The Signal, 1912-6-6, Page 1office Stationery paTtr' igbt Tm lg Daper ot pritei« et How Yee& of vine 4De- seder � Dare your priest'.on need Telephone OS. otts -•\ FY F'oCRTH Y&AM-.- b. MS GODERICH. TigRSDAY, JUNE\' 6, 191.2 is publicity for .aurone 1 THE STERIINGBANK YOU OWE IT TO \'OUR CHILDREN TO TEACH THEM THRIFT Sterling Bask saviege accounts, paying $ per cent interest and permitting wisest by cheque, furnish the medium for such an important Wes of their education. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NJSBET Insurance and Real Est•=l to OODERICH, ONTARIO AGENT FOR ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Life, Fre, Personal Accident and Sickness, Ravi re' Liability, FidelityGuarantee. Pbte Glass. As. , otor Boat, Live Stock. Boiler. 1 have a number of desirable residences and first - class fess for sale. Easy terms. OFFICE NEXT TO CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PHONIC 211 P. O. Box :itis ♦ Edmonton Mr cage Weyb uzrn Pirince Al Jaw thertl J. CRApQrIE Having rectally returned fawn a two months' visit to these tour cities, I am in a position to quote close prices on desirable properties in each one of them. I bave pe examined the iee i am offering for sale and lesoy guarantee is "good baying" anything 1 offer. Prices runs from $150 per I•,t to $6,000, so that 1 can supply the- large or sntdll investor. Easy terms of payment and large proem to be made at the present time. Consult me before investing. FOB LLL VOR BALE. _MeLAUGHLiN•BUICH I acooass JrNO, LAwnester eVON, a. u t-sesseeszi. Tessa, tLtt• Oisst pr � . OUR SALE. - 81K0 POTATOES I Pimaprate . h flake, Oak! Drat v�a�rlat,y�.� productive and d Mr tM. good quality. A. H. CLt,'Tl N. Danlos, Out . rim,. DOR BALE. -TWO PURR -BRED i ae. f I:greArita. ubsa ye hello Aerate ores -t e, iew. MO. A R . oat ter aervies. _ eel, err bad gJtt( t MARKETS Tsuriwr. Jams * el Wise 1r w ke , «I u urate a Campaign for SS ke J is i county Council ,y/:ktrd to .7qa � 1 TRS SIGNAL ARM i 'NO CO., Ltd.. Poo.utme FOR BALK. -BUFF ORPINGTON by TT ae1P �ph�ag Meer stock sired em �1pos�tser. (: Beaottwrd prise Menem adi/woN l; woke or vers. K. v SPRAYING OUTFITS. ETC. Nothing pays rbettter them th ore of year sad at lowsrt priceshot . For b 4D. F. KAOLINE. Goderich. WALL PAPER. -1912 W A L L map sarpb books at hand from Tor Bets Well Petr C.. Select and bate you - wide dans taste the rush. Pricer ring deai«r coli by the lull A. 8 \ A ZICL. Agee era etaast. Oedrlek. 87.11 ea! Estate Broker Goderich THE 8441: 'LH! BOARDING. (ILD ORCHARD COTTAGE. -THIS V comfortable house. ooavecteot to the lake frost, will reoeive summer boarders, and any- one wishing accommodation is invited toasely to the undersigned. The rooms have all been recently overbanled. All modern contest. ewes Meal given when ordered. Lunchfrom 11911 to 1 o'clock : dtnoer from 6 to 6:10. MRS. D. CAMERON. corner Essex and Quebec street., ooderieb. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Morningstar's Gardens now open. ice cream and ether refreshments served. Entrance on William street. I've Blackstone'* didicionejse cream in bulk or fancy tricks; diedged oo ac- count of lee general exedlesmok end un - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. lite l- • a so « the Development of Chis County to Offset the Flow alto Y 73 0 t sM to I7 M't. IS 0 MI 0 to U « • rt. a« 6«te 30 • «se •11 6MM toto e! A pew 110 so 3• 1 0' to 113 reetterbs►.lipali�I 1010 4 0 Cala* ole acv New pro est. tee to 3 « ,... .. .. s! to e 131 •totc Shoe. pot tato 410 renew, per lb ft to 1t tildes, cwt T en to 7 ID 043...ktaa ors to 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -June 6th. Aatomohtle f.3John w t..00 • . 1for 8s -- Annual Meering- North Huron I Morals .. ... 1 Sale Extraordinary -W. Ack Una sou.. . . 1 Summer MLairy--Mies Poems h . ..... 3 iverybody's Delis It -F. J. Butbsd... ...... • Of Interest to even lean M. Rabies. ... .. 6 Wool -Jens OWtb Hemmilir .. ....... Farm for &a . -Janes Me Nee. Nile..... ... . Reeder -O. T. IML .... ... ...... 1 Howeseekere' Exeaaebo- F. F. Lawnees.... 2 Artistic FarniskoMi Oto. Hobrebr 4 Greyhound E:curses-White sitar Lane3 Drink Habit - The Oath'. Institute . ... 1 You Are SUL Thinking- Hama Oaaolfoe t 1dachin.ry Ca........ ... 7 Reader-Mrning1StI Gardens. 1 Suitable Wedding Peaseata-J. S. Davey. 4 A Pleasing Style -W, C. PrWbam..... .. ... 1 Montreal to Hassel-Caandawa Northers Steamships .... ........ Radium Hendry -Malar'. Scotch nos 3 Now for Jose J. H. Colbsres4 Jaw Tag ash-. H. Hartiwn e Good Valve-Bolgeae Woo . Reader-KIRewds Toasted Corn Flakes. Servant Wasted -Ma J. F. Andrews 1 Belt Baekb led -The Signal 1 Glia Weald�.-�MbsBiwardw1 Point Farm OPOOG. 1 Smokers. Attention.... .. .. 1 Wedding Preeestr-Bowett Hardware Cos Reader-Blaekstoss'e. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1!t THE MATTOR Or THE IMITATE Ur ISABK:LL. PRIMROea McKeon, LATE or Trp Vli_.Aoa Or DUNGANNON, IN TBE COUaTY or HURON. Nona V hereby gives pigment to St.tete 1. Geo. V., cap. A. Seo. 56. that all persons having claim. against the estate 53 the late Isabella 1':-imro.e McKenzie. deo/aired. who died oo or about the 23rd day of May. A, D. 1914, are re- gun+ted to send by pod preps or deliver to the undersigned, solicitor for John Arthur anti Elise Ann Blair, the executors of the olid eon," at his olIoe. HamItos street, Godericb. oke orbeen the 15th day of June. A. D. 1912. do addresses and derr01 their cad 'a t of the particulars of their claims aatnre of the security tit amyl held b sly certified to. pmol that atter the said 1M executors will proceed to distribute tb to of the deceased amens the patties thereto, having re'sexe onl7 to the gM which they shall then here notice. 101103ee they will not be liable for the emote ee I�ributed. or any part thereof. to any �arrias d whose claim they shall not then have ked metier. c.. t AMKI4ON, Satfelter tar Rhe Executors. Dated this 30th day of May. A. U. 1112 gwestiosably the best ever offered the people of Godee'ieb. At North street Methodist church next Send* the regnler services will ll be beld. r. A. and Mr. Um - burner .o the rimming burner at night. A cordal welcome to all. WEY URN Saskatchewan Real Estate Offers You Today the slime Belden opportunity thatcry offered ten y areligo. A 1st was paraboloidfs ahoet that time los 1100.10 and was reesetty for 100.000.00. The mese thing will so dos44 happes in Weyburn ooyyMpj what the railwar dsv lop.st will do for lbs 'eUat Lisle City in gaskatteMwem "- Weyburn A tow ad ells bnshmes'blocks and peblk buitdisge tender aendieweden tow are : New YtJe10 - sled Armories co.tiag EW000 Store Throe 111.$11 . P. 53 reef and Traight Sheds " 11.110 M well as a few others. and ewe or these busied mai- dames, totalling mew than • Mli,Yow Dot.L& For asheet b the heart of s we sae lets is the octets= lntntlts eke ttmd oest 700 yards mt1eM1� el 11.. esti at MI each. Ley Tomah We have node maw limn 111 per met pro* br every 1nVe or .fie isM g the et Seer spin er Noe I as for yep. Write w *1 owes for male and ,_.Mims B. V. Campion & Compaf,Y WNYBUEN SECURITY BANK BUiLDING WRIBU*11. SASN:AMINWAN FOR SALE OR TO RENT of Capital and population to the rest 1Jha Briny one for .Cambton and Othersi Counties Should Be Done for 1(uron - .71 S n fl -nes jKovement Desired. Yesterday a proposal was placed be - tore the county council for the Mang uration of a publicit y campaign the county of Hut on. About two years ago such a tem- paign was started in the county of La btonand it has since ce been card car - t'OR SALE.-SaB ACRES OF LAND ii' on the Arstec of the township of Aebfietd, about Il miles west of Nile Good soil, pearly all under cultivation, most of it seeded down. Good orchard. Comfortable hones with stone cellar having cement floor. Artesian well at house. Barn 3017) with stone foundation : cattle end home manias also other outbuildings. Spring creek running across the farm. Fencing in good shape. Poseesrtou in the OIL For tall particulars apply to JAMES Mc. NER, on the premises, or mile P. O. t6tf. L"OR BALE. -THAT DESIRABLE 1 piece 07 proOert tieing Victoria u d Kingston streets with frame hoes@ and large barn� ythereon. Could be used tor building lot. street, a JAMES SMIIT!S• AM SMITH, -South R SALE. -A BUILDING LOT on Newgate staeet, Apply to F. J. PUID- AM. in, rigid on with remarkable success, onto next talc. The deputation was toother councils areh following Lamb- composed of J. A. Mallough, of Dun - city The Lmtarybton yuan- ancon, resident West Huron Farm- isiLon of teadin is i voluntary urger- err lnntitute- R. R. Sloan and James t us municipalities oleading cif t his of the vane' Surlio Porter's Hill ; Gro. Leith- of'itcom Ii the county.has One wait*, of Goderich : W. F. Kydd, of Leith - of i p chief tion, pubhcetionments has bden Simexre, and Hy. Latimer. Messes. the preparation, ookiet .on and dtKydd and Latimer are conducting the tthe cepa of aa booklet setting fortb orchard demonstrations for the De - op orwbJies which the county and the ertmtnt of Agriculture in the north- ers, ruiner it nurse forn farm- ern pert of the county. The case for a frui Tina h els , is dairymen and creditable display et Toronto, to ad - many Tbat however, along ow oue of vertiae the capabilities of Huron as a ASro lines of aworki g, which the f it -lowing district. was well pre- ideaA+sociataun is working, all with lite soled. of advancing the prosperity of Another proposal before the council Mho county10, of L months afterIn thDe . is that the Provincial Departn.ent of ber, alio a , he Ass the or.e. gsnisation . 1 the Association, it re- I Agriculture be asked to appoint a dis- ceived a grant :of $1,00) from the trirt tep,rseotatite for Huron. The Lawbton county council, and so sells- countydistrict mod eantattive is located *in the fled was the council with the results farmers in orchard culture, drainage accrmpliehrd that in December, 1911, work, road improvement and along James prcvincJaul ee Mitchell followed with an to doreatton of what the other speakers bad said. The proposed eras referred to a com- mittee of the council. Another deputation before the coun- cil yestetdey asked for a grant for a display of Huron county fruit at the h orticultural allow at Tor - X. C. A. and the G. (' I. were the rontestidg kickers. The "Y'." won by a score of 2.0. The Huron Medical-laaociaLion will meet at 8eaforth on Wednesday, June 1201. Rev. Dr. Medd conducted the services in the Seaforth Methadlst church last Sunday. The pearl bar advertised in last week's Signal as lost has been restored to the owner. Signal ads. pay. The flying of Rags on Monday marked the Kipg's Birthday. The banks observed the May as a holiday. HOUSE. AND LOT FOR SALE ON Huron road, a abort distance from town limits. Lot ceitalne two .res with good orchard and small fruits. Frame bones in good repair. Anyone wishing to in -pent same will be welcome at any tome. Apply at THiS OFFICE for information. 95.11 DIED. HARKER. drieh.0o Tsu.4*y.J un. 4131, Mary Agses timer. DN0v53 wife of Root James kurzwor. sasri 17 yearn The funeral will take place f row ber late resi- dence, Newgate .Dees, on a .1day, June 7th. at 1 o'clock p. .t., to 1)ang"i'nuu osatetery. tor- ykm al rt.!) EiotcZAIR SALE. -100 ACRES OF LAND 11 miles north of the town of Seafortb. clayloam. all u, der cultivation' bank barn, witcement floors ; large frame beim bawl, painted. all In good repwir; well at both bar* and house. An ideal home. Apply to .MISS) SU8IX OO V &MACK, Seaforth, Ont. Ott VOR SALE, -SiX FIRST-CLASS 1' buf)dime loft on Montrest and North srree4 CHARLES GARRO W. 96-tf Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, w rarcurl alj doors,to weds .b sera of ..stall and aersa.Retee adsalso40 tilos sMtensg 14 a tar moose wartime. pre = dem315*0 Iw l,a rWr nw pkrlscewedWexcpt as them tramiea t1 7 will d0 ,, tcnamd to la. yes pare oma%blr U,r a from 410.1. HW'a CamrrkCOM mapufactured by t. J. Cheney t Cps, 153530, u, c.,n Wee no U teary and at Mama tlmlernillY, acting OMUSUy upon the blood .red sonar .urisoe, art W •4esett, I. baying Hall. titian* Carr be saes you get tb. gon- ulse. It u taken internally saw ire w feted°, t Moro, by F. J. Lameie7 a 4.46 lssua.ontAta nee. Sold by Druggists, Prise Tis per bottle. lake 11a11'r Santo Paid ler mese 11111i0o. VOR SALE. -THAT FINE RISM- E dee4ernt corner of Cameras sadknown as the A. Yei7 is for eels. It metals* Iowafr.Ita 0 call tied Thherre .mre twos= XMIA tire 551 wareb b0- es Ina .�.tr'.. have swims r vs es. ate: Other wad Berle Apply to P. 3. able la ssew ReYANM053.54aa w .POINT FAR 1I, OPENING S SEASON 1912 TWle popular senor resort will Done tor the season se Friday Jape Mita on b which date tbe Huron onnayy Rile. Lathe "WI bold Be wawa t.rumm.mt On MU. Harahan, foot. :keit to ether maser will be eledel wtRhlassies teneekedo mesa oMeek for erodes O.mral photo. aRceriebedr welcome J. T. GOLDTHORPE.. ll GARDENING. it made a similar grant. Rev. J. Elliott some weeks. ago wrote The Signal from London. Englaud, stating that the Lemhton booklet was "working wonders" in Great Britain in attracting attention to that county. Western Canada is the outlet' for a great and constant stream of capital and emigration from the British Isles. There is no reason why, if the Ontario counties will organise and advertise themselves as the West is being ad- vertised, this stream should not lie AL1Sd8R8. TAYLOR4 THOMPSON, 111 professional garOwrs. by day or weak. reel eequitter a bo ,..rot to the omtee k1 TI 6 SIIINAt. 1/4 GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'bursa meet all trains. Private cells have prompt and careful attention. First - class livery outlt a at all times. Reasonable prices. THE DAVIS LiVERY F. A T. M. Deem Proprieto an Rooth RUN*.'Phone No. la LOST OR FOUND. BELT ..UUKLE SET wive a M mon., ea tlw Square oke Wed - SIAL Fasike L OF•'YCY two to wars R .tIHY PUBLIC NOTICE Tbe Synod of the dioeeee of Huron meets in Lonion next week. mum- mencing Tuesday. The first $sme is the chil"t-b base- ball league is to he played On. (Thurs- day) evening. St. Peter's au.l North street are the opposing foams. The game is to be played on Agricultural Park. A game of football in the tswn league seriee was played on Wsdnes day evening. the G. C. L and the Victorians being the contesting teams. Tbe result was it tie, neither teatn being able to score. The ratepayers ot Goderich. Hullett and McKillop townships have peti- tioned Ibe McKillop council, asking for telephone connection with the municipal telephone system in that township. The council has agreed to grant the connection. other lines for the general improve- ment of farming conditions. The council has also before it a pro- posal by Sheriff Reynolds that it en- gage in some scheme of reforestation. All these proposals show a desire that the count y should get out of the rut and make an advance movement all along for line for the development of its splendid resources. The tnembers of the council have a grave responsi- bility in dealing with these matters, diverted in considerable measure t as the future of the county for a great there counties. many years to come may be shaped Tbe urgent need of a campaign of I by their decision eithet to inaugurate this sort tor the county of Huron was len advance movement or, on the 'ef but other hand, to allow the present de - admirably ret forth in a bre forceful addtess by Reeve Leckie, of Brussels, from his place in the county council yeaterdey afternoon. Mr. Leckie declared that no portion of the Province of Ontario wamore e greatly in need of "boomint" ties ot Huron and Bruce. More then any other coenties they had suffered 1 oirsam, meows. and Resolutions Passed from the exodus to the West. Asa at Animal Meeting. consequence lands .in these counties At the annual meeting of tbe Centre were selling away below their value Huron Liberal Association, a brief when compared with lands in other report of which was given in Tbe parts of the Province wbich were Signal fast week, officers were elected really inferior to our own. There was asfollows: President, M. Mord ie more vacant land, snore land given NVinthrop:'first vice-president, Dr. J. over to pasture or otberwise undevel- W. Shaw, Clinton ; second vice-presi- oped. in these counties of Huron and dent, J. N. Kernighan. Bemmiller : Bruce than in any other part of the third vice-pteeident, Jas. Cowan, Bea - Province and this in spite of the fact forth ; secretary', J. L Kilior'an. G,oeae- plorahle conditions to develop into even greater inactivity and stages - tion. Let seitak.sa move, gentlemen. CENTRE HURON LIBERALS. NORI't! HURON LIBERALS. Liberal AAaewgdanoo iii he holt in We aurae ball, Wineasse ear Tssdwy. Jess tela wine ronrtag at 2.i e'etoca p, to (Mrs are to be SWUM 55pert11. �0 rOligk1 Weare the meet- Mg. eet- dl LLIaonlssrs invited to aueait Mir meet- ing alma tae 5«0.15 arwbstlst far • good rep- remetaGete trey W pone of las Mi13. n UTr. Seretary. Wisgha.1. Oat May Stec. 1914 0644 DEWARD, -1110 itliWARD OF - 11. FattLl) for how matisa that wul lose to tot manors of the eery who broke the wtedowy 40 toe tad e4 ia.vbie ward .oh.oi leaaaa.g. J. P. ANOHOW Si. st The old manse residence on Nelson street is being removed this week and work will be commenced at once on the erection of a new residence on the same site. Dr. Caesar, of Toronto, who is the owner of the property, will move to Uoderich as Boon as his new home is completed. The members of Court Goderich, No. :ti, C. U. F., will attend divine service at, the Baptist church next Sun d y are requested to me room on North street. all , and will march from there to the church. Rev. J. Pollock will address the brethren. u A It ll HELP AND DOIi11313f1C paid V AN'1*-P.reon.�,�g sthem 1�ND msaMl asps) at eve. w Whilst[ 3101� a 1. LIN. Ip.rkeaon Germano" 1101040miut AasOi. M. lhkera,, •ot, Ae. MR Iola H. D. WuOUd. ori. es.lelm.. [Jae.` ver TAte. 1lOmpi aResuee. RFti APRRIIANOING, PAINTING L ped taiseestak0g..1A YirM-clw work. Friona itgM. Save peer wort deme tutors tae me. A. 4NA1161.. area street, Roderick. 117-ct s SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. -A 000 GENERAL roast. away to YRS. J. 3'.IAND- RRWtt - that there was nowhere in the Prov- rich ; treasurer, Gordon Young. ince* better Targe section of Bret -class Carlow : auditor, W. J. Paisley, ('lin- land and nowhere land better bandle9 ton. Chairmen of municipalities : than in the county of Huron. Some - Brussels, Saul. Wilton : Clinton, Fred thing should be done to settle theme Jackson ; Colborne, Saml. Bisset; lands, or the results would be set tone. Goderich, C. A. Nairn ; Grey, W m• For zea the need of more hospitals Advantage should be taken of any Cameron; Hullett Jas.Walt: Mc- Kithira c- for the rapidly increasing population. scheme which would advance the Ballo ,John McDowell: Seaforth. R. A letter from the president of the prosperity of the county and get hack y Hiss a t of thepopulation that had been General Society called attention to par The following resolutions were pre- the new work which has been under- l The funeral of the late Andrew Williamson, who died euddenly on Wednetrday of last week, toot place from his late residence on Trafalgar street to St. Peter's church Lest Fri- day morning. Rev. Father McRae con- ducted the obsequies. The interment was made in the Catholic cemetery in Colborne Attention is directed to the adver- tisement in this issue of the Benmiller Woollen Mills. Mr. Gledhill, the pro- prietor of this old -established hesioees, has on band con'tantly a stock of high grade woollen fabrics and goer: sntees their quality. He is prepared - to purchase wool for calls or trade. Give ham a call. The young ledie; Bible class of Knox church held its annual picnic lest Saturday afternoon. Nearly eighty melnhers participated. driving to Bay field for the outing, which was thoroughly enjoyed. Misses Morris and Stirling are the popular teachers of the class. Tbe absence of Miss Moises owing to illness, was very much regretted. On Tuesday afternoon the W. H M. S. of Knox church held its regular meeting. An able and interesting paper by Mrs. Tom traced the de- velopment of .uission work among the foreigners in Saskatchewan. and ens - beamed VIRL8 WANTED. -ON B APPRBN- TICK sad ono *weer. 0153 ICD - A RD*, dr.wraker 15.14. WANTED. -AT ONOI. AT ALNII- � aANewDRaA Marine NANA7fT.rerls▪ ta.dt ~ M*. lost during recent year -'.Dr. Macklin, president of the Board Moved by otnas McMillan, sec - of Trade of Goderich, e'ddreseed the onded by Dr. Shaw, that this meeting council and explained that he had of the Centre Huron Liberal Associa- been sated to pteeent the calf" for x tion desire to express our hearty ap- grant Prem the council for work along pnival of the course pursued by the the lines on which Reeve Leckie had Opposition in both the Dom ,ninion Par - just spoken. The atter had been liament and the Ontario Legislature, brought to the attention ret the Gode- the former so ably and skillfully led rich Board of Trade through letters by our grand old chieftain, Sir Wilfrid received frim Rev. Joseph Ellintt, Lurier, and the latter with almost equal ability and skill i y Mr. N. W. Rowell. We further desire to express our full approval of the policy advo- cated by the Opposition in both Par- liaments and to express the hope and belief that the plliciee so ably and per- sistently advocated by both branches AUNDRKSS WANNTRD l'ORTHE F-LB�(sAYwaM,ezPori. Arage D. arts. The West bad been built up by sA �j A GOOD GENERAL timing. and .11 Durr the I). ' 1. R1 =tie APO's.lift w T MOR- veetJsi06 elalrtpeigne were being u who has been acting as immigration agent in Oteat Britain. Dr. Meddle bad personal knowledge of the good results which had followed the work of the Publicity Asu,ciation of Lewis- ton amb ton count , in bringing in outside cap- ital and increasingg the agricultural productiveness of the county. and in of the liberal parry wet before long other counties good results were heing meet with the approval of a leave Ina. accomplished along similar lines.He jet of the prop a of Canada and of proposed that the council should start the movement with a grant of $1,000, which could be supplemented by smaller grants from the minor munici- palities. The county could keep con- trol of the expenditure by placing the grant in the hands of a committee ort the council, to act jointly with a com- mittee of citizens from the different parts of the county. John Ranatord, of Clinton, followed with another forcible at'gttmeat for a publicity movement 'ill. county of Huron, he said, wap faring a serious the toes of popish - condition through tion, that it bad suffered in retest years. Something should he dote to fill up the gap. The county ebooM advertise itself. in the early days d this county it was advertised by the Cut ids Company ae "the d Canada,' and it was this vertieing that had brought bis father to Huta and bad induced him to buy .i acres of land here, instead of las speaker wishe& he had don.) buy in Wit outside of the city of Torrm the viaoe of Ontario. Moved by J. L Killoran, sec- oodsd by W.H. Robertsot,, that we duties to record the unfeigned sor- row of Use members of this A-tocia- tion at the death of Mr. Joseph Bell, who was the treasurer of this A..ocia- tioo Soo. its formation, who Was one of Use Old Oueed of Liberalism in the county, with unswerving faith and comae/it activity in the wogs, and one wham we k.ew end esteemed es a in every way. We mw 11:11:4111311 meeting. and we take this opportunity of eepreesing out ain0ees seems of lose in his removal by death sod our sympathy with the relatives is their bereavement. Interesting and able addressee were gives by W. Proudfoot. M. P. P.. Thos. McMiflee, Ill. Shaw and M. Y. Molten. Mr. Prnudfoot reviewed the Provincial situation, finding many taken especi'Pv among the loggers on the Pacific c... t and aroused in the members a desire to do their share in carrying nut these large plana The Forty Hours' Devotion services were held in at. Peter's church on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Rev. Father McRae, the perish priest, was assisted in the services by Rev. Father McCormack, of Kingsbridge Rev. Father Dunn, of Clinton ; Rev. Father Noonan, of Dublin, and Rev. Father Campeau, of Staples. - Poeters are up around town announ- cing the program of athletic field sports to he held at the military camp while itis in progreee at Goderich. The sports will he ander the joint super- vueion of the Militia Department and the Y. M. C. A. Each regiment is urged to enter te.+ms for baseball (in- door game), association football and lacrosse. A schedule will be drawn up and games played ie each camp. Ban- ners will be awarded to the winning team:.. in athletics. the following events will be contested : 100 and W - yard dash ; one-quarter, one-half sod one mile , unnin ram; standing and running t.r0ad jump; bop, step and jump: putting the shot and tug-of- war. Tese events will he run every evening after the competitive games. Three prises will be given in each event and a banner to the regiment receiving the greatest nuniher of points. A fencing and single stick tournament also will be held, each contestant to supply hie own equip- ment. masts wt which to criticize the present the Adminietratioo. Mr. McMillan was in fine form. and big fellow -Liberals were pleased to see that the unfortun- ver ate aceide1t which befell him a 'Wert 'oto- time �o bas not in the sl:gbtear only abated hb powers se a wpeeclimaker. brine re- ouncil tb a Road. Olt taken. 13uron would soon be the part of the country that was not WANTED. A ROOD RTRONG advertised. sod what would he the hy, 9s ��itslas�p, of to teirlm petit P He thought the county r ens to kjaRt ▪ iNDICR. larnbae, serest- et-t� would not do credit to itself wt DR ATING. OTICE TO THE PUBLIC. -f 5* entreio e vvassaeo gliongishiseem ssuss�./a.i.. twat Mrs res al grant atom than $2,000. and he wee confident that another thoussad meld be raised to supplement thea Be ad- ea the wetof win.. your =es oost- vocsted the cireulatlon of Huron ears a4 kfNa St aptemdie oatir4eh county literature cot only in 131. Hews*[ g stook W..t.re swims asa in Geese Britain. bat es the Oobtinsnt It should be A game of football in the town Ott day Garland .6 best hes P'i' gib *sol on was toplayed Park. The T Garman. LOCAL TOPICS IN 8RIEF. ''(�)ea drwo. lama maw mad ries Prldham the TaYwkeep right ea tsrw� wuttthe o boo in ds for s~n�m ioui agssiste tet ue. bond..* C see what FMm.a esb N ter yea THE GUELPH EXCURSION. Anyone who wants a good day's outing -- and who doesn't ? - should take in the excursion to Guelph on Saturday of this week. A visit to the Prcvincial Agricultural Oollege and Experimental Farm and all the other points of attraction in and about the 'city of tlnelph will fill the day with interest. end the railway trip will he through w fine section of country looking its hest these June days. The special train leave* the C. P. R. station at Goderich at 7:2) a. es. The fare for tbe round trip is 11.66; children Ric. For further particulars see advertisement In this imus.