The Signal, 1912-6-6, Page 3TIE
bound or repaired.
tkr l THiC i rig4L Ood.sioh. an moving
Physicians sad 8araeesw Udlee-North
Asst. wile tiiitnal citta. 8t Udende--Citi
alai,. Terrace. ALEX. TAYWIL M. B.. A.
Rhino , TAYLOR. B. A. N. M.
DR. W. F.-(IALLOW. M. B.
Mee sad rosldsece. !teeth sCrest, Uodseiot,
.acs of testy haritssy adios l stbpbeos U.
Wt F. J. R. kOR8'SS li-EYE, EAR
11 soot and tar iia ebb Bassa samisen
now Tort uyattcata.fe ars Lural !,data,
awn u.lairs, bar. Nass,,, 1[treatta•ratai
Wier:, Senate. W
Lesion, }salsas lies, d w
Stnuura. 'WI Kama thus . 9
ossa.. t to I R t. ?WS* s Talsbere
A.%. ban+tssr•. weiliters. sotaeise sabers
tend. w lm as to ossa ase 4Mevst
odcs, hast side ripest. Donnish. W.
Mut.UrtiOT Y. 1:., 1L L. ttAYS, J. L.
11 G. CMAKI ON. K. 0.. RARRIS-
lulit 16K. washeerr notary public. limes i -
uauutt.a, nits*. %Astoria.. sad Deas' new
OliAttLeet,Ahkt;H, LLP...BAk
V iuJliit, DUYaga, suYWIK, .a4., owl/
t.c4, hamar U taw w wwe+t asses
y O. JOHIAbiON, BA.aBibTlilt
JOr. .e.tetwr. a..a.Au..r..etars veers
save heratitow.(aaet boder at tm
Licklld.(rt' MUTUAL FIRE IN
au e Vitals C 1 t. U. -Yate ass sofas,*
we -a i'rut..tty greaten.
Umavn-J. b. McLean, Pro,.. deatee t
Jae • swan, ' toe-t'r.a, uwdtelei
lbws. .. hays. bsn-17.aa, rssatseth P. u
Lemurs -h La mese. caskets; Jean
tat it.0. 'MAW,*; WUkase Ms ,CoraNaaos;
Jabu osmosis, emeesasr; Jaime "vase,
)taet4ao„o , Jots Nati. Parisi; Malcolm
cloken, bi teeaatd.
Agents : J. N. las. Hslmmvii • R. em1tb.
Russo : Jas, ,sits! oea Jim s..avLN ; S
hisctter, ,wises. - l'�a� aha' say
is J. „enta del ems!ea ma'
h. Lau. U. vasomas cruder of • smash
ry. lisiewsa uarese, Ueulleriaa.
VI/ Wats AF, . ti.erlat lfasilic oloWWont Ood etok.
CAo M-
WR. HUBSR7110h.
FusAtt. L. !de Mtt8d.4-.awdaawas
ADI ic.a.
r, ,scam,, Aria IJIPLOTsrLAMA
err : i be Ocean aeremat wap eassenties
fitoutr�r.aui%o aablWet M:Lariaell. et The U.u.
/want) use suarasmeteassaay.
wee at red -sass estasiell sweet et ee Tie -
Lana and lot. basalt N rsese fires 171
sou • talLali sad eft traaMa4 At/�91l.ksaamme
.t.a, enacted se Set -send at 1awaet rigs.
u et sates. owner Weal dustsad tsswe
t 0 ate J. M . CRAWLS . t+gderlca UAL
WAL7'!ik K K1iLLY. J. P-,
(iuLhlNUe4 uNT.
tsau m or VA.KE aOL 1JClQi8irt
WLANli, 'MUSK GF MAIM. A4x gist este liedertea. post
URDFORD BLOCKaRA8rHOPSEMUlm ha liblese Ss Sri Maytagme. Levee
No -Tar wellwaterra irad
pe, w st seas ser. Oases as gm*
wbtta a e.-ytns visa litsameawasa
apt ar Pari
'wr ' ee ate-. yes wettewtasso
ST AY,o o. ONT.
do as s.
tell se da Wireahlra1100 aeli
"ft 61111Witere at ease
D. A. l isLAM.eass
District News.
(Aloton's annual school sports are to
be held June lith.
The Nosh Huron telephone system
now bas nearly 44.10 subscribers,
The Best Huron Conservative Asso-
natio, will hold iia annual meeting at
Braasch on Friday, June 14.
Robert Irebind, a pioneer resident
of Huron county. ls dead at (rand
Bend at the age of eighty-one years.
Mies Rampsoo, of Truro, Cornwall,
Kngtiiod, is at Oliiiton on an ezteaded
visit Lt, ber aunt, Mea. C. S. Hawke.
Wura was received lent week of the
Meth at Cromwell. Mich., of Mrs,
Joseph Switb, a termer resident
Hay towosbap.
Rev. fr. E. Powell, of Cbssley, son
of T. K. Powell, of Turnberry, has
been appoinfe rector of 8t. Baroabss
church. Toronto.
David Dever*, a former tesideut of
Dunton, died in the hospital at Por-
tage IA Prairie, Nan.. on May Oils
He was sixty-nine years of age.
es Laura Sawrra, youngest dough•
ter of Rev. E. 1i. 8awer., turwerly of
Wambold. now of North Bruce, was
married co May Lord to Mr. Burgess,m
WI Tilbury. Her tatter performed the
A fire wee started In the window of
W. Y. Stret.ton's jewdiery store at
hem. Brussels by hetellected from the
plate glees on some back combs. The
to was of short duration and the
dautage wee slight.
Gideon Koehler, moo of Henry Koeh-
ler, Zurich, bad his leg broken one day
recently while assisting in making
some repairs on a traction engine.
One of the large cog -wheels tell over
and caught Koehler.
Matthew Finkbeiner, of the 7th
concession of Stephen, has disposed of
his tine 2U0 -acro farm to Edward Fah -
tier, of the ems township. Tbe price
paid was $11,000. The purchaser will
get possession in the fait.
The Hensel! Observer 0415 that
town is to the sante elms, .s Landon.
1t wants a new railway .t.tiun.
A Stamp to the Wrong Place.
Mayor George epottoo, of Wing•rp
ha, had a close call from being
seriously injured when, while out
motoring, bis .ar swerved and crashed
into a tree stump. The socident was
caused by Mayor Spotton's losing
control of the mechin. for • few
seconds, when be turned round to
dose a door witch be noticed hadll
got cpee and was letting a rug fa
out. The force of the blow son
of the stump oR, but not before motet
$50 damage was done to tbe car.
Wingbam Man Loses An Eye.
Wm. Reid. foreman at the Wing -
ham salt works, wail serioudy injured
last Saturday. He was working with
a chisel on an old boiler, when a piece
broke off the end of the chisel, flew up
with great force and entered the head
below the eye. The eyeball was punc-
tured and the mace: of the eye was
allowed to escape. Medical aid was
summoned but the eye was gone be-
yond all aid. The injured teas was
removed to London, where an effort
will be made to save the sight of the
other eye.
Chercb Celebration at Walton.
The corner stone of the new Duffs
church at Walton was well and truly
laid on Victoria Day by Rev. Dr.
Turnbull, of Toronto. Appropriate
addresses were delivered by Dr. Turn-
bull and the neighboring clergymen
and also by Jos. Bowman, M. P. for
East Huron W. Proudfoot, M. P. P.
for Centre Huron, and W. H. Kerr, of
Brussels. Tbe evening meeting aI-o
was largely attended and an inter-
esting prohr,ram of addresses and suusie
was given. Between 500 and 000
people were serval supper in the base-
ment of the old church, which was
built over forty years ago, The total
proceeds from ell sources for the day
amounted to $450.
The Late Mrs. Reinke, of l:gmoadville.
Tsutreo*T, JO= 4 1912 $
The death of Mrs. Annie 8. Preoder.
gust, formerly Mies Annie Seymour
Ryan, of (.'hnton, took place very sud-
denly on May 13th, at her residence at
(fraud Rapids, Mich. The deceased
was a music teacher in Chutoo.
Alex. Yuill, of Grey township. is
mating a specialty of growing pota-
toes, last year he harvested over
Y.,0UU bushels and received as high as
$1.26 per busnel for part of the crop.
He is planting thirteen acres Ibis year.
Mr.. Samuel Lockridge, a pioneer of
Wingbam, died on Tuesday of last
week, following a stroke of paralysis.
The deceased had been a resident of
Wingbaw since the year 1884. end
was seventy --six years of age. A fam-
ily of six sons survive.
The marriage e(James E. Maxwell,
of Brussels, to Miss Marion E. Ctapp,
of Cadillac, Mich., was solemoisea at
the Baptist parsonage at Cadillac on
Wednesday, May &ed. Rev. 8. J.
Littel officiated. Mr, and Mrs. Max-
well are making their borer at Brussels.
At Ibe last meeting of the Women's
lo.tIto!e in Clinton, the retiring pres-
ident. Mrs. Thos. Kearns, wee pre -
motel with a handsome silver cold -
meat fork as an expression of appreci-
ation trout tbe members of ber work
im that organization during the past
On Wednesday of List week Joseph
Hanna, of Henfryn, and Mita Untie -
tine Eden, daughter of A. J. Griffith,
o[ Lutowel, were,united in marriage
by Rev. Mr. Ashby in Christ church,
L stowel. The happy young couple
will reside on the groom'. farm near
Henft yo.
S. T. Bobier and W. T. Brydges, of
Belgrave, have completed wireless
telegraph outfits which are working
satisfactorily. Their outfits are situa-
ted about Iwo wiles apart and they
are anxious to get into communica-
tion with others within a radius of ten
or fifteen miles.
A happy event took place at the
bome of the bride, London road, Hen-
sall, on Tuesday afternoon, May oath,
wheu Mrs, James McArthur was
united in marriage to Alex. Fairbairn,
wbo has resided in the West for sev-
eral years. Rev. 8. McL Smith per-
formed theceremony.
While a mare belonging to George
Ricker was etandiag in a blacksmith
atop at Hensel) the other day, it cow-
meuced pulling on the rope with which
it was tied. loot succeeding in getting
free it wade a violent plunge back-
wards and the rope caught under is
jaw in such a way as tothrow iia head
upwards, breaking its neck anti causing
instant death. 1'ne animal was val-
ued at about i9)U.
Sem J. Latta, editor of The Govan
(Sask.) Prairie News, u tbe Liberal
candidate in Last Mountain for the
coming elections in Saskatchewan.
Mr. Latta is • native of Huron county
and was formerly principal of
Zurich school and for a number of
years was clerk of Hay township.
This is the second time Mr. Latta has
been candidate in that electoral dis-
trict. having been defeated in 1914.
A Freak Egg.
Theo. Hale, of Hullett township.
bas • Rock of Plymouth Rock hens,
ooe of which has presented him with a
curio in the shape of two good-aised
emujoined by a small tube about an
Ince in length. Mr. Hale intends
making an effort to bare it preserved.
Power Report Unfavorable.
The town clerk of Wlttgbam has
received the official report of the en•
sheer of the Hydro -electric Oommis•
on the waterpower on the Malt -
River in 8.At Wawanoeb, about
sixes from Wingham. The report
is W seise that "the development
at tris site to the extent necessary for
the regultuaksesto of the tows of
W Im flaw[ is not commercially tea -
Ohba. '
Mrs. Caafban Succubi to Injuries.
Mrs. Peter Campbell pseud away at
ber bursts is 7F oil Wedbes-
day, May lsfl. a le 'her bhy-
eiRhth Taint free dos to
h,jariss is a runwayaced-
duet a funnier prior to bee demise:
Mrs. Use bed melded le Wins-
low' for rip feat sheen years and be -
=�ei��e�g to that town the Ismily
W d�ti iilr w years la Tambov,
Rs M serviced by lar
turd a lime, at two some sad
use rnwYrr.
The death of Mrs. John Reinke, o
Egmondvulle, occurred at the home u
her daughter, Mi-,. 1). Rosa, of B
field, whete she laid gone ou a visit tot
a few days. The deceased was in her
seventy-.e,;ond year and war • native
of Germany. Sbe left her native land
in 1864 and settled first in Michigan,
afterwards removing to Illinois.
While residing io the last mentioned
State she was married to Mr. Reinke,
and in 18:6 they came to Canada and
settled on a farm in Tuckeramith on the
Kippen road south of Egmondville.
Tbey continued to reside there until
three years ago. when they sold the
farm and to',t up their abode in lig-
mond'ille. Her busband and a family
of two sous and three daughters are
left to mourn bet departute.
Nearly Electrocuted.
A tew evenings ago Allan Munro,
a lad about eight year, ot age, of
lYroxeter, had a close call tram being
ele,:trocuted. '1' be telephone gang had
been stringing wires during the day
and atter tory weir through one of
the glasses near Mrs Munro's yeti
dence brute, allowing tale wire to
bang dosn. Before supper the hoys
bad been playing at catching the
swinging war amu after the Mecum
lights were on they undertook to play
at the same game. The hanging wire,
however, was touching One of the
electric wire. and Allan was the first
to take hold of it. He was thrown
.tu hw back and when one of his com-
panious tried to pull him adrey he
too was kuocked sown. Mrs. Munro
rushed to the wens and although she
received a severe shock she succeeded
in saving her boy. It was a close cell.
Bee Demonatraboo.
Clioton News -Record : A very suc-
cessful bee demoustration was held at
Um apiary of Mr. Isaac Dodd on
Thursday afterooun last, when Mr. J.
Schreok, Government inspector of
apiaries. WAS present and demon-
strated the neiure of foul brood, its
cure, and also how to save the wax
from the combo by means of the we:
press. The meeting was well attended
by the beekeepers of town and tbe
surrounding district. Among those
present were : Jacob Haberer and son,
of Zurich; James Fairservice and J.
U. Cartwright, Hallett ; T. R. Rundle,
Goderich; Thos. Churchill, Geo. A.
Cooper, W. H. Elliott and 8. Ooz. of
Godericb township; Hugh McGregor,
Thos. Fraser and Mr. and Mrs, H.
Livermore, Stanley ; R. Pepper,
Tuckersmit.h; Miss Macfarlane, H. W.
Watts. Wm. and John Irving, of
town, and other:. The inspector was
assisted by Mr. Dodd and Mr. Haberer
and the afternoon's operations were
highly instructive to these present
The keeping of bees seems to he
gaining in (avec, with our farmers,
many of whom have found it to be
• very profitable line. And this dis-
trict is said to be an excellent place
for this industry, as so much clover is
grown, which means a Brat -quality
brand df honey. A number of demon-
strations are beiug held in the sur-
rounding district during the next few
Mr. Gamble Find a New Leese of Life
is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Franklin Centre, Que., June 3r -d. -
(Special) -William Gamble, a well-
known and highly respected farmer,
living two miles from here, has given
to the public his reasons for his faith
in Dodd's Kidney Pill. as • remedy for
kidney disease.
i could not get along withont
Dodd's Kidney Pill.," says Mr. Gamble.
"For ten years 1 nufcred with rheu-
matism, lumbago, weak hack and uri-
nary troubles. After using as ho=ck
of Dodo's Kidney Pins, 1 And all my
ashes and pains gone. '
Dodd'.idne Pins are the trised
of the old folks. They mak. them
Mel ytrmag again.
Ten CANADIAN MaoAztwz.-T 1.
..r Wiest the nentenary of Manitoba.
brat Pleob le is the JINN iltalr
b ealine Wil
aseMseailires.?U. i else!nirb.l4ildMs.w
oar itss tura M trend di Saki Mer
Interesting Experience of Two
Women -Their Stat enb
Worth Reading.
White Oak, Ont.- "At Change tit Life
doctors amid do no more std I was
given up by my
friends, Lydia L
Pinkharn's Vegeta-
ble Compound earns
le the front and did
wonders fog me. I
had been having f♦
aisle troubles f o r
tears my head tree-
Wd me oevetrely st
eines, I had bearing
dawn paiossed beck -
eche and 1 was very
atsasmis f e s mmeive flowing: I ree-
atttteesed year Compound highly and do
all I can to advertise it as a geniis we -
man's medic4es." - Mrs. Efirtm rima
Yuiwrado, White Oak, Ontario.
Tbe Cane of Mrs. Hint,.
arcl.rifls, Ohio. -'1 can truthfully
say that 1 never had anything do me so
much good durinrChange of Life as Ly-
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Before I had taken one jnalf a bottle
of it 1 began to feel better, and 1 have
continued taking it My health is better
than it has been for several years. If
all women would take 1t they would es-
cape untold pain and misery at this time
of life."- Mrs. Auras Kann, 168 W.
Mill St, Circleville, Ohio.
The Change of Life is one of the most
critical periods of a woman's existence.
Ataoeh times women may rely upon Lydia
L Pfekhoney Vegetable Computed.
p;ecixte the great sunder that have
beeo made since Selkirk :and t io col-
ony came in by way of Hltd..,n Bey.
Another excellent centenary study is
entitled "Browniog and Tennyson,"
by Protestor George Herbert (lark.,
and a timely article on the ,sojourn of
the Duke of tient in !'anal!, rev. r 100
years ago is given by O.•uiel Owens
and entitled "Our Other Royal Duke."
"Confidences of a Woman Lwyer" is
the title of a fine account of the
achievements of Miss Mabel French,
whn has succeeded in opening the
doors of the legal profession to women
in New Brunswick and British G tum
bia. pPrr'pq(ierror W. R. Walleye defines
the tigeis of French-Canadian+ and
refute! the claims of Mr. Henri Boar -
/tare. Emily P. Weaver give. it pen
picture of 'he rapid Hoe of R -gins, the
cepitet '4.1 Saskatrf1Vnran, and F. A.
Wighmab centimes kis discourse on
"Maritime Provincialisms and Con-
trasts." There are sketches and
stories hy H. M. Cla'k, Rthelwyn
Wethet-ald. W. E. Traill, Merg+ret C.
Ross and Newton MacTa. ish.
is generally suppnv-d to Bove an un-
usually food reputation in the matter
of temperance, and it is rather sur-
prising to Rud n journalist, Elliott
Flower, taking the opposite side of the
argutne tt in ''L'quor and the Law,'
which lead. J ins Canada Monthly.
Ona long trip through the West- lie
found it easy to get :. drink. and no
leas easy ft' c.the's who wanted A
drink much oftener than he did. His
stat enter to are env robora ted,;hy:a form-
er member of the Mounted Police,
and give a novel vietv of the liquor
question in Canada. The prodigal son
wbo returns home i, the theme of
Hopkins Moorhouse's story, 'The
Mao Wbo Came Back," hut this
particular prodigal instead of finding
either a fatted calf o, a tbut door
most unexpectedly discovers that he
was • been. Robert Nilson describes
a voyage "Behind the Conor Islands,"
and in "The Dram That Didn't Come
True" Nina Wilcox Putnam t •IIs a
tale of a switchtioa d operator and a
voice that come oven the wire. in
"Why We Are Not Cliff -Dwellers"
Orace Hudson Boa explains the
neer-malty of keeping the air in noir
bouses dry. W. D. Nesbit'. novel,
"The Girl of My Dreams" isoontinued,i
and George H. Cushing in "Financing
Big Colonization" tells the inside
history of a ten -million -dollar deal in
Conadian real estate and haw it boy
wbo landed eig)ueen years ago at
Newcastle -on -Tyne with fifty dollars
in his pocket learned enough ot bu.i-
nen to plan end consummate the
deal. The Way Out" is a atony by
Frank Houghton dealing with the
Coast mining canape "Kit." continues
her "Pedlars. Pack," and there are
various offerings in verse and fiction,
Right Kind of Success.
Free yourself at this moment of the
delusion that .nee.. means piling up
beeps of money. Most anyone mire
make money, but when it comes to
bedding up a noble character -ab,
there's where the difficult problem
lies. Remember that success, In its
true sense, meant Achieving Rood in
tblk world. Your life bail been a die -
mai failure if those that lin after
you cannot say, when you are gore.,
that the world has men made Neter
byayour having lived in it This Is
true, although your may have accumu-
lated thousands of dollars.
His First Venture.
Sir Thomas lrntoo tell* a good
story shout a Scot/MAO who went to
A horse race for the first time In his
life. The old fellow was a fewhte.
minded man, and his rornpanions who
took him to the rice meeting pres
ently persuaded him to stake a six -
shooin the third race on a 404.o-1
. By some mired' this omtaider
woe. When the hooktaakev `Are old
Bandy a golden sovereign and his six-
pence the winner could ant believe his
eyes. "Do Jttn nsean to tell use," be
said, "that ( get all Ibis for my sax -
pesos P 'Tee do," said the boot -
maker. "Me eoeeeieWle r muttered
tissd . •111W time, moo, bow lobo ken
Yids 31esg hear (Ube en r
radium Hosiery
Oxford Underwear
Kayser Gloves
Perrin's Gloves
If your Hose are stamped "Radium" they will
give thorough set iefaetion.
Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose, black, tan, white,
pink, sky. cardinal and mauve, Radium e]
brand, per pair L
Ladies Lisle Thread Hose, silk finish, black,
tan sed white, Radium brand, per pair 35c
or three pairs for 111.00.
Our extra specs.! quality Radium Hose,
black, tan and white, ieswlrsa, the most 0c
comfortable Hose made, per pair JVI
Misses Princess Hose, the smartest misses'
Hose made, black ante tan, all sizes, per 25c
Hercules Rib Hose for boy.' wear, no �]
better boys' Hate made, s zee $ to 10, pair 25i,.
Children's Mercerized Lisle Hose, silk finish,
tar, pink. sky and white, sizes 44 to 8i, per 25c
Kayser (love,, double Roger - tip,, wri• t
length, in black, fan and white, per pair 75c
BOo and
Kayser Long Silk (floret, double finger-tips,
extra heavy quality silk, 12- button length.
bla:k, white and champagne, per ati
pair .... sass.. ........
gays' extra ituality Two -.Star, 18-'
button length, per pair
Perrin's guarant eed Kid (:loves, all 4E1
went ed .bade., 111.00, *1.21 and
Oxford Lisle Vette, super quality, lace 25c
trimmed, short or no sleeve., each..
Ladies' bust -size Vesta. Oxford make,
long. short or no sleeves. Specie' 411 and 35c
Ledier' Umbrella Drawers, Oxford 25c
make. open or closed. Special, per pair .
All sizes of children's rummer Vests,, 1 OC
long, short or no sleeve.. Some as low as
Special values ie children's wash ureases
and eadwear.
S u0e, Parasol:
t3perO June ,bowing of Old Bleach Table pec
Liven. Towels and Towelliugs. H
BflcCa/l'J Pattern,
THE STANDARD is the Nadonel
Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion
of Canada. It is national In all Its
It uses the most expensive engrav-
ings, procuring the photographs front
all wer the world.
Its articles are carefully selected and
is editorial policy it thoroughly
independent. •
A subscription to The Standard
costs $2.00 per year to any addres la
Canada or Great Britain.
TRY IT FOR 1912!
Montreal Standard Publishing Ce.s
Limited, Publishers
Truss Torture
Owe, Thought N aces** ea, bat New Year
ileerah mer Deitef 1e twee,.
W.nderrut Method R.tatna end Curse
WttAeat Knit*, 0 or Pain.
J. Y. EGAN, Specialist of Toronto
018:9aleWeed trip,. nrr I.I110longer nrrrr-
tse.slipping tnowes endbarDy
d traiting ',Thu'. are dam. away
liss wusdertnt 'mention ort a spertalt.t
WW Nes rel 5tt7 )gars 4. this nee a0ge-
!:e marvelous new SAN -mums"
lenosereo instant relief, rest sad
all ether%fall i1 stops an
felleres eters pert to its me
essm es It le Ned sad for all
see arise away.
meiIMPS 1MS.
amtMrwaist ted Mathes
testify. Wildest
M • bra- ... ` De sat lay mien
lies west *Sr.
sem Yartreeele
rafilkied. sr Amore el wat9seetena�ewaayy. se
r+n, lfa nest
lay lea.
PnseS Ciaesalta�tetew [Coupes.
spe 7 yes wss*t T
rVan t... 44setriasse.
Chigoe, Ratttmbery Sow, June 7
aoninuCH. Rotel Radford.
Saturday and Sunday(all day and
Mays ony-Jews 84
Winokur. Queues HoteL iutas 10 11
I now have a full stock of Motor Accessories. such
as: Spica -k Plugs, Wiring, Fresh Batteries, Battery
Connectors, Ammeters, Acetylene Burner*, Gas Bags,
Generator Tubing, Carbide Tire Patches -no cement
patches; Tube Protectors, Rim Out Patches, Quick
Repair Outfits, spare Tube Bags, Tire Envelopes, goner
Tubes. Valve Parts, Tire Testers, Gasoline, Oils, Grease,
Linseed Soap for washing automobiles.,
Anything not mentioned in the above list, please
ask for, as I carry a complete stock and can furnish
oupplies at remarkably low prices.
Yours truly,
Kingston St. Goderlch
2ainty But Durable
SHOPPING STARTS it always ends at
our store if you are looking for the season's
newest and most attractive shoes.
Pump styles, with and without straps,
made in Patent and Russia Tan leathers
will be the most popular.
The new patterns fit like a glove and
will not slip at the heel.
Come and try on a pair and see how
nice they look and feel on the feet.
Downing 8? MacVicar