The Signal, 1912-6-27, Page 3ISE SIGNAL: (xOVERIC TIE OIIIINIL AND ONLY IENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONe. SOLD ON TRU MMKIT8 OF MEM NT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, - PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING os LEATHER GOODS a a as 8"114py aerc TB 110 A.is ea• A. g. TAYLOR. STIATPO D MEDICAL InTAYLOR AND TAYLOR. yai4:i.osend een a ns.. o m ee-Neertth 400111. Nit SWIM'.( 1 kelTen.tt s- Uda Terrace. HAROLD TAYLOR. R. A. Y. 11 DR, W.F.GALLOW.M.B. team and rstldases. North sttwR sant et loamy 1esitbAsi Siken T 12. F. J. R. I'URBTend threat ssE it -EYE. EAR 11/ samaan Maw Tart uppitk•faY ass ly. Clakol.feria.. Lt, Newest time amars. imam kaalan& tlK.es srlll!wsM1 8usuere, omens Itaoa Ssaes s Vs. a. Y u l w a.• 7 to II a. m. Talseb we LEOAL DEOCDirlwT, HAYS t KILLOR- aa Atl.ta ute°ir a Madams t 141vsM 1IM. to icaa et lowest rates M betstest Man Ma d. Sqc..C.GoAmilItt.Y6 W. G. CAMERON, K. C. :1ARRIS- .. TILL solrator. notary pnialM. Oeaws- sarttos Suest, tw4etea. tart Moe from rsWs. News of District H. T. Swltser. a former resident of Cranbrook, is dead at Portage la Prairie. Man. He was seventy years of lila Joan Balkwill, a former well-known reddest of Exeter, died in Chicago on Saturday, June hath. He was in his eightieth year. CHARLES bARHOW. L.LA., BAR tub' lel.- .ttw wok eettrMr. As., weds ca:L Kw.) U. nisi at lowest rates. li 0. JUHI\81ON. BARR18'r'SR m. soum'.ar. o11maeaaearast, . soy peas rs Meanies .nest Usasrtae this - INSURANCE LOANS. ETC. Mist Oilcbriat has resigned the G. N. W. telegraph agency at Clinton and A. T. Cooper bas been appointed the new reprrseotative. 7.."W bile sliming a horst the other nay, b. T. Plum, of Brussels, had the great toe of bis left toot badly crushed when the animal stepped on it. Before Wm. Harland lett Clinton for Detroit. be was presented with a watch tub and an umbrella by the choir and congregation of Ontario street Methodist church. The t uricga of Miss Helen Rennie, dacghter of Mrs S. Rennie. to Fred Southoott, of Santa Monica, Cell- fornia, took place at Zurich on Titer da June 1Stb. Rev. 0. F. Brown of- fichued. Tbe marriage of Miss Jean Hynds, of Acton, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hynde, to Nelson H. Gar- I den. also of Acton, hot formerly of Beafostb, took place on Tuesday of cast week. Harold 8. Turner, son of lie). N. Turner, of Tuckersmitb, who has been studying steam eugineering by cor- respondence for the past two years, has passed his final examination. and has been awarded bis diploma. estabUshedat Yanklesk Hill and Mt• Hartley has been appointed M its prin:ipal. Bert, the five-year-old son ut Sieh Horton, of Lumley, bad a narrow sstape from death a few days ago. The little inflow was riding in the held on a roller which bad • set of barrows on top, when the team started off at a Iively pave. After running some dis- tance the harrows were thrown oar with Bert on top of them. He sow .atneid s nasty wound in his hip and side hut is now doing nicely. tlilU C'P MUTUAL `FIRM IN • all kANCIt CO. -$era Gad notated wen rwD.rty u..ured. 0ei10.-J. b. stamen. Pew., u.atsrth P.O.: Jan imneolly, ' .c.Hea. riodurice P. U.; 11= !L ns, aayo. 1 gees usatarti P. O. llk11aWtf - N in. Chaney. 6eato0t1; Joke ILtlrmsvw W inthrop; Wilhite Ittnn, Cpasfasas; Ma B me ;; J ionnwa4*.. haodhspen rJamas NYWas, lot* Mabel Whom bruotauId. Agneaanneck`'J t.ummlag . samesdvUle e.o, Robaamille ; R. 1.. Ylerhl0y. 5eeta th. t'etnT-asMuIs sus pay ot Moir mods esestread 1. J. Wirral Clothing etas.tdiat lk ar. at R ti pr's 61o001y, itrrarpmsussa. 4611.11114011. $20 000 PR1vATKl7NDb VTO 140 t dszflMwl/ hand' street Owierias. Death of Charles M. Besse, Clasen. The death of Charles M. Berso oc- curred at Clinton on Sunday, June 1Mh, at the age of eighty-one years. The deceased had lived in Clinton since 18138 and was therefore one of the oldest residents of the towo. In religion he was a Baptist and in poli- tics a LiberaL Besides his widow, he leaves a family of four sons and two daughters : Isaac and Ralpb, of Clin- ton ; C. Mortimer, of Berho ; Wm. H., ot Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. J. Belson, of Stratford, and Mrs. Fred Brown, of Petrolia. Their Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnston, of Fordwich, celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary of their marriage on Wed- nesday, June 12th. Mr. Johnston wits born near Toronto in 11387 and has re- sided in Howick township sine the year 1865. Mrs. Johnston is a native of Dublin, Ireland, and has been a resident of Howick since 1864. They The marriage of Miss Edna Pugh, were united in marriage on June 120, formerly of Brussels, to George Lark- 1862, and settled on the 9th concession worthy took place at the bride's of Howick. living in a log shanty, ten borne at Mitchell on Tuesday of last by twelve feet, the roof being of elm week. Rev. A. C. Wishart, of bark. They endured the privations Brussels, performed the ceremony. and hardships incident to pioneer life and by industry and thrift added farm to tarni until they owned fei0 acres which are now omupied by tbeir (cur sons find their eon -in-law, Reeve Win- ter of Howick. They occupied the homestead for ,forty years, says The Fordwich Record. and erected thereof one of the finest brick residences in the township and two fine bank barna, her besides other improvements. Mr. knee in jumping out of a ICY the Johnston had one of the finest herds li other day. The horse started offe- of pure-bred shorthorn cattle to be fore sbe was ready. Her daughter. found in the district, always captur- ing the red tickets at the surround- ing fain. He took an interest in municipal affairs and for ten Abram Cook, a well-known resident years occupied • neat in the Howick of Brussels, passed away on Wednes- council, being Deputy Reeve for three day ot last week at the ripe age of years. Seven years ago the aged eighty years. He was • native of couple removed to Fordwich, wherehasSomerset, England, and had resided Mr. Johnston hserved for some in Grey township since 1883. A time as one of the police trustees of family of five sons and two daughters the village. They have a family of six survive. sons and tour daughters, twenty grandchildren and two great.grand• children. A happy company consist- ing of the immediate relatives and other friends gsthered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston in Fordwich on the fiftieth anniversary t3 celebrate the golden wedding. The death of John B. treason took place at Elimville on June Ilth. DesLh was due to blood -poisoning. + While operating a bunaaw on May Seth, he sustained a bad cut on the back of his hand, the artery being sev- ered. He was thirty-two years of age. Mrs. T. B. Carling, of Exeter, sprained her ankle and injured h W . R. ROBERTSON. ISIMIRANCIt AOINT. ism Ai D Ll.. Niro • Lltlaa. t:.aaeles wad Ayne tt. Beuren nieD ltslrtorsna' Lunn. m : The Mersa AssYsst est Ye atgsatw rte aJiLimead$ o ««Bumem: T s U.B. Ueasss sass iertioset come et V ic- uda w S1. lka.ld s Mese.. Phe.. 175 MOON W. DRAIOIM, LIF$ FIRE d W assltsat lasersaes. Assist tee lsedls5 -Mal art senm a a pstsa ea lsers V .till -111 et eine, eeriera WWem M ms nal dgampi ellemsd se Mt weer and W5 l askew red ensNJ. 11311 . M . CRANr saael(Jet MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTVR 13 KELLY, J. P.. t1ODghlcs, tins tB+L_LR OF 1EARRIAOL LIC1iN8ltl4. wbo was in the rig with her, suc- ceeded in bringing the horse under metro'. WLANK, 'mull,. GP WARM- . Aug howine .Oodrlah. Ont. SHAVING PARLOR Silas Stanlake, one of the oldest na- tive residents of the township of Stephen, passed away at his home in that township on Friday, June 14th. Tbe deceased was seventy --one years ot age, having been born in Stephen in the year 1841. His widow and a fam- ily of two sons are left to mourn his low Rev. Father Dunn ham presented a silver cup to tbe Model School at Clin- ton. Tbe name of the pupil standing higbest each year will tie engraved on it and the cup will remain for half of the year in the home of the winner and for the rest of the term in the school. Al. the home of the bride's father, John McKay, of Wroxeter, on Wed- nesday, June 12th. Rev. L. Perrin tied the mattimonisl knot wbich united Miss Oertie McKay and Waldo Miller, The ceremony was witnessed by only a few of tbe immediate friends of the con tree( og parties. The home of Mr. and Mts. \Vm. Elliott, of Bellmore, was tbe scene of a happy event on Wednesday, June 12th, when their eldest daughter, Mabel J.. was united in marriage to Chester L. Longman. of Windsor. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Bradlev. of Teeswater. A quiet nuptial event was solem- nized at Jamestown on Wednesday, June l2tb, et the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Snell, when their seconddaugh- ter, Miss Jean, was united in marriage to W. M. McDonald, also of James- town. Rev. A. C. Wishart, of Smi- led!. rnreel., was the officiating clergyman. An interesting event took place at Bluevale on Wednesday, June 6tb, wbes Miss Alios E. irwio, third daughter of Mrs. Thos. Irwin, of Wroxeter, was united in marriage to Abram S. Snyder. ot New Liskeard. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. West the willrmarse, Blu New The happy P Liskesird. LDFORD BLOCK BARBER SHOP lilt wee -Mews eat utast 1,..=se tar tient - ravine r_ s u•.. eta les! armlet. %, Prgei itm~ AUCrIOMMUS 11THOMAS OUNDSY, LiVE Irmo. Ma se evytatelm 71w,gosemedestersM Mater nest to One yea Principal Hartley. of Clinton public sebool, has been instructed by the De- partment of Education to conduct a summer model school at Gore Bay, commencing on July 3rd and continti• ing until August 2nd. This is an :..- r•angement whereby teachers who are teaching on permits in tbe newer districts in the north country can oon- iouetheir work still ify in accnrdeWoewthrVtos. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Inspector Mrs. S. poombes,o ka nSa.on Tuesday, June 4th. when their niece, Mise Evelyn Myrtle McDonald, daugbter of Mr. and Mame Mc- Donald. A. ret Ctanbrrwk, he bride of John Mooney. of Lloyd - millets!". Rev. Wyley 0. Clark tied the nuptial knot. Mr. and Mrs. Mooney will be at home at LJoyd- minst.er after September lat. Rev. R. Hobbs and M Mrs. Noble baaod family wore entertained t at Exeter prior to their departure from that town tux their new home iu TermiteqThe measles •wstetion to Mr. and Mn. of a quartsrent oak cabinet Mpg with heavy sternalors T and eetsdry views o tableware. hems =coast lady teies& of psswld her with a half -domes MONIS es mother oocesioe recently. ly. CURRENT LITERATURE. Tux JCLI' Ltrp,Ncorr'e.-The July number of Lippincott's Magazine is a delightful midsummer number. The shot 1 -stories are as varied in theme as they ■re entertaining in motive. "At Highest Tide," by Clinton Dangerdeld, is a story of the great Mississippi flood.. ••The Foolish Books," by Owen Oliver, tells of an amusing but unusual love affair on an ocean liner. Others of note are ••Tare. and Wheat at the Vicarage," by Mary Davoren Chambers: in the Admiral's Cabin," by Idobert.1. Pear- sall; "Gloria Peace, the Riddle," by Augusta Kortrecbt : end "A Name to Conjure With," by Sarah Chichester Page. There is also a translated "Short -Story Masterpiece' -one of a series: "Juggler to Our Lady," by Anatole France, with an introduction by the editor. The never -failing com- plete novel is a diverting one from H. de Vere Stacpoole, who wrote "The Blue Lagoon." The Crimson Azaleas.," and other books of pleasing memory. His new story, "Molly Beamish," deals with high lite in England • century or more ago. In color, iL lite, in daintiness and in charm, it can be compared only with •'Beaucaire"-and it does not suffer in the comparison. "Molly" is the adorable daugbter of a poverty-stricken but devil-may-care Irish knight. hard put to it to maintain his position in society. In their trouble they are flouted by the rural aristocracy of the place where they are stopping, but Molly is spunky and carefully preseota to tbem several Rolands for each of their Oliver'. Yet the odds are fearfully against the girl. and it looks as if sbe were' going to he ignomin• iously routed, when -well. something happens. it would be a shame to explain here what that something is, and thus give away the clever plot prematurely. DO IT NOW Mum Barfly. who bas bees princi- pal ot Mabee public steed tor the Met Ise Tors and principal of the Medal Need at that place e itts•e.tetasea enc. boa hoes wales -tad to tote charge d tbs school at ♦waleet NUL The Ont arlo GovernmentRbb ee deified to estwhlieb several althe mom of for leg On i tillebees e sneha et the Pew- °Mllt= h* Ogee c11 *sae "mans M so Ae. Wiry. dvegfif+t ONTARIO TTOairreh. lulls !I. 1113 ti The -Pandora" Range is doubly guaranteed it is guaranteed by the makers and just as fearlessly guaranteed by every McClary agent. You should know ' Pandora" perfections before ou buy a rano% 1 Mc_Cldrys sour safe by Nowell Hard ware At a Disadvantage. While awriting the corning of her friend, the mother. a visitor to a Baltimore household was holding a desultory conversation with one of the little girls in the drawing -room. "Whereare your two lir le sisters T' the calleraskt- d, "Oh, they," ohserv.it the little girl, with the air of one upon wbo.n re- sponrihilities rest h•.trily-"tbey'rs out somewbete to have whet motber calls • 'mischief' .vh,.t They call 'fun.' " "And why didn't yon go to ebare in the 'fun'?" asked • he caller. The child sighed. "Mosher trusts me so dreadfully," she explained. "that 1 can't nave touch fun."--LippincotCs. Airy. She : "Are n't you <ometimes frightened when away up in the air?" Aviator : "Well, I'll admit I some- time@ feel a sort of g,roundlese apprehension. Easily Proved. Lady (to small boy who is fishing) : •'I wonder what your father would say if be caught you fishing on Sunday." Boy : "I don't know. You bad better ask him. Theta him a little farther up the stream." Ws Just Like a Woman To ahr ink at sight of a mouse and to save • child from drowning. To save a farthing on a reel of cotton and spend a pound on a bat. To lose a bet and forget to pay. To marry in haste and never admit that she repents. To declare she has notbing fit to wear and appebr a bird of paradise. To wish she were dead and yet set off by the next train to a mistime. MILLION IS IN SIGHT. Spleadid Growth of AtlaeMace at Canadian Nations' Sttllefioe. The attendance at the Canadian National Exhibition keep jumping at the rate of nearly • hundred thousand ayoar in 190 it was 760,000: in 1910, 9$7,000; in 1911, 92e,000. This year's bill of attractions is easily the tilt ever presented by a fair on this continent. and it goewithout ang that tbe much -longed- usyirk will he reached at lint. Andy's Belief. Andy-"D'ye believe it's unlucky tae walk un'er • laidder, Jock ?" Jock A no'? Especially if there's a penter stann'n on't wi' a bucket o' whitewash on' be coups the white- wash ower yer hest coat the wey yin did wi' use no' Zang Syne. D'ye be- lieve that if thirteen Pits doon tae din- ner thegitber yin o' them '11 deer Andy -"I believe the bale thirteen 11 dee if ye gie them time." -The Bailie. Well Rewarded. •i hear Short, the coal merchant, baa just come into a large fortune." "Well he's entitled to it." '•Ob, he iv, eh r •'Yes; he's been lying in weight for it s good ruaoy ye,at-s." D.MILLAR&SON molliessaMinmiN THE BEST PLACE AT WHICH TO BUY Summer Wear , J ly is the ideal month of Summer and the first thing'to do is to have a good supply of nice light summer wearabies for the warm days when one lives practi- cally out-ofdoors. WASH SKIRTS Women's white Wash Skirta, in Ibsen and pique, latest styles, at $1.50, 91.75 to 12.75 each. All sires in stock. CHILDREN'S DRESSES Just to band this week a new stock of Chtl- dren's Summer Dresses in the newest styles. As we make a specialty of children's wear we are able to supply their every want for the summer season. Children'. Gingham Dresses, made of bort quality Scotch gingham, to fit ages 2 to 75c 18jyearu. Each J , Cbildren'a white Lawn Dresser, dainty styles, richly trimmed with embroidery and lace, tofit, uptoliyears. Each WOMEN'S SUMMER HOSIERY Women's special Lisle Hose, "Radium" brand, cool and comfortable. a pleasure to wear, black. white, pink, sky, cardinal, tan and mauve. 25c Per pair Women's (louse lisle Hose, "Radium" breed. the proper bow for the warm weather, Mask, white and tan. Per pair, 36c, pr '3 $1 pairs for sW • Women's embroidered end lace Lisle Hose, newest designs, very dainty and cool. Per pair, Yoe, 35c and.... Special women's spun Silk Hose, lisle besot and toes, black only. Very special, per pair ... 1• M eW Children's Hose --all the popular numbers -in stock, in all colors. LAWN WAISTS Women's dainty Lawn Waists with embroid- ered Dutch collars and short sleeves, trimmed cuffs, very cool and comfottable, rises 98 to 40. Special. each e Special showing of women's Lawn Waists, .00 high or low necks, elaborately trim- $1 med. perfect.fltting. sizes 34 to 42.... LADIES' GLOVES Ladies Lisle Gloves, Ptrrin'a make, es black, white and colors. Per pair Ladies long Lisle Gloves, black and 50c white, Perrin's make. Per pair......... Kayser Glover, "The gloves with the guar- antee," double tips, black, white and col- 0c ors. Per pair Kayser long Silk Gloves, very special, black. white and colors, every pair guaranteed. Per pelr, according to length, 5110. 51.26 51.50 and SUMMER PARASOLS Summer Parasols in great variety, white and colors, all new this season. Prices 0( 0f\ from $8.00 down to 1eVV Children's Parasols at 25c. 3iic. 50e, $1.M 715c and llllll SPECIALS Special line cit Ladies SIIISS 'lake. 25c t for S cal values in Collar and Cuff 11 Sets, Lee and embroidery. Set, SOc to $1.50 • i MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE ' THE OOOLSST SHOPPING PLA IN TOWN Whatever be a man's rank or station be ought to be treated with mildness and civility. An English Chemist Has Discovered How to Grow Hair. In England tbe ladies nave entirely abandoned wearing rate, which is due entirely to this new discovery. it has been proven that Henna leaven contain the ingredients that will posi- tively grow hair. 'that they rootain this long -looked -tor article is proven every day. The Americana are now placing on the market a preparation containing the extract from Henna lesvee, which is having a phenomenal sale. This preparation is called Salvia. and is being sold with a guarantee to cure dandruff and to grow hair in abun- dance. Being daintily perfumed, Sal- via makes a most pleasant hair dress- ing. Dunlop, your druggist, is the first to import this preparation into Gcderich and a lei ge, generous bottle cat le purchased for 50c. Mr. Johnston's Fallacious Reasoning. Farm and Dalry. The following extract trim an aci- drees delivered b} J. W. Johnston. .M, P. P. for Heating.. at the last session of the Ontario Legislature is an ex- ample of the fallacious arguments that are used to frighten us farmers away from the ides of tae reform : "If direct taxation for Dominion and Piovincial purposes should come in the future, because of the establish- ing of free trade, and the land under 'single tax' *honk' he trade to bear the whole burden of taxation, Dominion, Provincial and municipal, who would pay the bulk of the taxes? The men who own the bulk of the land -the farmers." Direct taxation na advocated by the tarmers organizations of Canada is not a taxation of "land" but of "land values." There are city Iota, one acre of which would buy all of the farm lands in • tnwosbip, or ',vera! town- ships. And under the scheme of tax- ation of land value- advocated by our farmers organisations valuable city property would 13e taxed in proportion to its value. In addition. land that is underlaid by valuable oriel, iron or gold mines will be taxed for what it is worth and oot ss if it were growing scrub oak as it now in many eases is. There is a great difference between taxless land according to Its hulk sod talker land sorording to is vale*. We farmers know (.11 ds hr orgi- atimee will not he dem tins ow - used this sortation for this ..at •-aloin reform by ancb foilsmen* retrosisa as i0 used by the opponents of direst tazatioe. Delicious. On the mar ass of a ?iew York theatre is this frank annoasaemest: "Any Incivility or Inertisnee os the Part of Employes Will he Greatly Ap- preciated p.pr dated if Reported to the Massage - meat r And that le in a big and gaudy Broadway theatre! Beta Qurict sad Permanent lle'eark. on Lake wild e are roe do0►sor tired net. Mne yappetite. are losing Revs steer releases lowered vitality try saes IfaeLea'e The key bed rode fat with Ms $ Il toes, Kis hair U- 'eo inn WE• err ea.Itl_- bi. mother aborted grieved.a d grieved. •'ye* hasps d Ms agsen How often hoes D Rytles Rewnvaloe oedereae /eMM Verde set to play with that wlskea ta. w,retnrta the pole. pld tY h ,y -lissome," .end sdy Ade to give oath* Rel 'de I fent as if 1 had bees it aids tfigeml"s. toss le the Wilhase playlet with may hody r eyehole mod Wee Nab mist aellt owe M.eael v42 wwMt► --"fit li al thee of bar ow. -'wry *sold deet 1 Mu% If you have sot gat got your . SUMMER SUIT leave your order at once wit.b HUGH DUNLOP Weal St. The Up-to-dat. Tailor E wet re tight maw • e'yrsae aby"." Dr. Morse'• Indian Root Pills are sot a new and untried our graadfathers used them.f61= a cattery ego. before Cenidt11116114 dewy memos sale in snarly every ding sr general stews is dee Canada et flat eq. sod owe the reca=txdot themoode et bre.. for y 5 Lea Te. Td> aT letiBlla Pet oh elective. Oa at as ewer. out setfns beer les pot hes Errhod W • Cur* COtE•tio0 tills Remember that when you buy a stylish Shoe ,you do not buy discomfort ; and also let us emphasize the tact that in buying the HARTT SHOE you get both style and comfort. TRUNKS. ETC. -When you t,atcl you r need it good strong Trunk, or perhaps a commodi(ms Snitase of ..g will meet your requirements. We can furnish all your want- .8 either line. All Repairing Orders receive our prompt attention. JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THE SQUARE THE GODERICH GARAGE TO MOTORISTS i now have a full stock of Motor At -centuries, socks '! I.as Spark Pittgs. Wiring, Fresh Batteries. Battery Connectors. Ammeters, Acetylene Burners. Gu Bags, Generator Tubing. Carbide Tire Petebes-no cement patches; Tube Protectors. Rim Cut Patche., Quick Repair Outfits. spare Tubs Bags. Tire Envelopes. inner Tubes. Valve Parte. The Testers. Gasoline. Oils. Greasy, linseed Soap for washing automobiles. Anything not mentioned in the above list, plains ask for. as 1 carry • rompiete stock and can fursiels supplies at remarkably low prices. Yours truly, JOHN G. KUN T Z Kingston St. Oo erkh