The Signal, 1912-6-6, Page 70
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Muelleat. Jose fled. TVao&Y. June 4th. Mo$DAY, Jape ltd.
haft last WOW' t I The district ♦ Unique PsougAill -Tice .seen
Armen.. Natant. was held in the Methodist church cm the
hen ee Tussds evening of Victoria Da u.der the
of dem- cII pines of
W. M. 8. war a de-
Dttelpg tlt5 Isle ,car
esYe, vole orad the member" of the8ee(ety ha/e been
"talent ascssy" Rod one ha-
loture of tbe peogeao wail the pa ins
of this tAteot mosey and ts�UaR
bow It was earned. Several literary
and musical numbers were given, after
which a fine lunch was served by the
ladles. The proceeds of the evening
aruoaated to over 840.
A Coosa Ow.. --(stews., the little
two-year-old eon of Robert Caldwell.
had a close call for his life a few days
ago. His tether was digging pest-
hole. and the little fellow was playing
near hv. In a sbodt time he was
missed au his father was shocked to
find be had &Ilea head -Ant into one
of the postboles, in which there was
nmatt eighteen inches of water. The
little lad was unconscious, but first-aid
service was rendered almost im-
medietely and his life was saved.
L.. Ano1
m.h fur Pilot Moe1.d.
lira Alex. Sparis and her sou
Arable ars away os a trip to the Wert.
,Ir. sad Yss. &sheet ArmrteoaR sr"
beet They nett towbeaw y about
ix West&
iliacs: Or ANL BBor start. -.i see..
Nis SWAN& WIN sissalatigi
pars passed tairay ���g Ib.t�et homly on e 4
beDoe.wedJAW s, Wed coma. .
ales. The ata/e1- took Owe to
j�aird's ces.etIly s iletarday after.
nateresting 'vest on Wednesday of
mot week will be the annual reunktn
d the Walker family. It will be bend
this year at the home of Jamas
Walker. at Marlette, Mich. Tbe
family has a large eonaeotion in
Stanley sod It Is expected that
a number from bene wi l partIcipats in
for event.
WttuximDAY. June bib.
Sc Hrbot Rgro*T.-The following is
re. report of S. S, No. 0, for rhe
month of May: Sr. IV. -Warren Mc-
Closkey, Eddie eowerby, Bugh Dav-
idson. Jr. I V . -W mi. Elliott, Lewis
leers. 8r. IM. -Peel Amy. Allan
Ross. Jr. I11. -inset Bell,
®lint[. Alice Faloaer, BeR[feesSow-
n-by. Oordoa Ore. pP o.
Sr. I I . -Bessie Dorothy
Richer'. Roy Wilson. Victor Roe.,
Allan Brinlepp Jr. 11. -Victor Fal-
coner. Allan Biebaa. I't. IL -Charlie
Bell. Harvey Fuller, Alice Sowerby,
Edgar Atny. Pt, I. (&)-Minnie John -
'too, Irina Hell. Rawl Fuller. Dave
Davidson. Annie Davidson. Pt.. 1. it))
-Brunk Orr, Hannah Sowerb , Lizzie
Pearson, Harold Bell. Gladwin Brev-
ets, Austin Fuller. V. BLLtarr,
Teacher. 4,
FRIDAY. May Slat.
&sock RstroRr.-Report of 8. M.
Na 3, West Wawano.h. Thou.
,starred were absent for much of the
month: Sr. IV.-1k1Y Fitspatsbk,
Laura Fitzpatrick. Jr. IV. -Lottie
Johnston. Gormley Thompson, Gor-
don Cameron. Johnny Oresstoo, Ruth
Fowler.,Abie Mmy the, Johns Srring-
ton•, Totnmy Webster*. 8,. III. -
Annie Duroio. Mildred Fitzpatrick.
Willie Thompson, JIM Dnrnsin, Her-
vey Webster*. Jr. 111. --.Moe Thome-
son, Harry Durnin. Jr: II. -Harris
Purdoo, Lorne Durgin, WUbert Dut-
oin. John A. Tbompsrn, Mary John-
ston. Willie Cranston. Pt. II.-Otaytoo
Amythe, Manche Webster. 8r. Pt. 1.
-Lizzie Wilson, Russel Thompson,
Elnwr Purdue, Gracie Roberton.
Jr. Pt. I. -Reties. Tbompaoo. E. 8.
MILL E -s, Tescben
MONDAY, June Ind.
Mrs. M. J. Scott, of Nelson, B. C.,
was the truest of fur brotber. F. H.
Powell. She has gone te Ottawa,
what sbe will visit for a tuna before
returning to her home to the Coast
uEAvtt'ge APPsst'iATID.-A pttas-
ant gathering took place at the Lome
of Joseph Proctor, Hdm..vitle, w a
recent evening when s ssmb.refte
parishioners of St. Johs'o nisei
M▪ iss
tc t, honor ton tho
Mus Prnofor, who has web
faithful service in tbat ..pushy. She
was made recipient of a gold sb..t
and chain and a ailver.moeWyi °mob
and brush set, while the hops woe Ino
mewed that sbe might he spired long
to sontinue the good work. ' The re-
mainder of the evening was spent in
games, efter width a dainty iamb was
served. The company then separated
with expressions of mutual goodwill
and •toad -fellowship.
St then of 1(10. The
delegates, aIsetses at them,
areired by "taxicab.* An latweetiag
program wan given. Mrs. W. Daw-
son. of PsrkbIl . delivered an address
on "The Mand that Rocks the thadl5."
Mine Margaret A111.. of Jarvis. ger. an
address on "Horne Nursing," end also
renred a teoltsMies tloo. s L. Carr
of dye`. sang • took*. The election of
omoers resulted as follows : President.
Mrs. Swanson, Goderich ; vine•preat.
dent, Mes. G. Powell. Blyth ;
trereuryr Mn. Youos. =ai-
d d. a lunch was partaken of
b/ the delegate., supplied by the
ttMytb Institute.
PatamoiAL ANO Ggxg.AL. - Mr.
West. inspector of apiaries, bold a
meeting ben un Saturday, oo Mr.
Carr's lawn. There were about
twenty -Ave peewns in atteadaaoe and A Secaucus Acx-toa rr.-A serious
they were all well leased with the in- , runaway happened in our village the
.tractive lecture del leered . • ()tome other day, resulting in painful injuries
Moore, wbo has been visiting here for to Mrs. W. Longman. When the ac-
aome time, returned to Ripley on cadent happened Mr. and Mr.'. Long -
Monday evening. accompanied by his man and three children were about to
daughter. He returned sooner than 1, -ave boom in the buggy. While Mr.
be had intended on account of an Longman was putting the baiter in at
affection in one of his leap Jae, the back of the buggy. a cat sprang
Dodds, of Toronto, is spending his bol- up on the shaft of tbe rig and then on
ideas with his mother here E. H. to the horse. neck. The frightened
Ayer, of Detroit, paid his annual trip home dashed off and ran down the
to Blyth on Monday to advertise the toad to Mr. Riley's corner, where the
lake trip by steamer G. eybound from buggy was overturned, throwing the
t)odericb to Detroit on Friday,June occupants out on the hard road. Mrs.
14th Mir McLean, of Waerton, Liogman's leg was broken just above
is the guest of Flit aunt, Mrs. F. Mein- the ankle and she oleo received severe
toeh John Bell and wife, of bruises. One Of the cbildren was
Clare.bolnr, Alberts, are visiting with burt, and one escaped un
their relauves hen Mrs. A. M. while the infant in Mn. Long/nail's
Babb and daughter, who bad Ince vis- arms was not even awakened. Mn.
icing the foreer's mother here, re- Longman Is doing as well as can be
turned to their home at Teeswater on eapected.
Thursday ()stench met for the
monthly sheeting in industry Hall on
Monday evening R. R. Sloan. of
Goiertcb township. spent a few days
here this week. He states the pros-
pects for a good yield of apples are at
p reseot [toe. but he fears so much ralb
as we have bad may be injurious.
Rev. J. L SMALL'a FAagWILL M g -
MON. -Rev. J. L Small, who has been
the pastor of Nt.. Andrew's church for
the past Ave years, clued his pastor-
ate hen on Monday last. in the room-
ing be dispensed sacrament and in rhe
evening ptegebed his farewell sermno
to a packed rbunch, even although the
night was wet. He took bis text from
Revelatino 21:1, but before commenc-
ing tbe sermon he thanked the Metho-
dists for closing their church for the
evening and also extended bis thanks
for the kindneeaes be bad received on
all hands during his pastorate, sod
especially Inc the kind letters and the
gift" he and Mrs. Small had received
during the past week. Wherever
they were 'hey would always remem-
ber the yeses spent in Blyth. There
is no doubt that we are losing a pastor
whom it w i1 be hard to replace and
every person is Sony that he his left.
Mr. Small and his family left on Mon-
day for tbeir new home st Hespeler
and his induction will take place there
on Tuesday. Next Sunday Rev. Mr.
Hall, of Kenora, will occupy the pulpit
and Rev. Mr. Pearcey, tot Loudesboro',
wbo bas been appointed inter im mod-
erator, will preach the pulpit vacant.
The members hope it will not be long
before a new minister is called, as it is
Dot good fora church to be without a
pastor for • lengthy period. Then is
no doubt this is a good charge, as it
has a beautiful, well -sit muted manse, a
Sae church newly deoorsted, and prsc-
Meetly oo debt : so there ought to he
no trouble in getting a good minister.
The Western Fair.
The 'Western Fair of Laudon, On-
tario, will be held this year September
8th to 14th Active prepsr•ttoo• are
being made by the mac. ement to
ASHFIELD. make this year's exblbitsou excel
TUIEDAY, June 4th.
anything ever attempted by the
Association in the past. The speed
Sr mom Romero -Fol ie theshows two events each day
Mc" rel 8. 8 No. in. Itne %%rrilla:rige purses for each ; this is
May: fir. IV. - Arithesslitt Bele always an interesting part the
Alton b huts Job-.t..'l5�y exhibition. There will be one pf the
Downey bb. John Smite Sk WIM beet programa before the grand stand
Dramas 44, Tom Little IS. Bow twice deify that have ever been
rsPhy : E. Parrish 86, Liter. Johnston presented. indading aerial acts.
77. R Alton 76, J. Sent& 46. 1{. Dow- bar a trwbolin act.
ney by W•Deans acrobat net Dicers Il Annus aBing o over rev.
,stat), Hi � f:: Ilttie ad acrobatic snit. ed all binds. and an lowing an illness ezbodinRR rev.
story : L. iebnnt= 78. M. equestrian act, botb single and double, end weeks, Angus Mdwod answered
8R Alton.y. . � i' R. F.rrnt 46, with the comedy tet of linos and the anal summons on Friday morainic
. Arithmetic Drennan 55, 3'. Lads his orale tont wUl los so fancy that May 24th. The deceased was born in
Johnston 814, R. Alton y work►`. L it will mos. • hteh foe every *mond. Prince Edward Island os April 21st,
19ti, W. Drennan i M W. T. Little A fireworks program each evening 1864. and was thus forty-eight years of
ale, Downey la, epeoe.tlog of sixty pieces', IntIUIISg age. When be was Ave years old his
J. Scott 156. E. Parrish 138, O. Shen the wonder cul motorzyele race and father. the Mm Donald McLeod,
want 51. Jr. IV. -Linde Drennan. concludbeg witb the • Bombardauent mom to Kinloss township and
Sr. iii. -Lorne Pante, Bert Jobs- of Tripoli." Particular" will be given
sten, Jo,sn settled on lot I, r000easioo 6 Hose
Utile 8eott, Jo. Bowler, Ism letter. The Midway will be Ailed with Ib. subject of this notice spent hie
Jr. Ht. tat- leruy,tssoo, clean skews which will be o1 boyhood days and tben came to Lrck-
Am � tett.Jr. MIL )-1[arforT iga110st to young mad told. Then stow, where be served his apptentioe-
Matlin, d -R•~' Jr. IL -Geniis will be plenty of mei c and sosstething p with the late Alexander Madliio-
M'III n, Frank Reinhardt. 8r. i.- doiog every minute. Special riasle no.. merchant tailor. Ha spent acv
Ruby Johnston, last Sam'' fan reilsA totes .asst rooms owl years in Mimco, and in Panes.
die Johnston, Maya••' Rd. 1leptsober over all roads in villa, Ohio, and in It1D4 be returned to
dberw MSW. TIYM Waster° °Warb and as tar east as Lteknow. where be built up & soeesse-
$b ren_ ,.j, Da1M Siageton ber 1Special 1esourslwt days hal bu.iness 1. merchant tailoring and
Parnell. Jr. I..- n j]g�rps, t tilos will he gives on &atti s- mariedand Dith. All timo's f to (a. Ma. It: G19omm, he ws.
bra Re1.ha.�jt, Albert Alfas. tilos to the secretary. A. M. Hunt, Margaret (nonan, wbo
g survive*, with one son, Kenneth Car•
Say- Alton. L Joie- London. Ontario.
sten g 'very lyle. He also N survived by bis aced
() `e*+w. I' !tern. J. Acott, soother. two sisters- Mrs. M J. Me-
res•' Noimber w 8/. Me16 Quita and Permanent Strength. Leeman 0f CleveMnds Obio, and Mrs.
t:R. Teach. U.S. M. Ai If Toss are run down or tired out, K W. O. (ardam, of Ripley --and three
ops tab sold easilhave no appetite. brothers -Alex., of Teamster, Donald.
s!s Isaac Saab or have other eeoe of Colossi. and Rev. W. C., of Moto
{ssw nti dtdty, try oar Masleod's toad. All n ca
weprompt at the fntersl
regrowCass.d b7 Reneestoe antler oar aeaw with the exception of Mrs. McL..nan.
+ .bed Mel s • to SAW Mae price Paid if the mm- The remains were inhered in Hasson
Rt. Jobe, N. is all Anis tt ware oatlah.t&aa. oematary. The woke at the beton
brot„y °b°, M Sepemo 18th. 101 It tido dlgeetloe tenet cup the servos@ was eowaucud by Nev. J. 8. Duties'
kid s AWeisidlwef teem ty Sen sad beth gigue sad per- and .t the graveside by the mesolo e
sed w� std b and betel /k..tlss mamaet 011e Solara Weir. of OM lot Lodge Na 184, A., P. a
was Ones W by We )r �b
Meareed M.did ss A. M.. o( whist► the deceased was s
wbkh advised t• �wJFe��tlMur Ow. Umt, rat tole by 1R R. mantles. Tb. pallbearers were Geo.
was afMr he tilMtle. R. Widen, A. P. Stewart, D. Msi-
M bs��, Vex. Ross. Geo. H. Snaith we
►l'; l Imes ay▪ I04 tier be flea Tf'SM, W, j Little. r.presestini ids. Masonk
mesa Too erre% mosso - immA tstsasr bey sed los bent waren ani Ot1MtAvwm sntd tl,..
town. i. a bagthe gy people
pg aI. A thighs that mess
Pig psa e. m wed O. M ne Year ba, eves( gi pepeor�ovemdor'1 I Wei wows are memo busy buten eb
n a
Oa. SL mthat 1ltaa, oat. tamed. wall frame One door at they Ltvs so
Noaoetly tic Maly remarked : "My i time to Mat w the •
w r fe '~eye lhe thgt . �ra�� Sever bar men is, Idea et
/•. Aa♦ ▪ el&� mid taw g 'WNW OS a eftwoe
• ad the .-ge 66.41"."1"1".11.1111.411"1."
let est► s �rYs dam' M yo. 411.1.) ""e-eI� iWre W. haw
tmtiM M hatttiw." tow, en i (1W em'y eitpeei b flus.
MONDAY. June 3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aitchison have
gone to Meaford to reside.
Mrs. Robert McIntyre, of Winnipeg,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) J.
N. Duncan.
Mrs. Elliott, of New York, and Mrs.
Johnston, of Owen Sound, are visiting
their sister, Mrs. Robs. Mullin.
Herb Graham is visiting his parent.,
Mr. and Mrs. Robe Graham, after
Vending the winter with bis brother
David in Florida.
Treleaven Bros. are iLst•lling a new
100 -horsepower boiler. When the job
is completed their power plant will
make them independent of the uncer-
tele water supply.
HAM) INJUR&D.-Walter Sturdy,
an employee in the furniture factory.
bad one of his beads split between
two fingers and down the back as tar
as the wrist by a swing circular raw
which .be was operating. In some un-
known manner, the machine, which is
large and heavy. swuog on against
the band after completing a cut across
a very wide board. inflicting s very
nasty injury.
Cavaco Orgxtwo. - Tbe formal
opening and dedication of the hand-
some new house of worship of the
South Kinloss Presbyterian congrega-
tion took place on Muniay, May db.
The preacher of the day was Rev. Dr.
Robertson, of Knox College, Toronto.
Very large coogregatioos were in at-
tendance at all the services of the day.
On Monday evening Dr. Robertson
gave a lecture no •'Metfmorie of
Church Life to Northern Scotland."
The financial contributions amounted
to the fine total of SAM. Rev. F. A.
MseLnnan is the pastor of the
DEATH or OoAL TwrzDY.-The re-
mains of the late Ogal Tweedy, • well-
known resident ofKinlougb, were
interred in Green Hill cemetery
on Monday last. Mr. Tweedy's death
was a very sudden one. He was in
Luckoow on the Wednesday previous.
but on Thursday night he became ill
and death ensued on Friday morning.
Deceased was bore near Brockville
fit. -seven years ago. He leaves a
widow, three daughters sod four sons.
Three brother' and six mitten also sur -
e1... One of the brothers is Chu.
Tweedy, of ()odeeich.
TMusepeo, loon d 1911 1
Well, Mr. Fanner! You are still thinking about that
engine you intend to buy, are
you not? Why not get busy and have it fixed so that it
will be ready when you require it instead of leaving it until
the last minute ? Terms arranged to suit you. We have
an outfit, consisting of an engine and pump jack, which
will replace that unreliable old windmill of yours, at $65.
sisA/en,t Mrer.s T•iffr eetartes trhtt onewaoad
dime ear �t+ase Laetuooe.a e„mn,t..n..te.d• tno
05 reera�wr trigs.
Tbe Huron Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co.
'Pesten *4* TRAMS MTRICTLY t'AMli
Toweeatr Oovscu.. --- Tb. council
met at Belgrave on May -'•8, aa •
court of revisios and appeal. All
the member" present. Having each
severally subscribed to the affirmation
requireby statute the appeal of
Donald Patterson, w. h. lot 211, eoeose-
.fos 8, wbo complained that his land
was •messed rho bust compared with
other Mrd in the same locality (ibis
befog the only appeal presented), was
brought up foe consideration. No
action taken in this appeal, the amine
meat being 000es:med. On applica-
tion Gerald Kelly was added to the
roll as w. t., lot 37, concession 7.
There being no other Additions or
changes mads it wee moved by Mr.
800tt, eeoon .d by Mr. Stoeehoa.e,
that the wesisment roll as now re-
vised be adopted and the court closed
for the peessst year. Carried. Coun-
cil resumed lied ordinary buuioess was
proceeded with. Minutes of last regular
and special meeting read and passed.
H. McDowell was appointed path -
master in plaoe of Geo. Anderson, and
Arch. Clow in place of Ira P. Writ -
wood. Moved by Mr. .tooebouse,
Jtecuodrd by Mr.,Burcbill, that Coun-
cillors 800tt and O.ospbell attend with
the Reeve at the next meeting of the
county council for the purpose of see-
ing if Nome assistance could not he ob-
tained from the county tot the build-
ing and maintaining of Marnoch
river bridge, concessions 8 and 9. Car-
ried. The toliowing accounts . were
ordered to be paid : Cha.. Camp-
bell, repairing e'sebeut at Marnoch
river bridge. 1150.96; Dan Mc-
Donald, cutting hill and re ..siring
washout at Marnoeb river bridge,
$141:: Robert 8biell, i [•pairing
washout at MI lin. hi idge, $14:
township of West Wawaaosh. Inst-
ance of houndery line account, 11115.76:
H. McAllister, drawing tile mud put-
ting in culvert on western boundary,
84 ; Wm. Wilsorf, repairing culvert,
concession 11, 84 ; Wm. Naylor, re-
pairing culvert, concession 12, 82;
G. McGowan, repairing culvert, con-
cessions 2 and 3, 50 cents: Wm. Dobie,
repairing washout. euoeeations 2 and 3,
$3.50 ; Robert MoGre, drawing tile
and putting in culvert, concession 1,
:6 ; The Planet Printing Co., Chat-
ham, treasurer's cash hook and ex-
pr'eo charge', 87.20; Alex. Stew-
art, burying deed "signal, $1
Atutin Campbell, burying dead
Ms.. ass, MAaa, U.S. A.
takes two boxes est
w-ts-ast Ili PULS, they relieved me
se math that I ase quite satisfied witb
the mrsalts. I gave as order to my
=shoat three weeks ago to
sows mese. Nothing has come
you and 1 had to borrow a box from a
irked wive is also ming 6114
1 breve tone left and am
whiyou 52.50 for three boxes
ac would ask you to send at once
as I amu cwt quite so well when 1 esu
without GIN PILLS".
CA* Pills lust be good when peop;e
he, Massachusetts send all the wayto
bsosto to pet them. There is noting
Bks Gila Pills-aothing just the same
ar just as good. Don't accept substi-
tutes if yea value your health and w ant
to be cured of Kidney and Bladder
Ts.sble, er Rbeu.atiam. Insist on
/swing Gia Pills. 5oc. • box, 6 for
Sample free if you write National
i Chemie" Co, of Canada.
Dept. A Toronto. 92
wase aersa1.ta►
is strmtgly tho-rsstngag
- rated Arslc1aan by
Fre leersece Grow
pales. It NOON tpiy
from sparks or barairg
brands, and has saved
many a building. Mads
In 3 Permanent Ceders
-Red, Brows, Green
-and in natural Slate.
bele Ca.dha him 71
uasaes„ipaav y verrei
Hotel Haror►are Co., Umfl$
animal, 52; Arthur Wilson, bury- -
nig dead animal. U. The council
then adjourned to -meet again on
Monday, June 17, at 1 o'clock. A.
ponranrrszn, Clerk.
The Simplicity te Which Modern Equip -
mama Has Eleea Reduced
Since the abort article on gasoline
engines ors ppuot4isbed in a recent is-
sue of The Signal, perhaps a good
many farmer" have admitted that
they bsve long realized the advan•
tages of an engine no the farm, but
Gay. 'Tboae machines are too com-
plicated for me, I'm no mechanic."
If Limy were to spend just about a
quarter of the time in studying a
modern • ne [bat they now give to
searching for help they would see how
mistaken they were. The brains of
the designees seem to he concentrated
no eliminating every unnecessary de-
tail without impairing the efficiency
of the ma ,hire, until now it. is no un-
common thing to And engines with
fewer than a deceit moving parts, and
as a rule yuu will find • fanner who
bas put in an engine, even though at
the bottom be has some doubts about
it, has to almit that it bas "done
well." This is no isolated case and
y in will And that once a fanner bas
been convinced of the utility of up -to.
date methods he appears to, and does„
advance rapidly.
Who a few years ago would have
raid that Woe, cement barna, crease
separator,. spraying outfit., eta,
would be necessary to snake farming
• paying profession ' Yet all around
us we see that it is only the men wbo
use these up-to-date methods who In-
creaaae their holdings and "make
go -d," when otber men with the same
lend hut mit-of-due equipment have
lost money.
Moat of these utilities' can be bought
"on lime" by reepoosible oseo std we
think that if our readers were to in-
vestigate some of these n}to ate
power plants they would be spick =
long way not only to intermitter 53efr
own position bot to making Boron
county known • the moat prolific to
Oea, for K has been proved time
and this again that we have the beet
pouuIMe soil for all kinds of farm and
embers! produce.
The Ladies of Ooderlch
Ma Now Have Beautiful
h . Dunlop Has the
Article and Guaran-
tees it to Orow Bair.
or Refund Your Money.
Dunlop the druggist, backed up by
tbe tsaautecter,re of Salvia, the greet
bair strew,,. gsaranteee it to grow
8alvna destroys dentinal in tans days.
'115 rook of the he is are eo nom -
WWII std fled that • new crop eel hair
alte op. to the awaa,ement and dr -
of tee err. 'Ow bale is ratio
sed tlrsflty. Like all Aessican
nte tielvie la &belay prr-
lemee. 1 t is bard to nod as wenn
wits dee Not ten Relvia er nflo cab.
Ladies of und.ty and Ie/1.aee Wee
.o ether.
Salvia is a seeeptiek y
sail le w .t tl
MOLS1. Ceibetiase. Gosaleis
1.. good for Gnowatt Girls
and Boy. --and they like i. k
unionises the( kite bodies and
makes them hrakhy and strong.
Cowan's Cecsa, se y.s a item yet
genes, is absolutely Ira la dis.ts
Awe i eherined fry is Nes 4 the logine
grad. of Cocos heats, sktsriT Meads&
NeiIJn is added is Mesa der luabb.
Maas! ••••••• el the Css.a
Do You Use mTa
Cowan's Cocoa?
L..H5, fir tlt..s rig* •e!4 leaf
w,t. ssset a
s�.i�. tr/.ala
WOLp seg, YCgfOa!<iA
Kay >a
Jane 14
J. re
JNA t1
Jets t1
Alia 1
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P. R. ti . tarieeea iIntt or Await. K1.& Aat. C
Children's Wear
We make a specialty of handling
clothing and everything for children's
wear. We have in stock a splendid
line of dressy suits, made up in the
Brownie style,that are of unusually
good value and are sure to please.
We can also "suit" you if yo re-
quire anything in Wash Suits.
Our stock of Hats includes a line
of the sailor style suitable for children
Ness thrifitiere
• i Squre, 6Neridi
Steamer@ leave Putt McNicoll
moodily., Toes/lays, Wednes-
day. Thursday, and Sat-
urday. at 4 p. in. for
Tbe Steamer Manitoba, sailing
from Port McNicollWednesaaye,
will earl at Owen Sound. leaving
that point 10.30 p.m.
Steamship Express
leaves Toronto 12:45 p. w. on
sailing days, making direct
connection with steamers
at Port McNicoll.
King's Birthday
between alt stations in 'Canada,
Port Arthur and emit. (food
going May 31, June 1, 2, 3, return
limit June 5 iminimuw rate 2ric),
June 11. -'.5. and every
Tuesday until Sept. 17, Indrse
Winnipeg mrd Reline, $34.00
Edmonton and Return, $42,00
Proportionate rates to other
pointe. Return limit (ti days
Tttrougb Tourist .Jleepiog liars
Alk Jos. Kidd. C. P. R. Agent,
for Homeeeekers' Pamphlet.
Tickets and full information from Joe. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent.
e====z=== =I ====.1%
With the coming 01 the bot days of Summer you will west
a New Perfection'Coal-oil Stove. With Ode coaooil stove you
have no extra ineunnce to pay. Call and examine them.
We will rend them out on approbation.
ore mart N TR,ATMSR1
•••10.4 n.wew 5R we.f.rg and
.Wale. b► Nee•• 4w
He hypedermira, se bed attar
effects Call, Write fat 'Phe.s ter
Deakilt, car.
The Gatlin institute
p8 Jarvis Si.. Teresa,
'Pa.m. 51.480. *.
Our large shipment of Lown Mower* i• just in and
several different makes to choose from.
we offer
Do you require a Refrigerator this Mummer? We have0
some in stock and more coming.
Get your Screen boor. and Wiodowe now and keep the thee
out in preference to putting them on later and keeping t hem is.
Are you going to build cement silo this Summer If *o, ire
b ave for rs nt a est of the London Steel Adjo.tsble 8110 Curb
al to a *winging hoist. These will simplify the huildiog of Mo.,
We have just received another car of National Portlsad
Cement. When you use this Gement you know you bavo the
best that can he had.
Have you "preyed your tree. yet ? We can ;forbids you
with the lime-.ulphur, al..n A[....nate of ]wad.
Tt'e cat of Fertilizer arrived a rumple of weeks ago and we
base had n big sale of it. This Fertiliser is an organic matter
with the addition of steamed bone flour, blood flour and potash.
Thee essential• make it the most valuable manure nn tie
Owing to the man n y ref Hand C-oaI we have put in a , ar M
11nrnMlic Lemp Hoft 1 .41 This ooad lo kites a api.ndkt auMtitat•,
for Hard Owl.
1 baro al.o a rarload of dry ...nisi who, h make good sttttamrr
Lt os figure an year p4.mbir.,r, treating. elertrir wfritr.
treeibleg. etr. An wore pr*5puy atteode.i to .,net toil,
Store 22 House 112 A