The Signal, 1912-7-4, Page 7mer s K ES ffert for old- DSS and , via and urn, lays. ruin oa 1 St. cites ,ars. Rail - ken aka rem ooth Pia( :rive i" uak taa- .A, THE SIGNAL. IThrartti f .vasekr, Jurat 4. 1$12 7 1 ,,111111, _tete.__.b * ******4,++$**lcit9*4 EAST TREE'i G A R A a E sus of the D str ct The THAT'S ENOUGH WHEN YOU WANT + ° Itf1AfEKtN(it RELIABLE SERVICE DISTRICT NEWS. LOTHIAN. TV DAY, July Itnd. MUNDAT, July let. A x. mammy, wh., had Nitwit Noum. — Masse Mabel and NoTa"- Btn►tfoed Norma ►e Alton, of lases, are visiting bean atte"'" -p trMaods here at prvesot.... Miss J. Sch,r,l Iur tbhee i pest lease 8tother., of 19rtogwnon, visited a< lbs 1b. v,.tytion sus hie bwtss Mr. ease Men• Jar. here MaKlaaoo. of Oas- house of her sunt, Mrs 8totbers, yse- „btoo, North Dakota. spout • minis beeaaaismile now. Itlpatrs ick bodears a wt week (h• guests M Io1end Mame. Ike (imam Chas. an ne yrs last Geo. .d Iles. Mike Hogan Huron Ritchie left at Friday for Twamley have rmurued from two t etroit. where they intend recta lag weeks' training at the military camp. for Rome time...... Mrs. John Me- J O. Stutheru of Wibgham, faith, of Burlington, is vletting bee was boos yesterday ..,.Me. gad Mn. !dr. R ,beet Ritchie. J. Edward►, of Toronto, and Mr. we. &tad Mts. Jordan, of Kingston, are visiting at the boos of Jas. Edwards. Mks Mae Jones, of Dungannon, visited at John Lrsenby's yesterday. Meow Dooms. - Harry Billeld• The Blake'. Sunday school held unsold bis roe u team to a London their annual picnic on Saturday. An buyer for the sum of $60..... Thomas en joy&ble time was spent. One of the Anderson, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., attractions was a football match be- visitad bis sinter. Miss A. Anderson, tween the Crewe boy. and the ysi week ...... Miss Jess (Mutton and "ninth." The more was 1-1. Min Ruth Shaw are iow. for the bey, .tete . .nater Frank Shields visiting his cousin. Mn. Will Shields, of Dungan000, at present tete . What might hsvr been • serious run - Shay occurred here on:Tuesday, when the teem of Mr. Garvey. of King. - bridge, took fright .t something on the toad sod ran sway. They were stopped on Horton's hill by Roy Ui"klater, without having suffered any serious injury as 'sr es known. A. Connor. spent Dominion Day at his home in Dublin That well- known and energetic man, Jake Moses, is busily engaged at present at Meoeset station shipping two car - leads of pressed bay sod straw. DUNLOP. W►aDNg4DAY, July 34d. BENMILLEM. WIWKIMIDAT, July & BENNILLEK BKlKVe.—We are 'deem- ed to note the good,positions Elwin Lung and Harold Wlters took In the records of the Collegiate Institute ex- aminations which were reoeotly pub- lished... ..The Orange Lodge bad a lonely day for their parade and service oo Sunday: There *'ere quite a few Man (ioderich present and visitors from other vicinities were in the pro - cosier. 1 large crowd gathered and riowded the church. The pastor. Rev. A. W. Broin, gave a sermon from Oat .i:l which was highly appreciated. John Milliaa sang a Polo in good form. Louis Stewart, of Toronto, is visiting his old home here John Long is making preparation to build a silo We are sorry to hear that we ere likely to lose our good friends the Pitldados next spring, as it is re- ported intend then to go West. having purchaser for the tile- making Moiness with which they are et present occupied Alden Allen has gone Wert for a few weeks. Some prophesy that it will not be long before' Alden goes there altogether. Mr. Lippett is wotkiog his acres for hint while he is away AU the section meu st McGee/are Orangemen. loyal, earnest end true. We are wondering which one of the number will have to deny himeelt the pleasure cf gloriously celebrating the Twelfth. The village blacksmith has not his father with him to make the work go lighter just now. The old gentle- man has been sick for a week or two. We have missed the happy face end kindly greeting as he and his old clay pipe peaked round the shop door. When Going to Montreal, Detroit, Chicago, Buffalo, Philadelphia or New York Travel ria Grand Trunk Railway System, the "Only Double Track Route." Excellent train service and smooth roadbed. Electric lighted Pullman sleeping cars on night trains. Full information, tickets, berth res- ervations may be obtained from any Oland Trunk agent, or write A. E. Duff, District Pmeen,ter Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. PORT ALBERT. WEDNaaDAY, July 3rd. School Ptcxlc.—The school picnic was held at the lake last Friday after - soon and was quite a succors. Thele was a fairly good-sised crowd of the older people. and all of the pupils wore out for a good time. An invite - tion was given to the pupils of the 4th eonceseion school. The races took up most of the after noon and atter sup- per the Port. Albert school bad a game of football with the 4th school. which ended with the score of 1 to 1. Dar- ing the afternoon the teaeber, Miss E. McMillan, wag presented with a very pretty bedroom clock by her pupils. as she haa resigned her position. Ngwa Myren.—Those who attended the garden patty at Duoge.no. on Monday night report a very enjoyable dote. . A new wire fence has been built &round the cemetery and N a big improvement. Quite a number of lbs trees and shrubs were also cut When yes ogee tag Kidneys with down The Sunday schools and the members of the Port Albert and Dodd's Kidney Pith. Dungannon Presbyterian cburebes mot -noway. Compton On.. Que.. ere holding a joint picnic at the Lake Jul let.—(Special.)—If the kidney. are lege 00 Thunlay A art of right all impurities will he strained =erg motored trona 8fa-&ttfoed no out of the blood. if the kidneys are w•'eOdOaa and spent the davit the flake. not right the impurities remain in the Inl r'ed Nelson, of 8t, Thomas, Is a blond to rot, nod the blood carrion the let at H. Hayden'. Ed. aver poison to all parts or the body. •"""P from Hamilton over tot boli- David Boorgnee of this place. states : 1►y gine visited at bin posse baro. "For be.daches there Is nothing to Mr. and Mrs. R Hoy and baby, from , romp.re with Dodd'. Kidney Pills. Blyth, visited at Art aod Robt, Hoy's They have relieved me of all pain." "It goody ape Monday Missss St POO.. healthy people are nct Luella and Adeline Dotuert and Mas, bnthertd with headaches. it i. weak, ter Harold, of Waterloo, were wrun-down welts people who ■utter from at Jan. "oh oonbale• oser madmen them. And in nine cases nut of nine may Lindsay Btarrows wee wt thy weakness comes from impure frost liodnrleh on %.lay Miss hlnod. ranged by disordered kidneys. istaria Basiale is visiting her mslbr In Dredd'. Kid..y P111. cure beadeehea, 0^irsich this week. Musa Winnie backaches. rheumatism. lumbago i"9s°i^Iihsm a home" for the boji. and simibr diseases by curing the bore ► .clnexrl Aossry Jami kidneys. and t sway on a abort veldt with IMO Quisg and PerenaneM •p englh. 11' you am run down or tired mat, H pee take sterid easily. have no spp.iks. am lasing flesh or Lave other evllawes of lowered vitality, try our unawareA quiet nuptial event wee solemn ewe euere liod In Belt on Wednesday. lime lab. wow.Heoovaror ..ism s • N the rein. ib Pri•dPr•M teeing Ries Ones K. BstnNy tots to Woad Nue pekoe raidRevive and Jessen T. Oriwrnldhy. both d lairs Mugu, V. {snits U► I1 swtlre sntlsfaedo.. of Me[iIMp ►nwn.blp. Rrv. A. J. asdatirs1410s It les Ind elves Mita rep tot eri IMF Jab..ron perforssad the .'raraoey. .,,a of lire card lir. tied dean het► olbr s J1wr astelm N Aarrr ga t ►oentlia or• Asher a h nuic i happy rOrpar will reside oar a of fM serlwa Mrk Mapwtsrtnred by MaeLsesl M.disas farm two melee north of B../oefr. a ••• .041. 7ev• fin.. Aod.rieb. Oast. P tush by B. R. Retery Ott'e'rrell `OMA ntttbp oli gb s*4! 47a.ogrs aAieA Vt. a •hw.sp4n. y KIPPEN. MONDAT, July 1st. WxDDteo.—The marriage of Mies Mary Alice Cameron Bell. youngest daughter of the late Andrew and Mrs. 11.11. of Kipped, to Rev. John Richard son, B. A., pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Kippen, was solemnised at 2 o'clock co June 26th M the home of the bride's mother on the London road. The oeremony was performed by Rev. T. A. Symington. M. A. of Beaverton, Ont., assisted by Rev. W. T. Pearcy, M. A.. of Loadeaboro'. The bride was given away by her brother, John Bell, and war attired in white satin de ehene with ot cental wicklin and maltase lace and pearl trimmings. She wore a t ulle veil caught with orange blossom., and carried a shower bouquet of roses and lily of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Bute Richardson, of Woodstock, sister of the Broom, wore a cream satin dress. William Richardson, of Toronto, supported the groom and the wedding march was played by Miss Alke Innis, of Woodstock. Dat- ing the signing or the register Miss Etta Richardson rang "Beloved. ''ITs Moss" After congratulations the guests repaired to the dining -roam, where the wedding luncheon was served. The bride's travelling costume masa tailored suit of tan whipcord, and sailor bat. The happy couple left for Woodstock for • month's holidays and after August st will be at home et the manse, Ken. EAST WAVV1AtIOSH. Towxetttp COUNCIL. — The council met in Belgrave on June 24. All the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and corflrmed. A com munication from Engineer Fuce in reference to amended report on the toll drain received. Mr. Fuse also in- sisted nn his resignation es township engineer being accepted having given up his practice it) tbis part of the country. Resignation accepted, and a bylaw was read and passed appointing Chas. D. Campbell, of Galt, engineer for the township soder the Ditches and Watercourses AcL D. A. Dunbar was present asking the council to have the north branch of the Hallshan drain cleaned out as soon as pomihle. Moved by Mr. Scott. seconded by Mr. Burchill, that Mr. Dauber's applica- tion he complied with and that the clerk he instructed to have the neces- sary bylaw in connection with this ,natter prepared for next meeting of council. Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell. aecooded by Mr.. Burehill, that the Reeve and Councillors Scott and Stonehouse be in.tructed to view immediately both the 10th line and Marnw -b River bridge mites and further that they also prepare plan• and speei- fications and call for tenders fur the building of addition/ill bridges at ap- proaches to the above - mentioned bridges. Carried. The followipg ac- counts were ordered to be paid : Wm. Wlghtman. salary as ame.sor. $65; P. W. Scott and J. N. Campbell. attendance at county council re bridge matters. $5 each ; John Mc(4eight, cedar pmts. $4 ; James young. straightening road, sideline :r and 40, cooces.ion 10, end repairing culvert, concession 11. $17.75: R. B. McGo- wan, repairing washout, c'nceseion 3, $13.80: John T. Coutts'', drawing tile and putting in culvert,. mance..ion 7 tied concesaioos8 and 9, $7 : A. Porter- field, rent 01 road allowance, concen- sion 9, $2: The 11ha.ielp.l World. supplies., $2.56: Robert Bhiell, 112 yards of gravel. $11.20: Henry Cade, 146 muds of gravel, $14.60. The coun- cil then adjourned to meet again on Monday, July 8th. at 1 o'clock p. m. The engineer's report on the toll drain will he read and onnoidered at this meeting. A. PORTUaVI$LD, Clerk. EVEN HEADACHES CURED. elaNed tri x lichen ., yrs. Burrows Ma twee last week. b1, • thewire g• Will eeale s ani Amain O nom'. ktaus. liar mea iM Miss Fanny Bawden has returned to her home at Exeter atter a trip around the world. Ir. W. R. Monthly, of Napanee, is moving to Wingham and will practise his profession there. Miss Matthew', superintendent of Wingham hospital, is away on a ten weeks' trip to Europe. Plan aro nearly completed for the establishing of a rural mail delivery system in Unborne township. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper, of Clin- ton, have returned from a seven week.' trip to the Old Country. David 8urarus, one of the old resi- dente of the southern part of Hey township, died on Tuesday of last week. N. H. Hutchison, of Walton, left last week on a trip to the Pacific wart and will likely locate in the West. J. D. Miller, one of Kincardioe's leading drygoods merchants, is leav- iog that town to go into business at Berlin. Miss Jennie Rends, teacher at Bel - grave. has resigned her position to take the pr incipalship of the Gorrie $65 school at 0. Thos. Armstrong haat been engaged as teacher of 8. S. No. 3, Grey, suc- ceeding Miss Mary McArter, at a salary of $650. Miss Eva May Cooper, the eighteen - year -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sas. Cooper, of Seafortb, died in Wingbaw on June 22nd. While on the school playground at Seafortb the other day, the little son of Dr. Burrows had the mietortune to fall and break his collar -bone. Mr. and Mrs. James Beattie. of Sea- fortb, are away on a trip to the West- ern Provinces. They will extend their trip as far as the Pacific Coast. Miss Lura Jeckell, of Exeter, ac- eotnpanied by her sister. Mn. P.Howe, of Toronto, are away to Vancouver on a holiday outing of a few weeks. Mise J. C. Rea, of Walton, hes com- pleted a course in bookkeeping and stenography at Stratford, winning first-class honor., in every subject. J. T. Allison, ot Usborne; has been re-elected president of South Huron Farmers' Institute. B. 8. Philips, of Exeter is the secretary -treasurer. A. Baird, a young man who was working at the drilling of a well at Wingham, had bis elbow broken e few days ago and will be incapacitated for several weekr. Dr. G. E. Long, formerly of Blytb, who has been coodncting a successful dental practice at Listowel for the past two years, has decided to locate in Edmonton, Alta. An order bas been lamed by 'the Dominion Railway Commission to the effect that trains must not exceed a noted of ten miles an hour crossing Main street. Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chesney, of Sea- fortb. have gone to Calgary, where they will reside. Chas. Soole and Roy Nelson, of Sestorth, also have left to tbe tame Western city. Joyce McLean, ot Hensen, left last week for the States, where he intends to perfect himself in wireless tele- graphy and then take a position on one of the Atlantic steamers. A few evenings ago two chairs were taken train Abner Covens' veranda in WingheMp and the same night a large Ieatber-drbolmered chair disappeared from J. A. McLean's veranda. Andrew Bailagh. well known as a former nwner of the "halt -Rosy" farm on the Teeewater rows in Turnberry. was killed by a light engine near Glencoe on Sunday morning, June Mrd. ' Chas. M. Mooney, son of Mrs. Mooney. of Vtingb.m, died at his home at Lanr'entian View on Thurs- day, June 99th., For many years he bad followed the vocation of a tele- graph operator. The marriage of Mist Nettie. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John lfc- Naughtnn. of Bluevele. to Malcolm' 8. Aikenheed, of London, was •solemn- ized at the bride's home on Saturday. June 22nd. Rev. W. J. West officiated. Miss Helen Doherty. of Clinton. was successful in panting the senior exwmirations in piano in connection with the London Conservatory of Mimic. She made ninety-two per cent. and was but nne mark behind the winner of the scholarship. Adolphus Hooper, of the Lake road. near Exeter, had several ribs fractured the other day. He was riding on a wagon when the :'prineboard broke and he tell to the ground beneath the wheels. The wagon passed over him with the above-mentioned result. At the annual meeting of tbe East Hume Farmers' Institute a hearty votenf thanks was tendered to Tone. McMillan for his service'. to the in- stitute, of which he wail president for twelve years. Be declined re-election this year, and W. H. Fraser. ot Mor- ris. orris. was elected to succeed him. The death of John Taylor (rocuned at Clinton on Sunday. Jure 211r'd, About ten day. pr'evirnis to his demise he fell from a vehicle kind broke his wailer/sone. Pneumonia tet in. with fatal result. The deceased was flfty- four years of age and was a native of Clinton. A peens wedding tont piney at the home of Mr. and Mr.. Ell Seen. Exeter. on Wednesday. Jun. lath. when their daugbter, Mwrtba L . was united in merriest) to Joseph Northoott, a pros- per as fattier ne Ray townahln. The estess soI suss preformed by Rev. ILG. taaysdl. in Automobile, Bicycle, Marine or Farm Engine Re- pairs or Goods. Call often, don't take long vacations. Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. 'Phone 243 Goderieh Tersss—Striedly One► of last week after an illness extend - ing over two weeks. He retired ten years ago from his farm on the Bron- son line. Hay township, and bad lived in Zurich siooe. He is survived by his aged widow and agrown-upfamily of one son and tour daughter.. About 150 members of the Metho- dist congregation at Walton congre- gated at the church a trw evenings ago to do bonne to their pastor and his wife, Rev. Mr. and Mn. lacklaud, wbo ars removing to Wroxeter. A program of speeches, solo. and recita- tions was rendered. altar which the honored guests of the evening were presented with an address and a well - /tiled purse. The marriage of John Dorsey, of Duluth, to Miss May Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wil- liam., of Heatortb, was solemnized on Tuesday morning of last week in S►. James' church. Seafortb. The cete- mony was performed by Rev. Father Corcoran and was witnessed by a large number of the friends of tbe young couple. Mr. send Mrs. Dorsey will re- side In Duluth. The death of Robert Rose, of Grey township, took plaoe on June 12th. He was ninety-two years of age and Mum the year 1867 be had lived in Huron county. He fleet settled in Mullett and five years later took up a bush farm in Grey. Mrs. Ross died fifty-one years ago. Two sons—John W., and Charles—both of Grey town- ship, are the sutviviog members of his family. A happy event took place in Zion Evangelical church, Crediton, on Wed- nesday. June 29th, when Mies Olivia. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Holtzman, became the bride of Rev. .t[. M. Whiting, of Parkhill, mission- ary under appointment to Japan. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Burn, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. Mr. Miller, of Port Elgin. The honeymoon is being spent at Niagara Falls and other eastern points. Sol. Martin, sr , of Hay, sustained a nasty injury while on the road haul- ing gravel a few days ago. He was driving to the gravel pit, when hie sons team dashed into the rear of his wagon. In some unaccountable man- ner the horse got right Into the wagon and struck Mr. Marlin on the side ot the head, inflicting a gash. that re- quited five stitches to close. Mr. Mar- tin is over eighty years of age, but it is not expected that any serious re- sults will follow the accident. - Great Fishing at Brussels. A. Rutledge and Chas. Workman caught a mammoth black bees in the Maitland River at Brunets last week . It measured thirty inches and weighed ten pounds,. It put up a strenuous fight and had to be despatched with a pitch -fork before it could be taken from the water New Medicos. The succeaeiul candidates from Hur- on county, who have pawed examina- tions of the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons of Ontario and are entitled to practise in this Province are: Chas. Cleland Alexander, Seaforth ; Freder- ickThornas Bryan'', Jamestown : John Alexander Gardner, Walton ; Edward Hy. McGavin, Peaforth. 4T.cker.mith Telephone System. The annual meeting of the Tucker - smith Rural Telephone System was held in Brucefleld on Saturday. June 22nd. The reports as to the working of the system and the progress made doriog the past year were very satis- factory. There are 585 telephones in lige, 70 of which were lidded within the past twelve months. Over =37,000 is invested in the system and the in- come last year from all sources amounted to about 1111,000. Trggic Event at Seaforth. The death of Myrtle Cook. youngest daughter of Wm. Cook, of Seaforth, took place en Hsturday, June 22nd, under very distressing circumstances. Shortly after 4 n'clock in the after- roon, while waiting to accotnpany her shier on a shopping tour, she took 'some medicine in powdered form, be- ing under medical treatment for a minor ailment, and war suddenly eeiz..d with convulsions. She became unconscious and although medical aid *as rimssoned almost immediately death intervened. The event was of such a tragic nature that when Crown Attorney .Meager, of Goderlch, was ap- prised of the facts, Coroner Scott was instructed to make a full inquiry into all the circumstances. A jury was empanelled and after viewing the body en adjournment was made until July lath. minnow time for tbe Domin- ion analyst to make an cxami nation of the contents of the young woman's stomach. Another of the Nesters Gots. A pioneer of Huron coun'y he. been removed by the death of Mr.. Root. McMillam, who .newel peacefully &way on Mond"y, June 24th. at the home of her daughter, Mr.. Adam ikdd'', near Beaforth. She bad marbed ILe advanced age of eighty - ..even years and nine months. Toa deceased was a native nt Roxboro - Mire. Scotland, where .h. emelt lar early girlhood days. In 1f448 eh* .tai - grated :o Canada with h.r p. rent. and M coming from Ha mill on bo fllga- fnrtb the !rip was mode in a drawn by a yoke of nsen Anlw i. treatises h they frees] nne Mg Anne. the sseidenos of the lacy Mrs. 1111.., One year after bar estival at tienfp t k, the reeks of this ants. wag unnoted in gash to Nnbet McMUi l ., wan deesasied her Moe . farm e. N►a tk'd alrmes,4..w 'sok of 1ltilllsp alarm Oar wwsodd le a bastlal hose. 01 a ed NNW rbiMew few eats sir wefts, eT 0. Everybody's Doing It The whole world "Kodak." because of the convenience and the simplicity of the Eastman Kodak. We carry a full line of Eastman Goods which includes eve ry- dined for the a w- ateur. Ask to see the latest—the „VEST POCKET --KODAK It 6ta nicely into the vest pocket, and takes a picture ll x 2i inches. Fitted with extra good lens. Price. 117.00. F. J. Bntland AGENT 'The Blore That Pleases" Brophey Bros. IODERIOH The Leading Funeral Directors sod Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all too. 'v, night or day. PLUMBING Let W. R. Piader know when you have,aoytbing to he done in Eaveatroughlog Metal Work or Electric V4 icing. Estimatee furnished and work guaranteed. We keep a full line; of fixtures and supplies on band and all such work will receive our prompt and careful attention. We have a number of &m - class cooking Stoves, the Oaroei Oocd Cheer and the Eu►pire Steel P.ange. Call and ere thew. Repair work of *11 kinds done at moderate cost. W. R. PINDER Hamilton Street Goderich OWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA le good for Growing Girls and Boyar—and they Ike it. k aouraime thee iitde bodes and makes them healthy and drag. Cowan's Coosa• as yse est i lei y.w mem. is absolutely yore. ks deisms ism i .las...ed ty the sae el tb. h sus grade .f Came bears. &Nay blended. Midi is said Is impair As leak►- krrlia p.y.raiea .l mks C...a. Ir. Do Yon Use Cowen'. Cocoa T Amoy wM► ae. ania11 atad bel. --w.*, • = • 7 r Stanf o d«li p The Perfect ea invisible " Trousers Suppoifter The Stanford " Hip -lel " i. the only device ever invented that afford. perfect trouser support, together witb perfect comfort and neat, stylish appeamtice. It le destined to eliminate entirely the wearing of suspendere and belts 1t Holds the Trousers Always in Position • 1;',,,au:t l.)ftn;st'9' ..i'at. STANFORD 4IIp_FJT%I sip • . A,r t • t ,,l, tete+! ) r ,t' 1 . tete., es El nfes Saspender's ,dBe`!s it is Coo , Sanitary, ^^D --urate and Conefe'ighie The Stanford " Hip -Fit " attaches to the inside of the trouser at the waist line and is therefore entirety invisible. Price $1.:a. For sale in Godericb by 11cLEAN BROS. Dealers iti Everything for Men The t8tonre, (loderi'-h CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers leave Pott aMcNicoll Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- day'. Thursday'. and Sat- urdays at 4 p. to. for SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, railing from Port *Nicoll Wednesdays will call et Owen Sonnet. leaving that point 10.30 p.m. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12.•45 p. m. on sailing days, waking direct , connection with steamers at Port McNicoll. DOMINION DAY :Tor between all stations in Canada, Port At Thur and ea• t. Good go- ing June 28. 29. 30, Jety 1, return' limit July3. (Minimum rate of 255. j . Nomeseekers' Excursions June 25, Jnly Sand 23, itnd every second Tuesday until Sept. 17, in- clusive. Winnipeg sty Return, $34.00 Edmonton ass Retain, $42.00 Proportionate rate. Ino ether points. Return limit 60 days Through Tourist Nleening Cars. Ask Jos. Kidd, O. P. R. Agent, for Homeseekery Pamphlet. Winnipeg Exhihitiou, July 10th to 20tti, 1912. Tickets and full information from Jo.. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent. 1 Poa v o n SUMMER u 11 GOODS 0 11 COAL -OIL STOVES =-sten With toe coming ret the bot days of BumuIerou will want $ New Pet faction Coal -oil Stove. With this coal -oil stove you have no extra insurance to pay. Call and examine them. We will send them out on spprobatioo. LAWN MOWERS Our large shipment of Lawn Mowers is juet in and we several different !Hakes to choose horn. REFRIGERATORS Do you require a Refrigerats.r this Summer P We some in stock and more coming. SCREEN DOORS 0 offer -II have Get your Screen Doors and Windows now and keep the time out in preference to putting them on Tater and keeping then is CEMENT Are you going to build a cemeot silo this Hummer? It so, well have for rent it set of the Londne Meet Adjustable Hilo Curb* also a 'swinging hoist. These will simplify the blinding of silo,. We have just received another car of National Portland Cement. When you use this Cement you know you have the best that can be had. SPRAYING MATERIAL Have you sprayed your trete yet? We can foolish you with the Liommuiphur. oleo Arsenate of trend. FERTILIZER The car of Fertilizer arrived a cosple ret weeks age" and Roo have bad a lig sale of it.. This Fertiliser is an organic matter with the addition of steamed bone flour, blond flour and polish. Them ea.sntioils make it the most valuable manure on too market. COAL AND WOOD Owing to the sanity t f Hard Coal we have put in a car of Domestic Lamp Soft (loaf. This cosi snakes a splendid eubedituto ler Hard Coal. 1 leave also a carload of dry al.abs, which snake gTTI Wood. gam -mimed. 11Tot ns firm, nn your plumbing he&lsg, eIsehwugblsg, etcw. All wk pom aallanled to CHAS. C. LEE Phones : Store 22 Hesse i 12