The Signal, 1912-6-6, Page 8a TORTaeDAT, Tela r. • t • IIIMMINION11wet110e June Tag Sale When buying anything in Silverware, Clocks. Watches or Jewellery do not overlook our reduced prices for June Every- thing marked with large tag is greatly reduced. You can save money by dealing with us. Satis- (artio.0 guru i.ti Vied. IW. H.tlarrison and Optician Jeweller and Optician br :,.1uste tioderich Tennis Balls and Rackets We have a full stock of 'Fermis Bills and Rackets mooring in paler es fol. Iowa: Tennis Bells. 3.5c and 60c Rackets; $2.51J. $3.(() and $3.60 HAMMOCKS PuU sire Hammocks, good sen vioeable colon. ranging in price from $1.26 to $8.f0. Extra large sine Hammock, fast colon, special $.i O. CROQUET 6taa11 Set. oiled and varnished. SM. 6 -ball Set, s e a s o n e d wood, painted. $1.61). 6 -ball Set, seasootd wood. exile large mallet (professional size), $2.26. 4 -ball Set, eemenied wood, $1.25. The Colonial Boob Store She Meant a Choler, of Course. "Are you having a good time with your new euk.mobile, .ins. Cotraeup?" "ago. ladeed; we're having such a, MAI tiro. getting a go..d chef onyertr." -Baltimore Americab. Hewitt- "1)o you think that 'owl - hair wakes a mea look 'iotelleclwl r. exaggerate your faults ; your Jeanine -"Not when his wife finis it on (friends will attend to that. hos e• al ; it make* him look foolish. OEO. POI4TE13, Prop. Phone 100 tioderich SummerMillinery Best values and variety of latest styles in Summer Mil - finery nery at reasonable prices. Miss Donogh Kingston Street Goderich Jrnie forWedd ings and \'V eddings Require Presents The Howell Hardware Co., Limited, have an excellent assortment of the good useful lines to choose from, such as Berry Spoons, Cake Knives, Cold Meat Forks, Pickle Dishes, Rodgers' 1847 Knives, Forks and Spoons, Pearl Handle Knives and Forks, Carvers in and out of cases, and numer- - ous other useful pieces suitable for presents. DETROIT VAPOR STOVES 'I t in a p.r "nuunced tact th..t this is the perfect acrd uoo.t economical summer stove to use - no odor, Da 4 wick, easy to keep clean. Gasoline or Coal Oil Stove' cost less than one cent per hour to operate. We have oleo Wick Coal Oil Stoves that brat anythiost we have ever .ern. Howell Hardware Co., Ltd. 71y Best Place to Buy Hardware INVEST IN Winnipe The Great Railway and Commer- cial Centre of the West Within a very short time WINNIPEG will he one wealthiest cities on the sowUnent. Many buidoess opportunities on the mein streets can be ...sowed try a ,mall payment SOMEONE WILL MAKE A FORTUNE ON THSsa-WHY NOT YOU P of the Elmdale Lots for the small investor. High end dry. (rine shade trees. Univ three miles from centre of cify of 18rt(sr) population. On" minute'* walk from car line. Sidewalk direct to city. ONLY MIS PER LOT TERMS --$25 CASH. $1O PER MONTH 'Foe particulars apple SCOTT, HILL do CO., Winnipeg, Planitoba, or GOLDTHORPE, (ioderkh, Ont. MIR 'a"'` t e,;RURAL:TELEPHONE 8141 , "•', }r. -1[ -Any investor buying Winnipeg property through me will. K desired. to furnished witha imamate*Rona Scott. Hill i one ('n that If Is oe year be is Mortimer; with the deal hie mosey will he rsdunried with lnter:et at a per Bent. .1. T.UOLDTHORPE. COUNTY COUNCIL bUS4NUs BEFORE THE JUNE ggsSION NOW 1N PROGRESS. Rood and Bridge Committee Visit Auburn Bridge Proposal for Formation of New School Inspec- torate ---Motion to Take Advantage of Provincial Good Reads Grant. The our seim.ion of the Huron county cauueil opened in the court house 00 Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All the members were present except Mess's. Leiper, of Hullett. Petty, of Heueau. and Mc- Donald, of Wingbam. They arrived the following d.v. Warder' Stotbere The first rommuoicatioo read by busty Clerk Lino was from the executive of the Outwit) (�,00d Roads As.oeiation, euclosieg a resolution ving of the action of the Federal overnment in amending the Domin- ion Hiehwys Act and of the action of the Provincial Ooveronaeot in making grants towards the improve- ment of Main highways in the variode counties of t h e ''rot ince. T h e council wits asked to page • similar resolution. The scalier was referred to sang la corm the road and bridge committee. J, C. cern. has r,t.•n.sd tram a r4tt of A letter from Jar. Mitchell, president op veml week. in London. looking much un - of the Ooderich branch of the Chil- dren's Aid Society. was sent to the executive committee. Mr. Mitchell asked the council to make an appoint- ment when representatives of the Society would have the privilege of reviewing the work accomplished throughout the county, with a view of securing financial assistance in carrying ms the work. The Education Department sent a leiter edt icing the council to consider the forging of • joint inspectorate with We county of Bruce, as the number of schools in Huron, county is too large to inspect properly under the reorganized sy7stems of public school inspection. The condition in tb" county of Bance wee similar, the letter stated. The cauocil wee" asked to make arra! gement. so that the new plan may go into effect at the earliest possible dale. The letter rated that Chief Inspector Cowley would wilt on the council. The secretary of the Ontario Pro- vincial Winter Fair wrote asking the council to contribute money for prizes to be offered to Huron ,ouuty exhib- itors at t.be fair. The letter was re- ferred to the executive committee. 1'he Ontario Municipal Association sent a letter dealing with the question of tax veform and made • request for an expression of opinion by the coun- cil for or spinet legielatioe to reduce :he assessment of iwproveweuts. The special committee will report un the matter. A letter was received from Sheriff Reynolds in which it was pointed out what wee being done in the matter of reforestation throughout the Prov- ince. He advocated that Huron county do something in the matter. A newspaper clipping was enclosed which trade reference to the move- ment that had been started in Halton county along thin line. Reforestation, wet* abrteteat was Issalag at dangers* OWL The , litetiele .Jade tarried oo tbei. and -tart the aomadttee .build pest eves sed seeks an in- spection el t It was sin by Belfie and Brown that the sound' male provi- sion toparttetpate to the grant made by the Province tor good roads m On- tario. The motion was scot to the road and 1st lige committee. The motion for adjostnaeeot until 41:60 Wednesday morning was then made. No seeskin was held on Wednesday foreeoM, ar the road aid brings com- mittee did not return to time from their humortion of the Auburn bridge. PERSONAL MENTION. Angus c Leod left on. Tuesday ea . trip to Y r' ilea. Leer Worrisil. of Toronto, is rotting at the old home in town. W. J. Tewer.ey ka. trace t Uoalok to voter epee hie sew week theta. W. G. Coatis. of Big mane Gap. V... was In tows tics week os a ieesaeer tttp. Kra Rarer Knight, et Torento, is ,pending • few weeks is tows at the std home Mn. Seward ceased Meghtir. et Ldinsa- tso, ars viittos at the home of Me. We. Orrz. Cerr81str. et Me S. l Cesare( tete dao M • away on a hewer Tint to 1Weedeteek Ate, il01ba a.oa.. whet a hero atneadlag the U0refdty of Toronto. 1, home for Ike Mfrs. (Ease.) J. Miloek Marr tomorrow ea an e ztsedetl visit to .orunto. Oshawa awl bow- man Jerd..u. who baa been aUeedloe Me 01011 UWesety. Montreal. is visiting at the aid trey is health. Mien Mawr McLennan le home ton Tertian., ea of the .erioie aloes of her mother. Mrs. 1. Moi sauia 1. J n Mew leftleftea Tuesday ea a three sr to tee Prairie Provinces. Be will ge sibs wast as Moogi•w. Alm Ivy Kelly. of Pietos, le thriftiest cedar Bal ■ea Walter Kelly. Cant k street. The visitor M • sister of Mr. Kelly. Dr. 1, 1L lashes west to autuugtee 00 thThereto K to Steadld •ethicnntisa at (tattoo. Chea Tweedier woe at Ise' week at tosei'�r tM funeral of has brot$w, 11p. 1 os6e. who died very esddsal7 es May 34th, erximeAmwatMencgmaismo of encored aL1.5.eenayet eras Freak N his fished Turner. he hywt"s Beene. Rev. J. Pollock is atteod1n$ the moue' mosttos tee O r hapti a chs rehire of the Walk - setae cton. The teeetlag le being H eid at W Anon. Idea Yaaeford, Fred Jackson hod Thema. Jackass woes a ootehie trio of Clintsslaae in tows gas yrThey •saWiest up to o.t the eTias Merge mfl; c& p s ad X. J. L ' .cashew rho.a- . Min, lade. .so Mr. tter ,aeddt.g #I l take • u., easel the preansdre farmers eft vicinity. eesa" Mos Wednesday to sfaow terrst to taw �rwmal t Meas- • atnpaltto 10r7are.. Ma. anti ll eta T. s. Ipar sat Mrs Lars s .end � ism mooted I sty, vie 11r..ad ]las. S. J. /drier le at alt. Am* This week is attersiseat the eeriest of tie rocas Cs .�"i'txmLtryete.eaeb. r ii.A. ae _ . it WI 1. i. in T.ewNlbb weskits rattl- es the Basi rC.0 . nett e[ fie .Beat d Yoreere o .*ara arve et et be. It zar. Wlllw tl�?.bre. of aimertn fir. gleed, r rratrbYoit aeDhe ;Err TnraK. tlta• the w tth her caeca, MK Boz IM ands, el w !lack.. and her negbew, D. M. Terser.. Touters. Mr sal Yee. d'. Booketess are in Toronto tile ealtlk awaiting the arrival of their- �j/fI.. Female. who le returning= arcs a• 'Months MOWin newt, Broaia. Thee are exp.aled hems tau renew Free trawls .ed te sews last war setae spending eeYIAt weeee 1a farmingoverslleps tte it was pointed out, would assist in beg- m Ae+a. Be'aeport& 000d1bns nit tome elating the supply of ow race water, to i•e vert praaii.rt. Lie will return to Aug - to attend 1• tis taking offal the crop. The special committee will report a. Dr. Hamad Mw►o has been sot- to the advisability of taking up the Mtintendeot eftS•stern boeptt..►. Montle, tna tilt afar. -.M. Q. Woods, of St. Helens, regis- tered a complaint about pedlars, who he alleged were Meddling in the north of the eeo'n:y without a license. He *eked the 'council to look into the natter. The letter was tefer'ed to the special committee. Wm. -Nicholson iesigurd bi* ap- pointment as member of the Wiug- ham high school board, owing to his rv- motal trout the county. Ht rreigna- tion was sent to the education com- mittee. Several commitmenta of children to the care of the Children's Aid Society were sent to the executive commute.. Under the beading of inquiries. Mr. Bailie asked what were the salaries of the 'reboot inspectors and how were they paid. County Clerk Laoe gave• some iofor- matioD on the rgatter. Cold two years ago the inspectors, be said. were paid a certain amount for suiting each school and their travelling ex- penses. Then their salaries were changed, and they were paid $1,T00 and an amount agreed upon for trav- elling expenses. In case of a new ap- pointment like that of Dr. meld, be was to receive $1,1100 the Mat year, $1,000 the second year. and 111,700 (the maximum salary) the third year. Since Dr. Field sou appointed. an- other change had been made and the salaries were increased, making $2,000 the maximum salary-. The Province would pay one -bail and Lb! county the other hall and the county also pays the travelling expenses of the is- sgctors. Mr. Tom's expense account, Mr. lame stated, was agreed on Bac M0 and lir. Field's as 4310. The manner in which the grater were distributed to We three hospitals in Huron county was another scatter brought up by Mr. Bailie. He said be had received itifortuetion which made him oonaider that all of them were not teeing fairly dealt with. Dr. Milne also spoke on the subject and advocated that toe grant should bit mostly divided among the three in• notations at Aodericb. Clinton and Wingham. A motion waa made by Meson. Bettie and Kernighaa that the road rind bridge committee mail* the Auburn bridge as soon as possible. as it was in • dangerous eoodftloe. Speaking regarding the condition of the bridge Mr. Bailee maid be thought the bridge should have baro attended to long ago. as it wee liable to go down at any toomerL The retro pier was now affected and was tipped to an angle of forty -Ave degrees. Mr. Munaings sugge0ed oast Use erbg4esr meet the committee at the Sore of the oowaelnon thought It steecg* that the •mender had not mases Bathos without Fostreetioes se a bylaw empowered se{rreed tie to do. Mr. Bailthe *gnomeN'w ince aowsidsrraahb to save the Wlya bast skates Let Aeuday a grease Amapa w askew. The writ Mid ebetessnt bed baa washed awe, try aaNher iseilMt red the has resigned position la eider t tike e trip around world. He will be almost for a )e�ar. Tee r ts a brother d c aries ilherhrd, of lana. irr. 1,'. Y SW Boa Dr. L. M. Mabee ars at Buitingwu this week ettadlas the eaublaed sassUoe of the Canadya Dental Ampf4Mfoa t ad the Ontario ertanisaties et the same waft. Itis ttyeoories d the h4.n.ta1 meat - log of u,e former sad the carnal .ssioe of the Pres mere! organisation. It A. Wolfe , who was 1. atisadanoe at the Facially of rVa.atbo. Tasatea easiest the past term hoe hese �aetteaotommsaded Mr the posschool i ofh•.syfart Coro hie dorie ges Wows swots after t,,,,� vaeaWO. I4e Yes .at Geoded whether he will swept Of nor. Mr. Waiter L a f�rreesias of the Geietrh Col- legiate 1rot ads. CHURCH NOTES. Sunday school anniversary services were celebrated in Victoria *tree: Methodist church las 8•btiath, Rev. A. W. Barker. B. D., of Ssmtorth, be - Ing in charge. in the morning he preached a very practical discourse on The Rights of Children." fwd in the evening "'!tie Mission of the Lind" was the suyeet of an iosptting ad- dress. in the afternoon at 8 o'clock Mr. Barker ggasve an illustrated ad- dress ent'net -The Voyage of Life," which was *artily appreciated. The illustrations used were drawn by Mr. Barker hirn1111 and were very effec- tive in assiieeleg$the speaker to poe- try the ,itrdisrity of the voyage in life to a trip ea the nes. The musical service in flip sorniog was led by a choir of y ladles and in the even - Ing a chorus the Sunday school led the service of praise. Miss Bel- cher also sang a solo. Laotian Ceefereace Stature& Tbs first draft of the London 000ference stationing commlttte shows the fdwisg change": London. Wellington street, O. N. Hagen; ()misonisl, H. A. Graham; Hyatt avenue, J.S. Mlllya aweprimes avenue, T. W. Comore Metwori4 8. A. Andereoop Sidout street, J. C. Reid: Jonotbe, Fred Moaning until college opens; Dorchester. R. L Yowl Byron. W. J. Rooke Mitchell, J. W. Baird; Atwetd, L. W. Reid; Kin- cardine. A. J. Langford; Wroxeter, R. S. ',undated; A.b5"Id, Durrant; Beetle, Bortoa C. Rotenaoal Belgrave, 1. Kilpatrick; Clinton, Balmoral .Cafe (REDFORD BLOCS) Tbe bei parr le tone far HOMEMAD E CANDIES add (tsa50' ,w ort all Vedr- £. areas. mem Reseises. ova n is 154.* sen Beal of ar.t-im eraat&s. w .Mil ire os b rkreriebr" 1's'/' M. P. E. %toilette Oolerio vi a, R. JJ.`oneo�ett;� Jewett,/ Nile, O. O. (oureas; ill BONN F. L Harturn; Stater. James West, W. 0. H. McAllister; Parkhill. H. J. Urea; Hansell. Robert aloha; Or,editon Jeffereoo;J. Sorb Selby Alba Cris*yleae J. SHU.sr; �Lgoao, T T. George;Woodball, W. U. Mc- Tavish; Kiktoo. R 0. Horton; Kee - wood, B. L. Wilson; Warwbb, Harvey Kennedy); Arlon*. John Bali; Brooke, Byron e11; Mount Brsiee.. A. L Agnew; Oil *rinse.e. V. !L Pentland; Ramis. Deviate street, W. .1. Aebton; W oolag, J. W. ; Windsor. W street, 8. L Tow Walkerville, "DDVV" 0. Howson; Malden. O. C. Gifford; Harrow, 0. F. Mark; Ratbven, J. B. Currie; Wooddse, T. B. Completed; Leamington. .1. O. Walker; Wheatley, R. F. bride; Romney,W. Pattanoo; Pelee Island. Jobn udd Bbnbeim, O. W. Dewey ; C Bps�I�s, W. R. Lis- burne; Wallaceburtt. H. T. Ferguson; Ridgetowo, J. B. Holmes; lyda` Harold Williams; Highgate. 0. J. Kerr ; Ti•amaville, 8. Muxwortby; WardevIUe, William Oodwia 01e41- o, RicnaLeos" W td Hobbs; Leo nea Dania Vienna. 8. Quinn ; Kingialt. 8. 0. u*da; Yarmouth Centre. W. Conway; Orwell, J. I. Sinclair; Port Slattery, W. R. Vance; Harwich, H. J. Fair, Dover, 7. J. Allen. (, You will never realize how much ten cents can buy until you taste 5i air, lir* reit' geetriTelt �1tM v •,.,r. No. 1 Company,'Armyit3erviceCorps tab�bi7 tiers pe astbieg moss ss. or (Guelph), Major O'Brien comandtay, n igee the yawn we get for R fr will as rive at camp by C. P. o tPhe 0 n 14th int. g' HavlDgpd • i3arlowa urn • dealing aling b 1I4.(rap t pow Coal, af:t `ml,low41k, std. ma 1 1f a otos liana talus Cur. two Ogg i w "ited as Pao: tie pbss1.uepie Wof Goderlcb and =ad tsball bev�gitc�1rJett,. boar fast. all air. He, eaMssots and any otbo, Unes• .tessh anything in oar YaAtHae,Alit• .sit with Jo., attended to. pnnuptly McDonagh6ledhill Theme No 7e Yards at O. T. R, Selma, -omit Make a Kele the thingN soot .4. do Bad the &seaee are you do t thinss of thea. VALUES AT THE HODG.ENS STORE Values at this store are good -always. No matter what the price there is quality behind it that makes the value beyond any doubt or question. June values are particularly good. Many of them et Extra Special, " for we have planned and prepared for a big month's business. Judge us b,"ady of these. Scotch Linokuma 50c These Linoleum, are di es►bea one of Scotland's biggest Uaoleaas pslats. Tate quality U extra heavy -- better by far than we weld offer you at this price bad we not imported them direct 'from the maker*.eN w dM W i floral or block, orack, thoroughly eeesebeill cloth. Per 50c square yard School Hose 15c Again we remind you of our special School Hose. These ere heavy ribbed cot- ton, absolutely last black, massless 15c feet. all sizes. Pee. pair Our 25c Hosiery Line At this popular prise we show the great- est values we have had for many • day. You can count on any of thine giving you satisfactory wear. Our special "No -Seam" Hoes in black or tan. Fast black cotton with natural wool feet. Children's fine ribbed lisle thread. seam- less feet, in black yr tae. Ladies' flee-oGeresan cotton Hose, full fasbleaed, seamier feet. black only. Boyo' heavy ribbed cotton Hose, wish • splieed knees and heels, fart black. Childress's pink and sky mercerized lisle Hose, **deem feet, all the popular sizes. All at one pries, and that 'price-- 25c Per Pair Tan Embroidered Hose 35c Ladies' tan Llale Thread Hose. correct shades for this season, embroidered 35c froste, all sizes. Per pair........... Hose of Finer Quality A splendid assortment of finer Hoer. Flue gauze lisle, silk ankles or anion, 4011 ataaortment of sizes in black sod tan. Per pair ... 16001, 410o and A Dress Goods Special at 45c We ate piecing on our *nate* about 200 yards of light colored Dress Goods and Suiting•. They are mostly black and white rniztures, either broken checks or Io $1. peTr rTo makeelem a seedy 78c to s an yard. 0make s 4� clearance we offer you your choice at We Sell Gloves That Wear .50 Thew Gloves will wear. We guarantee that. No values to equal these anywhere near bare, because they come to us direct trona the German wsonfaetonn. White Wo. Thread Gloves, medium 25e length. Per pair . ladies' whir or bloc& Lisle (!love., s f1�, fine quality, elbow length. Per pair.. a�/l. Fine mercerised ILL Thread Gloves. s excellent wearing glove. to whit. 6�►0/�c�, only. Special at per pair........... Vel\. Long Silk Gloves A aWctbo of odds Brod ends we an ctearjpg out, Regular $1.00 to $1.26 values. Most of them have doings Inger-Ops. ann 79C Black, white I. Per pair.. n.7 Our Great $ 1.00 Glove Pure silk, heavy weight, double Sager - tips. hilly guaranteed. The grater value we bare ever shown. Sibow lesstle, Week a white. Per pair .P1 e00 The same Glove. only Teener. per pair. U.S. The Ogre Mgr Olaf -water !)Meas .cm Weft tbt•er1les Short Silk Gloves 50c Short Silt Gloves with double finger tips. in black, white and colors, a splendid wearing glove that you run so risk in buy tet beesean every pair la guaranteed. a fi All sat, per pair. 1/431./t..law Ladies' Umbrella, $1.68 This le an extra special for Saturday. Twenty -tour only.ladies' Umbrella, or Psr..ois, genuine gloria Silk top that will not oat or change its eobr, steel rod. extra strong frame sad a.pisodid assortenrit of a.hby and heads** handles. Be pilaf tH till Umbrella. Jost twenty-four t s sell coon meowing Saturday morning et each .O1.68 A Raincoat is Needed These Days We make apsefalofierisg it. high-grade Rainooste. These ars very stylish gar meets add better than usually sold. Loose beck style, perfect -lilting and splen- did wearers, dark or light cocoas, actual some to $18 A0 values. flvs or M(�() six only to sell at, each P12.W Girls' Dresses, $1.00 Miaow Tub D.es.ee, a nice assortment of colors sadter*. Ito new and pop ular dodged *Ito Very special at, el fin each ..p ex/� Girls' (Unshorn Dresses at $1.50 Three 4....es ere made of high-grade imported giogbaau. They come in broken at ches, trimmed with plain materials to, match. All slats up to 10 years. Each. .vv Cream Serge with Colored Stripe Ju.tthis week a shipment of Oros with Week oreolored •tripe.. These are 54 inch* wide sad wench he demand this resole. We show them with black, bine end tan stupes in a splen- did assortment. Very mods worn C1• 7a for skirts or coats. Per yard. s %l 25c Indian Head 20c floe, Newrssad.ed 2fie lodlaa Hwsdquoitsjust , trmend eeeei.ede ven Ezt.a 4.1411,_ thread. Per yard 2 White Welding with Colored Stripe Vary fins S0[lleb Zephyr and Gloghan- for separate wrests. Wash and *ender like a piens or coital. White greased with black. blue or swore stripes, 80 to as meta wide. Per yard �� Fine Dantisk Table Cloths. Soiled and Slightly Imperfect tieveeters ealy fine Damask Table Cloths, 2 z 2$ to 2 x 4 yards, all good patterns. 1 lite s e are dlj►fi perfect but is so wee that will Interfere with the wear. Some are soiled on the outride from headlisg fo sakes gdck dearsaee wit .Aur tient Q5. at psrac- tiglly ONLHALF otiULA* PRI('K. Verandah Rugs 35c to $7.30 A awsrtl St of Vueaodab Haas la sans Magas gad weaves, ass .ad Wit. 7 fat 0 isa°°mh.... 926oe'i is %.s0 Our Brussels Rug at $15.00 sed opusesss a fee t... ret. ea Metes gosh Brom& Reg. This is a heavy quality 1114.101114.10403 we as,Vsying sa �!.d Nee 2Myadw O 0 TM Mere ehae saes tris AI*"ss reran eareet"