The Signal, 1912-6-6, Page 5__ THE St N, L GODERICH oNTARI t )
Moual Meeting Farmers' Institut*.
Tbe an•nllt of tee West
Huron Farttp[i Dote win ba hetg
is o tb. Weigh halt. i 1 s)
en tinct ur0ay. . are invited to
. Allbeaggliga
. c. 1. Cadets bnpeceed•
The litmus' bespietion of the 0. 0. 1.
Cadets tooWay
k Pratter`
moon on part. About
forty of the st�tYegNout with
coot. tare in !tel beat
wombot Garry
ale tor
whchMajor M OtUt
tba br inn
wed the
bo pointing nit bew they could
i pive
their sbowle••
An Interesting Heir•l000n.
D. N. McKeoslet of toren. posseeate
ea iatereetine beltiosea int ii►e shape
rem old•taabioned ',kaiser wheel.
It was made in 17AD at_ L�palap,
wetland. by Roderick MacRae, and
was n wethere foe & number ot
yews. In the year 1010 it was brought
(,•,pe Breton by John McXeosie,
who bad at in nae for over forty
years. The wheel was brought to
Ontario by Isabella MacRae. grand-
daughter of Jobe Me ie N.1�it
came into poor toe
Kenzie after his aunt's death to 1906.
At 7:311 o'clock on Wednesday morn-
ing the Church of the Holy
Toronto, was the see* a si happy
event woes. Miss Violet Cameron.
youngest daughter of H. U. O.meroo,
of lintub Columbia, formerly of
Cornwall, Oot., was joined in wedlock
k, J. 1.. Killoran, of the legal firm of
Proudfoot, Hays A Halloran, Gode-
rich. The bride, wbo was given away
by M r. Prendergast. wore • blue end
ted rht,t suit end flower hat, and
finical an ivory prayer book. The
grnoul'r gift to ber was a three stone
diamond ling. After the ceremony
he bride and groom 'drove 10 the
rtation and left for New York and
Atlsntic City. On their return they
will take up their residence is Gooe-
y -tell. The groom has a large circle
.1 friends in town who joie to extend-
ing rongratul tinea.
Circus Men Brest Loose.
Fur young mus who were die -
barged from SaLger'e circus et Sea-
ton in on Monday were brought hero
.+terday and lodged io the eosoty
)ail as the result of a chairs* of bne(1a��
being preferred eg•last them. 1 t is ,
alleged that while calling from house ,
to boner, asking for food. they came
t,. a plane wbere they foetid ao one at
name. They took advantage of the,
situatioc and helped tbesesiree to,
two -nits of rlotbeo. a pair of Mousers,
two pairs of shoes. a nap, belt. tiateb
sod chain sod other artiel e. When ,
arrested the stolen pro�esty was
frond in their p-ssseeekia. They were
given a preliminary hearta.R before
Police Magistrate Holmetal at Bea.
forth and on their pleasing ptdIty
trial Theywere brought
ght to Goderich for
appear before J ud ge
Doyle tomorrow to elect as to bow
they wish to be tried.
M. C. C. Officers.
Dominion Day Oelebratiou.
What Is to be does about • Domiaioa
Day osisbrstUon is 0oderieh 1 Will
the town council appoint • oammittaa
Re duly 5.rspoass
stepsdown tali hill at for
Ileee$oo attract should be pot
bathe iwli;fom before the military
et the meeting tomorrow evening to
start the bell roilo. for & a�eod old -
time celebration wy d will
in be re d y to rallyaround • good
committee and gve their assiat•ses
in making the First of July, as it should
b.. a red-letter day.
Injured at Harbor.
Just •bout noon on Wednesday
"Jock" Baker, who resides on Essex
street, met with a seriatim mishap at
- the barber. While engaged with W.
Bernxiawhata on the breakwater
r to fall bssddirst into a
work be had the mise
• polt000, • distance of over twenty
test. striking his head on the concrete
A. bottom. On examining the injured
tan after his removal to Ale:•odea
• hospital the doctor feared that be
r was suffering from concussion, but a
to later report at noon today was to the
effect that he was doing nicely and
that all symptoms of brain concussion
were disappearing.
Harbor Notes.
Tbe coal steamer H. N. Jez arrived
• last Friday with a cargo of ,goal for
• the Big Mill.
7 The tug W. L. Forest. of Goderich,
bad its large new boiler installed here
this week. The work, whiab was
t difficult and hazardous, was accom-
plished without any accident. -Kin-
cardine Reporter.
The ste•tnt,rs Ionic and McKee were
here this week with cargoes of grain
for the liodericb elevator. The Mc-
Kee still has some grain in her hold
which will he unloaded aa soon as
space N available in the elevator. At
present the storage capacityy is taxed
to its utmost and the railways are
finding it difficult too supply sufficient
cars to tranship the grain.
'Theconstruction work on the
marine tower that is being built in
connection with the new West-
ern Canada elevator is making fair
prq�[ress when it is nonsidered how
fregoently the work has Men ham-
pered by the wet weather. The struc-
tnre is of concrete throughout and the
machinery to be installed on the con- j
pletion of tbe concrete work will
make it one of the fastest marine legs'
in operation on the Great Likes. 111
will be capable of elevating from :10,- 1
000 to 30,000 bushels of grain per hour. I
The foundation for the tower consists
orf a concrete pontoon re.tin on rock
bottom and reaching to the water
level, making it twenty-two feet in
height. its filling is ot gravel, which'
makes that part of the structure ab-
solutely stationary. On woof this are '
built the walla of the tower to the
height of 12'8 feet, each wall being .
twenty inches in thickness. Jost 1
above tore water are the two maiu op-
erating floors, so that it is at least i
- forty feet of concrete before the walls
of the building proper begin. At I
present the contractor is engaged on
the walb around the Bret floor, IIs -1
derground excavation also is in prog-'
rams between the tower and the ele-
vator. The conveyer to- carry the
grain from the tower to the elevating
leg in the elevator will be run through
this subway. -Before the grain Anally
reaches the bins in the elevator it
make+ a long roundabout trio. It
first is elevated by the marine- kg in
the tower and is delivered to the
underground conveyer. The conveyer
tekesIt to the leg in the elevator. in
which it is carried to the top of the
buildIo and from there distributed to +
, the various bins.
The O. P. R. have a gang of men
+ready to commence the preliminary
work tor the foundation ot the new
flour sheds. Four cars of piles have
I arrived and a machine is ip position
to commence the pile -driving at once.
The plans cell for a building 250 feet
long by 40 feet in width.
This Circus.
Sees.r'a Ore•t Europeen Coebiied
dhows performed in Oodsr•teh yester-
day. their teats being pitcbed on the
commons at the north end of Cambria
reed. It was a fairly good above
wham there wee of it.
Obert tt in C. P. R. Tions -table. •
The evening train co the C. P. R.
which arrived fnrwerly at 8:40.
reaches Goderich at 9:10 o'clock
leaving Toronto at. 6 p. ea- The
change went into effe t 1•.t Mooday
Other changes may be made ante
June 15th when ethe Guelph
Hamilton line it completed.
No Interference.
Hoo. W. J. Hanna denies that there
were instructions trout headquarters
to the Homo,. oommissionere of Cent
Huron regarding tbeOnderich lfo.oser
as doweled by The Toronto Globe. Mr
Hanna's statement is corroborated b
that of G. M. Elliott: one of the nom
mteaionere. who informs The !twin
that the eomwissionen acted withou
outside interference.
Don't Forget the "Moonlight"
As natal, the moonlight excursion
on the steamer Greyhound next
Thursday evening will he under the
auspices of the alyd Regiment band.
The Oreyhnued will Ieeve the wharf
at te30 o'clock. Two tours oo the
lake will maks a delightful trip : and
the price is only Iric. There will be an
excursion from Stratford and way
anchone by G. T. R. and lawn Milver-
ton and way stations by C. P. R.
Rev. J. B. Fotheringham Receives an
Rev. J. B. Fotberiegh.w. rector of
St. George'r church, has received the
offer from the Bishop of New West-
minster of the rectorship at Vernon,
B. C. Mr. l'otberingbani's friends
aid admirer. in town, both within
and outside of the congregation rf St.
George's chuteh, will be pleased to
know tbst be has declined the offer
and will remain in Goderich.
r Another Chance. `r^
- A drover from the villsge ..f Brus-
brle, who as* comparatively young elan
of good appearance, was up before
Judge Doyle yesterday charged with
being a common ••drunk" and a public
nuisance while in that condition,
which has occurre 1 quite frequently.
His Honor divcbarged hila, but not
hlefore Ise had read him a twenty -
minute lecture. He criticized him
,not severe) for his unmanly con
duct and made very pointed remarks
as to what would he the consequences
should he ever appear before him
agaiu on a similar charge. The lec-
ture had a visible effect upon the
Dr. Turnbull Leaving Town.
The medial fraterolty in Goderieb
is losing one of its best-konwn mem-
bets by the departare of Dr. W. 8.
Turntuh for the Pacific Coast.' Dr.
Turnbull recently returned from Van-
eonver, where be tried and passed stic-
reesftdly the examinations which en-
Ut.kd him to a diploma as a medial
reactiticner in the Province of British
Colombia. Owing to his removal
from town very shortly tbe partner-
ship existing for several years past ite-
tween Dr. A. T. Emmet -win and Dr.
nroboll bas bemo Imo red by mutual
consent The people of Goderich will
be sorry to lose such highly respected
citizens as Dr. and Mrs. Turobul', but
will join in the wish that they will
find life very congenial in the "Lend
of the 8ettin, Son."
Wedded at Mitchell.
Barry Robertson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Robertson. of town, Wss
wee of the principals in a pir•eeaot
event st Mitchell on Toesda) of this
week, when he was united in wedlock
to Miss Mend Dore, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dore. Rev. C.
C. Porton, of Paris. a former rector at
Mitebell, performed the ceremony at
high woo at the home of the bride's
psrente. After the wedding dinner
Mr. and flew Robertson left for
Ohicegn sod other points on their
wedding trip. and on their return they
will reside atStrstford. Mr. Robertson
L a conductor all the G. T. R.. running
nut ref Stratford. His friends in
Goderieh, hie native town, wish him
and his bride a toll mswenre of happi-
nem. Mr. sad Krt. J. A. Roltertson,
the Misses Grum end Olive Robertson
and Mats Lisis Campbell. of town,
were present at the wedding.
Examination Results.
lit the results of the examinations
in the third and fourth years at the
faculty of sets, Toronto University,
abs names appear of several sures ss
ful ctodetsts well known in Goderieb.
Tbe four Ver mentioned io the follow-
ing Hit heal graduates fK Goderirb Col-
legiate institute. William Fingland
peened his fourth year in arts. laking
third -ekes booms in pbiiosophy. RR.
H. Tye aero wee a sucoredsl student
lo the fourth year. in the third year
H- R. Rutherford took drat-daaa
honors in biology and H. C. Phgb
took third -elms Moon in the same
subject J. U, Darrow, • brother n[
Des. °arrow, of town, took tbir.I-
dap busors in political science in hie
fourth-year course. The reanita of
wood -year examinations at Trireme
Ueivemity abd at the faculty of
eoweatioa were published yeeterd•y.
Mies Jena B. Tom steered drat -dam
Moose he aoderne : Freak J. Primer
took flssMelaes bontws in polities!
eeleaM sod Anion Mcleod took
wanted -close Where le biology.
AJ. Hoye. pored bbsexerntna-
edeaa Threesteratfrees
Kr! Rothias week et the iseelty nt
were at socia ad.L Roy A.
Ellrewill nodes is Ilii setas fret -
steins' trardididr aid w
hytY tltie44 anllta_t's' ere.
O. .4011teds IMAM olotekko bulk peri
4.4.7.reselms �k.>rtrat�llroare
eemma t.taktes�boos� epb
lowed W o - use IN name!
• .1 :d y 'eat ►e'
The annual meeting of the Meeaee
tong Canoe Club wag bold on Tuesday
evening. The, Dr. C. N.
Sale, who retires sitar two years he
office. occupied'het:heir, seed tee fon
lowing electiois were toade for the
coming year : Prwsidaat, H. O.
Sturdy : nice -president, Reg. Platt ;
second vice-president. J. A. Lawr-
ence treasurer. G. L Parsons; esere-
t tc y. Frank Maunders : ootntnodore,
ii -rt Sf or by : vim -commodore, A. G.
Nohei: chaplain, Rev. J. B. Pother -
Ingham : additional memoirs otsimtz-
tive. t'. E. Sale and W. T. Hiner.
The past year was • very eaeseintal
one 1..r the club. and tbe new oilleers
will no doubt make thug*
1tn int their teem of etaos.�
the activities a the deb la the Dear
futme will be the giving of a donee..
committee now barks the matter io
M,ck Drug Store Changes Hand..
A business change in town took
plac,• this week, el. B. Hick
bis drug store to Fred O. dMbsw d
o leen 'sound. The purehaosr f. e
1n it rive tomorrow and ice .
will likely be tr•asferrsd the
h. -ginning of nest weak. Mr. Kick
ha.. followed the toeatlas d a druggist
in Goderich for thirteen years and
sent uinely� of that tits. flim alio
Not(Inlet'n h praasot stand on the
North street sed the Square.
An interesting tact to he toted Is
that only one other druggist In Harron
county --Col. Willem 0f beatortb-baa
bad longer experience than Mr. Hick.
After being fled down to bnsiisse for
thirty-nine years (thirties of
this time with the late Frauds J�otdan
betore Mr. ick feelUse d d »�'
andbe till take summer o•llisd holiday
Signal welcomes
not decided as to hIleet Ouse.
He bee
and cruets that he be &worded
his share of paiU. Mptpaage.
Cadet Camp at Lordin,
Principal Hume has received from
military headquarters at London an
official notice that the Cadet Hasp tbv
the 1st divis;oe will pg held es �,
e masa
dataa. ft r.Itt
nand of Col. W. 1. atrfistod
willhis be strict, ani bbs appgges or tea
of liquor in amp Doli be
All the hotels be tome win s lit of
Thamesed' •edeta 4. t tae
vision, Doi Rime. mewl "re'
411,610•11. Gahm bore 4aitimiNas
*gist kg-
,n 4 eaten. "i vamp
mid to will
gooetheeMr lbsib d� aNrofYe
etriltitm.iiNod las
to ampagol
s-• wort▪ an Ato
ebei eattend rw
goyimben sag awoke 1�e alluire
dis modified%s }mit
,obi r. • Omuta
•clic1ell se
A union Sunday school excursion
from 14eaforth will make Goderich its
objective point on Tuesday, July 9.
lvan Stewart, ot Mitcbel4 has taken
a position in the G. N. W. telegraph
office. Prior to bis departure for
Goderich the choir of the Presbyterian
church at Mitebell, of which he was a
member. presented him with a hand-
somely bound volume of the Presby-
terian Book of Praise.
Money never did grow on trees in
these party, consequently when a per-
son is unfortunate enough to lose a
sum cif money the loss is to be de
plored. Today a man living near Hay-
field came to town with a lump sum In
his pocket intending to deposit it, but
before be reached the bank it had dis-
ieappeared. It is to be hoped that the
finder will take steps to restore it to
the rightful owmer.
&thrdy OIcl Ae
cowtaiea tb•se .flat preposeke
no esscsstrated fedi and 11..
colicas them all ewer the betty
without taxiing ahs ligeekes ►
watt a aa.w 1,11111011115. 04. test!
The "Pandora"
Range is doubly
guaranteed= R.
is guaranteed by
the makers and
just 83 fearlessly
guaranteed by every
McClary agent, You
1d know "Pandora.'
tit perfections before
you buy a row
ardwale Cu.
i'nder the auspices of the
West Mersa Farmers' !esthete
Saturday, Jane 8th
Special Train by C.P.R.
Leave Time Adult Child
Goderich 74$155$4j0
McGaw 7413 155 .80
Auburn 7:43 1.50 .75
Blyth 7:55 .1.40 .70
Walton 807 120 .AD
McNaagb t 8:18 1.10 .56
W. Monk ton 8:30 1.06 .55
Milverton 8i46 .85 .46
Millbank 8:56 .80 .40
Linwood 9:06 .86 .35
WrBessie' n 9:15 .55 .30
Elmira 9:26 • .50 .26
Ar. Guelph 9:55
Begurning, the epeeYra train wilt•Isar*
Corp p, al. Itzes,.iontrta from
swarm Beds,roa to Mateafht dseln-
rDrtvnsgv of Jamar n 1 ng over
and return:et by any regular train
Monday. June Iota.
A Trip Full of !Merest
Timis the pepulartrfrof tae isaioa.
rooms wick as sed Fre the famous
PrewesellelAgricultural College: urs
Es•imi atGsatlssaTTarm, a aloe. et sever -
tor agneeltnrtsia aad
heettsalterlata - MacDonald lnatitmt.
sad MacDonald Hail, two setas' Haas -
dorsi of st sal Iatareto
wfobs Cpnotkiwted Karat School
ad week Gordon.: Hem W. J.
's's sels0eated Farm cosier : and
thetraa 'point.*
iOipttMwithin the of
A day of Rdaeatlon, t nepiratioo, B e-
cr afiss. Do net m`s± it.
IDungsaanea Prws mets asseel8. y.
Of Interest to
Every Man
Who Values
His Dollars
Savings that arc really worth
while are constantly be i n g
effected by our customers- You
can do the .acne if you join
the crowd acid go to the shop of
quality and supply yourclotbing
furnishings. Our ambition L to
sell the bast goods posdhle stabs
lowest prices po.o i hie. Oar aim
is to give our customers the
biggest values poesible to pro-
duce. Everyone who buys here
once heenmes a eatisfied customer
of this store.
Men's 8uite to clear at $7.1t6
Boys' Sults to cleat aI $9.40
Men's Straw Hat:. Prices 110o
to $2.40
♦ f •
Doing It
The whole world
$odaks" because of
tbe convenience and
the simplicity of the
Rostteen Kodak.
We carry a full line
of Eastman bloods
thind for t b e a w-
atenr. Ask to see the
latest -the
t fits nicely into the
veet pocket, and
takes a picture 11
z 21 inches. Fitted
with extra good lens.
Price, 47.00.
F. J. Butland
••The Store That Pleases"
THUMDAT, JUN: d, 1612 •
=RA warmer. 18611
Paid - up Capital, Rest and
Undivided Profits g8,1111,310
Total Asset, lover) $58,000,000
and risk the principal itself
by keeping a lot of money in
your horse or your pwcht&
it woula be much safer in the Union Bank of Oened4
less likely to be spent -and Instead ot being idle, woukt be
earning Internet night and day.
If you haven't a Savings Bank Account already. come in
and open nor.
Goderich Branch
W. L. HORTON, Manager
L,' _
LONIDON. ENG-. s 'A111cJ•. j r- W ASK,.
vee Tfarareedie• 1 6C. l B. M. C. ILIUM Denton taaingee.
The Oldest -established Custom
Mill In the County of Huron
As usual I shall he prepared to
buy and give the highest cash
price for wool, both washed and
unwashed, or will exchange for
1117 maculae turgid articles..
You wi11 find a fine a seortntent
of Tweeds of various up-to-date
patterns. also a good supply of
Bed Blankets
Horse Blankets
and Yarns
of various colors
The above goods are guaran-
teed to be pure woal and oil(
give satisfaction.
Jesse Gledhill
,tart a coaxes in Bookkeeping or
Shorthand and u.e your snare time
until this fall or winter cud thea seise
it at oolege if you wire. homy an
following this plan, east ng ex reo•,e and
getting ready for a good onion position.
Write us for parlicuiar.. The Hinter
t'orreaponde nee Pchool and '11e Csat
teal Burinee. college. Head cokes,
Yonie and Gerrard Ste„ Toronto.
" W. B. SHAW Preeidsnt
THE GATIIN TREATMENT removes all crovmg and
deep• for liquor in
No hypodermics, no bad alter -
effects. Call, Write or 'Pbooe for
Booklet, etc.
The Oatlin Institute
428 Jarvis St., Toronto
'Phone N. 4538. ie. Hargrave, Mgr.
FRIDAY, June I4th
Minerva Encampment, I. O. 0. F.
Thursday, June 13th, 8 a.m., Detro t fer Goderich. (Detroit Time)
Friday, June 14th, 9:30 a.m., Goderich for Detroit. (Canada Tiate)
Monday, June 17th, 1:00 p.m., Detroit for Goderich. (Detroit Time)
Tuesday, June 18th. 8:30 a.m., Goderich for Detroit. (Canada Time)
THE:T10P of Tains, which reveals America's Picturesque Venice, the Charms
of the St. Clair River, and gives all day Saturday and Sunday, and until noon Mon-
day, to recreate and agreeably occupy your time visiting your friends and the many
points of interest and beauty in Detroit "where life is worth living."
An opportunity yon should not miss is a chance to see the celebrated exponents
of the art of Baseball. The DETROIT TIGERS play the PHILADELPHIA
ATHLETICS, the world's Champions, June 15th and Ifith, on NAVIN FIELD,
Detroit's new half million dollar ball park. Opening game played Saturday, April
13th, attendance over 25,000.
Wingham, Stratford and Way Stations
Special Excursion Trains, June 14
Station l • 0fila
, lc� Detevlt
Stratford 7:30 a.m. $1.06
tielmngville 7:42 " I A5
Mitchell 7:5.1 " .85
Dublin 8:055 '
Seaforth 8:20
Clinton 8:35
Holnteaville 8:43 .40
Mouton Time
$2.56 Wingham 6:85a.m.
2.56 Belgrave I; :50 ''
2.35 „ Blyth 7:04
.65 2.15 r. Londesboro' 7:13
.55 2.06 Ij
.45 1.95
1,90 !f
f A:rip 6 DHA. MP
111.20 $2.70
.96 2.45
.70 2.20
.,0 2.20
Returning, a special train will leave Goderich on a va1 of steamer, Monday
evening, for Clinton and way stations to Wingham a tratford.
Band Moonliht Excursion
THURSDAY. JUNE 13, 8:30 P. M.,
Eacurttions from Stratford and Way Stations, via t'rand Trunk Railway, and
front Milvettsst and Way Statism via Canadian Pacific W►ilw•a' . for the Moonlight
Trip, June lath. Special low incursion rates.
w K
AWL <aeaAN.oa. Aarrr C K DURHAM. AsiesYArry tstctwaasow Aogs•ry