The Signal, 1912-7-4, Page 8i -1,t THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO YOUR efficiency depends upon your condition Scott's Emulsionbuilds, strengthens and sustains robust health. AR thmepota. linen & sewer Teem* At. WWII Paper Bargains We ore putties cm gale Endey and H•turdoy several 1lundr d roll^ of W ell Paper. pretty floral and stripe effect^. regular IShe sod lfic pe toll. Sprcial, choice Itic All (k ^red -7o P.per•+ r psi ,oil. Granite Papers Several Colorings to choose from. There Papers are specially meltable for kit.- chene, panacea. hath ronina and track halls; regular 10r. Friday and leoturday Nc per toll. TKRMS-sTRIOTLY GASH lie Csleuial Book Store GEO Piot IHie, Prop. °Pio..• los (*oderlcb 1 1 amisssMm- twmiml�ms Columbia raphophone And I,'ecords dir • • We have a full Mork of Ooinsuhia Uraphophonea and Records. Call Nod hear the new Hornless Columbia (ilal.Lopltone at $17.50. W. tiollarrlson J (;ODaRJCH �mtscont�msal Mrs. v males Dr. R. L dimes Med Mir Grm sews lases this week ea • tear of tee Western Previewer. They win ggoo vera Use Upper Lakes. mime Moo Pert McNicbole• daturday. SeI tJewait el the Britt* PERSONAL MINTION. NEw YORK'S *EAT immix t.iaMid. d Loral. Ilse Nos Ill torr. Mr doter. Mies & Alta Mho MuC•gabey, Ebow. C lam ,ay er a few Mw. W. Hers Gad daughter, Lesko visits yet week ,u Detroit Mies Margaret M. d WMMees. 1e the game of Mi Mamie Werner% Mir bee Madam Knox M U m aid bone is M :"""a't ► MOM, Ada Me01f tee b_epeMYeata a tee ,cell.' Mies NW �Kaarr. 0• Terme. wee Meheaee the wesamst Ma Jabs Sretogeoar Im vbU reyUne K Labors. Ms Tome sad d egbi . Miss of wawa. we gaeete et Mr. •a' MIR A. MM. Dr. C. IL .ad MM date were Des1.M Das Mitten. 1. Tee.eta 4..444. Aim. Mcleod visited Birth se las 1msa Wm. 41Yatyee..t 8ew.daa, Mara. is roomettes h$Mt. Jelea Hassle. Mw. D. 5t.aa.r6 �e sad i. tltyr_ ilat pooh g Metres he eie rad lie t to see 1.et refda7 ea at�r� west VYrstt a nev. W. eseddsrt, as Basbeelee. Myo Clara ■Yb.ndaa veiled at and Wresting Miriam the lysmMe. Dae any. W. C. (:.alts.. et Messe.L wee is Peep the heir. llay emir Cars, et vb/at BUM Tame , ever W Demmees MI • M Cleft. etOeomeeie hue .Yepssa Mlm vieret d remeiata wee vtderlf si Me . rravestes d bares Wgaover the 11�e cloy bender. Man Mimi, fwd, et W rbrr Maar,.t.usto& seas Pao a.eet et Mee Web oeee W hsuda7 • Mr. mil Mn. MHsoa Behar have retti.ed front meltwreaked Iiia arta tt.bayr w1B bot be at boar he ber trends aned the tag. Mew Winslow mil santeClIdItta. Wart rues. le away • um to W iaat.ether M tae east MIlh.l Bourse. of t. at her wdr.bank tae rrr.." .dm''�: �R THUMB PRINT SIGNATURES. I. uy le. J. J. Mciwrn 1. acme from W trip to the Wee. New York's Greet White Way Restos L. It McKay is home again atter • tate ts rests Have • New 5eMms. the N ort.At last the proprietors of Broadway br••cn a tae B. M. 1fe.Haa t, whob Ird nuetoosm. oe, with Wws. y .ens, l.'h.th.m I metaarast. and care la the theater tie D.,wtote. tray. I district have found ■ "method whereby J. A- Melwlland, of ted Bonk of Cliwwww. these who ran rep bills caaaot deny the brio rearm Ulmer. a Powe, hating recovered nest I signatures signed to checks and "tabs." ht. recent Wne... Mr. end Mrs. 11. seltzer are ileitis. at Net only will the system aid thorn 0 selph. i who own the eating Lad drinking Mar ilia Maa:Mata. of New York, 1s speed a bat It will also be appreciated is.' the .umns.r vacation at the parental nom IT ca.. ppt'•d Us uoo.rbun lownehtpa by the diners when the proprietor hap - Mr. Irndeafefd and son, lie., of Zurich. pens to be out mad a mew cashier 11 In were clattl.tg Mn.. K. Gotham o. er the h.li' day. charge. The new charge scheme L Il. Melvor. of Winnipeg. wae in teen oo borrowed from the pollee, and It le a Monition Day. hatbox uuws Let os Duman.. almpllded Bert111on system. It. CaNMeree IMtelleds That of Amy Other Pert la the Wwtl Tb Wrier of Now fork le maples y oM *t the vast Moral has' of the coatlamet. perhaps .t the Til trio begft et the nine- teenth costery it was poIMOtd that latest.• ee area Newport wield be- come come a. great port of Nath America. As Plea a 1111 PMls1etptW was the eeparter ot New fork as a Sarsclal amid cemeserdal coker. Contrary to ail pedteftooa, however. New Tort has fsf all ether cities tar bsWad ta its pheuemeua1 growth. Today Its cm - arms moods that ea Gay .tier poet Ill the weed. iselMO* de great >vir. Laude and Yatlholtd. maaaure et tile commerce et a pert le the toad veiem$ of tower of the vessels Magog and edearttl- The fetal Immo .stored Gad elearea at Lenders *Wag 1810 wan in roaad ass hers MOWS tss&, at Ramberg. 21, - Wk' Ms; at New York rit7. 25. - MAIM tem•. The correspooding dg MIS /IR N.w York dry for tb. year 1Ml wow approximately 18.200,000 heed herebye ted ay.tfp Increase r rem *metes the past tee years Sar iLMdtAM per .Yu. The value et Imports through New Test barbed during the year 1810 ap- proximated 8686.000.000; ezports.'062.- S1S,000, a total of $1,6811.000.000, glvlag the federal government a mem of Mppsximets(y 5200.000.000. - Charles W. ataalferd is iagiaeering News. for h arm Ml., lout... Btlrting, of Huftalo tformerly .4 l In future customers who run month- twnlopt rind Miss M.ud darling. of tweet* fly bell. will be notleed by the proprie- Jorta.rly of Ooderich towo.hipl .ailed from ton that thole Inger prints are want - Montreal on the ,Lural George June Lath foe • toy to Marone. lea. Exports will take the Inked Im- Mea It. m. McNair. of Chic. go rod child me ' preesbons and file them away In the visiting the lady'. parent.., Mr. and Mrs. Hovers Maier. harps rumor, and .inter. Mr. Imre. After the prints are filed the Jame. Dtdk.oe. Quebec street_ person from whom they come becomes )1rs. Pm"., of Detroit, and her "1st"' 14". a listed charge customer. J 3basioe. of Tomato. me visitors in Ooderleh e erie this yoga. Mr. Johnston le here also. Customers after eating will call for Reg. Smith returned this week to his po".t*oa the official Ink pad. press his thumb on to Toronto atter .pendirur holiday, et home. • the pad and then oo the bottom of the Mrs. Ault and two daughters, of chio•go, are the guests ur the lady . aunt. Mn. Mak MII. The record is compared with the Farlane. b one In the sate, and If they tally the Mb.. Phoebe Steep of the Deaf and Dumb bookkeeper gets out the credit book. institute at ltenurtlle, 1. 'pealing her vaca- Lmeu with her parent., Mr. and .,irk Ne,.. I The same scheme la to be used by eta .. tiode.kh tow0.hlp Mlle steep re- hotel men 111 cashing checks when a cetved . .t prise in fancy work. and wooed I pile, for dela.rtment dm fa quite clever :a they have finger prints furnished by in. art of painting. and her best wurk .111 be Oat Of town bankers whole depositors sent to the luronw IGxnIUIUuo thio year. Mr. and Mrs. C. w. Hall and two uhildran. of 'I expect to visit New York and do not London, spent the holiday. with Mr. Halla ' like to carry large sums of ready mon- mother and Astern 1a town. ey.-New York Telegram. Mrs. (leo. F. McPhee and MIs" 011re leave next 1 uneday for 1dmontoo. Alta., where they will jun Mr. McPhee, who went Weal In the early spring. er.. Herb. CampbelL of %'Ingham, a.leem- esoIed by her niece, Mew Norma W'hltel7 of town.. visiting relatives at Rochester, N. Y. Ile. L. M. Mabee was one of a party that lett ea W edne.dsy ou a trip up the Groat Lake. to Duluth. 1 h other member. of the patty nem Douglas Mabee, of Cleveland. sad Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mabee and Mise Herta of G.naa oque.Returning they will take the North more trip to ('uWngwood. They will be awarobout ten days. 1. it Taft or Willson for the White Neem for the neat Pree.dentlal terra I No matter which wins. he won't be any better clothed than the wen who have iMdhaal for their tailor. Summer s -triton; are invited to make Smith's Art dtore their .bopp.ng headquarters. • Large amortm.nt of exclusive goods &away§ so he ren here. Many articles suitable for as- venir.. Austin (bl.bolm. of Walkerton. was In tows on the First. Ilea Clarence phymaer and Mild. of TorsMo are spending :he summer moath. 1n tows. Mr Rhyme spent the wtek-eod betrs with them. Jock Campbell was up from Port Colborne far the beltday. Maw Casa Afan. of Cleveland. is the guest of Mr. and Mr.. Jos. Kidd. Gel `Deady for Haying Vol will fill ds folly stacked wits ,kat yea require Our pure Manilla Rope is extra long fibre, illstiring long wear and extreme strength. GRINDSTONES AT HALF-PRICE ' We have a quantity of extra good quality • t Stones. While they last we give you your choke at rate each. GRINDERS We have a number of Mower -knife Grinders teach, formerly sold by the original manufacturers at $12.00. While they last $5.00 will take them as ey are, This is a first-class rig and one pian can do' the work of two, and do it right. PAINT NOW At least one house out of every three requires painting, and in driving through the country the ► well -painted houses are few and far between. On an . atverafe house ten to fifteen dollars' worth of Lowe Bros. High-grade Paint will put on two of the best coatk of paint your house has ever seen. Now is Iyour time to do the job. Let us tell you what it will cop( you, etc. Howell Hardware Co., Ltd. TNR RICHT bLAO* TO Hit` HARDWARR China the Land of Silk Chia• is so well suited by natural coudltions for the production of silk that even the most antiquated and un- lcMetiec methods cannot deprive her or Bret rank la that industry. In Ja- pan everything connected with tbe silk business in scientifically regulated. No atllkworm L permitted to hatch unites the egg has passed scientific inspec- tion. Mulberry trees are cultivated on ecleatilic principles. Similar methods are pursued In other countries where ilk L produced. But in China the bangs are almost entirely dlaregarded. and yet the Flowery Kingdom keeps Gear the heed in the production. Her Undeveloped resources in UM Indus- try are so enormous that it L predict- ed that when China adopts modern abetbode rhe will give a new turn to Cha silk business of the world. -at Lolls Republic. Sowing M.ehine For lurpeens. In the past century advance. la sur- gery urgery have been mo great that one L almost prepared to bear of any won- der. sod in this nowt we notice In a Paris contemporary • startling an- aoencsment which, we aro told, 1* tak- en from a reputable scientific review. It is to the effect that a surgeon has taveuted a sewing machine for use aft- er operation. and 1a place of the stitch - lag by bead. We are told that the doctor is the lint instance constructed h1* machine by way of recreation, but the malts were each that be has felt i.tKl%ed In introducing It to members et the proteaMea. Misch etltch, it L Hid, occupies oily the fraction of a eeaud and is effected with a predates it superior to that of the moat deft lingers. -Load*" Olobe. D.MMMq the Mystery. Richard U. Maciaerts, president of the Masseebssetta Is tite% of Tech solom has gives the same Smith to the amosymous doer of the 12.500000 to the college. The import of the same le toot dif s tag its.ef Ghost th* laSltnte. The 0-4 repreeeet. of Beare., the mystery *beet wbleb ul- leae meet be mealetahed. and every ow ksowe that M. 1. T. ls the symbol et the Institute. a1nTb is therefore the addltboo of mystery to technology. Aetd they Gay that a Mites has no ap- preciation of a joke. -New Tort Post Cereus PImI.re.. Comte "Daae* Be.esth the Trees." perebeesd la iNN for r00 slat .old w ether My tux I01000, showed aa ap- prsc5.U.• fa raise c*mparahle with the .etraerdleary savage* et Mar ram one *t the artist BU "Lha NMI; wed by the ortt b last tie IBM a.1w► ehasesd IMMis mMwlb Or MAK sad ads "L "mem a la WEIlbeeha rose ahem PM le U A. -1Nv THE DECISIVE WORD. Mn Cour retulatee Nhsesif en . Haynie Iawps. Mrs. Comptoel had laid oet Ilmirdra es on the toast rem bed.. aaN beton breaktaS the Md her hothead la to leek at flea 'New you knew how mesh 1 rely on Talar taste, limy; ski said "I want you to decide which e ke et these 1 shall wear to MPs Dens Jerre Madison today. Please say ex- actly what you utak." Mr. ampule hesitated and thea MBI that blue." he began. "Mal tr- "Y.i1, dear. It L," Bald MPs Oempesa, alba die toned the Moe gown ea a chair. 'ICs too dark altogether." 'Thee there's the black," and ber h ashes* frowned tbeegbtfdt7- "Of emcee- -Yes, et course," and Mrs. Oemptes tamed tbs black gown atter the blue ea.. "It's handsome enough and light eseugh. with that gold neck. but ft's begriming to show wear." Mr. Comptes breathed heavily. Tho nal test was at bead. A fawn colored rows and a gray cue team eft. -inn, I don't method to be a 'edge et thaw things." he call. pla$Ig Ler Mesa "I oely know what I ills. That gray epees seems to ale just a 1tW.- er-amite- s"- "Thmml I knew 1 oosld depend on your And Mrs. Comptes j.7taW Sang add* the gray gown. "It M more severe mad the etyWs a bat tryfsg. 1 sbW weer the fawn colored Mss and be so glad to know yes *e 1t for me." "wbwr said Mr. Compton as M led downstairs. "Suppose rd bees a little gather 1•d got out that 'suitable.' It's a Iota to a nun to be deliberate when he's gtvlag advice to his wits" -Tenth's Companion. Retort Calm and (Welk. To nlostrate the ever ready wit of the Irish the following story was told at a banquet held recently in the Com- mercial club: An irlabman on hes way borne at night was 1n the habit of cutting through a cemetery in order to shorten the distance. A group of his friends evolved a scheme to have Some fun at his expense. Accordingly they found a awaken grave, across which his path lay, dug it out and covered It with boards 1n such a manner that he must fall into the yawning cavity. The Irishman came along, and every- thing happened as per schedule. While be was .till squirming about in the bot- tom of the holo, striving to extricate himself, three or tour t.f his friends, at- tired in white sheets and other ghostly accouterment, suddenly made their appearance. Pat was frightened out of his wits and almost fainted when one of theme said: "Whet Pre you doing in my graver The tone was sepulchral. It made the !ti.hman's hair stand almost on end. Art be could not forego a witty re- tort "Pa1tb, and what are yes ding cot of Itr• be sited. -Portland Oregonlan- Soni. Snakes. Too much good fellowship and Mllar4. ty had dolled the once brightest wit et JerryvIlle. Oa., and be bad fallen into vagabondage after having enjoyed • competency from the practice of law. "Cheer up. Mark, old fellow!" said one of his friends consolingly. "You'll get over this and soon be yourself. bat you ought to remember not to let the snakes get tato your boots again." 'That's MI right." replied the melan- choly Mark, "bat I'm going to leave this burg for keeps. res setae far away." "Where do you think you'll ger ask- ed the friend. "I'm going down to South America." exclaimed Mark - "South America. when the aerates are too big to get bnto'a fellow's boots[' -Popular Maga- zine. A Prier Claim. M. Toper (easing a pair of Sect S* other side of the lamppost) -Now. them my Mend. yea meet clear out 1 was here drat. - PISO MON. Come of the Delay. "1 presume yo are engaged to Pia sailer -win. praetically." "What's the !Mehl Awaiting has Nears eoeo•tr "it tool flat Can't marry wltb ret a majority favorable report from las ereetars."-fredsville Oserl.rJAea1 H.r y rem ty." is t t "'One of q eeedae." to Lpeflug mai*. "hi as alebi ct $m used lee 11111 ether day he we hdIMBN a Mew r re leellea- part ger r7a M MISS t ay .V 1!e am_ awe= Om 1�i. waillatitig "IN r *mow '''r .. r CONSTtTV11a WREOKED. ,Ifo or Doctor Faced to Help -Bat Morrilcy's No. 14 Bila/ Remedy Restored Health. TORONTO, ON:.. Jake 1, 1t1L *Tor the peat two years 1 bM tees , sufertag from inouaaees sad • ras- alms sometime. caused tees worry sail overwork. 1 tried several rematem to bulli up my nervous syetes, sad Wee had my phyeidan prescrtbe ter alta but I messed to met so better until I tried your No. 14 Blood Remaly. I used sae fres. all began to braes le. mid Ire the time 1 ttad aalebed t1 Bilk 1x was replete 5... they se ised to quiet my Geer** load revive me /..wally sod my oomglaides L lists batter. lb eggs► Cite le An. -I til IMOD aria trwsb, sae ass Neter sale to rte my eerie than I have been for over a year. 1 suppose *.re are a let at people Ursasaad as I welt, Gad !J Inds letter will help any or them to Sad ChM Keit ewmeb, yea may publish it ter their iMaM1. I cam - sot retrain frees giving Mia ozpseadaa about your No. 14 Stead Testa aa I eesdder 1t wltleat an 55001" Wm. Stowers. The above prsseriotlsa ls set • "Cu"' Air or so-esUsI p.test mMbtas. Dr. Morriss, 710..1+11 it ter 44 jeers. .ad It eared Meas.sds atter suer 'mesons NND.4. • Pries. Mas. per Des at reetr Malmo, ar Palm Merrlacy Meeisde Oa. Waited. Montreal eel For Sale by F. J. Hui land, Oodericb Mimes , et eihermas, W. C. p 10a ltomrael C=. der, M Mr. and Mrs. Jobe 1,4ow and daughter .red Mia. Jereplules Locher, oft Meas, sed Mr. and Mea H. Gaf sad daughter,Meant leave Mea gents u the hone eC. W. is'a, Hayfield re "•. Carl Camp'o., of the Haat et Me.ireal. Belleville, L vi.4Uag tat Lew.. Mlle Laura Price le .5414*..T►omea ser ter home of De. and MR Doman .t tar. Mi.. WSW Bry.sM",sf wln5Ma. is visit- ing her sister. MW Rq.eld.. of Hudson ret aifehlrest Mr. Goa W. Themes. and Mir Jessie Thomson leave es Maeda es e visit to Chi- cane and other p Ws 1s . Meme. lldn.oe .ad Nlsa Onham ate Mese tram New York for a bol.day term. -Know thyself," is r• 011y a gate to the first beatitude-"Bleesrd are the poor in spirit"" If a young man thinks a gis 1's piano premix is stmt -that is love. He who does evil that good may tome pays s toll to the devil to let him into heaven. WINNIPEG REAL ESTATE is the safest iovestoent on tbg' market. There is absolutely no doubt about the future of the city a, use of the preatteet'oestres of population on the Con- tinent, and as Winnipeg grows the value of real estate will grow. We can put you in the way of many Looney. making opportudties• Row choice lots in one of the beet residential sections are now offered on easy terms. For particulars apply to Scott, Hill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe WINNIPIQ BODER ICH 11! Canada Life Building Rural Telephone B r 6 N. B,-Aay investor twyies Winnipeg property through me will. if desired. be furnished with a guarantee host Scott, Hill & Ca that if in one year be L dissatisfied with the deaf his money will be refunded with interest et 8 per cent. J. T. Uoun'.ottrx. aiillinerq for We have prepared a number ot dainty, smart, stylish Hats of especially good value to sell at very low prices during the month of July. The collection will include pretty and attractive designs of the season's best materials. As we are determined to clear out balance of Summer stocks, these Hats will be sold at genuine bargains. MISS DONOGH 1ANNUALJULY_SAVI This annual event of this store commences Saturday, July 6th. From the morning of that day until closing time on July 31st, it will be in full swing all eQverlfshis big store -upstairs and down. ,it It This July Sale will not be a sale in word or name only, but a genuine money -saving event that should prove of unusual in- terest to every buyer of Summer wearables within reach of it.• While this Sale is on merchandise of undoubted quality from every department will be found on our counters and tables with the July Sale tickets, and wherever you see these tickets you will find bargains. It is the policy of this store not to carry one season's goods into another. The unseasonable cold weather of May and early June has left us with over -stocks of Summer goods in many de- partments, and on these lines particular price reductions of a decidedly interesting nature will be the order of this July Sale. From week to week our advertisements will tell the story of this July Sale and its savings. Watch our space in this paper. We wil try to fill it with news worth reading. This wtek we are unable to give a detailed list of prices but promise you some surprises for Saturday, the opening day, that will make it worth your while to come. 150 Curtains Ends at 19c each One hundred end fifty sample ends of Nottingham Igoe Curtains. Bach end contains 11 to If yards and shows the low- er part of the curtain. They represent qualities all the way -up from $3.00 to 114.00 per pair. Saturday morning. choice 19c ..f 150, per end X71. Millinery Department and the July Sale Exceptionally special price inducement^ from our big Millinery Department for July. A 1 quick clearance of the entire will be made before the end of the month. This is bow we do it : Trimmed Hats $3.35 Twenty -Ave only new Trimmed Hata. Ces up in best style. trimmed with flower.. silk and ribbon. Hat. worth In the rspvIsr way Id.ND to M.00 cash 0.- • 50h&?. domed • big lot of shags alba flowers from the wholesale at the esti of tbs season. W* lata Ohle to mala this retmarkabie July flair Whet . Them this Haes bare blas gpsg y teimatadfee Bib=are Hama- d Lits boot mlrmgry WM Tear .bie... the Gebus re s ever gives. $3.3 R ....... Any Suit $ 14.85 That is the July Safe peogrsm for th. Butt Department that ioold empty tb' reeks ggred inn dims ordeer..opstsJJust Brume or twen- Suia lett to sell. Al elulsely cornet @tyke in merges or bronchial/1M usoetly navy and blacks. mauler SIMI to 11111.00. 514.85 For Jelly Sala, your.ioiae Fancy Lunch Cloths, Doylies, etc.. at Half -Price One of the Attractions of the July Salt A big ideal s• of mow D00%myllies,,� rblhMdi'eLeo- Irleh maim .d asClothe wed runnyL�dsmrel sr eseety .epi w:e and ose pissedarekes to you I lidleee of the beet iinen erasmere ever offered for esoto /met ai for win dow dlsplay. Ysmemlbsr they go on .ate at . Hal! -Price Long White L.MIe Waves W Ia01- 41 . meed. fine qual 447 eMfl SR Jml�' 35c • TM Mee Mat mm Ma roam mesa take rs