The Signal, 1912-6-27, Page 6l Ttgt7w1De Y, Yuma !7. 1011
TUX WLtL - ).►2Ea U.
Hol, Adam Beck Writes Explaining
Delay in Maitland River Power
Report -The Freight SI -.ds tease
-Town May Build Permanent
P Roadways.
• Oue of the first things the town
'Miu.cil bad to do last Friday eveuiog
wee: to deal with a request from Wnz.
Aldous, cart -taker of Maitland ceme-
tery, for an increase in salary. Mr.
Aldous «tided thee he had commenced
selling tote in a new part of the ceme-
tery a.d it wee necessary. be thought.
(bat it should be made more attrac-
tive. He agreed that if tbe council
would seise bill salary to 1600 be
would undertake to do the work him-
self. He would upderbru.b 200 iota
every year and by doing this he would
clear a sufficient number for each rea-
rms. The matter was referred to the
fiwome committee to report on. If
Mr. Aldous' request ie complied with.
it still meats en addition of $75 to his
maim y
Mayor Iteid,end a letter from Hoo.
Adwu Beek. The communication
stated that iwporuent information
which tbe Commission bad been ex-
pecting toobtain from one of the elec-
tric companies had not come to hand.
Thi. info' (nation was requited in con-
nection with the estimates which were
to accompany the report on Maitland
River power, and the preparation of it
had been deleyed in consequence.
'"Yew (nay rest eseured." the leiter
concluded, "that the report will be
oompleted sod forwesded to you at tbe
earlreet possible date."
l.uitod Hill, president of the Blytb
Tfleptione Go., asked the council to
net • date for floe hearing of a delega-
tion in regard to the securing of con-
nection between the Blyth system and
the town of Ooderich. It wits se-
quefled [bat ibis privilege be granted
before the (tato-him of the Bell 1'ele-
phoue Co. its Uoderich was renewed.
The Mayor said the Reeve of Colborne
bid made a similar request to him.
When the matter Wall taken up again
later in the eveeiog at was decided to
arrange to meet the delegates on
Tuead.y evening, June2.rth, to discuss
the matter.
Three petitions for the laying of a
sidewalk and hewers were presented
and referred to the engineer to report
on. One petition was for a cement
sidewalk, five feet wide, to be laid on
the e.outh side of Park street between
Victoria street and Cambria road.
The second petition was for the laying
of a nine -inch tile sewer along the
sew- part of Park street. The third
petition asked that a nice -inch tile
newer 'e laid no William htreet be-
tween , Btitsnnia road ani ('ayley
On'behalf of the directors of the
Y. M. C. A., A. M. Robertson asked
that the council give the Boy Scouts
the town hospital tent for use on
their annualoutiugduringg the week
commencing Jelly 26th. The request
was granted.
J. W. Craigie intimated in a letter
that he understood the 'eerie of the
ppaalsgt: freight sheds held by Sturdy &
Co. bad expired. and on that under-
standing he desired to have the privi-
lege of tendering for the sheds fur the
enhiuing year. He asked, the council
to take the necessary step. in order
that be might do so. Ile stated that
Mr. Sturdy bad refused to make any
arrangements fur the nee of the
offices for the D. & C. passenger
steamboats and that he (Mr. endive)
Cad to make use of other freight sheds
at the dock to accommodate the boats.
If the lease of the property were made
to him be was willing to have a
clause inserted in the agreement
stipulating that the baggage ronin and
ticket office might be used by aoy
pawlenger steamer railing here o.t by
any agent that might be appointed by
snob.• eteshlers. On motion of
Coy Mors Humber and Graham the
cot II decided to edam titre for tenders
for a freight sheds and to have the
clerl. notify, Mr. Sturdy to that effect.
W h' a Communication from the
Board bf Health was enclosed n
resMution passed at the lest meeting,
which asked tbat the council be
further requeeted to deal with the
matter of removiog garbage. The
public warns committee was asked
to report at the next meeting of the
council as to tbe estimated cost If the
work were undertaken.
The W. C. '1'. U. of Ooderich went a
letter expressing its appreciation of
the action of the council it. baying
two liquor licensee cut oft. The clerk
was instructed to acknowledge the
receipt of the letter.
A tette" was received from the dis-
trict superintendent of the Hell Tele
phase Co. in reference to the renewal
of the Company's franchise. The let-
ter Poietied out That a hill had been en-
acted at the last sewion of the Legisla-
ture which prohibits municipalities on
or lifter July 1st of this year from
granting exdoaive franchisee until
the.ante have peen voted on by the
eleisiore. it was requested (hat the
council attend to the matter before
the end of the month. Aseeamor
(haapbell came in at this juncture and
announced that a representative of
the Bell Telephone Co. had arrived on
thecvening train and would appear
before the council in a shott while. A
general discussion then took place aa
to what would he the hest terms to de -
visaed of the Bell Company. All the
coo ciUnm agreed that iia subscribers
.n (fodericb were paying too much
for Ih.'ir telephones and it also was
agreed that the tnwn eboeikl receive
more free 'phones than It now hes the
wee o(. Councillor Humbler deserlhed
the ret
pries of tel one. as •
" -up- and cis his mon the mat-
ure was left open to he taken op again
on tate arrival of the Company'. rep -
relent all ve.
The Datums committee In its report
r'oesemmeeded filet the bill of meta,
amass g $O9 , in connect ion with
iha_btgml iispwb Of NOW c. T .wn of
hetest ih. ,ffor of
wmJ•Olf OMsrlett t rawnehip.
to pay t11>N foe ells Segni lot nn Wil
Beet s(rdat he -maptlM. providing h.
ewer le make the house habitable,
the Metter to be lett with the THE MARKETS.
Reeve and the town solicitor to dole _ _
The massager of the Bank of Com-
merce at Chatham wrote, Wins that
he was wilting the town shoo/d pprry
the Look Joint Go. td,AW S. this bteing
tbe amount due them on their account.
the town to be absolved from aoy re-
sponeibiIity in doing so. The letter
was filed.
Reeve Muunings thought it was
timethetown should commence bullet-
in g permanent roadways and with
th mo new be mentioned that a good
second -hood stone -crusher could be
purchased from the Anteralw Road
Machine Cu. for $700. On the Mayor's
suggestion the public works oommit-
tee was asked to report on the cost of
a complete road -making outfit.
Another matter brought to the
attention of the council by the Reeve
was the cement curbing which some
residents are building in front of their
properties for the purpcse set forming
a boulevard. Tie Reeve thought the
town should encourage this practice.
but the council should have some say
•s to bow .vide the boulevards should
be. Councillor Elliott made some
tetuark to the effect that the town
should build first the sidewalks that
are required before bothering with
the boulevard., but the Reeve ex-
plained that his idea was that the reef -
dente should make improvements and
the council should see that tbe boule-
valus are all uniform in width. The
matter was referred to the public
works committee.
The Bell telephone repdeseolative
artived at this juncture and addressed
the council. He stated that his com-
pany was willing to have the fran-
chise renewed on the sante terms as
before, but it was intimated to him
that the town expected to secure
some extra concessions -mors tree
telephones, for instance. The matter
of securing a connection with Blyth
through the Colborne system was
spoken of and the question was closed
when it was decided to have dele-
gations from these two systems
meet the town council on Tuesday
evening of this week.
A bylaw was given its three read-
ings which gave the C. P. R. a twenty-
one -year lease of property on the
barber frost, on which the company
was to erect its flour t beds.
The queeticn whether it would be
better to build Use local improve-
ment sewers by day labor or by con-
tract was deterred to the public works
committee to report tn.
For the sum of SS, A Soaael was
g ranted a license allowing him to
peddle popcorn, peanuts, ice cream
cones end other relishes on the streets
mita Tueeday, July rod.
The council then adjourned.
Parisian Sage Puts Life and Lustre into
Dull, Faded Hair -It 1s Guaranteed.
It you haven't enjoyed the marvelous
benefit de -rived from using delightful,
retresbing Parisian Sage. the modern
hair glueer, beautifier and dandruff
remedy, you have mussed a real treat.
livery woman ehould use Parisian
Sage, unt only to tatoish dandruff and
other hair troubled but to pseventfaU-
ing hair, baldness, greyness, and laded
hart. Parisian Sage puts life and
!tsetse into any persons hair, and
best of all it is guaranteed to do as
advertised by E. H. Wigle or money
(let a bottle today, madam, it costa
only halt a dollar and is sold by E.
R. Aisle and druggists everywhere
in Attlee lee.
How It Happened.
An Irishman applying for a penaion
insisted on the justice of his claim,
owing to the fact that he had been
wounded while in the service of his
country. "flow and where were you
wounded ?" one of the committee in-
quired. Placing his band ever his
helot he said -"1 was shot in the
breast ,on a retreat, your honor."
"Shot through the breast on a re-
treat "1 hamd the indiscretion to
turn and looks back, ser honor."
"But if you were shot through the
breast in the place you indicated the
ball would have gone through your
heart. How is that ?" "My heatt
was in ' my mouth at the time, yet
That There Is no Better Medicine than
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
New Liskeard, Ont.. June 24th.--
(tpecial.l - Mr. Isaac Grant, well
known and highly respected bete, is a
firm believer in the old and *till grow-
ing belief that Dodd'e Kidney Pins are
the one eine cute for all foams of
kidney dig( -ase.
Mr. Oran[ is outspoken in his belief.
"Any person Buffeting with kidney
disease." he says, "should use Dodd s
Kidney P111s, as there ie no better
medicine on earth today."
Dudd's Kidney Palle cure the
kidneys. and cured kidney.' mean pure
blood. Pure blood cures the ailment
by snaking the body strong enough
to shake off any and all disease.
A young stockbroker's clerk re-
m:111y entered a rewteurant, glanced
at the menu, then looked aL the wait-
-Nice day. little one,- be began.
"Yea, it ie," she answered, -'and so
was ywteraay, and toy name is Ella,
and 1 know I'm a peetcb, and have
pretty blue eyes. and 1'.. limo here
quite • while. and !like the place, ami
idon't,think I'm too nips a girl to be
working here. if 1 did I'd give up in y
job. My wages die satisfactory. and I
don't think there's a show or dance i
town tonight. and if there is 1 shall pot
go with you. and I'm from the country,
and I'm a te.pectaIle girl. and my
brother is onok in this both, and be
weighs two hundred protide sed jest
week be wiped np this floor with a
bjear-eyed commercial traveller who
tried to flirt withmt. Now what'll you
A sturdy Rootaean bad base havieags
• dispute with himself.. which tsasMM
In bis taking refuge .oder the bed.
As she stood nn guard with a good -
slued st ick is bee hand Weald hsotlly
from hie retreat. "Te sea Ism me
sad ye can bats t e, bol y'a aging*
hies me manly .01111. 1'1 eta wase
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Lowers
Chicane Exchange Closed-t.iv.
!tock --Latest Quotations.
Monday Evening, June K.
Liverpool market owed to -der on
tic to gne lower titan yesterday,
ga4 en corn lie lower.
Tb. Chicago Board of Trade was closed
la ropecl to the late Georg. F. atone
secretary of the eac11ange. All outelde
guile eachangee adjourned at noon aa •
token of respect also.
Winnipeg Options.
Open. High. Low. Clog.. Close
Wheat -
tones tone tore 1Mt
Oe S. Mho -0S% telt
Oat.--To-day. hat
o gi
No. 1 teed
Termite Groin Market
Wheat fall, bushel 01 M to 01 es
Wheat. geese, haslet
ODumbed 0 u•
1=ti ii
y, buandr
y, for feed • M 8 0
«bushel 1M 1 t• 1
Ter.nte Dairy Market.
Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls8 11 e M
gutter, creamery. ael14. 0 M
Sutter, separator, dairy, Ih• at
Batter, atop Iota 8 27 • t!
Eggs, new -laid 811
Cheese. new, 11 8 u ....
Montreal Grain and Produce.
MONTREAL, June a1. -Business In all,
lines of orals over tie cable continual
very quiet, but there was a fairly good
enquiry for oats on spot, for which sett
eh wen asking more money for t'pu•d
lets to arrlve, which buyers did not feel
Itepeeed to pay. consequently no salsa
WSW. nada The domestic and export deal
rimed for flour continues quiet, but me
undergoes to the market la strong. De-
mand for mlllt.ed limited, but a fair trade
is nesalag In roiled oats. Sutter 1a quiet,
but the tulle& In the market 1a better.'
There was an Increased demand from
1tytah buyers for eheea., but as the
pile.. Nd were In many camas below
e xporters' views, the volume of buiarsall
donewas small. Eggs fairly active. Pre-
vision; steady.
M. Corn -American No. 2 yellow, M1io t.
Oita -Canadian western. No. 1, 111(yo q
OM; western, Na 8 IOW to We: a
tra reed, N%c to 51c.
Barley-manitoba feed, Nific to Oel�
malting. 11.0 to 11.01.
Suckwbeat-N.. 8. tLO to1a
Flour-Maaltoba SIMnngg wheat patents.
drat. 16.M: seconds. 0.50: strong bags
WM; whiter patents, choice, 0.40 t0 (ser:
straight rollers, 016 to MM . bags. P 10
4▪ 0.
Sn1fe.t-Bran. 02; shorts. W; mid-'
Jllaga, /M to /M: mouIl11e. 8* to W.
Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots. at to fes
Cheese -Finest western lJe to 1fia•r
neat eaaterns, 1146c to 11110.
Satter-Cboloest creamery, 14Mo to Met
. eos.d. lac to 1414c.
Egg► -[/elected, Bo to Mc: No. 1 stook,
1fe to ids.
Potatoes -Per bag, oar lot., 01.51 to.0142
Union Stock Yards.
TORONTO, June 24. -The folio
prices were paid at the Union titoot
Yards to -day:
Ch.lce Exports.
The choice exports ruled the market
yesterday at figures from 17.1 to 0.40, ale
beln sold to Swift & Co. of Chicago for
Lott on and Liverpool markets.
A eoo4 quality of butoher cattle,
generally. above the prime to fate Ojai
bald at figures of from 17.86 to *5.1I.
Prime to Fair.
Dealers were paying readily from 17.10
to p.m for handsome steers and heUeorr4e
of graas-ted class, and were eater to takd
them at this rang.
Medium to Common:
All m this class went without parlgttnngg
at prices from M to M.M. and the entire
bunch was cleaned up by noon. The mar-
ket demands a terse ember of the ohAap-
.r mesa every day and at ruling
Yesterday no on toeing an earl
bargain was passed.
Good, heavy oowa wore sold at tram
OLP to KM, and there was no pap
at the old Onos. Caaher$ even hu
along at the rapid peal Of from 01 to 5..
Butcher Bulls.
Altbo the market WOO nearly stall/1d
with ofd and nod bulla, the pt•�o.
was not preventedted from e
rom rising et
and figures of from $.M to 10.50 were D•
Sheep and Lambs.
The supply was low. not being up to the
weal numher offered, and oriole gutta•
ed. Percale that wslghod, IndlvtduatlY.
Wand 10 Ib.., went from N,11 to M
Lames carried tbe high figures up to
Is several instances, with • range of from
M to 0.0 being recorded,
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL. June 1•. -At the Montreal
Stook Yards. West Sid Market, the es.
mama K 11ve stook for the week end
J11M tt were 1105 cattle, 1100 snoop
feel ens swoon thhe and UM mark to-0aayys.The
eattle, M0 sheep aad iambs, 1100 hogs
1111 salves.
The bulk of iso rattle offend wileto
grana-f.d, as all tie gpll-ted stock t►f..
..t the o..ntry are •mgt .xhau.l.d, t.g[
v the former bave set be.m feeding
eseugh to be well finished. the q
Wm generally poorer than It has been of
1st.. Consequently really chole. etetr •
glad better. were .oarce and prioen ruled
nest, but al then was an Increased sup -
My et .t..k the tone of the markt wall
weaker awd price. declined Mo to per
•wt. A few full car 1oa4a of o
sties -fed steers and betters weighing
POunds ..gob, was notiolit Moat
w at KS, and to [sill loo s
Mak as high as 1041 whet.
laNB carload.
es op petee Naha e [.r ta11s
per ewwt,e.
ten .• wag lt W Im
*8g81�eS � �
! ha
e•15..K ...elasaMW s111"yyit, lstT.ateoi
as ei
ee id
b per bat .ee.anstealvielM..sMa.W
ware ewes Me tee piles peelt0.mwn
ewes_ .bi0l
__ ills met.. egress
nutehene tattle. press. KM jp 11111h
Ele, tam m pew eieriea. is tit is:
K., M t. I fss.11tlt.. M# t.
.ms. M 5. K ; maws.
■: W sort. M •
MFinaa-e. Lle.
gad fttsAale OMtle 0.1..8.
war t�f1'l.i.Ot Jtlaa M.
Se Ma=ixtlw x/
Met:: ,
iirmeisiem ft
mei w-
fJL. sotSiam `M
�•� 0 0 �I.mea's tuestrdoro •lwar.Sy Nd
traitress( t theery 1er1Ya./n��ut ages.
s . f tive. Mtloa el Oceans L11y. Mttk1.
two or three V atter Oesuaansbif
Its use the !mp•Nemest 4Mewat
�( goticeable, and tfnu.. until Otthrreeype.ageett le ems ewe-
O s y for tri•tmeat, W Deb
• �J
on the womanly :lis. rw-
movies the congestion. tesiai eel
strengthodas the ceruse, :s
tad m-
etering parfait clrculattenals she
to eeailMi agrtalarfls a*21wdertng women oofthe vvatoetOM
M�ee. MIR*. FMNl` E. CURRANV tlettroatec
iDr. C. Cordon Hewitt, Doj !inion En-
tornOf oglst, say, the infantile denzh rate
(ro•11 Intestinal diseases and diirrh:t;a spread by the Iitause
fly. he beli:res that the so-called harmless fly is yearly caus-
ing the death of thousands of infants, as well as spreading
the germs of typhoid fever
With the warm weather comes the de-
sire for something to keep the feet cool and
The coolest summer footwear you can
get is a dainty pair of Canvas, White
Nubuck, Russia Tan or Patent Leather
Pumps or Gibson Ties. We have them in
all the latest styles at the lowest possible
Barefoot Sandals, anis, Lacrosse
and Bowling Shoes in all sizes.
Trya pair of our Brown Bronco Shoes
for every day. They can't be beat for wear
or comfort.
Downing & MacVicar
No person was ever to sit still,
are the best thing to rid your house of these dangerous pests. to dream and drift nod demand while
(Abets worked.
Willyou be one of the 108
farmers who will receism
ourPrize Contest checks?
Haruki rr1wrig, Mealreal
Please send me full particulars of
the 1912 Farmers' Prize Contest, and
a free copy of your book " What the
Farmer Can Do With Concrete."
THERE will be twelve cash prizes in
in the 1912 Prize Contest for Canadian
Farmers. The 1911 Contest was so successful in awak-
ening interest in the use of Concrete on the farm, that a
second contest, in which three times u many prizes ars
offered, was decided upon for this year.
The Contest this year is divided into three classes. "A,"
"B" and "C," and there will be four prises in each dine. (Fires
prize, 150; Second prize, 125: Third prise, $15: Fourth Oche, 21 )
159 Primal three 425 Passes, three 115
e • prizes, and three 110 Prizes, five eat* paiwere.
la Each Class there will be First, Second, Third and Fourth Prises
(158, 125, 115, and 110) for Each Province.
CLASS "A" -Man is be awards/ha the Mer fames. I. ars premise. .1da re mot
"C..l " Crowd aa tale her i. the year 1912.
CLAD ' 1“ -Pecan es be ..Wed se the l.., a.....1. e..5 reeving. whams/ rh..
graph. .1 the Arlt concrete snort 4..e with "Gra" Calmat as their
harm is 1912.
CCAs "C" -Prim to be awarded to die low /amer. 1• each reviser irks mai is
Joe beet dturijhow, Who, hew ser p5...5 ceeerew work ... Mao with
-came- crew. (,w5.. kw this ,rise awe k steesseld N W►+o-
Mies .f the work.)
Don't think that you must sew a large quantity of cement in order to
win a prize. The quantity of cement used does not count in Classes "B"
and "C." Many of last year's prize winners used very little Cement.
When you enter the Contest, you have a chance to win a cash
prize of 150 as well u the certainty that you will add a permanent
impressment to your farm. If you haven't a copy, be sure and ask for
our book, "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete." It will not
only suggest many improvements that you can use in entering the Contest,
but will tell you all about the use of concrete on the farm. '
im .rhe year .am sad.ddreu on .he umaee ...p....r a.e • „
meal met .ee we .ill .e.4 1.n paruerl.n ee the Prise Commsag . my, N -Who the Parr, Caa no with ('eacrew•' u y., e1 C tree.
Address P.bioty M..agor�
each of the nine provinces (1 8 in all)
Thus there are three
Canada Cement Company
501 Herald Bids. - - Montreal
From time to time de-
licious new ways of
serving Kellogg's Corn
Flakes are discovered.
Here are a few:
Kellogg's with straw-
berries, raspberries,
blackberries, blue-
Kellogg's with sliced
peaches, pears, or
Kellogg's with sliced
oranges, bananas, or
Kellogg's in the centre
of half a canteloupe.
Kellogg's with ice
cream, fruit jellies,
Try Kelloggs with
fresh fruits, stewed
fruits, or preserves.
Your palate will wel-
come variety.
Sturdy & Co.
The Grocers On the fiquar€
Let W. R. Pinder know when
you have anything to be done in
R•vestroughing Metal Work or
Electric A iring. Retires tee
furnished and work ,guaranteed.
A e keep • full line of fixtures
and supplies on band and all
such work will receive our
prompt and careful attention.
We Cave a number of first•
chess cooking Stoves, the (carnet
Oocd Cheer and the Empire
Steel Ranee. ;Call and see them.
Repair work of m►11 kinds done
at moderate cost.
Hamilton Street Ooderich
The place to buy
all kinds of
Binders, Mowers, 'Hay • loaders.
Side Ratites, Manure Spreaders.
aratorsBain Wagons and Cream Itoode.'s Hay O.
Parks and Allns'
Molette Cream
Separators. Homestead r rtil-
leers, Pumps foe bead - power
gad fin•• ; Oasoaln. Sighs.
and Windmills.
And. 0 say 1 you meet see
our Doggies. We bave a full line.
all styles. sad some of the best
and most stylish rigs that ever
eaves to town.
i have • few Horses to sell
and some Driving Harman.
1 also have a Hous to rent-
• lovely plass for sue ear.
Oder fe and se• what we bare
and east a white, anyway.
Hamilton Street, Ooderich j