mr. Sholdiee taut In • few loads cit wheel. sad while deem so fell from the seen to tb• goer. His hat ataa was braka• la two ploota, one lure., woo katatiod 4/41%asd Gibe* torsera "MO sossIvalL Tie Worst maw was taloa I is at Ms soo4o.law soer.d al Priatal• adman Issaintilt= r. sad Kra would* tar a P-ar wort. t.wor. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT tOr GENERAL STORAGE We will be in a position this Fall to undeitekr, for the winter triontha, the stelfreoe of automohiles, bicycles, rigs :Led furniture. Our Niro in now being fixed up in moll peauner that we will guarantee to keep everything entrusted to us in the. beet possible condition. Rates will he low, as we have 0. bee barn, stud 14 make thinge pay it must be filled. Timms gladly minted oce requeeL Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. GODERICH ONT. 'Poona 143 CURRENT LITERATURE. -- A riertme Nuesitic-Fiction pre- vails in The Canadian Megazine for August. There are in all eight short stories by Frederick C. Curry. C. Linters Sibley, Ashby Ford, M. 0. Cook, Ethel Hamilton - Hunter and others, with sketches and verses by Professor Archibald Mac - Meehan, Arthur Stringer. Virna Sheard. Isabel lionlestone Mackay, Brian Bellasis mad W. H. Belford, with articles by F. A. Wight/pan, W. Arnot Craick and Vincent Bautevi. There are excellent illustration., par- ticularly the pen -end -ink drawings by C. W. Jeffery.. AUGUST CANADA MONTHLY. "What happens to the Ell180 who puts all his eggs in one basket and tben lows the hataket r asks Rex Croradell in the August issue of Canada Monthly, and then be proceeds to dis- cuss further the all -wheat idea of farming that he has CallIpaig ffed against so vigorously in the columns of the magazine. The article this month is an answer to some of bile critics. Robert Ward, a new writer, Appears with • story of an express messenger and a bogus corpse. tbe tale being entitled "Pluck." Currie Love tells about the "Twilight League," so calledefrom being a league if Wesrern Caned& baseball club. whose games KO 190111ed uled for 8:15 at sight. It being erasable to see the hail as lete as 9 o'clock in Um evening at Calgary, Red Deer. Edeemeiton and th3 other cities in the oigardisticia. Cy Wermen dracribre • voyage dowel the St. Lawrence under the tote, Summer Toboggan." Mre. R. H. D4Vir in "Her Own Heroine' tell. the •tory of a girl arbroe dramatic emoigh to suet ber .e.nd who took a band in Lhe proeesdinas 1st liven things up. and -Kt.- c.titiettee her "Pedlar's Peet." 4 eew wood. "Just Smith. A story .4 the Mounted," Origins in the. issue, the author being an exour tented police. Irian, A. A. Stnichan. I:Bidet Daven- port, ie **McManus O'Shea." tell. • aterY of "The O'Shos" tied his Irtsh , estate,.; John d, Wisode are in •• rh, ' City ol Silver tesee gives 4 pr• picture .4 t be Pi Ilk* /0%01 tunther- ing industry, and 1).sei Melvador 4.140 - befit. l'erreras rei-osin• • tbe .,itv 01 C0101.111 A. D. Do•idsoo, of Toe 00.•., ahrld a party of Caned -um. "le i he !Heart 01 (144 Mexico." Hostas.- " Will you ha s r some bread and butter. darling Small Bey- -Bread aod butter ! I thoeight this was a party r I..What's the hurry ?” "l've just bought, a hat fur say wife, aed I want to get It honors before the (ab, ohne( e.".• ?NOONDAY. AVorneT 8, 10t2 p. Away with ,rapendere and belt -wear Stanford Hi p=Fii" The Perfect '• " Trousers Supporter The etanford " Hip -Fit " ie the only device ever 'emitted thot affords perfect trouser support, together with perfect comfort aisd neat, stylish appearance. It is destined to eliminate entirely the wearing of suet:senders end belts. It Holds the Trousear A iways in Position It it Coo. Sanitary, Durable aeil The Stantntd " ettaches to the entitle of the trouser itt the waist line and is therefore entirely invisible. Pelee 1111.135. Fur sole in Ooderich hy licLEAN BROS. Dealers in Everything for M. Tbe litqoare, (ander een _ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION strainers Wive Port MeNicoll Mondays. Tuesdays. %Vednee- days. Thursday. and Sat- iirdaye at 4 p. en. for sAULT STK. MARIE. PORT ARTHUR and FORT , WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, seiling from Port McNicoll Wed iiesilays. will call at Owen Mound. lesving 0 that point 10.30 p.m. Steamship Express leave* Torronto 12:45 p. m. on s ill 111.1 days, making direct at Port McNicoll. , I connection with ateemers i omeseekers9 , excursions July 9 and BA. end every -ietood Tuesday until SlepL 17 inclusive. Wimipeg sad Retail, WOO Edisoutee Retsra $42.14 sad Proportionate rates. IL ',thee points. Return lunit &I days • TeIROUH GYOusillY melees.° eerie . Ask .11.1.. Kidd, V. P . R. Agi nt, for lioineseekers' Pamphlet,. ----- WINNIPEG EXt11111TION July 10th to 20th, 1912 Tickets and full information from Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent. ring117101BWIICrlir ‘rill31.11L3BLIES Nines • greet differentia in most women. They are treaded with " neresew-- they suffer from beckons, beadache, sleeplesseem, a sties of irritability or twitching, bot flashes, dizzy spells, or nisny other symptoms of female weaken. Tbs load disorder amid ieflatamation should be treated with Dr. Pierce'. Lotion Tablets and the irregalerity aad weakness of the female system corrected sad streagthened with Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescription. The strain upon the yen* WORMINI or the woman et middle age -upon the nerve and blood forming structures - may ttie too great for ber strength. This is the time to take this restorative tads sad strength -giving nerrira and regulator. For over forty years mild by druggists for women's pecedier weaknesses and distressing ailments. The wet remedy so penes in coesposition and so good is curative effects as to warms its makers in printing its every ingredient on its outside wrapper. Tie one rimer& which absolutely contains Neither alcohol nor injurious or habit-forming drugs. Following letter selected at rrndom from • large number of similar ones sod cited merely to illustrate them remerks: "Le the winter of 15,1 Menus greatly run deem and irroruktr," writes Yea. HENRY SCOW. ef Swam Creek. Mich.. Route 1. Box 49. • 1 slowly but surely rrew worse and. at loot. resolved to apply to the die- ters far bele. The doctor said IMO:1 inflammation. selarrewont and mew. sum. I was in bed eleven weskit and rot es bettor. The dorm sale I weak' hays to ham aa menthe, but to that I mark, net Men. Ny her bind mirelses. ei me betties ot Dr. Pleree's Favorite Presai, ption. eleffed to take Oda rimer I mid est walk mess the Am, but afire 1 harl takes three battles I meld fed amrastf italnisee no 1 dvereirel =mai took Dr. P1.,..'. Paverito Preesiption. Only for it 1 this! bine berm Esee-1 mem Wiens it sawsi ler Ilfe. 1 NM bettor sew dias 1.rawer ratea... am Sows. 11:==l1CI =I ===11% SUMMER 0 GOODS II IIOur lenge shionient of 1.41W111 Mowers is just in aoti we offer several different makes to choose nom. COAL -OIL STOVES With the coming 01 the hot days of Summer you will want a. New Perfection Coal -oil Stove. ‘Vith this coal -oil stOve yoto have no mitre insurance to pay. Call and examine then,. NVe will send them out on approbation. LAWN MOWERS , 11 1 II Are you going to build a cement. silo ibis S1111)8110'1' 'Y if so. wo have for rent a set of tbe London Mteel Adjustable Milo Curbs. also es swinging hoist. These will simplify the huildiog of silos. NVe have just received another ear of National Portland %Cement. %Vhen yoo use this Cement you know you have the best that can be had. REFRIGERATORS DO you require a Refrigeratcr this Summer ? We have Some in stock and more coming. SCREEN DOORS Get your Screen Doors and %Vindows now awl keep the hien out in preference to putting them on later and keeping them in. CEMENT SPRAYING MATERIAL Have you sprayed your trees yet We can furnieh y..8 wr.h the Lime-suiphur. also Arsenate of Lead. FERTILIZER Tbe car nf Fertilizer arrived e eotiple of week.. Hg.. itINi wo hive had a big settle of it. This Fertilizer is an nrgain, matter with the addition of steamed hone none, blood Hour ao,I potaah. There essentials make it tne molt valuable manors. .,ot the market. Photography is made easy by the use of the Kodak. We have a full line of KodAt goods, including everything necessarv for the amateur. COAL AND WOOD Owing to the *amity of tient 4;041 we have pot io • ess,- 4 Domestic Lamp Soft 11:cial. Thi• crud ontittor• epleOrtki soratitutel foe Hard 1 banisters a rarloag ot dry skim, which inks geed euailiDee wood. IWTLAND The Square CHAS. C. LEE Store 22 House 112 == =11